Minister Hears of Mine Training Success: January - March 2013
Minister Hears of Mine Training Success: January - March 2013
Minister Hears of Mine Training Success: January - March 2013
Pictured at Wambo are (from left) Wambo Coal Environment and Community Manager, Troy Favell; Jason Lewin;
NSW Aboriginal Affairs Minister, Citizenship and Communities, Victor Dominello; trainee operator, Josh McGregor;
Ungooroo mentor and trainee coordinator, Stephen Schmidt; and Member for Upper Hunter, George Souris.
with industry best-practice guidance 2. F it-for-purpose operating systems, efficiency
t Downer Mining, our values are the
guiding principles not only for the way we improvement and operations excellence
Over the past year or so we have been
do business, but also for the way we behave rolling out a series of campaigns on key 3. D
isciplined implementation of our
towards each other. They make us who we are. health topics, including cardiovascular plant strategy
For this reason they are not something that health, and prostate and breast cancer. The 4.
Geographical diversity offshore
we would change without giving it a great latest of these, featuring Tina Pascoe’s battle 5. P
artnerships and alliances with clients
deal of thought. However, we have made a with breast cancer, has just been launched. and suppliers.
very important change, and I’d like to take this You can read more about this on the back
opportunity to explain why. page of this newsletter. We are now working on further developing
Our lead value Safety and the environment these business goals, as well as determining
has now become Zero Harm, and you only My sincere thanks to Tina, Tony Crilly and Darroll timing and the resources required to deliver
have to look at the last two pages of this Kowald, who have all shared their stories on one these objectives and outcomes.
newsletter to understand the reason for this. of these DVDs. I know that it took a lot of courage As you can see, ‘our people’ remains our
Our organisation now places an emphasis on to talk about the extreme health challenges No. 1 priority, as we all recognise that it’s
employee health like never before, and this is an you’ve faced. You are all shining examples of our people who make us such a successful
integral and essential part of our quest for Zero people who have so clearly demonstrated what business. I look forward to your support in
Harm to our people. I feel it would be wrong it is to live the Downer Mining values. implementing this strategy and, equally
not to recognise this in our values. importantly, I welcome your input into how we
ELT sets strategic priorities
If we help you to stay fit and healthy, we can turn these words into actions.
In March, the Executive Leadership Team got
believe we have a much better chance of
together to discuss Downer Mining’s business Regards
keeping you safe. That’s why:
strategy for the next five years. Over the past few
To supplement our three Regional Health
n months, each of our businesses has held similar
Advisors, we have recently recruited two strategic planning sessions, and our challenge
Mental Health Advisors (who will be profiled as the ELT was to ensure alignment between the David Overall
in the next edition of Mining Matters) businesses’ strategies and goals, and to clearly Chief Executive Officer
T he Plant team is always looking for new ways to improve reliability, reduce maintenance costs
and extend the component life of equipment at our sites. Contamination control is a key part
of this endeavour – making sure that dirt, metals, chemicals, water and air don’t contaminate
fluids, including oil, in our machines.
Kidney looping is an important part of our contamination control program, helping to maintain
high levels of fluid cleanliness in all machine components. Pretty much like a human kidney,
which filters waste products from the blood, the kidney loop machine filters rear axle oil, removes
contaminants, and then pumps the clean oil back into the vehicle.
Kidney loop machines are usually standalone units, but at Commodore, due to the smaller size of Oil sample before (right) and after (left)
kidney looping.
the fleet, we have installed on-board kidney loop filtration as a more cost-effective option.
A groundbreaking solution
to waste oil disposal
Pictured with Duncan (second from left) are students, Daniel Goodwin and Justin Asse, and
Rockhampton Rustlers Development Manager and academy organiser, John Harbin.
S tudents at Coppabella State School will be trading pens and paper for keyboards and computer screens after we donated six new
Dell laptops to the school in February.
The laptops will be used by students in a range of lessons, including maths, spelling and reading comprehension.
Our Contracts Manager at Daunia Mine, Paul Oram, and Technical Services Superintendent, Ian Walker, were thanked by the
school’s captains at a school parade.
“Coppabella is the closest community to the mine, so it‘s great that we could make such a practical contribution toward
the education of the school’s 24 students,” Paul responded.
Polytechnic partnership
produces industry-first
training program
Operations Manager QPAC, Brad Zillman (left), and Regional Health and Safety Superintendent, Derek Muirhead (right),
present Chief Executive Officer CQ Rescue, Mark Shield, with the cheque.
Prize money helps Presenting the cheque to A Miner’s Legacy Co-founder, Rachel Blee are
keep chopper Project Manager – Civil, Daniel Caroly (left), and HSET Superintendent – Civil, Nick Mason (right).
Kids join in
is therefore a great way to support a
service that supports us when we need
it most.
The Goonyella Riverside Civil
team won the Best HSE performance Tell us how you sTay connecTed wiTh your parenT
for a Short-Term/Small Project, and while They’re away aT work. wriTe us a sTory,
Senior Project Manager – Civil, Tom poem or song or draw a picTure.
Day, suggested they support the
inspirational work of A Miner’s Legacy. geT your enTry in before The end of
This not-for-profit foundation may by emailing us aT
was established to provide support, [email protected]
advice and assistance to families of
mineworkers involved in fatal mine The besT submission will win a $100 rebel sporT
accidents, and the donation will assist voucher, while The Two runners up will each
the foundation in its bid to improve win a $50 rebel sporT voucher.
mine safety and ultimately prevent
mining-related fatalities.
Tina (left) launched the video at an afternoon tea held at our Brisbane office on International Women’s Day.
She is pictured with Regional Health Advisor, Natasha Palethorpe, and Dr Marie Burke.
Head Office
SW1/104 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101
PO Box 8221, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
T: +61 7 3026 6666 F: +61 7 3026 6060 E: [email protected]