Hydrogen Embrittlement of Automotive Advanced High-Strength Steels
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Automotive Advanced High-Strength Steels
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Automotive Advanced High-Strength Steels
High-Strength Steels
Advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) have a better combination between strength and ductility
than conventional HSS, and higher crash resistances are obtained in concomitance with weight
reduction of car structural components. These steels have been developed in the last few decades,
and their use is rapidly increasing. Notwithstanding, some of their important features have to be
still understood and studied in order to completely characterize their service behavior. In par-
ticular, the high mechanical resistance of AHSS makes hydrogen-related problems a great concern
for this steel grade. This article investigates the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of four AHSS steels.
The behavior of one transformation induced plasticity (TRIP), two martensitic with different
strength levels, and one hot-stamping steels has been studied using slow strain rate tensile (SSRT)
tests on electrochemically hydrogenated notched samples. The embrittlement susceptibility of
these AHSS steels has been correlated mainly to their strength level and to their microstructural
features. Finally, the hydrogen critical concentrations for HE, established by SSRT tests, have
been compared to hydrogen contents absorbed during the painting process of a body in white
(BIW) structure, experimentally determined during a real cycle in an industrial plant.
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-012-1280-8
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012
Chemical Composition
Steel Thickness (mm) Coating Type C (Pct) Mn (Pct) Si (Pct) Cr (Pct) Ti (Pct) Al (Pct) B (wppm)
HS 1500 1.80 Al-Si 0.22 1.25 0.25 0.22 0.04 0.04 >20
M 1400 1.25 electrogalv 0.18 1.51 0.35 0.21 0.04 0.05 >20
M 1200 2.00 electrogalv 0.12 1.70 0.21 0.03 0.03 0.04 >20
TRIP 800 1.12 galv 0.19 2.12 0.63 0.03 0.01 1.02 —
Table III. Mechanical Properties of the Analyzed Steels and the post-tensile samples measured by using a region
in the As-Received Conditions close to the fracture surface. Since samples are notched,
the total elongation is short and thus so is the total time of
UTS (MPa) YS (MPa) Elongation (pct) the SSRT test. Thus, the measured differences between
pretensile and post-tensile tests have been always less
HS 1500 1615 1550 6
M 1400 1520 1410 5 than 10 pct. Only three curves for each steel are shown in
M 1200 1305 1205 9 Figure 4: one relative to the as-received (without hydro-
TRIP 800 815 620 26 gen) sample, one for the sample with the maximum tested
hydrogen concentration, and another one for a medium
YS: yield strength.
It can be easily observed that the hydrogen concen-
tration ranges are different for different steels. This is
steels, which have a martensitic microstructure, show because of the different hydrogen solubility in them and
higher mechanical strength and lower ductility. On the their uptake abilities, which are strictly dependent on the
contrary, TRIP 800 steel, characterized by a large microstructure and the electrochemical properties of
strain-hardening effect associated with the presence of each steel.
austenite in its microstructure, has very high ductility In stress–strain diagram, hydrogen acts by reducing
and lower strength. the extension of curve, without any (or with very poor)
modification before the necking point. In the interna-
tional scientific literature, different sensitive parameters
C. SSRT are used as an indicator of hydrogen effect on steels,
Figure 4 shows the engineering stress–strain curves such as the fracture stress or the ductility (elongation or
obtained for notched samples when charged with differ- area) reduction.[10,14,22,23] This last parameter is better in
ent hydrogen contents. The reported hydrogen concen- the case of ductile and low work-hardening steels, where
trations are the average values between the witness the fracture stress does not sensitively change with
samples (hydrogenated together with tensile samples) hydrogen content changes. On the contrary, for ultra
representative of the pretensile hydrogen concentration high-strength steels, the elongation to fracture is not a
Fig. 4—Stress–strain curves of tested steels electrochemically charged at different hydrogen contents: (a) hot-stamping steel, (b) M 1400 steel,
(c) M 1200 steel, and (d) TRIP 800 steel.
useful parameter because the hydrogen can induce a tensile specimen further decreases the elongation to
fracture in the elastic range, where the elongation of fracture sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement (HE).
samples with different hydrogen content tends to show Thus, the authors preferred to limit the analysis to
very similar values. Moreover, the presence of notch in fracture stress parameter.
Figure 5 shows the so-called embrittlement curve of value has been chosen as hydrogen critical concentration
each steel, i.e., the strength vs hydrogen concentra- CHcr.
tion data. Strength values pass from values close to the In Figure 5, the hydrogen critical concentration
as-received steel strength (for low hydrogen concentra- values CHcr related to each steel are reported, along
tions) to a lower plateau at higher hydrogen concentra- with the embrittlement index (EI) calculated as follows:
tions. These two plateaus are separated by a marked
transition region. It is worth noting that this behavior is N:UTSnoH N:UTSmax H
EI ¼ 100
common for all the steel grades, from ductile to high- N:UTSnoH
strength steels.[22,24,25] In order to interpolate the exper- where N.UTSnoH and N.UTSmaxH are the UTS of
imental data the following expression was used[22]: notched specimens values of the uncharged sample and
CH c correspond with the maximum tested hydrogen concen-
N:UTS ¼ a b arctan tration, respectively.
