Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use - Their Phytochemistry & Pharmacology
Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use - Their Phytochemistry & Pharmacology
Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use - Their Phytochemistry & Pharmacology
Copyright 1980
the author
Maryknoll Fathers. for a grant that financed the research' and part of the publication costs of
this handbook;
Edmond Dantes and Geraldine Fiagoy, io£ assisting in the library research:
AI Manrique for the cover design~
Boyce Jubilan. Josephine Munoz, Evelyn Tan and Gregorio Marquez for the illustrations;
Anne Marie Casimiro and Leonardo Co for helping in obtaining valuable reading materials;
Rural Missionaries of the Philippines and workers connected with Community Based Health
Programs, for their continuing interest and moral support;
Communities in Occidental, Bukidnon, COlabato and Camari.1es Sur, whose willing-
ness to share what they knew was to provide the initial push to launch the ongoing efforts to
document and disseminate infonnation on indigenous medicine.
Warkel'S at Mozar Prc~'l, for rushing the work despite Nitang and Osang;
Del Hemandez and Deyee Fidel, for their assistance in field research;
Julio D. Tan fot assistance in t.rans1atiom~;
Wilmer Dagen and World Neighbors, for their ..lJpport of our research;
My parents and friends, for understJIldhlb what is (arl'1 isn't) iml'ulsiveness. patiently bearing
with impatience and aU the tryin& periods;
A group of young physicians and the communities they serve, for talking less and doing
more, thereby sustaining this effort to write morc. .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . u
About Doses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . _ • . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . iv
About Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . • . . v
Dicotyledonae .. . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • • . • • . • . . . . 16
Selected References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . • . . • . • . 79
In 1977 ••\ feasibility study on the integration of a medicinal plants component into Com-
munity Based He~th Programs (CBHP) was conducted for the Mindanao..sulu Secretariat of Social
Action (MISSSA) thorough a grant from the Asia Foundation.
During the feasibility study, and at the inter-regional conference on C8HP convened that
same year, CBHP personnel expressed deep interest not just in medicinal plants but in traditional
medicine in general. The tapping of traditional medicine was identified as a vital part of the
efforts to develop health programs that would be truly communitj"-based, self-reliant and res-
ponsive. However, many CBHP worl<e... also expressed ltte need for more reading materials on
folk medk.ine.
The production of this handbook is part of an ongoing progrml to meet this ne~d. Original-
ly, the proposal was to compile information on the botany, phytochemisLry and phannacology
of 10 of the more commonly used medicinal plants. Data coUecled dUring the feasibility study (on
tlu: 1II0st wil;1ely used plants) was to be supplemented by additional survey forms sent out to dif·
ferent CBHP areas.
As the data started coming in, it became apparent that a "cookbook~tyle" manual covering
just 20 plants would have been inadequate. Worse, it would have encouraged a mechanical applica-
tion of the 20 plants without encouraging a look into the hundreds of other folk remedies present-
ly in use,
In its present fonn, the handbook discusses over 200 plants but even this over-extended
product has exduded a lot of material which could still be used-listings oflocal names for plants
(mo."'e than 40 for one plant, in some cases), botanical descriptions; methods of collection, process-
ing and propagation, more detailed infonnation of the nature and role of plant constituents;and
even the cultural basis offolk medicine (an important factor that is often overlooked).
Other manuals on these other aspects may eventually be compiled but it must be emphasized
that the manuals are only meant as reference materials.
The present thrust of research into medicinal plants is geared towards the screeni.l1..g of plants
for cardiovascular. anti-eancer and anti·fertility drugs. While this type of research has its value. it
seems inapproriate in countries where available fonns of treatment for such Widespread diseases
such as tuberculosis, malaria and schistosomiasis continue to be beyond the reach of the majority
of the victims. In the Philippines, the situation is even more disturbing, with recent studies reveal-
ing that 95% of the materials used to produce"local" drugs are, in fact, imported. The inclusion
of what are supposed to be nonfatal such as bronchitis in the ten top causes of death in
the country is a reflection of the painfufcost of this type of dependence.
Clearly. there is a need to link: up research and application. For too long now, research has
been impractical and irrelevant while actual practices continue to be haphazard and unsystematic.
Perhaps, the Community Based Health Programs will be able to change this. The starting
point and the r.ontinuing guide for research must be the corrununities themselves. We have to
work on existing local uses because these are reflective of local needs, and bccause of thc strong
empirical (experiential) basis of these practices. A> this handbook will show. findings in labora-
tories often only substantiate, in so much scientific jargon. what has been in practice for centu-
Hopefully, future manuals will be more and mOle basedon the experiences of different com·
munities. The meeting of open but analytical minds will mean much more now than the d~e
of formal education one has gone through. Unless this is done, the use of medicinal plants and
folk medicine will remain what it is today - a curious remnant of the past, valuable for its anti-
quity but totally inadequate inmeeting the pressing needs of the times.
Science cannot be for the people unless it is developed with the people.
Michael L. Tan
1 May 1978
The last two years has seen the growth of interest in traditional medicine here in the Philip-
pines and in other countries. Continuing research has produced significant discoveries about many
medicinal plants. TItis revised edition ha.c; the.ceCore been prepared to disseminate the new ftndings.
Severnl new plants have been introduced although the additional plants remain limited to
those belonging to the plant families covered in the fmt edition.
A number of new preparations and doses have been added. mainly based on listings in the
Philippine National Fomrulary and the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. A more significant development
is the incorporation of preparations that are being used in our community·based health programs.
The spreading popularity of medicinal plants has spurred local programs to compile their own
herbals and to work: out mixtures based on traditional knowledge and published studies. This has
been an encouraging sign, showing that traditional medicine can be developed through an approach
that is both scientific and community-based.
The language used in this edition remains technical because the handbook is aimed for
intennediate users - students and professionals with some training in the sciences, who intend
to do applied research on medicinal plants and to help in the development of local materials to
be used by communities.
Simplified versions of the frnt edition were prepared in some areas, limiting themselves to
preparation and uses. This approach could be followed by other communities although it is also
possible, and advantageous, to introduce simple phyto-ehemical and phannacological infonnation,
especially in relation to traditional concepts of drug action.
There have been "growing up pains" accompanying the development of traditional medical
systems here and in other countries. Wholesale rejection by some professionals continues while
on the other extreme, there has been the equally dangerous attitude of sensationalizing traditional
medicine into it fad.
Oearly, traditional medicine cannot develop without a rational integration of theory and
practice. Publications such as this manual cannot be used or applied without giving consideration
to the needs and resources of our conununities. More importantly, it cannol be used without an
understanding of the different economic, soci(l] and cultural factors that affect the development
of traditional medicine.
M. L. Tan
21 June 1980
People are always interested in doses of medicinal plants and this is a healthy indicator of
the efforts to make traditional medicine morC scientific.
However, this concern can be dragged to an extreme, to the point that people may become
unuuly fIXated on doses. We forget that many medicinal plants are in fact edible fruits and vege-
tables with very low toxicity. No doubt. there are plants such as talumpunay (Datura mete/)
which need to be used with caution. But there are far fewer poisonous plants than people think
there are. In fact, the problem we need to cope: with medicinal plants is thei.r very mild and slow
action. This is especially the ,;;ase with decoctions. infusions and other crude preparations which
we are using right now. In thellC preparations, the concentration of active principle(s) is usually
very low.
Nevertheles~. doses have been included in this manual, many of which were taken from the
Chinese Phormacopoeia. Readers may notice that this edition includes changes in some of the
doses - this is because in the first edition, doses were obtained from different herbals. The pUbli-
cation of an official Chinese Plul11TUlcopoeia provides a centralized source of listings and doses
that would be more reliable.
Notice that the doses are wide in range (e.g. 9-30 gm.), which again illustrates the wid~
margin of safety that can be expected from crude preparations. Variatiolllj in doses were also
found in different official publications or studies, e' en if they come from the same country.
Since tltis manual is intended as a reference source, all doses as listed in available official publica-
tions (fomlularies, phannacopoeia) have been included.
The figures should not be taken dogmatically. especially since many of these doses are from
foreign sources. The value in these figures is that they can be a guide for further research and use.
Many readGI'S of the first edition conunented on the use of "grams," pointing out that
scales are not available in rural areas (even if they can be improvised). This is a valid point and
there were plans to convert all the doses into numbers of leaves or fmits. Unfortunately. there is
too much variation in the siZes and weights of different plant parts so such ~ conversion may not
be that practical. Bark material, for instance, cannot be quantified in tenm of numbers of pieces
unless specific dimensions are given. It was therefore decided to retain the use of "grams" as an
acceptable standard.
Conversions can be made for local herbals. To help in conceptualizing the weights, the
foUowing guide has been prepared. leAves of different sizes representing the more conunonly
known medicinal plants were weighed, with samplings composed of 30-50 leaves for each species.
The weights given below are averages.
Readers should keep in mind that conceptual differences exis.t between cosmopolitan
('"western") and traditional medical systems. Some of the most important differences lie in the
concept of drug action.
In cosmopolitan medicine, drugs are looked on mainly as "cures." An anti-malarial drug,
for instance, "cures"malaria by killing the protozoa that causes the disease.
In traditional systems, disease is usually conceptualized as a disruption (dys·krasia) of
the balance of forces, both external and internal to the human organism. Excessive heat, (:old or
wind, as well as hannfu11iving forces (whether genns or evil spirits) are cited as causes of the
Correspondingly. drugs are seen as external agents to be used mainly as aids to restore a
healthful balance. In "modem" tenns. this restorative action is sometimes interpreted as a streng·
teDing' of the body's own defense or immunological mechanisms so the body itself can overcome
In this handbook, several uses of medicinal plants are taken from Chinese publications,
where traditional concepts have been integrated with "western" phytochemistry and pharma-
cology. Thw, some of the indications for the plants may seem incredible, e.g. plants for appendi·
citis. Yet, the Chinese mcthod for treating appendicitis is mainly non-surgical. They use purga-
tives to "cleanse out" toxins, together with plants having "anti-inflammatory" properties. This
method is unacceptable in western medicine although the Chinese do have extensive clinical
documentation to back up their claims to the efficiency of such methods.
Readers should therefore be aware that a plant indicated for hepatitis will not necessarily
"cwe" hepatitis in the "western" sense. The plant may work by improving hepatic function or
by working to improve other systems of the body.
In the last few years, Soviet researchers have used the tenn "adaptogen" for plant drugs
which help the body to fight stress and certain ailments. The most well known example of such
n "adaptogen" would be ginseng, which has been reported to have a 'number of seemingly un~
related actions on different body systems. UnfortunatelY, such reseaIch is still looked on as
"strange" in the West and for countries like the Philippines, with its research patterned after the
United States, there is a tendency to share the biases.
On the community level, much more still needs to be done by way of Wlderstanding local
concenpts of health, disease and the use of '.1rugs. Some attempts have been made to relate local
concepts with and "western" concepts, e.g. "wann" plants used for rheumatism (a "cold" disease)
are explained as plants with certain chemicals which have a soothing effect on the skin and muscles
(counter.irritant action). But this is aD very basic and still needs to be expanded further. * We need
to be open to both the strengths and weaknesses of traditional and cosmopolitan systems and
to leam to maximize the use of all these systems for the benefit of the majority.
·Documentation on this integrated approach is being prepared. Essentially, the approach buUds from the com-
munitY's own knowledge and resources, through dialogical (two-way) sessions inVolving both theory and
practice (e.g. demonstrations of preparations., collection of actual plant specimens).
. __ .. ~------~-----------"
These are perennial herbs with fleshy rhizomes or conns and acrid or pl\ngent juice. Gabi
[Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott & Endt] is a well known member of this family. Although it is
not used in folk medicine in the Philippines, gabi is mentioned here for its nutritional value. The
leaves are particulady rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus and iron. More·
over, the green variety (gabi verde) contains appreciable amounts of iodine (2.26 ppm dry, where
the required daily iodine for adults is about .90 ppm).
One very useful member of this family is lubigan or sweet-flag:
Member> of this family are also called sedFS. The sedges closely resemble the grasses but
there are some differences, the main one being the stems - the stems of grasses are entire while
those of sedges are three-angled. Over a hundred species of sedges exist in the Philippines, most
of them growing wild. Several of them are used medicinally,
The Chinese report that extracts of mutba's rhizomes, given to experimental animals, Wu-
bited uterine contractions Uld increased tolerance to pain. The planfs essential oil (found in the
rhizomes) has shown in vitro ..n tibacterial (against gram positive Olbanisrns) and antiviral activity.
An extract of the roots inhibited 14 different kinds of fungi in vitro. Other studies showed the
plant I;.,'dracts to be diuretic. antiemetic, anti-inflammatory. antihistaminic. Prolonged hypotensive
and vasoJilating effects have also been reported in experimental animals.
Decoction ofMuthll Rhizome - Collect the rhizome. remove the fibrous rootlets and dry.
Ute 3·9 gm of the dried material to prepare a decoction. The decoction can be used for dysmenor·
rhea, inegular menstruation, stomach ache (neurogenic gastralgia) and vomiting due to ulcers.
Extemol Uses - Use the rhizomes to prepare a decoction that can be used as a wasil for skin
diso...s. For spnins and bruises, use the pounded fresh material as a poultice. Or. powderize the
drug material and wann it with vinegar. Then apply on the affected areas.
CONTRAJNDICA7TONS: Do not use in patients with fever. It 1s also contraindicated in patients
whose menstruation has just started.
NOTE: Anuarog [l,yperuS kylJingia Endl. or KylJinga monocephala RoUb J has similar uses with
mutha in fQ1k rIledicine and, in fact, has many names in other di21ects that are the same for mutha.
AnuanS's roou also contain volatile oil although its pharmacology has not been studied as much
Pugo-puao (Cebuano name) is not too widely known in the Philippines. However, it is widely
\lied in China, wbe~ clinical studies have shown it to be quite effective for malaria. The plant is
IIJo ....d for coughing and, extemaDy, for skin diseases. Strangely, there are no available reports
on its chemical coostltueots.
Decoction of Pugo-pugo - The whole plant Is used. 12·18 gm. fresb and 30-60 gm. dried.
For the trealment of malaria, the plant material mu,t be kept hested for 34 hours before the
decoction can be used. The dose is given in three divided doses daily. This is repeated for at least
three days.
As a cough remedy, the decoction can be processed into a syrup. It is said to be effective
for whooping cough.
Extemally, the decoction is used as a wash for skin diseases.
CONTRAINDICATlONS: The plant should not be used in pregnant women.
i 3 4
The tubers of several plants from this family are eaten: nami , tUgi2. ubi·ubihan and ubi .
The tubers of these plants are poisonous if eaten raw because of the presence of sapogenins, main-
ly dioscoreine, which are centra) nervous system depressants. Because of this, the tubers have to
be carefully washed and cooked before they are eaten.
The sapogenins have been of interest to phannacologists and other researchers because of the
close similarity of these sapogenins' structure to certain steroids such as cortisone, widely used as
an anti·rheurnatic drug, and progesterone, a synthetic hormone used in contraceptives.
Using certain procedures in the laboratory. these sapogenin! can be converted into the medi-
cinally valuable steroids.
Locally, the plants are not known to be popularly used as medicine.
1Dioscorea hispida Dennst. 3 D. bulbi/era L.
2D. erculenta (Lour.) Burk. 4 D. ala,ta L.
The grass family is a large one. covering many species that grow wild but also including some
familiar cultivated crops such as sugar cane, rice and com. Many of the grasses are used medicinally
although their action"is almost always one of diuresis. The diuretic action is due mainly to the high
potassium content. In addition, the different types of bamboos contain miner.:.1s such as silica,
potash, lime and alumina, which also have a diuretic effect although the action is more irritating.
Those who have tried drinking water from bamboos would be familiar with this i.rritating, even
psinIu1 effect.
-An Indian study reported the ptesence of an alkaloid oridine, supposedly with antineuritic pro·
perties but there has been no fuUow-up of the study and it' claim,.
Thtong - Burnt rice provides carbon used as an adsorbent for diarrhea. Give as much as the
patient can take. Juice from fruits rich in pectin can be added.
Kanin - Cooked rice provides a good base for poultices because ofthe starch. It is better to
use unhusked rice to prepare the "paste". The "paste" can be used alone, with very good results,
for eczema, "bungang araw" (prickly heat or miliariasis) and mild inflammation where a demul·
cent can help lessen the irrit'ation.
Darak (Rice bran or rice polishings) - Tiki-tiki, the commercial preparation used for preven-
tion and treatment of beri-beri, is extracted from darak. The active ingredient is thiamine or vita-
min B . Collected under hygienic conditions and mixed with ipa (rice hulls), darak can be used
to proouce kalamay, palitaw, bibingka, pUla, espasol and other similar products which would
provide much of the thiamine requirements for children. Darak also provides some iron.
Because of its high crude fiber content, darak can also be used as a laxative. The Philippine
NanofIQ/. FormullJry suggests boiling two tablespoons of darak in one glass of water as a laxative.
This family is a large one with many important medicinal plants. Drugs such as the veratrum
alkaloids (hypotensive), colchicine (an1i-gout), squill (cardiotonic and expectorant) and aloin
(pwgative) are obtained from members of this family. Most of the drugs are obtained from the
roots and dllzomcs of the plants.
The sarsaparillas, which we know today mainly as flavoring for soft drinks, are obtained
from the various Smilax species, which belong to the lily family. The sarsaparillas are actually
steroidal saponins. Their mode of action is not clear although they may stimulate absorption of
other drugs. In the Philippines, as with many other countries, the SmilllX plants are sometimes
used in folk-medicine, mainly for syphillis, rheumatism and skin diseases. Local species include
banagl, sarsaparillang-tsina2 and sanaparilJang-puti3 .
Among the more common members of the lily family are sabila and bawang, which are
dicussed below.
1Smilax bracteam Presl. 2Smilax chino L. 3Smilax leucophylkJ 81.
SABILA (Fig, 4) Aloe barbadensis Mill
,Dnang-boaya, dnang-halo (His.) Syn. Aloe veN L.
Sahila contains various antharaquinone glycosides. mainly barbaloin. The glycosides are
found in the juice. Sabila is the main source for the purgative "aloes".
When barbaloin and aloin are boiled with alcohol or mixed with acid, emodin is produced.
The same thi."1g happens whcl" I:-:ubaloin and aloin are taken orally -- they are broken down to
emodin in the intestine. Emodin is th~ actjve cathartic principle.
Besides the glycosides, sahila contairls slight traces of volatile oil, alkaloids, calciwn and
4 5 6
Fig. 4 - Sablla{Aloe barbadensis Mill.]. with its cactus-like leaves, which are green with
white spots.
Fig. 5 - Sibuyas tagalog [Allium asca/onicum L.] Fig. 6 - Bawang [Allium satiVWfl L.I
Various uses fOf_sahUa have been reported. Perhaps the most familiar one is the use of the
sap for baldness. One proprietary preparation available locally contains sabila and claims to be a
cure for baldness. Small amounts of sabila's juice, mixed with water, is also sometimes used for
indigestion and peptic ulcers. The juice increases bile secretions but prolonged use will result
in hemonhoids.
More recently, sOOiJa has been advertised as the main ingredient of a very expensive skin
cream, with claims that the use of sabila as a "beauty-aid" dates back to the time of Cleopatra.
On the practical side, sahila has been proven as a good remedy for bums. Several published
reports cite sabila's effectivity in treating even third-degree bums. The action of sabila is one of
promoting skin tissue regeneration.
Bruised fresh leaves can be applied on contusions (bruises) and localiz.ed edema. For baldness
(alopecia) and faDing hair, the Philippine NatiolUll Formulary suggests the use of the cut leaves
(after removing the spines) rubbed directly on the scalp after washing the hair, The juice of the
fresh leaves can also be mixed with gogo (page 43) and used as a shampoo.
The sap can be collected from the leaves and applied fresh on bums, skin ulcers and various
dermatitic conditions. Or, the fresh leaves can be split and applied on the bum, covered with wax
paper and bandaged. The darkened mucilaginous material is washed off with water after an hour.
The use of the sap as a purgative is not reconunended as it causes griping.
BAWANG (Fig. 6) Allium sativum L.
The practice of carrying a piece ofbawang or garlic to ward off evil spirits is probably based
on the hope that the strong pungent odor would repel the spirits. Wbether or not it has any effect
on the spirit, bawang has been established to contain chemical constituents which have a broad
spectrum of anti·bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protoZ(\U activity.
The antibiotic properties of bawang is due to the presence of sulfur-eontaining compounds
in its volatile oil. Thr. volatile oil is found mainly in the bulb. When the garlic bulb is crushed, alliin
(S.allyl-L-cystein-sulfoxide) is· converted into allicin (allyl disulfoxide.) Allicin has been found to
inhtbit a broad variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Some of the bacteria against
which allicin has been found to be effective rtre Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Corynebacterium diptheriae, Pseudomonas aemginosa, Salmo-
nella typhi. Shigella dysenteriae and Semztia. Indian researchers also reported garlic extracts to
inhibit the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Some fungi (Trichophyton spp., Microsporon
spp.) and protozoa (Trichomonas) have also fa und susceptible to allicin.
During the First World War, when antibiotics were still unavailable, fresh garlic juice was
.used with sphagnum moss to dress the wounds of soldiers. Various reports also cite the successful
use of garlic in the treatment of ~in diseases, including ringwonn. In China, garlic is used for
supportive therapy (in addition to Western drugs) in the treatment of amoebic dysentery.
Early in 1980, a Chinese report cited the use of garlic in the treatment of cryptococcal
meningitis. Both oral and parenteral preparations were used.
