Practical Research 2 Week 2 LT Midterm 2021-2022

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Tuguegarao City
Signature of
Tel No.: (078)-844-1872/1873/1822 Proponent/s
Fax No. (078)-844-0889

Proponents Last Name First Name MI

Agpalo Pearl Angeli B.
Lacambra Alliyah Hanna Joy M.
Lozano Lea C.
Abella Nathalie lia P.
Vinagrera Conception L.
Balao-as Nichole Rhett D.
Field of Specialization Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Research Method/Design Quantitative Survey Research Design

Research Topic Factors Affecting Consumer’ Buying Behavior

Working Title:
Effects of Financial Sources to the Purchasing Behavior of
(as proposed by the
Senior High School Students of Tuguegarao City
Approved Title:
Influence of Students’ Financial Sources to their Food
(as redirected by the
Purchasing Behavior
research consultant)
Bibliography/References Ahmed, A., Su, L., Rafique, K., Khan, S. & Jamil, S. (2018).
(APA Style) A study on the factors affecting consumer buying
(Alphabetically arranged) behavior towards shopping in Pakistan. Journal of
90% from refereed journals Asian Business Strategy, 7(2), 44-56.
and 10% from books and
other resource materials Ali, M. A. & Ramya, N. (2016). Factors affecting consumer
buying behavior. International Journal of Applied
Research, 2(10), 76-80.

Bahn, K.D. (1986). How and when do brand perceptions

and preferences first form?: A cognitive
developmental investigation. Journal of Consumer
Research, 13, 382-396.

Battalio, R. C., Kagel, J. H., Winkler, R. C., Fisher, E.,

Basmann, R. L., & Krasner, L. (1974). An
experimental investigation of consumer behavior in a
controlled environment. Journal of Consumer
Research, 1, 52-60.

Belk, R., Askegaard, S., & Scott, L. (2012). Research in

consumer behavior. Howard House, Bingley, UK:

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Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Farah, G. A., Ahmad, M., Muqarrab, H., Turi, J. A., &

Bashir, S. (2018). Online shopping behavior among
university students: Case study Of Must University.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(4),

Faulk, Dagney & Srinivasan, Arun & Bingham, Jon. (2010).

Sources of Financial Support and Academic
Performance in Economics Principles. SSRN
Electronic Journal, 10(21).

Gopal, A. & Selvaraju M.R. (2021). Online shopping

perspective of college students in Gudalur.
International Journal of Management, Technology
and Engineering, 6(1).

Johnson, G. (2015). An investigation into the online

purchasing behavior of university students in Accra.
Department of Business Administration, Ashesi
University College. Retrieved from

Kotni, V.V.D.P (2019). A study on consumer behavior and

buying patterns in apparel retail environment.
International Journal of Research,6(1), 878-887.
Retrieved from

Muniady, R., Mamun, A.A., Permarupan, P., & Zainol,

N.R.B. (2014). Factors influencing consumer
behavior: A study among University Students in
Malaysia. Asian Social Science,10(9),18-25.

Musyifah, Iffahsari, Simanjuntak & Megawati (2016). Online

shopping behavior on Generation Y in Indonesia.
Global Business & Finance Review, 21(1), 33-45.
Retrieved from

Silva, U. & Herath, H. (2016). The effect of consumer

money attitudes on compulsive buying behavior.
International Journal of Consumerism, 5(1).

Solomon, M. R. (2009). Consumer behavior: Buying,

Practical Research 1 Page 2|8

This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
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having, and being. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Pearson Education.
Vancic, A., & Pärson, G. F. A. (2020). Changed buying
behavior in the COVID-19 pandemic: The influence
of price sensitivity and perceived quality.

Zendehdel, M., Paim, L. & Osman, S. (2015). Students’

online purchasing behavior in Malaysia:
Understanding online shopping attitude. Cogent
Business & Management, 2(1).

Variable/ Conceptual Independent Variables:

Tags/Synthesis Tally  Financial Sources
(optional) o Part-time jobs
o Scholarship Grants
o Gift
o Business Entity
o Allowances
o Incentives

Dependent Variables:
 Students’ Buying Behavior
o Complex Buying Behavior
o Variety Seeking Buying Behavior
o Dissonance Reducing Buying Behavior
o Habitual Buying Behavior

Intervening Variables:
 Profile of Respondents
o Age
o Strand
o Gender

Theoretical/Conceptual  Traditional Approach

Framework  Assume that the consumer has well-defined
preferences over all of the alternative bundles and
that the consumer attempts to select the most
preferred bundle from among those bundles that are
 McClelland's Human Motivation Theory
 states that every person has one of three main
driving motivators: the needs for achievement,
affiliation, or power. These motivators are not
inherent; we develop them through our culture and
life experiences. Achievers like to solve problems

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and achieve goals.
 Cognitive Dissonance Theory
 It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a
person’s behaviors and beliefs do not align.
 3 A’s of Consumer Behavior
 Affinity
o Consumers’ likelihood to purchase certainly
stems from their trust of an affinity toward a
brand and its products.
o Consumers’ reactions to packaging, store
experiences, websites, advertising and more
all go into the building and maintaining affinity,
and its impact on consumer behavior can be
 Ability
o People will not buy unless they have the
means to do so no matter how much they love
a product or brand.
 Attitude
o Even if people have an affinity for a
product/brand and the ability to buy, they still
may not make a purchase.
o Attitudinal factors, including personal,
financial, social, economic and even political
confidence, also play a large role in consumer

 The Different Types of Buying Behavior

 Routine response
o People will purchase a brand they recognize,
have tried before, or like the best.
o This type of buying doesn’t require much

 Limited decision-making
o Often mid-level, occasional buying decisions
fall into this category.
o They require some research and little amount
of thought before making a choice.

