Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
Block diagrams are usually used for frequency-domain analysis and design, and signal-flow graphs
for state-space analysis.
Signal-flow graphs represent transfer functions as lines, and signals as small-circular nodes.
Signal-flow graphs have advantages over block diagrams: They can be drawn more quickly, they
are more compact, and they emphasize the state variables.
Block Diagrams
A subsystem is represented as a block with an input, an output, and a transfer function. Many
systems are composed of multiple subsystems. When multiple subsystems are interconnected, a few
more schematic elements must be added to the block diagram. These new elements are summing
junctions and pickoff points.
All component parts of a block diagram for a linear, time-invariant system are shown in Figure 5.2.
The characteristic of the summing junction shown in Figure 5.2(c) is that the output signal, C(s), is
the algebraic sum of the input signals, R1(s), R2(s), and R3(s). The figure shows three inputs, but any
number can be present.
A pickoff point, as shown in Figure 5.2(d), distributes the input signal, R(s), undiminished, to
several output points.
Cascade Form
Figure 5.3(a) shows an example of cascaded subsystems. Intermediate signal values are shown at
the output of each subsystem. Each signal is derived from the product of the input times the transfer
function. The equivalent transfer function, Ge(s), shown in Figure 5.3(b), is the output Laplace
transform divided by the input Laplace transform from Figure 5.3(a), or
Parallel Form
Figure 5.5 shows an example of parallel subsystems. Again, by writing the output of each
subsystem, we can find the equivalent transfer function. Parallel subsystems have a common input
and an output formed by the algebraic sum of the outputs from all of the subsystems. The equivalent
transfer function, Ge(s), is the output transform divided by the input transform from Figure 5.5(a),
Ge ( s ) G1 ( s) G2 ( s) G3 (s ) (5.2)
which is the algebraic sum of the subsystems’ transfer functions; it appears in Figure 5.5(b).
Feedback Form
The third topology is the feedback form. Let us derive the transfer function that represents the
system from its input to its output. The typical feedback system is shown in Figure 5.6(a); a
simplified model is shown in Figure 5.6(b).
FIGURE 5.6 a. Feedback control system; b. simplified model; c. equivalent transfer function.
Substituting Eq. (5.8) into Eq. (5.7) and solving for the transfer function, C(s)/R(s)=G(s), we obtain
the equivalent, or closed-loop, transfer function shown in Figure 5.6(c),
G( s)
Ge ( s) (5.9)
1 G( s) H ( s)
The product, G(s)H(s), in Eq. (5.9) is called the open-loop transfer function, or loop gain. The
system is said to have negative feedback if the sign at the summing junction is negative and
positive feedback if the sign is positive.
Figure 5.7 shows equivalent block diagrams formed when transfer functions are moved left or right
past a summing junction, and Figure 5.8 shows equivalent block diagrams formed when transfer
functions are moved left or right past a pickoff point.
In the diagrams the symbol means ‘‘equivalent to.’’ These equivalences, along with the forms
studied earlier in this section, can be used to reduce a block diagram to a single transfer function. In
each case of Figures 5.7 and 5.8, the equivalence can be verified by tracing the signals at the input
through to the output and recognizing that the output signals are identical.
For example, in Figure 5.7(a), signals R(s) and X(s) are multiplied by G(s) before reaching the
output. Hence, both block diagrams are equivalent, with C ( s) R( s)G( s) X ( s)G( s) . In Figure
5.7(b), R(s) is multiplied by G(s) before reaching the output, but X(s) is not. Hence, both block
diagrams in Figure 5.7(b) are equivalent, with C ( s) R( s)G( s) X ( s)G( s) .
For pickoff points, similar reasoning yields similar results for the block diagrams of Figure 5.8(a)
and (b).
FIGURE 5.7 Block diagram algebra for summing junctions—equivalent forms for moving a block
a. to the left past a summing junction; b. to the right past a summing junction.
