HS Codes For Fish and Fish Products

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HS codes for

fish and fish products

Harmonized System
Nomenclature – 2017 Edition
HS codes for
fish and fish products
Harmonized System
Nomenclature – 2017 Edition

Published by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
the World Customs Organization

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rome, 2021

Required citation:
FAO and WCO. 2021. HS Codes for Fish and Fish Products – Harmonized System.
Nomenclature 2017 Edition. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb3813en

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Section I

Fish 5-75

Crustaceans 76-65

Molluscs 86-94

Aquatic invertebrates 95-97

Section and Chapter Notes 98-103

Section II

Full description of fish and fish products 104-115


The classification of products is a key element in international trade. The Harmonized While the HS at a six-digit level provides an internationally agreed basis, countries can
System (HS) of the World Customs Organization (WCO) provides an internationally freely create national subdivisions after the sixth digit based on specific needs. The
recognised system of product classification. It is used for many purposes, including HS system is also used by the private sector for many purposes, as it is internationally
import duties, rules of origin, freight documents and statistics. consistent and comprehensive enough to be able to classify every product.

The Harmonized System was approved in 1983 and entered into force in 1988. Its official The Harmonized System also have a set of six rules and principles to ensure uniform
name is the “International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and interpretation of the system and classification of products. Those rules are called “General
Coding System”. Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System” or “General Interpretative Rules
(or GIRs)”. Those rules should be applied hierarchically – Rule 1 takes precedence over
Before the Harmonized System, different approaches existed trying to address the coding Rule 2; Rule 2 over Rule 3; and so on. The “General Rules for the Interpretation of the
of products since ancient times. However, a truly global system was only implemented Harmonized System” are also presented in this publication.
with the adoption of the HS.
Fish is often one of the most complex commodities to classify, with several specificities.
The Harmonized System is also an important tool for trade negotiations – it allows There is a multiplicity of phyla, species, and treatments, which create an intricate set of
countries to negotiate trade agreements using a common language for products at the different layers covering different products and and make it especially difficult to classify
multilateral, regional, or bilateral levels. In addition, the HS allows countries to implement fish and fish products.
national control of specific products covered by international conventions or agreements,
such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna This publication, developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
and Flora (CITES). Nations (FAO), with the active support of the World Customs Organization (WCO), builds
on the Harmonized System 2017 Edition. It presents all possible classifications for fish
The Harmonized System is a nomenclature structure allowing the classification of any and fish products by species with a full description of each HS code, to facilitate its use
product under a unique six-digit code. The system is built in layers – sections, chapters, within the fisheries sector.
headings and subheadings. Chapters (two digits) describe broad categories of goods,
while headings (four digits) group related products, and subheadings (six digits) list the This publication does not modify the structure of the HS or modify species grouping, as
products themselves. it is an auxiliary tool to facilitate classification and enhance understanding of the system
from the angle of fish and fish products.

The information presented herein was compiled by FAO staff with every effort made to
ensure its accuracy and completeness. Users are kindly asked to report any eventual
errors or deficiencies in this product to FAO GLOBEFISH ([email protected]).


How to use this handbook

This publication presents the commodity codes for fish, including their derivative products, This publication is divided into two sections.
of the Harmonized System 2017 Edition.1
The first section presents all species which are directly referenced in the Harmonized
It includes products classified in the following HS chapters: System, with commodity codes for all possible classifications of their products and
• Chapter 3: Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates treatments. The species are listed in alphabetical order and divided by groups based on
• Chapter 5: Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included their phyla (fish, crustaceans, molluscs or aquatic invertebrates).
• Chapter 12: Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seed and fruit;
The first section is particularly useful to find the classification of a product from the
industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
common name of the species. If a species is not listed, it will usually be classified under
• Chapter 13: Lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
one of the generic descriptions of “fish, crustaceans, molluscs or aquatic invertebrates
• Chapter 15: Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
not elsewhere specified”. These generic descriptions are found at the end of each
prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
respective group – fish on page 70, crustaceans on page 80, molluscs on page 94 and
• Chapter 16: Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other
aquatic invertebrates on page 98.
aquatic invertebrates
• Chapter 23: Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder In the first section, a plus sign (+) next to an HS code indicates that there is no explicit
The following table gives an overview of all classifications in the HS relevant to the reference to the species or grouping of fish listed on that page within the description of
fisheries and aquaculture sector. In general, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, including that particular HS code. Therefore, if an HS code does not have a plus sign, it means that
when they are filleted, dried, salted, brined or smoked, are classified under Chapter 3. the species is explicitly listed.
Processed food preparations which contain at least 20% by weight of fish, crustaceans
For example, in the first section, live Alaska pollock is classified under HS code 0301.99
or molluscs are classified under Chapter 16.
+, indicating that there is no explicit reference to live Alaska pollock in the description of
HS code 0301.99. On the other hand, fresh or chilled Alaska pollock, classified under
HS code 0302.55, has no plus sign (+) after it, indicating that the description of HS code
0302.55 explicitly refers to fresh or chilled Alaska pollock. The second section lists all
HS codes for fish and fish products with an exhaustive description of each code. They are
listed in the order they appear in the Harmonized System and are particularly useful to
search by commodity code. This exhaustive description avoids the use of generic terms,
such as “other”, in order to provide a comprehensive description of the product, including
all possible exceptions.

The two sections of the publication are natural complements of each other. After looking
for a product in the first section and checking its HS code, the second section will provide
a comprehensive description of the product. Likewise, having found an HS code in the
second section, the first section may be used to crosscheck for other treatments of similar
products. This system of complementary referencing, to be used in conjunction with the
Harmonized System 2017 Edition, can facilitate the process of product classification.

1 Available at http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/nomenclature/instrument-and-tools/hs-nomenclature-2017-edition/hs-

Between the first and the second sections, there are two sets of complementary
information – the “General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System”
or “General Interpretative Rules (GIRs)” and a set of applicable Legal Notes to the
respective chapters.

The “General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System” are a set of six
rules and principles to ensure uniform interpretation of the system and classification of
products. Those rules are applied hierarchically – Rule 1 takes precedence over Rule 2;
Rule 2 over Rule 3; and so on.

The Legal Notes preceding each relevant chapter are an integral part of the Harmonized
System. They delineate the scope and limits of sections, chapters, headings or
subheadings, defining lists of products which are included or excluded, explaining the
classification of a particular product or group of products, among other issues.

This publication does not include product classifications for mammals, such as whales,
dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs
(mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder

Alaska Pollock B
Theragra chalcogramma
(see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.55 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.67 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.75 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.94 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Albacore tunas
Thunnus alalunga
C (see also longfinned tunas and tunas of the genus Thunnus)

E 0301.99 +
Live Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.31 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.41 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking not chemically modified
1504.10 +
0305.49 +
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
1504.20 +
frozen 0304.99 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
1517.90 +

in brine 0305.20 + prepared

R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
V specified
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +

Anchovies B
Engraulis spp.
0301.99 + +
Live Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99
Fresh or chilled 0302.42 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.63 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.63 refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.16 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking not chemically modified
1504.10 + M
0305.49 +
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
1504.20 + N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
1517.90 + Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + V
B Atlantic bluefin tunas
Thunnus thynnus
C (see also longfinned tunas and tunas of the genus Thunnus)

E Live 0301.94 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.35 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.45 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Atlantic salmon B
Salmo salar
(see also Salmonidae) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.14 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.13 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.41 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.81 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Bregmacerotidae, fish of the family
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Bigeye tunas B
Thunnus obesus
(see also tunas of the genus Thunnus) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.34 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.44 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.87 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Blue whitings
Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis
C (see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.56 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.68 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Bonito B
Sarda spp.
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Brisling
Sprattus sprattus
C (see also sprats)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.43 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.53 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.13 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Capelin B
Mallotus villosus
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Carp
Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti,
C Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.
E Live 0301.93 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.73 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.25 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.39 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.69 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Catfish B
Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.72 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.24 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.32 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.62 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Coalfish
Pollachius virens
C (see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.53 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.65 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.73 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Cobia B
Rachycentron canadum
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.46 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.56 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Cod
Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus
C (see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)


E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.51 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.63 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.51 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.62 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.62 refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.71 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Crevalles B
Caranx spp.
(see also jacks, horse mackerel and jack makerel) C


