What Is Sentence Stress?

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Sentence Stress


What is Sentence Stress?

Words in a sentence are not all given the same salience in oral English.
Some words are picked out and are stressed in contrast to others. The one
that is the most stressed is said to receive the sentence stress. This usually
implies differences in meaning. In the following sentences, the sentence
stress is indicated in bold case. Consider the difference in meaning for each
of these scenarios.

Sentence Stress Illustrated:

Sentences Meaning
1. I don’t think she would write I don’t think that, but someone else does.
2. I DON’T think she will listen It is not true that I think that.
to him.
3. I don’t THINK she will listen I don’t think that, I know that. Or: I don’t think that,
to him. but I could be wrong.
4. I don’t think SHE will listen I think that someone other than her will listen to him.
to him.
5. I don’t think she WILL listen I think that she is will not be willing or agreeable to
to him. listening to him.
6. I don’t think she Instead of listening, she might talk to him.
will LISTEN to him.
7. I don’t think she will listen I think that she will listen to someone else than him.
to HIM.
Now listen to the sentences to hear the differences:

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Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
As you can see, the sentence stress depends a lot on the context. It is closely
related to the meaning.

Sentence Stress Rule


o Content words are stressed (words that still have some meaning

if you put them out of context: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.)
o Grammatical words are not stressed (words that help structure
a sentence in English but that do not really have some meaning if you
put them out of context: a, an, the, is, etc.)
But, as in the examples above, even grammatical words can be stressed in
some specific contexts.

 Sentence Stress Cartoon

Click here or on the image below to read a funny example of how sentence
stress can be used to convey different meanings.

Sentence stress: 1 Sentence, 7 Different meanings. By David Recine.

 Sentence Stress Exercise
Do this short exercise to check if you can recognize sentence stress!

Listening to Sentence Stress A

This is an exercise on sentence stress.
Listen to the following sentences. For each one, indicate which
word(s) were stressed.
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Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

1. He didn’t like me.

2. In short, they want you, out of here.

3. It’d be a change of view at least.

4. Get out of my way.

5. Get out of my country!

6. I think they wanted to trample me!

7. I could have killed him.

8. I know what they’re like.

9. He was angry.

10. I don’t mean that… I mean, I do mean it, but I don’t…

You feel it but you don’t like the fact that you do.
(Many words are stressed. Type one of them!)

11. Something bad happens to the best of man.

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