757 PW2 CH 72 2004 Single
757 PW2 CH 72 2004 Single
757 PW2 CH 72 2004 Single
B757/767 B757/767
GENERAL stage high pressure compressor (HPC) and GENERAL stage high pressure compressor (HPC) and
This section includes the general descrip- 2-stage high pressure turbine (HPT). The This section includes the general descrip- 2-stage high pressure turbine (HPT). The
tion of the basic PW2000 engine sections engine cases, when bolted together, form a tion of the basic PW2000 engine sections engine cases, when bolted together, form a
and components. The PW2000 series structurally rigid support for the engine, and components. The PW2000 series structurally rigid support for the engine,
engines have incorporated technology with internal parts supported through engines have incorporated technology with internal parts supported through
which provides significant advantages in struts and bearings. The engine mounts are which provides significant advantages in struts and bearings. The engine mounts are
fuel consumption and engine weight. The located at the 12 o’clock positions on the fuel consumption and engine weight. The located at the 12 o’clock positions on the
improved engine performance of the basic intermediate case and turbine exhaust improved engine performance of the basic intermediate case and turbine exhaust
engine is achieved with a single-stage fan, case. engine is achieved with a single-stage fan, case.
5-stage low pressure compressor, 12-stage 5-stage low pressure compressor, 12-stage
high pressure compressor, a burner that The 1st-stage compressor rotor of the front high pressure compressor, a burner that The 1st-stage compressor rotor of the front
employs low emissions features, a 2-stage compressor section is much larger in employs low emissions features, a 2-stage compressor section is much larger in
high pressure turbine and a 5-stage low diameter than the other stages and is called high pressure turbine and a 5-stage low diameter than the other stages and is called
pressure turbine. Improved components the fan. The fan provides two separate air- pressure turbine. Improved components the fan. The fan provides two separate air-
include a wide-chord, single-shroud fan streams. The primary (or inner) airstream include a wide-chord, single-shroud fan streams. The primary (or inner) airstream
blade, single-crystal high pressure turbine traveling through the engine, operates blade, single-crystal high pressure turbine traveling through the engine, operates
blades, carbon seals in all bearing com- internal devices to generate pressures and blades, carbon seals in all bearing com- internal devices to generate pressures and
partments and a Full Authority Digital gases in the exhaust nozzle and thereby partments and a Full Authority Digital gases in the exhaust nozzle and thereby
Electronic Engine Control (FADEC) Sys- provide a propulsive force. The secondary Electronic Engine Control (FADEC) Sys- provide a propulsive force. The secondary
tem. (or outer) airstream is mechanically com- tem. (or outer) airstream is mechanically com-
pressed by the fan when entering the pressed by the fan when entering the
The PW2000 engine is a 2-spool axial engine and is ducted to the outside of the The PW2000 engine is a 2-spool axial engine and is ducted to the outside of the
flow turbofan engine of high compression engine a short distance from the fan at the flow turbofan engine of high compression engine a short distance from the fan at the
and bypass ratio, having 17 compressor fan discharge duct. This secondary air- and bypass ratio, having 17 compressor fan discharge duct. This secondary air-
stages, an annular combustion chamber, stream adds to the propulsive force and stages, an annular combustion chamber, stream adds to the propulsive force and
and 7 turbine stages. The low pressure increases the efficiency of the engine. The and 7 turbine stages. The low pressure increases the efficiency of the engine. The
system consists of a 5-stage low pressure engine cases are bolted together, and sup- system consists of a 5-stage low pressure engine cases are bolted together, and sup-
compressor (LPC) and a 5-stage low pres- port the inner parts of the engine through compressor (LPC) and a 5-stage low pres- port the inner parts of the engine through
sure turbine (LPT) and is mechanically struts and bearings. sure turbine (LPT) and is mechanically struts and bearings.
independent of the high pressure system independent of the high pressure system
consisting of the 12 consisting of the 12