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Danube salmon
Hucho Hucho
C (see also Salmonidae)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.14 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.13 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.41 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.81 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Dogfish B
(see also sharks)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.81 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.81 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.47 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.88 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.56 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.96 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Shark fins fresh or chilled 0302.92 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.92 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.71 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.71 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.71 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.71 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces but not
1604.18 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
minced Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
prepared or preserved, minced 0305.20 + specified V
Heads and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
frozen 0303.99 + W
dried 0305.72 +
smoked 0305.72 + X
salted 0305.72 +
in brine 0305.72 + Y
B Eels
Anguilla spp.
E Live 0301.92 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.74 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.26 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.17 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.39 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.69 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Euclichthyidae, fish of the family B
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Flat fish
Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Citharidae, Cynoglossidae, Scophthalmida, Soleidae
C (see also halibut, plaice, sole and turbots)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.29 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.39 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.43 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.83 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Gadidae, fish of the family B
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
C (see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.52 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.64 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.72 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Hake B
Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.
(see also fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.54 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.66 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.74 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Halibut
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis
C (see also flat fish)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.21 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.31 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.43 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.83 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Herrings B
Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.41 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.51 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.42 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.42 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.61 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.61 refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.12 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.86 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.42 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Horse mackerel
Trachurus spp.
C (see also jack mackerel, crevalles and jacks)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.45 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.55 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Indian mackerel B
Rastrelliger spp.
(see also mackerel and seerfishes)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.15 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Jack mackerel
Trachurus spp.
C (see also crevalles, horse mackerel and jacks)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.45 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.55 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Jacks B
Caranx spp.
(see also crevalles, horse mackerel and jack mackerel) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Kawakawa
Euthynnus affinis
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Longfinned tunas B
Thunnus alalunga
(see also albacore tunas and tunas of the genus Thunnus) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.31 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.41 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.87 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Mackerel
Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus
C (see also Indian mackerel and seerfishes)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.44 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.54 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.15 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Macrouridae, fish of the family B
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Marlins
C (see also sailfishes and spearfish)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Melanonidae, fish of the family B
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Merlucciidae, fish of the family
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Moridae, fish of the family B
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae and Muraenolepididae)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Muraenolepididae, fish of the family
(see also Alaska pollock, blue whitings, coalfish, cod, haddock, hake, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae and Moridae)
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.59 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.69 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.53 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.44 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.79 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.32 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.32 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.32 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.53 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.95 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Nile perch B
Lates niloticus


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.79 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.29 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.33 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.63 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Pacific bluefin tunas
Thunnus orientalis
C (see also tunas of the genus Thunnus)


E Live 0301.94 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.35 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.45 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Pacific salmon B
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou, Oncorhynchus rhodurus
(see also Salmonidae and sockeye salmon (red salmon)) C


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.13 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.12 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.41 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.81 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Pacific saury
Cololabis spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Plaice B
Pleuronectes platessa
(see also flat fish) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.22 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.32 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.43 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.83 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Rays
C (see also skates)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.82 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.82 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.48 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.88 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.57 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.97 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Sailfishes B
(see also marlins and spearfish) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Salmonidae
(see also Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, Pacific salmon, sockeye salmon (red salmon) and trout)
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.19 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.19 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Sardinella B
Sardinella spp.


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.43 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.53 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.13 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Sardines
Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.43 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.53 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.13 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Scads B
Decapterus spp.


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.59 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Seabass
Dicentrarchus spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.84 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.84 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Seabream B


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.85 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.89 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Seerfishes
Scomberomorus spp.
C (see also Indian mackerel and mackerel)


E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.15 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Sharks B
(see also dogfish)
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.81 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.81 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.47 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.88 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.56 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.96 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Shark fins fresh or chilled 0302.92 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.92 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.71 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.71 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.71 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.71 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces but not
1604.18 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
minced Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
prepared or preserved, minced 0305.20 + specified V
Heads and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
frozen 0303.99 + W
dried 0305.72 +
smoked 0305.72 + X
salted 0305.72 +
in brine 0305.72 + Y
B Silver pomfrets
Pampus spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Skipjack B
Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis
(see also stripe-bellied bonito and tunas of the genus Thunnus) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.33 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.43 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.87 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Snakeheads
Channa spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.79 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.29 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.39 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.69 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Sockeye salmon (red salmon) B
Oncorhynchus nerka
(see also Pacific salmon and Salmonidae) C
Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.13 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.11 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not H
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.41 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.81 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.41 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.41 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Sole
Solea spp.
C (see also flat fish)

E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.23 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.33 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.43 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.83 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified 1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Southern bluefin tunas B
Thunnus maccoyii
(see also tunas of the genus Thunnus)


Live 0301.95 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.36 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.46 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.87 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Spearfish
C (see also marlins and sailfish)


E Live 0301.99 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.49 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.59 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Sprats B
Sprattus sprattus
(see also brisling)


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.43 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.53 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.13 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Stripe-bellied bonito
Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis
C (see also skipjack and tunas of the genus Thunnus)


E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.33 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.43 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Swordfish B
Xiphias gladius


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.47 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.57 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.54 in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.45 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.84 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.54 refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.91 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified V
B Tilapia
Oreochromis spp.
E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.71 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.23 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.52 in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.64 Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.64 refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.31 not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.61 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.31 wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.31 or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.31 prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.44 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.51 refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.93 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
T salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
V specified

Trout B
Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache, Oncorhynchus chrysogaster
(see also Salmonidae) C


Live 0301.91 Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.11 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.14 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.43 smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.43 salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.11 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.42 not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.82 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.43 Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.52 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
0305.72 + Pellets
salted fit for human consumption 0305.10 + T
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + U
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
B Tunas of the genus Thunnus
not elsewhere specified
C (see also albacore tunas, Atlantic bluefin tunas, bigeye tunas, longfinned tunas, Pacific bluefin tunas, skipjack, stripe-bellied bonito, southern bluefin tunas and yellowfin tunas)


E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.39 + frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.49 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
0305.72 + Pellets 0305.10 +
T salted fit for human consumption
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Turbots B
Psetta maxima
(see also flat fish) C


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 + E
Fresh or chilled 0302.24 frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.34 dried 0305.79 + F
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 + G
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, I
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.43 + not refined, but not further prepared J
frozen 0304.83 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 + K
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared L
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified M
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified N
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 + O
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or P
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further Q
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 + R
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 + S
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
0305.72 + Pellets 0305.10 +
salted fit for human consumption
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
B Yellowfin tunas
Thunnus albacares
C (see also tunas of the genus Thunnus)


E Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.32 frozen 0303.99 +
F Frozen 0303.42 dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
G not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
H Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
I Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.14 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
J Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.87 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
K dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
L in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
M smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking
0305.49 +
not chemically modified
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
N Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
O Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
P dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
Q salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
R Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
0305.72 + Pellets
T salted fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
U Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not elsewhere specified


Live 0301.99 + Other edible offal and fins fresh or chilled 0302.99 +
Fresh or chilled 0302.89 + frozen 0303.99 +
Frozen 0303.89 + dried 0305.79 +
Smoked cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + smoked 0305.79 +
not cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + salted 0305.79 +
Dried but not smoked 0305.59 + in brine 0305.79 +
Salted but not dried or smoked 0305.69 + Fats and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
In brine 0305.69 + refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved whole or in pieces but not minced 1604.19 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
minced 1604.20 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
Fillets fresh or chilled 0304.49 + not refined, but not further prepared
frozen 0304.89 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
dried, but not smoked 0305.39 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted, but not smoked 0305.39 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine, but not smoked 0305.39 + prepared
smoked, cooked before or during the smoking process 0305.49 + Oils liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
1504.10 +
smoked, not cooked before or during the smoking not chemically modified
0305.49 +
process and their fractions, other than liver oils, whether or not
1504.20 +
Other meat fresh or chilled 0304.59 + refined, but not chemically modified
frozen 0304.99 + and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,
Livers, roes and milt fresh or chilled 0302.91 + inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or 1516.10 +
frozen 0303.91 + not refined, but not further prepared
dried 0305.20 + edible mixtures or preparations, excluding partly or
smoked 0305.20 + wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified
1517.90 +
salted 0305.20 + or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further
in brine 0305.20 + prepared
Heads, tails and maws fresh or chilled 0302.99 + Flours fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
frozen 0303.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
dried 0305.72 + Meals fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
smoked 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
salted 0305.72 + Pellets fit for human consumption 0305.10 +
in brine 0305.72 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +

B Cold-water prawns
Pandalus spp.
C (see also cold-water shrimps, shrimps and prawns)

