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Asset Integrity Process Safety Management Improvements PDO

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Petroleum Development Oman

Process Safety Improvements in PDO

Coen Fossen
Functional Maintenance and Integrity Manager
Process Safety Improvement Manager

GPA Seminar November 2010


• What is Process Safety in PDO?

• The external view of Process Safety in PDO
• What are we doing about it?
• Changing the Culture

GPA Seminar November 2010

What is a Process Safety event?

GPA Seminar November 2010

Process Safety in PDO - Context
• Natih flowline incident
• Birba H2S incident
• CPP fire
Some recent
• Barik flowline incident
HP incidents in
• Nahada / MAF spill
• BVS6 spill
• Mabrook 1 well incident
• SR-84 gas well incident

• Fuel leak from SBM 3

• Gas leak from redundant gas-lift line
• Anzouz-Sahma 8" export line rupture
• Oil spill at Tank Farm
• K-5322 Fire incident Process Safety
• Crude oil carry over to Al Ghubar flare incidents this
• SRDC K-5440 insulating gasket failure year
• Burns injuries NRPS
• Leak from surge tank T-501, Fahud B
• High TVP in MOL
• BVS1 spill

GPA Seminar November 2010

The External View of Process Safety in PDO
Lloyd’s Register Report Key Messages

Lloyd’s opinion: Process Safety Risk in PDO is unacceptable

In support of their risk assessment on PDO, Lloyd’s have formulated the

following 6 key findings:

1. PDO leadership has not effectively established process safety as core value
2. Compliance with systems, standards and procedures is not enforced
3. Declining competence profile, increasing risk profile
4. Barriers prevent open communication with and engagement of staff
5. Accurate process safety knowledge not developed, maintained and applied
6. Failure to learn from own experience

Lloyd’s provided 69 pieces of evidence in support of the above findings

Lloyd’s commended PDO on being proactive and supported all the
already ongoing AI-PSM improvement activities
GPA Seminar November 2010
Asset Integrity - Process Safety Management in PDO

We construct and maintain the We design so that risks are As Low

hardware barriers As Reasonably Practicable

Technical Design
Integrity Integrity

We always consider the We have competent people,

potential risks from hazards Operating with the right behaviours
whilst operating our facilities Integrity working with fit for purpose
within defined limits and with systems
up to date procedures and
effective communications

GPA Seminar November 2010

AI-PSM - the Building Blocks
•Implementing TR-MIE • Demonstrate ALARP (retro HAZOP, IPF,
•Hardware Barrier Verification FERM and OBRA)
•Ex Equipment • AI-PSM in new projects
•Static Equipment Integrity Management • Design and Engineering Manuals (DEM 1/2)

Technical Design
Integrity Integrity
•Permit To Work •Leadership and commitment
•Alarm Management •Organisation, roles and responsibilities
•Live Operating Envelopes Operating •Standards and procedures
Integrity •Discipline Control and Assurance Framework
•Critical Drawings
•Asset Register
•Operationalise HSE cases
•AI-PSM competence development
GPA Seminar November 2010
PDO Equipment Dimensions
Asset OND OSD GGO Total
Wells (number) – total wells 2607 2996 233 5836
Pipelines (km) 2400 1238 1369 5007 km*
Flowlines (km) 8500 4500 527 13527 km**
On-plot Piping (number) 12584 8498 5613 26995
Production Stations (number) 29 22 5 56
Pumps (number) 1722 1509 611 3858
Compressors (number) 480 184 77 741
Tanks (number) 142 131 109 382
Vessels (number) 1778 1316 390 3484
Heat Exchangers (number) 554 1955 744 3253
Relief Valves (number) 1889 1641 804 4334
Control system (number) 15 14 3 32
Safeguarding systems (number) 14 15 28 57
Beam Pumps 1525
* Muscat to Berlin (Germany)
**Muscat to Los Angeles (USA) going west
Around 50% of all equipment is safety critical
GPA Seminar November 2010
AI-PSM Risk Segmentation