There are other uses of garlic. Until recently, there was a proprietary preparation for high
blood pressure with garlic as its main ingredient. Garlic is both a diuretic and vasodilator and
the two actions are of help in hypertension. .
In 1979, two ArneIican researchers isolated the hormone prostaglandin Al from onions
and garlic. This honnone has hypotensive action.
Indian researchers report that extracts from garlic have hypoglycemic action. They specu-
late that the action is one of promoting better utilization of glucose.
Indian and German researchers report garlic to he hypolipemic and fibrinolytic. These two
actions are of value in the prevention of atherosclerosis by preventing the accumulation of fat
(cholesterol) in blood vessels.
Because of its volatile oil, garlic is a good expectorant. It also has anthebnintic properties.
Nutrition-wise, the leaves of garlic are good sources of vitamin A, calcium, phosphoms
and folic acid.
I. Garlic preparations should not be given orally to children.
2. It is better to use fresh garlic because the antibiotic properties of garlic decrease with
storage. Always store garlic in a cool, dry but ventilated place. Use within six months after haIVest-
3. Garlic can cause irritation in the gastro-intestinal tract. Nausea is usually the side-effect.
When this occurs, reduce the dose accordingly.
4. Other Allium spp. such as sibuyas or onion5 1 , sibuyas tagalol and kutsay3 also have
antt1>iotic properties although they are generally weaker than bawang or garlic. Onions come
closest to garlic in telms of expectorant, antibiotic and diuretic properties. The Indians' research
on the hypoglycemic,. hypolipernic and fib rinolytic activities of garlic also included oniOfi5 and
they found similar properties in onion, although again, these properties were weaker.
1Allium cepa L. 2 A. lUcalonicum L. 3Allium odorum L.
and adrenaline. The levels of these mono-amines differ with the variety of banana but is almost
always higher in the unripe fruit. The significance of the presence of these amines, particularly
5·HT. is still a controYetsy sinee they are present in small amounts and may not be sufficient
to exert any physiological effect on the body. But studies, particularly from India, claim that
the S-HT content miMccs banala valuable in the tIeatmcnt of gastric uleen. Using experimental
animals where ulcers were induced (with chemicals such as histamine and phenylbutazone as
well as physical restraint to bring stress) the researchers claim that emulsions from unripe bana.
nas were found to help in the healing of the ulcers and were comparable to aluminwn hydroxide
in the rate of healing.
Whatever it is that is responsible, mmy published reports cite the nJue of banana in treat·
ing a variety of digestive disoroen, including dysente1Y. It may be possible that the action is
both chemical (combined actiun of tannin, pectin and the amines) and mechanical (an emulsion
is always demulcent on the gastro-intestinal tract).
There have also been reports claiming success with the use of the sap from the trunk of
banana trees for wounds. The sap is known to contain tannin, which would. make it astringent. The
mucilage in the sap probably also contributes to the wouDd-healing process. Hut there are prob-
ably other constituents, still unidentified, which may be responsible for the sap's action. Much
wade. has been done on analyzing the chemical constituents of bananas but there is definitely
room for more research. The fruit, for instance, has some 200 chemical substances responsible
(or its distinct odor.
Externally. banana also has its uses. Softened over low heat, its young leaves make excellent
dressing for inflamed skin as well as for wounds. The interior of the trunk of banana trees is cool
and can be used as a cold pack for fever. Some rural health workers have also found the trunk
useful for storing vaccines for short periods of time.
Undoubtedly) there are other uses for bananain folk medicine and since banana is in no way
toxic, these uses should be documented and studied. like the many uses of rice, banana's applica·
tions may often be so simple they are overlooked or disregarded.
Bantma Powder - Peel and make thin slices of green (unripe) Iatundan. Sun-dry for one
whole day or heat over an oven with low temperature for two hours until the slices are dIy and
crisp. Grind or pound to make a powder then store in sealed plastic bags Cl' any tightly covered
container. Use 14 teaspoons of the powder at a time, mixing it with soup, rice gruel Ougao) or a
sugar and salt water solution. The pectin in banana helps to control diarrhea. It also provides
potassium. which the body loses during dia.n:hea.
Tuyong BulDklizk - The dried flowers of banana are rich in iron and calciwn. It should
be ODe of the suggested dietary supplements for anemic patients.
Young Leaves - Soften young leaves by· warming them over a low fire or over coals (uling).
Coconut oil can be added and the leaves applied as a dressing for wounds, blisters and other
conditions where the skin is intbmed.
Sap from the Trunk - The sap from the trunk can be applied on wounds ~s an astringent
and styptic.
Like other tropical countries, the Philippines has numerous species of palms, which serve
as sources of food, beverages: household utensils, bW1t1ing materials and even as medicine. Among
the palms used medicinally, the two most familiar ones are bunga 1 and niyog2 although other
palms such as burl 3, nipa4 , and kaong5 all have their peculiar uses depending on the region
and distribution of these palms.
Bunga or betel nut is chewed together with ikmo or buyo (Piper betle L.) and apog (lime).
The practice is Widespread through Asia. although it is said to be harmful because it causes loss of
appetite and ulcerations in the mouth.
'I1te effect of cheWing betel nut is one of stimulation. This is due to the presence of several
alkaloids in the nut, mainly arecoline, arecaine, traces of arecaidine, guavacoline, guavacine and
other alkaloids with similar chemical structures.
Some of the effects of the arecoline alkaloids are an increase in saliva flow, a mild feeling
of exhiliration {for new users, flushing in the face), stimulation of gastro-intestinal movements,
constriction of bronchial muscles and a drop in blood pressure.
The nut has been found to be an effective taenifuge. Its action against tapeworms is due to
the arecoline alkaloids. Although the use of arecoline is no longer practiced in the West, it con-
tinues to find practical and effective application in many Asian countries .
.Besides the arecoline alkaloids, betel nut also contains tannic and gallic acids, which make
the nut astringent.
Decoction of Betel Nut - A decoction of betel nut can be used as an anthelmintic although
its action is more effective against tapewolIns than roundwonns. Boil the nuts for 20-30 minutes
and let the decoction cool before administering. Take on an empty stomach. No purgative is
needed. The dose for children below 12 years of age is 30 gm or less of the nuts. For children
above 12 years of age, 50-60 gm can be used while for adults, the dose is 80·90 gm.
Decoction of Betel Nut and Kalabasa Seeds - A combination of betel nut and kalabasa
is used tor better efft'ct. Betel nut acts mainly on the anterior segment of tapeworms whilt: kala-
basa seeds are more effective on the middle and posterior segments. Use the doses above for betel
nut together with 70-100 gm kalabasa seeds and boil in 500 ml. water for an hour. The decoction
should be about 150-200 ml after one hour of boiling. Add water again to make 500 ml. Give on
an empty stomach early in the morning.
Bunga EnemJl - Because of arecoline's toxicity, it may be safer to use bunga as an enema.
Boil 50 gm of the nut in one liter (about 8 cups) of water. Use one glass as an enema and retain
for one hour.
The arecoline alkaloids are strong-acting. Follow the prescribed dosages carefully and keep
patients under observation for at least 12 hOllIS. Signs of toxicity include vomiting, continuous
diarrltea, difficulty in breathing. The antidote i~ adrenaline or atropine.
Because of ~he toxicity of arecoline, other uses of betel nut (usually for stomach ache)
should not be encouraged.
NIYOG Cocos nucifera L.
Niyog or coconut has often been called the "Tree of Life", and for good reason. All the
parts of this sturdy. long-living palm, from the husk of the nut down to the roots, have found
some use. Among the numerous.uses of coconut, several are medicinal.
The husk, for instance, can be burned to yield charcoal useful for diarrhea. The charcoal
from coconut is one of the best adsorbents. During the First World War,large quantities of
charcoal from coconut were used for gas masks. As an anti-diarrhea drug, charcoal acts as a protec-
tive ana adsorbent. It lines the intestinal tract, protecting it from further irritation and adsorbing
excess water as well as ha."'inful substances that may have been taken in.
There is a local practice of buming coconut husks and collecting the soot (black condensed
material) by putting a basin over the burning husks. The oily substance collected is used fm
wounds and for toothaches. An analysis made of this oil showed it had some amount of phenol,
which has gennicidal action.
Lana or coconut oil is another product often used in folk medicine. It is a convenient base
for many drugs, particularly for skin affli",tions. TIle oil is vel)' stable and has been found to
have antiseptic properties. (Significant anti-fungal properties have been reported.) A hi8l'1 grade
purified coconut oil called "water white coconut oil" has been developed by the National Insti-
tute of Science and Technology. The oil can be used as a solvent for injections. Coconut oil con·
sists mainly of lauric and myristic acids. Other fatty acids present are caprylic, capric, palmitic,
stearic, patmitoleic, oleic and linoleic.
Coconut water has several uses besides making tuba. It is a mild laxative because of its oil
content. Yet, it has great potential for use in diarrhea as a rehydrating agent. The water can be
taken orall)' or given intravenously as a'dextrose substitute. Several studies have reported the use
of coconut water intravenously without side effects. Coconut water is vel)' similar to fluids with-
in the body. It has large quantities of potassium and low levels of sodium; chloride and phos-
phorus. In the young coconut, 3 to 8 gm of sugar are found in every 100 mJ of the water. The
sugars are mainly glucose and fructose and, like dextrose, they provide a good source of energy
for the patient. Both the fat and protein content of coconut water are low, although as many as
12 different amino acids have been found present.
Because of the potassium content, coconut water is also a good diuretic. It has been found
particularly useful for ailments 'ofthe genito-urinaty system, including calculi or stones.
Gata or coconut milk is a potential substitute fOf<:ow:s mille Santan, or cocohoney, can be
used as a base for syrups.
Coconut Charcoal - Bum the husk to obtain charcoal. The charcoal is not purified carbon
but i~ still serves as a good adsorbent for dianhea. Crush the charcoal well to obtain a fine powder
and give 1/2 to I teaspoonful 3-4 times daily with water. It should be remembered that charcoal's
adsorbent action is not selective and that it may adsorb other nutrients and drugs being given to
the patient. A proper inteIVal of 1/2 to 1 heur should therefore be obseIVed before giving other
drugs and/or food following the use of charcoal. The charcoal can also be used as an antidote for
La~ (Coconut Oil) - The oil is a good base for applying other drugs, particularly for skin
diseases. It can also be used alone. As with other ointments, coconut oil (and whatever drugs are
incorporated with it),would be most effective where the skin is dry or scaiy, especially on the scalp.
Coconut Water - As a laxative, take the juice of ]·2 coconuts on an empty stomach As a
diuretic, take as much of the water as can be tolerated.
For purposes of oral rehydration, studies are still being made on the best age of the nut
from which water can be taken. The best age of the nut to be used for intravenous administration
has been suggested at 7 months because this is the time when the sugar level is at its highest
The same rule could probably apply in choosing a nut to be used for oral rehydration.
If coconut water is to be used intravenously, aseptic (sterile) methods should be used. Co-
conut water, once contaminated, is an excellent medium for bacteria to grow in. Check the shell
of the nut and make sure there are no cracks. As long as the shell is intact, the water inside is
Although the water can be administered directly from the nut, it is better to transfer the
water to another container to filter out some of the sediments that may be in the water. TLe
method for transferring the water is deSCribed below;*
Cut the ends of the nut] to 1·1/2 inch into the soft meaty substance. Swab the cut surfaces
with alcohol and allow it to evaporate. Then insert a dry, sterile trocar or any hollow tube into
the nut's cavity. The water is passed through a sterile
The sap from the trunk of pandan or pandang-da~at (Pandanus tectarius Solander) is often
used locally for calculi (urin3lY stones), while a decoction of the roots was at one time used
(sometimes together with the sap from the trunk (') i' banana) as a urethral injection for infections
of the urinary tract. Other than potassium in the aerial roots, which would make the plant diu-
retic. it has not been established if there are other chemical constituents of antibacterial value.
Pandang mabango lPandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.J resembles pinya (pineapple) more than
it resembJes pandan (which is a tree). Pandang mabango, as its name implies. contains an aromatic
volatile oil. The oil is used in other countries as a purgative, cardiotonic and cephalic (for head-
aches) as well as for wClunds, with one writer claiming that the oil has antiseptic properties
comparable to that of eucalyptus oil.
The Philippine NatiofUll Formulary suggests the use of the roots in decoction as a diuretic.
For he:ldache and rheumatism, the leaves can be crushed, mixed with oil and applied on the
aifected areas. Either pandan or pandang mabango can be used.
'The ginger family is noted for its volatile oils, which are concentrated mainly in their rhi-
zomes or underground roots. Besides the familiar luya or ginger, other plants from this family
used medicinally include dilaw l , luya-Iuyahan 2 , gisol3, kamia4 and langkawasS .
Strong Ginger Tincture - Use SO g peeled fresh ginger with enough 90% alcohol (e.g. tuba)
to make 100 ml. The tincture can be used for coughing, stomach ache, gas pain. Dose 0.25 to
0.5 ml.
Weak Ginger Tincture - Prepare the strong tincture described above. Use 20 ml of the
strong tincture with 900,6 alcohol (again, tuba or any strong alcoholic beverage) to make 100
ml. The tincture is used for the same conditions as the stronger version but the dose can be
increased to 1.5 to 3.0 ml.
Ginger Syrup - Use 5 m) of the strong tincture plus enough syrup (Cf. Appendix II --
Common Drug Preparations) to make 100 rol. The dose is 2-5 ml.
TIlere are numerous variations in the use of luya. It can be mixed with other medicinal
plants as decoctions or syrups. Or the juice can be used to flavor other drug preparations. Two
popular examples ofluya mixed with other medicinal plants are described as below:
SLK Cough Syrup - Use one handful of thinly sliced luya rhizomes and one handful of
sampalok (page 45). Boil the luya and sampalok in water for about 15 minutes to make a decoc·
tion. Then strain to remove the plant materials. For every part liquid (decoction), add two parts
sugar. Boil the decoction and sugar until the mixture becomes thick (syrupy). Allow the mixture
to cool down and then add the juice of kaJamansi (pag.e 62) for flavoring. Add lh teaspoon sodium
benzoate for every liter (8 cups) of the mixture to allow the syrup to keep longer. The dose of
the cough syrup varies: 1·2 teaspoonful every 34 hours.
Variations of this cough syrup can be made. Instead of luya and sampalok, other plants
with volatile oil can be used, e.g. lagundi (page 72), a1agaw (page 72) or sambong (page 28).
Kalam4lJlsi can also be substituted by other vitamin C-rich fruits like bayabas (page 55) or guaya-
bano (page 15).
A little gin can also be added to the syrup for adults. The alcohol helps to reduce the cough·
BLS Oil - Use equal parts of chopped bawang (page 8), luya rhizomes and crushed sUing
labuyo (page 66). Heat this with an equal amount of coconut oil. For example, if the hawang,
luya and siling labuyo come out to three cups, then also use three cups of coconut oil.
Heat the mixture together for 10-15 minutes and then strain. The oil can be used externally
for muscle pains, sprains and rheumatism.
This oil acts on the principle of giving heat to the skin. The heat relaxe s the muscle and
reduces pain. Instead of siling labuyo, other "warm" plants such as paminta (page 58) or ikmo
(page 58) can be used.
L. \'aT. major]. '"Temu kunir" has smaller dtizomes and has less essential or volatile oil than
"!emu lawak."
Fig. 9 - Kalpueng IGraptophyUum pictum (L.) Griff.) ;, commonly planted as a hedge. The,.
are two varieties - one with green leaves blotched with white and the other with dark
purple leaves.
Fig. 10 - 5inta [Andrographir panicu/Q/Q (Bunn l) Nees) ;, a herb that grows up to 3 m. Its
flowers are white with ~urple spets.
Kalpueng [GraptophyUum pictum (L.) Griff. - Fig. 9) has been reported to be effective for
tteating stab and bite wounds, including those which ate suppurating (with pus). The Indooesian
report suggests that the mashed leaves be applied directly on the wound, with a change of dressing
every 6 houn. Sepsis reportedly disappears within 24 houn. An alkaloid has been reported present
in the plant_ A local study found fats. peptic substances and fonnie acid in the leaves and stems.
5inta [Bieol name for Andrographir panicu/Q/Q (Bunn l) Nees. - Fig. !O) is the source of
glycosides (andrographolide, neoandrographolide) with significant antibiotic ptoperties. In China,
the glycosides are now produced in tablet and injectable fOnTIS and are used for a variety of
inflammatory conditions, particularly in the respiratory and digestive systems. In its crude fonn,
3-9 gm. of the dried plant is used in decoction for colds, broru.;hitil), pharyngo-laryngitis, pneumo-
nitis, dysentery. The Chinese claim that its antibiotic properties are comparable to penicillin G and
chloramphenicol. Unfortunately, the plant is not widely Imown in the Philippines although it is
now commercially cultivated in Indonesia.
This family has a number of poisonous plants which have, in their stems and leaves, acrid
substances that are irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time, two trees
belonging to this family are noted for their fruits.
The ftrst is kasoy or cashew [Anacardium occidentale L.] with its peculiar Jooking fruit.
The fruit is a rich source of vitamin C. However, a poisonous oil is found in the pericarp (shell)
of the fruit. The oil contains cardol and anacardic .acid and is insecticidal. It is also poisonous
to livestock. Seeds burned in the open will release fumes which can kill smaller animals like poul-
try. The fumes are irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat in human
Applied externally, the oil of kasoy can cause blister fonnation, but a preparation from
cardo) was used in Europe for the treatment of warts and corns. Also, the oil of kasoy has been
used against human ancylostomiasis (hookwonn infections). The oil is enclosed in capsules and is
given 4-6 gm in adults and 34 gm in adults and 34 gm in children. This is given to the patient on
an empty stomach and is repeated 34 times at 15·day intelVaIS.
The Philippine National Fonnulllry also endorses the use of kasoy's bark and leaves as an
astringent mouthwash for toothaches, sore gums and sore throats. The mouthwash should be
prepared in very diluted fonn (as an infUsion) and the ~ser should not swallow the infusion. The
active principle in the bark and leaves is tannin.
Tannin is also found in the barks and leaves of mangga lMangJfera indica L.I which is why
the Philippine National Fonnulary recommends the use of mangga's bark and kernels (seeds),
in decoction, as an antidianheal.
In folk medicine, the leaves of mangga are often used in aromatic baths. 11ris is because of
the volatile oil found in the leaves. The Philippine Nationill Formuwry lists an infusion of young
mangga leaves for coughing.
There are different varieties of mangga, e.g. kalabao, piko, etc. All these fruits, ripe or
unripe, are good sources of vitamin C.
The anonas family includes three common fruit trees: guayabano (Anona muricata L.),
aRonas (A. reticulata L.) and aUs (A. squamosa L). The three fruits are useful in dianhea be-
cause of their pe/,.,1in content. They are also good souces of vitamin C. In addition, the seeds
of atis and anonas contain alkaloids with insecticidal properties and can be crushed and applied,
with oil, for hair lice (kuto) and scabies.
Another member of this family, kalirnatas [Phaenthus eb,acleolatus (PresI.) M..-r.1 has
been the subject of many studies because its alkaloids have been found to have marked hypoten-
sive and muscle relaxant properties. And still another member, hiJagak (Uvaria rola Blume), is
being investigated because of the presence of alkaloids with anti-tumor activity,
This Wniiy h~ many medicinal plants which can be divided into three categories based on
their main ph}.. !!.jol;;.g;=~l t-c{Jve ceomtuent,:::
The Apocynu:eae aas several i-,l:onts with cardiac gycosides acting similarly to digitalis.
Two loca! Sfiecies are usea a:. aII(\W poisons: abuhab-baging [Strophanthus cumingi A. DC.I
ant. saISafa IStrophanthue luei ~.:ierr ~. Both ~f'.s contain saponins which act on the heart, the
btl)f)t\ and respir!tion wit!: :l;ticms simibr to ouabain (G-strophanthin).
In contrm to the vines, we h::tVe two plwt3 whose attractive flowers make them popular
or.mank~ntals: adelfa [Nerium ;':.diCtlm Mill. - rig. til and kampanyero [Thevetia pefUv;ana
(Pees. ) Merr. Fig. 121. Oleandrin from adeUs leaves anJ thevetin from kampanyero seeds are both
cardiac glycosides with actions similar to digitalis.
Digitalis is a dru~ still widely used in Western medicine for cardiac ailments. It was originally
derived from tile leaws oj tw" species of Digitalis Or foxglove. Digitalis slows the hearneat and
helps in regulatilJg the tone, which makes it useful fOf certain cardiac disorden. Digitalis has been
.1 very useful drug and r:ldoubtedly, our local plants With cardiac glycosides can also be tapped.
HOWCYff. csrdiac glycosirles are pDwcrfui drugs and It :s '.;nfortunatc that the 53fe therapeutic dose
u::ing local plants hai not oeen determined ,.
Fig. 11 .- Adelfa [Nerlum indicum Mill.] with white, pink or red flowers.
Eg. 12 - Kampanyero [Thevetia peruvi:uuz (Pers.) Merr.] with yellow_ bell-shaped flowers.
·In China, adelfa leaves are usc-d as i digitalis substitute with good results. The leaves are dried
under low tempenture and are crushed and taken onlly - 310 to 310 mg on the ht day, 250 to
310 mg on the 2nd and 3rd day. After this, maintenance dose of90 mg is given daily until symp-
toms disappear. Daily doses are given in 2-3 divided doses. It is asswned that with such small
therepeutic doses, the prtparation and administntion of the leaves are done under supervision.
