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STEAM TURBINE Rankine cycle.

The pump work is

20KJ/kg. For a flow of 5kg/s, find
1. A steam enters the turbine at
the system output.
1.4 Mpa and 320°C. The turbine
internal efficiency is 69% and the W n =W T −W P
total requirement is 700KW. The kg
exhaust of the steam is maintained ¿5 ¿
at 175kpa. Find the rate of steam. 1 MW
¿(14900 KW )( )
@ Table 3 1.4MPa & 320°C 1000 KW
h1 =3 084.3 W n =14.9 MW
@ Table 2 0.175MPa 4. A steam power plant has a
sf =1.4849 h f =486.99 turbine work of 654KJ/kg and the
sfg =5.6868 h fg=¿ 2213.6¿ back work is at 1.5%. Compute the
s1=s f + x s fg power produced by the plant.
h2 =hf + x h fg BW %=
h2 =2644.93
GO 700 WP
e= 0.69= 0.015=
ms (h 1−h2 ) ms (3024.3−2644.93) 654
ms =2.31kg /s
W P=9.81 KJ / Kg
2. Stem flows into a turbine at
the rate of 12 kg/s and 15KW of W n =W T −W P
heat are lost from the turbine.
W n =( 654−9.81 ) KJ /Kg
Ignoring elevation and kinetic
energy effects, calculate the power W n =644.19 KJ /Kg
output from the turbine. Note:
h1=2739 and h2=2300.5KJ/kg.

W =∆ h−Q
kg KJ
¿ 12 ( 2739−2300.5 ) −15 KW
s Kg

W =5247 KW
5. How many percent of the
turbine work output is required to
3. A turbine has an available operate the pump of a steam
enthalpy of 3000KJ/kg in a power plant, operating at an ideal
cycle if steam enters the turbine at
2.5MPa and is condensed at the actual
condenser at 50Kpa where ideal
specific volume is 0.001030m3/kg. KJ
The furnace work is 753.8KJ/kg/. s
m s (1200)
@ Table 2 2.5MPa Kg
h1 =2803.1
Kg 3600 s
s1=6.2575 m s =(5.12 )( )
s 1 hr

@ Table 2 0.05MPa Kg
m s =18750
sf =1.0910 h f =340.49
sfg =6.5029 h fg =2305.4

s1=s f + x s fg 7. Available enthalpy of turbine

x=0.79 is Δh = 1200KJ/kg, turbine
h2 =hf + x h fg efficiency is 75%, full load
h2 =2172.11 capacity is 4,300 KW. Find the full
load steam consumption in kg/kw-
%= actual
WT e=
¿ KJ
2803.1−2172.11 4300
%=0.0039 x 100=0.39 % 0.75=
m s(1200)

Kg 3600 s 1
m s =(4.77 )( )( )
s 1 hr 4300 KW

ms =4

6. A turbine has an efficiency

of 80% and a kilowatt output of 8. Steam expands adiabatically
5000 at full load. If the available in a turbine from 2000Kpa, 400°C
energy is 1200KJ/kg, determine to 400Kpa, 250°C. What is the
the steam flow rate in kg per hour. effectiveness of the process in
percent assuming an atmospheric
pressure of 15°C. Neglect changes weight is 28 and k-=1.32. The gas
in kinetic energy and potential is cooled from 150°C to 70°C.
energy. Water is available at the rate of
@ Table 3 2MPa & 400°C 0.50kg/s and at temperature of
h1 =3247.6 14°C. Calculate the exit
s1=7.1271 temperature of the water in °C.
@ Table 3 0.4MPa & 250°C
mC pg ∆ T =mC pw ∆ T
h2 =2964.2

h1−h 2
( h1 −h2 ) +Q
( 0.8 kg )
( 28 )
( 1.32 )

1.32−1 ]
( 150−70 )

