Medicion de La Luz FROOME
Medicion de La Luz FROOME
Medicion de La Luz FROOME
Author(s): K. D. Froome
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, Vol. 247, No. 1248 (Sep. 9, 1958), pp. 109-122
Published by: The Royal Society
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Accessed: 05/08/2013 06:00
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[Plate 1I
The paper describes the determination of the free-space phase velocity of electromagnetic
waves in vacuo by means of a millimetre-wave interferometer capable of high precision. As
already provisionally announced (Froonze I958) the result is:
co= 299 792*50 + 0 10 km/s,
where the variation represents the standard deviation of a single determination in statistical
combination with estimated systematic errors.
Figure 1 shows in diagrammatic form all the essential details of the interfero-
meter and associated equipment. The source of microwaves was the first harmonic
of a Pound stabilized Q-band klystron oscillator operating at 36-003 Ge/s. The
greater part of the output (about 10 mW) from this oscillator was fed by means of
a waveguide switch into one of two silicon crystal distorter units tuned for maxi-
mum harmonic output at 72-006 Ge/s. One harmonic generator was used to supply
the interferometer itself, the other for operating the refractometer by means of
which the refractive index of the air in the neighbourhood of the equipment could
be measured. This refractometer has been described elsewhere (Froome I955).
A smaller portion of the klystron power was used for driving the Pound frequency
stabilizer and a minute fraction for frequency measurement.
The measurement of microwave frequency was accomplished by comparing the
klystron output against a high harmonic of a 5 Mo/s quartz crystal standard. The
5 Mc/s was multiplied in stages of two to five times up to 600 Mc/s and then fed
into a silicon crystal harmonic generator mounted in waveguide, so that the
harmonic at exactly 36 Gc/s could be mixed with a small fraction of the klystron
output. The beat frequency between the two was detected by means of a cali-
brated communications receiver. When the refractometer was being used the
klystron frequency had to be variable (instead of constant at 36&003Gc/s) between
36-002 and 36-014 Gc/s and was set to the nearest 100 ke/s calibration point on the
communications receiver corresponding to approximate resonance of the refracto-
freuecye6vis frqunc
horn~ ~~~r\
hybrid iuinction
(beam davider)
r ~~~~~~~wave
tra'nsmitting 1< uidel
ma7m -I
_ _
__ _ _ _ _ _ movable carriage 6
wooden screens
to receiving horns
receiving horn _ receiving horn
carriage (gauge out)
2twolmn.en gaugesinlaggedboxgEx~
FIGURE 2. Method of mounting the receiving horn carriage of the 72 Gc/s microwave
interferometer in the duplex wind tunnel room.
The whole apparatus was installed in a very large wind-tunnel room. Across
the approximate centre of the room is a 'honeycomb' anti-turbulence wall and this
was used to form a convenient datum point for measurements of displacement of
the receiving carriage. Part of the carriage actually passed through a hole cut in
this wall. Figure 3, plate 1, is a photograph of the receiving carriage showing
the 'honeycomb' wall.
A highly sensitive electrical measuring head (T.T. & H. Electrolimit, divided
in units of 10p,in. (025fL) was mounted upon the 'honeycomb' wall in such a
manner as to be entirely independent of the steel bed (and concrete block) sup-
porting the carriage, except when a small ball mounted on the centre of the car-
riage (in line with the receiving horn axes) was in contact with the sensing anvil
of the Electrolimit head. Provision was made for an independent slow-motion
adjustment of the carriage.
*~~~~~~ M R |PI E
mi r C_
EU * . jl ._
*Mq 'WEb"ba
M*Ehu Ear 'C)
5 E~~~~~~
mum~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(aip 112)
(Facing P. I 1 2)
8 Vol. 247. A.
Although a full description of this device has already been published (Froome
1954), for the purpose of clarity a further summary of its mode of operation is
desirable. The basic theory is very simple: if two equal vectors, initially parallel
(equal waves in phase), are rotated in opposite directions through the same angle,
the direction of their resultant is unchanged while its amplitude is reduced.
movable slide
spring / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mi
adjustment to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ E-plane
~ ~ ~~~~~~ha
a rpilsto?nr l lossy sheet X
FIGURE 4. Auxiliary constant phase inlterferometer (c.p.i.)