Prepared by: Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan
Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
FIGURE 5.8 Block diagram algebra for pickoff points— equivalent forms for moving a block a. to
the left past a pickoff point; b. to the right past a pickoff point.
Example 5.1: Reduce the block diagram shown in Figure 5.9 to a single transfer function.
Solution: We solve the problem by following the steps in Figure 5.10. First, the three summing
junctions can be collapsed into a single summing junction, as shown in Figure 5.10(a).
Second, recognize that the three feedback functions, H1(s), H2(s), and H3(s), are connected in
parallel. They are fed from a common signal source, and their outputs are summed. The equivalent
function is H1(s)-H2(s)+H3(s). Also recognize that G2(s) and G3(s) are connected in cascade. Thus,
the equivalent transfer function is the product, G3(s)G2(s). The results of these steps are shown in
Figure 5.10(b).
Finally, the feedback system is reduced and multiplied by G1(s) to yield the equivalent transfer
function shown in Figure 5.10(c).
FIGURE 5.10 Steps in solving Example 5.1: a. Collapse summing junctions; b. form equivalent
cascaded system in the forward path and equivalent parallel system in the feedback path; c. form
equivalent feedback system and multiply by cascaded G1(s).
Example 5.2: Reduce the system shown in Figure 5.11 to a single transfer function.
Solution: In this example we make use of the equivalent forms shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8. First,
move G2(s) to the left past the pickoff point to create parallel subsystems, and reduce the feedback
system consisting of G3(s) and H3(s).
This result is shown in Figure 5.12(a). Second, reduce the parallel pair consisting of 1/G2(s) and
unity, and push G1(s) to the right past the summing junction, creating parallel subsystems in the
feedback. These results are shown in Figure 5.12(b).
Third, collapse the summing junctions, add the two feedback elements together, and combine the
last two cascaded blocks. Figure 5.12(c) shows these results. Fourth, use the feedback formula to
obtain Figure 5.12(d). Finally, multiply the two cascaded blocks and obtain the final result, shown
in Figure 5.12(e).
FIGURE 5.12 Steps in the block diagram reduction for Example 5.2.
Where K models the amplifier gain, that is, the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage. As K
varies, the poles move through the three ranges of operation of a second-order system: overdamped,
critically damped, and underdamped.
For example, for K between 0 and a2/4, the poles of the system are real and are located at
a a 2 4K
s1,2 (5.11)
2 2
As K increases, the poles move along the real axis, and the system remains overdamped until K=
a2/4. At that gain, or amplification, both poles are real and equal, and the system is critically
For gains above a2/4, the system is underdamped, with complex poles located at
a 4K a 2
s1,2 j (5.12)
2 2
Now as K increases, the real part remains constant and the imaginary part increases. Thus, the peak
time decreases and the percent overshoot increases, while the settling time remains constant.
Example 5.3: For the system shown in Figure 5.15, find the peak time, percent overshoot, and
settling time.
T ( s) (5.12)
s 5s 25
Using the values for and n along with Eqs (4.34), (4.38), and (4.42), we find respectively,
TP 0.726 sec (5.17)
n 1 2
/ 1 2
%OS e 100 16.303 (5.18)
Ts 1.6 sec (5.19)
Example 5.3: Design the value of gain. K, for the feedback control system of Figure 5.16 so that
the system will respond with a 10% overshoot.
Since percent overshoot is a function only of , Eq. (5.23) shows that the percent overshoot is a
function of K.
2 K
25 25
K 17.9 (5.24)
4 2 40.5912
Although we are able to design for percent overshoot in this problem, we could not have selected
settling time as a design criterion because, regardless of the value of K, the real parts, 2.5, of the
poles of Eq. (5.20) remain the same.
