Concrete Frame Design Manual: CSA A23.3-14
Concrete Frame Design Manual: CSA A23.3-14
Concrete Frame Design Manual: CSA A23.3-14
CSA A23.3-14
Concrete Frame
Design Manual
CSA A23.3-14
For SAP2000®
The CSI Logo® and SAP2000® are registered trademarks of Computers and Structures,
Inc. Watch & LearnTM is a trademark of Computers and Structures, Inc.
The computer program SAP2000® and all associated documentation are proprietary
and copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with Computers and
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any form, without prior written authorization from Computers and Structures, Inc., is
explicitly prohibited.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
Chapter 1
Automated design at the object level is available for any one of a number of
user-selected design codes, as long as the structures have first been modeled
and analyzed by the program. Model and analysis data, such as material
properties and member forces, are recovered directly from the model data-
base, and no additional user input is required if the design defaults are ac-
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
Every beam member is designed for flexure and shear at output stations
along the beam span.
For Ductile and Moderately Ductile moment resisting frames, the shear
design of the columns, beams and joints is based on the probable moment
capacities of the members. Also, the program will produce ratios of the beam
moment capacities with respect to the column moment capacities, to
investigate weak beam/strong column aspects, including the effects of axial
Output data can be presented graphically on the model, in tables for both
input and output data, or on the calculation sheet prepared for each member.
For each presentation method, the output is in a format that allows the en-
gineer to quickly study the stress conditions that exist in the structure and, in
the event the member reinforcing is not adequate, aids the engineer in taking
appropriate remedial measures, including altering the design member
without rerunning the entire analysis.
1.1 Organization
This manual is designed to help you quickly become productive with the
concrete frame design options of CSA A23.3-14. Chapter 2 provides detailed
descriptions of the Deign Prerequisites used for CSA A23.3-14. Chapter 3
provides detailed descriptions of the code-specific process used for CSA
1-2 Organization
Chapter 1 - Introduction
In writing this manual it has been assumed that the user has an engineering
background in the general area of structural reinforced concrete design and
familiarity with CSA A23.3-14 codes.
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
For normal loading conditions involving static dead load, live load, wind
load, and earthquake load, or dynamic response spectrum earthquake load,
the program has built-in default loading combinations for each design code.
These are based on the code recommendations and are documented for each
code in the corresponding manuals.
For other loading conditions involving moving load, time history, pattern
live loads, separate consideration of roof live load, snow load, and so on, the
user must define design loading combinations either in lieu of or in addition
to the default design loading combinations.
The default load combinations assume all load cases declared as dead load to
be additive. Similarly, all cases declared as live load are assumed additive.
However, each load case declared as wind or earthquake, or response spec-
trum cases, is assumed to be non additive with each other and produces
multiple lateral load combinations. Also wind and static earthquake cases
produce separate loading combinations with the sense (positive or negative)
reversed. If these conditions are not correct, the user must provide the ap-
propriate design combinations.
The default load combinations are included in design if the user requests
them to be included or if no other user-defined combination is available for
concrete design. If any default combination is included in design, all default
combinations will automatically be updated by the program any time the
design code is changed or if static or response spectrum load cases are modi-
Live load reduction factors can be applied to the member forces of the live
load case on an element-by-element basis to reduce the contribution of the
live load to the factored loading.
The user is cautioned that if moving load or time history results are not re-
quested to be recovered in the analysis for some or all of the frame members,
the effects of those loads will be assumed to be zero in any combination that
includes them.
When using the CSA A23.3-14 design code, requirements for joint design at
the beam to column connections are evaluated at the top most station of each
column. The program also performs a joint shear analysis at the same station
to determine if special considerations are required in any of the joint panel
zones. The ratio of the beam flexural capacities with respect to the column
flexural capacities considering axial force effect associated with the
weak-beam/strong- column aspect of any beam/column intersection are re-
exists in the frame, the brace element also would be identified as a beam or a
column element, depending on the section assigned to the brace element.
All the beams are only designed for major direction flexure and shear. Effects
due to any axial forces, torsion and minor direction bending that may exist in
the beams must be investigated independently by the user.
In designing the shear and torsion reinforcement for a particular beam for a
particular set of loading combinations at a particular station due to the beam
major shear, the steps involve the determination of: the factored shear force,
the factored torsion, the shear force that can be resisted by concrete, and the
reinforcement steel required to carry the balance.
Special considerations for seismic design are incorporated into the program
for CSA A23.3-14.
