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A Susy Inspired Simplified Model For The 750 Gev Diphoton Excess

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Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 36–41

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Physics Letters B

A SUSY inspired simplified model for the 750 GeV diphoton excess
E. Gabrielli a,b,c , K. Kannike c,∗ , B. Mele d , M. Raidal c,e , C. Spethmann c , H. Veermäe c
Dipart. di Fisica Teorica, Università di Trieste, Strada Costiera 11, I-34151 Trieste, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Trieste, Via Valerio 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy
NICPB, Rävala 10, Tallinn 10143, Estonia
INFN, Sezione di Roma, c/o Dipart. di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Rome, Italy
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The evidence for a new neutral scalar particle from the 750 GeV diphoton excess, and the absence of
Received 28 December 2015 any other signal of new physics at the LHC so far, suggests the existence of new coloured scalars. To
Received in revised form 29 February 2016 study this possibility, we propose a supersymmetry inspired simplified model, extending the Standard
Accepted 29 February 2016
Model with a singlet scalar and with heavy scalar fields carrying both colour and electric charges – new
Available online 3 March 2016
Editor: A. Ringwald
scalar quarks. To allow the latter to decay, and to generate the dark matter of the Universe, we also add
a neutral fermion to the particle content. We show that this model provides a two-parameter fit to the
observed diphoton excess consistently with cosmology, while the allowed parameter space is bounded by
the consistency of the model. In the context of our simplified model this implies the existence of other
supersymmetric particles accessible at the LHC, rendering this scenario falsifiable.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3 .

1. Introduction In a recent CERN seminar both ATLAS [3,4] and CMS [5,6]
presented a photon pair excess with an invariant mass at about
The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC [1,2] completed 750 GeV, with a local significance varying (depending on the
the observation of all fundamental degrees of freedom predicted narrow- or wide-width assumption) in the range 2.6 to 3.9 σ .
by the Standard Model (SM) of particle interactions. Nevertheless, The signal also exhibits some compatibility with the photon-pair
it is widely believed that the SM suffers from a series of short- studies of Run 1 data by the CMS. Assuming that the observed
comings, related to the stability of the electroweak scale and the diphoton excess is due to a new resonance, CMS provides a com-
absence of a candidate for the dark matter (DM) of the Universe, bination of Run 1 plus Run 2 data for its production cross sec-
for instance. Solutions to these problems require extending the tion times branching fraction into photons to be 4.5 ± 1.9 fb [5].
present theoretical framework to include new degrees of freedom, The corresponding ATLAS result for 13 TeV was estimated to be
possibly relevant at the energy scales probed by colliders in the 10.6 ± 2.9 fb [7]. While further data will be needed in order to
near future. clarify whether the observed excess is robust, it is exciting to as-
The LHC Run 2 at 13 TeV collision energy provides the poten- sume that the di-photon excess is really pointing to the existence
tial to probe physics at shorter distances compared to LHC Run 1 at of new physics below a scale of 1 TeV, and to try to determine
7 TeV and 8 TeV. The exploration has just started with about 4 fb−1 which kind of SM extension can predict such an effect. Presently,
of integrated luminosity delivered to the ATLAS and CMS exper- no anomaly in any other final state has been detected [3,5], which
iments, beginning in June 2015. Searching for two-particle reso- severely restricts any realistic explanation of the excess.
nances is an especially adequate way to look for new physics man- The most natural interpretation of the observed diphoton excess
ifestations when new thresholds in collision energies are reached. is due to the decays of a singlet scalar S into photons, S → γ γ
Both ATLAS and CMS are presently analysing the new data sets, [7–26].1 The existence of light scalars much below the cut-off scale
and trying to get the most out of the very first run at 13 TeV. of the SM (such as the Planck scale) requires some mechanism to
protect their masses against radiative corrections from the cut-off

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Kannike). Solutions with pseudoscalars have also been considered in [7,27–31].