Signal-Flow Graphs
Signal-flow graphs are an alternative to block diagrams. A signal-flow graph consists only of
branches, which represent systems, and nodes, which represent signals. These elements are shown
in Figure 5.17(a) and (b), respectively. A system is represented by a line with an arrow showing the
direction of signal flow through the system. Adjacent to the line we write the transfer function. A
signal is a node with the signal’s name written adjacent to the node.
Figure 5.17(c) shows the interconnection of the systems and the signals. Each signal is the sum of
signals flowing into it. For example, the signal V ( s) R1 ( s)G1 ( s) R2 ( s)G2 ( s) R3 ( s)G3 ( s) .
The signal C2 ( s) V (s )G5 ( s) R1 ( s)G1 ( s)G5 ( s ) R2 ( s)G2 ( s )G5 ( s) R3 ( s)G3 ( s)G5 ( s) .
The signal C3 ( s) V ( s)G6 (s ) R1 (s )G1 ( s)G6 ( s) R2 ( s)G2 (s )G6 ( s) R3 ( s)G3 ( s)G6 ( s) .
Notice that in summing negative signals we associate the negative sign with the system and not with
a summing junction, as in the case of block diagrams.
Example 5.5: Convert the cascaded, parallel, and feedback forms of the block diagrams shown in
Figures 5.3(a), 5.5(a), and 5.6(b), respectively, into signal-flow graphs.
Solutionn: In each case, we start by drawing the signal nodes for that system. Next we interconnect
the signal nodes with system branches. The signal nodes for the cascaded, parallel, and feedback
forms are shown in Figure 5.18(a), (c), and (e), respectively. The interconnection of the nodes with
branches that represent the subsystems is shown in Figure 5.18(b), (d), and (f) for the cascaded,
parallel, and feedback forms, respectively.
FIGURE 5.18 Building signal-flow graphs: a. cascaded system nodes (from Figure 5.3(a)); b.
cascaded system signal-flow graph; c. parallel system nodes (from Figure 5.5(a)); d. parallel system
signal-flow graph; e. feedback system nodes (from Figure 5.6(b)); f. feedback system signal-flow
Example 5.6: Convert the block diagram of Figure 5.11 to a signal-flow graph.
Solution: Begin by drawing the signal nodes, as shown in Figure 5.19(a). Next, interconnect the
nodes, showing the direction of signal flow and identifying each transfer function. The result is
shown in Figure 5.19(b). Notice that the negative signs at the summing junctions of the block
diagram are represented by the negative transfer functions of the signal-flow graph. Finally, if
desired, simplify the signal-flow graph to the one shown in Figure 5.19(c) by eliminating signals
that have a single flow in and a single flow out, such as V2(s), V6(s), V7(s), and V8(s).
Some Definitions
Loop gain: The product of branch gains found by traversing a path that starts at a node and ends at
the same node, following the direction of the signal flow, without passing through any other node
more than once.
For examples of loop gains, see Figure 5.20. There are four loop gains:
1. G2 (s)H1 (s) (5.25a)
2. G4 (s)H 2 (s) (5.25b)
3. G4 ( s)G5 ( s) H 3 ( s) (5.25c)
4. G4 (s )G6 ( s) H 3 ( s) (5.25d)
Forward-Path Gain: The product of gains found by traversing a path from the input node to the
output node of the signal-flow graph in the direction of signal flow.
Examples of forward-path gains are also shown in Figure5.20. There are two forward-path gains:
1. G1 ( s)G2 ( s)G3 ( s)G4 ( s)G5 (s )G7 ( s) (5.26a)
2. G1 ( s)G2 ( s)G3 ( s)G4 ( s)G6 ( s)G7 ( s) (5.26b)
Nontouching Loops: Loops that do not have any nodes in common. In Figure 5.20, loop G2(s)H1(s)
does not touch loops G4(s)H2(s), G4(s)G5(s)H3(s), and G4(s)G6(s)H3(s).
Nontouching-Loop Gain: The product of loop gains from nontouching loops taken two, three,
four, or more at a time.