Check the capacity of each column for the factored axial force and
bending moments obtained from each loading combination at each end
of the column. This step is also used to calculate the required
reinforcement (if none was specified) that will produce a capacity ratio of
The generation of the interaction surface is based on the assumed strain and
stress distributions and some other simplifying assumptions. These stress and
strain distributions and the assumptions are documented in Chapter 3.
The shear reinforcement design procedure for columns is very similar to that
for beams, except that the effect of the axial force on the concrete shear ca-
pacity must be considered.
For certain special seismic cases, the design of columns for shear is based on
the capacity shear. The capacity shear force in a particular direction is
calculated from the moment capacities of the column associated with the
factored axial force acting on the column. For each load combination, the
factored axial load is calculated, using the load cases and the corresponding
load combination factors. Then, the moment capacity of the column in a
particular direction under the influence of the axial force is calculated, using
the uniaxial interaction diagram in the corresponding direction, as
documented in Chapter 3.
Only joints having a column below the joint are designed. The material
properties of the joint are assumed to be the same as those of the column
below the joint. The joint analysis is done in the major and the minor direc-
tions of the column. The joint design procedure involves the following steps:
For the individual member stability effects, the moments are magnified with
moment magnification factors, as documented in Chapter 3 of this manual.
For lateral drift effects, the program assumes that the P-delta analysis is
performed and that the amplification is already included in the results. The
moments and forces obtained from P-delta analysis are further amplified for
individual column stability effect if required by the governing code, as in the
CSA A23.3-14 codes.
Users should be aware that the default analysis option in the program is that
P-delta effects are not included. The user can include P-delta analysis and set
the maximum number of iterations for the analysis. The default number of
iteration for P-delta analysis is 1. Further details on P-delta analysis are
provided in Appendix A of this design manual.
Normally, the unsupported element length is equal to the length of the el-
ement, i.e., the distance between END-I and END-J of the element. The
program, however, allows users to assign several elements to be treated as a
single member for design. This can be done differently for major and minor
bending as documented in Appendix B of this design manual.
The user has options to specify the unsupported lengths of the elements on
an element-by-element basis.
3.1 Notation
The various notations used in this chapter are described herein:
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
3-2 Notation
Chapter 3 - Design Process
Notation 3-3
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
To define a design load combination, simply specify one or more load cases,
each with its own scale factor. The scale factors are applied to the forces and
moments from the load cases to form the factored design forces and moments
for each design load combination. There is one exception to the preceding.
For spectral analysis modal combinations, any correspondence between the
signs of the moments and axial loads is lost. The program uses eight design
load combinations for each such loading combination specified, reversing the
sign of axial loads and moments in major and minor directions.
As an example, if a structure is subjected to dead load, DL, and live load, LL,
only, the CSA A23.3-14 design check may need only one design load com-
bination, namely, 1.25 DL +1.5 LL. However, if the structure is subjected to
wind, earthquake or other loads, numerous additional design load combina-
tions may be required.
The program allows live load reduction factors to be applied to the member
forces of the reducible live load case on a member-by-member basis to re-
duce the contribution of the live load to the factored responses.
The design load combinations are the various combinations of the prescribed
load cases for which the structure is to be checked. For this code, if a
structure is subjected to dead load (DL), live load (LL), snow load (SL), wind
(WL), and earthquake (EL) loads, and considering that wind and earthquake
forces are reversible, the following load combinations should be considered
(CSA 8.3.2, Table C-1a):
These are also the default design load combinations in the program when-
ever the CSA A23.3-14 code is used. In generating the preceding default
loading combinations, the importance factor is taken as 1. The user should
use other appropriate design load combinations if roof live load is separately
treated, or if other types of loads are present. PLL is the live load multiplied
by the Pattern Live Load Factor. The Pattern Live Load Factor can be speci-
fied in the Preferences.
When using the CSA A23.3-14 code, the program design assumes that a
P-delta analysis has been performed.
The upper limit of f y should be 500 MPa for all frames (CSA 8.5.1). For
seismic design, the normal limit of f y is 400 MPa (CSA
The program does not enforce any of these limits for column P-M-M inter-
action check or design and flexure design of beam. The specified strengths
are used for design. The user is responsible for using the proper strength
values while defining the materials. For shear design, special limits are ap-
plicable (CSA 11.3.4,, and enforced in the program as de-
scribed herein.
The code allows the use of reinforcement with f y less than 400 MPa in
members resisting earthquake induced forces without any restriction. The
program also allows the use of f y greater than 400 MPa. However, if f y is
between 400 MPa and 500 MPa, the code requires that increased strain be
taken into account because higher-yield-strength steel, in general, reduces
ductility (CSA The program also considers the increased strain
Generate axial force/biaxial moment interaction surfaces for all of the dif-
ferent concrete section types of the model. A typical biaxial interaction
surface is shown in Figure 3-1. When the steel is undefined, the program
generates the interaction surfaces for the range of allowable reinforcement:
1 to 8 percent for Conventional and Moderately Ductile Moment Resisting
frames (CSA 10.9.1, 10.9.2, and and 1 to 6 percent for Ductile
Moment Resisting frames (CSA
Calculate the capacity ratio or the required reinforcing area for the fac-
tored axial force and biaxial (or uniaxial) bending moments obtained from
each loading combination at each station of the column. The target capac-
ity ratio is taken as one when calculating the required reinforcing area.
The stress in the steel is given by the product of the steel strain and the steel
modulus of elasticity, ε s Es , and is limited to the yield stress of the steel, f y
(CSA The area associated with each reinforcing bar is assumed to be
placed at the actual location of the center of the bar, and the algorithm does
not assume any further simplifications in the manner in which the area of
steel is distributed over the cross-section of the column (such as an equiva-
lent steel tube or cylinder), as shown in Figure 3-3.
1 0.85 − 0.0015 f c′ , α1 ≥ 0.67 (CSA 10.1.7)
=1 0.97 − 0.0025 f c′ , β1 ≥ 0.67. (CSA 10.1.7)
3 - 10 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
The effects of the strength reduction factors are included in the generation of
the interaction surfaces. The maximum compressive axial load is limited to
Pr,max , where the maximum factored axial load resistance is given by
( )
= 0.80 ϕc α1 f c′ Ag − Ast + ϕs f y Ast (tied column)
(CSA 10.10.4)
( )
0.80 ϕc α1 f c′ Ag − Ast + ϕs f y Ast (spiral column).
(CSA 10.10.4)
Determine the factored moments and forces from the load cases and the
Column Design 3 - 11
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
10 M1
25 −
kL M2
> , for non-sway frames, and (CSA 10.15.2)
r Pf
fc′ Ag
3 - 12 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
kL 35
> , for sway frames. (CSA 10.16.4)
r Pf
fc′ Ag
However, the program considers individual member stability effect for all
compression column elements.
M M ns + δ s M s
= (CSA 10.16.2)
The moment obtained from analysis is separated into two components: the
sway (M s ) and the non-sway (Mns) components. The non-sway or braced
components, which are identified by “ns” subscripts are predominantly
caused by gravity load. The sway components are identified by “s” subscripts.
The sway moments are predominantly caused by lateral loads and are related
to the cause of sidesway.
The moment magnification factors in the major and minor directions can, in
general, be different. The moment magnification factors for moments caus-
ing sidesway, δsx and δsy can be taken as 1.0 if a P-delta analysis is carried out
(CSA The program assumes that a P-delta analysis has been per-
formed and, therefore, moment magnification factors for moments causing
sidesway are taken as unity. For the P-delta analysis the load should corre-
spond to a load combination of (1.25 DL + 1.40 LL)/ϕm (CSA 10.16.5), where
ϕm is the strength reduction factor for stability and is equal to 0.75 (CSA
10.15.3). See also White and Hajjar (1991).
Column Design 3 - 13
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
If the program assumptions are not satisfactory for a particular member, the
user can explicitly specify values of δsx and δsy .
Mc =
δb M 2 ≥ M 2 , (CSA
where M2 is the column maximum end moment obtained from elastic anal-
ysis after considering minimum eccentricity and lateral drift effect, and Mc is
the maximum moment occurring at the end or at an interior point within the
span of the column. The moment magnification factor, δb, for moments not
causing sidesway associated with the major or minor direction of the column
is given by
=δb ≥ 1.0, where (CSA
ϕm Pc
π2 EI
Pc = , (CSA
( kL )2
k is conservatively taken as 1, however the user can overwrite the value,
0.4 Ec I g
EI = , and (CSA
1 + βd
Cm =+
0.6 0.4 ≥ 0.4, (CSA
Ma and Mb are the moments at the ends of the column, and Mb is numerically
larger than Ma . Ma / Mb is positive for single curvature bending and negative
3 - 14 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
The moment magnification factor, δb, must be a positive number and greater
than one. Therefore Pf m must be less than ϕmPc. If Pf is found to be greater
than or equal to ϕmPc , a failure condition is declared. δb is taken as 1 for
tension members.