The embrittlement index is the percentage of N.UTS
where N.UTS is the UTS of notched specimen; CH is the reduction measured at high hydrogen content in the
hydrogen concentration; and a,b,c, and d are fitting concentration range correspondent to the low strength
parameters. In particular, the c parameter is related to plateau. It is an indication of the maximum hydrogen
the position of the inflection point (the middle of the effect on steel strength.
transition region), d to the transition width, and a and b Results reported in Figure 5 show that the maximum
parameters to the plateau values. EI value is reached for the hot-stamping steel (about
As shown in Figure 5, the use of the ‘‘arctangent’’ 75 pct), whereas lower EI values (about 25 pct) are
function reproduces the experimental data well. measured for the other ones.
In order to identify the concentration at which value Concerning the hydrogen critical concentration for
of the steel is affected by hydrogen embrittlement, the c embrittlement, the lowest value was found for M
Fig. 6—Hydrogen concentration, measured by the electrochemical Barnacle method, absorbed during the following painting line steps: phospha-
tizing, electrodeposition painting, and final curing. (a) Results for undamaged surface and (b) results for scratched surface.
Table IV. Hydrogen Concentrations and Tensile Properties Measured in Function of Electrochemical Charging
for all the Tested Steels
Charging Conditions
Steels Parameters Low High Very High
HS 1500 C (ppm) 1.8 ‚ 5.2 5.1 ‚ 8.6
N.UTS Red.§ (pct) 5 ‚ 65 65 ‚ 78
El. Red.|| (pct) 10 ‚ 55 75 ‚ 90
M 1400 C (ppm) 0.4 ‚ 1.8 1.5 ‚ 3.3 2.5 ‚ 3.6
N.UTS Red.§ (pct) 0 ‚ 25 20 ‚ 42 25 ‚ 48
El. Red.|| (pct) 10 ‚ 15 35 ‚ 50 35 ‚ 60
M 1200 C (ppm) 0.9 ‚ 4.7 4.0 ‚ 5.8
N.UTS Red.§ (pct) 5 ‚ 28 23 ‚ 25
El. Red.|| (pct) 0 ‚ 55 35 ‚ 65
TRIP 800 C (ppm) 1.7 ‚ 3.5 2.6 ‚ 27.8
N.UTS Red.§ (pct) 10 ‚ 20 17 ‚ 27
El. Red.|| (pct) 0 ‚ 75 40 ‚ 85
*(Low): NaOH 0.1 N + As2O3 25 mg/L with current density between 1 and 10 mA/cm2.
(High): H2SO4 0.1 N + As2O3 25 mg/L with current density between 1 and 50 mA/cm2.
(Very high): H2SO4 1 N + NaAsO2 5Æ104 N with current density between 10 and 50 mA/cm2.
N.UTS Red. = Reduction of notched ultimate tensile strength in respect to uncharged sample.
El. Red. = Reduction of elongation to fracture in respect to uncharged sample.
Fig. 7—Micrographs of fracture surface of hot-stamping steel samples charged with different hydrogen contents. (a) Uncharged specimen,
(b) sample electrochemically charged at 2.6 wppm, and (c) sample electrochemically charged at 7.1 wppm.
Fig. 11—SEM micrographs showing the fracture surface of M 1400 post-tensile samples with different hydrogen contents. (a) Uncharged speci-
men, (b) 0.9 wppm, (c) 2.3 wppm, and (d) 3.4 wppm.
and low diffusivity of hydrogen in it, austenite acts as a where hydrogen can induce martensitic transformation
sink for hydrogen, lowering its mobility and increasing and related failure (for example, see Reference 29).
the final hydrogen concentration. Thus, in TRIP steel, Probably, this occurs because the embrittlement curve
the hydrogen concentration in austenite is much higher of TRIP 800 steel does not present a marked plateau in
than in the other phase. the low concentration region, as is clearly visible in
During the deformation of TRIP steels, austenite Figure 5.
transforms into martensite (TRIP effect), which is the The microstructural examination of post-tensile sam-
microstructure most susceptible to hydrogen embrittle- ples electrochemically charged with hydrogen has shown
ment. Thus, it is fair to say that just after the application the presence of crack onsets in correspondence of the
of stress, the hydrogen-enriched transformed martensite hard particles, as shown for example in Figure 12. This
quickly cracks, inducing the failure of the specimen. result is in agreement with the above suggested fracture
Moreover, the not stable austenite of TRIP steels could mechanism. Moreover, other research highlighted sim-
be more and more unstabilized by the presence of ilar crack initiation mechanisms. Using EBSD tech-
hydrogen, as happens for austenitic stainless steels niques, Imlau et al.[26] found a high correlation between
Fig. 13—Micrographs of fracture surface of TRIP 800 steel samples charged with different hydrogen contents. (a) Uncharged specimen, (b) sam-
ple electrochemically charged at 3.5 wppm, (c) sample electrochemically charged at 9.1 wppm, and (d) sample electrochemically charged at
28 wppm.
the region where cracks form and martensite transfor- above all for concentration higher than the critical one
mation areas. Moreover, Ronevich et al.[14] found some (Figure 13(b) through (d)).
cracks starting from hard particles (martensite islands) Moreover, it is important to note that the ductile
and propagating into ferrite grains. microstructure of TRIP 800 steel and the low tested
Fractographic analysis has shown that fracture grade (compared with the other tested steels) limit the
surfaces become more and more brittle by increasing strength reduction in presence of high hydrogen
the hydrogen content, as shown in Figure 13. The concentration to about 25 pct.
uncharged sample presents a completely ductile fracture Despite the presence of austenitic phase that is usually
(Figure 13(a)). After increasing the hydrogen content, considered to have higher hydrogen embrittlement
the brittle percentage of fracture surface increases, resistance thanks to its higher toughness and its lower