In Figure 5.20 the product of loop gain G2(s)H1(s) and loop gain G4(s)H2(s) is a nontouching-loop
gain taken two at a time.
In summary, all three of the nontouching-loop gains taken two at a time are
1. G2 (s)H1 (s)G4 (s) H 2 (s) (5.27a)
2. G2 ( s) H1 (s )G4 ( s)G5 ( s ) H 3 ( s ) (5.27b)
3. G2 (s) H1 (s)G4 (s)G6 (s)H 3 (s) (5.27c)
The product of loop gains G4 ( s)G5 (s ) H 3 ( s )G4 ( s)G6 ( s) H 3 ( s) is not a nontouching-loop gain
since these two loops have nodes in common. In our example there are no nontouching-loop gains
taken three at a time since three nontouching loops do not exist in the example.
Mason’s Rule
Mason's rule is a rule for determining the gain of a system. Mason's rule can be used with block
diagrams, but it is most commonly (and most easily) used with signal flow diagrams.
G( s )
C ( s)
k Tk k (5.28)
R( s )
k = number of forward paths
Tk = the kth forward-path gain
= 1 (loop gains) + (nontouching-loop gains taken two at a time) (nontouching-loop gains
taken three at a time) + (nontouching-loop gains taken four at a time ...)
k = (loop gain terms in that touch the kth forward path). In other words; k is formed by
eliminating from those loop gains that touch the kth forward path.
Notice the alternating signs for the components of . The following example will help clarify
Mason’s rule.
Example 5.7: Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s), for the signal-flow graph in Figure 5.21.
First, identify the forward-path gains. In this example there is only one:
T1 G1 ( s)G2 ( s)G3 (s)G4 (s)G5 ( s) (5.29)
Third, identify the nontouching loops taken two at a time. From Eqs. (5.30) and Figure 5.21, we
can see that loop 1 does not touch loop 2, loop 1 does not touch loop 3, and loop 2 does not touch
loop 3. loops 1, 2, and 3 all touch loop 4.
Thus, the combinations of nontouching loops taken two at a time are as follows
Loop 1 and Loop 2: L12 L1L2 G2 (s) H1 (s)G4 (s) H 2 (s) (5.31a)
Loop 1 and Loop 3: L13 L1L3 G2 (s ) H1 ( s)G7 (s ) H 4 ( s) (5.31b)
Loop 2 and Loop 3: L23 L2 L3 G4 ( s) H 2 ( s)G7 (s ) H 4 ( s) (5.31c)
Now, from Eq. (5.28) and its definitions, we form and k. Hence,
1 L1 L2 L3 L4 L12 L13 L23 L123
G2 (s ) H1 ( s) G4 ( s) H 2 ( s) G7 ( s) H 4 ( s)
G2 ( s )G3 ( s)G4 ( s)G5 (s )G6 ( s)G7 ( s)G8 ( s)
G2 ( s) H1 ( s)G4 ( s ) H 2 ( s) G2 (s ) H1 ( s)G7 (s ) H 4 ( s)
G4 ( s) H 2 ( s)G7 ( s) H 4 ( s)
G2 ( s) H1 ( s)G4 ( s) H 2 ( s)G7 ( s) H 4 ( s)
Prepared by: Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan
Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
We form k by eliminating from the loop gains that touch the kth forward path:
Loop L3 is not touching the forward path thus: 1 1 L3
1 1 G7 (s) H 4 (s) (5.34)
Expressions (5.29), (5.33), and (5.34) are now substituted into Eq. (5.28), yielding the transfer
G( s ) 1 1 1
G (s)G2 (s)G3 (s)G4 (s)G5 (s)1 G7 (s) H 4 (s)
Since there is only one forward path, G(s) consists of only one term, rather than a sum of terms,
each coming from a forward path.
Example 2.6[2] Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s), for the signal-flow graph in Figure 2.28.