The preceding calculations use the unsupported length of the column. The
two unsupported lengths are l22 and l33 corresponding to instability in the
minor and major directions of the element, respectively. These are the
lengths between the support points of the element in the corresponding di-
If the program assumptions are not satisfactory for a particular member, the
user can explicitly specify values of δs and δb.
Before entering the interaction diagram to check the column capacity, the
moment magnification factors are applied to the factored loads to obtain Pf ,
Mfx , and Mfy. The point (Pf , Mfx , Mfy) is then placed in the interaction space,
shown as point L in Figure 3-4. If the point lies within the interaction vol-
Column Design 3 - 15
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
ume, the column capacity is adequate; however, if the point lies outside the
interaction volume, the column is overstressed.
This capacity ratio is achieved by plotting the point L and determining the
location of point C. The point C is defined as the point where the line OL (if
extended outwards) will intersect the failure surface. This point is
determined by three-dimensional linear interpolation between the points
that define the failure surface. See Figure 3-4. The capacity ratio, CR, is
given by the ratio .
3 - 16 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
If OL < OC (or CR < 1) the point lies within the interaction volume and the
column capacity is adequate.
If OL > OC (or CR > 1) the point lies outside the interaction volume and
the column is overstressed.
The maximum of all the values of CR calculated from each load combination
is reported for each check station of the column, along with the controlling
Pf , Mfx, and Mfy set and associated load combination number.
If the reinforcing area is not defined, the program computes the reinforce-
ment that will give an interaction ratio of unity.
Determine the factored forces acting on the section, Mf, Pf, and Vf. Note
that Mf and Pf are needed for the calculation of vc .
For Ductile and Moderately Ductile moment resisting concrete frames, the
shear design of the columns is also based on the probable and nominal mo-
Column Design 3 - 17
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
The following three sections describe in detail the algorithms associated with
this process.
In the shear design of Ductile moment resisting frames (seismic design), the
following are checked in addition to the requirement for Conventional
moment resisting frames. In the design of Ductile moment resisting concrete
frames, the design shear force, Vf , in a particular direction is also calculated
from the probable moment capacities of the column associated with the
factored axial force acting on the column (CSA
For each load combination, the factored axial load, Pf , is calculated. Then,
the positive and negative moment capacities, M +f and M −j , of the column in
a particular direction under the influence of the axial force Pf are calculated
using the uniaxial interaction diagram in the corresponding direction. The
design shear force, Vf , is then given by
f Vp + VD + L (CSA
M I− + M J+
VP1 = , and
3 - 18 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
M I+ + M J−
VP 2 = , where
For Ductile moment resisting frames, α is taken as 1.25 (CSA 2.2,
VD + L is the contribution of shear force from the in-span distribution of
gravity loads. For most of the columns, it is zero.
The Vp is enforced not to be greater than the factored shear force component
from specified gravity load increased by Rd Ro (CSA
Column Design 3 - 19
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
(CSA 11.3.4)
λ is the strength reduction factor to account for low density concrete (CSA
2.2). For normal density concrete, its value is 1 (CSA 8.6.5), which is the
program default value. For concrete using lower density aggregate, the
user can change the value of λ in the material properties. The recom-
mended values for λ is as follows (CSA 8.6.5).
β is the factor for accounting for the shear resistance of cracked concrete
(CSA 2.2). Its value is normally between 0.1 and 0.4. It is determine ac-
cording to section 11.3.6 of the Code, which is described in the sections
that follow.
where d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of
tension reinforcement, and h is the overall depth of the cross-section in the
direction of shear force.
3 - 20 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
When the axial force is compressive, the specified yield strength of the lon-
gitudinal reinforcing f y does not exceed 400 MPa, and the specified concrete
For maximum-sized coarse aggregate not less than 20 mm, β is taken as:
β= (CSA b)
1000 + d v
For maximum sized coarse aggregate less than 20 mm, β is taken as:
β= (CSA (c))
1000 + sze
where, S ze S z ≥ 0.85S z . (CSA
15 + ag
Column Design 3 - 21
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
0.18, if minimum transverse reinforcement is provided,
β , if no transverse reinforcement provided, and ag ≥ 20mm,
1000+d v
, if no transverse reinforcement provided, and ag < 20mm.
When the axial force is tensile, or the specified yield strength of the lon-
gitudinal reinforcing f y > 400 MPa, or the specified concrete strength f c′
> 60 MPa, β is determined in accordance with the General method, as
follows (CSA,
0.40 1300
=β • (CSA
(1 + 1500ε x ) (1000 + S ze )
In the preceding expression, the equivalent crack spacing parameter, S ze ,
is taken as equal to 300 mm if minimum transverse reinforcement is pro-
vided (CSA Otherwise it is determines as stated in simplified
300, if minimum transverse
Sze = reinforcement is provided,
Sz ≥ 0.85Sz , otherwise.
15 + ag
3 - 22 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
M f d v + V f + 0.5 N f
εx = (CSA
s ( Es As )
For sections closer than dv from the face of the support, εx is calculated
based on Mf, Vf, and Nf at a section at a distance dv from the face of the
support (CSA d).
If the axial tension is large enough to crack the flexural compression face
of the section, the value of ε x is increased by a factor of 2 (CSA
e). The program uses a linear elastic stress distribution to check this
Column Design 3 - 23
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
In both the Simplified method and the General method, the shear strength of
the section due to concrete, vc , depends on whether the minimum trans-
verse reinforcement is provided. To check this condition, the program per-
forms the design in two passes. In the first pass, it is assumes that no
transverse shear reinforcement is needed. When the program determines
that shear reinforcement is need, the program performs the second pass with
the assumption that at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided.
= 0.25ϕc f c′bw d .
Vr ,max (CSA 11.3.3)
If V f ≤ Vc ,
=0 (CSA
( )
V f − Vc tan θ
(CSA 11.3.3,
s ϕs f yh d v
3 - 24 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
(b) in regions of beams and columns with an overall depth greater than
750 mm, and
(c) in regions of beams and columns where the factored torsion T f ex-
ceeds 0.25 Tcr .
Av f′
≥ c bw (CSA
s fy
If the axial force is compressive, the specified yield strength of the lon-
gitudinal reinforcing fy does not exceed 400 MPa, and the specified con-
crete strength f c′ does not exceed 60 MPa, θ is taken to be 35 degrees
Column Design 3 - 25
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
If the axial force is tensile, the specified yield strength of the longitudinal
reinforcing fy > 400 MPa, and the specified concrete strength f c′ > 60
MPa, θ is determined using the General method as follows (CSA
θ= 29 + 7000ε x
For all columns and at any station, the minimum area of transverse cir-
cular hoop reinforcement is imposed as follows:
Av Ag f′ h
≥ 0.45 − 1 c core (CSA 10.9.4)
s Acore f yh 4
Av Pf fc′ hcore
≥ (Hoops) (CSA
s Po f yh 4
Av Ag f′ h
≥ 0.45 − 1 c core (Hoops) (CSA, 10.9.4)
s Acore f yh 4
Av f′
≥ 0.09 c hcore (Stirrups) (CSA
s f yh
3 - 26 Column Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
Av Ag
≥ 0.2 K n K p hcore (Stirrups) (CSA
s Acore
n1 Pf
where K n
= = and K p
( n1 − 2 ) Po
(a) where Pf ≤ 0.5φc f c′ Ag , lo shall not be less than 1.5 times the largest
member cross-section dimension or 1/6 of the clear span of the
member; and
(b) where Pf > 0.5φc f c′ Ag , lo shall not be less than 2.0 times the largest
member cross-section dimension or 1/6 of the clear span of the
member (CSA
All of the beams are designed for major direction flexure and shear only.
Effects due to any axial forces, minor direction bending, and torsion that may
exist in the beams must be investigated independently by the user.
Beam Design 3 - 27
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
Positive beam moments produce bottom steel. In such cases, the beam may
be designed as a Rectangular or T-beam. Negative beam moments produce
top steel. In such cases, the beam is always designed as a Rectangular section.
3 - 28 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
The design procedure used by the program for both rectangular and flanged
sections (L and T-beams) is summarized in the sections that follow. It is as-
sumed that the design ultimate axial force in a beam is negligible; hence, all
of the beams are designed for major direction flexure and shear only.
Beam Design 3 - 29
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
2| M f |
a =−
d d2 − , (CSA 10.1)
α1 f c′ϕc b
where the value of ϕc is 0.65 (CSA 8.4.2) in the preceding and following
equations. Also , α1 , β1 , and cb are calculated as follows:
1 0.97 − 0.0025 f c′ ≥ 0.67, and (CSA 10.1.7)
cb = d. (CSA 10.5.2)
700 + f y
3 - 30 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
M fc Cd − b .
fs M f − M fc .
