Digital Asset Management Systems-Open Source or Not Open Source
Digital Asset Management Systems-Open Source or Not Open Source
Digital Asset Management Systems-Open Source or Not Open Source
Digital Asset Management Systems:
Open Source or Not Open Source?
Keywords: digital asset management system; content management system; web content
management system; open source; proprietary; metadata.
The objective of this poster is to provide an overview of a number of existing open source and
proprietary information management systems for digital assets. We hope that this poster will
assist libraries and other institutions in their process of researching and decision-making when
considering implementing a management system for their digital collections.
It should be noted that while neither of the authors is currently involved in a digital asset
management system migration or selection project, they have a working knowledge of all the
systems described herein. Additionally, in gathering data for this project it became clear that
some of the systems evaluated here have been implemented as institutional repositories as well.
However, this is beyond the scope of this poster. The Digital Asset Management systems chosen
for the purpose of this poster were evaluated based on their capabilities of managing a collection
of digital assets such as images, videos, sound recordings, and other multimedia content.
Moreover, from the beginning it became paramount to have a clear distinction between the
different terminologies used: digital asset management systems (DAM) and content management
systems or web content management system (CMS). While content management systems were
built to allow non-technical users to create, publish and manage website content, digital asset
management systems provide an infrastructure for management and preservation of digital assets.
As the volume of digital resources owned or created increases, many institutions want to adopt
a single platform with robust functionalities for discovery, storage, and cataloging of resources.
According to The National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH), “Digital Asset
Management (DAM) systems provide the means to manage digital assets from creation to
publication and archiving”. DAM systems have become a core part of the institutions’
infrastructure using rich metadata as the basis for enhanced resource discovery as well as for use
in teaching and learning. These days, choosing a DAM solution invariably means choosing either
an open source or a proprietary solution. Open source software has source code that is publicly
available so that it can be copied, modified, and redistributed royalty-free (though usually with
attribution in the form of some type of Creative Commons license) (Fitzgerald, B., Kesan, J.P. &
Russo, B., 2011). The code is developed and maintained by communities of practice. Proprietary
software on the other hand, is locked down in terms of access to code and made available for a
fee from commercial enterprises. Unfortunately, there are no perfect products that offer off-the-
shelf solutions to all the unique needs of each institution. However, there are systems that are
appropriate for specific kinds of collections, as showcased below.
Proc. Int’l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016
For the purpose of this poster we chose three open source and three proprietary DAM systems
for digital collections. They were selected based on functionality, packages and frameworks, ease
of installation, number of users, scalability, metadata schemas and formats, hosting options, and
technical support. Based on these characteristics, the open source DAMs reviewed are Islandora,
Omeka, and DSpace, while the proprietary ones are CONTENTdm, Shared Shelf, and Digital
Commons. Information was gathered by reviewing relevant literature on the topic of managing
digital collections with a particular focus on collections and digital assets management systems.
1.1. Islandora
a. Functionality. Born at the University of Prince Edward Island Library, Islandora is built on
a software stack of FedoraCommons (repository layer), Islandora (integration layer) and Drupal
(user interface layer) alongside Solr search (Ruest & Stapelfeldt, 2014). A highly extensible
open-source software framework, Islandora does not have default functionality (i.e. indexing,
discovery, delivery) but instead allows developers to build their own or integrate third-party
options into its framework (Castagné 2013).
b. Technical Summary. Islandora uses ‘solution packs’ which have evolved as “best-practice
workflows” from the Islandora community’s experience dealing with a variety of data types
( Islandora excels at
preserving the integrity of collections and can be customized to manage any digital asset.
c. Metadata Standards and Formats. Islandora uses MODS metadata format and generates a
DC version each time the MODS is modified. Islandora generates PREMIS XML metadata on
demand. You can create custom XML metadata forms as well.
1.2. Omeka
a. Functionality. Omeka is an open source web-publishing platform developed by the Roy
Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University (
There are two options for using Omeka: you can install Omeka using LAMP (Linux, Apache,
MySQL and PHP) as a self-hosted option or you can sign up for the hosted solution.
