Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1
Compression Tester is generally defined as a machine used to test the tensile stress and compressive
strength of materials, the function of this machine is not limited for tensile test and compression test it
is a great multi-purpose instrument; it is also used for bend test, peel test and puncture test.
Now that we have a general idea on what does a Universal Testing Machine do, let’s discuss its
components. Universal Testing Machine consists of two main units, Loading Unit and Control Unit.
Loading Unit consists of:
Load Frame
The load frame of a universal testing machine can be made either by single support or by double
support. The load Frame consists of a table (where the specimen is placed for the compression test),
upper crosshead, and lower crosshead.
Upper Crosshead and Lower Crosshead
The upper crosshead is used to clamp one end of the test specimen. The lower crosshead in the load
frame is the movable crosshead whose screws can be loosened for height adjustment and tightened.
Both the crossheads have a tapered slot at the center. This slot has a pair of racked jaws that is intended
to grip and hold the tensile test specimen.
Elongation Scale
The relative movement of the lower and upper table is measured by an elongation scale which is
provided along with the loading unit.