The cofactor of the determinant along path 1 is evaluated by removing the loops that touch path 1
from . Therefore, we have:
L1 L2 0
1 1 L3 L4
Similarly, the cofactor for forward path 2 is
L3 L4 0
2 1 L1 L2
Therefore, the transfer function of the system is
C (s ) T11 T2 2 G1G2G3G4 1 L3 L4 G5G6G7G8 1 L1 L2
G( s )
R( s ) 1 L1 L2 L3 L4 L13 L14 L23 L24
Example 2.8[2] Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s), for the signal-flow graph in Figure 2.30.
Loop 5: L3 G4 H 4
Loop 6: L6 G1G2G3G4G5G6 H 3
Loop 7: L7 G1G2G7G6 H 3
Loop 8: L3 G1G2G3G4G8 H 3
Loop L5 does not touch loop L4 and loop L7; Loop L3 does not touch loop L4; and all other loops
touch. Therefore, there are three nontouching loops taken two at a time which are:
Loop 3 and Loop 4: L34 L3 L4
Loop 5 and Loop 4: L54 L5 L4
Loop 5 and Loop 7: L57 L5 L7
Example 5.7.1: Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s), for the following signal-flow graph.
Solution: In the signal flow graph, there are two forward paths and three loops. There are no two
nontouching loops. All the loops re touching one forward path and no loop is touching the second
forward path as shown.
The forward paths and the gains associated with them are as follows:
Forward path 1 (R-x1-x2-x3-x4-x5-x6-C): T1 (1)(1)(G1 )(G2 )(G3 )(1)(1) G1G2G3
Forward path 2 (R-x1 -x6-C): T1 (1)(G4 )(1) G4
Example 5.7.2: Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s) or x5(s)/x1(s), for the following signal-flow
Solution: In the signal flow graph, there are three forward paths and five loops. There are three
pairs of tow nontouching loops. All the loops are touching two forward paths and two loops are not
touching the third forward path.
The forward paths and the gains associated with them are as follows:
Forward path 1 (x1-x2-x3-x4-x5): T1 a12 a23a34 a 45
Forward path 2 (x1-x2 -x4-x5): T2 a12 a24 a45
Forward path 3 (x1-x2 -x5): T3 a12 a24 a45
The pairs of two nontouching loops and the product of gins associated with them are as follows:
Loops L1 and L3: L13 a22 a34 a43
Loops L1 and L4: L14 a22a44
Loops L2 and L3: L24 a23a32 a44
Example 5.7.3: Find the transfer function, C(s)/R(s) or x7(s)/x1(s), for the following signal-flow
Solution: This signal flow has two forward paths and eight loops. There are seven pairs of two
nontouching loops. There is one combination of three nontouching loops. All loops are touching
one forward path and two loops are not touching the second forward path.
The forward paths and the gains associated with them are as follows:
Forward path 1 (x1-x2-x3-x4-x5-x6-x7): T1 G1G2G3G4G5
Forward path 2 (x1-x2 -x6-x7): T2 G6G5
The loops and gains associated with them are as follows:
Loop 1 (x2-x3-x2): L1 G1H1
Loop 2 (x3-x4-x3): L2 G2 H 2
Loop 3 (x4-x5-x4): L3 G3 H 3
Loop 4 (x5-x6-x7-x5): L4 G4G5 H 4
Loop 5 (x7- x7): L5 H 6
Loop 6 (x3- x4-x5-x6-x7- x3): L6 G2G3G4G5 H 5
Loop 7 (x2-x6- x7-x5-x4-x3- x2): L7 G6G5 H 4 H 3 H 2 H1
Loop 8 (x2-x6- x7-x3- x2): L8 G6G5 H 5 H1
The pairs of two nontouching loops and the product of gins associated with them are as follows:
The combination of three nontouching loops and the products of gains associated with them are as
Loops L1, L3, and L5: L13 G1H1G3 H 3 H 6
x T T
G( s ) 7 1 1 2 2
x7 G1G2G3G4G5 G6G5 1 G2 H 2 G3 H 3
Next interconnect the state variables and their derivatives with the defining integration, 1/s, as
shown in Figure 5.22(b).