The former requires more technical expertise and access and allows for more customization while
the latter is more plug-and-play. A thorough comparison of vs is available
b. Technical Summary. Omeka can be populated using batch migration tools, ie. OAI-PMH
(Open Archives Initiative Protocol for metadata Harvesting), CSV, EAD, or Zotero. The Omeka
API allows for customizable web design and an extensive list of plugins has been developed by
the Omeka community.
c. Metadata Standards and Formats. Omeka provides default metadata support for Dublin
Core with a plugin for Dublin Core Extended and a METS export. Alternatively you can create
your own customized metadata vocabulary.
1.3. DSpace
a. Functionality. DSpace is a cross-platform open source solution primarily used as an
institutional repository platform. There are, however, a number of institutions using it as a digital
asset management system (DAMs), for example the Swinburne Image Bank
( In terms of open source software applications for digital assets
management in general, DSpace has the largest community of developers and installations and
there is also now a hosted option available called DSpaceDirect.
Proc. Int’l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016
b. Technical Summary. DSpace offers full support for OAI-PMH and SWORD (Simple Web-
service Offering Repository Deposit). The latest releases of DSpace (5.x) indicate that they
include support for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), linked open data, enhancements to
DOI support and ORCID integration.
c. Metadata Standards and Formats. DSpace supports Qualified Dublin Core metadata with
export options to many other formats including METS, MODS, RDF and MARC or you can
create a custom XML metadata schema.
2. Proprietary DAMs
2.1. CONTENTdm
a. Functionality. CONTENTdm is a proprietary digital collection management system hosted
and supported by OCLC. Installation is provided by OCLC, thus allowing the user to focus on
creating and managing the digital collections. CONTENTdm enables a branded design and
customization of the library digital collection website without prior programming skills.
b. Technical Summary. CONTENTdm has a robust technical infrastructure. It is delivered as
“software as a service” (SaaS), meaning that there is no need to allocate personnel or hardware to
manage the digital collections. Some of the technical features of interest are the OCR Extension
to generate full-text transcripts from image files, batch importing from tab-delimited files, OAI-
PMH harvesting, and operational support for incremental backups.
c. Metadata Standards and Formats. CONTENTdm can handle document, image, video and
audio files of any kind. There is full control over the digital resources access, descriptions, and
display. Moreover, the fully customized metadata fields maximizes user discovery of materials.
Proc. Int’l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016
displayed both on desktop and mobile devices. No longer relying on the discontinued Google
API, the new content carousels and slideshows have a flexible implementation. Another
consideration is that while OAI-PMH is supported to expose data, it does not however harvest
OAI data from other sites.
c. Metadata Standards and Formats. Any field may be mapped to a Dublin Core value, or a
custom export label. Digital Commons Image Service supports various media formats
(Flash/HTML5 audio and video, Quick Time audio and video, RealAudio and RealVideo,
Windows Media audio and video, YouTube, Vimeo, public domain files such as Internet Archive
streaming, and other rich media via embedded API. You can add additional media fields for
multiple media types.
There are challenges with adopting both open source and proprietary software and selecting
one or the other will be guided by the circumstances of each institution and even each project. In
terms of implementing open source, the software may be free but there will definitely be a
significant investment of staffing resources, most likely in the form of technical expertise.
Alternatively, there are now a number of options to outsource open source implementation and
hosting. Finally, there are well-established communities of practice to provide technical support
for all the open source options described above.
On the other side, implementing proprietary solutions may be feasible for libraries without an
IT staff. However, one of the major drawbacks of a proprietary-software package is expense.
Depending on the number of users, the licensing and installation fee can be fairly expensive
especially in comparison to open source software. While out-of-the-box solutions are easier to
adopt, they are not usually as adaptable to the constantly changing needs of the institutions.
Choosing the right software to manage your digital collections is subjective and depends on
specific circumstances, users’ needs, budget, and licensing preferences. There is no shortage of
options when it comes to managing, implementing, and describing your digital collections. There
are proprietary systems that can be easily purchased and implemented; others require extensive
knowledge of technical frameworks or a steep learning curve to implement. The software that you
will choose depends on many variables and there is no perfect system when it comes to budget,
needs, requirements, and implementation. Making an informed decision and evaluating all the
options available will bring you closer to a system that matches the majority of your
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