BSBPMG531 - Assessment Task 1
BSBPMG531 - Assessment Task 1
BSBPMG531 - Assessment Task 1
Task 1
Manage project time
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID
Student Date
Task Number
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Student Declaration........................................................................................................................2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire.................................................................................5
Question 1........................................................................................................................................6
Question 2........................................................................................................................................6
Question 3........................................................................................................................................7
Question 4........................................................................................................................................7
Question 5........................................................................................................................................7
Question 6........................................................................................................................................8
Question 7........................................................................................................................................8
What is this This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and
assessment task subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to
meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.
The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit
of competency:
It is advisable to:
assessment coversheet,
answers to all questions,
Question 1
Explain each of the following estimating techniques and how each can be used to
determine task duration and resource effort within a project.
Describe the critical path of a project and explain the steps used to identify it using the
Critical Path Method.
(50-100 words)
Question 3
Explain the concept of a project baseline, the procedures for establishing project
baselines and how to manage adjustments to a project baseline due to a major change to
project scope, cost or schedule.
(80-120 words)
Question 4
Summarise the project life cycle phases and describe each phase.
Question 5
Select and explain three best-practice time management methodologies. For each,
summarise their capabilities, limitations, applications and outcomes.
Question 6
Question 7
Explain how a work breakdown structure is used to create project schedules (50-100