Both adelfa and kampanyero are also used externaUy, mainly for skin ailments. The Philip-
pine Natio1Ull Formu1Jlly reconunends the use of adelfa for herpes zoster. The crushed leaves
should be mixed with oil and applied on the lesions. The preparation should not be applied on raw
surfaces and a wuning is given on the milky juice (latex) being irritating. In folk medicine, the
powdered bark and leaves of adelfa and kampanyero are mixed with oil and used for herpes and
ring'tVonn The plants' effectivity may be due to the combined action of g1ycosides and tannin.
Since these plants have very powerful chemicals, they should not be used internally.
Two common ornamentals of this family contain lactones: kampanilya [Allamanda catJuu-
lieu L.) and kalatsutsi IPiumieraacuminata Aitl.
The lactone! are known cathartics. A decoction of the bark or latex ofkalatsutsi is used in
folk ;~ledicine as a purgative while the leaves of kampanilya, as its scientific name suggest, have
lorli; been in uSC' in tropical countries as a cathartic.
Among the lactones found in these plant is plumierid. Early studies made in the Philippines
showed that O.2.Q.4 gm of plumierid (about I gm of kalatsutsi bark) had a purgative effect but
produced only slight abdominal pain. Plumierid was also said to regulate bowel movements, pro-
dUcing catharsis first but eventually allowing bowel movements to I1"tum to nonnal.
In 195 I, Japan.~se researchers reported that fulvoplumierin, another lactone from kalatsutsi,
inhibited the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 607. There h:u been no recorded fonow-up
of the stUdy.
Among community-based health programs, kalatsutsi bark is used in the treatment of
scabies. One cup of the chopped bark is boiled in one cup of coconut oil and the oil is applied on
affected areas two or three times daily. Areas with pus are flfSt treated with bawang (page 8).
The Philippine NatioruJl Formulary also suggests the use of the latex, wanned in coconut
oil, for arthritis, rheumatism and itching. However, this preparation should not be used on open
wounds or lesions because the latex is irritating.
The Apocynaceae family is noted for plants with alkaloids. Many of these alkaloids are
now used in conunercial drug preparations.
A good example is reserpine, which is still widely used in western drug preparations as a mild
tranquilizer and a potent hypotensive. The commercial source of reserpine is Rauvolfia serpen-
tina Benth., which has been introduced locally and is being cultivated in government plantations.
Besides R. sopentina, two local plants have also been found to contain reserpine and similar alka-
loids - sibakong [R. amsoniDe{olia A. DC.) and kanda·sa-tahok [R. S/l11lQTensi, Merr. or R. pa/iJ-
wensi.J Elm. - Fi&, 13 J. Traditionally, rauvolfia plants have been used in Asian countries .af> Gastric
sedatives, uterine stimulants and in India, for the treatment of mental diseases. All of these uses
have been found to have bais J,ecause of the reserpine alkaloids found in these plants.
A favorite plant among local ",searchers is laneteng-gubat IKibataliD gilingensi, (Elm.)
Woods I with an azasteroidal alkaloid called gitingensine which has been shown to be a potent
smooth muscle relaxant and therefore a potential anti-spasmodic. Gitingensine is als~ reported to
be antibacterial, antifungal, anabolic and hypotensive. Unfortunately, there have been no reports
on safe effective doses to use although this forest tree i'll used by many folk healers, particularly as
an anti-spasmodic in diarrhea.
Another local plant that is being studied extensively is pandakaki (Ervatamia pandaazqui
Poir- Fig. 14). Alkaloid, extracted from pandakaki have been found to have significant anti-
cancer activity. Traditionally, this plant's latex is a popular remedy for wounds. The plant is also
wed traditionally for gastroenteritis (roots and bark) lind as an emmenagogue (leaves applied on
the abdomen). The plants effectivity can be attributed to its alkaloids. in addition, giycosides
and tannins have been found present in pandakaki.
Two other common medicinal plants from this family are discussed below:
Dita is used in many Asian countries as a folk remedy for malaria and fever. Reports conflict
on the value of the plant as an anti-malarial. with some researchers clamling that an extract from
the bark doe~ not have any effect on malaria parasites in vitro. It is possible that reports of cures
~or malaria were made on the basis of temporary recovery from fever since dita's alkaloids do have
a depressant action on medullary center!\ - this action can bring down fever.
Dita Latex - The Philippine Natio1UJ1 Formulary suggests the use of dita's latex as a poultice
for bons.
PRECAUTIONS: Stop using dita if there is vomiting, of the ears or blurring of vision.
NOTE: Batino [Alstonia macrophylJa Wall.! is a close relative of dita. It also contains alkaloids
with antipyretic effect. The alkaloids are being studied also as hyplJtensive agents. The Philippine
Nationlll Fonnuiary cites the use of batino leaves for sprains, bruises and contusions. The crushed
leaves are mixed with a little coconut oil, wanned and arplied on affected areas
Nevertheless 1 the continuing discoveries of new alkaloids in this cornman plant hold promise
for other possible uses. besides its present service as a source of anti~ancerdrugs.
Decoction of Tsitsirika - A decoction of tsitsirika leaves or the whole plant can be used as a mild
tranquillizer. di,uretic and hypotensive. Use 9-15 gIn fresh material or 5-9 gm dried material.
Fig:13 - Kanda sa tabok [J/Quvo!fia samarensis Men.] is a shrub that grows up to 8 m high with
white flowers and round purple fruits.
14 - Pandakaki [ErvQ"'miD pandocaqui (poir.) Picb.] is a shrub 14 m. high with white
flowers and red or yellowish-red fruits which are follicle-shaped.
15 - Dita [Alstonia schomm (L.) R. Br. var. scholaris J is a tall tree (6·20 m) with dark grey
bark. Its leaves are grouped in whorls of 4 to 7 and resemble the leaves of kalatsutsi.
16 - Tsitsirika [Cat1ulranthus roseus (L.) Don.) is a common shrub with white, purple,
pink or red flowers borne in pain on the tips of the branches.
·.----.-.- . - - - -~-- I.
Kamantigi [Impatiens ba/samina L.] is sometimes used in the Philippines as a poultice for
felons (boils). It contains several phenolic compounds and fixed oil in the seeds. Sulfur and pec-
tic suhstances have been found in the leaves.
The seeds stimulate uterine contraction and are used in China to induce labor (ground seeds,
1·1.5 gm in 1ecoction). The seeds have also been found t.o be contraceptive in experimental
In combination with other plants, the seeds are used in treating trichomoniasis and lymphan-
geitis. In more recent years, the Chinese have been using kamantigi seeds as part of drug prepara.
tions for the treatment of cancer.
The flowers have been found to be effective in treating fungal skin diseases, particularly
17 18
Fig.17 - Kamantigi [Impatiens balsamina L.), a small plant (1 m or less) with pink, white,
red or purple flowers and hairy fruits.
Fig. 18 - Atsuete [Bixa orellana L.], a tree 4 to 6 m high with white or pinkish flowers and
green or reddish-purple fruits which contain small, dark red seeds.
Atsuete [Bua orellana L. Fig. 18] is familiar because of its red seeds, from which a dye
(anatto) is obtained. The dye is commonly used as food coloring.
Medicinally. the seeds are commonly used in decoction for stomach ache and as a febrifuge.
Externally, they are used for wounds (particularly as a hemostatic), bums and various skin
diseases. The seeds aJ"P. also said to be an antidote to cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) and tu-
bang.bakod (JatropJ. .J curcas L.) poisoning.
The seeds yield volatile oil, traces of alkaloids, saponin. tannin and bixin. which is the
colored material. The seed coat has waxes, volatile oil and fixed oil.
It is possible that the seeds )-tave some antibiotic activity - many plant dyes exhibit such
properties. Its tannin content would also make it useful as an astringent for diarrhea and for
external wounds.
More research needs to be carried out on this popular plant.
Comfrey's medicinal properties are attributed mainly to allantoin although the plant also
contains alkaloids in the leaves, stems, roots as well as saponins, glycosides and tannins. Its pro-
tein content has been reported to be as high as 36%, including the amino acid methionine, which
helps in wound healing and in the fonnation of epithelial tissue. The plant is a good source of tile
B-complex vitamins as well as vitamins A, C and E. Minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus
and manganese ue also reported to be abundant in the plant.
Many medicinal effects are attributej to comfrey although the general use seems to be one
of a tonic or alterative. A decoction of the leaves and roots is used for internal hemonh3§l while
a leaf infusion is used for coughing and respiratory disorders. Externally, it is used for sprains.
swellings, bruishes, boils, abscesses, open cuts and wounds. It is said to be particularly effective
for wounds because allantoin acts as a cell proliferant, i~. it helps the tissue regenerate.
CAlTfION: Comfrey is an over·rated medicinal plant. Australian studies have identified pyrroli-
zieline alkaloids in the plant and in Indonesia, the sale of comfrey has been banned. This plant
should not be used as a~a tiempo (daily drink1.
Pili nut is a favorite delicacy identified with the Bikol region where the production and
,processing of the nut is a small industry in itself.
The Philippines used to export large quantities of brea blanca or Manila elemi. the oleoresin
obtained from the trunk of the pili tree. Manila elemi was widely used in the preparation of
medicinal ointments anil in the manufacture of varnish, and was said to be the best of the dif·
ferent elerni available.
At present, Manila elemi, knwn locally as salang, saleng or sahong, continues to be used
in some areas as poultices or cataplaSins. The elemi contains volatile oils, mainly d-limonene,
d·phcUandrene and vat"iolls terpellt~s. Togelher with the resin fraction, the volatile oils exelt
a stimulant and warming effect on the skin when the plaster-like poultice is applied. The poultice
is therefore useful for rheumatism and muscle pains.
Pili Fruit OT Seed - Because of its oil content, pili fruits and seeds are laxatives.
Sohing lAlanlli. alanki, bakoog (Ok.); bells, pilaway, pisa (Tag.); brea blanca (Span.); Manila
E1emi (Eng.)] - The olewesin of pili is available in markets, particularly in the Biko! region.
This oleoresin can be applied locally to reduce pain in arthritis and rheumatism. It is also a matura-
tive for boils. abscesses and furuncles.
PAPAYA Carica papaya L.
Papaya is the souee of the enzyme papain. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme with action
similar to pepsin, one of the digestive enzymes found in animals, including man. It is now pro-
duced commen:ially as a meat tenderizer and as a drug.
Among the medicinal actions of papain are:
I) As with pepsin, papain is a digestant. It helps relieve indigestion, particularly when the
food material is protein. Papain has advantages over pepsin in that it does not need an acid envi-
ronment to become active. The laxative action of papaya fruit may be partially due to the
presence of papain.
2) In the same way that it dissolves protein in food, papain is a good anthelmintic because
it can dissolve the intestinal parasites. It is less effective than ficin (another proteolytic enzyme
from isis or Ficus ulmifoM, which is discussed on (page 54) but still has its value against round-
womJS(Ascaris) and wltipworms(Trichuris).
3) Commercial drug preparations of papain are used mainly as an anti·inOanunatory.
Papain, even in erode fonn. is useful in wounds and skin uleen due to its ability to 'clean' wounds
by dissolving dead tissue, blood clots, some microorganism and other contaminants. TItis reduces
the inflammation and helps the wounds heal.
Papaya also contains carpain. a glycoside found mainly in the leaves (0.1 to 0.5%).
Carpain has a very mild digitalis-like action and may be useful as a cardiac tonic. It has been reo
ported to have antibiotic properties and a recent study reports earpain to have some anti·cancer
_.. ------------
Both the fruits and leaves of papaya arc good sources of vitamins A and C. The leaves also
contain calcium
Fruit - The fruit is a mild laxative.
Lotex from Unripe Fruit - Papain is found most abundantly in the latex of the unripe fruit
of papaya. Use a clean knife to cut the fruit and collect the latex in clean containers. Use fresh.
a) As a digestant - Use 34 teaspoonful of the latex, diluted with water, for indigestion.
b) As a dewormer for roundwonns (Ascaris) and whipwonns (Trichuris), use 24 table-
spoonfuls (30·60 mI) of the latex, depending on the age and size of the patient. Mix the latex
with water (two volumes of water for eveIY one part latex) and a little 8ugat. Give the mixture
early in the morning. The patient should be on an empty stomach. Follow treatment with a
purgative such as sodium sulfate two hours after the latex is given.
c) As an anti-inflammatory - Fresh latex can be applied directly on wounds (including
those resulting from surgical or dental procedures), allergic reactions and skin uJcers including
bedsores. A strip of the fresh fruit can also be used instead of the latex although this might
preseni some probiems oi ~anitation. The usc of t.he fresh fruit 'ovas reported 1.'1 :1.'1 English
hospital, where infections of bedsores were found to be controlled better by papaya fruit than by
PRECAUTIONS: The latex of papaya should not be given to patients with gastric or peptic ulcers
because papain can further irritate the ulcers_ The latex should not be given simultaneously with
anti-eoagulant drugs.
The latex can also irritate mucous membranes - patients may complain of itching arund the
mouth after taking the latex. Diluting the latex can help reduce the itching. Reactions will vary -
some people are more sensitive to the latex than others.
The use of papaya latex as an anthelmintic has been discouraged lately because of reports
that some people have allergic reactions caused by intestinal absorption of products formed by the
proteolysis of the parasites.
•••••••••Family COMBRETACEAE
Talisay (Terminalia catappa L.) is sometimes used as an anthehnintic although its effectivity
has not been evaluated. The bark contains tannin and is astringent. The kernel of talisay contains
an oil that is supposed to be as good as almond oil and does not turn rancid on storage.
Niyog·rtiyugan (Quisqualis indica L.) is an effective dewonner and will be discussed here. In
Atrica, another member of this family, Combretum mucronatum. is being used successfully in the
treatment of guineawonn (Dracunculus medinensis). Other Combretum species are used in South-
east Asia as anthelmintics_
NlYOG·NIYUGAN (Fig. 19) Qujsqualis il/diea L.
Talulong, tartanok, tartarau(/lk.); tangolo(n), kasumbal (Bile.); piiion (es), balitadham, bonor
Niyog-niyugan is used widely in folk medicine as an anthelmintic. Its use has been reported
in different Asian countries.
Studies on the seed have proven it to be anthelmintic, with the action being one of paralysis
on the WOntls. Clinical trials using niyog-niyogan have been conducted by the Medicinal Plants
Project of the Bicol River Basin Council and a published report indicated good results in the use
'bfthe seeds, comparable with commeICial piperazine preparations.
Niyog-niyugan's active anthelmintic principle has been identified as an amino acid. A Viet-
namese study found the seeds to be 10% tannin and 22% fixed oil. Local studies also reported the
presence of CJiI, which is a purgative. A gum extracted fn.m the seeds gave reactions "suggestive of
• •
Fig. 19 - Niyog~niyugan (QuisquaJis indica L.), found wild in thickets and river banks
but also sometimes cultivated for its fragrant flowers which change from white to pink
!oJ red as it ~ges. The fr.Jits are 2.5 to 3 em !ong a.'ld five~ang!ed (sh.!ped li1t:.e ballrnbi..fJ.g).
PRECAUTIONS: The seeds should be chewed well. It has a coconut-like taste which is acceptable
to children. Hiccoughs are an occasional side-effect, for which sugar or candy can be given as anti-
dote. The hiccoughs are believed to be due to a metabolic reaction in the breakdown of the seed')'
constituents. Researchers at the Philippine General Hospital suggest the use of dried nuts be·
cause fresh nuts are associated with more hiccoughs.
Diarrhea is an infrequent side effect.
For some unexplained reason, the Chinese Pharmacopoeia says that niyog-niyugan seeds
should never be taken with hot tea.
Despite the problem of hicoughs, niyog-niyugan is still considered one of the safest herbal
NOTE: Niyog-niyugan seeds can be found only from JWle to August. The seeds do not appear
simultaneously with the flowers, which is why the plant is often said to be hard to find. Efforts
should be made to collect the seeds, and to store them after drying.
This family is one of the largest in the plant kingdom and includes many familiar weeds as
well as several species cultivated for their beautiful flowers.
A nwnber of plants in this family are used medicinally, including common weeds. Their
cbemical constituents are as diverse as their morphological characteristics but a large number of
the plants seem to find common use as vulneraries (drugs to speed healing of wounds). They also
seem popular as anti-inDammatory drup. A local reseaJ....h team is presently screening plants from
this family for certain types oflactones which have potential anti·tumor activity, following reports
from the West that this family had yielded a significant number of these anti-tumor lactones.
Fig. 20 - Damong maria [Artemisia vulgaris L.) is a herb with lobed leaves 5·14 em long.
Flowers occasionally appear and occur in lwge nwnbers on long spikes.
21 - Mansanilya [C1rryamthemum indicum L.] is a herb with leaves similar to damong
maria. It has small yellow flowers.
22 - Sambong [Blumea ba/sQmjfera (L.) DC) is a wild growing shrub that can reach up
to 3 m. Its leaves are hairy, 7-20 cm lon~. Yellow flowers appear from February
to April.
Dila-dila is sometimes used locally as a diuretic, febrifuge and emollient. Similar uses
have been reported in other parts of the world. The plant cont4i"is glucusides and ..Ikalcids.
It has been found to have significant anti·inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic action.
Decoction of Dila-dikl - The whole plant is used, 15·30 /lin. if dried and 60-120 gm. if
fresh. The decoction is taken for various acute conditions such as bronchitis, pnewnonia,
hepatitis and dysentery. As a diuretic, it can be used for edema and nephritis.
PRECAUTIONS: The oral preparation can cause gastric irritation.
As its English name ~uggests, harangan's leaves can provoke sneezing (sternutatory).
It is used for that purpose in the Philippines and in other Asian countries.
Chemical constituents that have been reported present in the plant include volatile oil, an
alkaloid, a glucoside, traces of saponin and various sterols. Extracts have been tested' and found
to have smooth muscle relaxant properties.
Harangan Leaves - Harangan leaves are used fresh (pressed between the ftngers and
inhaled) or dried (combined with yerba buena - [page 41 I - vaseline ointment, which is
then applied to the nose) The leaves provoke sneezing and is useful in clearing up clogged
respiratory passages in colds, rhinitis and similar afflictions.
Decoction of Harangan - The entire plant can be collected and used in decoction. USt;
6·9 gm dried material. The decoction is used' for rhinitis, headaches (due to colds), whooping
cough and chronic bronchitis.
PRECAUTIONS: The decoction can cause gastric irritation and should be used carefully by
people with digestive disorders.
Tagulinaw is a popular folk remedy for fever. It is also used as a styptic and vulnerary.
Despite its popularity in the Philippines, there are no available reports or studies on its chemical
constituents or phannacology.
In China, ~e plant is classified as an "anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diuretic."
This is a common garden weed which leaves a black stain when the fresh leaves are crushed.
It is used in folk medicine for wounds and for treating h~patitis.
The plant contains tannin and a bitter principle. Lactones have been found and extracts of
the plant show estrogenic activity due to the lactones. The plant extracts also show smooth muscle
relaxant properties.
In Vietnam, the plant was widely used during the war as an antiseptic and hemostatic.
Agas-moro [Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less var. parvifIora (Bl.) OC! is a very common weed
found throughout the country. In folk medicine, it is often used for wounds. The Chinese classify
the plant as "cooling, liver-cleaning and fever-retarding." A decoction of the entire plant (15-30
gm.) has been cited for use in colds, fever, cough, hepatitis and mastitis.
Ahengho lCros.1tlstephium chinese (L.) Merrl - Ahengho is used locally as a carminative
and emmenagogue (infusion of leaves). In experimental animals, it stimulatei: the nervous system
and in toxic doses. causes muscular contractions. Its value as an emmenagogue has been
questioned and its continuous use is not advisable.
Boto-botonisan ISphaeranthus africiITtUs L.j- Boto-botonisan has been found to have anthel-
mintic action on roundworms (Ascaris) and has been used for this purpose (2-4 gm powdered
leaves with sugar). The leaves contain volatile oil.
Bulak-manok [Agemtum conyzoides L.] - The juice of the fresh leaves of bulak-manok is
used alone or mixed with salt or oil as a vulnerary while a decoction of the plant is used for sto-
mach trouble_ The plant contains very small amounts of volatile oil. cownarin and traces of
alkaloid. The coumarin might be responsible for the stimulation of gastric mUCOia. Crude extracts
from the leaves have been found to be active against Staphylococcuslaureus. In China, a decoction
(15-30 gm dried material) is used for colds and fevers while the squeezed juice from fresh material
is used for otitis media. bleeding, boils and carbuncles.
Burburtak IOidens pilosa L. Fig. 27 J has interested CBHP workers in the mountain provin-
ces because of the observation that in areas where burburtak is eaten as a vegetable, the incidence
of goiter is muc lower. However, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute reports that the iodine
levels of burburtak were high only in some plant samples from the mountain provinces while
burburtak from Manila contained very little iodine. It is possible that the soil may be a factor.
Hagonoy [WedeliD biflo," (L.) DC) is a so a common weed in the Philippines that fanne"
complain about controlling is growth. Yet, it is a ver)' popular folk remedy for wounds. The roots
are also used traditionaUy as enunenagogues and diuretics.
There are no available local studies on the plant. However, it is widely used among com·
munity-based health programs because of favorable experiences with the plant as a vulnerary. The
26 27
Fig. 23 - Dila-dila (Eleplumtopus scaber L. J is a wild herb with leaves arranged in a rosette
near the ground. Its flowers are purple and are borne in clusters at the tip of
24 Harangan ICentipcda milIimo (L.) A. Br. & Aschers] is a smo.ll herb with many
tiny leaves (I em long) and tiny red stalkless flowers (rounded).
25 - Tagulinaw [Emilill sonckifolill (L.) DC) is a wild herb that grows 1040 cm high
with stalkless leaves that are lobed. Its flowers have long stalks and are purple.