0370-2693/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by
E. Gabrielli et al. / Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 36–41 37

scale. By far the most popular solution to the hierarchy problem is

supersymmetry. However, in recent years supersymmetry has lost
some of its appeal because of the severe experimental constraints
from the LHC [3,5].
In the context of the diphoton excess the conventional super-
symmetric models, such as the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard
Model (MSSM), have several shortcomings. Firstly, the excess can-
not be explained within the MSSM alone [7,12,32,16], and the
framework must be extended to accommodate the new signal.
Assuming that the new state is a scalar singlet, the supersym-
metric theory it is embedded in could be, for example, the Next-
to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) rather than
the MSSM. Secondly, most of the diphoton excess studies so far
have assumed the existence of heavy coloured vectorlike fermions Fig. 1. Leading order contributions to the main decay modes of S.
that, at one loop, induce singlet scalar couplings to gluons and
photons [13,11,27,12,32,16,15,14,19,20,33–36,23]. In addition, new 2. The SUSY inspired simplified model
coloured fermions are severely constrained by LHC searches and
must be very heavy [3,5]. Therefore, extending the non-minimal We construct a supersymmetry inspired simplified model that
supersymmetric models further with charged and coloured vector- produces a narrow scalar resonance g g → S → γ γ . As shown in
like fermions implies that the model that is supersymmetrised is Fig. 1, its interactions with photons and gluons are therefore in-
not the SM. The model becomes unnecessarily complicated with- duced at loop level by another scalar field Q̃ that is coloured and
out any obvious need for these specific new particles. carries hypercharge, which we assume to be q Q̃ = 2/3. Q̃ is there-
In this work we argue that the diphoton excess hints at the ex- fore identical to the well known right-handed up-type squark that
istence of relatively light coloured and charged scalars. First, these transforms in the fundamental representation of SU (3) but is a
particles, the squarks, do exist in any supersymmetric extension singlet under SU (2). To avoid any conflict with LHC phenomenol-
of the SM and there is no need to extend the model with new ogy and cosmological and astrophysical observations, the squark
ad hoc particles. Second, the LHC constraints on coloured scalar Q̃ is required to be unstable. As in the supersymmetric extension
masses are much less stringent than on coloured fermions, such of the SM, we take it to decay into a quark and a neutralino-like
as gluinos.2 These arguments allow for relatively light squarks in fermion χ0 , which is the dark matter candidate in our scenario.
the loops generating g g → S → γ γ that are potentially observ- Thus we consider a minimal extension of the SM with the real
able at the LHC in coming years, rendering this scenario directly singlet scalar field S, three generations of ‘squarks’ Q̃ i and the
testable. Third, one of the favourable features of supersymmetric ‘neutralino’ χ0 . Obviously, the model with this particle-content is
models is the existence of dark matter (DM) that comes for free as by itself not supersymmetric, but requires embedding into a su-
the lightest neutral superpartner of gauge bosons and scalars. We persymmetric theory. The general Lagrangian for the given particle
use these arguments to address the LHC diphoton excess. sector contains the following terms
Motivated by the above mentioned good features of supersym- 1
metric theories, we propose a supersymmetry inspired simplified Lkin = | D μ Q̃ i |2 + (∂μ S )(∂ μ S )
model that is able to explain the diphoton excess consistently with 1 1
all other LHC results and with the existence of DM. Although min- − M 2Q̃ | Q̃ i |2 − M 2S0 S 2 + χ̄0 (∂/ − mχ0 )χ0 , (1)
2 2
imal by construction, and therefore not supersymmetric by itself,
1 †
this model uses the particle content of the NMSSM and can be em- Ldec = y χ S χ0T χ0 + ( y i Q̃ i χ0T U i R + h.c.), (2)
bedded into the latter.3 Therefore, the mass spectrum of this type 2
of supersymmetric models must be very different from the ones μS λS
Lscalar = −μ Q̃ S | Q̃ i |2 − S3 − S4
predicted by simple supersymmetry breaking scenarios. 3 4
We study this effective model carefully and show that the re- − λ S Q̃ S 2 | Q̃ i |2 − λ Q̃ | Q̃ i |2 | Q˜ j |2
quirement of a physical, charge and colour conserving vacuum re-
− λQ̃ ( Q̃ i Q̃ j )( Q̃ j Q̃ i ),
† †
stricts the allowed mass parameters to be constrained from above, (3)
rendering the model testable or falsifiable by collider experiments.
In the context of the simplified model this statement means that L H = −(μ H S + λ H S S 2 ) H † H
the effective theory breaks down and the new supersymmetric de- †
− λ H Q̃ ( Q̃ i Q̃ i )( H † H ), (4)
grees of freedom must appear to cure the model. Therefore, if ver-
ified, our framework predicts the existence of new supersymmetric with the covariant derivative D μ = ∂μ + g s T a G aμ + eq Q̃ A μ , where
particles at the reach of the next collider runs. Thus the di-photon G aμ is the gluon and A μ is the photon field, and we sum over the
excess may change our present understanding of the supersym- generation indices i for Q̃ i . We assume a flavour symmetry to for-
metry breaking patterns and the role of scalars in supersymmetric bid any other terms involving Q̃ i . Eq. (3) contains the interactions
models. among the two scalars, most importantly the first term with the
coupling μ Q̃ which has dimensions of mass.
2 We require that M χ , M Q̃ > M S /2 to forbid tree level decays
The only exception are strongly coupled scalar diquarks [37], exotic scalars cou-
pled to two valence quarks, that should produce quark–quark resonances at the of the S resonance. Also, instability of Q̃ dictates that M Q̃ > M χ .
LHC and whose masses are, therefore, constrained to be above 6 TeV [38] The mod- This choice has the benefit of providing a dark matter candidate
els with coloured scalars in the loop presented in Ref. [11] are based on diquarks
– the neutralino χ0 . It has recently been shown [10,9] that in
that are not superpartners of quarks. Also, their model does not contain dark matter
candidates. such a setup the observed amount of DM can be produced from
Alternatively, the singlet could be a sgoldstino [39–41], the superpartner of the thermal freeze-out analogously to the MSSM. Thus the DM in our
supersymmetry breaking goldstone. scenario is a thermal relic in the form of the stable neutralino χ 0 .
38 E. Gabrielli et al. / Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 36–41

