Asset Integrity Process Safety Management Improvements PDO
Asset Integrity Process Safety Management Improvements PDO
Asset Integrity Process Safety Management Improvements PDO
Coen Fossen
Functional Maintenance and Integrity Manager
Process Safety Improvement Manager
1. PDO leadership has not effectively established process safety as core value
2. Compliance with systems, standards and procedures is not enforced
3. Declining competence profile, increasing risk profile
4. Barriers prevent open communication with and engagement of staff
5. Accurate process safety knowledge not developed, maintained and applied
6. Failure to learn from own experience
Technical Design
Integrity Integrity
Technical Design
Integrity Integrity
•Permit To Work •Leadership and commitment
•Alarm Management •Organisation, roles and responsibilities
•Live Operating Envelopes Operating •Standards and procedures
Integrity •Discipline Control and Assurance Framework
•Critical Drawings
•Asset Register
•Operationalise HSE cases
•AI-PSM competence development
GPA Seminar November 2010
PDO Equipment Dimensions
Asset OND OSD GGO Total
Wells (number) – total wells 2607 2996 233 5836
Pipelines (km) 2400 1238 1369 5007 km*
Flowlines (km) 8500 4500 527 13527 km**
On-plot Piping (number) 12584 8498 5613 26995
Production Stations (number) 29 22 5 56
Pumps (number) 1722 1509 611 3858
Compressors (number) 480 184 77 741
Tanks (number) 142 131 109 382
Vessels (number) 1778 1316 390 3484
Heat Exchangers (number) 554 1955 744 3253
Relief Valves (number) 1889 1641 804 4334
Control system (number) 15 14 3 32
Safeguarding systems (number) 14 15 28 57
Beam Pumps 1525
* Muscat to Berlin (Germany)
**Muscat to Los Angeles (USA) going west
Around 50% of all equipment is safety critical
GPA Seminar November 2010
AI-PSM Risk Segmentation
Added in 2010:
1. Nimr
2. Yibal GGP
3. Terminal
4. Marmul CCR
QA Steam
Minor Projects
Amal steam
Nimr Harweel
GGP QA Steam
GGP QA Steam
The Tiger – Process Safety Turn your back on either at your peril
– Hunts alone
– Is secretive and hard to detect (well camouflaged)
– Not commonly seen
– Is a killer
– Can never be fully tamed
– Can never be left unguarded
– Needs constant vigilance
These are linked to the 10% contribution of Process Safety on the 2010
corporate scorecard. We have to keep the momentum going!