E Live 0306.35 In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.35 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 +
F in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.35 not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.35 not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 +
G not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 + not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + Prepared or preserved not in airtight container 1605.21 +
H Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.16 in airtight container 1605.29 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.16 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
I not in shell, not cooked 0306.16 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
J not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
K process + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.95 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
L not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
M not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
process, not in airtight container + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
N not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
process + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
O cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
or not + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
P Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Q not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
R not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + specified
S in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
T not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 +
Cold-water shrimps B
Crangon crangon
(see also cold-water prawns, shrimps and prawns)
Live In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.35 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.35 not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 + not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + Prepared or preserved not in airtight container 1605.21 +
Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.16 in airtight container 1605.29 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.16 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.16 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
+ unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.95 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
process, not in airtight container + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
process + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
or not + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 + P
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + Q
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 + Products not elsewhere R
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.95 + specified
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 + S
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 + T
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 +
B Crabs
E 0306.33 0306.93 +
Live In brine in shell, not cooked
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.33 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 +
F in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.33 not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.33 not in shell, cooked 1605.10 +
G Frozen not in shell, cooked 1605.10 Prepared or preserved 1605.10 +
in shell, not cooked 0306.14 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
H in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.14 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.14 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
I Smoked not in shell, cooked 1605.10 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
J process
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.93 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
K not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
L not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
1605.10 0306.99 +
process salted, fit for human consumption
M cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
1605.10 0306.39 +
or not Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption
N Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 + smoked, fit for human consumption 306.99 +
O not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.10 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
P Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Q not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.10 + specified
Lobsters B
Homarus spp.
(see also Norway lobster, rock lobster and sea crawfish) C
Live 0306.33 In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.93 +
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.33 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.33 not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.33 not in shell, cooked 1605.10 +
Frozen not in shell, cooked 1605.10 Prepared or preserved 1605.10 +
in shell, not cooked 0306.14 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.14 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.14 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked not in shell, cooked 1605.10 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.93 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
process salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + M
or not Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 + N
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 + smoked, fit for human consumption 306.99 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 + O
not in shell, cooked 1605.10 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + P
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 + Products not elsewhere Q
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.10 + specified
B Norway lobster
Nephrops norvegicus
C (see also lobsters, rock lobster and sea crawfish)

E Live 0306.34 In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.93 +
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.34 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.93 +
F in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.34 not in shell, not cooked 0306.93 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.34 not in shell, cooked 1605.10 +
G Frozen not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + Prepared or preserved 1605.10 +
in shell, not cooked 0306.15 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
H in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.15 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.15 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
I Smoked not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
J process
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.94 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
K not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
0306.94 0306.99 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption
L not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
1605.30 + 0306.99 +
process salted, fit for human consumption
M cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
1605.30 + 0306.39 +
or not Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption
N Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.94 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.94 smoked, fit for human consumption 306.99 +
O not in shell, not cooked 0306.94 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
P Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.94 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.94 Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Q not in shell, not cooked 0306.94 Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + specified
Prawns B
Homarus spp.
(see also shrimps, and cold-water shrimps and prawns)
0306.36 0306.95
Live In brine in shell, not cooked
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.36 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.36 not in shell, not cooked 0306.95
not in shell, not cooked 0306.36 not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 Prepared or preserved not in airtight container 1605.21
Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.17 in airtight container 1605.29
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.17 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.17 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.95 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
process, not in airtight container salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + N
process Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 + O
or not smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.95 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 + P
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + Q
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 Products not elsewhere R
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.95 specified
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 S
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 T
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29
B Rock lobster
Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.
C (see also lobsters, Norway lobsters and sea crawfish)

E Live 0306.31 In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.91
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.31 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91
F in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.31 not in shell, not cooked 0306.91
not in shell, not cooked 0306.31 not in shell, cooked 1605.30 +
G not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + Prepared or preserved 1605.30 +
Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.11 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
H in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.11 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.11 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
I not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
J process
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.91 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
K not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process 0306.91 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
L not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
process 1605.30 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
M cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
or not 1605.30 + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
N Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.91 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
O not in shell, not cooked 0306.91 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
P Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.91 unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91 Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Q not in shell, not cooked 0306.91 Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + specified
Sea crawfish B
(see also lobsters, Norway lobsters and sea crawfish)
In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.91
Live 0306.31
Fresh or chilled 0306.31 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91
in shell, not cooked
not in shell, not cooked 0306.91
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.31
not in shell, not cooked 0306.31 not in shell, cooked 1605.30 +
Prepared or preserved 1605.30 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 +
Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.11 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.11
not in shell, not cooked 0306.11 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
1605.30 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, cooked
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.91 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
1605.30 +
process salted, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
1605.30 +
or not Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.91 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 + N
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.91 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.19 + O
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.91 unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + P
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.91 Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.91 Products not elsewhere Q
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.30 + specified
B Shrimps
(see also prawns, and cold-water shrimps and prawns)
E Live 0306.36 In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.95
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.36 in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95
F in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.36 not in shell, not cooked 0306.95
not in shell, not cooked 0306.36 not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21
G not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 Prepared or preserved not in airtight container 1605.21
H Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.17 in airtight container 1605.29
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.17 Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
I not in shell, not cooked 0306.17 frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
J not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
K process
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.95 Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
L not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
0306.95 0306.99 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption
M not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
1605.21 0306.99 +
process, not in airtight container salted, fit for human consumption
N not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
1605.29 0306.39 +
process Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption
O cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
1605.29 0306.99 +
or not smoked, fit for human consumption
P Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.95 dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95 salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Q not in shell, not cooked 0306.95 unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21 Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
R not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29 Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.95 specified
S in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.95
not in shell, not cooked 0306.95
T not in shell, cooked, not in airtight container 1605.21
not in shell, cooked, in airtight container 1605.29
not elsewhere specified


Live 0306.39 + In brine in shell, not cooked 0306.99 +
Fresh or chilled in shell, not cooked 0306.39 + in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.99 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.39 + not in shell, not cooked 0306.99 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.39 + not in shell, cooked 1605.40 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.40 + Prepared or preserved 1605.40 +
Frozen in shell, not cooked 0306.19 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.19 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.19 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.40 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
0306.99 +
process unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0306.99 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
0306.99 +
process smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
1605.40 +
process salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
1605.40 +
or not Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0306.39 +
Dried in shell, not cooked 0306.99 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0306.19 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.99 + dried, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.40 + salted, fit for human consumption 0306.99 +
Salted in shell, not cooked 0306.99 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water 0306.99 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, not cooked 0306.99 + Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
not in shell, cooked 1605.40 + specified

B Abalone Ark shells
Haliotis spp. Families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae,
C Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae, Veneridae
(see also clams and cockles)
E Live 0307.81 Live 0307.71
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.81 Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.71
F not in shell 0307.81 not in shell 0307.71
Frozen in shell 0307.83 Frozen in shell 0307.72
G not in shell 0307.83 not in shell 0307.72
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
0307.87 0307.79
H process process
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.87 in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.79
I not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process process
J not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
process process
K cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
or not or not
L Dried in shell 0307.87 Dried in shell 0307.79
not in shell 0307.87 not in shell 0307.79
M Salted in shell 0307.87 Salted in shell 0307.79
not in shell 0307.87 not in shell 0307.79
N In brine in shell 0307.87 In brine in shell 0307.79
not in shell 0307.87 not in shell 0307.79
O Prepared or preserved 1605.57 Prepared or preserved 1605.56
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
P frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
Q salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
R Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
S smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
T unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
U frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
V salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
W Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Product not elsewhere Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
X specified specified

Clams Cockles B
Families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae,
Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae, Veneridae Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae, Veneridae C
(see also ark shells and cockles) (see also ark shells and clams)


Live 0307.71 Live 0307.71 E
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.71 Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.71
not in shell 0307.71 not in shell 0307.71 F
Frozen in shell 0307.72 Frozen in shell 0307.72
not in shell 0307.72 not in shell 0307.72 G
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
0307.79 0307.79
process process H
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.79 in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.79
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process process
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
process process
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
1605.56 K
or not or not
Dried in shell 0307.79 Dried in shell 0307.79 L
not in shell 0307.79 not in shell 0307.79
Salted in shell 0307.79 Salted in shell 0307.79 M
not in shell 0307.79 not in shell 0307.79
In brine in shell 0307.79 In brine in shell 0307.79 N
not in shell 0307.79 not in shell 0307.79
Prepared or preserved 1605.56 Prepared or preserved 1605.56 O
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + P
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + Q
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + R
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + S
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + T
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + U
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + V
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + W
Product not elsewhere Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified specified X
B Cuttle fish
(see also squid)
E Live 0307.42
Fresh or chilled 0307.42
F Frozen 0307.43
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.49
G cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.49
cooked after the smoking process 1605.54
H Dried 0307.49
Salted 0307.49
I In brine 0307.49
Prepared or preserved 1605.54
J Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92
K smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99
L unfit for human consumption 2301.20
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
M frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
N salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
O Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
P smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
Q unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
R Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Mussles B
Mytilus spp., Perna spp.

Live 0307.31 E
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.31
not in shell 0307.31 F
Frozen in shell 0307.32
not in shell 0307.32 G
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process H
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.39
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
or not
Dried in shell 0307.39 L
not in shell 0307.39
Salted in shell 0307.39 M
not in shell 0307.39
In brine in shell 0307.39 N
not in shell 0307.39
Prepared or preserved 1605.53 O
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + P
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + Q
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + R
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + S
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + T
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + U
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + V
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + W
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified X
B Octopus Oysters
Octopus spp.
E Live 0307.51 Live 0307.11
Fresh or chilled 0307.51 Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.11
F Frozen 0307.52 not in shell 0307.11
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.59 Frozen in shell 0307.12
G cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.59 not in shell 0307.12
cooked after the smoking process 1605.55 Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
H Dried 0307.59 process
Salted 0307.59 in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.19
I In brine 0307.59 not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
Prepared or preserved 1605.55 process
J Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 process
K smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 or not
L unfit for human consumption 2301.20 Dried in shell 0307.19
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + not in shell 0307.19
M frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + Salted in shell 0307.19
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + not in shell 0307.19
N salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + In brine in shell 0307.19
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + not in shell 0307.19
O Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Prepared or preserved 1605.51
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
P smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
Q unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
R Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
specified frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
S smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
T unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
U frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
V salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
W Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
X specified

Queen scallops B
of the genera Pecten, Chlamys, Placopecten
(see also scallops) C

Live 0307.21 E
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.21
not in shell 0307.21 F
Frozen in shell 0307.22
not in shell 0307.22 G
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process H
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.29
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
0307.29 I
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
1605.52 J
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
1605.52 K
or not
Dried in shell 0307.29 L
not in shell 0307.29
Salted in shell 0307.29 M
not in shell 0307.29
In brine in shell 0307.29 N
not in shell 0307.29
Prepared or preserved 1605.52 O
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + P
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + Q
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + R
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + S
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
2301.20 +
unfit for human consumption T
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + W
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified X
B Scallops Snails
of the genera Pecten, Chlamys, Placopecten
C (see also queen scallops)


E Live 0307.21 Live 0307.60
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.21 Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.60
F not in shell 0307.21 not in shell 0307.60
Frozen in shell 0307.22 Frozen in shell 0307.60
G not in shell 0307.22 not in shell 0307.60
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
0307.29 0307.60
H process process
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.29 in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.60
I not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process process
J not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
process process
K cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
or not or not
L Dried in shell 0307.29 Dried in shell 0307.60
not in shell 0307.29 not in shell 0307.60
M Salted in shell 0307.29 Salted in shell 0307.60
not in shell 0307.29 not in shell 0307.60
N In brine in shell 0307.29 In brine in shell 0307.60
not in shell 0307.29 not in shell 0307.60
O Prepared or preserved 1605.52 Prepared or preserved 1605.58
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
P frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
Q salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
R Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
0307.99 + 0307.99 +
S smoked, fit for human consumption smoked, fit for human consumption
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
2301.20 + 2301.20 +
T unfit for human consumption unfit for human consumption
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
0307.92 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
U frozen, fit for human consumption
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead 0511.91 + Dead 0511.91 +
W unfit for human consumption unfit for human consumption
Product not elsewhere Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
X specified specified

Squid Stromboid conchs B
(see also cuttle fish) Strombus spp.


Live 0307.42 Live 0307.82 E
Fresh or chilled 0307.42 Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.82
Frozen 0307.43 not in shell 0307.82 F
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.49 Frozen in shell 0307.84
cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.49 not in shell 0307.84 G
cooked after the smoking process 1605.54 Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
Dried 0307.49 process H
Salted 0307.49 in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.88
In brine 0307.49 not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
Prepared or preserved 1605.54 process
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 process
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 or not
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 Dried in shell 0307.88 L
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + not in shell 0307.88
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + Salted in shell 0307.88 M
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + not in shell 0307.88
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + In brine in shell 0307.88 N
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + not in shell 0307.88
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + Prepared or preserved 1605.59 O
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + P
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + Q
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 + R
specified frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + S
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + T
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 + U
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 + V
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + W
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified X
not elsewhere specified

Live 0307.91 +
Fresh or chilled in shell 0307.91 +
not in shell 0307.91 +
Frozen in shell 0307.92 +
not in shell 0307.92 +
Smoked in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process 0307.99 +
in shell, cooked before or during the smoking process 0307.99 +
not in shell, not cooked before or during the smoking
process 0307.99 +
not in shell, cooked before or during the smoking
process 1605.59 +
cooked after the smoking process, whether in shell
or not +
Dried in shell 0307.99 +
not in shell 0307.99 +
Salted in shell 0307.99 +
not in shell 0307.99 +
In brine in shell 0307.99 +
not in shell 0307.99 +
Prepared or preserved 1605.59 +
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0307.91 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0307.92 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0307.99 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Product not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +

Jellyfish B
Rhopilema spp.
Live 0308.30 E
Fresh or chilled 0308.30
Frozen 0308.30 F
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.30
cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.30 G
cooked after the smoking process 1605.63
Dried 0308.30 H
Salted 0308.30
In brine 0308.30 I
Prepared or preserved 1605.63
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + J
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + K
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + L
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + M
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + N
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + O
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + P
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + Q
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + R
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + S
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
specified T
B Sea cucumbers Sea urchins
Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea Strongylocentrotus spp, Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, Echinus esculentus
E Live 0308.11 Live 0308.21
Fresh or chilled 0308.11 Fresh or chilled 0308.21
F Frozen 0308.12 Frozen 0308.22
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.19 Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.29
G cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.19 cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.29
cooked after the smoking process 1605.61 cooked after the smoking process 1605.62
H Dried 0308.19 Dried 0308.29
Salted 0308.19 Salted 0308.29
I In brine 0308.19 In brine 0308.29
Prepared or preserved 1605.61 Prepared or preserved 1605.62
J Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
K smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
L salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
M Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
N smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
O salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
P Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
Q smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
R salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 + salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 + unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
S Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 + unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
T specified specified

Aquatic invertebrates
not elsewhere specified

Live 0308.90 +
Fresh or chilled 0308.90 +
Frozen 0308.90 +
Smoked not cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.90 +
cooked before or during the smoking process 0308.90 +
cooked after the smoking process 1605.69 +
Dried 0308.90 +
Salted 0308.90 +
In brine 0308.90 +
Prepared or preserved 1605.69 +
Flours fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Meals fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Pellets fresh or chilled, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
frozen, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
smoked, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
dried, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
salted, fit for human consumption 0308.90 +
unfit for human consumption 2301.20 +
Dead unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +
Products not elsewhere
unfit for human consumption 0511.91 +

Section and Chapter Notes

Each section or chapter of the Harmonized System can have notes, commonly named “Legal Chapter 3 - Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
Notes”, and form an integral part of the HS Convention. Section and chapter notes directly
or indirectly linked to the fish and fish products are presented herein. They should be read Notes
in conjunction with the respective chapter, heading or subheading. They should be read in 1. This Chapter does not cover:
conjunction with the respective chapter, heading or subheading of the Harmonized System.
These Notes form an integral part of the Harmonized System Convention commonly named (a) Mammals of heading 01.06 – whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the
“Legal Notes”. order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea
lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia);
In addition there are Explanatory Notes which provide a commentary on the scope of each
heading, giving a list of the main products included and excluded, together with technical (b) Meat of mammals of heading 01.06 (heading 02.08 – meat and edible meat offal,
descriptions of the goods concerned (their appearance, properties, method of production and fresh chilled or frozen; or 02.10 – meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or
uses) and practical guidance for their identification. Where appropriate, the Explanatory Notes smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat of meat offal);
also clarify the scope of particular subheadings.
(c) Fish (including livers, roes and milt thereof) or crustaceans, molluscs or other
The Explanatory Notes do not form an integral part of the Harmonized System Convention, but aquatic invertebrates, dead and unfit or unsuitable for human consumption by reason
they constitute the official interpretation of the Harmonized System at the international level of either their species or their condition (Chapter 5 – Products of animal origin, not
and are an indispensable complement to the System, as approved by the Council of the World elsewhere specified or included); flours, meals or pellets of fish or of crustaceans,
Customs Organization. molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption (heading 23.01
– Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs
The Explanatory Notes are drafted by the Harmonized System Committee and adopted by the or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves); or
Council of Customs Cooperation. They can be purchased via World Customs Organisation
(WCO) online bookshop (http://wcoomdpublications.org/). (d) Caviar or caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs (heading 16.04).

NOTES 2. In this Chapter the term “pellets” means products which have been agglomerated either
directly by compression or by the addition of a small quantity of binder.
Section I - Live Animals; Animal Products
Chapter 5 - Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
Section Note
1. Any reference in this Section to a particular genus or species of an animal, except where
1. This Chapter does not cover:
the context otherwise requires, includes a reference to the young of that genus or species.
(a) Edible products (other than guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole and
2. Except where the context otherwise requires, throughout the Nomenclature any reference pieces thereof, and animal blood, liquid or dried);
to “dried” products also covers products which have been dehydrated, evaporated or
freeze-dried. (b) Hides or skins (including furskins) other than goods of heading 05.05 and parings
and similar waste of raw hides or skins of heading 05.11 (Chapter 41 – Raw hides and
skins (other than furskins) and leather; or 43 – Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures

(c) Animal textile materials, other than horsehair and horsehair waste (Section XI – Section II - Vegetable Products
Textiles and textile articles); or
Section Note
(d) Prepared knots or tufts for broom or brush making (heading 96.03 – Brooms,
brushes (including brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles), 1. In this Section the term “pellets” means products which have been agglomerated either
hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, mops and feather dusters; directly by compression or by the addition of a binder in a proportion not exceeding 3 %
prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees by weight.
(other than roller squeegees)).
Chapter 12 - Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit;
2. For the purposes of heading 05.01 (Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
scoured; waste of human air), the sorting of hair by length (provided the root ends and tip
ends respectively are not arranged together) shall be deemed not to constitute working. Notes

3. Throughout the Nomenclature, elephant, hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal and wild boar 1. Heading 12.07 (Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken) applies,
tusks, rhinoceros horns and the teeth of all animals are regarded as “ivory”. inter alia, to palm nuts and kernels, cotton seeds, castor oil seeds, sesamum seeds,
mustard seeds, safflower seeds, poppy seeds and shea nuts (karite nuts). It does not
4. Throughout the Nomenclature, the expression “horsehair” means hair of the manes or apply to products of heading 08.01 (Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried,
tails of equine or bovine animals. Heading 05.11 (Animal products not elsewhere specified whether or not shelled or peeled) or 08.02 (Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not
or included; dead animals of Chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption) covers, inter alia, shelled or peeled) or to olives (Chapter 7 (Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers)
horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting or Chapter 20 (Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants)).
material. 2. Heading 12.08 (Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of
mustard) applies not only to non-defatted flours and meals but also to flours and meals
which have been partially defatted or defatted and wholly or partially refatted with their
original oils. It does not, however, apply to residues of headings 23.04 (Oil-cake and
other solid residues, whether or not ground or not in the form of pellets, resulting from
the extraction of soyabean oil) to 23.06 (Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not
ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other
than those resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil or of ground-nut oil).

3. For the purposes of heading 12.09 (Seeds, fruits and spores, of a kind used of sowing),
beet seeds, grass and other herbage seeds, seeds of ornamental flowers, vegetable
seeds, seeds of forest trees, seeds of fruit trees, seeds of vetches (other than those of the
species Vicia faba) or of lupines are to be regarded as “seeds of a kind used for sowing”.
Heading 12.09 does not, however, apply to the following even if for sowing:

(a) Leguminous vegetables or sweet corn (Chapter 7);

(b) Spices or other products of Chapter 9;

(c) Cereals (Chapter 10); or two or three of the fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; other
fertilisers; goods of this Chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross
(d) Products of headings 12.01 (Soyabeans, whether or not broken) to 12.07 (Other weight not exceeding 10 kg).
soil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken) or 12.11 (Plants and parts of
plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy Subheading Note
or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried,
whether or not cut, crushed or powdered). 1. For the purposes of subheading 1205.10 (Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds), the
expression “low erucic acid rape or colza seeds” means rape or colza seeds yielding a
4. Heading 12.11 applies, inter alia, to the following plants or parts thereof : basil, borage, fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of less than 2 % by weight and yielding a solid
ginseng, hyssop, liquorice, all species of mint, rosemary, rue, sage and wormwood. component which contains less than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
Heading 12.11 does not, however, apply to:
Chapter 13 – Lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
(a) Medicaments of Chapter 30 (Pharmaceutical products);
(b) Perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations of Chapter 33 (Essential oils and
resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations); or 1. Heading 13.02 (Vegetables saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and
pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived
(c) Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants or similar products of heading from vegetable products) applies, inter alia, to liquorice extract and extract of pyrethrum,
38.08. extract of hops, extract of aloes and opium.
5. For the purposes of heading 12.12 (Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar
The heading does not apply to :
beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; fruit stones
and kernels and other vegetable products (including unroasted chicory roots of the variety (a) Liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose or put up as
Cichorium intybus sativum) of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere confectionery (heading 17.04);
specified or included), the term “seaweeds and other algae” does not include:
(b) Malt extract (heading 19.01);
(a) Dead single-cell micro-organisms of heading 21.02 (Yeasts (active or inactive);
other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading 30.02); (c) Extracts of coffee, tea or maté (heading 21.01);
prepared baking powders);
(d) Vegetable saps or extracts constituting alcoholic beverages (Chapter 22);
(b) Cultures of micro-organisms of heading 30.02 (Human blood; animal blood
prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood (e) Camphor, glycyrrhizin or other products of heading 29.14 or 29.38;
fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by
means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (f) Concentrates of poppy straw containing not less than 50 % by weight of alkaloids
(excluding yeasts) and similar products); or (heading 29.39);

(c) Fertilisers of heading 31.01 (Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not mixed (g) Medicaments of heading 30.03 or 30.04 or blood-grouping reagents (heading
together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment 30.06);
of animal or vegetable products) or 31.05 (Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing

(h) Tanning or dyeing extracts (heading 32.01 or 32.03); Section III - Animals or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared
edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
(ij) Essential oils, concretes, absolutes, resinoids, extracted oleoresins, aqueous
Chapter 15 - Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepard
distillates or aqueous solutions of essential oils or preparations based on odoriferous
edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
substances of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages (Chapter 33); or
(k) Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle or similar natural gums
(heading 40.01). 1. This Chapter does not cover:

(a) Pig fat or poultry fat of heading 02.09;

(b) Cocoa butter, fat or oil (heading 18.04);

(c) Edible preparations containing by weight more than 15 % of the products of

heading 04.05 (generally Chapter 21);

(d) Greaves (heading 23.01) or residues of headings 23.04 to 23.06;

(e) Fatty acids, prepared waxes, medicaments, paints, varnishes, soap, perfumery,
cosmetic or toilet preparations, sulphonated oils or other goods of Section VI; or
(f) Factice derived from oils (heading 40.02).

2. Heading 15.09 (Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically
modified) does not apply to oils obtained from olives by solvent extraction (heading 15.10
- Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of olive
oil, whether virgin or not).

3. Heading 15.18 (Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised,
dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise
chemically modified, excluding those of heading 15.16; inedible mixtures or preparations
of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter,
not elsewhere specified or included) does not cover fats or oils or their fractions, merely
denatured, which are to be classified in the heading appropriate to the corresponding
undenatured fats and oils and their fractions.

4. Soap-stocks, oil foots and dregs, stearin pitch, glycerol pitch and wool grease residues
fall in heading 15.22 (Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect
waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured).

Subheading Note Section IV - Prepared food stuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco and
manufactured tobacco substitutes
1. For the purposes of subheadings 1514.11 (Crude oil) and 1514.19 (Other low erucid
adcid rape or colza oil and its fractions except crude oil), the expression “low erucic acid Section Note
rape or colza oil” means the fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of less than 2 % by
weight. 1.In this Section the term “pellets” means products which have been agglomerated either
directly by compression or by the addition of a binder in a proportion not exceeding 3 % by

Chapter 16 - Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic



1. This Chapter does not cover meat, meat offal, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic
invertebrates, prepared or preserved by the processes specified in Chapter 2 (Meat and
edible meat offal) or 3 (Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates) or
heading 05.04 (Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces
thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked).

2. Food preparations fall in this Chapter provided that they contain more than 20% by
weight of sausage, meat, meat offal, blood, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic
invertebrates, or any combination thereof. In cases where the preparation contains two
or more of the products mentioned above, it is classified in the heading of Chapter 16
corresponding to the component or components which predominate by weight. These
provisions do not apply to the stuffed products of heading 19.02 or to the preparations
of heading 21.03 (Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed
seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard) or 21.04 (Soups and broths and
preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations).
Subheading Note

1. For the purposes of subheading 1602.10 (Homogenised preparations), the expression

“homogenised preparations” means preparations of meat, meat offal or blood, finely
homogenised, put up for retail sale as food suitable for infants or young children or for dietetic
purposes, in containers of a net weight content not exceeding 250 g. For the application
of this definition no account is to be taken of small quantities of any ingredients which
may have been added to the preparation for seasoning, preservation or other purposes.
These preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of meat or meat offal. This

subheading takes precedence over all other subheadings of heading 16.02 – other prepared
or preserved meat, meat offal or blood.