26 - Tinta·tintahan [Eelipta alba (L.) Hasslc) is a hairy ',. rb with small black fruits.
27 - Burhurtak IRidens pilosa L.l is a small hairy herb with disk·flowers that are
brown or yeUowish.
plant has become so popular it is u"d as an antiseptic and styptic in minor .wgery.
The Chinese have found lactones in various Wedelia spp.
Welle/ill chinensis (Osh.) Merr. (hagonoy-tsina) is official in the Orinese Phizmuzcopoeia
and is prescribed mainly for pharyngitis (a decoction of the eolin: plant, 1545 gm. for dried
material). Another species, W. prostrata HemsJ. has been used, with good results, for diphtheria.
. value. particuJady as sources of calcium, phosphoNS, iron and vitamin C. Of the two, kamote
(to~) is a better source of the minerals and vitamin C but kangkong is more valuable as a source
of iodine.
Both kangkong and kamate are diuretics because of their potassium content.
Tunkin3 . a less known member of this f~y. nas been found to have antibacterial activity.
Morning glory·. sometimes cultivated as an ornamental, has seeds which contain aJdaloids
that are hallucinogenic. .
1Ipomea aqrurtica Forsk. 3/pomea muricatum (L.) Jacq.
2IpomeabatllttD(L.j Pnir. 4Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hall f.
Fi/!. 28 J - Kataka~aka [Xalanchoe pinllllta (Lam.j Pen.] The leaves can grow into a neW
plant after falling off. BeD-shaped flowers ale sometimes produced.
Katakataka (KaJanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pen. - Fig. 22) is a popular medicinal plant in Asia.
Its leaves arc used externally for wounds, boils and headache. Tannin, sulfur. calcium oxalate and
formic acid hIVe been reported to be present in the leaves and stems.
Mustasa or mustard contains these isothiocyanates. The isothiocyanates make mustard a
powerful initant and rubefacient uleful for body pains. Commercial medicinal pla~ten often use
mustard as one of the ingredients_ Used excessively, mustard can cause blisters. Taken in large
amounts by mouth, mustard can cause vomiting. How~ver. mustard leaves are eaten as vegetables
and are good sowees of calciwn. The mustard wed as flavoring and as medicine C>Jrnes from the
~polyo or cabbaae is a good source of vitamin C and various minerals. It also contains high
levels of the amino acid glutamine, which has been called "Vitamin U" because ofits stimulation of
mucin production, an action said to be useful for the treatment of gastric and peptic u1~n. An
-Aonorican report in 1961 cited the use of cabbage juice (450 m1 daily) in the treatment of ulcers.
The Russians report that 2·3 g of dried cabbage juice, taken daily, was useful in the treatment of
peptic ulcers, chronic pstritis and cholangiohepatitis.
The medicinal use of the crucifers is limited because they contain certain substances (goitrin,
thiocyanate, etc.) which inhibit thyroid activity and increse the iodine requirement in the body.
The substances are called ··goitregenic" because they increase susceptibility of human beings (as
well as livestock) to goiter.
The leaves, roots, flowers and seeds of labanos have been popular remedies for many ail·
ments such as arthritis, nephritis, indigestion and female disorders. Experimentally, plant extracts
have been fOWld to be diuretic. There have also been reports of anti-tumor, antibacterial, anti·
fungal and antiviral properties. The antibiotic principle is believed to be a sulfur-eontaining com·
pound called raphanin. Raphanin is found jIl the seeds, together with fatty oil.
Decoction of Labanos Seeds - Drieds seeds are used, 4.5 to 9 gm. The decoction can be
used for indigestion, dyspnea, coughing and, as a diuretic, fo.r edema, and ascites.
This family of climbers includes a number of common fruits and vegetables which are also
used medicinally, mainly as diuretics, anthelmintics and cough remedies.
In many cases, the anthelmintic and expectorant properties of the roots of cucurbits are due
to elaterin, which is a drastic purgative and emetic (causing vomiting).
The cucuroits are also characterized by the presence of bitter substance called cucurbitacins,
which are highest in the fNits and roots. The cucurbitacins are triterpeooids which may occur in
the free state as glycosides. They have a degree of toxicity and some have been found to have anti-
tumor activity.
Despite the presence of these toxic substance, many cucurbits do have medicinal value:
Ampalaya is found throughout the Philippines, both in wild and cultivated forms. The fruit
- wild or cultivated - is edible but bitter. Both the fruits and leaves are good sources of vitamin C.
The leaves also contain iron, folic acid and calcium.
Many medicinal uses have been attributed to ampalaya. All parts of the plant have been
reported to be in use for ailments ranging from coughing to wounds to diabetes. In the Philippines,
ampalaya is used mainly for coughing and for wounds although it is also cited i.t times for dysen-
A local stuay has found extracts of ampalaya leaves to be antibacterial particularly against
gram-positive bacteria. The antibacterial action was speculated to be an "alkaloidal principle."
Chemicals such as glycosides (momordicin) and alkaloids have been reported to be present.
Ampalaya Leat1es - Fresh ampalaya leaves, or its extract, can be used for wounds. It can be
tried also for coughing and dianbea. It is also a good nutritive.
The leaves can be wanned with coconut oil. Use the oil for scabies.
A teaspoonful of juice from the leaves with onc teaspoon of juice from coconut meat is
29 30
Different varieties of SQuash are used as' anthelmintics. In temperate countries, C. mas-
cJulla Ouch, and C pepo L. are the species used while in tropical countries, including those iIi
South America, C. maxima Ouch. is the one used.
The seeds of the members of this genus are specifically used for tapeworms.. The taenicidal
activity was originally thought to be pu.. ly mechanical while othen attribute the activity to
cucurbitacin. More recently, however, rese3Jcllers identified, in the seeds ofC moscluzta Ouch.,
the presence of an amino acid whose action is similar to kainic and domic acids. two chemical
ooostituents found in the anthehnintic alga Digenill simplex (Wulf.) C. Ag. Other ....uchen
isolated an amino acid, cucurbitin. from C. maxima seeds and found it to have anthelmintic
activity of the same degree with piperazine.
The use of kalabasa seeds is consideted safer than using the stems and roots of other cu-
curbits because the "anthelmintic" principle in the other plants is actually due to the purgative
action of the toxic substance elaterin.
The use of kalabasa seeds is considered safer than using the stems and roots of other cucur-
bits because the "anthelmintic" principle in the other plants is actually due to the purgative action
of the toxic substance elaterin.
In recent years, Chinese researchers have been studying squash varieties ex tensively because
of cucurbitin's in vitro action against Schistosoma.
Nutritionally. kalabasa's fruits. as well as flowers and leaves. are good sources of vitamin A
and calcium
Emulsion of KaJobosa Seeds - Use 60-100 gm (15-25 tablespoons) of the seeds fur tape-
WORDS. Use only fresh seeds and remove the seed coat. The seeds can be taken alone but it would
be more acceptable if it is crushed and mixed with sugar water or milk. Give on an empty stomach
followed by a purgative after 1 or 2 hours.
Decoction ofBetelNut and KaIIlbtull Seeds - See page 11.
A number of cucurbits are officially listed in the Olinese Phannacopoeia. mostly as diuretics.
These include the rinds of kondol l (9-30 gm.)*, pakwan 2 (l ~·21 gm.) and upoJ (15-30 gm.)
The seeds of kondol (9-30 gm.) are also listed as a remedy for coughing and for inflamma-
tory conditions: The seeds of melon4 (9-30 gm.) are cited as !l cough remedy and as an anti-inflam-
matory in appendicitis. Melon's pedicels (stalk of the fruit) are also listed for food poisoning,
epilepsy and excessive phlegm, with a dose of 0.6-1.5 gm. Melon's uses are probably dependent
on the presence of elaterin, whose emetic action may help in food poisoning and in bringing out
phlegm. However, this is dangerous and the Chinese Pharmacopoeia warns against using the melon
stalks in deabilitated patients and in people with heart disease.
A number of plants from this family are used medicinally for their fixed oils. Examples
are lumbang1 , kamaisa • tuhang-bakod3 and tangan·tangan or· castor4 . The fixed oils are found
in the seeds of these plants. They are all strong purgatives and contain toxalbumins. The safest
to use as a purgative is tangan-tangan, which will be discussed below.
Tubang-bakod (Fig. 31) and mana5 may have some value in the treatment of skin diseases.
The leaves and stems of species are efficient insecticides and are used extemallly for skin
ailnients such as scabies. TIle leaves contain abundant saponin, which may be responsible for the
insecticidal activity _It may be worthwhile investigating the plants for anti-fungal activity. The two
plants also contain tannin and are used for wounds.
The leaves of tubang-bakod are also used as a poultice (warmed with oil) for rheumatism.
arthritis and muscle pains.
Many plants from the Euphorbiaceae are used for their latex. With certain plants such as
soro-soro6 (Fig. 32) and suerda7 , the use of the latex should be avoided as they have been found
to be cocarcinogenic. Alone, they do not cause cancer but a user exposed to other carcinogenic
substances becomes more susceptible to cancer. Moreover, the latex is very irritating to the skin,
often causing blisters. However, the juice of heated soro·sora or suerda leaves are very popular folk
remedies for ear infections.
Sanato8 is the source of kamala, a powder obtained from the glands and hairs (trichomes)
covering banato's fruits. Kamala used to be a popular anthelmintic. The anthelmintic properties
are due to the presence of rottlerin, berberine and other substances found in the powder. There
has been renewed interest in the rottlerin as a possible anti-fertility action. The Philippine National
Fonnulmy recommends the use of banato for slrin fungal infections. The pound leaves or seeds
are applied on affected areas.
The common weed sampasampalukan9 is used locally as a tonic for the stomach, an em-
menagogue and a febrifuge. It contains glucosides, saponin and tannin.
Kamoteng-kahoy or cassava 10 is often cuJtivated for its fleshy, starchy roots. The bitter
variety. from which starch is obtained, contains cyanogenetic glucosides and is poisonous if not
cooked weD. There has also been research going on to i.nvestigate the possible relationship of
chronic pancreatic disease with cassava consumption in malnourished people. The speculation
is that malnourished individuals lack the necessary amino acids which help in the detoxification
of hydrocyanic acid.
I Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. 5Jatropha multijida L. 9Phy//anthus ninun' L.
2eroton tiglium L. 6EuphorlJiII neriijolia L. 10 Manihot esculenta Crantz.
3Jatropha CUrcflS L. 7 Euphorbia timcaIli L.
4 Ricinus communis L. 8Mallolus philtppensis L. Mue/l. - Arg.
External Uses - The crushed seeds applied as a poultice have been used with good results for
prolapsed uterus. A suitable amount of crushed seeds is applied in the prolapsed area and the
dressing is changed every 24 boun.
The crushed seeds are also applied externally for gunshot wounds, boils and abscesses. The
poultice draws out the pus and relieves pain.
CilStOT Insecticide - Crush leaves of the plant and dilute the- extracted juice with water.
Use .. a spray against illes.
1. Castor oil should not be given to menstruating and pregnant women. It should not be
used in combination with deworrners because it increases the absorption of these drugs and may
Clute poisoning in the patient. As with other purgatives. castor oil should not be given where
appeodicitis or inteltinal obstruction is suspected.
2. The aeeds should never be taken ow. Ricin destroys red blood cells and will cause hemor-
map. edema of the gaslro-intestinal tract and degenerative changes in the kidney. External silOS
of poisoning include headache, persistent vomiting, thirst. stomach ache. In severe poisoning, the
pulse becomes small and infrequent. There is cold sweat, icterus (yellowing of mucous membranes)
and convulsions.
TREA 1MENT: Accidental poisoning has been known to occur. Children are particularly
susceptible so seeds should be kept out of their reach. Treatment is symptomatic -
baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and ..placement oflost fluids.
GATAS-GATAS (Fig. 34) Euphorbia hirtls L.
Botobotonis (Tag.) Syn. E. pilulifera L.
This is a very common garden weed which is wed in many countries for asthma. The action
of the plant is to dilate the bronchioles and ease breathing. However, it is not clear what chemicals
are responsible for this action. The plant contains different sterols (euphosterol), glucosides and
In Asian countries, including the Philippines, the plant is also a popular galactagogue (in·
creases milk secretions) - thus the local name "gatas-ptas:'
Decoction of Gatas-gatas - A decoction is prepared from the whole plant, 15·30 gm. dried.
It is cited in the Chinese PhamuzcopoeiD. for enteritis and diarrhea although high doses can irritate
the gastro-inteSti...'lal tract. The decoction can be tried as a galactagogue.
Externally. the decoction is used as a wash for wounds (as a hemostatic) and for skin di·
seases (as an anti-pruritic). Fresh plants can also be applied directly on the wound.
Inhalation ~ Dried plants can be burned and used as inhalation for asthma. Or, it can be
rolled into a cigarette and smoked. Gatas·gatas can be used alone or in combination with other
plants such as sarnbong (page 2g) and talumpunay (page 67).
Dudoa [HydnocarpwalcalDe C. OC~ has been reported only in the forests of Albay.
although it is now cultivated in other areas for research. Its seeds yield oil with chauhnoogric and
hydnocarpic acids. O1aubnoogric acid is used for treating leprosy. (At present, the commercia!
source of chaulmoogric acid is the Burmese Hydnocarpus kunii.)
Another member of this family, pangi [Pangium edule Reinw.J, is said to contain chaul·
moogric acid in its seed oil but this has been disputed. The plant also contains cyanogenetic
glucosides and the seeds, fruitSi.leaves and baIk are said to be narcotic.
BITAOG (Fig. 35) Ca/ophyUum inophyllum L.
Pamitaogen (llk.); palo maria (Tag.)
Bitaog's kernels contains 70-75% oil. The fixed oil has been found useful as a cicatrizant
(stimulating scar fonnation) in skin ween. Externally. it is used for indigestion and colic as well as
for rheumatism. The action is analgesic - intramuscular injections of the rermed oil have been
used to reduce severe pain in leprosy.
Bitaoff Kernels (Seeds) - Crush the kernels and apply on the abdomen for gas pains, indio
gestion and colic. It can also be applied on painful joints in rheumatism.
Fig. 35 - Bitaog [Calophyllum inophyUum L.] is a large tree up to 20 m high with leathery
leaves 9·18 em long. It has small white Dowers and a yellow fruit about 34 em in
The mint family is chllI1lcterized by their volatile oils. Although the type of volatile oil may
vuy. their uses are essentially the same - canninatives, expectorants, mild antiseptics. They are
usually taken as decoctions or infusions - 3-6 gm of dried or 6-9 gm of fresh material being the
standard dose. Among the commonly used plants from this family are:
Kabling is the sowce of patchouli oil. Its leaves are 6·10% volatile oil (cadinene. coerulein,
benzaldehyde, eugenol).
Kabling is used mainly as a counter-irritant - the leaves are applied locally for arthritis
and rhewnatism.
36 37
38 39
Fig. 38 - Suob-kabayo lHypris suavolens Poir. J is a common weed with tiny blue nowen,
It grows to a height of 2 m.
Fig. 39 - Verba buena (Mentha arvensis L.] is a strongly aromatic wild herb with oblong
Verba buena is probably the most popular member of this family. Its leaves contain 0.8%
volatile oil, mainly pulgenone, piperitone and limonene. A decoction of the leaves is used as
expectorant, canninative and externally, as a skin wash for itchiness and insect bites. It is also
widely used for baths in fevers.
An enema using 7 tablespoonfuls of the crushed fresh plant boiled in a liter of water for
five minutes has also been suggested for pinworm (Enterobius) infections.
CONTRAINDlCA nONS: Moth... who are brelSt-feeding should Dot use yerba buena because
lactation is reduced.
NOTE: As a general rule, avoid prolonged use of medicinal plants with volatile oils. AJso avoid
using these plants in children below 3 years of age as well as weak children, irregardless of their
OTHER MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM LABIATAE: Other mints used locally include pansi-
pansi], salita2 , gwna-guma 3 . They all contain volatile oil. Another member, buntot-pusa4 , con-
tains volatile oil and alkaloids. Buntot.pusa is a diuretic.
Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of these trees (kanela being the usual commercial
so""",). Volatile oil is found in the bark and in the leaves. The volatile oil is mainly cinDamal-
dehyde (except in kalingag, where the oil is mainly safrol). Among the volatile oils, cinnamon
has one of the strongest germicidal properties. Japanese researchers found cinnamaldehyde to be
antispasmodic. Its therapeutic applications are mainly for wgestive disorders. Kalingag has also
been reported to be used locally as a remedy for headaches and meumatism.
Powdered Bark - As one of the "wanneft" drugs, cinoamon is used traditionally for "cold
types"of diarrhea, chills and coughing. Use 1-3 gm. of the dried powdered bark in decoction.
Fig. 40 - Kalinpg [Cinnomomum mercado; Vidal] is a small tree with a thick aromatic
bark. Its long leaves have three nerves and its fruits are ellipsoid, about 2 cm long.
The legume family is a very large one, with about 300 species in the Philippines. TIley are
of particular interest because among the plants, they are the best sources of protein. The seeds
are particularly rich in protein while the pods provide bulk. and vitamins. Recently. there have
been efforts to extract protein from the leaves. The legumes are also particularly easy to grow
because they can utilize free nitrogen, making it less necessary to use nitrogenous fertilizen.
Their nitrogen-fixing properties also enrich the nitrogen in the soil for the use of succeeding
Among the nutritionally important legumes are rnani or .reanutl, munggo 2 , utaw or soy-
&ean], kadios4 , batawS , patani6 , sigadilyas7 , bitswelas8 ,katura~, sitsaro lO and sitaw 11 .
Quite a number of legumes are also of medicinal value. A few of the more common 6nes
will be discussed below.
1Anzchis hypogveo L. 7PsophocllTpus tetragonoiobu, (L.) DC
2Phaseolus notiolus L. 8 Phaseolusvulgaris L.
3Glycine max (L.) Merr. 9Sesbania grand/floro (L.) Pers.
4Cajanus cDian (L.) MilIsp. 10Pisum sativum L.
SDol/chos lablab L. 11 Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw.
6Phaseolus lunotus L.
Among Asian countries, gogo is used medicinally to reduce different types of pain. It is not gogo works as an analgesic - perhaps it is the combined action of all ilie different che-
nieal constituents.
111.e Philippine National Fonnu/ary lists the following preparations:
Gogo Seeds - Pound kernels can be mixed with oil and applied externally for abdominal
,lain. A paste of the seeds is used as a counterirritant applied to glandular swellings.
PRECAUTIONS: A decoction of gogo seeds (1·3 gm.) is listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for
abdominal pain and hemorrhoids. Any internal use should be done with caution because of the
;aponin content. The saponin can cause vomiting.
VOTE: Gogo is of course the original "herbal shampoo." The bark is the part used. This "sham-
?OO is also an effective way of removing dry crusts in scabies:
Fig. 41 - Akapulko (Cassia aJata L.), a shrub with dark green compound leaves which
are oblong. Flowers are yeUow.
Fig.42 - Dapdap (Erythrina variegata L. var. oreintalis Merr.), a tall tree with gray,
smooth bark. Leaves are borne on long stalks with 3 triangular leaflets. Flowers are
scadet red.
lITAW Glycine max (L.) Merr.
Soybean (Eng.)
Utaw is a good source of protein, fat, iron, calcium and the B-complex vitamins. It contains
lysine, an essential amino acid that is absent in cereals and other plants. Since cereals contain
methionine and cystine, which are absent in soybeans, it is possible to come up with a "complete"
protein diet by combining utaw with grain products. This is particularly important for vegetarians
(including many of our urban and IUral poor. who have no choice but to be "vegetarian" most of
the year).
Soybean has also been recommended for diabetic patients because its carbohydrate content
is low. Lecithin and linoleic acid, popular among health food faddists, are extracted from soy-
Soybeans and Soymilk - Soybeans are nutritive and its use should be encouraged, if at
least for its protein. Soymilk is easily prepared by pounding the beans in hot water (6 cups boiling
water for every 4 cups of beans). Additional soymilk can be collected by enclosing the pound
, '
43 44
45 46
Fie. 43 - Sibukaw (0 'MIpWa SllPP<J1I L.] is a small tree that bas yellow flowen with
hairy filamenll.
1'"11. 44 - PistuIa (Qm/o ./hili'" L.] is called golden shower beca... of its beautiful yellow
flowen that hang in long clusten. The fruits are long pods up to 30 em.
Fie. 45 - "'aom de kakaw (Gliricidia septum (Jac'l.) Steud.] is. tree frequently cultivated
along feneel. Pink flowen appear from December to April.
Fie. 46 - Sap [Ab..... pm:atoriUI L. J is. vine up to 9 m long, found in thickets. It has
small piak or purple flowen. III fruits are oblong pods which open when ripe, exposing the
characlelistic red and black teecls.
beans in a cloth bag and pressing the bag to extract more of the liquid. The collected soymilk is
boiled over medium heat until it starts to foam (bubble). The heat is reduced and the mixture
allowed to simmer for about S minutes. This milk can be used by adults and children. It is parti-
cularly useful for people with lactase deficiency, i.e. people who cannot drink cow's milk because
they lack an enzyme in their digestive system, which is needed to digest cow's milk.
Soybean Decoction - The dried seeds in decoction (6·12 gm) are used as a mild calmative
for patients with fever, headache and restlessness due to colds and other ailments. Some Chinese
herbals list a decoction using 9 gm rosal (page 62) and 9 gm ripe soybeans for the same purpose
(calmative) but the mixture is said to be contra-indicated in lactating mothers.
Several members of this family contain strychnine, an alkaloid which stimulate. the .pinal
cord. In. toxic doses, it produces convulsions. Among the local species, pepita05a-katbalonga
(Strychnos /gnIItii Berg. - Fig. 47) is the more familiar. It is sometimes used for fever but ia
dangerous and should 1:;= avoided.
·l. Distribution of insulin.Jike principle in different plants and its therapeutic application to a
few c.... of diabetis mellitus. Phil .r. ScL 76:3·1 I. [1944] and 2. The treatment of diabete, mel·
litus by the use of different Philippine medicinal plant, and a preliminluy report on the use of
P1mtiJul. 1'IlJc. 8th Pac. Sci. Congress. Vol. IV·A. Manila: National Research Council of the
Philippines (1954). Both articles are by Faustino Gan:ia.
YOUDglea... dried for two weeks - 125 gm (in 500 mi. water)
The decoction is prepared daily. using whatever plant part is available. The decoction is
boiled down to 100 mi. of waler. This 100 mi. is tekeo in divided doses. 1/2 to 1 hour before
meals. Ob..... dietuy restrictions.
A milder decoction using a few leaves can also be taken as an antidiarrheal. Because of its
diuretic action, the mild decoction of banaba can also be taken in conditions where diuresis is
indicated (e.g. edema. urinuy tract infections). It can also be tried in ~out.
NOTE: The Chinese also use a decoctioo prepared from 90 to 240 gm of the roots. Banaha is
characterized as "detoxi!ying. breaking up and purging clots (bruises). eliminating (excess)
moisture and promoting diuresis," The decoction of roots is prescribed for boils, ulcers, absces-
ses, jaundice, abdominal distention, edema, oozing dennatitis, mucus dysentery, post·partum abo
dominal pain arid dizziness.
Becawe 9f its high tannin levels. prolonged use of banaba may not be advisable. Additional
research needs to be done to establish just what the "insulin·like" principle is and to isolate and
purify it for easier administration.
The name of this family derived from the world malake (soft) because several members of
this family produce lI1u\,:ilap; which is useful medicin, as a demulcent. Examples ~f plants
prodUcing mucilage are okra (which is discussed below), kastuli2 and malbas3
Also members of this family are the different types of gumamela (Hibiscus spp) which are
widely and effectively used as poultices for boils ar.d c:ubuncles.
Walis.walisan4 and waJis-habaS , two other members of Malvaceae, have been found to
contain ephedrine. which is a broncho-dilator.
1 Abelmoschus e""'leotur (L.) Moench 4Sida acuta Bunn. f.
2 Abelmoschus moschatus Medic. 5 Sida rllOmbifolia L.
3 Aburiloo indicum (L.) Sweet
The oba commonly eaten as a vegetaLle is actually t.:'le immature fruit of the plant. As a
vegetable, it is a good source of calcium and phosphorus. It also contains abundant pectin and
The mucilage has medicinal value as a demulcent. Besides the fruit, the leaves and the
roots can be boiled in water to obtain the mucilage, which is Ufeful for ailments involving irrita-
tion of the gaslro-intestinal and urinaIY tract. Externally, the mucilage is useful for soothing
inflammation accompanying various skin ailments.
The simplest method to obtain the mucilage is to boil the fruit in water. If leaves or F.ivts
are used, about 500 gm are used for every literofwater. Boil down to half the original amount of
water. If roots are used, peel the balk off before using.
The preparation can be used for coughing, sore throat, gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, dysuria
(difficulty in urination) as a demulcent Externally. the mucilage can be applied on skin inflam·
~_ .. ~-------- .....
A cough syrup can also be prep:ued using the mucilage with water and adding other plants
with volatile oils.
GUMAMELA Hibiscus rosasinensis L.
AMAPOLA H. mutohilis L
Medicinally. the buds of gumamelas are best known for their U5e as poultices for boils and
carbuncles. The action of the bud is one of relieving the pain and hastening the ripening of the
boil (maturative).
Like the other members of Malvaceae. the Hibiscus spp. also yield mucilage, which may
exert an emollient effect, (Gumamela is sometimes u&ed in folk. medicine as a cough remedy)
Saponins and the glycoside vitexin have been reported to be present in the flowers. It is not
clear if these constituents are responSIble for the maturative action on the boils.
The Hibiscus spp. contain unusual fatty acids (malvalic and vennolic) which have cyclo.
propene rings.
The barks of different Hibiscus spp. have been found to have significant anti-fungal action.
Poultice - Buds or leaves of the different gumamela flowers can be crushed and applied on
boils, felons and carbuncles. Change the poultice daily. They can also be mixed with tea and
applied as compresses on ulcers, abscesses and bums.
TInctures - Tincture are prepared using the buk of the roots. Use 100 gm of the bark in
150 ml water and enough rubbing alcohol to make 500 mI. Keep the bark in the alcohol solution
for one week and then filter and use as a paint for tinea pedis ("athelete's foot"). Apply once
or twice daily. The tincture can also be tried for other fungal infections.
Another way of preparing the tincture is to use 50 gm of the bark steeped in 150 ml alcohol
for one day before filtering. This tincture has also been reported to yield good results.
Vinegan - The bark of the root c :.ushed and mixed with vinegar can be applied directly on
fungal skin infections.
Decoction- A decoction using 60 gm 01 the flowers in JOO ml sugar water can be given
daily as a demulcent for bronchitis, gastritis, enteritis and other inflammatory conditions.
A decoction of 10-30 gin dried amapola flowers is official in the Chinese Pharmocopoeia
and is used for coughing, dtinitis, lymphageitis and appendicitis. Externally, it is indicated for
otitis and for bums. Also listed is a decoction of 3-9 gm dried gumamelang asul for dysentery.
dinbea. bleeding hemonhoids and leucorrhea.
Lansones1 and paraiso2 (Fig. 49) are anthelmintic. The seeds of Jansones contain alkaloids
which. are anthelmintic but the safe and effective dose has not i>een established. The seeds of
lansones are also said to be antipyretic and are used for that purpose in Indonesia.
Paraiso is officially used in China as an anthelmintic (for roundworms at a a dose of 4.5-9 gIn
of the bark in decoction) but the active principle of paraiso, margosine, is moderately toxic and
is unpredictable in the possible side~tTeets.
111e rind of the fruit of lansones call be dried and burned to drive away. mosquitoes. The
insect repellant effect is due to the presence oflansium acid. The rind is also rich in tannin and
contains an ol..:oresin and some reducing acids. The rind is sometimes used in diarrhea as an anti-
spasmodic. •
Paraiso's toxic principle can be put to good use for treating scabies and hair lice (kuto).
The crushed leaves or Oowel'S are applied extemally. Oil expressed from the seeds of paraiso
-'~' -~~.~~~--------...,
Fig, 49 - Paraiso (Melia azedmuch L,) is a shrub 34 m high with pale lilac flowers,
is also said to be useful for ringwO[lllS, scabies and other skin diseases because of the presence of
of margosine as well as sulfur.
Santol's3 bark contains an insecticidal substance, sandoricum acid. The pounded bark can
be used extemally for ringwonn.
Memben of this family are also noted for their high tannin content. The Philippine Natio-
ifill Fomrulary lists two of tliese plants that can be used for their tannin:
Kalantas4 bark can be prepared as a decoction and used as a wash for wounds while a decoc-
tion of the fruits and seeds of piyagawS ClUJ. be used as an antidiarrheal.
1 Lansium domesticum Correa 2Melio. azedarach L. 3Sandoricum koetjape Bunn. f. Men.
4 TooM adantas Men. & Rolfe 5 Xylocarpus moluccensis Lam.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This family of wild growing vines holds great potential as a source of many useful drugs,
The fNit of lagtang1 is used locally as a fish poison but its toxic constituent, picrotoxin, has been
used as an antidote for barbiturate poisoning.
Sansaw , sometimes used iocally for scabies, contains alkaloids which are now u~ed as
muscle relaxants (for surgery) in China. The alkaloids are also being investigated in the West be·
cause of evidence of antitwnor activity. Sansau is listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia - a decoc·
tion of the whole plant can be used as Ii wash (external) for wounds to stop pain and bleeding.
Ambal3 is being studied here and in other countries because of alkaloids (pycnarrlline, aruba-
tine, ambalinine and others) with hypotensive action. Ambal is listed in the Philippine National
Formulary - ~ wann infusion prepared from the roots and stems can be used as a vaginal wash
after childbirth. The infusion is also suggested for external use in skin ulcers.
The different species of Stephania, which are found only in higher altitudes, may yield
alkaloids similar to those found in Japanese species. One particular alkaloid, (+)-cepharanthine,
has been found to be of value in the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy.
Two members of this family are widely u~d locally and will be discussed below.
Fig. SO - Abutra (Atrangelisia {lava (L.) Merr.J, a vine found in iorests with leathcl)
leaves, yellowish flowers and green or yellowish-green fruits.
Fig. 51- Makabuhay (TlIIospotll crispa (L.) Miers ex H.&T.], a vine 4 10 20 m high wiU',
nwnerous protuberances on the stem. Flowers are pale green and fruits an
orange berries.
This family has a number of medicinal plants. The fruits of alltipolol ,kamansi2 ,anubing3 ,
nangka4 and rirnasS are used in diarrhea because of their pectin content.
The barics of different Ficus spp. - balete6 , rubber tree 7 , payapa8 , creeping fig9 , ~ have
moderate to high tannin levels and are often used as astringents and styptics for wOWlds. In
addition, some of these trees contain ficin, a proteolytic enzyme, i."1. their milky latex. Ficin
from the latex of isis lO has been used with good results for roundwonns (Ascon's), hookwonns
(Ancylostoma) and, to some extent, for wh..ipwonns (Trichuris). The dose used is 15 to 30 m1
(1-1/2-3 tablespoonful) of the latex coUected with a clean knife from the trunk of isis. The latex
is mixed with two volumes of water and a little sugar and is given on an empty stomach. A
purgative is administetcd one or two hours after the latex is taken. As with papaya latex,isis'
latex should not be given to patients with peptic ulcers.
[poll is a tree whose leaves and bark yield a latex that is poisonous. The latex is used in
many Asian countries as an arrow poison. The plant's toxicity is due to the presence of digitalis.
like glycoside, (see page 18).
Moras or mulberry12 is a very popular medicinal plant in China. The Chinese Phannacopoeia
lists nearly all parts of the plant as medicinal. The leaves (4.5-9 gm.) are recommended for colds,
cough, dizziness and opthalmia. The bark (4.5-9 gIn.) is considered a diuretic. The branches (9-15
gm) are recommended as an analgesic, particularly for muscle pains. And the fruits (9-15 gm.) are
cited for dizziness, ringing of the ears, heart palpitations. The Chinese classify the plant as a tonic
and restorative. Experimentally. plant extracts have shown hypoglycemic and anti-fungal activity.
1 ATtoClJl'P!L' blancoi (Elm.) Men. 6Ficu, benjamiruJ L.
2A . C471lil1ISi Blco. 7F.elastica Roxb.
3A. cumingiana Tec. 8 F. poyapa Blco.
4A.heterophyl/D Lam. 9F. pumila L.
SA. altOls (pad<-) Font. 10 F. ubnifi>lia Lam.
Maluogay leaves are very good sources of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C.
Besides serving as food, the bark and leaves ofrnalunggay·m often used locally u a styptic
for wOlwds. An Indian study did, in fact,isolate two alkaloids C'moringin" and "moringininn)
from the bad< and the two alkaloids we.. found to have ad..naline-like properties. (Ad..naline is
a vuoconstrictor).lndian researchers also reported the isolation of a substance from the roots,
which they named pterygospcnnin. Pterygospennin was shown to have antibiotic properties.
The leaves and flowers are also used locally be nursing mothers to increase lactation while
a decoction oftbe roots is often used as a wash for sores and skin ulcers.
The roots are often made into a plaster (counter-irritant) for rheumatism. Indian researchers
found an alcoholic extract of the root bark to have anti-inflammatory action.
The seeds ofmalunggay yield ben oil, which is mainly oleic, palmitic and stearic acids. The
oil is used in India as a rubefacient and it has been found to be particularly valuable as an omt-
ment base because of its keeping quality .
Members of this family are noted for their tannin content and volatile oils. Eucalyptu~
is pemaps the best known among the plants with volatile oils. A few species of Eucalyptus
grow in the Philippines, usually at higher altitudes. Other membelS of this family include duhat,
bayabas and macopa. Duhat and bayahas will be discussed below.
Perhaps beCause of its wide distribution, bayabas is also one of the most popular medicinal
plants. It is used in diarrhea, as a wash for wounds as well as for other skin disorders, especially
those involving intense itching.
Its medicinal actions are due mainly to its high tannin content, both in the leaves and in the
bark:. Tannin makes guava useful as an anti-diarmea agent and as an astringent for wounds.
The fruit ofbayabas also contains moderate amounts of pectin, another useful anti·diarrheal.
Pectin content is higher in the green variety than in the red.
Among Philippine fruits, bayabas has one of the highest vitamin C content (as high as 100-
130 mg/100 gm of the fruit). It also contains high levels of calcium, phosphoros and potassium.
Other chemical con~ituents of bayabas include saponin (leaves and stem), amygdalin. a
cyanogenetic glucoside (stem) and volatile oil (fruit and leaves.) The volatile oil includes phenol
and aldehyde substances and has been shown to have antibf,(~~rial properties against Gram
negative bacteria.
Bayabas Decoction - A 5% decoction (5 gm. leaves or unripe fruit in 100 ml. water)
can be used for diarrhea.
ABK Decoction - See page 42.
Fruit - The unripe fruit can be eaten to treat dianhea, or the juice can be extracted and
mixed with tutong(bumt rice - See page 5).
Powdered Peel - The peel or the rind of guava can be removed, dried, and ground into
powder. In clinical trials conducted at one Manila hospital, I gIn of the dried powdered peel
was given three times daily with water to children with diarrhea. The results were satisfactory
even in seven: diarrhea cases, although. treatment was given together with fluid replacement and
antibiotics, where necessary.
/JIlyabQS Retention 1'.:nema - Uecause of the obselVation that tannin is easily broken down in
the intestinal tract. another physician came up with the use of a decoction of bayabas leaves as
retention enema. The results were also satisfactory. A handful of hayahas leaveswas boiled in a
little water until the water turned a deep brown. The decoction was cooled down to lUkewarm
temperature and then given as an enema (l0-30 ml), introduced very slowly.
Externtll Uses - A decoction of the leaves can be used as a wash for wounds and for
certain skin diseases, involVing intense itching. There have been some reports on its value for
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid prolonged use of the oral preparations and the enema.
The bark in decoction, as weD as the syrup from the fruits, are used locally for diarrhea
and for diabetes.
The plant is. rich in tannins (eUagic and gallic acids, up to 20% in the bark), which makes it
an astringent for treating dia.-mea. The fruits contain volatile oil (0.05%) of a wmplex mixture.
Other chemicai constituents include pigments, phenolic substances (quercetin, kampferol, myri·
cetin, isoquettitrin) and some sugars.
Laboratory experiments and clinical trials have shown duhat extmcts (pulp, seeds,leaves,
balk) to reduce blood sugar.
Decoction ofDuhat Bark or Leaves - A decoction of the bark or leaves can be used as an
enema for diarrhea, similar to bayabas.
Although various parts of duhat have been found to be hypoglycemic, an exact dose has not
been well established. A decoction of the bark or leaves can be tried but should not be used for
long periods because of the high tannin levels. The sseds or fruit may be safer - in fact, "duhat
wine" is [lroduced from the fruits and is used by many diabetics.
A decoction of the bark can be used as a gargle for gingivitis and, externally, for wounds.
Duhat Fruit - The fruit is astringent and can be eaten fresh as an antidiarrheal.
SAMPAGUITA Jasminwn sambac (L.) Ait.
Sampaguita flowers yield an esseotia! oil similar to jasmin (J. grandiflorum L.). which
contains d·linalool and benzyl·acetate and mericyl alcohol.
The Oowen are used to prepan: an eyewash for conjunctivitis, the effect being one of
decoDaestion. Another traditional use is the application of the flowers to the breast as a lactifuge,
i.e. to inlubit or anest the secretion of milk. The lactifuge principle has not been established.
Sampaguita CoUynum - Heat 100 mI wiler to boiling and add 2-3 fresh flowen. Remove
inunediately from heat and filter. Use when cool as an eye wash for simple catanhal conjuncti-
Vitis. Use only fresh prepuations.
Decoction 01 Stzmpoguita - Fresh or dried flowers can be used. The usual amount is 3-6 gm.
(Each flower is about 1/2 gram fresh). The decoction can be used for fever, coughs and stomach-
ache. It can be tried for heartburn due to ulcers. Externally, the flowers or leaves can be applied
on skin ulcers.
UNGA (Fig. 35) SeSl1111Um orientale, L.
S. indicum L.
Lenp (lllc.): lanp (Bile., Bis); lunp (Bi!.)
The seeds of linga or sesame contain fixed oil (50-60%) consisting of oleic,linoleic, palmitic
and rtearie acids, some resin,lecithin, choline, phytin.
The oil is useful as an anti-meumatic when used externally. Taken oraDy, it is laxative. It
is abo said to be useful in treating kidn-;y and liver disorders associated with headache, dizziness,
tinnitus (ringing of the ear), blurred Vision.
Sesame Oil - Crude sesame oil can be obtained by boiling the dried seeds. Use 10-30 gill
of the seeds and boil in 100 m1 water. The oil can be used externally in massage treatment for
rheumatism, muscle pain, sprains. One or two tablespoonful of the oil mixed with the juice from
sibuyas (onion) can be given to children suffering from stomach pain due to intestinal obstruc-
tion by roundwoans. The oil is also a laxative.
For the conditions described above (associated with kidney and liver disorders), the Chinese
combine equal amounts of sesame with moras or mulberry in decoction.
Fig.52 - Unp (Sesamum orientale L.), an annual, hairy herb .5 to 1 m high, occassion-
ally cullivated.
Fig. 53 - a, Ikmo (Piper betle L.) Fig. 54 - Paminta (Piper nigrum L.),
lbis family includes ikmo • which has been mentioned earlier in connection with betel nut
chewing. Other members of the family are the table spices paminta2 and sUing mahaba3 and
various weeds such as ikmong-bata4 , subiaS • and kukamba6 . These plants are used medicinally
.and their actions are similar, due mainly to theirvolatiJe oils and resins. A few also have alkaloids.
Their effect is one of stimulation, with action similar to, but weaker than red pepper or sil j 7 • Inter-
nally. their stimulant action on the gastric mucosa makes them useful as canninatives while
externally. they are sometimes used for swellings, bruises, muscle pains.
'PipeTbetle L. SPiper retrofractum Yahl.
2Pipernigrum L. 6PiperumbelUztum L. subpeltatium
3P1peTlongumL. 'Peperomi. pellucid. (L.) HBK 7 Capsicum spp.
55 56
Fig.55 - Gulasiman (Portulaca oleracea L.), a wild growing herb with many branches.
The stems are fleshy and purplish. Yellow flowers are sometimes produced.
Fig.56 - Granada (Punica granatum L.), a shrub 2·3 m high, occasionally cultivated.
Its fruits are red or purple, about 5 em in diameter.
GRANADA (Fig. 56) l'1mica granatum L.
Granada is used locally as a gargle and anthehnintic. The use of granada for tapeworms was
formerly Widespread, both in the East and in the West but has declined with the discovery of safer
The anthelmintic action of granada is due to the presence of pelletierine alkaloids in its
barle. The bark also contains tannins and glucoside!.
The bark in decoction has been found to have antifungal and anti·bacterial (Pseudomonas
aefUginoar. Shigellil flexneri. Salmonella typhi) activity. This is probably due to a combined action
of the alkaloids and the tannin.
Det:oction of Grand4 Btuk - As. laenifu8<, 2.54.5 gm of the bark is used. The decootion
Is pwn in the moming on 10 empty stomach.
For diarrhea and bacterial dysent81)'. a weaker decoction using 9-1 5 gm of the bark is ~vcn
doily in divided doses.
Extemal Uses: A decoction of the bark, can be used as a wash for wounds, skin sores and
ulcen and fungal infections.
1. PeUeticrine has nicotine-like characteriJtics and should .be used with caution. Signs of
poiSoning include nausea. vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, tachycardia (increased rate of
heartb-at). hypertension, sweating and salivation. Seriow poisoning results in convulsions, res-
pintory depression and mest.
TREATMENT: Gastric lavage with charcoal or, preferably 1: 10,000 solution of potassiwn
pennanganate. Atropine is.alsoofva1ue.
2. Tne decoction of granada stimulates gastric secretions and is contraindicated in patients
with gastric ulcers.
Several useful medicinal plants belong to the family, notably the Cinchona spp., from which
the anti-malarial alkaloid quinine is obtained. Several Onchona species were introduced to the
Philippines and for some time before the last world war, the Philippines was a large producer of
lhe trees.
U1asiman.J<alat [O/denhmdia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. J has been tested and is being used for the
treatment of leukemia in Olina. The plant grows wild in the Philippines and is not known to be
used locally as a medicinal plant.
57 58
Fig. 57 - Santan (/XOnl coccinetl L.l. a common shrub 2-3 m high with pink, red or yellow
Fig. 58 - Rotal IGurlenla jarminoides Ellis) , a shrub about 1 m high, commonly cultivated
for its fragrant white flowen. Fruits are small, ovoid or ellipsoid, yellow with longitudinal
ridges, maturing in November.
ROSAL (Fig. 58) Garden.. jaminoides Elli.
Rosa! is not known to be a popular medicinal plant in the Philippines but it is discussed here
because it has been found to have many uses in other countries, and also because it is such a
common plant locally.