Then using Eqs. (5.36), feed to each node the indicated signals. For example, from Eq. (5.36a),
x1 receives 2 x1 5 x2 3x3 2r ,as shown in Figure 5.22(c).
Similarly, x 2 receives 26x1 2 x2 2 x3 5r , as shown in Figure 5.22(d), and x3 receives
x1 3x2 4 x3 7r , as shown in Figure 5.22(e).
Finally, using Eq. (5.36d), the output, y, receives 4 x1 6 x2 9 x3 , as shown in Figure 5.19(f ),
the final phase-variable representation, where the state variables are the outputs of the integrators.
FIGURE 5.22 Stages of development of a signal-flow graph for the system of Eqs. (5.36): (a) Place
nodes; (b) Interconnect state variables and derivatives; (c) Form dx1/dt; (d) Form dx2/dt; (e) Form
dx3/dt; and (f) Form output.
Cascade Form
We have seen that systems can be represented in state space with the state variables chosen to be the
phase variables, that is, variables that are successive derivatives of each other. This is by no means
the only choice. Returning to the system of Figure 3.10(a), the transfer function can be represented
alternately as
In order to write the state equations with our new set of state variables, it is helpful to draw a signal-
flow graph first, using Figure 5.23 as a guide. The signal flow for each first-order system of Figure
5.23 can be found by transforming each block into an equivalent differential equation. Each first-
order block is of the form
Cross-multiplying, we get
Figure 5.24(a) shows the implementation of Eq. (5.41) as a signal-flow graph. Here again, a node
was assumed for ci(t) at the output of an integrator, and its derivative was formed at the input.
Cascading the transfer functions shown in Figure 5.24(a), we arrive at the system representation
shown in Figure 5.24(b). Now write the state equations for the new representation of the system.
Remember that the derivative of a state variable will be at the input to each integrator:
FIGURE 5.24 (a) First-order subsystem; (b) Signal-flow graph for Figure 5.23 system.
Comparing Eqs. (5.44) with Figure 5.24(b), you can form a vivid picture of the meaning of some of
the components of the state equation. For the following discussion, please refer back to the general
form of the state and output equations, Eqs. (3.18) and (3.19).
For example, the B matrix is the input matrix since it contains the terms that couple the input, r(t),
to the system. In particular, the constant 24 appears in both the signal-flow graph at the input, as
shown in Figure 5.24(b), and the input matrix in Eqs. (5.44). The C matrix is the output matrix
since it contains the constant that couples the state variable, x1, to the output, c(t). Finally, the A
matrix is the system matrix since it contains the terms relative to the internal system itself. In the
form of Eqs. (5.44), the system matrix actually contains the system poles along the diagonal.
Compare Eqs. (5.44) to the phase-variable representation in Eqs. (3.59). In that representation, the
coefficients of the system’s characteristic polynomial appeared along the last row, whereas in our
current representation, the roots of the characteristic equation, the system poles, appear along the
Parallel Form
Another form that can be used to represent a system is the parallel form. This form leads to an A
matrix that is purely diagonal, provided that no system pole is a repeated root of the characteristic
Whereas the previous form was arrived at by cascading the individual first-order subsystems, the
parallel form is derived from a partial-fraction expansion of the system transfer function.
