Raw Material Supplier
Raw Material Supplier
Raw Material Supplier
Product Code/Name:
Company Name:
City, State, ZIP Code:
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Type of supplier:
(Broker, Grower, Manufacturer, Other):
Name of Manufacturer:
Country of Manufacture:
Can this material be ordered directly from the manufacturer (if different)? Yes No
Has this product or raw material been sold on the USA retail market prior to 1994? Yes No
Regulatory status (GRAS, etc): ________________________________________
Pharmacopoeial reference (USP, Commission E, etc.) ________________________________________
Total Lead ppm (Required for CA Prop 65 Compliance): ________________________________________
Conforms to established European purity criteria for this material : Yes No
Approved in the following markets: ________________________________________
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ABG (Nutrilite) Item Number: ______________
Other? (bio-
(%) Source.
(e.g., Nutrient (Conforms
(name as it should (Range source, binder,
to If plant or animal
appear on is carrier, solvent, European source, also fill out
product labeling) acceptable) sweetener, etc.) purity sections below
TOTAL = 100%
Genus & Species Plant *Source of reference standard Country Of Endangered
(variety / cultivar if available) Part Used use to identify species Origin (Crop) species (Y/N)
* Source of reference standard examples: botanical voucher specimen, chemical reference standard, chain of custody, etc.:
Complete this section if Material or Sub-component is derived in whole or part from animal sources
* If your product is bovine-derived (other than from milk) and sourced from a country other than the United States,
please attach a BSE certificate from the exporting country and an import certificate from the USDA.
Please provide a Manufacturing Process Flow Chart to satisfy foreign market registration requirements.
Must be able to confirm all the following and provide documentation:
DOES NOT contain raw materials originating from a GM-crop or GM-microorganism, either main
ingredient or any sub component/excipient (such as MALTODEXTRIN, ETHYL ALCOHOL etc.)
DO HAVE a QA system in place to verify the non-GM origin of all raw materials used in products not
declared GMO and to ensure proper separation of GM derived raw material from non-GM derived raw
material throughout your total production process.
HAVE PROVIDED with this questionnaire a detailed description of your internal quality system
(including procedures for cleaning, segregation, seed origin etc. and copies of any certificates or
validations mentioned in the quality system) and/or a copy of a 3rd Party Certification.
Must be able to confirm all the following and provide documentation:
CONTAINS raw materials originating from a crop or microorganism in which there exists GM versions (for
instance: from corn, soy, potato, tomato, cotton, sugar beet, rapeseed, alfalfa, etc.), for either main
ingredient or any sub component/excipient (such as MALTODEXTRIN, ETHYL ALCOHOL etc.) but unable
to provide traceability to support not from a GM-crop or GM-microorganism.
HAVE PROVIDED with this questionnaire a Certificate of Analysis with PCR Negative test results.
Must be able to confirm all the following and provide documentation:
CONTAINS raw materials originating from a crop or microorganism in which there exists GM versions (for
instance: from corn, soy, potato, tomato, cotton, sugar beet, rapeseed, alfalfa, etc.), for either main
ingredient or any sub component/excipient (such as MALTODEXTRIN, ETHYL ALCOHOL etc.) but unable
to provide traceability to support not from a GM-crop or GM-microorganism.
HAVE PROVIDED with this questionnaire a Certificate of Analysis with PCR test results.
CONTAINS raw materials originating from a crop or microorganism in which there exists GM versions (for
instance: from corn, soy, potato, tomato, cotton, sugar beet, rapeseed, alfalfa, etc.), for either main
ingredient or any sub component/excipient (such as MALTODEXTRIN, ETHYL ALCOHOL etc.) but unable
to provide traceability to support not from a GM-crop or GM-microorganism.
DO NOT TEST material in order to guarantee either PCR negative or less than 0.9% GM-protein/DNA.
Must be able to confirm all the following and provide documentation:
NO GM-crop or GM-microorganism exists for the raw material sources of any ingredient or any sub
component/excipient (such as MALTODEXTRIN, ETHYL ALCOHOL etc.) in this material. For instance:
NOT from corn, soy, potato, tomato, cotton, sugar beet, rapeseed, alfalfa, etc.
NO GM-labeling within the EU of the product(s) containing this raw material(s) will be required per the
legal provisions of EC Directives 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 concerning the traceability & labeling of GM
organisms & the traceability of food and feed products produced from GM organisms.
HAVE PROVIDED with this questionnaire a Non-GMO Statement on your company letterhead.
We do not process any raw material derived from animals fed with GM-crops. *See Note.
- or -
We do process raw material derived from animals fed with GM-crops. *See Note
*Note: A negative answer is not compulsory to avoid future GM-labeling in EU, but would be favorable
Does this ingredient contain, or is it derived from any of the following? (check appropriate box)
Are any of the following processed on the same equipment as the material you provide to us? (check box below)
Barley Rye
Buckwheat Sesame
Caffeine Shellfish
Celery Soy
Corn Spelt
Crustaceans Sugar
Egg Sulfites
Kamut Tomato
Lupin Wheat
Milk Yeast
Heavy metals testing is performed on: Crude Botanical Finished Product Both
Is the crude botanical certified Organic? Yes No
If NO, are you willing to use a certified organic crude botanical
or to move toward certified organic farming practices? Yes No
If YES, please provide the name of the certifying agency AND copy of certificate:
Name of Manufacturer and grower/wild-collector (plant materials):
Manufacturing location(s):
Can this material be ordered directly from the manufacturer (if different)? Yes No
Do you (the supplier) directly grow the source crop on a farm controlled by you? Yes No
If NO, do you (the supplier) have any form of control over the method(s)
of cultivation of the crude botanical used in the manufacture of this product? Yes No
Would you be willing to partner with Access Business Group’s agricultural Operations
for the purpose of alignment of farming methods with those approved by ABG? Yes No
For processing operations, would you be willing to use feedstock grown by ABG? Yes No
Item Specification
Appearance (powder, liquid, etc)
Bulk density (Tap and loose):
Powder flow characteristics (e.g., Flowdex):
Particle size distribution (USS sieve):
Odor (If applicable):
Taste (If applicable):
Color (If applicable, provide expected L* a* and b*
Moisture (Loss On Drying or similar):
E. coli:
Aerobic Plate Count:
Shelf life:
Storage Conditions:
Packaging options (type of package, size options, etc.):
Is bar-coding available on your packaging? Yes No
Marker(s) level(s) and analytical method or related
activity such as ORAC:
Please attach the following documents to this completed questionnaire:
_____• Product Specification / Technical Data Sheet
_____• Manufacturing Flow Chart
_____• Kosher Certificate
_____• Halal Certificate
_____• GMO Status Verification (Identity Preserved (IP) details quality process, PCR test results, etc.)
_____• Non-GMO Statement on your company letterhead (signed)
_____• BSE Certificate and Import Certificate from USDA if from outside the USA (for animal derived ingredients)
_____• Statement of Non-Irradiation, non-ETO and non-chemical sterilization of raw materials (signed)
_____• Certified Organic
_____• Nutrient Profile or Proximate Analysis
_____• Certificate of Analysis (C of A)
_____• MSDS
I certify that the information provided in this document is true and correct.
Print Name
NOTE: Any modifications or revisions to this product must meet raw material specifications and should
be forwarded to the Product Development Department: