Offshore Oil & Gas: System Guide

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Coatings - Linings - Fireproofing



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Atmospheric Exposures – Clean to Bare Steel Substrates
Primer Mid-Coat Topcoat
Prep Description Description Description
Choices Choices Choices
Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment – Carbon Steel
Applications - Cranes, derricks, deck buildings, piping, equipment, pipe racks, decks, undersides, structural steel, ladders, handrails, compres-
sors, storage tank & process vessel exteriors operating to 250°F (121°C)

Inorganic zinc primer

Carbozinc for maximum corrosion
Carboguard High chemical Carbothane High gloss weatherable
11 Series protection
890 Series resistant epoxy 134 Series acrylic urethane
-or- -or-
-or- -or- -or -or-
Carbozinc Organic zinc for
Carboguard Moisture tolerant, low Carbothane Satin finish; high build
SP 6 858 or 859 quick topcoating and
690 temp cure epoxy 133 Series urethane hybrid
Series additional chemical
-or- -or- -or- -or-
-or- resistance
Carboguard Epoxy polyamide for Carboxane Ultra-weatherable
Carboguard -or-
60 general purpose 2000 Series siloxane
893 Corrosion and chemical
resistant epoxy

Aluminum surface
Carbomastic Carboguard High chemical Carbothane High gloss weatherable
tolerant epoxy
15 Series 890 Series resistant epoxy 134 Series acrylic urethane
-or- -or- -or- -or -or-
Surface tolerant epoxy
Carbomastic Carboguard Moisture tolerant, low Carbothane Satin finish; high build
SP 3 in colors
94 690 temp cure epoxy 133 Series urethane hybrid
-or- -or- -or- -or- -or-
Inert-flake filled,
Carbomastic Carboguard Epoxy polyamide for Carboxane Ultra-weatherable
moisture tolerant, low
615 60 general purpose 2000 Series siloxane
temp cure epoxy

Atmospheric Exposures –Systems over Existing Coatings*

Overcoat Spot Primer Topcoat
Prep Description Description Description
Sealer Choices Choices
Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment – Carbon Steel
Applications - Cranes, derricks, deck buildings, piping, equipment, pipe racks, decks, undersides, structural steel, ladders, handrails,
compressors, storage tank & process vessel exteriors operating to 250°F (121°C)

Carbothane High gloss weatherable

Aluminum surface 134 Series acrylic urethane
SP 1 tolerant epoxy -or -or-
15 Series
and/ Rustbond -or- Carbothane Satin finish; high build
Penetrating epoxy sealer -or-
or Series Epoxy polyamide for 133 Series urethane hybrid
SP 7 general purpose -or- -or-
Carboxane Ultra-weatherable
2000 Series siloxane

*Always determine suitability for overcoating prior to application (see Notes section).

High Heat Applications - Atmospheric Exposures
Primer Topcoat
Prep Description Description
Choices Choices
Uninsulated Piping and Equipment Steel operating to 300°F (148°C)
Applications - Piping, heaters, furnaces, boilers, stacks, columns, drums, vessels, heat exchangers, mufflers, valves, pumps and equipment
operating up to 300°F (148°C).

Carbomastic Carbomastic
SP3 Aluminum surface tolerant epoxy Aluminum surface tolerant epoxy
15 Series 15 Series

Carboguard Organic zinc

858 or 859 primer
Carboguard High chemical
-or- -or-
890 Series resistant epoxy
Carboguard High chemical
SP10 -or- -or-
890 Series resistant epoxy
Carboguard Moisture tolerant,
-or- -or-
690 low temp cure epoxy
Carboguard Moisture tolerant,
690 low temp cure epoxy

Prep 1st Coat Description 2nd Coat Description Description
Third Coat
Uninsulated Piping and Equipment Steel operating to 450°F (232°C)
Applications - Piping, heaters, furnaces, boilers, stacks, columns, drums, vessels, heat exchangers, mufflers, valves, pumps and
equipment operating at 250-450°F (121-232°C) ... color specific restrictions.

Thermaline Thermaline Inorganic silicate; no

Inorganic silicate; no
Inorganic zinc primer 4000 4000 heat cure
Carbozinc heat cure requirement
SP10 for maximum corrosion -or- -or- requirement
11 Series -or-
protection Thermaline Thermaline -or-
Silicone acrylic
4900 4900 Silicone acrylic

Thermaline Surface tolerant Thermaline Thermaline

SP3 Silicone acrylic Silicone acrylic
2977 zinc-filled alkyd 4900 4900

Uninsulated Piping and Equipment – Steel operating up to 1000°F (538°C)

Applications - Piping, heaters, furnaces, boilers, stacks, columns, drums, vessels, heat exchangers, mufflers, valves, pumps and
equipment operating at 450-1000°F (232-538°C) ... color specific restrictions.

Thermaline Thermaline Inorganic silicate; no

Inorganic silicate; no
Inorganic zinc primer 4000 4000 heat cure
Carbozinc heat cure requirement
SP10 for maximum corrosion -or- -or- requirement
11 Series -or-
protection Thermaline Thermaline -or-
4700 4700 Silicone

High Heat Applications – Under Insulation

Prep 1st Coat Description 2nd Coat Description System Properties

Insulated Piping and Equipment - Steel operating up to 300°F (148°C)

Applications - Insulated piping and equipment operating at elevated temperatures.

Carbomastic Aluminum surface tolerant Carbomastic Aluminum surface tolerant

15 Series epoxy 15 Series epoxy

Carboguard High chemical Carboguard High chemical

890 Series resistant epoxy 890 Series resistant epoxy
SP10 -or- -or- -or- -or-
Carboguard Moisture tolerant, low temp Carboguard Moisture tolerant, low temp
690 cure epoxy 690 cure epoxy
Insulated Piping and Equipment - Steel operating up to 450°F (148-232°C)
Applications - Insulated piping and equipment operating at elevated temperatures.

Thermaline Epoxy phenolic; Thermaline Epoxy phenolic;

SP10 Good to 400°F (204°C) continuous
400 GS amine cured 400 GS amine cured

Thermaline Glass-flake Single coat; good to 450°F (232°C)

450 epoxy novolac non-continuous

Thermaline Micaceous iron-oxide flake Single coat; good to 450°F (232°C)

451 epoxy novolac non-continuous

Insulated Piping and Equipment - Steel operating above 400°F (205°C) and up to 1000°F (540°C)
Applications - Insulated piping and equipment operating at elevated temperatures.

Thermaline Thermaline High heat silicone barrier

SP10 Silicone Silicone
4700 4700 protection

Specialty Applications
Prep 1st Coat Description 2nd Coat Description Description
Third Coat
Galvanized Steel
Applications - Over-coating galvanized steel or other surfaces to provide color and UV protection.
May be used on stainless, bronze, brass, fiberglass, etc.
Galoseal Water-borne acrylic Carbothane High gloss weatherable
SP1 134 Series acrylic urethane
WB bonding primer
-or -or-
Carboguard Carbothane Satin finish; high build
SP7 Epoxy polyamide
60 133 Series urethane hybrid
Deck Plate (Normal Duty) – Steel
Applications - Deck plate in areas of low to moderate traffic.
Organic zinc for quick High gloss
Heavy-duty, glass-flake
Carbozinc topcoating and Carboguard Carbothane weatherable acrylic
epoxy with optional #36
858 or 859 additional chemical 890 GF 134 Series urethane
or #47 Filler
SP10 -or- resistance -or- -or -or-
Carboguard -or- Carboguard Carbothane Satin finish; high
893 Chemical resistant 869 Non-Skid 133 Series build urethane
non-skid epoxy
epoxy primer hybrid
Deck Plate (Heavy Duty) – Steel
Applications - For applications where heavy-duty, non-slip walking surfaces are required such as helidecks and walkways.
Organic zinc for quick Heavy-duty, high-load, High gloss
topcoating and glass-flake epoxy using weatherable acrylic
Carbozinc Carboguard Carbothane
additional chemical either Filler #36 or #47 urethane
858 or 859 1209 134 Series
resistance non-skid aggregate -or-
SP10 -or- -or- -or
-or- -or- Satin finish; high
Carboguard Carboguard Carbothane
Chemical resistant Aggregate-filled, high build urethane
893 1207 133 Series
epoxy primer impact resistant epoxy hybrid
Splash Zone – Steel
Applications - Platform legs, pilings, risers, conductors, structural steel, cross bracing, boat bumpers, boat landings and other steel
components in the splash zone or tidal area (typically –10 to +15 ft. from mean sea level)
glass-flake epoxy High gloss
-or- Carbothane weatherable acrylic
Organic zinc for Heavy-duty, high-load, 134 Series urethane
Carbozinc Carboguard
SP10 resistance to corrosion glass-flake epoxy -or -or-
858 or 859 1209
undercutting -or- Carbothane Satin finish; high
Aggregate-filled, high 133 Series build urethane
impact resistant epoxy hybrid
Ballast Tanks and Seawater Immersion – Steel
Applications - Ballast tank linings and coating of structural steel, hulls, caissons, sumps, etc. located in water immersion
service or below waterline
Bitumastic Coal-tar Bitumastic Coal-tar
300M epoxy 300M epoxy
-or- -or- -or- -or-
Carbomastic Epoxy Carbomastic Epoxy
18 BT polyamide 18 BT polyamide
-or- -or- -or- -or-
Carboguard Epoxy Carboguard Epoxy
635 phenalkamine 635 phenalkamine

Subsea Equipment
Prep 1st Coat Description 2nd Coat Description Notes
Subsea Equipment - Steel
Applications - External coating of subsea trees, valves, piping, manifolds, etc.

Carboguard Cycloaliphatic Carboguard Cycloaliphatic Thin film two-coat epoxy systems

890 amine epoxy 890 amine epoxy for optimal protection. Carboguard
SP10 -or- -or- -or- -or- 635 has extreme tolerance to
Carboguard Phenalkamine Carboguard Phenalkamine moisture during application and low
635 epoxy 635 epoxy temperature cure.

Heavy-duty, high-load, Heavy-duty, high-load,

Carboguard Carboguard
glass-flake, filled epoxy glass-flake, filled epoxy
1209 1209
-or- -or-
-or- -or-
Heavy-duty, Heavy-duty, Thicker film glass-flake filled epoxies
Carboguard Carboguard
SP10 glass-flake epoxy glass-flake epoxy for improved durability and barrier
890 GF 890 GF
-or -or- protection.
-or- -or-
Low temperature cure, Low temperature cure,
Carboguard Carboguard
heavy-duty glass flake heavy-duty glass flake
690 GF 690 GF
epoxy epoxy

Phenoline Glass-flake Phenoline Glass-flake Suitable for higher temperature

1205 Novolac epoxy 1205 Novolac epoxy service

Passive Fireproofing
Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment – Carbon Steel
Applications - For hydrocarbon and/or jet-fire protection to steel surfaces for the protection of crews quarters, bulkheads, underdecks, struc-
tural steel, pipe racks, saddles, and vessel skirts.

Prep Primer Description Fireproofing Description Topcoat Description

Thermo-Lag 3000
Carbozinc Carboguard
Primer system (used for hydrocarbon Epoxy intumescent Epoxy sealer +
Primers 1340 +
in conjunction with fire protection fireproofing designed polyurethane
SP3 -or- Carbothane
qualified tie-coat plus Thermo-Lag for hydrocarbon fire weatherable finish
-or- Carboguard 133 HB
where applicable). 3002 where jet- protection and (with -or-
SP10 Series -or
Consult Carboline for fire or NORSOK 3002) provides jet-fire Single coat epoxy
-or- Carbomastic
appropriate primer. qualification is protection topcoat
Carbomastic 94

Linings for Storage Tanks and Vessels
All tank lining recommendations must be reconfirmed through Carboline Technical Service Department.