Performing a partial-fraction expansion on our example system, we get
Prepared by: Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan
Chapter 5 Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
Equation (5.45) represents the sum of the individual first-order subsystems. To arrive at a signal-
flow graph, first solve for C(s),
and recognize that C(s) is the sum of three terms. Each term is a first-order subsystem with R(s) as
the input. Formulating this idea as a signal-flow graph renders the representation shown in Figure
Once again, we use the signal-flow graph as an aid to obtaining the state equations. By inspection
the state variables are the outputs of each integrator, where the derivatives of the state variables
exist at the integrator inputs. We write the state equations by summing the signals at the integrator
The output equation is found by summing the signals that give c(t):
Thus, our third representation of the system of Figure 3.10(a) yields a diagonal system matrix. What
is the advantage of this representation? Each equation is a first-order differential equation in only
one variable. Thus, we would solve these equations independently. The equations are said to be
If the denominator of the transfer function has repeated real roots, the parallel form can still be
derived from a partial-fraction expansion. However, the system matrix will not be diagonal. For
example, assume the system
Proceeding as before, the signal-flow graph for Eq. (5.52) is shown in Figure 5.26. The term 1/(s+1)
was formed by creating the signal flow from X2(s) to C(s). Now the state and output equations can
be written by inspection from Figure 5.26 as follows:
This system matrix, although not diagonal, has the system poles along the diagonal. Notice the 1 off
the diagonal for the case of the repeated root. The form of the system matrix is known as the Jordan
canonical form.
where y=c(t).
Finally, rearranging Eqs. (5.57) in ascending numerical order yields the controller canonical form
Figure 5.27 shows the steps we have taken on a signal-flow graph. Notice that the controller
canonical form is obtained simply by renumbering the phase variables in the opposite order.
Equations (5.56) can be obtained from Figure 5.27(a), and Eqs. (5.58) from Figure 5.27(b).
Notice that the phase-variable form and the controller canonical form contain the coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial in the bottom row and in the top row, respectively. System matrices that
contain the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial are called companion matrices to the
characteristic polynomial. The phase-variable and controller canonical forms result in a lower and
an upper companion system matrix, respectively. Companion matrices can also have the
coefficients of the characteristic polynomial in the left or right column. In the next subsection, we
discuss one of these representations.
Cross-multiplying yields
Equation (5.61) or (5.62) can be used to draw the signal-flow graph. Start with three integrations, as
shown in Figure 5.28(a).
Using Eq. (5.61), the first term tells us that output C(s) is formed, in part, by integrating [R(s)-
9C(s)]. We thus form [R(s)-9C(s)] at the input to the integrator closest to the output, C(s), as shown
in Figure 5.28(b). The second term tells us that the term [7R(s)-26C(s)] must be integrated twice.
Now form [7R(s)-26C(s)] at the input to the second integrator. Finally, the last term of Eq. (5.61)
says [2R(s)-24C(s)] must be integrated three times. Form [2R(s)-24C(s)] at the input to the first
Identifying the state variables as the outputs of the integrators, we write the following state
FIGURE 5.28 Signal-flow graph for observer canonical form variables: a. planning; b.
Notice that the form of Eqs. (5.65) is similar to the phase-variable form, except that the coefficients
of the denominator of the transfer function are in the first column, and the coefficients of the
numerator form the input matrix, B. Also notice that the observer canonical form has an A matrix
that is the transpose of the controller canonical form, a B vector that is the transpose of the
controller canonical form’s C vector, and a C vector that is the transpose of the controller canonical
form’s B vector. We therefore say that these two forms are duals. Thus, if a system is described by
A, B, and C, its dual is described by
AD = AT; BD = CT; CD = BT.
You can verify the significance of duality by comparing the signal-flow graphs of a system and its
dual, Figures 5.27(b) and 5.28(b), respectively. The signal-flow graph of the dual can be obtained
from that of the original by reversing all arrows, changing state variables to their derivatives and
vice versa, and interchanging C(s) and R(s), thus reversing the roles of the input and the output.
We conclude this section with an example that demonstrates the application of the previously
discussed forms to a feedback control system.
Example 5.8: Represent the feedback control system shown in Figure 5.29 in state space. Model
the forward transfer function in cascade form.
Solution: First we model the forward transfer function in cascade form. The gain of 100, the pole at
2, and the pole at 3 are shown cascaded in Figure 5.30(a). The zero at 5 was obtained using the
method for implementing zeros for a system represented in phase-variable form, as discussed in
Section 3.5.