To satisfy the observation DM h ∼ 0.1, the neutralino mass must

be O (300) GeV [10,9], implying a somewhat compressed spec-
The latter means that the model is less constrained by LHC
searches for squark pair production for the final state of two jets
and missing energy, since the transverse momenta of the resulting
final jets (which are the only visible objects in the event) are in
this case naturally suppressed. In our model, the scalar quarks can
be as light as 400 GeV. In [42] the ATLAS collaboration presented
search results for various SUSY decay chains following squark or
gluino pair production. For directly produced squarks with masses
above 400 GeV which directly decay to quarks and invisible neu-
tralinos, neutralino masses above 350 GeV are not excluded by all
present searches.
The couplings of the Higgs to the new scalars in Eq. (4) are
added for completeness and are constrained by electroweak pre-
cision observables and by the properties of the SM Higgs boson
Fig. 2. σ ( pp → S ) × BR( S → γ γ ) at the 13 TeV LHC. The coloured regions corre-
as measured at the LHC. These couplings can be made arbitrar-
spond to 4.5 ± 1.9 fb (inner region) and 4.5 ± 3.8 fb (outer region) corresponding
ily small without affecting our conclusions about the 750 GeV to the 1σ and 2σ regions for N f = 3 degenerate squark generations. The horizontal
resonance in this model, thus contradictions with previous mea- axis shows the mass of the coloured scalar particle Q̃ and the vertical axis the tri-
surements can always be avoided. linear S Q̃ Q̃ coupling. The grey shaded region is forbidden by the presence of colour
As we have already commented, our model does not fit into symmetry breaking assuming λ Q̃ = λ S = λ S Q̃ = 4π . (For interpretation of the ref-
erences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
the MSSM but requires some extended supersymmetric model, the
this article.)
NMSSM being the simplest of them. We note that the mass spec-
trum of such a model must feature light scalars while the gluino
λ H S λ Q̃ + θ(−λ )λ + λ H Q̃ λ S + λ S Q̃ λ H
must be heavy to comply with the LHC bound. Since our study is Q̃ Q̃
phenomenological, we just assume this supersymmetry breaking 
pattern. + 2 [λ Q̃ + θ(−λ )λ ]λ S λ H

Q̃ Q̃

3. Conditions for a physical vacuum + λ̄ S Q λ̄ H Q λ̄ H S > 0, (10)

We consider the conditions for the vacuum of the model not to where θ is the Heaviside step function. The conditions can be satis-
break colour and electric charge. We need to ensure the following: fied by taking λ S ≥ 0, λ Q̃ ≥ 0, λ ≥ 0, λ S Q̃ ≥ 0, λ H S ≥ 0, λ H Q̃ ≥ 0.