M fs
As′ = , where
( )
ϕs f s′ − ϕc α1 f c′ ( d − d ′ )
c − d′
=f s′ 0.0035 Es ≤ fy. (CSA 10.1.2 , 10.1.3)
M fc
As1 = , and
fy d − b ϕs
M fs
As 2 = .
f y ( d − d ′ ) ϕs
Beam Design 3 - 31
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
2M f
a =−
d d2 − . (CSA 10.1)
α1 f c′ϕc b f
where the value of ϕc is 0.65 (CSA 8.4.2) in the preceding and following
equations. See Figure 3-6. Also α1 , β1 , and cb are calculated as follows:
1 0.85 − 0.0015 f c′ ≥ 0.67, (CSA 10.1.7)
1 0.97 − 0.0025 f c′ ≥ 0.67, and (CSA 10.1.7)
cb = d. (CSA 10.5.2)
700 + f y
3 - 32 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
If a > d s , calculation for As is performed in two parts. The first part is for
balancing the compressive force from the flange, C f , and the second part
is for balancing the compressive force from the web, Cw . As shown in,
α1 f c′ b f − bw d s .
Cf = ) (CSA 10.1.7)
C f ϕc
Therefore, As1 = and the portion of M f that is resisted by the
f y ϕs
flange is
M ff = C f d − s ϕc .
fw M f − M ff .
Beam Design 3 - 33
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
2 M fw
a1 =−
d d2 − . (CSA 10.1)
α1 f c′ϕc bw
As As1 + As 2 .
the factored moment resisted by the concrete web and tensile steel is
M fc Cd − b .
M fs M fw − M fc .
M fs
As′ = , where
( )
ϕs f s′ − ϕc α1 f c′ ( d − d ′ )
3 - 34 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
c − d′
=f s′ 0.0035 Es ≤ fy. (CSA 10.1.2, 10.1.3)
M fc
As 2 = , and
fy d − b ϕs
M fs
As 3 = .
f y ( d − d ′ ) ϕs
0.2 f c′
As ≥ bw h, or (CSA
As = As (required) . (CSA
An upper limit of 0.04 times the gross web area on both the tension rein-
forcement and the compression reinforcement is arbitrarily imposed as fol-
Beam Design 3 - 35
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
As ( min ) ≥ bw d (CSA
At any end (support) of the beam, the beam positive moment capacity (i.e.,
associated with the bottom steel) would not be less than one-half of the
beam negative moment capacity (i.e., associated with the top steel) at that
end (CSA
Neither the negative moment capacity nor the positive moment capacity at
any of the sections within the beam would be less than one-fourth of the
maximum of positive or negative moment capacities of any of the beam
end (support) stations (CSA
For Conventional moment resisting concrete frames (seismic design), the
beam design would satisfy the following conditions:
At any support of the beam, the beam positive moment capacity would not
be less than one-third of the beam negative moment capacity at that end
3 - 36 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
Neither the negative moment capacity nor the positive moment capacity at
any of the sections within the beam would be less than one-fifth of the
maximum of positive or negative moment capacities of any of the beam
end (support) stations (CSA
Check NLDa Combinations NLDa Combinations NLDa Combinations
M u+END ≥
1 −
M u+END ≥
1 −
Beam Min. 3 2
No Requirement
M u+SPAN ≥ max M u+ , M u−
M u+SPAN ≥ max M u+ , M u− }
{ } { }
− 1 + − − 1 + −
M uSPAN ≥ max M u , M u M uSPAN ≥ max M u , M u
Beam Design 3 - 37
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
For Ductile and Moderately ductile moment resisting frames, the shear de-
sign of the beams is also based on the probable and nominal moment capac-
ities of the members, respectively (CSA,
The following three sections describe in detail the algorithms associated with
these steps.
3 - 38 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
ciated shear forces and moments with the corresponding load combination
f V p + VD + L (CSA
P1 (M −
I + M J+ ) L , and
P2 (M −
I + M J+ ) L , where
Beam Design 3 - 39
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
The overstrength factor α is always taken as 1.25 for Ductile moment re-
sisting frames (CSA 2.2, VD + L is the contribution of shear force
from the in-span distribution of gravity loads.
3 - 40 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
M uL
M uR
Vc = ϕc λβ f c′ bw d , (CSA 11.3.4)
Beam Design 3 - 41
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
plants, its value can be taken as 0.70 (CSA 16.1.3). This value can be
overwritten in the Preferences.
λ is the strength reduction factor to account for low density concrete (CSA
2.2). For normal density concrete, its value is 1 (CSA 8.6.5), which is
taken by the program as the default value. For concrete using lower
density aggregate, the user can change the value of λ in the material
property data. The recommended value for λ is as follows (CSA 8.6.5).
