Review Article: Fast Transforms in Image Processing: Compression, Restoration, and Resampling

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Advances in Electrical Engineering

Volume 2014, Article ID 276241, 23 pages

Review Article
Fast Transforms in Image Processing:
Compression, Restoration, and Resampling

Leonid P. Yaroslavsky
Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel

Correspondence should be addressed to Leonid P. Yaroslavsky; [email protected]

Received 4 March 2014; Accepted 19 May 2014; Published 6 July 2014

Academic Editor: George E. Tsekouras

Copyright © 2014 Leonid P. Yaroslavsky. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Transform image processing methods are methods that work in domains of image transforms, such as Discrete Fourier, Discrete
Cosine, Wavelet, and alike. They proved to be very efficient in image compression, in image restoration, in image resampling, and
in geometrical transformations and can be traced back to early 1970s. The paper reviews these methods, with emphasis on their
comparison and relationships, from the very first steps of transform image compression methods to adaptive and local adaptive
filters for image restoration and up to “compressive sensing” methods that gained popularity in last few years. References are made
to both first publications of the corresponding results and more recent and more easily available ones. The review has a tutorial
character and purpose.

1. Introduction: Why Transforms? Transform (DCT, [7, 8]), which was soon widely recognized
Which Transforms? as the best choice among all available at the time transforms
and resulted in JPEG and MPEG standards for image, audio,
It will not be an exaggeration to assert that digital image and video compression.
processing came into being with introduction, in 1965 by The third large wave of activities in transforms for signal
Cooley and Tukey, of the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm and image processing was caused by the introduction, in the
(FFT, [1]) for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform 1980s, of a family of transforms that was coined the name
(DFT). This publication immediately resulted in impetuous “wavelet transform” [9]. The main motivation was achieving
growth of activity in all branches of digital signal and image a better local representation of signals and images in contrast
processing and their applications. to the “global” representation that is characteristic to Discrete
The second wave in this process was inspired by the Fourier, DCT, Walsh-Hadamard, and other fast transforms
introduction into communication engineering and digital available at the time. During 1980s–1990s a large variety of
image processing, in the 1970s, of Walsh-Hadamard trans- discrete wavelet transforms were suggested [10] for solving
form and Haar transform [2] and the development of a large various tasks in signal and in image processing.
family of fast transforms with FFT-type algorithms [3–5]. Presently, fast transforms with FFT-type fast algorithms
Whereas Walsh-Hadamard and Haar transforms have already and wavelet transforms constitute the basic instrumentation
been known in mathematics, other transforms, for instance, tool of digital image processing.
quite popular at the time Slant Transform [6], were being The main distinctive feature of transforms that makes
invented “from scratch.” This development was mainly driven them so efficient in digital image processing is their energy
by the needs of data compression, though the usefulness compaction capability. In regular image representations, in
of transform domain processing for image restoration and form of sets of ordered pixels, some pixels, for instance, those
enhancement was also recognized very soon [3]. This period that belong to object borders, are more important than the
ended up with the introduction of the Discrete Cosine others and there are always some pixels in each particular
2 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Table 1: Register of relevant fast transforms, their main characteristic features, and application areas.

Relevance to imaging
Main characteristic features Main application areas
(i) Analysis of periodicities.
(ii) Fast convolution and
Discrete Fourier Represents optical Cyclic shift invariance vulnerable correlation.
Transforms Fourier Transform to boundary effects (iii) Fast and accurate image
(iv) Image compression.
Cyclic shift invariance (with (v) Image denoising and
Discrete Cosine Represents optical double cycle); deblurring.
Transform Fourier Transform virtually not sensitive to (vi) Numerical reconstruction of
boundary effects holograms.
Discrete Fresnel Represent optical Fresnel Numerical reconstruction of
Computable through DFT/DCT
Transforms Transform holograms
Binary basis functions.
(i) Image compression
Walsh-Hadamard Provides piece-wise constant
No direct relevance (marginal).
Transform separable image band-limited
(ii) Coded aperture imaging.
Binary basis functions.
Haar Transform and The fastest algorithm. (i) Signal/image wideband noise
other Discrete Wavelet Subband decomposition Multiresolution. denoising.
Transforms Shift invariance in each (ii) Image compression.
particular scale.