2. The fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates specified in the
subheadings of heading 16.04 (Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes
prepared from fish eggs) or 16.05 (Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates,
prepared or preserved) under their common names only, are of the same species as those
mentioned in Chapter 3 under the same name.

Chapter 23 - Residue and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder


1. Heading 23.09 (Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding) includes products of a

kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included, obtained by processing
vegetable or animal materials to such an extent that they have lost the essential
characteristics of the original material, other than vegetable waste, vegetable residues and
by-products of such processing.

Subheading Note

1. For the purposes of subheading 2306.41 (Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or
not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of low erucic acid rape or
colza seeds), the expression “low erucic acid rape or colza seeds” means seeds as defined
in Subheading Note 1 to Chapter 12 - Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains,
seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder.

Full description of fish and fish products
0301.11 - 0302.41

0301.11 Ornamental freshwater fish, live 0302.23 Sole (Solea spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
0301.19 Ornamental fish, live; excluding freshwater fish minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0301.91 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, 0302.24 Turbots (Psetta maxima), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat
Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), live edible offal
0301.92 Eels (Anguilla spp.), live 0302.29 Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Halibut, Scoph-
0301.93 Carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthal- thalmidae and Citharidae), fresh or chilled; excluding halibut, plaice, sole and
michthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., turbots, and also excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers,
Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), live roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0301.94 Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis), live 0302.31 Albacore tunas or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga), fresh or chilled; excluding
0301.95 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii), live fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails,
0301.99 Fish, live; excluding Atlantic bluefin tunas, carp, eels, Pacific bluefin tunas, maws and other edible offal
Southern bluefin tunas and trout 0302.32 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other
0302.11 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and edible offal
Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat 0302.33 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), fresh or
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt,
edible offal fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0302.13 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus 0302.34 Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat
keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0302.35 Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis), fresh or
edible offal chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt,
0302.14 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0302.36 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii), fresh or chilled;
edible offal excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins,
0302.19 Salmonidae, fresh or chilled; excluding trout, Atlantic salmon, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
Danube salmon and Pacific salmon, and also excluding fillets and other meat 0302.39 Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), fresh or chilled; excluding albacore or longfinned
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other tunas, Atlantic bluefin tunas, bigePacific bluefin tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied
edible offal bonito, southern bluefin tunas and yellowfin tunas, and also excluding fillets and
0302.21 Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglos- other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and
sus stenolepis), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not other edible offal
minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0302.41 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), fresh or chilled;
0302.22 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins,
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
edible offal

0302.42 - 0302.82
0302.42 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat 0302.54 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
edible offal edible offal
0302.43 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), 0302.55 Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and
brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and
meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other other edible offal
edible offal Sardinella 0302.56 Blue whitings (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis), fresh or
0302.44 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), fresh chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt,
or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0302.59 Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae,
0302.45 Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, fresh or chilled; ex-
other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and cluding cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska Pollock and blue whitings, and also
other edible offal excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins,
0302.46 Cobia (Rachycentron canadum), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0302.71 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat
edible offal (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
0302.47 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0302.72 Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), fresh or
edible offal chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt,
0302.49 Indian mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.), seerfishes (Scomberomorus spp.), jacks, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
crevalles (Caranx spp.), silver pomfrets (Pampus spp.), Pacific saury (Cololabis 0302.73 Carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthal-
saira), scads (Decapterus spp.), capelin (Mallotus villosus), Kawakawa (Euthyn- michthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp.,
nus affinis), bonitos (Sarda spp.), marlins, sailfishes, spearfish (Istiophoridae), Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), fresh or chilled;
fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins,
roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0302.51 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), fresh or chilled; 0302.74 Eels (Anguilla spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or
excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0302.79 Nile perch (Lates niloticus), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat
0302.52 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
edible offal 0302.81 Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (wheth-
0302.53 Coalfish (Pollachius virens), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat er or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0302.82 Rays and skates (Rajidae), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat
edible offal (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other
edible offal

0302.83 - 0303.39

0302.83 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat 0303.14 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki,
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and
edible offal Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not
0302.84 Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0303.19 Salmonidae, frozen; excluding Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon,
edible offal Danube salmon and trout, and also excluding fillets and meat (whether or not
0302.85 Seabream (Sparidae), fresh or chilled; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.23 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not
0302.89 Fish, fresh or chilled; excluding Salmonidae, flat fish, tunas, skipjack or minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
stripe-bellied bonito, herrings, anchovies, sardines, sardinella, brisling 0303.24 Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), frozen; exclu-
or sprats, mackerel, jack and horse mackerel, cobia, swordfish, Indian ding fillets and meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails,
mackerels, seerfishes, jacks, crevalles, silver pomfrets, Pacific saury, scads, maws and other edible offal
capelin, Kawakawa, bonitos, marlins, sailfishes, spearfish, tilapias, catfish, 0303.25 Carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthal-
carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, dogfish and other sharks, rays and michthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp.,
skates, toothfish, seabass, seabream, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), frozen; excluding
Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and fillets and meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws
Muraenolepididae, and also excluding fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or and other edible offal
not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal 0303.26 Eels (Anguilla spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not minced),
0302.91 Livers, roes and milt, fresh or chilledShark fins, fresh or chilled livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0302.92 Shark fins, fresh or chilled 0303.29 Nile perch (Lates niloticus), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not
0302.99 Fish fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal, fresh or chilled; excluding minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
livers, roes, milt and shark fins 0303.31 Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus
0303.11 Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka), frozen; excluding other stenolepis), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced),
Pacific salmon, and also excluding fillets and meat (whether or not minced), livers, livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.32 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether
0303.12 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus 0303.33 Sole (Solea spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
rhodurus), frozen; excluding sockeye salmon (red salmon) and also excluding minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
fillets and meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws 0303.34 Turbots (Psetta maxima), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
and other edible offal minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0303.13 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not 0303.39 Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae
minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal and Citharidae), frozen; excluding halibut, plaice, sole and turbots, and also
Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), frozen; excluding fillets and meat (whether or not excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins,
minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal heads, tails, maws and other edible offal

0302.41 - 0303.82
0303.41 Albacore tunas or longfinned tuna (Thunnus alalunga), frozen; excluding fillets 0303.56 Cobia (Rachycentron canadum), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether
and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
and other edible offal 0303.57 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
0303.42 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
(whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0303.59 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.), Indian mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.), seerfishes
edible offal (Scomberomorus spp.), jacks, crevalles (Caranx spp.), silver pomfrets (Pampus
0303.43 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), frozen; spp.), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), scads (Decapterus spp.), capelin (Mallotus
excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, villosus), Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis), bonitos (Sarda spp.), marlins, sailfishes,
heads, tails, maws and other edible offal spearfish (Istiophoridae), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
0303.44 Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.63 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), frozen; excluding fillets
0303.45 Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis), frozen; and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws
excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, and other edible offal
heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.64 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat
0303.46 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii), frozen; excluding fillets and other (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible
meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other offal
edible offal 0303.65 Coalfish (Pollachius virens), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
0303.49 Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), frozen; excluding albacore or minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
longfinned tunas, yellowfin tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, bigeye tunas, 0303.66 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat
Atlantic bluefin tunas, Pacific bluefin tunas and southern bluefin tunas, and also (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible
excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, offal
heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.67 Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat
0303.51 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), frozen; excluding fillets and other (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible
meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other offal
edible offal 0303.68 Blue whitings (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis), frozen; exclud-
0303.53 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), bris- ing fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads,
ling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether tails, maws and other edible offal
or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0303.69 Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae,
0303.54 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, frozen; excluding
frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska Pollock and blue whitings, and also excluding
fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal fillets and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails,
0303.55 Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and other maws and other edible offal
meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other 0303.81 Dogfish and other sharks, frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
edible offal minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal
0303.82 Rays and skates (Rajidae), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or not
minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal

0303.83 - 0304.59

0303.83 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or 0304.44 Fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae,
not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, fresh or
0303.84 Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.), frozen; excluding fillets and other meat (whether or chilled
not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible offal 0304.45 Fillets of swordfish (Xiphias gladius), fresh or chilled
0303.89 Fish, frozen; excluding Salmonidae, tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, 0304.46 Fillets of toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), fresh or chilled
snakeheads, flat fish, tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, herrings, sardines, 0304.47 Fillets of dogfish or other sharks, fresh or chilled
sardinella, brisling or sprats, mackerel, jack and horse mackerel, cobia, swordfish, 0304.48 Fillets of rays or skates (Rajidae), fresh or chilled
anchovies, Indian mackerels, seerfishes, jacks, crevalles, silver pomfrets, Pacific 0304.49 Fillets of fish, fresh or chilled; excluding tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile
saury, scads, capelin, Kawakawa, bonitos, marlins, sailfishes, spearfish, dogfish perch, snakeheads, Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, trout,
and other sharks, rays and skates, toothfish, seabass, seabream, fish of the flat fish, swordfish, toothfish, dogfish, sharks, rays, skates, fish of the families
families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae,
Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, and also excluding fish fillets and Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae
other fish meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt, fins, heads, tails, maws 0304.51 Meat of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias
and other edible fish offal spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon
0303.91 Livers, roes and milt, frozen idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla
0303.92 Shark fins, frozen catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.),
0303.99 Fish fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal, frozen; excluding fillets eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.),
and other meat (whether or not minced), livers, roes, milt and shark fins fresh or chilled (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
0304.31 Fillets of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), fresh or chilled 0304.52 Meat of Salmonidae, fresh or chilled (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
0304.32 Fillets of catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), fresh 0304.53 Meat of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouri-
or chilled dae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, fresh or chilled
0304.33 Fillets of Nile perch (Lates niloticus), fresh or chilled (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
0304.39 Fillets of carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, 0304.54 Meat of swordfish (Xiphias gladius), fresh or chilled (whether or not minced);
Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, excluding fillets
Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), fresh 0304.55 Meat of toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), fresh or chilled (whether or not minced);
or chilled excluding fillets
0304.41 Fillets of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, 0304.56 Meat of dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled (whether or not minced); exclu-
Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, ding fillets
Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo 0304.57 Meat of rays and skates (Rajidae), fresh or chilled (whether or not minced);
salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), fresh or chilled excluding fillets
0304.42 Fillets of trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, 0304.59 Meat of fish, fresh or chilled (whether or not minced); excluding tilapias, catfish,
Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, Salmonidae, swordfish, toothfish, dogfish,
Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), fresh or chilled sharks, rays, skates, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadi-
0304.43 Fillets of flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, dae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae,
Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), fresh or chilled and also excluding fillets

0304.61 - 0305.32
0304.61 Fillets of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), frozen 0304.91 Meat of swordfish (Xiphias gladius), frozen (whether or not minced); excluding
0304.62 Fillets of catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), frozen fillets
0304.63 Fillets of Nile perch (Lates niloticus), frozen 0304.92 Meat of toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), frozen (whether or not minced); excluding
0304.69 Fillets of carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypoph- fillets
thalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., 0304.93 Meat of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias
Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguilla spp.), spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon
snakeheads (Channa spp.), frozen idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla
0304.71 Fillets of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), frozen catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.),
0304.72 Fillets of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), frozen eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.),
0304.73 Fillets of coalfish (Pollachius virens), frozen frozen (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
0304.74 Fillets of hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), frozen 0304.94 Meat of Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), frozen (whether or not minced);
0304.75 Fillets of Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), frozen excluding fillets
0304.79 Fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, 0304.95 Meat of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouri-
Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae), frozen; excluding cod, dae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, frozen (whether
haddock, coalfish, hake and Alaska Pollock or not minced); excluding Alaska Pollock, and also excluding fillets
0304.81 Fillets of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Onco- 0304.96 Meat of dogfish and other sharks, frozen (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
rhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus 0304.97 Meat of rays and skates (Rajidae), frozen (whether or not minced); excluding fillets
masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube 0304.99 Meat of fish, frozen (whether or not minced); excluding swordfish, toothfish,
salmon (Hucho hucho) frozen tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, dogfish and other sharks,
0304.82 Fillets of trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhyn- rays and skates, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae,
chus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, and
chrysogaster), frozen also excluding fish fillets
0304.83 Fillets of flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, 0305.10 Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption
Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), frozen 0305.20 Livers, roes and milt of fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
0304.84 Fillets of swordfish (Xiphias gladius), frozen 0305.31 Fillets of tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias
0304.85 Fillets of toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), frozen spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon
0304.86 Fillets of herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), frozen idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla
0304.87 Fillets of tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.),
(Katsuwonus) pelamis) frozen eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.),
0304.88 Fillets of dogfish, other sharks, rays and skates (Rajidae), frozen dried, salted or in brine; excluding smoked fillets
0304.89 Fillets of fish, frozen; excluding tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, 0305.32 Fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae,
Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, trout, flat fish, swordfish, toothfish, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and
herrings, tunas, skipjack or striped-bellied bonito, dogfish and other sharks, rays and Muraenolepididae, dried, salted or in brine; excluding smoked fillets
skates, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae,
Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae

0305.39 - 0305.72

0305.39 Fillets of fish, dried, salted or in brine; excluding tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile 0305.54 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), anchovies (Engraulis spp.), sardines
perch, snakeheads, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats
Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, and also (Sprattus sprattus), Indian mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.), seerfishes (Scombero-
excluding smoked fish fillets morus spp.), jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.), jacks, crevalles (Caranx
0305.41 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus spp.), cobia (Rachycentron canadum), silver pomfrets (Pampus spp.), Pacific saury
keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou (Cololabis saira), scads (Decapterus spp.), capelin (Mallotus villosus), swordfish
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Xiphias gladius), Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis), bonitos (Sarda spp.), marlins,
(Hucho hucho) smoked, including fillets; excluding edible offal sailfishes, spearfish (Istiophoridae), dried, whether or not salted; excluding smoked
0305.42 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), smoked, including fillets; excluding fish and edible offal
edible offal 0305.59 Fish, dried, whether or not salted; excluding tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch,
0305.43 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus snakeheads, herrings, anchovies, sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, mackerel,
aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus Indian mackerels, seerfishes, jack and horse mackerel, jacks, crevalles, cobia,
chrysogaster), smoked, including fillets; excluding edible offal silver pomfrets, Pacific saury, scads, capelin, swordfish, Kawakawa, bonitos,
0305.44 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., marlins, sailfishes and spearfish, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthy-
Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hy- idae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraeno-
pophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo lepididae, and also excluding smoked fish and edible fish offal
spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguilla 0305.61 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), salted or in brine; excluding dried or
spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.), smoked, whether smoked fish and edible fish offal
or not cooked before or during the smoking process, including fillets; excluding 0305.62 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), salted or in brine;
edible offal excluding dried or smoked fish and edible fish offal
0305.49 Fish, smoked, including fillets; excluding Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube 0305.63 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.), salted or in brine; excluding dried or smoked fish and
salmon, herrings, trout, tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, and also edible fish offal
excluding edible fish offal 0305.64 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp.,
0305.51 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), dried, whether or not Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus,
salted; excluding smoked fish and edible fish offal Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla,
0305.52 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels
Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.), salted
Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, or in brine; excluding dried or smoked fish and edible fish offal
Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels 0305.69 Fish, salted or in brine; excluding herrings, cod, anchovies, tilapias, catfish, carp,
(Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.), smoked eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, and also excluding dried or smoked fish and edible
fish and edible fish offal fish offal
0305.53 Fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, 0305.71 Shark fins, dried, smoked, salted or in brine, whether or not cooked before or
Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and during the smoking process
Muraenolepididae, dried, whether or not salted; excluding cod, and also excluding 0305.72 Fish heads, tails and maws, dried, smoked, salted or in brine,
smoked fish and edible fish offal whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process

0305.79 - 0306.36
0305.79 Fish fins and other edible fish offal, dried, smoked, salted or in brine, whether or not 0306.19 Crustaceans, frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding rock lobster and other sea
cooked before or during the smoking process; crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns
excluding shark fins, fish heads, tails and maws Crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water,
0306.11 Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), frozen; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway
frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding lobsters (Homarus spp.), Norway lobsters lobsters, shrimps and prawns
(Nephrops norvegicus), Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, frozen, fit for human consumption
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), 0306.31 Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.),
in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen; excluding lobsters live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not; excluding lobsters (Homarus spp.),
(Homarus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus)
0306.12 Lobsters (Homarus spp.), frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding rock lobster and Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.),
other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh or chilled; excluding
(Nephrops norvegicus) lobsters (Homarus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus)
Lobsters (Homarus spp.), in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, 0306.32 Lobsters (Homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not; excluding
frozen; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.),
(Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway lobsters Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus)
(Nephrops norvegicus) Lobsters (Homarus spp.), in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live,
0306.14 Crabs, frozen, whether in shell or not fresh or chilled; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp.,
Crabs, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway
0306.15 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus)
rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), 0306.33 Crabs, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not
lobsters (Homarus spp.) Crabs, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh or chilled
Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), in shell, cooked by 0306.34 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or
steaming or by boiling in water, frozen; excluding rock lobster and other sea craw- not; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp.,
fish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus spp.) Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus spp.)
0306.16 Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), frozen, whether Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), in shell, cooked by
in shell or not steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh or chilled; excluding rock lobster and
Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), in shell, cooked other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus
by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen spp.)
0306.17 Shrimps and prawns, frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding cold-water shrimps 0306.35 Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), live, fresh or
and prawns chilled, whether in shell or not
Shrimps and prawns, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen; Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon), in shell,
excluding cold-water shrimps and prawns cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh or chilled
0306.36 Shrimps and prawns, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not; excluding
cold-water shrimps and prawns
Shrimps and prawns, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh
or chilled; excluding cold-water shrimps and prawns