The stationary point equations for the new particles are then
1. The potential is bounded from below in the limit of large field
values. 0 = μ Q̃ | Q̃ i |2 + ( M 2S + 2λ S Q̃ | Q̃ i |2 ) S
2. The squarks Q̃ i do not get VEVs, which would break colour
+ μS S 2 + λS S 3, (11)
and electric charge. The true vacuum should be at S = 0 and
Q̃ = 0, therefore the potential has to be positive everywhere 0 = | Q̃ i |( M 2 + 2λ Q̃ | Q̃ i |2 + μ Q̃ S + λ S Q̃ S 2 ). (12)

If Q̃ i = 0, we need
V ( S = 0, Q̃ = 0) > 0. (5)

3. S does not get a VEV: a non-zero VEV for S would shift the μ2S < 4λ S M 2S (13)
mass of S away from M S .5
for S not to get a VEV. We will take μ S  0 to get the largest
allowed parameter space for the diphoton signal. However, we note
The potential must be bounded from below in order for a finite
that a small but non-zero μ S could always be generated at two
minimum of potential energy to exist. In the limit of large field val-
ues, we can ignore the dimensionful terms in the scalar potential.
S and Q̃ i could also get non-zero VEVs simultaneously. We
The full bounded below conditions can be found via co-positivity
need to forbid this to prevent a coloured vacuum. The forbidden
constraints on the quartic part of the scalar potential [43]:
part of the parameter space is found by requiring that the vacua
λ S > 0, λ Q̃ + θ(−λQ̃ )λQ̃ > 0, λ H > 0, (6) where S and Q̃ i have non-zero VEV – if they exist – are local min-
ima of the potential, that is, V > 0.

λ̄ S Q ≡ 2 λ S [λ Q̃ + θ(−λ )λ ] + λ S Q̃ > 0, (7) Note that the bound does not depend on the number of
Q̃ Q̃ flavours, which cancels out in the minimisation equations. Espe-

cially, the λ term does not affect the result, since its minimal
λ̄ H Q ≡ 2 λ H [λ Q̃ + θ(−λ )λ ] + λ H Q̃ > 0, (8) Q̃
Q̃ Q̃
 value is zero. Also, it is plausible that the bound will not be weak-
λ̄ H S ≡ 2 λ H λ S + λ H S > 0, (9) ened by much if the flavour symmetry is abandoned.
To fit the diphoton signal we need a large μ Q̃ that tends to
destabilise the SM vacuum. This effect can be countered with large
The Higgs portal couplings are already strongly constrained [23] and we neglect quartic couplings. In Fig. 2 we show the forbidden region on μ Q̃
them for phenomenological reasons. We also assume that μ H  0 to prevent a large vs. M 2 plane with gray colour for the least constraining choice
decay width of S into Higgs bosons. Q̃
A VEV for S would also generate large contribution to the mass of the squark, λ Q̃ = λ S = λ S Q̃ = 4π . In the context of this effective model, that
which would need to be fine-tuned. must be embedded into a supersymmetric model, the appearance
E. Gabrielli et al. / Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 36–41 39

of non-perturbative couplings signals the break-down of the effec- dx M 2S
tive model. This implies that the supersymmetric particles of the I pdf = ḡ (x) ḡ ≈ 5.8, (23)
full model must appear below the scale given by this constraint.
x sx
M 2S /s

4. Event rates is the dimensionless pdf integral evaluated at s = 13 TeV. Here
g (x, M S ) = ḡ (x, M S )/x is the pdf of the gluon at momentum frac-
We choose the mass of the singlet to be on the resonance, tion x evaluated at the scale M S = 750 GeV.
M S = 750 GeV. At this energy scale αs ( M S ) = 0.0894(31) [44], To reproduce the observed signal, we find that the partial decay
whereas for α = 1/137 we use the zero momentum value. From width to photons is
the CMS [5] we know that σ ( pp → S → γ γ )  4.5 fb.
The partial decay widths of the singlet S into two photons and
( S → γ γ ) ≈ (0.68 ± 0.28) MeV.
into two gluons are [45,46] The parameter space that reproduces the observed decay width
for N f = 3 generations is depicted in Fig. 2. Accounting for unitar-
α 2
M 3S 2
Q̃ ity and preserving colour and charge symmetries, it follows, that
( S → γ γ ) = N 2f N c2 q4 | A 0 (τ )|2 , (14)
1024π 3 M4 Q̃ within the 1σ band the data favours N f ≥ 2 generations of light