Next add the feedback and input paths, as shown in Figure 5.30(b). Now, by inspection, write the
state equations:
FIGURE 5.30 Creating a signal-flow graph for the Figure 5.29 system: a. forward transfer
function; b. complete system.
Substituting Eq. (5.67) into (5.66b), we find the state equations for the system:
In vector-matrix form
In this section, we used transfer functions and signal-flow graphs to represent systems in parallel,
cascade, controller canonical, and observer canonical forms, in addition to the phase-variable form.
Using the transfer function C(s)/R(s) = (s+3)/[(s+4)(s+6)] as an example, Figure 5.31 compares the
aforementioned forms. Notice the duality of the controller and observer canonical forms, as
demonstrated by their respective signal-flow graphs and state equations. In the next section, we will
explore the possibility of transforming between representations without using transfer functions and
signal-flow graphs.
Similarity Transformations
In Section 5.7, we saw that systems can be represented with different state variables even though
the transfer function relating the output to the input remains the same.
The various forms of the state equations were found by manipulating the transfer function, drawing
a signal-flow graph, and then writing the state equations from the signal-flow graph. These systems
are called similar systems. Although their state-space representations are different, similar systems
have the same transfer function and hence the same poles and eigenvalues.
We can make transformations between similar systems from one set of state equations to another
without using the transfer function and signal-flow graphs. The results are presented in this section
along with examples.
The result of the derivation states: A system represented in
Thus, P is a transformation matrix whose columns are the coordinates of the basis vectors of the z1z2
space expressed as linear combinations of the x1x2 space.
Example 5.9: Given the system represented in state space by Eqs. (5.73),
Transform the system to a new set of state variables, z, where the new state variables are related to
the original state variables, x, as follows:
Eigenvalue: The eigenvalues of the matrix A are the values of i that satisfy Eq. (5.80) for xi 0.
To find the eigenvectors, we rearrange Eq. (5.80). Eigenvectors, xi, satisfy
i I Axi 0 (5.81)
Solving for xi by premultiplying both sides by i I A yields
adji I A
xi i I A1 0 0
deti I A
deti I Axi 0 (5.82)
Since xi 0, a nonzero solution exists if
deti I A 0 (5.83)
from which i, the eigenvalues, can be found.
Solution: The eigenvectors, xi, satisfy Eq. (5.81). First, use deti I A 0 to find the
eigenvalues, i , for Eq. (5.81):
We now show that if the eigenvectors of the matrix A are chosen as the basis vectors of a
transformation, P, the resulting system matrix will be diagonal. Let the transformation matrix P
consist of the eigenvectors of A, xi.
Since xi are eigenvectors, Axi = ixi, which can be written equivalently as a set of equations
expressed by
where D is a diagonal matrix consisting of i’s, the eigenvalues, along the diagonal, and P is as
defined in Eq. (5.91). Solving Eq. (5.92) for D by premultiplying by P1, we get
In summary, under the transformation P, consisting of the eigenvectors of the system matrix, the
transformed system is diagonal, with the eigenvalues of the system along the diagonal. The
transformed systemis identical to that obtained using partial-fraction expansion of the transfer
function with distinct real roots.
In Example 5.10, we found eigenvectors of a second-order system. Let uscontinue with this
problem and diagonalize the system matrix.
Example 5.11: Given the system of Eqs. (5.94), find the diagonal system that is similar.
Solution: First find the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors. This step was performed in Example
5.10. Next form the transformation matrix P, whose columns consist of the eigenvectors.
Finally, form the similar system’s system matrix, input matrix, and output
matrix, respectively.
Notice that the system matrix is diagonal, with the eigenvalues along the diagonal.
[1] Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems Engineering,” Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc,
[2] Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, “Modern Control System”, Addison Wesley, 11th
Edition, 1999.