Kicked off in Q4 2008

Critical Assets:
1. Birba
2. Al Noor
3. CPP
4. Main Oil Line
Pathfinder Assets:
1. Qarn Alam
2. Lekhwair

Added in 2010:
1. Nimr
2. Yibal GGP
3. Terminal
4. Marmul CCR

GPA Seminar November 2010

AI-PSM longer term asset / project coverage
Minor Projects

QA Steam
Minor Projects
Amal steam
Nimr Harweel

GGP QA Steam

Harweel MAF Terminal Amal steam

QA Steam Marmul CCR Nimr

Birba Birba Marmul rest

Al Noor Al Noor Bahja
MOL MOL Power Systems Major Projects
CPP CPP Gas plants Minor Projects
Qarn Alam Qarn Alam Fahud Fahud
Lekhwair Lekhwair Yibal Yibal

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

GPA Seminar November 2010
AI-PSM Risk Reduction
Minor Projects
Minor Projects CHANGE
Amal steam
Nimr Harweel

GGP QA Steam

Harweel MAF Terminal Amal steam

QA Steam Marmul CCR Nimr

Birba Birba Marmul rest

Al Noor Al Noor Bahja SLOW AI-PSM
MOL MOL Power Systems Major Projects IN PROJECTS
CPP CPP Gas plants Minor Projects
Qarn Alam Qarn Alam Fahud Fahud
Lekhwair Lekhwair Yibal Yibal ALARP

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

GPA Seminar November 2010
Extensive Communication to change the Culture
Start at the top
Director and Shareholder engagements
•2 Monthly Technical Directors meetings on AI-PSM
•3 Technical Board sessions on AI-PSM

Extended leadership team engagements

•Dedicated sessions for Process Safety
•Extensive coverage of 2010 AI-PSM deliverables in all asset
directorate business plans and Performance Contracts

Middle management and workforce engagements

•Consistent messages from the leadership
•Media and face to face engagements

GPA Seminar November 2010

Successful Communication: Taming the Two Beasts

The Lion - Occupational Safety

– Hunts in groups
– Is often visible (audible etc )
– Common in its own environment
– Is a killer
– Can never be fully tamed
– Can never be left unguarded
– Needs constant vigilance

The Tiger – Process Safety Turn your back on either at your peril
– Hunts alone
– Is secretive and hard to detect (well camouflaged)
– Not commonly seen
– Is a killer
– Can never be fully tamed
– Can never be left unguarded
– Needs constant vigilance

GPA Seminar November 2010

Successful Communication: Alert Today – Alive Tomorrow
• Started in the summer of 2009
• 12 draft scripts being created before the final storyline was agreed by a PDO
team of Communications and Engineering professionals
• In early November, a multi-award winning drama crew from Myriad Global
Media started shooting the film in the recently converted Marmul B training
facility in South Oman
• This involved mobilising a 25 person team to the Interior, including camera
crew, sound, production management staff, actors and extras
• Ten professional Omani actors were employed
• Ten PDO operations staff were also employed as extras, adding authenticity to
the operational activities and meeting sequences
• Launched in the summer of 2010
• The film is the first of its kind in the region in
that it also includes an interactive section to
be used for training purposes.
• Running off a DVD menu the interactive
section helps reinforce lessons learned from
key events in the film.
• PDO is sharing the movie with its national and
regional Oil and Gas colleagues

GPA Seminar November 2010

Key Challenges
• Manage a large volume of work covering different disciplines across
all directorates in PDO
• Demonstrate the success of the programme by passing an
independent audit in Q4 2010 for the critical assets
• Manage sustainability through Assurance and Management of
• Improve the competence of staff to deal with current and future asset
complexity and age
• Step-up the Engineering and Well Engineering coverage of Process
• Continue the AI-PSM training and communication effort

These are linked to the 10% contribution of Process Safety on the 2010
corporate scorecard. We have to keep the momentum going!

GPA Seminar November 2010


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