¿ ( 0.5 kg )( 4.187 ) ( T 2−14 )

e= T 2=51.44 ° C
( 3247.6−2964.2) +(288)(7.4−7.13)

e=0.79 x 100=79 %∨80 % 11. A steam turbine with 90%

stage efficiency receives steam at
9. Steam expands adiabatically
5 Mpa and 550°C and exhaust as
in a turbine from 2500Kpa, 400°C
50 Kpa. Determine the turbine
to 350Kpa, 240°C. What is the
effectiveness of the process in
At 5Mpa and 550°C:
percent assuming an atmospheric
h1=3550.3, s1=7.1218
pressure of 15°C. Neglect changes
At 50Kpa:
in kinetic energy and potential
hf=340.49, hfg=2305.5
@ Table 3 2.5MPa & 400°C sf= 1.091, sfg=6.5029
h1 =3239.3 s1=s f + x s fg
s1=7.0148 x=0.92
@ Table 3 0.35MPa & 240°C
h2 =hf + x h fg
h2 =2945.45 h2 =2478.52
h1−h 2 e=
e= ideal
( h1 −h2 ) +Q
3239.3−2945.45 actual
e= 0.9=
( 3239.3−2945.45 )+(288)(7.4−7.0)
e=0.72 x 100=72 % actual=964.6
10. A heat exchanger was
12. A steam turbine with 92%
installed purposely to cool 0.80 kg
stage efficiency receives steam at
of gas per second. Molecular
7MPa and 550°C and exhaust at
20KPa. Determine the actual The turbine has an efficiency of
exhaust enthalpy. 0.8. What is the actual enthalpy
@ Table 3 7MPa & 550°C after expansion?
h1 =3530.9 At 200 psia (saturated vapor)
s1=6.9486 h=1199.3Btu/lb s= 1.5466Btu/lbR
@ Table 3 0.02MPa At 20 Psia
sf =0.832 h f =251.4 sf=0.3359Btu/lbR sfg=1.3963Btu/lbR
sfg =7.0776 h fg =2358.3 hf= 196.2Btu/lb hfg= 960.2
s1=s f + x s fg
x=0.86 s1=s f + x s fg
h2 =hf + x h fg x=0.86
h2 =2289.78 h2 =hf + x h fg
h2 =1028.77
h1−h2 a
( h1 −h2 ) actual
3530.9−h2 a ideal
( 3530.9−2289.78 )
h1−h2 a
h2 a =2389.07 KJ / Kg ( h1 −h2 )
1199. 3−h2 a
( 1 199.3−1028.77 )
13. A steam turbine of 6MW
capacity has a Willan’s line h2 a =1062.87 KJ /Kg
equation of ms=5.5L = 3200kg/hr.
Determine the steam consumption
at 73% load, kg/hr.

ms =5.5 L+3200
¿ 5.5(6000)(0.73)+3200
m s =27290 Kg/hr

14. Steam in a Rankine cycle is 15. A 150MW turbo-generator

expanded from a 200psia requires 700,000 kg of steam per
saturated vapor state to 20psia. hour at rated load and 22,000 kg
per hour at zero load. Calculate 10% of the full load. Calculate the
the steam rate in kg/kw-hr at 75% hourly steam consumption at 60%
of its rated load. in kg/hr.

m sFL−m sNL L FL m sFL−m sNL L FL

= =
m s −m sNL L m s −m sNL L
700,000−22,000 150 6−0.1( 6) 5
= =
m s−22,000 0.75(150) m s−0.1( 6) 5(0.6)
Kg 1 Kg
m s = 530,500 )(
hr 150,000 KW
m s = 3.84
kw−hr )
(5,000 KW )
Kg Kg
m s =3.54 m s =19,200
hr −KW hr

16. A 10MW steam turbine 18. Available enthalpy of turbine

generator power plant has a full is 1164.9KJ/kg, turbine efficiency
load stem rate of 5.5kg/kw-hr. No is 75%, full load capacity is
load steam consumption is around 4500KW. Find the full load steam
10% of the full load steam consumption in kg/kwhr.
consumption. Calculate the hourly
steam consumption at half load in e=
msFL−msNL L FL s
= 0.75=
ms −msNL L KJ
m s(1164.9)
5.5−0.1(5.5) 10
m s−0.1(5.5) 0.5(10) Kg 3600 s 1
m s =(4.57 )( )( )
Kg s 1 hr 4000 KW
m s = 3.025
kw−hr )
(10,000 KW )
Kg m s =4.12
m s =30250 hr −KW