The fruit is the main medicinal part of the plant. Its chemical constituents include crocin
(-gardenin), crocetin. mannitol and 8·sitosterol. Crocin and crocetin ale believed to be the main
acti>e constituents.
The most importUlt use of rosa! fruit is in jaundice. The fruit's anti-jaundice effect is due to
several actions, as studied in experimental animals: it is a cholagogue (stimulates bile secretions
by stimulation of contraction of the gall bladder) and it inhibits an increase in the bilirubin in the
blood. The laboratory findings have been consistent and include studies by the Japanese and the
Clinically. the fruit has also been shown to he anti-pyretic. The action may be due to a de-
pression of the central nervous system as other studies also showed the fruit to have a sedative
effect in experimental animals. The fruit is also used among patients with insomnia, particularJy
when the insomnia is due to illness.
Still another use of rosa! is its anti-hemorrhagic property. It is sometimes used together with
kogon for t.'tis purpose.
Rosal has been reported to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial action, perhaps because of
crocin. which is a yellow dye. In lapan, rosa! is used as an anti-inflammatory and vulnerary.
Decoction of Rosol Froit - Dried ripe fruits are used. The fruits wually appear from Sep-
tember to November. The Chinese PluumtzcopoeiD lists the dose as 6-9 gm of the fruit in decoc-
tion. ]t is reconunended for jaundice. Externally. it is used for wounds, particularly to stop bleed·
ing. Another external use is for hematomas. Other Chinese herbals list rosal for high fever asso-
ciated with influenza, insomnia during or after illness. nephritis, dysuria due to urethritis and, -
bacterial dysentery. The most commonly cited uses are for jaundice and for various bleeding con-
ditions (epistaxis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc.). A preparation using rosal fruits and kogon rhi-
zomes has also been described for bleeding (page 4).
CONTRAlNDICATIONS: Some Chinese hetbal. say that rosal should not be used in patients with
This family includes the many citrus fruits whose uses aIe quite similar. Among those
used medicinally in the Philippines are: I<ahel l • dalandan 2 ••uha' • dayap' • kalarnan".5 • kabuyaw 6 ,
limon7 • kayumanis8 and limOlllito9 . Since their chemical constituents and pharmacology are quite
similar, they will be discussed together, aceonling to constituents:
VolDti/e OiLs -
All the citruJ plants have volatile oils in their fiuits and leaves The volatile oils are usually
hydrocubons (particularly Iimonene) together with terpene. (which vary with each plant and gi..
each its peculiar aroma).
The volatile oil in these plants make them useful expectorants, canninatives, diaphoretics
utd anti-pNritics. The volatile oils also have varying degrees of anti-microbial activity.
lCinu. QU1IDltium L. ·c QU1IDltifo/ks (,) Swingle 7C. limon L.
2C nobw Lour. 'C. nUclOclllpa Bunge 8aauserul "isum-olen. (Blco.) Merr.
'C. grrrnt!i3 (L.) Osbecl< 6c. hymix DC 9Triplussils trifol" (Bunn.f.)p. Wil•.
.. -_.. _-~~-- ..
The rinds of citrus fruits are rich in pectin. In fact, the conunercial production of pectin
draws largely from the discarded rinds ofcitros fruit. Pectin is an effective anti-dianheal.
Citrus fruits contain various organic acids, mainly citric. Citric acid is an important inter-.
mediate in body metabolic cycles. It also increases urinary secretions. Like other weak acidsJt is
astringent. Together with the volatile oils, the acids in citrus juices exert a refrigerant (cooling)
effect because of the vlUYing degrees of sweating (diaphoresis) that they induce.
Ascorbic acid of vitamiJi C is another important constituent in citrus fruits. Many studies
have been made on vitamin C as pre'Ventive for cold. Although the value of high doses of vitamin
C remains a controversy. it is recognized that vitamin C has a vital role in regulating tissue respi-
ration. A deficiency in vitamin C leads to scurvy. characterized by swollen and bleeding gums,
loosened teeth, weakness, swollen joints, swelling of the feet and legs and gradual development of
small hemorrhages around the hair and larger bruise-like hemonhages. Bone shafts become prone .-
to fracture and wounds take longer to heal.
DUring illness and other aibnents involving tissue inuuries, the body's reserves of vitamin C
are used rapidly, which is why additionaJ vitamin C is prescribed dUring this period.
Kalamansi juice is often given in colds, partly because it is believed that the vitamin C
content in the fmit would be of value. Actually, while the vitamin C content of kalamansi is
comparatively high, percentage-wise, the small size of the fruit would require, according to one
estimate, the juice from 39 pieces ofkalamansi to fulfill the minimum adult daily reqUirement for
the vitamin.
The other citrus fruits contain significant amounts of vitamin C and generally contain the
recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C in 1-2 pieces of fruit.
flavonoids (yellow pigments) such as rutin,quercetin, hesperidin and naringin are present in
citrus fruits. The exact role of flavanoids remains a controversy but they ;;.Ie said to act like
vitamins, having an anti-oxidant effect. It has been claimed that citrus fruits are better sources of
vitamin C than synthetic preparations because of the added presence of flavonoids in the fruits.
The flavonoids are said to "protectU Vitamin C. At one time, the flavonoids were called "vitamin
Citrus flavonoids have been reported to have anti-inOanunatory, anUDactenaJ ana anUlungal
activity. There has been renewed interest in flavonoids because of reported anti-viral activity.
Other flavonoids are also being studied fOJ antifertility activiity.
The pulp of citrus fruits are fair sources of calcium and phosphorus while the rinds cany
very high levels of these minerals. 'The h.igh calcium content and acidity of the rind make it easier
for pectin to form precipitates, which is important in making jellies.
Potassium is another mineral found in high levels in citrus fruits. Its content is much higher
in the rind than in the pulp. Potassium is an important element needed by the body but it is easily
lost in diarrhea and vomiting. Because of this, it is import3flt to add pOtassium to fluid prepa-
rations being used to rehydrate patients suffering from diarrhea or vomiting. The addition of a few
pieces of the rind from citros fruits in the rehydrating fluid will solve the problem of a potassium
Potassium is also responsible for the diuretic action of citrus fruits.
-----._._. _._--------------.
The gmn chicle used for cheWing gum comes from the latex of tile trunk oftsiko (Manilkalu
tfl/JOle (L.) van RoyenJ. Guni chicle can be a substilU!e for gullapetcha, which is used as a base for
other drugs and as a dressing for wounds, particulady in dental surgeIY. The seeds, which contain
an alkaloid, ... used for rever but is said to be poisonous in large doses.
Kaimito or star-apple (O"ysophyllum cmilo L.) i. often used locally for diarrhea. The
fnail's pectin and milky jUice act mechanically as an anti-dianbeaJ. The bark,leaves and stems are
also used in decoctioo fur diarrhea, the anti-diarrheal principle being the high leveis of tannin.
Alkaloids have been found in ihe leaves and stem.
The planb in this family are very bitter and many are used by folk healers for stomach ache,
diarrhea. dysentery and as febrifuges.
Studies on the Simarubaceae plants have resulted in the identification of alkaloids and
glycosides with significant antiprotozoal activity. These substances acts similarly to the drugs
emelin (an alkaloid) and glaucarbuin (a glycoside). Both emelin and glaucarubin are, in fact,
derived from plants.
There has been interest in a group of glycosides called quassinoids (simaroubolides) found in
medicinal plants from this family. These quassinoids are lactones and were first identified in
corales l (quassin and neoquassin). Corales has been listed in some pharmacopoeia - a 5% infusion
of the barle, freshly prepared, is cited as an enema for threadwonns. Infusions of corales are aIse
used as lotions for pediculosis (lice infestations).
Many other quassinoids have been identified in plants belonging to this family. Besides
corales, other medicinal plants from Simarubaceae found in the Philippines are mamigi12, manung-
gal' and ba1aniog4 .
lQuassia anuI1D L. 3 Quassia indica(Gaertn.) Nooteboom
2Ham-sonia perfoma (Bleo.) Merr. 4 Brucea jwanica (L.) Men.
BALANIOG (F1g. 59) Bruceajavanica (L.) Merr.
Bogo-bogo, magkapayos, manongao-bobi (Bis.); selte(Yakan/ 'Balaniog is the Chabacano name
of the plant.
The fruit of balaniog contains glycosides. There have been varying reports on the chemical
nature of the glycosides, with most literature mentioning three distinct g1ycosides. There has been
controversy over the presence of alkaloids. One ~1udy reports the presencr of an alkaloid yatanine.
The seeds contain 60% fixed oil, which is used for treating warts.
Balaniag is most effective as an amoebicide. It also has some anti-malaria properties but the
action is weak and ineffective for subtertian and quartan malaria. There have also been reports
on the use of balaniog in schistosomiasis in the early stage. Balaniog's antiprotozoai activity is
attributed to the glycosides.
Balaniog is used externally to treat trichomoniasis (vaginal) and various fungal infections.
Fruits - The fruits can be taken for amoebic lIysentery. It can also be lrit:d for tertian
malaria and for schistosomiasis. Because the fruits can irritate the gastro-intestinal tract, it is ad-
Visable to powder the fruits and enclose in gelatin capsules. The patient should chew the fruits
very well if the fruits are taken as is.
The usual dose is 10-15 pieces of the fruit for adults. For children, give one piece of the
fruit for each year of th~ child's age, total dose not to eXCf'.ed 10 pieces. The fruits are given 3
times daily (10-15 each time). For dysentety, treatment should be continuous for 7-10 days.
For tertian mclaria, 5-7 days of treatment is used. For schistosomiasis, treatment covers 40 days.
The official Chinese Phannacopoeia lists a dose of 0.5-2.0 grn dried seeds given three times
daily. This is about 12.50 seeds for each dose.
Seeds - The seeds can be used for the conditions above. It is also advillabJe to poWder the
seeds and enclose in gelatin capsules. The dose for the seeds is 15 at a time. given 3 times daily.
Decoction ofSeeds - A decoction of the seeds is used externally for vaginal trichomoniasis.
PREC..A.UTIONS: Balaniog is contraindicated in pregnant women. Side rea9tions from balanoig
include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness. When these signs appear, reduce the dose. The
gastro-intestinal signs are wually due to irritation and can be preven ted by enclosing the fruits
or seeds in gelatin capsules.
MANUNGGAL (Fig. 60) Qu=iD indica (Gaertn.) Nooteb.
Danput,liD"tos-an"t.liDton-gamay. mabingdato. SYR. Samodera indiCtJ Gaertn.
paJaa(or)ium, ponnan (Bis.)
Manunpl is a tree whose se~ds are often used for fever in the Philippines and in other Asian
countries. The seeds contain fixed oil, an alkaloid and the glycoside samaderin. Its phannacology
has not been studied.
The Philippine National FonnulaIy lists the following preparations:
Deco~tion ofMtlnunggallJaTk - The decoction is used fOT fever.
Seeds - For rheumatism. the seeds are roasted, pound and applied on affected areas.
Leaves - Bruised leaves are suggested as a poultice for skin eruptions.
Fig. S9 - Ba1aniog \Broceo javanica (L.) Men.J is a hairy shrub found in thickets, reaching
a height of 3 m. Flowers arc small and reddish while fruits are oval, black and
smooth, resembling papaya seeds in size and shape.
Fig. 60 -ManullsgallQuassiD indica (Gaertn.) Nooteb.] is a tree that grows up to 10 m
high with numerous light yeUow Dowers. Its fruits are flattened and keeled,
about 6 em. long and 2.5 em. wide.
The name of this family is derived from the Latin solor which means 'to heal'. Several of
the members of the family were popuJar in Western medicine and many continue to be ofwue.
The sill peppers 1 for instance, contain volatile and fixed oils as well as alkaloids. They
stimulate the appetite by increasing, salivary and gastric secretions. Externally. they are used as
rubefacients in rheumlltism and muscular pains. Their effect is mainly of irritation and
they should not be taken in luge amounts or applied on the eyes and on skin with open wounds
or sores. The fruits and leaves of sill are rich in vitamin A, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Kamatis or tomato 2 is valued by Western practitioners of homeopathic medicine as a "mild
ap:rient (laxative), promotor of gastric secretions and blood purifier." An alkaloid with antibiotic
activity. tomatine, was isolated many years ago from tomato but its activity is comparatively
weak. It has been found, however, that tomatine is reasonably effective against some fungi that
cause ~kin diseases. Tomatine has also been reported to have antihistamine activity. The dried pulp
of tomato can be mixed with the juice of pectin-rich fruits and used for diarrhea and bacillary
dysentery. The fresh pulp can also be tried as poultice in dennatitis. Tomatine is found mainly
in the leaves and unripe fruits.
Tomatine ~ only one of several steroidal alkaloids that are being studied. Many members of
Solanaceae contain these alkaloids. These alkaloids can be toxic, as in the case of solanine, which
is found in the leaves and tubers of lubi-Iubi 3 (kama-kamatisan), in the leaves and green exposed
parts of potato4 and in the leaves of talong or eggplant.S Some of these substances are hemolytic
while others (glycosides) act on the heart and nervous system.
Yet, many of these plants are edible - lubi-Iubi, known as amti in the northern provinces,
is a COJlUllOD weed that is also used as a vegetable. Medicinally. these plants also have their uses.
The Philippine National Fonnulary includes a decoction of lubi-Jubi leaves for skin ulcers, wounds
and irritations. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia, cites lubi-Iubi as a diuretic, at a dose of 9-30 gm. of
the entire plant (dried) in decoction.
Both the alkaloids and glycosides of Solanaceae are of interest to researchers because they
are potential cardiovascular and anti..cancer drugs. Extracts of lubi·lubi, for example, have shown
central nervous syst~m depression, decreased cardiac activity, hypotensive,analgesic, antibacterial
and antispasmodic activity. Lubi-lubi also contains diosgenin, which is anti-inflammatory.
Two other plants from this family are familiar to many Filipinos. They are discussed below:
ITwo species are usually cultivated in the Philippines - sill lCapsicum annuum L.J and siling
labuyo [Capsicumfrutescens L.].
2Lycopersicon iycopersicum (L.) Karsten 4Solanum tuberosum L.
3Solllnum nigrum L. 5Solanum melongeno L.
TALUMPUNAY (Fig. 62) Datura metel L.
Kamkamaulau (Ok,); katchubung, katiabon. tatchubong (Dis.)
Talumpunay contains the powerful belladonna alkaloids, mainly scopolamine (hyoscine),
hyoscyamine and at~pine (dl.hyoscymine). TIle belladonna alkaloids act similarly but there are
some important differences:
Cent1fl1 Nervous System - Scopolamine, which is present in larger quantities than hyoscya-
mine in talumpunay. depresses the central nervous system. It causes drowsiness, a light feeling
and eventually. dreamless sleep. The ancient A~ecs in South America, who had developed a fairly
advanced merlical system, were known to use Datura fastuosa to out their patients to deep for
Fig. 61 - Lubi-Iubi lSotanum nigrum L.j, a weed that grows up to I m. With tmy wfilte
flowers and dark purple or black round fruits.
Fig. 62 - Talumpunay [Datura metel L.I , a shrub growing up to 2 m, found wild but also
c.ultivated for its white or purplish flowers. Fruits are about 3.5 em in diameter,
covered with short, stout spines.
- ----~ ------,
surgery. Scopolamine extract continues to be used as a tranqui11izer in the West and in China, it
is used as an anesthetic_ Scopolamine also has anti-tremor activity and has potentiaJ use in treat-
ting pod<in$Onism.
Taken in large doses, scopolamine causes excitement, restlessness, hallucinations and de·
Eye - 80th scopolamine and hyoscyamine will cause the pupil to dilate (widen) although
hyoscyamine has a more powerful action. Atropine (dl-hyoscyamine) is still used in opthalmic pre·
parations used to dilate the pupil. Both scopolamine MId hyoscyamine increase the pressure
within the eye and are therefore contra-indicated in persons with glaucoma.
Respinrtory System - Both alkaloids inhibit (prevent) secretions of the nose, mouth, pha-
rynx and bronchi. They also dI)' the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract because of their
inhit.-itory action on secretion. The two alkaloids are also bronchodilators and are particularly
useful for astluna. ~ proprie-tary preparation for asthma, still available in drug stores, uses pow-
dered Datura stramonium as its main ingredient.
Gastro-Jntesn'ruzl Tract - Both alkaloids decrease movements of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Because of this, the two akJaloids are still widely sued in antispasmodic preparations.
Dried TalllmpuMY Leaves or F70wers - The dried leaves or flowers can be dried and rolled
like tobacco and smoked as cigarettes for asthma. It should be used as soon as an attack starts. The
flowen 8Je stronger than the leaves and one dried flower is usually more than enough to bring
relief. With the leaves, one to three pieces would be sufficient. The leaves or flowers can also be
mixed with a1agaw (page 72), sambong (page 28) and/or ,uob·kabayo (page 41). The mixlure
can be dropped on live coals or burned for inhalation during asthma attacks or in conditions wbere
a bronchodilator is needed. The Philippine NationDl Formulary suggests that the user should not
have more than one talumpunay cigarette in 6 hours.
Decoction 0/ TaJumpunay Leqves or Flowers - Use 1 gm. dried or 2 gm. fresh leaves (about
one leaf) in decoction for dianbea or stomach ache. The Chinese P1u:umacopoeia lists a dose of
03 to 0.6 gin. of dried flowers in decoction as an anti-tussive. The daily dosage should not exceed
Poultice - Pound a few fresh leaves and mix with a little water and a starchy base (gawgaw,
kanin, elc.). Apply on boils, painful joints and mu",tes.
Datura Oil - An oil preparation made by soaking the leaves in coconut oil. The oil is used
externally for rheumatism and muscle pains.
PRECAUTIONS: Talumpunay should be used with great caution. Do nol exceed the dose' listed.
Even when used as a cigarette or inhalant, talumpunay can have YelY potent effects.
CONTRAlNDICA110NS: Deabilitated patients should not be given talwnpunay.ll should aOO
be avoided by the pregnant and by people with g1aucoIlld, heart trouble, hypertension, liver Or
kidney trouble.
Accidental poisoning sometimes occurs, particularly with children. Keep the seeds and
flowers well stored. Of COUBe, plants in gardens and waste places cannot be kept out of children's
reach, and there have been instances when health workers were unable to establish the cause of
certain types of poisoning which might have been due to Datura. Signs of poisoning include
excessive dtying of the IT.outh and throat, dilated p'Jpils, blurring of vision, flushing in the face,
fever, iQcreased heart beat, inability or difficulty with urinating. Because of the presence of seo·
polamine, other signs of poisoning include restlessness, confusion and coordination, followed by
hallucinations and delirium.
TREATMENT: Treat symptomatically - reduce body temperature, moisten mucous
membranes and catheterize (urethral) if possible. Gastric lavage with charcoal or J: 10,000 potas-
sium pennanganate is also helpful.
. , h k"
NOTE: There is a very common shrub grown in Baguio and other areas in the north. The
shrub is called "trompet flower" by the elidents and the flower is exactly the same as talong-
punay eXQept that they are much larger. This plant is also a member of Sola1UJCeae and it contains
the same alkaloids as talumpunay . The plant's scientific name is BrugmansiQ suavolens Humb.
and Bomsl. [Syn. Datura candidIJ Pers.] . Other Datura species are cultivated by botanical gardens
and research institutes.
• TABAK.0 Nicotiana tabQCUTTl L.
Tabako's physiological effects are due mainly to nicotine. found in the leaves of the plant
in levels ranging from 05 to 3.0%. Nicotine has been found to be one of the cancer-<:ausing
substances in cigarettes.
The effects of nicotine are generally excitatory. The central nervous system is stimulated
and in over-doses. nicotine producers tremors and convulsions. Respiration is stimulated in small
doses. In the gastro-intestinal tract. nicotine stimulates movements of the intestinal tract but in
high doses the movements actually decease. In the cardiovascular system, nicotine increases
heart rate. blood pressure and cardiac output. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor.
Strickly speaking tabako would have little or no therapeutic value, except perhaps as a
styptic for wounds. However, it is so much part oflocal cultures (especially in tobacco-producing
regions) that medicinal uses are inevitably attributed to it. As long as the uses are extemal, there
would be no harm in the continued use of the plant.
Tabako also has insecticidal properties which could be put to good use (e.g. crushed leaves
in de~9ction as a spray, burning dried leaves). .
Kalwnpang ISten:u1Ul foetidll L.J is a cornmon tree found along tIle seashore and river
banks. It has large fruits with kernels which yield an oil that is laxative. A decoction of the leaves
can be used as a wash for skin elllptiollS.
Kakao l Theobroma cacao L. J is cultivated for its seeds. which are used for manufacturing
cacao, cacao butter, chocolate. Cacao butter is used pharmaceutically to coat pills and prepare
suppositories. Like coffee. it contains xanthines (theobromine and caffeine). Theobromine's
action is similar to, but weaker than caffeine when it comes to stimulation of the central nervous
system. However. theobromine has stronger action as a smooth muscle relaxant, as a diuretic,
as a cardiac stimulant, and as a vasodilator and as a co:onary dilator. There are proprietal)' pre-
parations using theobromine combined with other drugs for cardiac disorders. The roots ofkakao
(2 tablespoonful or about 10 gm) are used in decoction as an emmenagogue in folk medicine but
its effectivity has not been evaluated.
Rbasted kakao seeds can be pound and applied on dl)' skin and dry eczema.
Saluyot [Corchorus olitonus Lam] and datiles [Muntingia caJabura L.] belong to this family.
Saluyot is vel)' closely related to pasau-na-bilog or jute [Corchorus capsularis L.j. Both have stems
which yield strong fibers. Rice sacks were often made from jute. This same fiber, corded finely. is
said to make good surgical dressing. Another use ofpasau-nli-bilog is medicinal charcoal. The bade
is. in fact, used in folk medicine for stomach ache.
