Exploring Fractals in Nature Puente
Exploring Fractals in Nature Puente
Exploring Fractals in Nature Puente
f1 :1
f3 : 01
A. Koch Snowflake f4 : 010
f5 : 01001
A famous example of fractals is due to Helge von Koch f6 : 01001010
(1904), who designed the Koch Snowflake. Starting with
an equilateral triangle of side length 1 unit, three equilat- The infinite Fibonacci word is the limit f∞ . Romanesco
eral triangle are constructed, as shown in Figure 1, each broccoli a fine work of art and a mathematical marvel.
having side length 1/3. This construction is then contin- If breaks off a floret, it looks like a mini broccoli with its
ued for each stage. we can continue indefinitely until nth own mini florets. Figure 2 shows the construction of the
stage. The Koch Snowflake is a curve of infinite length. fractal curves in a broccoli.
C. Barnsley fern
f (x) = ax + cy + e
f (y) = bx + dy + f
a) Electronic mail: [email protected] where a, b, c, d, e and f are constants.
where d is the scale factor for the heights and the value of
H is used to define how smooth the resulting landscape.
While H is small the surface is very rough; as H increases
FIG. 3: A fern can be constructed by a pattern of the landscape becomes smoother.
identical shapes continuously placed on top of and next
to each other.
D. Fractal Trees
The before examples are deterministic in that it al- Fractals have appeared regularly throughout the history
ways looks the same no matter the interactions. We now of art and architecture, examples of fractals span across
add some randomness to the process to be able to create many different cultures. The idea of creating fractal
n = 3k − 1 (3)