17. A 5MW steam turbine 19. The pressure and

generator power plant has a full temperature entering the turbine is
load stem rate of 6.0kg/kw-hr. 1800Kpaa and 380°C. The
Assuming no load consumption at temperature leaving the turbine is
20Kpa. The quality of steams velocity is 36m/s and the inlet pipe
entering the condenser is 90%. is 3m above the exhaust pipe.
Find the turbine work.
W =−Q+ KE+ PE
@ Table 1.8MPa & 380°C ( 602−36 2 ) ( 9.81 )( 3 )
h1 =3207.2
=−Q+ [ 2000
+ ][1000 ]
@ Table 3 0.02MPa Q=361.14 KJ / Kg
h f =251.4 h fg =2358.3
h2 =hf + x h fg 22. A steam power plant
h2 =2373.87 operates on a simple ideal
W T =h 1−h2 Rankine cycle. The steam enters
¿ 3207.2−2373.87 the turbine at 3Mpa and 350°C and
W T =833.33 KJ / Kg is condensed at a pressure of
75Kpa. What is the backwork ratio
20. In a certain steam plant, the of the plant?
turbine develops 1000KW. The @ Table 3 3MPa & 350°C
heat supplied to the steam in the h1 =3115.3 s 1=6.7428
boiler is 2800KJ/kg, the heat @ Table 2 0.05MPa
rejected by the steam to the sf =1.213 h f =384.39
cooling water in the condenser is sfg =6.2434 h fg =2278.6
2100KJ/kg and the feed pimp work v f =1.0373
is 10KW. Calculate the steam flow s1=s f + x s fg
round the cycle in kg/s. x=0.89
h2 =hf + x h fg
W T =W n+W P
h2 =2402.55
1000 =m(2800−2100) + 10 WP
s Kg s BW =
m=1.41 Kg/s
%=0.00426 x 100=0.426 %
21. A steam turbine receives a 23. A steam turbine has an inlet
steam flow of 1.38kg/s and enthalpy of 2800KJ/kg with
delivers 500KW. The heat loss in velocity of 35m/s. The exit steam
the casing is negligible. Find the condition is 2650KJ/kg. Find the
heat drop across the turbine, the exit velocity.
entrance velocity is 60m/s, the exit
−∆ h=∆ KE steam velocities are 15m/s and
300m/s respectively. Calculate the
352−v 22
−( 2800−2650 )= turbine work.

v 2=548.48 m/ s @ Table 3 7MPa & 550°C

h1 =3530.9 s1 =6.9486
@ Table 2 0.05MPa
24. A turbine has an efficiency sf =0.8320 h f =251.4
of 75% and a kilowatt output of sfg =7.0766 h fg =2358.3
5500KW at full load. If the available v f =1.0172
energy of the turbine is 1200KJ/kg, s1=s f + x s fg
determine the steam flow at the x=0.86
turbine per hour. h2 =hf + x h fg
h2 =2289.77
ideal W =∆ h+ ∆ KE+ ∆ PE

KJ 152−3002
¿ ( 3530.9−2289.77 )+ ( 2000 )
m s(1200)

Kg 3600 s
+ ( 21000
[ 9.81 ]
m s =(6.11 )( )
s 1 hr W =1196.26 KJ / Kg
ms =22,000

26. A steam power plant

operates on the Rankine cycle.
25. An adiabatic turbine in a
The steam enters the turbine at
steam generating plant receives
7Mpa and 550°C with a velocity of
steam at a pressure of 7 Mpa and
40m/s. It discharges to the
550°C and exhaust at 20Kpa. The
condenser at 20Kpa with a velocity
turbine inlet is twice higher than
of 90m/s. Calculate the net work in
the turbine exit, the inlet and exit
MW for a flow of 41.3kg/s.
pressure and low pressure is 75%.
W n =W T −W P Determine the turbine work.
¿ ( 41.3 ) ¿
(7000−20)¿ @ Table 3 13.85MPa & 540°C
1000 h1 =3434.08 s1 =6.53553
W n =50.83 M W
@ Table 3 2.8MPa

6.5348 2974.5
27. Steam flows into a turbine at 6.5355 2974.9
the rate of 10 kg/s and 10kw of 3 1
heat are lost from the turbine. 6.5792 2999.7
Ignoring elevation and kinetic
energy effects, calculate the power @ Table 3 2.8MPa& 540°C
h3 =3548 .5 s3=7.3810
output from the turbine. Note:
h=2745 and h2=2240KJ/kg.
@ Table 2 0.05MPa
W T =∆ h−Q sf =0. 384 0 h f =109.84
sfg =8 .1488 h fg =2439.5
¿ 10
s)( 2745−2204 )−10
s3=s f + x s fg
W T =5400 KW x=0. 85
h 4=h f + x hfg
h 4=2204.53
W T =( h 1−h2 ) +(h3−h4 )


