2009, August 10
2009, August 10
2009, August 10
Council Minutes
August 10, 2009 – 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Frederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Jeffrey Berger, Brian Lambert, Barry
Hess, Mayor Frank Welsh, J. Howard Langdon, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer, and Chief Shearer
The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Fritz Newhart,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests and Visitors: Robert Miller & Ray Fahls (Vietnam Veterans Memorial); Bob Hess & Bill O’dell (American
Legion). Robert Miller said that although the Vietnam Veterans Group initially intended to relocate their memorial in
Picture Rocks they would like Borough Council to allow them to stay in the Town Clock Park. Since they announced
their intension to leave the American Legion requested permission to move in. As it stands the 2 groups will work
together to come up with a mutual plan.
Christy Phillips request allowing her to sell produce at her home. Ordinance does not require a permit. Council will
allow her to continue to do so unless ordinance changes.
Bill Senseman, Andy Mook, Scott Reeser and Richard Welsh
Approve Agenda: August 10, 2009, Tom Eddy moved, seconded by Barry Hess. Motion passed.
Approve Minutes: July 13, 2009 and July 20, 2009, Barry Hess moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.
Solicitor’s Report: J. Howard Langdon said developers are calling him about the holdup from Daye Construction;
received a map from Vassallo Engineers with waterline locations; hopes this will be finalized soon. The indoor/outdoor
furnace intended for Broadway & Main Street is on hold for now; homeowner has not been able to get all the specifics
on the furnace stating it is an actual indoor furnace.
Mayor’s Report: Frank Welsh said he’s working on the Police Agreement
Emergency Management Report: Frank Welsh was asked to be part of the Hazard Mitigation Board for the County.
Borough Secretary: Dee Moyer spoke about the effectiveness of citing homeowners for code violations and the best
and most effective way for the Borough to enforce them. Council will decide whether the police department should
write the citations if the Property Maintenance Code is approved.
Code Inspections Inc. letter to Nevel family. Code Inspections called and stated that major
improvements have been made since the letter was written. Council tabled any action.
New rates for United Concordia Dental – 4% increase, Barry Hess moved, seconded by Tom Eddy.
Motion passed.
Approval of Labor rates for Water Co. (sheet from last meeting), Barry Hess moved, Jeff Berger
seconded. Motion passed.
Discussion of UGI letter. A letter was written informing them that a 30 day response was needed or
the Borough would make the repairs for the street cuts and bill them. The street cuts were made almost
a year ago.
Property Maintenance Code adoption. Barry Hess moved, seconded by Brian Lambert. Motion
passed. Will be advertised and approved at September Meeting.
Approval of Water Sales Agreement with XTO not to exceed 200,000 gallons per day. Council
would like signatures from Borough Council President, Authority Chairman and XTO Representative
on the agreement.. Jeff Berger moved to accept, seconded by Barry Hess. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary