AWS AWN (1979) ArcWelding&CuttingNoise

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Arc Welding
Cutting Noise
A research report on one aspect
of the welding environment

Based on research performed at Battelle-

Columbus Laboratories under contract
with The American Welding Society and
supported by industry contributions
Under the direction of the AWS Committee
onsafety and Health, Project Committee
VI on Noise
Edited by Frank Y. Speight, Secretary,
and Hallock C. Campbell, Consultant



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Library of Congress Number: 79-51314
International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-176-1

American Welding Society, 2501 N.W. 7th Street, Miami, FL 33125

01979 by American Welding Society

All rights reserved

Note: By publication of this book, the American Welding Society does not insure anyone utilizing the book against
liability arising from its use. A publication of a book or standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it
the right to make, use, or sell any patented items, Each prospective user should make an independent investigation.

Printed in the United States of America


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Personnel ..................................................................................... v
Acknowledgement ................................................................................ vi
Summary ..................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................... 2
TechnicalDisciission ............................................................................ 2
AWS Method for Sound Level Measurement of Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
6 Equipment .................................................................................. 2
CommentsonSection6 ....................................................................... 2
7 Precautions ................................................................................ 4
Comments on Section 7 .................................................... .................. 6
8 Sampling .................................................................................. 7
CommentsonSection8 ....................................................................... 7
9 Preparation of Equipment ..................................................................... 7
CommentsonSection9 ....................................................................... 8
10. Calibration ........................................ .......................................... 8
Comments on Section 10 ............................ .......................................... 8
11 . Procedure ....................................... ........................................... 8
Comments on Section 11 ........................... .......................................... 8
12. Report ......................................... .......................................... 9
Comments on Section 12 ........................... .......................................... 9
Results and Conclusions ............................... .......................................... 9
Recommendationsfor Future Work ...................... .......................................... 10
Appendix A : Method for Sound Level Measurement of Manual .rc Welding and Cutting Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Appendix B: Table B1 and Data Sheets for Noise Measurement of Arc Welding and Cutting Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


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Personnel :. .

AWS Committee on Noise

N. B.Shankland, Chairman Sciaky Brothers, Incorporated

E Z Speight. Secretary American Welding Society
K.L. Brown Lincoln Electric Company
N. De Tarnowsb American National Standards Institute
O. J . Fisher Babcock and Wilcox
R . Heytnann* U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency
A . E Manz Linde Division, Union Carbide Corporation
J . A . Northlip, Jr. Norton Company
C . Rodman Battel le-Columbus Laboratories
E Sachs U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency
D.W Schmerling Alloy Rods Division,
Allegheny Ludlum Industries
J . S,Senesky Airco Welding Products
C . E . Strain Hobart Brothers Company
H . Trabbold Arcair Company

*Presently with U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency

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This report was prepared by Charles W. Rodman, Lynn Faulkner, and Donald Skaggs of Battelle-Columbus
Laboratories, dated November 4,1977. For publication it was edited by Frank Y. Speight and Hallock C.
Campbell to AWS style, and the final version of AWS F6.1-78, Method for Sound Level Measurement of
Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes, has been substituted for the draft version supplied to Battelle.


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Arc Welding and Cutting Noise

SUMMARY from room surfaces, and physical size of the space. The
background sound levels should be a minimum of 10 dB
below the levels to be measured from the welding
Measurem nts of the noise produced by four arc weld- process. Acoustically reflecting surfaces, particularly
ing processes and one arc cutting process were evaluated walls, mustbe covered temporarily during measurements.
under standardized measurement conditions now incor- This can be easily achieved by using 4 ft x 8 ft x 2 in.
porated in AWS F6.1-78, Method for Sound Level Mea- (I .22 x 2.44 x 0.05 m) high-density glass fiber panels to
surement of Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes. completely surround the measurement location. These
Several important areas were surveyed or reviewed: panels need not be permanently attached to walls. The
(I) Measurement equipment and calibration procedures room within which the acoustic measurements are to be
(2) Qualification of the measurement space acous- taken must be large enough to allow microphone position-
tically ing at specified locations that will not be close to room
(3) Evaluation of the sound measurement procedures surfaces: that is, walls or ceiling. It is recommended that
in the qualified space at least 8 ft (2.44 m) of clear space be available on all
The conclusions regarding these items are as follows: sides and above the welding table.
( I ) Equipment. Manufacturer’s procedures and (3) Measurement procedure. The measurement
recommendations must be followed with regard to cali- procedure described in the proposed stanàard was found
bration of sound measuring instruments, microphone to be acceptable for determination of noise levels from
placement (relative to observer and reflecting surfaces), welding processes. It is important to maintain the weld-
microphone orientation (angular orientation of micro- ing process as nearly as possible in a stationary loca-
phone axis in relation to sound source), and wind screen tion while making noise measurements. A stationary
corrections. Using the recommended procedures, repeat- source and a moving workpiece are recommended.
able measurements within stated limits can be obtained. Recommendations are made for future investigation of
(2) Measurement space. Qualification of the mea- the procedure sensitivity to small variations in location
surement space was found to be less difficult than antici- of microphones, and to variations in spectra of the pro-
pated. The major criteria are background sound levels cess noise and the ambient sound. Conducting a round
due t o other sources in the space, reflection of sound robin test of this method is also recommended.

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As part of an overall program to investigate the in- 6.1 Sound level measurements shall be made using a
fluence of welding operations on the environment of the sound level meter configuration conforming with the
workplace, Battelle-Columbus Laboratories carried out requirements of ANSI S1.4 (paragraph 2.1) for type I
a series of noise measurements designed to quantify the meters.
noise generated by arc welding and cutting processes. 6.2 Equipment shall be located in accordance with Fig.Al
The measurement procedure was selected by the Amer- in Appendix A, p. 18.
ican Welding Society’s Safety and Health Project Com-
mittee VI on Noise. The processes to be measured were 6.3 The equipment shall be used in a test site that meets
selected by Project Committee VI11 on Research. the requirements of 9.1 (for outdoor locations), or 9.2
In addition to obtaining data on process noise, one (for semianechoic test rooms), or 9.3 (for in-plant
of Battelle’s objectives, as specified by AWS, was to locations).
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed AWS F6.1-78,
Method for Sound Level Measurement of Arc 6.4 Octave band filter sets, if used, shall meet the re-
Welding and Cutting Processes, at that time not yet quirements of ANSI SI.11-1966 for Class II filters.
approved for publication. The octave band frequencies shall be those tabulated in
Over half of the Battelle effort consisted of partici- ANSI S1.4-1971.
pation in the deliberations of the Committee on the draft Note: The actcriv bniid filter set is required oiily for the evnliiii-
procedure and in preliminary evaluation of the room tiori of the acoustic eiiviroiiiiietit occurring nt the test site.
qualification requirements of the procedure. The ad hoc
task group charged with drafting the procedure released
the procedure to Battelle on July 19, 1977, and the list
of processes to be measured was received from the Re-
search Committee approximately one week later. Mea- Comments on Section 6
surements were started on August 9, 1977, and completed 6.1 The sound level meter used by Battelle was the
August 16,1977. GenRad Model 1933 Precision Sound Level Meter with
Octave Band Analyzer. A one inch (25.4 mm) electret
TECHNICAL DISCUSSION microphone with a foam wind screen recommended by
GenRad was used for the measurements. The wind
The proposed Method for Sound Level Measurement of screen introduces less than -0.5 dB error at frequencies
Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes was followed up to 5 kHz, and approximately 2 dB in the range 5 kHz
as closely as possible in order to evaluate the effective- to 12 kHz. The effect of the wind screen on A-weighted
ness of the document. In some cases additional measure- broad band sound cannot be predicted unless the spec-
ment locations and process settings were used to provide tral content of the sound is known; however, the error
insight into the sensitivity of the results to these variables, should not exceed 2 dB,
No attempt was made to analyze the results obtained
since this was not included in the scope of the research 6.2 Figure I, p. 3, shows the layout of the measurement
program. However, comments on the results are in- area used. The sound level measurements of manual arc
cluded, where appropriate. welding and cutting processes were conducted in a simu-
The format for the following discussion of the stan- lated in-plant location. The test site was a laboratory space
dard and its application consists of statements of each in a steel frame building with corrugated steel panel walls.
section, alternating with descriptions of the manner in The acoustical absorption of the thermal insulation on
which Battelle used each section in carrying out t h e the inside of the walls was augmented by placing 4 ft by
measurements, 8 ft by 2 in. (1.22 x 2.44 x 0.05 m) high-density’ acous-
tical glass fiber panels around the perimeter of the measure-
AWS Method for Sound Level Measurement ment space. The dimensions of the building, consisting
of Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes of a single open area, are 18 ft by 60 ft (5.49 by 18.29 m)
long, by 14 ft (4.27 m) high. The measurement space, as
The draft standard, as finally presented to Battelle, defined by the acoustically absorbent panels, was 24- 1 /2
was essentially the same as the standard now published. ft by 17-1/4 ft (7.47 x 5.26 m). The test site had a concrete
The experimental conditions to be tested were chosen floor extending the width of the room. The glass fiber
by the AWS Committee on Noise and were those listed panels were at a distance of no less than 5 ft (1.52 m) from
in the standard, plus readings with the microphone at any measurement point.
the position occupied by the welder or welding operator.
Following are sections of the draft procedure used by
Battelle in performing the noise measurements, The
approved standard procedure appears as Appendix A. I . The panels used have a densify of 0.375 ib/ft (1.83 kglm).


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AWS AWN 77 m 07842b5 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 & m

Technical Discussion 13

tO 0 0 Shielding gases

7 f t 10 in.
(2.39 rn) c-
35 ft
/--Garage door

r Welding table

Sound level meter,

voltage and current

8ft8in. I 15 ft 10 in.
meter 7
(4.83 rn)
power supply
9 ft 5 in.
Glass fiber (Outside building]

panels \
Outside wall
I \

Note: Not to scale
Fig. 1-Layout of test site


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6.3 The acoustic environment at the measurement points ficiently free field acoustic condition. One direction,
was determined to be free field by measuring the rate M4, was deficient at 8 kHz with a decrease of only 3 dB.
of decrease of the sound level along imaginary lines The data are summarized in the Appendix, Table BI.
passing through the measurement points. A calibrated
ILG fan, used as the sound source, was placed on the
floor at the nominal location of the arc. No welding table 7. Precautions
was present. Octave band sound level measurements
were made along four radial lines (through points M2, 7.1 Technical Precautions
M3, M4, and M5 of Fig. 1, p. 3) at distances of 39 in. 7.1.1 The sound level meter and the meter calibrator
( 1 m> and 79 in, (2 m) from the arc, Measurements were shall be stabilized at the ambient test site conditions
made at octave bands having center frequencies at 125 Hz before and use.
through 8000 Hz. The results of the sound levei measure- 7.1.2 The ambient sound level (including wind effects)
ments at points on each of the four radial lines are shown shall be at least 10 dB lower than the level produced
on pp. 4 to 6, Fig. 2 through Fig. 5? Except for one direc- by the arc Processes under test. A calibrated wind-
tion, the decrease in octave band sound level with doubling screen is r~Ommendedfor outdoor measurements.
of distance from the fan to the microphone was at least 5 7.1.3 Outdoor measurements are not recommended
dB. A difference of this magnitude is indicative of a suf- when the wind velocity exceeds 12 mPh (5.4 mlsec.)
7.1.4 CAUTION: Heat and spatter associated with the
arc process may damage the measurement equipment.
It is recommended that the microphone be protected by
2. Optional readings at 63 Hz have been plotted in the figures but not a calibrated windscreen. It should be recognized that
included in Table BI. damage may be sustained by the windscreen.

I l I I I I l I

- i- 1 Meter -
0 2 Meters
90 - I Range of ambient -
U at indicated band
m -

m -

50 - -

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band center frequency, Hz

(Data shown in Figs. 2-5 are presented in tabular form in Table BI.)
Fig. 2-Acoustic environment along measurement direction 2


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AWS AWN 7 9 U 0784265 QQ002brl I U

Technical Discussionl5

I I I I I I I l

f 1 Meter
90 -
o 2 Meters
I Range of ambient
- - a t indicated band
W> -
E 80 -
a -

:60 I

50 1
500 1000
Octave band center frequency, Hz

(Data shown in Figs. 2-5 are presented in tabular form in Table Bi.)
Fig. 3 -Acoustic environment along measurement direction 3

I I I I I I 1 I

+ 1 Meter
o 2 Meters
rn Range of ambient
U I at indicated band


70 -
- + + + t
o o t
o o t
60 - o
- $ o

50 -

I I I I I I 1 I

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band center frequency, Hz
(Data shown in Figs. 2-5 are presented in tabular form in Table BI.)
Fig. 4-Acoustic environment along measurement direction 4


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AWS AWN 7 7 m 078L12b5 0 0 0 0 2 b 5 3 m



+ 1 Meter
0 2 Meters
90 - I Ra,nge of ambient
U at indicated band
e 80-
eCl - +
z 70- I
+ + + t
o t +
m - o o o o o
n o
r2 60-
50 - I
I I * I I I 1 I I

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band center frequency, Hz
(Data shown i n Figs, 2-5 are presented in tabular form in Table BI.)
Fig. 5-Acoustic environment along measurement direction 5

7.1.5 The test site (paragraph 6.3) shall be free from Comments on Section 7
all equipment, personnel, or other objects not directly in-
volved with the test. It is recommended that, if avail- 7.1.1 The sound level meter and calibrator were left in
able, a microphone extension cable be used and the body the test area at all times during the measurement pro-
of the sound level meter be located remote from the mea- gram to assure that they were stabilized to room tempera-
surement point." ture.
7.1.6 Orient the microphone in accordance with the 7.1.2 For the majority of the measurements, it was
manufacturer's instructions in order to yield the best possible to comply with the requirement to have the am-
possible frequency response at free field conditions. bient sound level at least IO dB lower than the process
7.1.7 Follow the meter manufacturer's recom- noise; however, for one set of measurements (GTAW),
mendations for avoiding errors due to stray electromag- the process noise level was so low it was not feasible
netic radiation or humidity and temperature. to do so.
7.1.4 The wind screen was inspected frequently for
7.2 Safety Precautions damage by weld splatter. No damage was incurred during
CAUTION: Certain arc processes generate high sound the measurement program.
levels which may be hazardous to the hearing of person- 7.1.5 All sound level measurements were made with
nel in the test site. Hearing protection, such as earplugs the welding power supply placed outside the building in
or muffs, should be worn unless it has been determined which the test room was located. The sound level meter
that the arc process under test is not hazardous to hearing. (except for the microphone) and the voltage and current
Ail other work practices shall be in accordance with meters were placed outside the boundaries of the test

ANSI 249.1 (paragraph 2.8). area, beyond the absorbant panels. A microphone exten-
sion cable conforming to the recommendations of the
meter manufacturer was used. The only person inside
*If a microphone extension cable is used, it shall conform to the rec-
ommendations of the meter manufacturer for maintaining the integrity the test area at the time of the measurements was the
of a Q p e 1 measurement. welder. When GMA and FCA welding were performed,

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AUS AWN 7 9 m 07842b5 00002bb 5 I

Technical Discussion 17

a wire feeder was located in the test area. The wire feeder 8.3 Three case conditions were investigated for each
gun was rigidly supported above the table at the correct type of welding. Case A measurements were ambient
distance for the test being conducted. (It should be noted readings with the equipment operating but with no arc.
that the wire feeder was in the test area only when Case B measurements were made with maximum recom-
GMA and FCA welding were performed.) mended operating conditions for the process being mea-
7.1.6 The microphone, with an approved windscreen, sured. When the equipment range was not adequate to
was oriented in accordance with the manufacturer’s in- supply process power, maximum recommended equip-
structions in order to yield the flattest possible frequency ment settings were used to establish the process operating

response at free field conditions. conditions. Case C measurements were made within min-
7.1,7 A series of measurements was made with a imum recommended operating conditions for the process
dummy microphone installed on the microphone pre- being measured. When the equipment range was not
amplifier. The meter indication. remained at 22 dBA adequate to supply the specified process power, the min-
when the arc was operating, indicating no influence by imum recommended equipment setting was used to es-
the arc or cable fields on the preamp or the line leading tablish the process operating conditions. On some oc-
to the remote sound levei meter. casions, a Case D measurement was taken. Case D mea-
7.2 The welding operator was an experienced welder surements were made with average or normal operating
on the Battelle technical staff. He is familiar with the conditions for the process being measured, as defined
requirements of ANSI 249-1 and the need to comply by the operator.
with the special requirements of the draft procedure. He
is the same operator who assisted with the ventilation 9. Preparation of Equipment
tesfs and the fume tests conducted as part of the overall
AWSIBattelle program. Other personnel remained out- 9.1 An outdoor location may be used as the test site if
side the test area, behind the acoustic panels. it is a flat area free of any large reflecting surfaces, such
as buildings, signboards, or hillsides, within 50 €t(15 m) of
the arc. The surface of the ground must be free from
8. Sampling snow, long grass, loose rock, ashes, or other absorptive
material within 4.4 ft ( I .4 m) of any measurement point.
8.1 Measurements shall be made at locations specified in
Fig. L3p. 15. 9.2 A semianechoic test room may be used as the test site
if it meets the following requirements:
8.2 Measurements shall be recorded on a form essenfially
similar to that shown in Fig. 2,3 p. 16. 9.2.1 The floor shall be hard and shall extend the
width of the test room. The average sound absorption co-
8.3 Case conditions shown on Fig. 2,3 p. 16. efficient of the hard floor shall not exceed 0.1 (a con-
8.3.1 Case A.-Al1 equipment operating but without crete floor is suitable). The sound absorptive treatment
arc initiation. This may require relocation of some equip- of the other surfaces shall be uniformly distributed and
ment outside of the test site, in order to meet the require- their average sound absorption coefficient shall be equal
ments of paragraph 7.i. to or greater than 0.99 over the frequency range of 125
to 8000 Hz.
8.3.2 Case B-Maximum recommended operating
parameters for the process being measured when the 9.2.2 The room dimensions shall be sufficient so that
equipment range is adequate to supply process power. no measurement point is closer than 26 in. (670 mm) to
Otherwise maximum recommended equipment setting is an absorptive surface or wall.
used to establish the process operating parameters. Refer 9.2.3 There shall be no acoustically reflecting sur-
to paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7. faces other than the floor and obstacles associated with
8.3.3 Case C-Minimum recommended operating the test.
parameters for process being measured when the equip-
ment range isadequate to supply the process power. Other- 9.3 An in-plant location may be used as the test site if it
wise minimum recommended equipment setting is used meets the following requirements:
to establish the process operating parameters. Refer to 9.3.1 The floor shall be acoustically reflective. A con-
paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7. crete, sealed asphalt, or similar hard floor material is
Comments on Section 8 9.3.2 There shall be no hard reflective surface other
than the floor within 4.4 ft. (1.4 m) of any measurement
8.1 The sound level measurements were made at the five point.
locations shown in Fig. 1 of AWS F6.1-78, see p. 15, and
at the level of the welder’s ear (M6), see Fig. AI, p. 18. 9.3.3 The acoustic environment at the measurement
points shall be approximately free field. The existence
3. Seecomplete standard in Appendix A. of a free field condition shall be determined by measur-

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AWS AWN 77 07ôq2b5 0 0 0 0 2 6 7 7 U


ing the rate of decay of the sound level at the measure- Comments on Section i0
ment points. A sound source4 shall be placed at the loca-
tion of the arc. Octave band sound level measurements The sound level meter and acoustic calibrator used for
shall be made along four radial lines at distances of 39 in. the measurements were calibrated by the manufacturer,
(i m) and 79 in. (2 m) from the arc. Measurements shall GenRad, in September, 1976. The sound level meter
be made at octave bands having center frequencies at 125 was calibrated, using the GenRad Model 1562-A 5-fre-
Hz through 8000 Hz. To be classified as approximately quency calibrator, at the beginning and end of each mea-
free field, the difference in sound pressure level mea- surement series. (A series consists of all the measurements
sured at the two distances should be 4 dB or greatet5 required for a specific process.)

Comments on Section 9 U. Procedure

The test location used is typical of an in-plant location, 111 Set up the arc welding or arc cutting process as
with overhead duct work and a high ceiling. The con- illustrated in Fig. i, p. 15.
crete floor hada shallow pit directly under the work table. 11.2 Field check the sound level meter (refer to 10.2)
The pit was partially covered witbplywood and two ad- calibration.
jacent sides were lined with glass fiber acoustical material
to suppress the formation of acoustic standing waves in 11.3 Set the sound level meter to A-weighting, slow
the cavity. As mentioned earlier, the metal walls of the response.
building were lined with thermal insulation batting and ad- 11.4 Measure the ambient sound level at each of the
ditional acoustic panels were installed temporarily. The measurement points shown in Fig. i (omit point M6).
minimum distance from any measurement point to absor-
bant panel was 94 inches. The minimum overhead dis- 11.5 For each of the arc operating conditions of 8.3,
tance was 99 inches. measure the sound level at measurement points shown on
Fig. 1, p. 15. The measured sound level shall be the value
9.3 As described in the comment for section 6.3, the of central tendency during a five (5) second time period,
measurement space was satisfactory from the standpoint rounded off to the nearest even integer, when the meter
of free field performance. fluctuation is 3 dB or less. When the fluctuation is greater
than 3 dB, the recorded value shall be 3 dB less than the
maximum value observed.
10. Calibration 11.6 Repeat 11.5 two times for a total of three runs.
10.1 All sound measurement equipment shall have been 11.7 Repeat the ambient sound measurements and field
calibrated as specified by the manufacturer, but in no check of the sound level meter calibration.
case shall the period between calibrations be longer than Note: Field check of the sound level meter calibration
one year, Calibration shall be performed by the manu- and measurement of ambient sound level shall be per-
facturer, his designated representative, or a calibration formed immediately before and after each period of test-
laboratory. ing, If the above testing is interrupted, then additional
field checks and ambient sound measurements shall be per-
10.2 The sound level meter calibration shall be field
formed if required.
checked according to the manufacturer's recommen-
Comments on Section 11
At the beginning of each test period, the sound level
meter was checked for calibration, using the 5-frequency
acoustic calibrator. The sound level meter was then set
to A-weighting, slow response. The ambient sound level
was taken at each of the six measurement points. Then,
for each arc process, the sound level was measured over
4. Suitable sound sources are the calibrated iLG fan available from ILG a five (5) second time period with the aetual reading
Industries, Chicago, Illinois, or the type 4204 Reference Sound Source being the central tendency during that time rounded off
available from B&K, Cleveland, Ohio.
5 . Free-field conditions occur when the difference in the sound level at to the nearest even integer. If the meter fluctuation hap-
39 in. ( I m) vis-a-vis that at 79 in, (2 m) is 6 dB. A difference of less pened to be greater than 3 dB, then the recorded value
than 6 dB is an indication that some reverberation is occurring. It is was 3 dB less than the measured value observed. The
recommended that in-plant locations having a difference of less than measurement at each location was repeated two addi-
4 dB not be used as measurement sites because the measured values
would be higher than would be produced by the same arc under purely tional times for a total of three runs. The calibration was
free field conditions such as would occur in outdoor locations. then re-checked.


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Technical Discussion!B

12. Report that available in the test room and the minimum pressure
used was that pressure needed to barely carry the molten
121 Record all measured values on test data sheets such metal out of the cut and off the welding table. GTA weld-
as the exanlple shown in Fig. 2, p. 16. ing produced-the problem of having too little difference
12.2 Calculate the arithmetic average of the three sound between the ambient sound levels and those produced
level values for each Iocation and each arc operating by the welding process. In order to alleviate this problem,
condition. Round off the average to the nearest integer, the power supply, which was outdoors, was oriented in
In case of 0.5, round off to the nearest even integer. Enter such a way that the blower outlet was directed away from
the average values on the data sheet. the test area. Also, glass fiber panels were put around
the power supply. GMA welding had an interesting fea-
12.3 Sketch a layout of the test site showing the loca- ture in that the sound levels recorded overhead were
tions of the measurement points, configuration of the somewhat lower than the other locations. It was thought
arc Set-up, and the location of any other objects or per- that the welder’s arm might have been causing this re-
sonnel in the test site on a form such as shown on Fig. 3, duction, since it was necessary to reach over the table
p. 17. Include descriptions of the acoustical measurement to start the wire feeder and the welding process.
instrumentation and the arc process workpiece. Operating
conditions in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 are to be described on a
form essentially similar to that shown in Fig. 3. This
will include arc voltage and current, as well as other in-
formation described as “essential variables’’ in the refer- RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS
ence of paragraph 2.4.
The data sheets completed during the measurement
12.4 Conformance with this standard method, to the
program are reproduced as Appendix B. In practically
extent true, shall be stated in the test report. Any devia-
all cases, the results of three different measurements of a
tion from recommended procedures or practice shall be specific process at aspecificlocation were within k 2 dB.
noted, together with the reason for doing so, and an es-

Relative noise levels of various arc welding processes
timate of the change in accuracy resulting from the
can be seen in Fig. 6, p. 10, which summarizes the pro-
deviation. cesses investigated and their range of noise levels. The
figure shows the range from minimum to maximum A-
weighted sound level measured at the five primary meas-
Comments on Section 12 urement locations, over the range of welding current, for
each process and condition.
The completed data sheets for the measurements per- From the information shown in the figure, the pro-
formed are presented in Appendix B. The data sheets cesses can be rank ordered with respect to noise as fol-
are essentially the same as those suggested by the draft lows: GTAW is quietest, with SMAW, GMAW, and
procedure. FCAW following in order of increasing loudness, except
“Special” conditions are shown on individual data for the special case when FCAW is used with stainless
sheets as appropriate. Some of these conditions are de- base and wire materials, and the resulting sound level is
scribed in the following paragraph. more nearly like that of GTAW. There is also some in-
Each of the welding processes tested had its own dication of an increase in noise with a decrease in current
special conditions. For example, in SMA welding, which down to the point of arc instability. Air carbon arc cutting
was the first type testeà, it was found that the position has a characteristically high noise level.
of the welder had an effect on the sound level measure- In general, the conclusion is that the techniques spelled
ments. At position M4, readings were first taken with out in the proposed Method for Sound Level Measure-
the welder standing between the arc and the microphone. ment of Manual Arc Welding and Cutting Processes are
These readings were between 5 and 6 dB less than if he adequate for setting up and’ qualifying a measurement
were standing off to one side. After this observation, all space and performing the noise measurements required.
subsequent readings were taken with the welder standing Precision and accuracy should be considered from two
so as to not be between the arc and the microphone.6The different points of view. The first consideration is for
air carbon arc process produced a difficulty in which a precision and accuracy of the sound measurements. This
constant current Ievel could not be obtained. Therefore, is primarily a function of the condition and calibration of
it was decided to change the air pressure used to clear the noise measuring equipment used. The second is the
away the molten metal. The maximum pressure used was precision and accuracy of the method. Determination of
values for precision and accuracy of the method cannot
be done with a single set of measurements. Rather, the
6. Figure I, p. 15, shows the ear of the welder or operator at the side of
the tablein front of microphone location M2, which, accordingly, was a same process must be measured by several investigators,
suitable position for readings at M3, M4, and M5. For reading M2, the and some standard value must be agreed upon, before
welder or operator worked from one of the other sides of the table. the precision and accuracy are known.

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Process Rod' Base' A-weighted sound pressure level, dB2

- Material Thickness Material
_ ___ Amperes
__ 40 60 80 loo 120
in. (mm) in. (min)
GTAW 3/32 (2.4) ER308-L 1/2 (12.7) ss 130-190 ,V.'.
GMAW .O45 (1.1) E7OS-3 3/4 (19.2) MS 210-275 ...
FCAW 3/32 (2.4) E308-L 1/2 (12.7) ss 130- I90 $$$i
FCAW 3/32 (2.4) E70T-I 3/4 (19.1) MS 290-540 .........

FCAW 3/32 (2.4) E70T-4 3/4 (19.1) MS 260-5 I5 ?;;??:$p:

SMAW 5/32 (4.0) E60101P 3/4 (19.1) MS 130-190 ;.:.;.;.
SMAW 5/32 (4.0) E6OIOIP 3/4 (19.1) MS 115-180
SMAW 5/32 (4.0) E7018 318 ( 9.5) MS 130- I90 :F.F.s
AAC 3/16 (4.8) CC 314 (19.1) MS NA $$$flfl
AAC 3/16 (4.8) CC 3/4 (19.1) MS NA ..........
I. See Data Sheets for detailed information
2. The dotted bars following each process description represent the range of sound pressure levels measured at the five primary locations over the
range of current values used (eliminating measurement M6 at the level of the welder's or operator's ear).

Fig. 6-Relative A-weighted sound pressure levels of arc welding processes

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR user interpretation and to the spectra of the process noise
FUTURE WORK would be determined. The first program would consist of
planning and supervising a round robin evaluation of the
The development of a draft recommended method for draft procedure. The results of the round robin would
measuring noise from arc welding processes and the sub- provide the data needed to develop a statement about pre-
sequent program conducted by Battelle represent a major cision and accuracy. The second program, which should
advance in the state of documented knowledge relative be planned by the Project Committee on Noise, would
to the noise characteristics of welding processes. In order investigate in depth the effects of such things as ambient
that the knowledge gained be put to the most effective spectra, process spectra, and the sensitivity of the method
use and the draft standard method fully qualified for ac- to small deviations from the microphone locations called
ceptance as a consensus standard by an organization such for by the draft procedure. (For example, the importance
as ASTM, ANSI, or SAE, a follow-up program is rec- of maintaining a specific height for the microphone above
ommended in which the sensitivity of the procedure to the work piece would be determined.)


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Appendix A: F6.1-78Method For Sound Level
Measurement of Manual
Arc Welding and Cutting Processes
American Welding Society
Project Committee on Noise,
under the direction of the
Committee on Safety and Health

i. Introduction and Scope 2.2 ANSI S 1.11 (1966 R 1976), Octave, Half-Octave,
and Third-Octave Band Filter Sets, American

This standard method describes the equipment and National Standards Institute, Inc., N.Y., N.Y.
procedure to be used in measuring sound levels of
manual arc welding and cutting processes. The 2.3 ACGIH 1977 TLVs@,Threshold Limit Values for
procedure described allows the user to measure the Physical Agents, American Conference of Govern-
sound level associated with specific processes in a mental Industrial Hygienists
reproducible manner that permits comparison with 2.4 AWS D1.1-REV-1-1976, Structural Welding
other selected processes. This method is not applicable Code
to the determination of operator exposure to process
sound. The standard method assures that manual arc 2.5 AWS A3.0-1976, Welding Terms and Definitions
process sound level data obtained by different 2.6 NEMA EW3-1976, Semiaiitomatic Wire Feed
individuals in different locations are comparable. Systems for Arc Welding, National Electrical
Sound levels can be identified as being measured in Manufacturers Association
accordance with this AWS standard only if obtained
under strict adherence to this method. Data obtained 2.7 NEMA EWI-1971, REV 3 (ANSI C87.1-1976),
using any nonadherent methods cannot be identified Electric Arc Welding Apparatus
as being obfained in accordance with this AWS
2.8 ANSI 249.1-1973, Safety in Weldingand Cutting,
standard. available from American Welding Society
The sound level meter and. associated equipment
used in the measurement procedure shall be a n ANSI
S1.4 Type 1 (also known as SlA).'

3. Summary of Method
2. Applicable Documents The sound level generated by manual arc welding or
2.1 ANSI S1.4 (1971 R1976), Specification for Sound arc cutting processes is measured with the A-weighted,
Level Meters, AmericanNational Standards Institute, slow response meter setting. Measurements are made
Inc., N.Y., N.Y. at radial locations one meter from the arc center. The
preferred acoustic environment is free field over a
reflecting plane, such as occurs in semianechoic test
rooms or outdoors. Measurements are also permitted
'An ANSI S1.4 Type 2 sound level meter may be used for in approximately free field conditions such as would
information gathering or survey purposes if less accuracy is occur in in-plant locations, Users of this method
acceptable to the user. However, such measurements cannot should be aware that measurements made in in-plant
be identified as being in accordance with this AWS standard locations may be higher than those made in
(2. i). semianechoic test rooms or outdoors.

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AWS AWN 7 7 m 07841265 0 0 0 0 2 7 1 7 m


4. Significance and Use 6. Equipment

The purpose of this standard method is the 6.1 Sound level measurements shall be made using a
establishment of the conditions under which repro- sound level meter configuration conforming to the
ducible sound level measurement data shall be taken requirements of ANSI S1.4 for Type 1 meters.
for the various manual arc welding and cutting
6.2 Equipment shall be located in accordance with
processes. This method is not applicable to the
Fig. 1, p. 15.
determination of operator exposure to process sound.
6.3 The equipment shall be used in a test site that
meets the requirements of 9.1 (for outdoor locations),
9.2 (for semianechoic test rooms), or 9.3 (for inpiant
5. Terminology 6.4 Octave band filter sets, if used, shall meet the
A-weighted. The specific prescribed frequency re- requirements of ANSI S 1.1 1 - 1971. The octave band
sponse of the sound level meter. ANSI S 1.4 requires frequencies shall be those tabulated in ANSI

A, B, and C response characteristics for general use S1.4-1971 (2.2).
instruments. A-weighting is assumed unless other-
wise specified. Note: The octave band filter set is required only
free field. In practice, an area of measurement in which for the evaluation of the acoustic environment
occurring at the test site.
the effects of the boundaries are negligible for the
region of interest.
meter calibration. The procedure by which the 7. Precautions
important changes in performance of an instrument
are discovered and corrected. Normally the 7.1 Technical Precautions
procedure is provided by the instrument manu- 7.1.1 The sound level meter and the meter
facturer. calibrator shall be temperature stabilized at the
octave band. A frequency band whose upper ambient test site conditions before calibration and
frequency is twice its lower frequency. use.
process power. A general descriptive term referring to 7.1.2 The ambient sound level (including wind
the source of electrical energy which is required for effects) shall be at least 10 dB (on the A scale) lower
arc operation. than the level produced by the arc process under test
reflecting plane. The ground or surface over which the (Cases B and C of 8.3). A calibrated windscreen is
measurements are made. Sound will be reflected recommended for outdoor measurements.
from the plane unless the reflections are reduced by 7.1.3 Outdoor measurements are not recom-
acoustic absorbing materials. mended when the wind velocity exceeds 5 m/s
semihechoic test room, A laboratory test room that (approximately 12 mph).
produces an acoustic environment that is free field 7.1.4 CAUTION: Heat and spatter associated with
over a reflecting plane. It is essentially an anechoic the arc process may damage the measuring
room with one of the surfaces, usually the floor, equipment. It is recommended that the microphone
acoustically reflective. be protected by a calibrated windscreen. It should
slow response. The speed of response, designated as be recognized that damage may be sustained by the
slow by ANSI S1.4, when making measurements windscreen.
with a sound level meter conforming to the 7.1.5 The test site (6.3) shall be free from all
standard. equipment, personnel, or objects not directly
sound absorption coefficient. Typically, a number involved with the test.
between zero and one which describes the sound When a microphone extension cable is used it
absorption qualities of a material. Total absorption shall conform to the recommendations of the meter
is given as one. manufacturer for maintaining the integrity of an
sound level meter. A meter constructed according to ANSI S1.4 Type 1 measurement system.
ANSI S 1.4 standards for the measurement of sound 7.1.6 The microphone shall be oriented in accord-
level. It consists of a microphone, amplifier, ance with the manufacturer's instructions in order
indicating meter, and weighting filters. to yield the flattest possible frequency response at
windscreen. A screen used to protect the microphone free field conditions.
of a sound level meter from the noise effects of wind. 7.1.7 The meter manufacturer's recommendations
It is designed to reduce the wind noise significantly for avoiding errors due to stray electromagnetic
without a serious effect on the system's frequency radiation, humidity, or temperature shall be
response. followed.

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Appendìx A113

7.2 Safety Precautions 9.2.2 The room dimensions shall be sufficient so

CAUTION:Certain arc processes generate high sound that no measurement point is closer than 660 mm
levels. Hearing protection, such as earplugs or muffs, (26 in.) to an absorptive surface or wall.
shall be worn unless it has been determined that the arc 9.2.3 There shall be no acoustically reflecting
process under test is not hazardous to hearing. All surfaces other than the floor and the equipment
other work practices shall be in accordance with associated with the test.
ANSI 249.1 (2.8), 9.3 An in-plant location may be used as the test site if
it meets the following requirements:
8. Sampling 9.3.1 The floor shall be acoustically reflective.
Concrete, sealed asphalt, or a similar hard floor
8.1 Measurements shall be made at the locations materia1 is suitable.
specified in Fig. i , p. 15.
9.3.2 There shall be no acoustically reflective
8.2 Measurements shall be recorded on a form surface other than the floor and equipment
essentially similar to that shown in Fig. 2, p. 16. associated with the test within 1.4 m (4.6 ft) of any
measurement point.
8.3 Case conditions shown on Fig. 2, p. 16. 9.3.3 The acoustic environment at the measure-
8.3.1 Case A-All equipment operating, but ment points shall be approximately free field. The
without arc initiation. This may require relocation

existence of a free field condition shall be

of some equipment outside the test site, in order to determined by measuring, at the specified measure-
meet the requirements of 7.1. This case allows ment points, the reduction of the sound level with
measurement of the sound generated by that distance from the source. A sound source2 shali be
equipment which is essential to the arc process and placed at the location of the arc. Octave band sound
which cannot be readily placed in a position remote level measurements shall be made along four radial
to the test site. lines at distances of 1 and 2 m (39 and 79 in.) from
8.3.2 Case B-Maximum recommended operating the arc position. Measurements shall be made at
conditions for the process, measured when the octave bands having center frequencies at 125 Hz
equipment range is adequate to supply process through 8000 Hz. T o be classified as approximately
power. Otherwise, maximum recommended equip- free field, the difference in sound pressure level
ment setting is used to establish the process measured at the two distances should be 4 dB or
operating conditions. Refer to 2.6 and 2.7. greater.3
8.3.3 Case C-Minimum recommended operating
conditions for the process, measured when the
equipment range is adequate to supply process 10. Calibration
power. Otherwise, minimum recommended equip-
10.1 All sound measurement equipment shall have
ment setting is used to establish the process
been calibrated as specified by the manufacturer, but
operating conditions. Refer to 2.6 and 2.7.
in no case shall the period between calibrations be
longer than one year. Calibration shall be performed
9. Preparation of Equipment by the manufacturer, his designated representative, or
9.1 An outdoor location may be used as the test site if a calibration laboratory.
it is a flat area free of any large reflectingsurfaces such 10.2 The sound level meter shall be field calibrated
as buildings, signboards, or hillsides within 15 m according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
(50 ft) of the arc. The surface of the ground must be
free from snow, long grass, loose rock, ashes, or other
absorptive material within 1.4 m (4.6 ft) of any ZSuitable sound sources are the calibrated ILG Fan available
from ILG Industries, Div. of Carrier Corp., 2850 North
measurement point. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, IL 60641, or theType4204 Reference
9.2 A semianechoic test room may be used as the test Sound Source available from B&K Instruments, Inc., 51 11
site if it meets the following requirements: W. 164 St., Cleveland, OH 44142.
9.2.1 The floor shall be hard and shall extend the 3Free field conditions occur when the difference in the sound
level at 1 m (39 in.) vis-a-vis that at 2 m (79 in.) is 6 dB. A
width of test room. The average sound absorption difference of less than 6 dB is an indication that some
coefficient of the hard floor shall not exceed O. 1 (a reverberation is occurring. It is recommended that in-plant
concrete floor is suitable). The sound absorptive locations having a difference of less than 4 dB not be used as
treatment of the other surfaces shall be uniformly measuremenf sites because the measured values would be
distributed and their average sound absorption higher than would be produced by the same arc under purely
coefficient shall be equal to or greater than0.99 over free field conditions, such as would occur in outdoor
the (frequency range of) 125 to 8000 Hz octave locations. The welding table may be removed during the
bands. measurements.

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AWS AWN 77 07842b5 0000273 2


11. Procedure 12.3 Sketch a layout of the test site on a form as shown
in Fig. 3, p. 17, showing the locations of the measurement
11.1 Set up the arc welding or arc cutting process as points, configuration of the arc Set-up, and the
illustrated in Fig. I , p, 15. location of any objects or personnel in the area.
11.2 Field calibrate the sound level meter (10.2). Include descriptions of the acoustical measurement
instrumentation including calibration and the arc
11.3 Set the sound level meter to A-weighting, slow process workpiece. The operator’s position shall be
response. shown and the distance, D, from the arc to the filter
11.4 Measure the ambient sound level at any one of the plate in the operator’s helmet shall be recorded in
measurement points shown i n Fig. 1, p. 15. Fig. 3. Operating conditions in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 are to
be described on a form similar to that shown in Fig. 3.
11.5 For each of the arc operating conditions of 8.3, This description will include arc voltage and current,
measure the sound level at measurement points shown as well as other information, such as “essential
in Fig. I , p. 15. The measured sound level shall be the variables’’ in AWS D1.l, Section 5.5.2 (reference in
value of central tendency during a five (5) second time 2.4).
period, rounded off to the nearest whole integer, when
the meter fluctuation is 3 dB or less. When the meter 12.4 The extent of conformance with this standard
fluctuation is greater than 3 dB, the recorded value method shall be stated in the test report. Any deviation
shall be 3 dB less than the maximum observed value. from recommended procedures or practice shall be
noted, together with the reason for so deviating, and
11.6 Repeat 11.5 two times for a total of three runs. an estimate of the change in accuracy resulting from
the deviation.
11.7 Repeat the ambient sound measurements and the
field check of the sound level. meter calibration.
Repeat the entire Procedure when more than a 1 dB
drift is determined to have occurred in the sound level 13. Precision and Accuracy
meter calibration or the requirements of 7.1.2 are no
13.1 There is no experience, at present, with the use of
longer met.
this method. The sources of variation of results can be
grouped into three classes: meter accuracy, arc
Note: A field check of the sound level meter cali- variations, and acoustic environment.
bration and measurement of ambient sound level
shall be performed immediately before and after 13.2 The ANSI S1.4’Type 1 sound level meter should
each period of testing. If the above testing is yield a precision of better than 1 dB.
interrupted, then additional field checks and
sound measurements shall be performed as 13.3 The magnitude of scatter in the sound level due
required. to variations in the arc cannot be estimated at this

time. The very fact that the arc is manually controlled
would lead one to anticipate variations in sound level.
12: Report 13.4 Sound level differences will result when test sites
l2.1 Record all measured values on test data sheets having different acoustic environments are used. An
such as the example shown in Fig. 2, p. 16. in-plant test site could produce results that are 2 dBA
higher than would be obtained from any identical arc
12.2 Calculate the arithmetic average ‘of the three- process tested in a semianechoic test room or outdoors
sound level values for each location and each arc and still meet the criteria for test sites.
operating condition. Round off this average to the
nearest integer; round off values ending in .5 to the 13.5 The accuracy of this test method is estimated to
nearest even integer. Enter the average values on the be the same as the sound level meter accuracy. That is,
data sheet. If successive measurements vary by more the agreement between the measured values and the
than 5 dB, the data shall not be averaged true values of sound level generated by any arc process
arithmetically and the test shall be considered not at any location and under any given operating
sufficiently reproducible. condition is within 1 dBA.

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AWS AWN 7 9 07842b5 0000274 4 E

Appendix A115

I . The recommended table top is approximately
610 x 610 mm (24 x 24 in.).
2. All distances will be referenced to the approximate
midpoint of the arc.
3. Microphone position M I is 1 m (39 in.) directly
rA M3 X M5
above the arc center.
4. Orthogonal microphone positions M2, M3, M4, and -te-

M5 are all in a horizontal plane 340 mm (13-1/4 in.)
above the arc center. L A
5. Microphone positions M2, M3, M4, and M5 are 1 m

(39 in.) in the radial direction from the arc center. Operator 1 L T a b l e top
6. Microphone locations may be offset from the estab-
lished pattern due to inaccessibility of desired B I B
7. There shall be no,obstruction between the arc and
the microphones.
8. The operator shall be located between positions I
Top view
M2 and M3.

Vertical center line Vertical center line

through arc through arc


Horizontal center line

through arc (may be on
table top or distance
above to suit condition)

Left side view Front view


Scale: 1 rnrn = 30 rnrn

Fig. I-Measurement point locations

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Power source Manufacturer Number
Type of process Filler Material
Base material Shielding material
Important note: Completion of Fig. 3 form is required also.

Measured A-weighted slow response

sound levels

Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

A Equipment ON - arc not initiated (see 8.3.1)

B Maximum recommended equipment/process setting (see 8.3.2)


C Minimum recommended equipment/process setting (see 8.3.3)

**Data column for additional measurement at arbitrary location. For informational purposes only. If used, enter
description of microphone location and other data on Figs. 1 and 3.

Tested by: Test date

Fig. 2-Test data sheet

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AWS AWN 7 9 6 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 000027b B 6

Appendix A117


Power source Manuf act urer Number

Type of process Filler material

Base material Shielding material
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter SN Calibration date
Microphone SN Calibration date
Field calibrator SN Calibration date
Sketch: Identify the arc process location, including distance from arc to table top,
and the location of and dimensions to the microphone.

Description of welding conditions (“essential variables” [2.4])

Fig. 3-Test site and measurement details

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AWS AWN 7 7 I0 7 8 4 2 b 5 0 0 0 0 2 7 8 L M


Appendix B: Table B I and Data Sheets for

Noise Measurement of Arc Welding and Cutting Processes

Table BI
Summary of site qualification measurements
Octave band sound pressure level? dB
Octave band Source off Source on Level
center, Hz ambient difference
I ni 2in I ni 2ni
Direction M2
125 52 52 69 62 7
2.50 44 43 68 63 5
500 31 31 69 63 6
I O00 25 24 71 66 5
2000 20 19 73 67 6
4000 20 20 70 65 5
8000 20 20 66 51 5
Direction M3
I25 53 53 69 64 5
250 45 45 70 65 5
500 32 32 70 65 5
I O00 25 23 70 64 6
2000 22 22 70 64 6
4000 20 19 71 65 6
8000 21 20 69 64 5
Direction M4
I25 SI 51 66 60
250 43 44 67 62
SOO 31 32 68 63
I O00 24 25 68 64
2000 21 20 67 62
4000 18 18 64 60
8000 19 20 61 58
Direction M5
I25 53 51 71 64 7
250 46 44 70 64 6
500 31 32 71 65 6
I O00 25 24 70 64 6
2000 24 20 70 64 6
4000 21 21 72 64 8
8000 21 21 69 63 6
*Referencelevel 20 pPa

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AWS AWN 7 7 W 0 7 B 4 2 b 5 0 0 0 0 2 7 7 3



Modeltested 250 amp Mmbr Generahr Manufacturer &barb
Type of process SMA 2
Basematerial 319 ;h. W l d s t e e l
SN A A b d - a / 3 3 0
Fillermaterial 6 7 0 / 8 elecfrode
Shielding material / Y ‘ O f i a
5/32 h- .
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.
M cured A-weighted slow response sound levels
Microphone location MI M2 M3 M4 M5 M6

I ;i: 1 1
Run Case Condition*

A 1595

I C I 66 70 72 72 72 78
172 I 7 2 176
46 45 4.a 4.6 4.p
74 74 74 72 76
C 68 I I
I A 46 46 46 46 46
3 I B 168 74 74 74 72 76
C 68 72 70 72. 7 2 78
D 68 72 7p 72 70 76

Calculated average A-weighted slow response soun levels

Microphone location M1 M2 M3

Case Condition*

A e5 %6 45 45
B 67 74 7q 74
C 67 71 7f 72
D 69 72 73 72 77
*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-EauiDment “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipmentlprocess setting /40A

C Minimum recommended equipment/process setting /30 A’
D Average recommended equipmentlprocess setting /608


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AWS AWN 7 9 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 O000280 T

Appendix BI21


Model tested 250 amp Mohr Generator Manufacturer Hobart SNJAM- a/330
Essential variables
Type of process Sh?A hf Filler material E 7018 e/ecfro¿e ,5 / S 2 h.
Base material 3/8 i n . m / f ¿ s f e e / Shielding material Nohe
Power supply: T y p e - a c x d c Polarity:-StraightXreversed
Joint detail h a d on ofate
Traverse speed /% idmin Length 2-3 in. Dwelltime 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter GefiRad 1933 SN 950 Calibration date SePF- 1976
Microphone GenRad 196 I - 460f SN Calibration date S q P f - ' 9 7 6

Field calibrator Geh Rad / 5 6 2 A SN 497 Calibration date S e p f . i976

O 0 0 Shielding gases

7 ft 10 in.
35 f t
(10.67 m) -
r Garage door

Sound level meter,

voltage and curreni

15 ft 10 in.
meter 7

(4.83 m)
power supply
9 f t 5 in.
(2.87 m) Glass fiber (Outside building)

Outside wall 7


Note: Not to scale

Run 1. Layout of Test Site

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS A W N 7 7 M 0784Zb5 0000281 1



Model tested 25'0 U ~ , R#Ohr 6 ' ~ ~ d O Manufacturer ~ /%bat-* SN A A W - 2 / 3 3 0
Type of process A h Carban Aro C u W m Filler material &bßL; a,h6 ih. COADer clad carbon d e c -
Basematerial @!3 I' n. mild s7LeeI Shielding material-tá'mp- t n x f e s used
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.

Microphone location MI
Run Case Condition*

A 50 50

C 78 98 /o2

2 l B I /O6
C /&O

D /O6
A 49

C 48
D /do

Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

T a s e conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment "ON"

B Maximum recommended equipment/process setting 32 p s i ait- p r e s s u r e

C Minimum recommended equipment/process setting 16 p s i air p r e s s u r e

D Average recommended equipmentlprocess setting 224 p s i air pressure
Tested by: Test date u//, /977 ,
Run 2. Sound Level Measurements

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 0000282 3

Appendix BI23


Model tested 250 amp fiofor Generator Manufacturer ffbbar t SN BAN- 24330
Essential variables

Type of process Air curban ara c u W n u Filler material&f?C; 3kh in. CWp4F da,! ClWbôfi
Basemateriai a/# i n . mild s+ee/ Shielding material Abne decfrdcs u e d
Power Supply: Type-acAdc Polarity:-straight-zCreversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /=L in./min Length 2- 3 in. Dwell time 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter GernRad 1 93 3 SN 850 Calibration date SqPf. '7
Microphone GenRud I % / -96 o / SN ///o Calibration date sed.1976
Field calibrator &YI Rad 156 2 A SN 9 f 7 Calibration date S P ., 1976

t o o Shielding gases

(2.39 m) 35 ft
-(10.67 rn) -
r Garage door

Welding table


xM1 v
"M3 Sound level meter,
voltage and curreni

8 f t 8 in. 15 f t TO in.
(2.64 rn) (4.83 m)
power supply
9 ft 5 in.
(2.87 rn)
I Glass fiber (Outside building)

panels \
Outside wall 7

Note: Not to scale

Run 2. Layout of Test Site

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 M 078L12b5 0 0 0 0 2 8 3 5 M



Model tested 250 amo MO?b Generat¿w Manufacturer h/dbare SN /?Ah/- 2 / 3 3 0
Type of process G TA’& Filler material ER 3 0 8 L /ow éarboh 3/32 /i> .
. i??.
Base material W n l e s s steel //% Shielding material Arußn 3b CFff ss rod
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.

Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Eaubment “ON”

B Maximum recommended eaubmenthrocess settina /70 A
C Minimum recommended equipmentlprocess setting /30A
D Average recommended equipmentlprocess setting /Lo A
Tested by: 09.. k 8 L Test date d%lu& //,
, /977
Run 3. Sound Level Measurements
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST

~ . .-- . . . - ..
A W S A W N 79 m 0 7 ~ 4 2 ~O O5O O Z A L I 7 m

Appendix BI25


Model tested 250 aTD &hr- Geherat0 r Manufacturer Hobart SN AAw*2/330
Type of process G T A hl Filler material f%308L / O u curb&?. 3/32 r'n
Base material 8hzin/eSs ssec/ //2in. Shieldingmaterial Arson 30 CFff ' s5 rod
Power supply: Type-ac.2Ldc Polarity:Lstraight-reversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2 in./min L e n g t h a i n . Dwell time 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound levei meter Gen Rad 143 3 850 Calibration date Sed* /?71
Microphone G m R d íY61 96 ô í - SN

SN 1/10 Calibration date S<d. I?7 1

Field calibrator GmRad 1.~6 24 SN 997 . 1976
Calibration date S P D ~

7 f t 10 in.
(2.39 rn)

Shielding gases

r Garage door

, 8 f t 8 in..
(2.64 rn)

9 f l in.
(2.87 rn)
15 ft 10 in.
(4.83 rn)

Glass fiber o F Sound level meter,

voltage and current

meter 7
power supply

(Outside building)

Outside wall 7


Note: Not to scale

Run 3. Layout of Test Site

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 07842b5 0000285 9 M



Model tested 7 523 a m Recf./’S/’er Manufacturer Linde SN E * /6&/993
Type of process CMR w Filler material Bare s h e / WiPc,. E 76s-3 . d a b /h.
Basematerial‘)3 ;h. mil¿ s+eel Shielding material Cond. 6 98% Ar9on. 5xyqch ; leo
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.M., . 9/90 Azpon. 9% Caz j 60th ‘&o ck4
Pond C,n,,m,.n~o.,s,,,/scc3

Calculated average A-weighted slow resp nse sound levels

Microphone location ~ M3 M4 M5

46 46 46
6 71 75 73 73 73
C I 72. I75 74 73 76
D I l
“Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipmentlprocess setting 2.7514 1 i ih. elecfrica1

st;cA1ou t
C Minimum recommended equipmentlprocess setting L/OA
D Average recommended equipmentlprocess setting
Tested by: f&- Test date u/A.! /977
Run 4. Sound Level Measurements

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AUS AWN 7'7 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 000028b O W

Appendix BI27


Model tested 750 amp kkcSI'í%'er Manufacturer Linde SNE-166 1993
Essential variables Wire Feed 7 /3 ;n../m;n ta, I 3 m/secl
Type of process G M A Filler material Bare W/h? <S#ce/l,, 15705-3 . .O 9 5
Base material 3-14 t'ne h t f d sfeel Shieldingmaterial Cond. 6 78% Arson 9.57 b 0 x 4 -
Power supply: Type-ac-&dc Polarity:-StraightXreversed yen; Qnd. c '#3rg on, '
Joint detail 9 ?4 COL;botri 5 8 OF#
Traverse speed / e in./min Length e-3 in. Dwelltime 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)

Sound le;el meter G W Rad i 9 3 3 SN 850 Calibration date 1976 se$

Microphone GehRad /46 / -9 B O / SN ///o Calibration date Sqdf. 1776
Field calibrator Gen Rad i 5 6 2 A SN 497 Calibration date 5yf 1976 .

O 0 0 Shielding gases

- 7 ft 10 in. I
4 35 ft c
Garage door

)<M6 Welding table

Wire feeder
- v

M3 Sound level meter,

voltage and current

* 8 ft 8 in. 15 ft 10 in.
xM4 power supply

9 f t 5 in. Glass fiber
panels (Outside building)

Outside wall


Note: Not to scale

Run 4. Layout of Test Site


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 7 W 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 2 8 7 2 W



Model tested Z5O &hr Generator Manufacturer Hobare SN & / h f - 2 / 3 3 0
Type of process S M A W Filler material &6û/O - / P deC7+o¿e 5/32 / h .
Base material 9-14 h. mi/¿ s+ed Shielding material Nohe
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.


*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipmentlprocess setting /80 f i

C Minimum recommended equipmentlprocess setting / / 5A

D Average recommended equipmentlprocess setting /mA

Tested by: &*&&&wu Test date uq /977
Run 5. Sound Level Measurements
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 I07842b5 0 0 0 0 2 8 8 LI I

Appendix BI29


Model tested 250 @TD %for Generator Manufacturer h&kZrc SN ßfiM-Z/330
Essential variables
Type of process SMAff Filler material €6610 -íP decfrde: </32 h .
Base material 3 / 4 mild sfee/ Shielding material /Yon e -
Power supply: T y p e - a c L d c Polarity:-straight2Lreversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2 in./min Length 2-3 in. Dwelltime 0
Sound leyel test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter Geh 1433
Microphone Genilad 14b l - 9bOf
Rad SN 850 Calibrationdate sed. 1976
SN ///o Calibration date SqDf. /Y76
Field calibrator GenRad í.42 A SN 447 Calibrationdate S ~ n. f1976

O 0 0 Shielding gases

7 ft 10 in.
(2.39 m) 35 f t
r Garage door

8 i t 8 in.-
(2.64 m)

9 ft
15 ft 10 in.
(4.83 m)

Glass fiber

ci ,oSound level meter,

voltage and curreni

power supply

(Outside buitding)

Outside wail-\


Note: Not to scale

Run 5. Layout of Test Site


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 W 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 2 8 9 b W



Model tested 260 a m Rohr- Generazhr Manufacturer ft SN dPbd-2/330
Type oi process fc?A f i Filler material 15308L a b 2 ih. /dm Carbon 6 s
Base material (/z in. sfat’nícss s f e e l electmde
Shielding materialAr$on 30 CfH
Important note: Completion of second part wipe Feed&+e - /24/h./mifi (52.5- mm/Sec)
of form is required also.
Measured A-weighted slow response sound levels

C 54 50 d~ 64 52 5-6
D 56 54 5.4. 5 6 59 62.
Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

Microphone location M1 M2
Case Condition*

A 43 -sL3

D 156 163

*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipment/process setting /90A

C Minimum recommendedequipmentlprocess setting /do A
D Average recommendedequipmentlprocess setting /&o A
Tested by: /6-- 1977
Run 6. Sound Level Measurements
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 7 m 0784265 0000290 2 m

Appendix B 13 I


hilodel tested 250 ffmv ß?d+or Generat6r Manufacturer & h r f S N A M - W336
Essential variables Nìrr FPeQ 124 ;n./m;n [ 5 2 . 5 h m / S e c >
Type of process F C A M Filler material E30R L 3/32 IßN c4r.60~ 5s
Base material 1 . h in. Sfd/n/ess sfeel Shielding materialAt'$bh 30 C l W e/ecMe
Power supply: T y p e - a c x d c Po1arity:Xstraight-reversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2 in./min Length 2-3 in. Dwell time 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound levei meter GenRad 1 9 3 3 SN 856 Calibrationdate S e D f : ' 7 7 6
Microphone Geh Ra¿ /96/- 9601 SN ///o .
Calibration date 5 5 ~ t1976
Field calibrator Gen Rad 15.42 A SN 447 Calibrationdate .'<~f / 9 7 &

tO 0 0 Shielding gases

7 ft 10 in.
(2.3 mi 35 ft
-(10.67 rn) -

r - x
f l ; l d i n g table
r Garage door

Sound level meter,

voltage and current
meter 7

8 ft 8 in.-
(2.64 m)
power supply

9 f t 5 in.
(2.87 m)
Glass fiber (Outside building)

Outside wall 7


Run 6. Layout of Test Site Note: Not to scale


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
Model tested 260 uß?P Mofor Generator Manufacturer dobart. SN Aß/J-Z/330
Type of processAir carbon arc ctz++;no Filler material /Yom: 3 / / L h . @@Der @/ad Cardon
Base material @/4in. m//¿ sfeci Shielding materialNom3 electrode used
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.
Measured A i ?ightedslow response sound levels


Microphone location

M1 M2

1 B 96 96
C /o2 /o0

2 B 96 96
C /de /o0


Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment "ON"

B Maximum recommended equipment/process setting / 6 p s i a ' P pressure

C Minimum recommended equipment/process setting 2 4 pS/' ait- p r e s s u r b
/'C d
M.~ -~/ k t :
D Average recommendedequipmentlprocess setting /b PSI' 4/'P,DreSSUre., 2m


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 I0 7 8 4 2 b 5 0 0 0 0 2 9 2 b W

Appendix BI33


Model tested 250 am? # O h r - Generafor Manufacturer f l o h r t s ~ / A k / -2 / 3 3 ü
Essential variables
Type of process Air carbm arc c a U i n s Filler materialdbßC; 3 / / A in. comer dad carbah
Base material i
' n . mild sfeel Shieldinci material/V6nP- ' eJe&.deus&
Power supply: T y p e - a c z d c Polarity:-straightXreveked
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2. in./min Length 2-25 in. Dwelltime 0
Sound level test instrumentationidentification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter GeflaQd 1433 SN 856 Calibrationdate SqPf. 19 76
Microphone Gen Rad / q 6 / - 9 6 0 / SN LCalibration date SPDJ: / y 76
Field calibrator G e f i R ~ d /3-6 2 /? SN 497 Calibrationdate J { D f . /976

t3 0 0 Shielding gases

(2.: rn) -35 ft

(10.67 rn)-
r Garage door


Sound level meter,

voltage and current

, 8 f t 8 in. 15 ft 10 in.
(2.64 rn) (4.83 rn)
power supply
9f in.
(2.87 rn)
I Glass fiber (Outside building)

Outside wall 7

1 Note: Not to scale

Run 7. Layout of Test Site


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS A W N 7 7 W 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 2 7 3 8 M



Model tested 250 â n p &ofor Genera..&o P - Manufacturer hbbart SN 2/330
Typeof process SMAW Filler material E 6 0 1 0 - / P elech-odp. , S/3 2 in.
Basematerial 3.14 h. mild sfee/ Shielding material Ahne
Important note: Completion of second part of form is required also.
Me ured A-weighted slow response sound levels a

Microphone location MI

Run Case Condition*

A 4%
. 2 B

C .I

3 B


Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

Microphone location MI M2 I M3
Case Condition*

A 46 4‘6 46
B ¿i5 67
C I 63 64
D I 6 5 66
*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Eauiament “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipmentlprocess setting /qo A

C Minimum recommendedequipment/process setting /30 8
D Average recommendedequipment/process setting /6û A
Tested by: Test date L2¿L&u& /6.1977
Run 8. Sound Level Measurements
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS A W N 7 4 I0784265 0000294 T

Appendix BI35


Model tested Z5d arno f l o h - Generdar Manufacturer .!%bare SN /fi@- 2l.330
Essential variables
Type of process S h A W Filler material2h O /O / P e/e&ode S/3 Z ;H. -
Base material 3/4 i n . mild s f e e / Shielding material /Yon&
Power supply: Type-acXdc Polarity:-straight V
, reversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2. in./min Length 2 - 3 in. Dwell time 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter &-&ad 1933 SN e50 Calibration date S<5k 1'776
Microphone GaR4d I % / -9601 SN ///o .
Calibration date S P D/976
Field calibrator Gm&d / 5 6 2 A SN 997 Calibration date Si&+. 1

O 0 0 Shielding gases

35 ft
-(10.67 m) -
r Garage door

Welding table


9 ft 5 in.
(2.87 m)


) m



" ' i



Glass fiber rl P Sound level meter,

voltage and curreat

power supply

(Outside building)

Outside wall 7


Note: Not to scale

Run 8. Layout of Test Site


Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 77 0784265 0000295 L



Model tested 750 dmy Re C 7 9 &er Manufacturer ~ ~ € ‘ - //993
Type of process f C A M Filler material
Base material -?.A2I ‘n. miid s k e l Shielding material E 89. d m Clth‘
Important note: Completion of second part Feed ~ a + -e/ 2 4 /‘n;/m& (3-2.5 mm45ce 1
of form is required also.
Measured A-v sighted slow response sound levels



Microphone locatior
Condition* T i
I I -I


Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels

*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-Equipment “ON”

6 Maximum recommended equipment/process setting K#O 4 1 1- ;n,
C Minimum recommended equipment/process setting

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
. AWS AUN 7 9 U 078Li2b5 0000296 3 U

Appendix BI37


Model tested 750 aMD i?teC/ Manufacturer Linde SN € - / A L í 9 P 3
Essential variables Wire Feed /e4 ;n./m;n ( 5 2 . 5 m#/seql
Type of process F U h/
Basematerial 3/& i n mild she/ .
Filler material .& 7 0 i--/ i 313 2
Shielding materialLd. 50 CFH
Power supply: T y p e - a c L d c Polarity:-StraightXreversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2 in./min Length 2-3 in. Dwelltime 0
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter Rad 193 3 SN 850 Calibration date STDfi 19 76
Microphone @..Raa' 19151-96 O 1 SN ///O Calibration date 5 ~ ~ 1 9f76.
Field calibrator GGnRad L T L Z A SN 99 7 Calibration date 2 3 , d . 19 7 6

O 0 0Shielding gases

35 ft-

I #M2
)(M6 Welding table
r Garage door

-8 ft 8 in.


9 ft 5 in.

f t 1û in.

Glass fiber ci PSound level meter,

voltage and curren

meter 7
power supply

(Outside building)

Outside wall 7


Note: Not to scale

Run 9. Layout of Test Site

Copyright American Welding Society

Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
AWS AWN 7 9 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0000297 5




Model tested yS0 ATP e c7’l.A.eP Manufacturer LDde SN € - í46/ 9 9 3
Type of process f CAW Filler material E 7 0 7 - 4 3/32 ;h.
Base material 3/4 1‘i?. m;/¿ s f e d Shielding material Ndne
Important note: Completion of second part U l k Feed Rafe- /24 ;h/mth ( s r . 5 m m / s e c )
of form is reauired also.
Microphone locatioi MI
Run Case Condition*

A +5 45-
1 B 76
C 76
D 72.
A 44
2 B 76 84 86‘ Bz $2 86
c; 76 76 74 74 76 80
3 76
C 70
D 72-
Calculated average A-weighted slow response sound levels
Microphone location MI M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Case Condition*

B 76 8-4 $5- 82 92 87
C 70 77 75- 74 77 B/
D 7Z 81 78 81 78 84.
*Case conditions Remarks

A Ambient condition-No arc-EauiDment “ON”

B Maximum recommended equipmentlprocess setting 515 4 7 a- 3/4 / h .

C Minimum recommendedequipmentlprocess setting
D Average recommended equipment/process setting 3?0A J

Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Tested by: o&. J Test date

Run 10. Sound Level Measurements

u16,. /977
Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST
Appendix BI39



Model tested
750 @&,D &&$/.er
Manufacturer L;LJd13 SN E - / 6 L / 9 9 3
Essential variables Wire #eed / 2 4 /'n./m~'n ( 5 2 - 5 m m / s e d
Type of process F C A W , 7 0 T 4 , 3/32 h-
Fillermaterial E
Basematerial 314 h. miliid s&e/ Shielding material
Power supply: Type-ac2Cdc Polarity:-StraightXreversed
Joint detail
Traverse speed /2 in./min Length 2-3 in. Dwelltime O
Sound level test instrumentation identification (manufacturer, model, etc.)
Sound level meter Cefi/?ffd "33 SN 85-0 Calibration date sepfi
Microphone GehRad i 9L / 96 D / - SN ///O .
Calibration date W a f 1976
Field calibrator GehRad 1.56 2 A SN 97 7 Calibration date Shyif. /Y76

O 0 0 Shielding gases

- 7 f t 10 in. - _-
* 35 f t t

Garage door

>:M6 Welding table

Wire feeder
- e
Sound level meter,
voltage and current
.- 8 ft 8 in. - _ 15 ft 10 in.
): power supply

9 ft 5 in.
I Glass fiber
panels (Outside building)

Outside wall


Note: Not to scale

Run 10. Layout of Test Site

Copyright American Welding Society \
: .
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/07/2006 23:51:14 MST

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