squarks with masses below M Q̃  800 GeV and a relatively large
αs2 M 3S μ2Q̃ coupling to the scalar S of μ Q̃  2 TeV. As was also noted in [16]
( S → gg ) = N 2f | A 0 (τ )|2 , (15) in the context of a different model, we similarly find that the sig-
512π 3 M4
Q̃ nal cannot be reproduced by a single generation of light squarks
respectively. N c = 3 denotes the dimension of the representation within 1σ .
for the squarks and N f the number of squark flavors. The scalar The most important result evident in Fig. 2 is that the allowed
loop function is given by [45] parameter space of this effective model is bounded to a small
region by the di-photon excess and by the consistency of the ef-
A 0 (τ ) = τ (1 − τ f (τ )), (16) fective model. This implies that new particles must be present in
with τ= 4M 2 / M 2S , and the universal scaling function is Nature at the scale O (1) TeV.

 √ 5. Effective field theory approach
arcsin2 1 /τ τ ≥ 1,
f (τ ) =  √ 2 (17)
− arccosh 1/τ − i π /2 τ < 1. We turn to analyse our scenario in terms of the effective La-
grangian approach. In the case the squark is heavier than the sin-
The cross section for producing the diphoton signal via the de-
glet S, the latter can acquire effective couplings with photons and
cay of S in the narrow width approximation is
gluons by integrating out the squark field. For generic squarks this
σ ( gg → S → γ γ ) = σ ( gg → S ) BR( S → γ γ ), (18) corresponds to an effective Lagrangian

where the production cross section is related to the decay width 1 1

Leff = S F μν F μν + S G aμν G aμν , (24)
into gluons by γ G
π2 where F μν and G aμν are the field strengths of the SM gauge fields,
σ ( gg → S ) = ( S → gg )δ(ŝ − M 2S ). (19) while i denote the effective scale of the non-renormalizable in-
8M S
teraction. In the simplified model considered above, the condi-
Taking into account that ( S → γ γ ) ( S → g g )  S , the tion M Q̃ M S cannot hold for physically allowed parameters, see
branching ratio reads Fig. 2. Thus the rates obtained by using the effective Lagrangian
need to explicitly account for the loop function A 0 (i.e. non-trivial
1 α2
BR( S → γ γ )  N c2 q4  0.58%, (20) scaling of i ) to get accurate results, even if the expansion E /i
2 αs2 Q̃
naively seems to be well defined.
where we used αs ( M S )  0.09, α  1/137 and assumed the up Nevertheless, the effective Lagrangian approach is very useful,
type squark with the charge q Q̃ = 2/3. We remark that if the since it allows to capture in a model-independent way the cru-
dominant decay mode of S is S → g g as assumed here, the cross cial information concerning the underlying dynamics responsible
section for the resonant production of diphotons by gluon–gluon of generating the effective coupling. If the effective operator is gen-
fusion is approximately independent of the details of the strong erated perturbatively by integrating out particles running in the
interaction since loops, its coefficient has the general form

π2 1 αi N e g Q̃ S
σ ( gg → S → γ γ )  ( S → γ γ )δ(ŝ − M 2S ). (21) = Ci, (25)
8M S i 4π m Q̃

At the level of precision considered here, we assume that this can- where C i is an O (1) factor originating from loop integrals and g S
cellation also holds if higher order corrections in αs are taken into denotes an effective coupling between S and the mediators and
account. N e is the effective number of degrees of freedom running in the
To calculate the S resonance production cross section at the loops. The cross section obtained from the effective Lagrangian is
LHC, we integrate Eq. (21) numerically using the MSTW parton dis- roughly
tribution function (pdf) set [47]
α 2 N e2 g 2S
π 2 σ ( pp → S → γ γ ) ≈ . (26)
σ ( gg → S → γ γ ) = I ( S → γ γ ), (22) 512 m2
3 pdf Q̃
8M S
√ Fixing its value to 5 fb suggests that in order to reproduce the
where s = 13 TeV is the centre of mass energy of LHC proton– required phenomenology of the observed diphoton excess, the ef-
proton collisions, and fective coupling defined by Eq. (25) should satisfy
40 E. Gabrielli et al. / Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 36–41

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