( 3434.08−2974.91 )+(3548.5−2204.53)

28. A reheat system cycle has actual=1352.35 KJ / Kg

13.85Mpa throttle pressure at the
turbine inlet and a 2.8Mpa reheat 29. A reheat steam cycle has
pressure, the throttle and reheat 13.85MPa throttle pressure at the
temperatures of the steam is turbine inlet and a 2.8MPa reheat
540°C, condenser pressure is pressure, the throttle and reheat
3.4KPa, engine efficiency of high temperatures of the steam is
540°C, condenser pressure is and the power output at full is
3.4KPa, engine efficiency of high 6000kW. What is the turbine flow
pressure and low pressure is 75%. rate at full load in kg/kw-hr?
Determine the cycle thermal
efficiency. e=
e= 6000
QA s
1.0032 m s (2800−1400)
1352.35−[ (1000 ) ( 13850−3.4 ) ] Kg

( 3434.08−123.73 ) + ( 3548.5−2974.91 ) Kg 3600 s 1

m s =(5.57 )( )( )
s 1 hr 6000 KW
e=0.345 x 100=34.5 %
m s =3.34
hr −KW

30. A reheat steam cycle has

13.85MPa throttle pressure at the 32. A 180 MW turbogenerator
turbine inlet and a 2.8MPa reheat requires 660000kg of steam per
pressure, the throttle and reheat hour at rated load and 20000kg of
temperatures of the steam is steam per hour at zero load.
540°C, condenser pressure is Calculate the steam rate in kg/kw-
3.4KPa, engine efficiency of high hr at 80% of its rated load.
pressure and low pressure is 85%.
Determine back work ratio. m sFL−m sNL L FL
m s −m sNL L
BW = 660,000−20,000 180
WT =
m s−20,000 0.8(180)
1.0373 Kg 1

(13850−3.4 ) (
m s = 532,000 ( )
hr 180,000 KW

0.85¿ ¿ Kg
m s =2.96
BW =0.0091 x 100=0.91 % hr −KW

33. A regenerative turbine has

31. The energy input to the the following test results: throttle
turbine is 2800KJ/kg and the flow=38300kg/hr; ave. turbo-
energy at the exit is 1400KJ/kg. generator load=10MW; throttle
Considering the efficiency is 77% pressure and temperature =2.620
MPa & 510°C; condenser vacuum= T H −T L
25.4mm Hg; feedwater leaves last TH
heater at 171°C. Determine the
turbine heat rate in KJ/kwh. ¿
1200+ 460
@ Table 3 2.62MPa& 510°C
h1 =3483.08 s1 =7.32903 e=0.5873 x 100=58.73 %
@ Table 1 171°C
h6 =723.59
QA 36. A steam turbine receives
load steam at 7MPa and 550°C and
38300(3483.08−723.59) exhausts at 20KPa. Determine the
10,000 stage efficiency if the actual
HR=10,569 KJ / Kw h
exhaust enthalpy is 2413.89KJ/kg.

34. The energy input to the

@ Table 3 7MPa & 550°C
turbine is 32000KJ/kg and the h1 =3530.9 s1 =6.9486
energy at the exit is 1600KJ/kg. @ Table 2 0.02MPa
Considering the efficiency is 73% sf =0.832 h f =251.4
and the power output at full load is sfg =7.0766 h fg =2358.3
5MW. What is the turbine flow rate s1=s f + x s fg
at full load in kg/kw-hr? x=0.86
actual h2 =hf + x h fg
ideal h2 =2289.7 7

5000 actual
0.73= e=
m s(3200−1600) ideal

Kg 3600 s 1 h1−h2 a
m s =(4.28 )( )( ) e=
s 1hr 5000 KW ( h1 −h2 )
Kg ¿
m s =3.08 ( 3530.9−2289.7 7 )
hr −KW
e=0.9 x 100=90 %