β is the factor for accounting for the shear resistance of cracked concrete
(CSA 2.2). Its value is normally between 0.1 and 0.4. It is determine ac-
cording to the section 11.3.6 of the Code, which is described in the sec-
tions that follow.
bw is the effective web width. For rectangular beam, it is the width of the
beam. For T-beam, it is the width of the web of the beam.
where d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of
tension reinforcement, and h is the overall depth of the cross-section in the
direction of shear force.
The value of the β factor is preferably taken as the Special value (CSA or it is determined using the Simplified method (CSA, if
applicable. When the conditions of the Special value or Simplified method
do not apply, the General method is used to determine the β factor (CSA
3 - 42 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
If the overall beam depth, h, is less than 250 mm or if the beam depth of a
T-beam before the slab is not greater than one-half of the width of web or
350 mm, β is taken as 0.21 (CSA
When the specified yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcing fy does not
exceed 400 MPa, and the specified concrete strength f c′ does not exceed 60
MPa, β is determined in accordance with the Simplified method, as follows
For maximum size of coarse aggregate not less than 20 mm, β is taken as:
β= (CSA b)
1000 + d v
For maximum size of coarse aggregate less than 20 mm, β is taken as:
β= (CSA c)
1000 + sze
= S ze S z ≥ 0.85S z (CSA
15 + ag
Beam Design 3 - 43
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
0.18, if minimum transverse reinforcement is provided,
β , if no transverse reinforcement provided, and ag ≥ 20mm,
1000 + d v
, if no transverse reinforcement provided, and ag < 20mm.
1000 + S ze
When the specified yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcing fy > 400
MPa, or the specified concrete strength f c′ > 60 MPa, β is determined in
accordance with the General method as follows (CSA,
0.40 1300
=β • (CSA
(1 + 1500ε x ) (1000 + S ze )
In the preceding expression, the equivalent crack spacing parameter, S ze , is
taken as equal to 300 mm if minimum transverse reinforcement is provided
(CSA Otherwise it is determine as stated in the Simplified
M f dv + V f
εx = (CSA
s ( Es As )
3 - 44 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
For sections closer than d v from the face of the support, ε x is calculated
based on M f and V f at a section at a distance d v from the face of the
support (CSA d).
In both the Simplified and General methods, the shear strength of the
section due to concrete, vc , depends on whether the minimum transverse
reinforcement is provided. To check this condition, the program performs
the design in two passes. In the first pass, it is assumes that no transverse
shear reinforcement is needed. When the program determines that shear
reinforcement is need, the program performs the second pass with the as-
sumption that at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided.
= 0.25ϕc f c′bw d .
Vr ,max (CSA 11.3.3)
If V f ≤ Vc
Beam Design 3 - 45
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
=0 (CSA
( )
V f − Vc tan θ
(CSA 11.3.3,
s ϕs f yh d v
(b) in regions of beams and columns with an overall depth greater than
750 mm, and
(c) in regions of beams and columns where the factored torsion T f ex-
ceeds 0.25 .
Av f′
≥ 0.06 c bw (CSA
s fy
3 - 46 Beam Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
If the overall beam depth, h, is less than 250 mm or if the depth of the
T-beam below the slab is not greater than one-half of the width of web or
350 mm, θ is taken as 42 degree (CSA
If the axial force is tensile, the specified yield strength of the longitudinal
reinforcing fy > 400 MPa, and the specified concrete strength f c′ > 60 MPa,
θ is determined using the General method as follows (CSA,
The maximum of all of the calculated Av s values, obtained from each load
combination, is reported for the major directions of the beam along with the
controlling shear force and associated load combination number.
Joint Design 3 - 47
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
Only joints having a column below the joint are designed. The material
properties of the joint are assumed to be the same as those of the column
below the joint.
The joint analysis is completed in the major and the minor directions of the
column. The joint design procedure involves the following steps:
The following three sections describe in detail the algorithms associated with
these steps.
The force Vuh is the horizontal panel zone shear force that is to be calculated.
The forces that act on the joint are Pf, Vf, M Lf and M Rf . The forces Pf and Vf
are axial force and shear force, respectively, from the column framing into
the top of the joint. The moments M Lf and M Rf are obtained from the beams
framing into the joint. The joint shear force Vuh is calculated by resolving the
moments into C and T forces. Noting that TL = CL and TR = CR ,
Vuh = TL + TR − Vu
3 - 48 Joint Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
The moments and the forces from beams that frame into the joint in a di-
rection that is not parallel to the major or minor direction of the column are
resolved along the direction that is being investigated, thereby contributing
force components to the analysis.