0306.39- 0307.22

0306.39 Crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not; excluding rock lobster 0306.94 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell
and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns or not; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus
Crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, live, fresh or spp., Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus spp.)
chilled; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether
lobsters, shrimps and prawns or not cooked during the smoking process; excluding rock lobster and other sea
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled, fit for human con- crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus spp.)
sumption Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling
0306.91 Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), in water, dried, salted or in brine; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish
dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not; excluding lobsters (Homarus spp.), (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), lobsters (Homarus spp.)
Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) 0306.95 Shrimps and prawns, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Shrimps and prawns, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked
smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the smoking process; during the smoking process
excluding lobsters (Homarus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) Shrimps and prawns, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, dried,
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), in salted or in brine
shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, dried, salted or in brine; excluding 0306.99 Crustaceans, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not; excluding rock
lobsters (Homarus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps
0306.92 Lobsters (Homarus spp.), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not; excluding and prawns
rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Crustaceans, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the
Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) smoking process; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs,
Lobsters (Homarus spp.), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns
during the smoking process; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palin- Crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, dried, salted or in
urus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) brine; excluding rock lobster and other sea
Lobsters (Homarus spp.), in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, dried, crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns
salted or in brine; excluding rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, dried, salted, in brine or smoked, fit for
Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) human consumption
0306.93 Crabs, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not 0307.11 Oysters, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not
Crabs, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the smoking 0307.12 Oysters, frozen, whether in shell or not
process 0307.19 Oysters, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not
Crabs, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, dried, salted or in brine Oysters, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the
smoking process
0307.21 Scallops, including queen scallops (of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placo-
pecten), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not
0307.22 Scallops, including queen scallops (of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placo-
pecten), frozen, whether in shell or not

0307.29- 0307.99
0307.29 Scallops, including queen scallops (of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placo- 0307.79 Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae,
pecten), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semeli-
Scallops, including queen scallops (of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placo- dae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and
pecten), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the smoking Veneridae), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not
process Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae,
0307.31 Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semel-
0307.32 Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), frozen, whether in shell or not idae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae), smoked, whether in
0307.39 Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not shell or not, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process
Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not 0307.81 Abalone (Haliotis spp.), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not
cooked during the smoking process 0307.82 Stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not
0307.42 Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not 0307.83 Abalone (Haliotis spp.), frozen, whether in shell or not
0307.43 Cuttle fish and squid, frozen, whether in shell or not 0307.84 Stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.), frozen, whether in shell or not
0307.49 Cuttle fish and squid, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not 0307.87 Abalone (Haliotis spp.), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not
Cuttle fish and squid, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during Abalone (Haliotis spp.), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked
the smoking process before or during the smoking process
0307.51 Octopus (Octopus spp.), live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not 0307.88 Stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not
0307.52 Octopus (Octopus spp.), frozen, whether in shell or not Stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or
0307.59 Octopus (Octopus spp.), dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not not cooked before or during the smoking process
Octopus (Octopus spp.), smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked 0307.91 Molluscs, live, fresh or chilled, whether in shell or not; excluding oysters, scallops,
during the smoking process mussels, cuttle fish and squid, octopus, snails, clams, cockles and ark shells,
0307.60 Snails, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; abalone and stromboid conchs
excluding sea snails Flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, live, fresh or chilled, fit for human consump-
Snails, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked during the smoking tion
process; excluding sea snails 0307.92 Molluscs, frozen, whether in shell or not; excluding oysters, scallops, mussels,
0307.71 Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae, cuttle fish and squid, octopus, snails, clams, cockles and ark shells, abalone and
Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Seme- stromboid conchs
lidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae), live, fresh or chilled, Flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, frozen, fit for human consumption
whether in shell or not 0307.99 Molluscs, dried, salted or in brine, whether in shell or not; excluding oysters, scal-
0307.72 Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae, lops, mussels, cuttle fish and squid, octopus, snails, clams, cockles and ark shells,
Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semeli- abalone and stromboid conchs
dae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Molluscs, smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked before or during
Veneridae), frozen, whether in shell or not the smoking process; excluding oysters, scallops, mussels, cuttle fish and squid,
octopus, snails, clams, cockles and ark shells, abalone and stromboid conchs
Flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, dried, salted, in brine or smoked, fit for
human consumption

0308.11- 1605.29

0308.11 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea), live, fresh or chilled 1504.30 Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals, whether or not refined;
0308.12 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea), frozen excluding chemically modified oils and their fractions
0308.19 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea), dried, salted, in brine or 1516.10 Fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified,
smoked, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared
Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea), smoked,whether or not 1517.90 Fats or oils or of fractions, edible mixtures or preparations of different fats or oils;
cooked before or during the smoking process excluding partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised,
0308.21 Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, whether or not refined, but not further prepared
Echinus esculentus), live, fresh or chilled 1603.00 Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic inverte-
0308.22 Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, brates
Echinus esculentus), frozen 1604.11 Salmon, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding minced fish
0308.29 Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, 1604.12 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), prepared or preserved, whole or in
Loxechinus albus, Echinus esculentus), dried, salted or in brine pieces; excluding minced fish
Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, 1604.13 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling
Loxechinus albus, Echinus esculentus), smoked, whether or not cooked before or or sprats (Sprattus sprattus), prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding
during the smoking process minced fish
0308.30 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine 1604.14 Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) and
Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), smoked, whether or not cooked before or during the bonito (Sarda spp.), prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding minced
smoking process fish
0308.90 Aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh, chilled, dried, salted or in brine; excluding crusta- 1604.15 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), pre-
ceans, molluscs, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and jellyfish pared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding minced fish
Aquatic invertebrates, smoked, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking 1604.16 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.), prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding
process minced fish
Flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates, fit for human consumption; 1604.17 Eels (Anguilla spp.), prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding minced
excluding crustaceans and molluscs fish
0511.91 Products of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic 1604.18 Shark fins, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding minced fish
invertebrates, not elsewhere specified or included 1604.19 Fish, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces; excluding salmon, herrings,
Dead fish, unfit for human consumption sardines, sardinella, brisling, sprats, tunas, skipjack, bonito, mackerel, anchovies,
1212.21 Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, fit for human consump- eels, shark fins, and also excluding minced fish
tion, whether or not ground 1604.20 Fish, prepared or preserved, minced
1212.29 Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, unfit for human consump- 1604.31 Caviar
tion, whether or not ground 1604.32 Caviar substitutes, prepared from fish eggs
1302.31 Agar-agar 1605.10 Crab, prepared or preserved
1504.10 Fish-liver oils and their fractions, whether or not refined; excluding chemically 1605.21 Shrimps and prawns, prepared or preserved, not in airtight container
modified oils and their fractions 1605.29 Shrimps and prawns, prepared or preserved, in airtight container
1504.20 Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, whether or not refined; excluding chemical-
ly modified oils and their fractions, and liver oils

1605.30 - 2301.20
1605.30 Lobster (Homarus spp.), prepared or preserved; excluding rock lobster and sea
crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.), Norway lobsters (Nephrops
1605.40 Crustaceans, prepared or preserved; excluding crab, shrimps, prawns, lobster
1605.51 Oysters, prepared or preserved
1605.52 Scallops, including queen scallops (of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placo-
pecten), prepared or preserved
1605.53 Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), prepared or preserved
1605.54 Cuttle fish and squid, prepared or preserved
1605.55 Octopus (Octopus spp.), prepared or preserved
1605.56 Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae,
Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Soleni-
dae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae), prepared or preserved
1605.57 Abalone (Haliotis spp.), prepared or preserved
1605.58 Snails, prepared or preserved; excluding sea snails
1605.59 Molluscs, prepared or preserved; excluding oysters, scallops, including queen scal-
lops, mussels, cuttle fish, squid, octopus, clams, cockles, ark shells, abalone, snails
1605.61 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea), prepared or preserved
1605.62 Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus,
Echinus esculentus), prepared or preserved
1605.63 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), prepared or preserved
1605.69 Aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved; excluding crustaceans, molluscs,
sea cucumbers, sea urchins, jellyfish
2301.20 Flours, meals and pellets of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic inver-
tebrates, unfit for human consumption






Fisheries Division – Natural Resources and Sustainable Production
[email protected]
@FAOfish on Twitter

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ISBN 978-92-5-134120-9

Rome - Italy

9 789251 341209

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