 Extensive decision-making
o Buying decisions that involve a big financial
investment or personal impact fall into this
o Most buyers will spend an extensive amount

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of time researching before making a decision.

 Impulse buying
o An impulse buy has no prior planning.
o It is a purchase made on a whim and with little
thought. It’s often irrational and in the


 Actions of the consumers in the market place and
the underlying motives for those actions (Kotni,
 Online purchasing behaviors and buying patterns of
students (Johnson, 2015)
 The behavior of the consumers during financial crisis
(Vancic & Pärson, 2020)


 Motivating factors and features that drive consumers
towards purchasing and spending money (Gopal &
 Market segmentation on consumer buying behavior
(Muniady, Mamun, Permarupan & Zainol, 2014)
 Domain specific innovativeness (Ahmed, Su,
Rafique, Khan & Jamil, 2018)
 Consumer behavioral intention (Zendehdel, Paim &
Osman, 2015)


 Monthly allowance of students (Musyifah, Iffahsari,
Simanjuntak & Megawati, 2016)
 Students working for extra income (Faulk, Dagney &
Srinivasan, Arun, Bingham & Jon, 2010)
 Self-financing through savings or earnings (Silva &
Herath, 2016)
Background of the Study  Consumer behavior is the study of the process involved
when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or
dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to
satisfy needs and desires (Solomon et al, 2006).

 Consumer behavior is influenced profoundly by the

economic factors like financial sources of individuals
such as their personal income, family allowance, and
savings. Thus, it is a main reason for consumers’

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purchasing behavior and buying patterns (Silva &
Herath, 2016).

 A source or sources of finance, refer to where a to get

money from, to fund their activity.

 As malls and restaurants are rising and multiplying in

number, a study is conducted to assess how students’
purchase foods. This study is result in adhering a gap
from a research study.

 Most senior high school students are still walking around

with allowance from their parents but some have their
own saving accounts or part-time jobs for extra income
to buy the things they need or want. With the limitations
of the pandemic, e-commerce markets have risen and
are linear in growth because it offers least contact and
possibility of being infected by the disease.

Research Questions/ This study aims to determine the influence of the financial
Objective resources to the food purchasing behavior of senior high
school students of Tuguegarao City.
Specifically, the investigation seeks to answer the following
1. What are the different financial sources of the
2. sWhat percentage of their money is spent on food?
3. What are the factors that influence students’ food
purchasing behavior?
4. Is there a significant difference between the food
purchasing behavior of students from different
financial sources?

Significance of the The result of the study will benefit the following:
Proposed Study
 Students. It will help them become conscious of how
they spend their money, learn to give respect to
people and value to the work they put in to have this
amount. They will have the capacity to grow as
financial literate adults who think that handling
finances is a responsibility.
 Parents and Guardians. They will be able to be
informed of their children's spending habits and
realize the right amount to be given to them. They
can also apprehend their children's values in life and

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be assured that they are not being led astray.
 Marketers. It will cater them in creating strategies to
highlight the value of the products of the business
and to help businesses whose target demographics
are senior high school students.
 The Researchers. It will broaden their area of
knowledge about financial behaviors, parenting and
marketing strategies.
 Future Researchers. It will also be of reference and
guide to future researchers to open up new concepts
and ideas of their own researches.

Research Simulacrum/
Research Paradigm


 Part-time jobs
 Scholarship Grants  Complex Buying
 Gift Behavior
 Business Entity  Variety Seeking Buying
 Allowances Behavior
 Dissonance Reducing
 Incentives
Buying Behavior
 Habitual Buying Behavior

 Age
 Strand
 Gender

Methods Research Design:

 This study will utilize a quantitative approach,
specifically survey research design.

Locale of the Study:

 This research study will be conducted within the
vicinity of Tuguegarao City.

 This study will use convenience and purposive
sampling techniques in selecting 200 participants
that are senior high school students of age group 16-
18 years old.

Instrument (Including Data Measures):

 The data will be collected using a survey

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questionnaire developed using Google Forms.

Data Gathering Procedure

 We will ask permission from the principals of
different schools. The selected respondents will be
asked to write down any social media account where
we can send the Google Form. Their answers on the
Google Form will automatically be saved and it will
be the data to be used for conducting the research

Data Analyses
 The collected primary data will be transformed into
quantitative data and will be analyzed using
descriptive statistics which will include mean,
frequency distribution and percentage analysis. One-
way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to
determine whether there are any statistically
significant differences between the means of two or
more independent groups (e.g., Allowance, Part-time
job, Business, etc.).

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