mils (µm)
Service Conditions Generic Type Product # of Coats
Epoxy coal-tar Bitumastic 300M 1-2
Crude Oil, Gas 10-14
Condensate, Produced Cycloaliphatic epoxy Phenoline 385 2
Water, or Seawater Storage
Solvent-free epoxy Plasite 4500 Series 1
Flake Pigment Vinyl Ester Plasite 4300 2
Acid, Oxidizer, Alkali (875-1125)
Storage 40-50
Solvent-free novolac epoxy Plasite 4550 Series 1
Flake Pigment Vinyl Ester Plasite 4300 2
Amine Storage
Solvent-free novolac epoxy Plasite 4550 Series 1
EG @150°F 12-15
Epoxy Plasite 9060 LT 2
DEG/TEG @100°F (300-375)
Glycol EG @150°F
Flake pigment vinyl ester Plasite 4300 2
Storage DEG/TEG @120°F (875-1125)
EG @200°F 5-7
Baking phenolic Plasite 3070 3
DEG/TEG @150°F (125-175)
Solvent-free epoxy Plasite 4500 Series 1
Brine Storage Epoxy Phenolic Plasite 7159 2
Glass-flake novolac Phenoline 1205 2
210°F Epoxy Phenolic Plasite 7159 2
Water 150°F Cycloaliphatic Epoxy Phenoline 385 2
130°F Solvent-free epoxy Plasite 4500 Series 1
Pressure Vessels, Epoxy Plasite 7159 2
Separators, Treaters
(Oil, Gas, Water) Solvent-free novolac epoxy Plasite 4550 Series 1
Glass-flake epoxy novolac Phenoline 1205 2
Drilling (400-500)
and 20% HCl @120°F 20-40
Solvent-free novolac epoxy Plasite 4550 Series 1
Workover 25% NaOH @120°F (500-1000)
Fluids 20% HCl @120°F 35-45
Vinyl ester Plasite 4300 2
10% HCl @150°F (875-1125)
Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy Phenoline 385 2
Fuel, Oil, Diesel 12-14
Epoxy Phenalkamine Phenoline 341 1
Gasoline Storage (300-350)
Epoxy Plasite 4500 Series 1

Linings for Storage Tanks and Vessels
All tank lining recommendations must be reconfirmed through Carboline Technical Service Department.

Mils (µm)
Service Conditions Generic Type Product # of Coats
Epoxy Phenoline 385 2

Ethanol, Epoxy Phenoline 353 or 353 LTE 2

Gasoline + Ethanol (300-350)

100% Solids Novolac Epoxy Plasite 4500 Series 1

Epoxy Carboguard 61 2
Waste and Potable Water 8-12
Storage Epoxy Carboguard 635 2
(NSF Approved)
Epoxy Phenalkamine Phenoline 341 1

1. Carbozinc 11 Series consists of four inorganic zinc products designed to meet every need:
•  Carbozinc 11: Standard high performance inorganic zinc silicate.
•  Carbozinc 11 VOC: High performance inorganic zinc silicate designed to meet local VOC limits of 3.2 lbs./gal. (389 g/l)
•  Carbozinc 11 HS: High performance inorganic zinc silicate designed to meet local VOC limits of 2.4 lbs./gal. (288 g/l)
•  Carbozinc 11 WB: A water-based inorganic zinc with a VOC of zero.

2. Carbothane 134 Series includes several choices of high gloss acrylic urethanes to meet your needs:
•  Carbothane 134 HG, 134 HS, 134 HP : Superior performance polyurethane exceeding the requirements of SSPC Paint 36 Level 3.
•  Carbothane 134 VOC: Same performance as 134 HG but with a VOC limit of <200 g/l.
•  Carbothane 134 MC: Same performance as 134 HG but with a VOC limit of <100 g/l.
•  Carbothane 134 WB: A water-borne urethane exceeding the requirements of SSPC Paint 36; Level 3 and VOC <100 g/l.

3. Carbothane 133 Series may be used in lieu of 134 Series when a satin finish and higher film build characteristics are desired. Carbothane 133 Series includes 133 HB, 133 VOC, 133 MC,
and 133 LH used where VOC regulations dictate.

4. Thermaline 4900 VOC and Thermaline 4700 VOC may be substituted for Thermaline 4900 and Thermaline 4700, respectively, as local VOC regulations dictate.

5. In maintenance painting, some coats may be eliminated depending on the condition of the existing paint system. Please consult your Carboline Sales Representative.

6. Heavily pitted steel can make coating application more complicated. Please consult your Carboline Sales Representative for specific advice.

7. The application technique of stripe coating edges and weld lines will improve coating system performance.

8. Surface Cleaner 3 is a water based cleaner that is effective in cleaning and degreasing surfaces prior to painting.

9. Where surface preparation designations of SSPC SP 10, SP 6, SP 7, SP 3, and SP 2 are used the ISO designations of Sa 2 ½, Sa 2, Sa 1, St 3, and St 2 (respectively) are also applicable.
10. Phenoline 311 may be used as a holding primer for many lining applications. Consult Technical Service for specific applications.

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