Also, the program calculates the positive and negative moments, considering
the fact that the concrete cover may be different for the direction of mo-
M uL + M uR
Vu ,beam =
It should be noted that the points of inflection shown on Figure 3-4 are taken
as midway between actual lateral support points for the columns. If there is
no column at the top of the joint, the shear force from the top of the column
is taken as zero.
The program also checks the capacity shear that can be developed in the
column based on its positive and negative moment capacities for the pres-
ence of factored axial load, Pf .
M + top
+ M u− bot M u− top + M u+ bot
Vu ,col = min u ,
Vu is taken as the minimum of the two values Vu ,beam and Vu ,col .
Joint Design 3 - 49
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
The effects of load reversals, as illustrated in Case 1 and Case 2 of Figure 3-8
are investigated, and the design is based on the maximum of the joint shears
obtained from the two cases.
For circular column, both bcol and hcol are taken equal to the overall diameter
of the column. For a section designer section, bcol and hcol are based on
It should be noted that if the beam frames into the joint eccentrically, the
preceding assumptions may not be conservative and the user should inves-
tigate the acceptability of the particular joint.
3 - 50 Joint Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
Joint Design 3 - 51
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
2.2ϕc f c AJ , for joints confined on all four sides,
Vc 1.6ϕc f c′ AJ , for joints confined on three faces or on two opposite faces,
1.3ϕc f c′ AJ , for all other joints.
f c′ ≤ 8MPa
A beam that frames into a face of a column at the joint is considered in the
program to provide confinement to the joint if at least three-quarters of the
face of the joint is covered by the framing member (CSA,
3 - 52 Joint Design
Chapter 3 - Design Process
Joint Design 3 - 53
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
The column capacity summation includes the column above and the column
below the joint. For each load combination, the factored axial force, Pf , in
each of the columns is calculated from the load combinations. For each load
combination, the moment capacity of each column under the influence of
the corresponding factored axial load Pf is then determined separately for
the major and minor directions of the column, using the uniaxial column
interaction diagram; see Figure 3-8. The moment capacities of the two col-
umns are added to give the capacity summation for the corresponding load
combination. The maximum capacity summations obtained from all of the
load combinations is used for the beam-column capacity ratio.
All of the beams framing into the column are concrete beams.
The beam-column flexural capacity ratios are reported only for Ductile and
Moderately Ductile moment resisting frames involving seismic design load
combinations. If this ratio is greater than 1.0, a warning message is printed in
the output file.
3 - 54 Joint Design
Appendix A
Second Order P-Delta Effects
Typically, design codes require that second order P-delta effects be considered
when designing concrete frames. They are the global lateral translation of the
frame and the local deformation of members within the frame.
Consider the frame object shown in Figure A-1, which is extracted from a story
level of a larger structure. The overall global translation of this frame object is
indicated by ∆. The local deformation of the member is shown as δ. The total
second order P-delta effects on this frame object are those caused by both ∆ and
The program has an option to consider P-delta effects in the analysis. When
P-delta effects are considered in the analysis, the program does a good job of
capturing the effect due to the ∆ deformation shown in Figure A-1, but it does
not typically capture the effect of the δ deformation (unless, in the model, the
frame object is broken into multiple elements over its length).
Design Manual Concrete Frame CSA A23.3-14
M CAP = aM nt + bM lt where,
A-2 Appendix A
Appendix B
Member Unsupported Lengths and
Computation of K-Factors
The column unsupported lengths are required to account for column slenderness
effects. The program automatically determines the unsupported length ratios,
which are specified as a fraction of the frame object length. Those ratios times
the frame object length gives the unbraced lengths for the members. Those ratios
can also be overwritten by the user on a member-by-member basis, if desired,
using the overwrite option.
There are two unsupported lengths to consider. They are L 33 and L 22 , as shown
in Figure B-1. These are the lengths between support points of the member in the
corresponding directions. The length L 33 corresponds to instability about the 3-3
axis (major axis), and L 22 corresponds to instability about the 2-2 axis (minor
Concrete Frame Design CSA A23.3-14
In determining the values for L 22 and L 33 of the members, the program recog-
nizes various aspects of the structure that have an effect on these lengths, such as
member connectivity, diaphragm constraints, and support points. The program
automatically locates the member support points and evaluates the corre-
sponding unsupported length.
CSI, 2014. CSI Analysis Reference Manual, Computers and Structures, Inc.,
Walnut Creek, California.