But the use of pasau-na-bilog in stomach ache probably goes beyond mere adsorptive action.
The leaves and seeds of both saJuyot and puau-na-biJog have been found to yield g1ycosides, main-
ly colChorin (1 strophanthidine acconling to a Pakistani report) which has digitalis-like action on
the heart. The 'glycoside is about 0.5% of the weight of the seed. The seedi an: sometimes used in
different regions in Asia as a febrifuge.
These plants hold potential in medicine if the glycoside. could be further studied. One
report observes that strophanthidine could be converted into valuable hormone prodw::ts.
Fig. 63 Takip·kohol [Cenrella asiatica (L.) Urb.], a common weed found u.ually in
damp areas, 3 to 15 em long with tiny white or green fruits. The leaves are 2 to 5 em.
wide and are kidney-or heart-shaped.
This family is composed of aromatic herbs. many of which are used as vegetable. and condi·
ments. Se,..n1 of these also have mediclilal use•.
TAKIP-KOHOL (Fig. 63) Cen/ella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Habanghalo, yaboog·yabong liJi•. )
This very conUllon weed is one of those medicinal pJants with a cure-all reputation. It has
been reported to be used as a tonic, stimulant, diuretic, antidysenteric, antidiarrheic, hypotensive,
cicatrizant and even as an anti-gonorrhea dtug. One local commercial preparation advertises takip-
kohol as its main ingredient and claims the plant is noted in China for promoting long life,
While all these claims need to be further evaluated,it has been established that the plant
contains many chemical constituents which probably act together to promote many of its claimed
effectii, Proteins up tu i7 .25% have been found. Pectin and various reducing and non-reducing
sugars are also present. A volatile oil, about 1% of the plant, contains vallarine, which was
fonnedy speculated as the main medicinal component but further studies showed the plant to
have abundant vitamin B, calcium, phoSporus, iron and other minerals, all of which have their
own medicinal value. High tannin levels were also established to be present
Two g1ycosides with antibiotic activity have been reported. One of these glycosides, asia-
ticoside, has been lIsed as a preparation for leprous ulcus and slow-healing wounds. Chinese
researchers have Ieported that takip-kohol was effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers induced
in experimental animals.
Traditional Chinese medicine characterizes the plant as "antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and
diuretic." The Indians theorize that the drug may be valuable as a stimulant to cutaneous circula-
Locally, community based health programs have been using the plant decoction to reduce
edema due to schistosomiasis.
Plant Decoction - Use 15-60 gm fresh material or 3Q.60 gm dried material. The decoction
can be used for upper respiratory tract and most acute infections and purulent inflammations.
As a diuretic, use 60 ~ fresh material in decoction twice daily.
Extemlll' Uses - Use fresh crushed material for eczema, skin ulcers. bruises.
Anis (Foeniculum wlgare Gaertn.) - Anis or fennel contains volatile oil, fiXed oil and
pectin in its fruits. The Philippine Nano,",/ Formu/Qry suggests its use for fainting (inhaling
crushed fruit) and for gas pains (an infusion of the fruit). The Chinese Phlll'mlJCopoeia classifies
allis as I pain-k.iller and suggests a dose of 3-9 gm. of the dried fruit in decoction. The decoction
is used for stomach ache, dysmenorrhea and pain in the testes. It is also cited for use in early
stages of schistosomiasis.
Carrot [llaucus CDTOta L.] - Carrots are known mainly for their tap roots, a vegetable rich
in vitamin A. Among the Chinese, the fruit (different from the tap root) is considered medicinal.
The Orinese Phmmscopoeia includes the dried ripe fruit, 3-9 gm. in decoction, for chronic dysen-
tery and as an anthelmintic (roundwonns or Ascaris).
The fruits contain volatile oil composed of asarone, bisabolene, asarylaldehyde, tiglic acid
and sterols.
. Kintsay [Apium graveokns L.I - Kintsay or celery is a popular folk remedy for hyperten-
sion.1t contains volatile oil, apiin (a glUcoside) and various sugan.
A Thai study found an extract of kintsay to have hypotensive and diuretic effects.
The Philippine NarionoJ Formulizry lists the following uses for kintsay: emetic (decoction of
entire plant), bronchodilator in asthma (pound ..eds, wrap in thin cloth and inhale) and high
blood pressure (eat as vegetable).
Fig.. 64 - Alagaw [~nna adomta small tree 3-8 m high with greenish-white or
white flowers and dark purple, fleshy fruits.
Fig.65 - Lagundi I Vitex /legundo L.J, • shrub 2-5 m high, growing wild in thickets and
waste places. Its leaves are compound, with 3 or 5 leaflets. Rowers are blue.
ALAGAW (Fig. 64) Ptemna odorata Bleo.
Aoobran (Ok.); abgau, adgau, agbau, argau (Bis.)
Alag. )I is widely used in the Philippines as an expectorant. Its action is due mainly to the
volatile oil in the leaves (about 0.02%)., although the plant has also been found to have some
sedative action when used in experimental animals.
An alkaloid, ·pmnnine, has been isolated from Premna inteKrijolitz and the picrate of this
alkaloid is sympathomimetic (i.e. with actions similar to the sympathetic nerves, which includes
stimulation of the sweat glands, dilation of pupils, dilation of muscle arteries, suppression of
activity of digestive organs. increased heart rate).
Decoction of Alaguw Leaves - A decoction is prepared from 2 or 3 leaves (6-9 gm fresh
or 3-6 IDg dried). It can be used for coughing and other upper respiratory disorders, as well as
a calmative for palpitations and nervous conditions.
LAGUNDI (Fig. 65) Virex negundo L.
Dangla (Rk.)
Lagundi is conunonly used for wounds, fever, stomach ache and dysmenorrhea. Seeds boiled
in water are believed to prevent the spread of toxins from poisonous bites of animals. Some
fannen use fresh lagundi leaves with their rice and com as an effective repeUant to insects.
The plant contains alkaloids (one, nishindine, has been characterized), tannin and volatile
oil. Clinical trials have established lagundi to be antipyretic and antitussive. Researchers from
the Philippine General Hospital, report that lagundi has had favorable effects even in pattents
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including those who were not responding to other
drugs. Changes in sputum quality were also noted, indicating that lagundi has anti-infective proper-
An earlier Jocal study on experimental animals reports mat Jagundi extracts stimulated
bronchial secretions. In China, lagundi is used for respiratOI)' ailments, particularly chronic bron~
chitis. Lagundi's effectivity has been so well established that the Chinese now extract its volatile
oil for processing into tablets, syrups, injections and aerosols.
Decoction of LQgundi Lel1lJes - Use 5-6 dried leaves or 8-10 fresh leaves. Boil for 15 minutes
in one glass of water. Repeat this dose every four hours for 3-14 days. The decoction can be used
for fever, coughing and other respiratory infections. Externally, a decoction of lagundi can be
used as wash for dennatitis, scabies, wounds and skin ulcers.
Kasopangil {Clerondendron intermedium Cham.] - Kasopangil is sometimes used as a poul-
tice for headaches and other body pains. Saponin, peroxidase and fonnic acid have been found in
the leaves.
Lantana (Lantana camara L.] - The roots oflantana are occasionally used as a gargle and
:..... -J!ound wash, because of the tannin content. The plant has been reported to contain an alkaloid,
- lantanine, which is antispasmodic and antipyretic. The (eaves' strong odor is due to volatile oil. In
animals, lantana causes photosensitization and hepatic damage. It is not known if these same
effects oceur in human beings.
The Philippine NatioTUiJ FOTmu/Q.ry lists a de..:oetion of the bark or ir,fusion of the leaves
for fever. It also suggests the use of the leaves for rheumatism - spread oil on the leaves, wann
over a low flame and apply on affected parts. The leaves are also listed as a poultice for wounds
and c;ontusions.
Tigaw [CoIIicmpa candicans (Bunn.) Hoohr.] - Tigaw leaves are smoked to relieve breathing
in ~a while the fresh leaves are applied externally for stomach ache. Saponin is present in
the leaves and stem, as well as traces of aikaloid, tannin, amygdalin and calcium oxalate.
Tagulaway (Paromeria lIlevigata (Juss.) Mold.] is·a vine whose bark is used. together with
coconut oil, to make "Balsamo de eebu." This oil is used as a vulnerary and cicatrizant (promoting
scar foonation). The bark material has been found to be high in tannin and so its action is mainly
Kabalyero [CQesalpinia pulchemma (L.) Sw.1 - Kabalyero is not too widely wed in the
Philippines, except in the Docano region, where it is sometimes used as a purgative and emmena·
gOgue. Fanncrl'; abo report cues of their animals aborting after eating ~e leaves. Reports on the
plant's chemical constituents are piecemeal (red coloring matter, gum, tannin. resins, benzoic
acids) but .there is a local report observing that the plant stimulates contractions in the intact
gravid (with Cetus) uterus. The plant also produces convulsions in toxic doses and its use is not
advised in patients with cardiac trouble and in cases of eclampsia (convulsions during and after
Kalumbibit [Caesalpinia crista L.] - The seeds of kalwnbibit are sometimes used locally
as a. mild purgative and febrifuge. Three bitter principles (g1ucosides) have been reported present -
alpha, beta and gamma caesalpin, together with sugar, simple proteins and an oil. The seed's anti·
pyretic effect is attributed to a glucoside bonducin. An overdose causes vomiting.
Kupang lParkia roxbwghii G. Don.] is a large tree with edible pods. The seeds contain
glycosides, resin and tannin and are antidianheal.
Narra [PreroCll1pus indieu, Willd.) has high tannin levels in its bark. It also has a gum which
is called "kino." Kino's main constituent is kino-tannic acid, which is also -astringent. In Malay
traditional medicine, the bark in decoction or the kino is used for diarrhea.
The bark and leaves of mansanitas (Zlzyphus jujuba Mill.) are frequently used in decoction
for dianbea. The anti-di.ard:lea effect is due to the tannin content.
The fruit is used in other countries as an aid to digestion. The fruits contain sugar, mucilage,
ftuit acids, (including an unusual acid called ziziphic acid). Ziziphic acid is also said to be present
io. the bark and is found together with the tannin to fonn. ziziphotannic acid.
The fruit, wed with luya (ginger), is said to improve digestive absorption. The mansanitas·
luya combination is used to improve utilization of other drugs for digestive disorders. There has
llIJo been a ..port that a decoction of maosanitas with kiotsay (celery, Apium graveo/ens L.)
could lo...r blood cbolesterol.
The fiuit is add and utrinpnt but cultivated varieties ue sweeter. It is a good source of
calcium, phosphorus, UIlD and vitamin C. The fruit should not be eaten if a person has gas pains,
Kamuning [Mumzy. ponkulat. (L.) lack.] is a popular medicinal plant in Asia, mainly
boca... of its high taDoiD levels. The bark and the leaves are wed as astringents, particularly for
dianbea. The leaves abo conU.~n I glycoside called murrayin.
The use of weights and measures haS its value not just for medicinal plants but in explaining
doses of drugs.jn general, Western or indigenous.Learning to use weights and measures will be
valuable in_~stematizing local uses of medicinal plants. FO.l instance, it would be good to be able
to reco~~the results obtained with different measured amounts of plants being used by the people.
Measures of capcity refer mainly to the quantity of liquid. Under the metric system, the
basic unit to measure capacity is the milliliter, abbreviated BS ·"rnt". The milliliter is the same
as the cubic centimeter (abbreviated as "ce"). One thousand rnillititerS make one liter (L.)..
Different sizes of graduated cylinders - glass tubes with marldngs - are available in scienti-
fic supply stores and are a great aid for measuring liquids. However, improvisations can· be made
using other materials:
Syringes tmd Dextrosl' Bottles - You can ask. your Rural Health Unit, doctors or nurses for
used disposable (plastic) syringes. These are marked off according to u cc", which is the same as
the milliliter. Syringes are available in different sizes, from the tuberculin syringe (1 cc or ml)
to those ~ large as 60 cc or mI.
Used dextrose bottles are also maIked a~oJdmg to milliliters and are available in different
~s. .
In using these materials, make ~ure to wash them thoroughly before using. If possible, have
them boiled.
Cups (TaSll) and Glasses (Raso) - The standard cup (about 10 em in diameter at the brim
and 6-1/2 em high) takes in 125 m1 of water (if filled up to about 2 em from the brim). The small
sized tumblers (about 10-1/2 em high) in which commercial coffee is sold are commonly used as
glasses. These also contain 125 ml of water if filled up to 2 em from the brim.
Spoons - Spoons can be used for small measures and for calculating the dose of a prepared
solution. A teaspoonful (but not overflowing) of liquid is about 5 ml while a tablespoonful of
liquid is about 10 ml.
In the metric system, the most common measures of weight are the milligram (mg), the gram
(g) and the kilogram (kg). One thousand milligrams make one gram while one thousand grams
make a kilogram.
Special balances are needed to measure milligrams and these minute amounts are used only
when pudfied extDCts are employed. For grams and kilograms, simple weighing devices can be
improvised. A few examples are given below.·
Drug p..parations that can b. mad. in the barrio are describ.d below. Tablets and pills
have not been included h.... Although th... are simple m.thods to p..pare tabl.ts and piUs, th...
are not described here because these preparations should be contain a standard amount of the
active principl•.
Observe general rules of sanitation when preparing drugs. Decoctions and infusions should
be _d the same day th.y an: p"paJed. For p..parations which can be sto..d, always make SUJO
to label the containers. Include precautions and cootra·indications on the label.
Th. Ptrilippine N.tioMl Formulary suggests dt. use of .arth.nware (palayok)
for pzeparing medicinal plants and advises against plastic and metal containers. Western practi-
tioners of homeopathic medicine are also against the use of metal containers, supposedly because
the me1als may ..act with the m.dicinal plants.
DECOCTIONS - Decoctions are pltpued by boiling the medicinal plants in water. Usually, S gm
of the drug material is used for every 100 ml of water. If weighing devices are not available, a
IOUgh guide is to ust tluee handfuls of fresh or one handful of dried plant material for e'-ery two
cups (tasa) of water.
Th. plant materials are boiled for 1545 minut.s. Plants with volatile oils n••d a shorter
period of boiling (IS minut.s). For oth.r mat.rials, boil until the liquid is reduced to about half
of the original volume. Aft.r allowing the anlulion to cool, the liquid is strain.d through katcha
(cheesecloth) or any other suitable material to remove solid residues. More water can be added
to dilute the preparations.
INFUSIONS - Infusions or teas are similar to decoctions except that the plant materials are not
boiled with the water. Ioste.3d, previously boiled water is poured over the plant material. After
pouring the boiling water over the plant material. the mixture is allowed to stand for 15-30
minutes. Allow the solution to cool down and then strain. The pfant material can be pressed
again to remove more liqUid which can be added to the rest of the infusion.
The proportion of drug material to use is the same as that given for decoctions.
Infusions are preferable wnen prepanng aromatic medicinal plants because the relatively
short exposure to beat minimizes the loss 'If the volatile oils. Infusions are also used for preparing
tlowen and leaves which are easily destroyed by strom~ heat.
TINCTURES - Tinctures are prepared from drugs that may contain gummy resins or other
substances that do~not readily dissolve in water. They are also used for preparing drug materials
to be used externally as a wash. Instead of water, alcohol is used; the proportion being one part
of the dried or fresh .plant material for every 5 parts of alcohol (e.g. 20 gm plant material in tOO
mJ alcohol). For more potent drugs, the proportion is reduced to I: 10.
The plant materials are placed in strong alcohol (80·90%) and kept in air tight containers.
Do not use rubbing alcohol if the tincture is to be taken intemoilly. It is safer to use alcoholic
beverages such as tuba. The mixtu.n:: is stirred Or shaken at }eo.ast once a day for a week before
using. Strain the solution before actual use.
SYRUPS - Syrups are prepared particularly for drugs which taste unpleasant and may be dif·
ficult to administer to children and infants. The base is prepared by dissolving 1 parr brown sugar
for every 2 parts water. Boil the sugar in the water until the sugar is dissolved. After the sugar
dissolves. apply more heat for a few minutes. Allow the solution to cool down befoer straining.
Add water again after straining.
Prepared decoctions of the needed drug (s) can then be added to the syrup in a I: I propor·
tion (e.g. 100 mJ ofa prepared decoction with 100 ml of the syrup).
Add 2.5 gm sodium benzoate as preservative for every liter of the mixture.
Honey - Honey can be used as a syrup base ir\steaQ ot sugar anti water. Honey is itself con·
sidered a medicinal preparation because of its nutrients..
Fruit Syrups - Fruit syrups add more flavor than plain sugar solutions.
Soft seedless fruits are preferable. The fruits are washed with warm water and mashed to a
pulp. The material is placed in a closed container in a wann place and allowed to fennent for
34 days. Extract the Juice and then set aside for another 2·3 days to complete fennentation.
Feunentation can be hastened by adding a little sugar to the crushed fruit. To detennine if
sufficient fennentation has taken place, take a small amount of the juice and mix with two
volwnes of 90% alcohol. The juice should remain clear. If there are precipitates, it would mean
that pectin is still present and additional fennentation will be needed.
After sufficient fennehtation, the juice is mixed with sugar (5 tablespoonfuls for every 100
mI of the juice) and heated to dissolve the sugar. Strain the solution and while still hot, the syrup
showd be poured into sterilized bottles.
Storing Syrups Without Chemical Preservatives .- Use bottles with a capacity 01 less Ulan
500 mI. Oean the bottles thoroughly and keep warm by immersing in hot water until ready for
use. Strong corks are also kept ready, soaked in hot distilled water.
The syrup should be heated to boiling point (strained, if necessaJ)', and reheated). Pour the
syrup into the hot bottles until the brim and insert the cork with force. While the neck of the
bottle is still hot (and before the syrup can contract in volume through cooling). dip the neck
in melted paraffin. Organisms are destroyed by heat and no air, which would contain new con-
tamin3l1ts, can :find its way into the bottle.
POULTICES AND CATAPLASMS - The leave, of plant' are often applied directly to the skin
for headaches and other body pains. This method can be improved on by preparing catapJasms
or poultices.
Plain rice starch (Le. cooked rice) can be boiled with water until a thick solution is fonned.
This is poured on a piece of cloth to fonn a layer about 1/2 inch thick. The drug material is then
incorporated and the poultice is applied, while still wann, on the affected area. Gawgaw can also
be used. The proportion is usually I part of starch with 10 parts water.
For skin inftanunations, including those with "weeping lesions" (wet sores), it has been
reported that the simple starch poultices can be a very safe, yet efficient. remedy. If there is
infection, a little boric acid powder or antibiotic cream can be added to the poultice. Change
the dressing every 4 haulS.
Many plants yield fixed oils from their seeds. These oils can be used as a base for poultices.
Coconut oil is the most popular example. The oils are particularly useful for disorders involving
drying of the skin.
The plant material should lint be crushed and heated with L~e oil. The mixture i' then
filtered and the oil applied on the skin.
In some areas, "ointments" are being improvised by combining both oil and starch. The
usual combination is gawgaw (cassava starch) mixed with coconut oil. Others use arina (flour)
and coconut oil. Cooking oil has also been suggested but this is too greasy and tends to carry a
disagtoeable odor.
AKAP. Integrated Information System for Philippine Medicinal Plants. (Computerized Files).
QrinJl's PhIlnnacopoeia. 1977. Part I: Traditional Chinese Medicine. Beijing, Conunittee on the
Phannacopoeia, Ministry of Health, People's Republic of China. (In Chinese)
Co, L., ed. 1971. A Manual on Some Philippine Medicinal Pltmts. Quezon City, UP Botanical
Cutting, W.C. 1964. Handbook of PluJmuJcology: The Actions and Uses 0/ Drugs. 2nd ed.
New Yolk., Appleton-Centry-Crofts.
De Padua, L.5., G.C. Lugod and J.V. Pancho. 1971-1978. HfUkibook on Philippine Medicinal
Plants Vols. I·II. Los Banos, University of the Philippines at Los Bafios.
Diguangco, J. 1950. Notes on Philippine Medicinal Plants. Manila. University of St~. Tomas
Goodman, L.S. and A. Gilman. 1965. The PhamuJcologicai Basis ofTheropcutics. 3rd ed. New
Yod<, The MacMillian Co.
Hegnauer, R. 1962-1969. Chemotaxonomie der fflanzen. 5 vols Stuttgart, Bitkhauser Verlag.
Hulme, A.C., ed. 1970. The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products. 2 vols. New York,
Academic Press.
Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences. 1970 mustrated Treatise on Commonly Used Chinese
Medicinal Plants. Pekin8, Science Publishing. (In Chinese)
Intengan. C.L. et. aI. 1968. Food Composition Table. Manila. Food and Nutrition Research
Kurup, P.N.V. 1977. Handbook of Medicinal Plants. New Delli;, Central Council for Research
in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy.
Uu. S. S.. ed. 1975-1978. A(Jstracts of Research on Chinese Materia Medico. Vol. I (1820-1961)
and Vol. 0 (1962-1974): Beijing, Science Publishing. (In Chinese)
Manske, RR.F_ 1951-1973. The Alkaloids: OIemistry and Physiology. 14 vols. New York:
Academic Press.
National Science Development Board. 1978. Philippine National Formulary. Tagig: NSDB.
Quisumbing, E. 1978. Medk:inal Pion" of the Philippines. Quezon City: Katha Publilhing. (Origi.
nal 1951 edition printed in Manila by the Bureau of Printing. The 1978 edition has an
addenda prepared by H. Gutienez.)