35. The maximum thermal

efficiency possible for a power 37. A steam turbine with 92%
cycle operating between 1200°F stage efficiency receives steam at
and 225°F is: 7Mpa and 550°C and exhausts at
20KPa. Determine the quality of at 124.11 Kpa. Steam consumption
the exhaust this time. is 736.36 kg/hr. Calculate the
indicated engine efficiency based
e= on 90% mechanical efficiency.
@ Table 2 1.03425MPa
3530.9−h2 a h1 =3530.9 s1 =6.9486
( 3530.9−2289.77 ) @ Table 2 0.12411MPa
sf =1.3717 h f =443.43
h2 a =2489.07
sfg =5.9152 h f g =2241.57
h2 a =hf + x h fg s1=s f + x s fg
x=0. 87
2389.07=251.4+ x ( 2358.3 )
h2 =hf + x h fg
x=0.9064 x 100=90.64 % h2 =2415.18

ms ( h1−h2 )

1 hr
(736.36 ) ( 3600 s)
( 2779.39−2415.18 )

e=0.6673 x 1 00=66.73 %

39. The crank of double acting

steam engine rotates at 220 rpm.
38. A steam engine develops 60 The bore and stroke of the steam
Bhp with saturated steam at engine is 300mm x 470mm, and
1034.25 Kpa absolute and exhaust
the mean effective pressure acting kg/hr. Determine the equivalent
upon the piston is 4.5 kg/cm2. Find Rankine efficiency.
the indicated horsepower @ Table 2MPa & 230°C
developed in the cylinder. h1 =2849.6 s 1=6. 4423
@ Table 2 0.1MPa
IP=Pmi V D sf =1.3026 h f =417.46
sfg =6.0568 h fg =225 8
kg 9.81 N 1 KN 100 cm2
¿ 45
cm2 1 Kg ][ 1000 N ][ 1 m2 ] s1=s f + x s fg
x=0. 85
π m3 h2 =hf + x h fg
[ ()
(2) ( 0.3 2) ( 0.47 ) 220
( )] h2 =2333 .56
4 60 s
1 HP ( h1−h3 )
¿ ( 170.55 KW ) ( 0.746 KW ) 2849.6−2333.56
( 2849.6−417.46 )
IP=144.16 HP
e=0. 2122 x 100=21.22%

41. The indicated efficiency of a

steam engine is 65%. The engine
entrance is 2600 KJ/kg and exit is
2100KJ/kg. If steam consumption
is 3000kg/hr and mechanical
efficiency is 90%, what is the
brake power of the engine?
ms ( h1−h2 )

1 hr
( 3000 ) ( 3600 s)
( 2600−2100 )

I P=270.83

e m= 0.9=
IP 270.83

BP=243. 75 K W
40. Steam enters a steam engine
at 2 Mpa and 230°C and exit at 0.1 42. A steam engine 18” x 24”
Mpa. Steam consumption is 1500 runs at 250 rpm. The diameter of
piston rod is 3.5 in. The indicator 2 π (800 lb)(10 ft )( 250rpm)
card is 3.5 in long and the area of 33000
the head ends is 1.96 sq. in. Area ¿ 380.79 HP
of the crank end card is 1.86 sq. in.
spring scale is 800lb. In the test, a BP 380.79
e m= e m=
IP 412.85
prony brake with 10 ft lever arm
registered an average load on the e m=0.9224 x 100=92.24 %
scale of 100 psi/in. What is the
mechanical efficiency of the 43. A steam engine has 10%
engine? brake thermal efficiency and
consumes 750 kg/hr stream. The
A enthalpy of steam at the entrance
Pmi= K
and exit of the engine are 2800 and
1.96+1.86 ¿ 2
450 KJ/kg respectively. Determine
¿ the brake power of the engine in
3.5∈¿ 100
¿ ) KW.
¿ 54.57 ps i
eB =
m s ( h 1−h2 )
π 2 π
V D= D ln + ( D 2−d 2 ) ln
4 4 BP
π 250 π 250 0.1=
4 ( )
¿ ( 182 ) ( 24 )
+ ( 182−3.5 2 ) (24)(
4 60
) kg
(750 )(
hr 3600 s
) ( 2800−450 )
¿ 49931.68 ¿
s BP=49 K W

IP=Pmi V D

)(54.57 lb¿ )

¿ 49931.68 ¿
s 3

¿ 2724843.55
( 60mins )( 778BTU
lb−ft )

( 42.42 BTU ) min

¿ 412.85 HP

2 πTN

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