All errors were of the same form, but greatly reduced in magnitude, as those
detailed in the description of the prototype interferometer. Apart from the effect
of diffraction, which reduces with increasing transmitting-receiving horn separation
and can be precisely eliminated (? 6), errors arise from: (1) multiple reflexion of
microwave energy between transmitting and receiving horns; (2) transmitted
energy scattered into the receiving horns from some fixed external surface such as
the floor; (3) errors inherent in the measurement of the refractive index of the
atmosphere, and thus in the reduction of wavelength measurements made in air to
the vacuum condition; (4) errors due to imperfections in the c.p.i.; (5) the errors,
already discussed, due to possible differences between the geometrical and micro-
wave axes of the four horns.
Error (1) depends only upon the separation between the transmitting and re-
ceiving horns and reverses for a 'A displacement of the receiving carriage. Thus,
this error was eliminated by making at least two wavelength measurements, the
carriage for the second being displaced by 1A from its initial setting.
The disturbance due to the second effect, always less than 1 part in 106, was
eliminated by making a number of wavelength measurements for slightly differing
transmitting-receiving horn separations, the transmitting horns being set in steps
a total of a few wavelengths either side of the mean position selected for a given
diffraction effect. Thus, the phase of the direct transmission to the receiving horns
was varied relative to scattered radiation without in any way upsetting the
evaluation of diffraction.
The estimated accuracy of the refractive index measurement was + 1.1 parts
in 101. Great care had to be exercised in order to ensure equilibrium between the
water vapour in the air sample passing through the refractometer and water
atoms occluded by the cavity walls. It was necessary to circulate the air for at least
2 h before making a refractive index measurement (i.e. before evacuating the
cavity resonator and noting the change of resonant frequency); thus only one
determination could be made at the middle of the period occupied by each wave-
length measurement. Actually, the interferometer could only be used on cloudy
z Al + A2
A A4
Z3 + 4+ (1)
The constants A1, A2, etc., are a function of horn-aperture field distributions
and are independent of z. For plane wavefronts at the mouth of the tranismitting
horns and plane receiving surfaces the even-order terms A2,A4, etc., vanish and
the series converges rapidly. When phase errors are present at the horn apertures
the convergence is somewhat slower and the experiments must be planned so that
orders higher than 1/z3 are negligible. The first term of the series corresponds to
the truly spherical received wavefront condition and dominated all the other
terms for the experiments with the four-horn interferometer. The method of
evaluating the diffraction correction is such that the greater the ratio of the
A1/z term to all the other terms in the series, the less need be known about the
actual aperture field distributions.
The interference equation may be written
-INA=A-(DZ1-DZ2), (2)
where N is the number of half-waves (970) in the carriage displacement, Az.
(AZ = Z2- Z1) z1 and Z2 are the transmitter-receiver separations for each end of
the carriage displacement. (The carriage was disposed symmetrically between
the transmitting horns.) A is the true free-space wavelength in air.
In order to minimize the effect of uncertainty in the knowledge of horn aperture
distributions, (2) is best written
where the horn aperture dimensions are 2a in the H-plane and 2b in the E-plane.
If smoothly varying aperture phase errors (zero on horn axis) of magnitude
Pa2, Qb2(cm) at the horniedges are introduced, D, becomes
DZ= (l/k) [Afl/z - A2f82/z2-A3183/z3
+ O(L/z4) +***] (6)
where kl =2/A,
Ih=4(XI + U1),
(2/if)(Y1+V1) + 4(Y2+ V2+ 2XYl + 2U1V1)
= (2/7T)[(3X2+ 5X1-5 L)+ (3U2+ 5U21 512) +4(X1U1-Y1Vi)]
+ 8[1X3 + 3X1X - 3Y1Y2 + IOX,Y,2- OX3/3
+K3U3+ 3U1U2-3Vy2+10U1712--IU13U3],
with X1 = a2l(02976-0 0227p2-00004p4)
X =aa4(O 1942 - 0308p2 - 0.0002p4),
= 1662- 0 -380p2-O.OOlp4),
Y3 a2(O-1057p- 00020p3-0O0002p5),
Y2= a4(0 1084p-OsOO43p3-00002p5),
U1= b(O5236- 0*0328q2- 0-0033q-O0003q6),
U2 - - 0061 8q2- 00052q4- 0 0003q6),
U3 = b6(05537- 0 0957q2- 00073q4 - 00004q6),
V1= b2(02193q + 0O0069q3),
V2-b4(0O2953q+ 0-0059q3- 00003q5- -0001lq7),
Table 1 gives the measured phase velocities for the seven different positions of
the transmitting horns.
Table 2 shows the corresponding values of co after removal of the diffraction
8. DiscussIoN
When the same value is assigned to the part of the length-bar combination used
for the experiment described herein and with the earlier equipment, the value for
co obtained with the prototype becomes 299 792-75 ? 03 km/s. In view of this
agreement there can be no doubt that the methods used with the prototype for
eliminating the disturbing effects of diffraction, scatter, etc., must have been very
satisfactory-in particular the accuracy of assessment of diffraction must have
been excellent, for corrections of up to 100 km/s were applied at the smallest
transmitting-receiving horn separations. Since the 72 Gc/s interferometer has
been used in an identical manner, but with a figure of improvement for those
effects of more than one order of magnitude, the estimated accuracy of this inter-
ferometer should also be correct.
The estimated accuracy of the determination of the length-bar combination
refers to interferometric measurement in terms of the red line of the cadmium
spectrum as emitted by the standard Michelson lamp running at the specified
conditions. The most recent information placed before the Consultative Committee
for the Definition of the Metre, in September 1957, shows that this source is re-
producible to 1 part in 107, or slightly better, and this is considered to be the
accuracy of determination of the length of the 1 m X-seetion end-bar. The ad-
ditional 1 part in 107 given in table 3 is due to further uncertainties arising from
The author wishes to acknowledge the very great assistance received from the
following sources: The Royal Radar Establishment for the Pound microwave
frequency stabilizers and many excellent component designs; Mr C. W. Clenshaw
of the Mathematics Division (N.P.L.) for evaluating diffraction integrals; Dr L.
Essen for the provision of the frequency standard and many helpful suggestions;
Mr D. C. Barnes for designing the receiving carriage;MrsP. Anderton who made
the actual wavelenth measurements and assisted in many other aspects of the
determination; the MetrologyDivision workshop for the willing co-operation and
great care in construction of all the apparatus, particularly the constant-phase
interferometerand other waveguide components.
The work describedforms part of the researchprogramof the Nationa:lPhysical
Laboratoryand is published by permissionof the Director of the Laboratory.
Bergstrand, E. 1957 Ann. fran9. Chronom. 11, 97.
Essen, L. 1950 Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 204, 260.
Essen, L. 1953 Proc. Phy8. Soc. B, 66, 189.
Essen, L. & Froome, K. D. I95I Proc. Phy8. Soc. B, 64, 862.
Froome, K. D. 1952 Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 213, 123.
Froome, K. D. 1954 Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 223, 195.
Froome, K. D. 1955 Proc. Phy8. Soc. B, 68, 883.
Froome, K. D. 1956 J. Brit. Instn. Radio Engr8, 16, 497.
Froome, K. D. 1958 Nature, Lond. 181, 258.
Mulligan, J. F. & McDonald, D. F. 1957 Amer. J. Phy8. 25, 180.
Sears, J. E. & Barrell, H. 1932 Phil. Tran8. A, 231, 75.