Robinson. T. 1967. nle Organil: Constituents ofHigher Pwnts: Their Chemistry and lnten-elation·
ships 2nd ed."Mineapolis, Burgess Publishing Company.
Santos, A.C. and G. AguiIar-Santos. 1974. Philippine Phytochemistry. NRCP Technical Bulletin
No. S1. Quezon City. National Reseuch Council of the Philippines.
SEC Biological Wod< Group. 1971. Pltmts of the Philippines Quezon City, Univenity of the
Philippine, Press.
Tyler, V.E.,M.L. R. Brady and J. E. Robbers. 1976.l'hamuJcognosy. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Lea and
US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. 1974. A Barefooi Doctor'r Manual (Transla-
tion of a Chinese Instruction to Certain Chinese Health PersofUlel) 101m E. Fogarty interna-
tional Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences.
Van SteeOO, C.G.GJ., ed. 1948-1977. F7oro Maleridna. 7 vols. Leyden, Sijthoffand Nordhoff.
Wade, A., ed. 1977. Martindale: The ExtTrll'harrnacopoew. 27th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical
• 79
Zaguine, J.C. 1944. Some Emergency Bed-side Preparations 01 MO!:i Gommon Local Medical
Plants. Manila.
More thao 200 journal articles were reviewed, mainly from the PIlilippine Jourrwl of Science,
Joumol of the PIli/ippine PhtJrmaceutical Auociation, Journal of the PhUippine Medical A.ISOCia-
tUm, Acta MimiJlUuz, Journal of PhtJrmacy and Pluumoco/ogy, Science, Nat;"., Omrer Research,
Ltmcet, Economic Botany and Lloydill. A partial listing has been pUblished separately: Integrated
JnfolWlJltion System for PIlilippine Me-ficinalPillnts: Source Documents (AKA!', 1979).
Due to space Iimlta1l0llJ, ooIy th. DlOre im· to control or prevent infection. Some may be
portant modlclnal proper1le. m ind.x.d. useful in treating diseases caused by bacteria,
Numb.D refer to the pogo th. pulicular o.g. dysentery. Also see ANTISEPTIC
pIonl is discUllOd. Abukado-42
Abulra - 53
ANALGESIC: relie... pain. Usullly reslricted Akasy.-47
to drup which relie.. _nl body pain. or Akapulko - 43
beldadl.. by depressin8 10 .... ill th. brain Ampalay. - 34
without causing s1••p or drowsiness. B.wmg-8
Byn. Anodyn., sudoDfic Also se. ANTI· B.yab.. - 55
Anis-71 Gnnada- 60
Bitaog- 38 Gulasiman - 59
CilruS-64 Kalatsutsi - 19
Dapdap-44 Lm.teng....b.l - 19
Dilaw- 15 Lubi·lubi - 67
GoSO-44 Lubigan - I
Kape-60 Luy.- 14
Lubipn-I Makabuhay - 53
Lobi-Iubi - 67 Muth.- 2
Loy.~uyahan- 15 Rabmos-33
Mons-54 Rosal- 62
Muth.-2 Sampalok - 45
Talwnpunay - 68 Tayuman-48
Tonkin - 32
AN1BELMIN11C; expels intestinal wonns.
Syn. DewoDDer, vermifuge AN11DIARRHEAL: reduces loose bowel
Also see TAENIFUGE movements either by adsorbing excess water
Abulra- 53 or by mixing with the intestinal contents to make it DlOre solid. Other plants stimulate
Boto·botooism -' 30 secretions to help food (Se. CHOLA·
Carrol-70 GOGUES). C.rtain ANTmACTERIAL and
Conies - 65 ANTIPROTOZOAL plants will treat diarrh.a
Ipil-ipil - 47 by attacking the cause of the diarrhea, as in
Isis - 54 the case of bacterial or aJuO\:;,ic dysentery.
Kasoy - 17 SPASMOLYrICS .... also b.cause
Lmson.s- 52 they reduce intestinal movement. The plants
Makabuhay - 53 listed here .... mainly fruits with high p.ctin
Niyog-niyugan - 25 and those with adsorptive action. For plants
Papaya-24 with high tannin, see ASTRINGENT.
Paraiso - 52 Adsorbents:
Pinya - 2 Charcoal (Coconut) - 12
Yelb. buena - 41 Tutong- 5
Pectin Sources
ANTIBACTERIAL: kills or prevenls the Anon.. family - 17
growth of bacteria. Plant antibacterials are Antipolc family - 54
sen.rllly mild and are used for tre.ting wounds Bayab.. - 66
Citrus C.mJy - 62 MalunllPY - 55
KaimiIO-64 Mansanily. - 27
Melon - 35
AN'IlEMEl1C: prevents or controls vomiting. Muth.- 2
Luy.-14 Pap.ya - 24
Muth.- 2 Rosal- 62
Sinlu - 16
AN11FUNGAL: kiDs or prevents the growth Tagulinaw - 30
oC fungi, which .... the major <&11101 oC tropical Takip-kohol - 70
IIrin cIiJe.... e.g.•p-ap (linN /lJlN1 and buni
(riDgwonnj: Alipunga (.thlete·s Cool) is also • ANTI-MALAIUAL: kiDs or prevents the
fungal elise.... growth of the protozoa causing malaria. The
Abutra-53 CoDowing plants have been cited in phanna.
AdeIf.- 19 copoeia although there are other traditional
AtaPuiko - 43 remedies which still need to be tested further.
Raining 6S Balaniog - 65
BalalOng-aso - 47 Cinchona - 60
8o_-g Dita - 20
GIIJ'sjmln 59 Pugo.pugo - 3
GllllllmeJa - S1
GllIDada - 60 AN11-PROTOZOAL: kills or prevents the
Kama"tiai - 22 growth of protozoa. Some diseases caused by
Kamatls-66 protozoa are vaginal trichomoniasis. amoebic
K_yero-19 dysentery and malaria. ANTi-MALARIAL
Laneteng-bugal- 19 plants .... listed separalely.
Lubipn- I Abutra- 53
Luy.-14 Apdongkahoy - 64
M'hbuhay-53 Ba1aniog - 65
Motu-54 Bawang- 15
Mulha-2 Kamantigi - 22
Pmlinta - 58 Makabuhay - 53
Pistula - 48
RabanOl-33 ANTIPYRETIC: reduces fever by acting on lIi
~-62 certain ..... in the body. Mosl ANALGESICS
Santol- 52 .... also antipyretic. ANTI·BACTERIAL and
ANTIPROTOZOAL drugs may lreal the
ANl1-1NFLA101ATORY: reduces irritation ca\lleS of fever. In traditional medical systems,
due to infeetions, as in the cae oC wounds. DIURETICS may be 1IIOd 10 treal Cever as one
Certain types of arthritis and dleumatism are way of expelling excessive "heat" in the body.
joftlll!lDlJtions but may DOt be caUM:d by Syn. Anti·periodic, rebriCuge
infe_os. Anti.inftammalory drugs .... also A1Jo see DIAPHORETIC
ANALGESIC becauao they reduce pain c.used AbUlra- 53
by the inflammation in a particular area of Balalong·aso - 47
the body. Batino- 20
Syn. Anti-pblogistie Dapdap-44
A1Io see COUNTER·1RRlTANT. DEMUL- Dita- 20
CENI' 1kmo- 58
Citrus-63 Kalumbibit - 73
Di1sHIiIa - 29 Lagund; - 72
KOIIdoi 35 Lantana- 72
Lubl-lubi - 67 , Lubigan - I
Makabuhay - 53 Sambons- 28
MalllIIlgI1- 66 Talumpunay - 68
RosaI- 62
Sambolll- 28 ASTRINGENT: cauoe. contraction (lijhlening)
Togulinaw - 30 of tissue aod ..duces discharges (e.g. blood)
Takip-kohol- 70 from wounds. Astringent planls are used for
wounds as weD as for dianhea. They are also
ANl1SCAIIIOl1S: kills or p..venls the srowth often used as a mouthwash or gargle for gum
of tiny inoeC1l (mites) wIW:h cause scabies. disorders. Other astringent planls are used
Some planls with INSECTICIDE properties traditionally for gastric ulcers. Plaols con~s
may also wod< apinst scabies. _ are all astringent. But they should not
AmpaIaya - 34 be used for long periods of time becaUSI: tannin
BaW&lll- 8 can harm the liver.
Bayabas- 56 Abukado - 42·
Di1a- 20 Alibaosbans - 47·
Kaka....ti-47 Balete - 54
Kalallutsi - 19 Banaba - 500
Mana-35 Bayabas- 55·
Paraiso - 52 C..epins FiB - 54
TIIban8-bakod - 35 Duhat- 56·
Granada- 59
ANI1SCIIISTOSOM: kills or preyenls the Gulasiman - 59
srowth of SchbtollO""" which is actually a Ikmo- 58
kind of helminth. No plant dNg has yet been Kaimito - 64
found completely effective against Schisto· Kalantas) 52·
soma. The ones listed heM have vuying degrees Kamuning - 74-
of effectivity: Kasoy -17
Anis-71 Kupang-73·
BaJani08 - 65 Lansones - 52
Kalab... - 34 Manga-17·
Mansanitas - 73
ANIlSEPrIC: p..venls infection or decay Nun-73·
by preventing the srowth of microorganisms Payapa - 54
like bacteria. Usually ..fers to dNSS to be uoed Piyagaw - 52
externally, e-8. for wounds. Rubber T..e - 54
Abutra - 53 Sampalok - 45'
Balanoy- 39 Sibukaw - 45·
BawanS-8 Tagulaway - 73·
1kmo-58 Taliaay - 25
Makabuhay - 53
Pandans mabanSo - 13
Tinlatintahan - 30 BRONCHODILATOR: widens the bronchioles
(lUbes which cany air in the lunas). Used for
AJIIl1l1JSSlVE: ..duces coosbini bY actins respiratory ailments like asthma, where there is
on a certain .... in the bnin. Other traditional difficult b..athing. Many EXPECTORANTS
..medies for coosbins are usually EXPEC· are also bronchodilators.
TORANT, with a diffe..nt type of action. BaIik-balik - 47
Di~-20 Galas·galas - 37
Lagundi-72 Lagundi - 72
Samboog- 28 skin. Counterirritants dil.te (wideo) blood
Talumpunay - 68 vessels Old increase the flow of blood in the
Tipw-72 affected area. The action may be of some help
WaJis.hab. - 50 for relieving pain. in certain cases of arthritis
WaJis.walisang - 50 and rheumatism as well as muscle pains and
CARDIOTONIC: slIeogtheos or regulates Syn. Rubefacient
the heart. The .ctive dNgS are g1ycosides which Abukado - 42
lie too powerful to UJe in its crude fonn. B.tioo - 20
These plants ue often Uled as arrow poisons. Bitlog - 38
Abuhab bacing - 18 Dil.w - IS
Adelf. - 18 Gogo-44
lpo- 54 Ikmo - 58
Kampanyero - 17 Kabling- 39
P...u.....lJilog - 69 Kakawati - 47
PapllY' - 24 Kalatsutsi - 19
SaJuyot- 69 Lantan. -72
Sanara-18 Linga - 57
Luya- 14
CARMINATIVE: expels gas from the intes· Luya.luyallan - 15
tines. Plants with volatile oil generally have Malunggay - 55
carminative action. Manunggal - 66
Anis-71 Mustasa - 33
BaJanoy - 39 Pamint. - 58
CitIUs - 62 Sabing - 24
Damong-maria - 29 Sill - 66
Ikmo -58 Tangl.d- G
Manaani1y. - 27 Tubang-bakod - 35
Oregano- 40
Suob-l:.b.yo - 41 DEMULCENT: soothing or relieving inflam-
Yerb. buena - 41 mation on the skin or mucous membranes by
providing a protective coating. Most demulcents
CATHARTIC- stimulates bowel movement, are gums, mucilage or starch. Some are used
with much stronger .ctioo than LAXATIVES externally for skin inflammations while others
and PURGATIVES. There is 00 real medical are used internally for conditions like bron-
need for cathutics. chitis, gastritis, nephritis.
Kampanily. - 19 Also see EMOLLIENT.
Kampanyero - 19 uGawgaw" - 78
Gumamela - 51
CHOLAGOGUE: increases bile secretions, Kanin - 5
an action which helps in digestion (especially Okra - 50
of fats). Used for stomachache and/or diarrhea Sampaguita - 56
caused by indigestion. Also used for hepatic S.ging - 9
Di1aw-15 DIAPHORETIC: causes perspiration, an action
Rosa1- 62 that helps to lower body temperature. Plants
Sabia - 7 with volatile oils and .cids (sour tastiog) are
Santan - 61 wually diaphoretic.
Syn. Refrigerant
COUNTER-IRRITANT: relieves pain by lbe Citrus - 62
application of heat or mild irritation to the Luya- 14
I'ImiJIll- 58 Kintsay - 71
Sampe!~k - 45 Makahiya - 48
T......d-6 Melon - 35
Sinkamas - 48
DIURE11C: increases amount of urine. an Taywnan-48
action that may help in treating kidney and
urinuy tract in infections, urinuy calculi
(stones), high blood p........ or hypertension EMMENAGOGUE: promotes menstrual flow.
and diabetes. Diuretics are also used for edema The a.ction is usually one of stimulating COD-
or the accumulation of fluids in the tissues tractions of the uterus. Because of this action,
(manas). a condition found in diseases such as many enunenagogues are also potential anti-
schistosomiasis. In lIlIditional medical syslenu, fertility drugs.
diUJOtics ... used for many ailmeelll. on the Also see SPASMOLYTIC
theory that the increased urination will help Abutra - 53
the body to get rid of the causes of the dise.... Darnong maria - 27
Banaba-1I9 Kakao- 69
Bunlot·pusa - 41 Makabuhay - 53
Citrua - 62
Sambong- 28
Dila-dila - 29
G"l,sjlDlD 59 EMOLUENT: soothes and softens inOanu!d
Kakao-69 skin and. m:.:cous membranes. Usually reien
Kamote-32 to oils which fann a protective layer on the
Kondol- 35 skin to preven t it from drying. Emollients are
Kangkong - 32 also used as a base for other drugs, especially
Kape-61 for tI1.Q,ge to be used for skin disease. (See page
Kintsay-70 78.)
Kogon-4 Abukado - 30
Labanoo- 33 Kakao - 69
Lubi-lubi - 64 Lana - 12
Mais- 5
Mutha-2 EXPECTORANT: promotes secretions
Niyog- 12 (mucus) from the respiratory tract, an action
Pakwan-35 useful in treating cough. Most expectorants are
'l.'agulinaw - 30 planlll containing volatile oil.
Takip-kohol- 70 Alagaw - 71
Tsilsirika - 20 ...Balanoy - 39
Upo-35 Bawang- 8
Citrus- 62
EMETIC: causes vomiting. The only medicinal Damong-maria - 27
value of emcties is for food poisoning. How- Kondol- 35
ever, emetics are WJed in traditional medicine Lagundi - 71
for a variety of ailments, again on the theory Luya - 14
that vomiting would help the body to get rid Manggs - 17
of diJeue-causing food or other irritating Melon - 35
substances. Many plant emetics are also often o..gano-40
miataken as cough ..medies (See page 34). s.."bong - 28
Emetics ... often also PURGATNE. Many Sampalok - 45
are poisonous. Sulasi - 40
Gogo-73 Suob-kabayo - 41
Kalumbibit - 73 Yerba buena - 41
_..- ._._----,
·Used in bums
Index to the Common Names
Abubab bIIiD& - 18 Guma-&Uml - 4! Lantana - 72 Sabila - 1
Abubdo - 42 Gumamela - 5 I timon - 62 Saga - 48
Abutn. - 53 Gumamelang asul - 5 I Umonsito - 62 5aging - 9
A4e1fa - 18 Granada - 59 Unp - 57 Salita - 41
Aps-moro • 30 Lublgan - 1 Sa!uyO! - 69
Ahcagho- 30 Hagunoy - 30 Lubi-lubi - 61 Samhong - 15,28, ]8. 68
Abpulko - 43 Haranpn - 29 Lwnbang - 35 Sampaguita - 56
Absya-47 Hibpt - 17 Luya - 14 Sampalok - 10, 15.45
AIapw - 15.68.72 Luya-luyahan - 13. 15 s..mpa~palukan- 36
"oIibaabul& - 4 7 IkJ'tO - 15,515 Sansaw - 52
AmIlPOb - 51
II-.n ORl-bata - 58
!pil.i~\ - 41
Mais - 5
Makabuhay - 54
Slntan - 60
Santol - 52
Ambal- 52 ipu - ~ Makahiya - 48 Sarsapari1Ylln& puti - 6
A.."",paiaya - 33 Malbas - 50 Susapari1yang tsina - 6
Anis - II MallUlBPY - 55 $ars.aR - 10
Anunas - 17 Kabalyero - ": Mami&il- 65 Sibakorq; - 19
AAuar,g - J Kablina - 39 Mana - ~5 Sibukaw - 45
ADIi~x> - 54 Kabuy.... ._ ManJP - 11 Sibuy:u - 9
Ads - 17 ~ios-43 Mani - 48 Sibuyu-tIJI'lOl - 9
Atsuete - 9. 22 KAbel - 62 Mansanilya - 21 Sipdilyu- 43
Kaimito - 42, 64 Ma.tW/Jlitas - 74 Sill - 58, 66
Ba1aDicg - 65 Kakao - 69 Manungv:J - 66 Siling-labuyo - 15.66
8alanoy - 39 K8bw81i - 47 Mayan:.. - 41' Siling-mllbaba - 60
Ba1ItoRlf'UG - 47 Kalab. . - 11,34 Melon - ~S S!nltamas - 48
Balttc - 54 Kalamansi - 15.6:.63 Mot.oJ - ,&_ 54 ~inta - 16
Batik-balik - 47 Kalanw - 52 MomingC,:o[y - 32 !sitW"0 - 43
..... -.
Bunboo - 4 KalIbuw - 19 Mlln"o - 48 Soro-soro - ]5
Banaba - 49 Kalimaw - 17 Mutha - 2 Subia - 58
Kalinpg _ 41 Mustua - 32 $uerda - 35
Bmato - 36 KaJpum&- 16 Sulasi - 40
BI.."" - 43 KaJumbibit - 13 Nami - 4 Suha - 62
Batino - 20 K::ilwnpang - 69 Nang.ka - 54 Sunb-kabayo - 41. 68
Bawang - 8. 15. 19 Kamaisa -- 3S Nam - 73
Baj'abu - IS. 42,55 Karoansi - 54 Nipa - II Tabako - 69
BitlOl- J8 Kamantigi - 22 NiyOl - 12 Tagulaway - 73
Bitswdas - 43 Kunatis - 67 NiYOC<fliyugan - 25 TagWinaw - 29
Boto-bolollilaD - 30 Kami - 41 Takip-kohol - 10
8WIk-muot - 30 Kamia - Il otr.. - 50 TaUsay - 25
BIIIIP - 11.)4 Karnote - 32 Orepno - 40 T1Iol11 - 61
Bunlot-pusa - 41 Kamolmg-kahoy - 22. 36 Talumpur.,:,y - 38,67
BlUbllJ'tlk - 30 KmtpanilYIl- 19 Tangan·1. j _Ill - 27.35.46
Pakwan - 35 Tanglad - 6
81lri - il Kampanyero - 18
PalIy - 5 Tayum - 48
Kamatsik: - 41
Carrot - 71 Paminta - 6. IS. 58 Tayuman _ 48
K.am1Ulinl - 74
Comrey - 23 Pandakaki - 19 Tipw - 72
KandHI.-tahok - 19
Pandan - 13
eo..... -65 "-ell - 41 Pandang-dapt· 13
Ttna-tinaan - 48
Creepiq F'I - 54 K.aDPOIll - 32 Tinta·tintahan - 30
hndang-mabanso - 13 Trumpet-Rower - 69
ODchooa- 60 Kaona- II !'on,; - 38
Kape - 60 Trompa ng e1epante - 22
Pansi-pansi - 13 Tsang gubat - 23
Dalandm - 62 1W<rp"'8l1 - 12 Papaya - 24
o.mODJ"fnaria - 27 Kuoy -17 TsiJca - 64
Paraiso - 52 Tsitsirika - 20
KastuJi - 50 .Puau-n..bilog - 69
Dl.tiIes - 69 K.taltataka - 32 Tubang bakod - 22.35
Patani - 48 Tubli - 48
0._.-64 Katuny - 43
PaYlpa - 54 Tugi-4
Dayap - 62 Kayetana - 64 hpita-sa.-katbalonp - 49
00HlI0-29 Kayumanl! - 62 Tunkin - 32
Pewy - 32
DiIaw - 13. 15 Kintsay -11
Pili - 24
Dita - 20 Kogon - 4, 62 Ubi -4
Pinya - 2 Ubi-ubihan - 4
Dw1oa- 38 Kondol - 35 Pistula - 48 Ulasiman kaln! - 60
Duhat - 43. 56 Kukamba - 58 Piyagaw - 52 Upo - 35
Kuparl& _. 73
Potato - 67 Utaw - 46
Eucalyputus - S5 Kumy - 9 PuSo-pugo - 3
Cabi - I Wali5-haba - 50
La1Nnos - 33
Repolyo - 32 Wafu-wallian - SO
Gt.tu-tatas - 37 u,t&n&- 52
Gisol- 13 Lapndi - IS, :'2 Rimu - 54
Gogo-7.43 Romero - 40 Verba buena - 28,41
Lanetena-subat - 19
G....yabano - 15, 17 Langkawu - 13 Row - 5.46,62
Guluirnan - 59 Lamones- 52 Rubber Tree - 54