image that are of no such importance and can be dropped out transforms provide the theoretical lower bound for compact
from image representation and restored from the remaining (in terms of the number of terms in signal decomposition)
“important” pixels. But the problem is that one never knows signal discrete representation for RMS criterion of signal
in advance which pixels in the image are “important” and approximation.
which are not. However, being optimal in terms of the energy com-
The situation is totally different in image representation paction capability, Karhunen-Loeve and Hotelling trans-
in transform domain. For orthogonal transforms that feature forms have, generally, high computational complexity: the
good energy compaction capability, a lion share of total per pixel number of operations required for their compu-
image “energy” (sum of squared transform coefficients) is tation is of the order of image size. This is why for prac-
concentrated in a small fraction of transform coefficients, tical needs only fast transforms that feature fast transform
which indices are, as a rule, known in advance for the given algorithms with computational complexity of the order of
type of images or can be easily detected. It is this feature of the logarithm of image size are considered. A register of
transforms that is called their energy compaction capability. It the most relevant fast transforms, their main characteristic
allows replacing images with their “band-limited,” in terms of features, and application areas is presented in Table 1. Their
a specific transform, approximations, that is, approximations mathematical definitions are given in Table 2.
defined by a sufficiently small fraction of image transform Different fast transforms have different energy com-
coefficients. paction capability for different types of images. Figure 1
The optimal transform with the best energy compaction illustrates the energy compaction capabilities of Discrete
capability can be defined for groups of images of the same Fourier, Discrete Cosine, Walsh, and Haar transforms on
type or ensembles of images that are subjects of process- a particular test image. It shows that for this image DCT
ing. Customarily, the “band-limited” image approximation demonstrates the best energy compaction capability: 95% of
accuracy is evaluated in terms of the root mean square the image energy is contained in only 9.5% of all DCT spectral
approximation error (RMSE) for the image ensemble. By coefficients, whereas for DFT, Walsh and Haar transforms
virtue of this, the optimal transform that secures the least these fractions are 11%, 15%, and 9.8%, correspondingly.
band limited approximation error is defined by the ensemble Note also that, though for Haar Transform the fraction
correlation function, that is, image autocorrelation function of the “meaningful” transform coefficients (9.8%) is close
averaged over the image ensemble. For continuous (not to that for DCT, quality degradations of the band-limited
sampled) signals, this transform is called the Karhunen-Loeve approximation to the image are noticeably more severe.
Transform [11, 12]. Its discrete analog for sampled signals is Experience shows that DCT is in most applications
called the Hotelling transform [13] and the result of applying advantageous with respect to other transforms in terms of
this transform to sampled signals is called signal principal the energy compaction capability. This property of DCT has
component decomposition. Karhunen-Loeve and Hotelling a simple and intuitive explanation.
Advances in Electrical Engineering 3

Table 2: Selected fast transforms most relevant for digital image processing and their computational complexity (in 1D denotations).

Computational complexity
(operations per signal sample)
Name Definition “Global”: “Local”: applied
applied to entire in mowing
signal of window of
𝑁 samples 𝑊𝑆𝑧 pixels
1 𝑁−1 𝑘 + 1/2 Real number Real number
Discrete Cosine Transform 𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 cos (2𝜋 𝑟) operations operations
(DFT) √𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 𝑁 𝐺 𝐿
𝐶DCT log 𝑁 𝐶DCT (<WSz)
Discrete Fourier Transforms
1 𝑁−1 𝑘𝑟
Canonic DFT 𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎𝑘 exp (𝑖2𝜋 ) Complex Complex
√𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑁 number number
1 𝑁−1 (𝑘 + 𝑢) (𝑟 + V) operations operations
𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 exp [𝑖2𝜋 ]; 𝐺 𝐿
√𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 𝜎𝑁 𝐶DFT log 𝑁 𝐶DFT (<WSz )
General Shifted Scaled DFT 𝑢, V—shift parameters that indicate shifts 𝑢Δ𝑥, VΔ𝑓 of sampling
lattices in signal and spectrum domains;
𝜎—sampling scale parameter (Δ𝑥Δ𝑓 = 1/𝜎𝑁)
Discrete Fresnel Transforms
1 𝑁−1 𝑘𝜇 − 𝑟/𝜇
𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 exp [𝑖2𝜋 ( )]; 𝜇≥1 Complex
Canonic DFrT √𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 𝑁 number n/a
𝜇 = √𝜆𝑍/𝑁Δ𝑓2 operations
𝐶DFrT log 𝑁
1 𝑁−1 (𝑘 − 𝑟)2
Convolutional DFrT 𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎𝑘 exp [𝑖2𝜋 2 ]; 𝜇≤1
√𝑁 𝑘=0 𝜇𝑁
Walsh-Hadamard Transform
1 𝑁−1
𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 had𝑘 (𝑟);
Hadamard Transform √𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 Addition
had𝑘 (𝑟) = (−1)∑𝑚=0 𝑘𝑚 𝑟𝑚 operations only
𝑛−1 𝑛−1 𝐶WHT log 𝑁
𝑘 = ∑ 𝑘𝑚 2𝑚 ; 𝑟 = ∑ 𝑟𝑚 2𝑚 ; 𝑁 = 2𝑛
𝑚=0 𝑚=0
1 𝑁−1
𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 wal (𝑟);
√𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 𝑘
Walsh Transform 𝑛−1 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑦𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒
wal𝑘 (𝑟) = (−1)∑𝑚=0 𝑘𝑚 𝑟𝑛−𝑚−1
𝑟𝑛−𝑚−1 —binarydigits of Gray code of 𝑟 taken in bit reversal order
1 𝑁−1
𝛼𝑟 = ∑ 𝑎 har (𝑟);
Haar Transform √𝑁 𝑘=0 𝑘 𝑘 Addition
(the simplest discrete wavelet har𝑘 (𝑟) = 2msb (−1)𝑘𝑛−1−msb 𝛿 (𝑟 mod 2msb − ⌊21−msb 𝑘⌋) operations only
transform) Msb—index of the most significant nonzero bit of binary code of 𝐶Haar
msb; ⌊⋅⌋—residual of (⋅)

DCT of a discrete signal is essentially, to the accuracy of its above-described extended copy. Thanks to such an “even”
an unimportant exponential shift factor, DFT for the same extension, the extended signal has no discontinuities at its
signal extended outside its border to a double length by borders, as well as at borders of the initial signal. Therefore
means of its mirrored, in the order of samples, copy [15, 16]. such an extended signal is “smooth” and its DFT spectrum
This way of signal extension has a profound implication on decays to zero faster than DFT spectrum of the initial, not
the speed of decaying to zero of signal DCT spectra and is extended signal.
a paramount and fundamental reason of the good energy It is noteworthy to mention that introducing DCT in [7]
compaction capability of DCT. DFT implies periodical exten- was motivated not by the above reasoning but by the finding
sion of signals, which may cause severe discontinuities at that basis functions of DCT provide a good approximation to
signal borders and thus may require intensive high frequency the eigenvectors of the class of Toeplitz matrices with entries
components to reproduce them. DCT also implies periodical {𝜇𝑘,𝑙 = 𝜌|𝑘−𝑙| }; 𝜌 = 0.9; 𝑘, 𝑙 = 0, 1, . . .; that is, DCT can be
extension, however extension of not the signal itself but of considered as a good approximation to the Karhunen-Loeve
4 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Selected fragment 256 × 256 Band limited approximation: DFT

(a) (b)
Band limited approximation: DCT Band limited approximation: Walsh

(c) (d)
Fraction of spectrum energy versus fraction
of spectral coefficients that contain it;
Band limited approximation: Haar
fraction of spectral coecffients of total energy 0.95:
DCT = 0.095; DFT = 0.11; Walsh = 0.15; Haar = 0.098

10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100

Fraction of ordered spectral coefficients
DCT Haar
DFT Energy threshold
(e) (f)

Figure 1: Illustration of the energy compaction capability of Discrete Fourier, Discrete Cosine, Walsh, and Haar transforms for a test image
shown in the upper left corner. The rest of images show band-limited approximations of the test image in the domain of corresponding
transforms for the approximation error variance equal to 5% of image variance. Graphs on the plot in the bottom right corner present energy
contained in fractions of transform coefficients for different transforms.
Advances in Electrical Engineering 5

Transform for signals with the Toeplitz correlation matrix. 2. Image Compression
In fact, the above-mentioned fundamental reason for good
energy compaction capability of DCT is hidden in the even 2.1. Dilemma: Compressive Discretization or Compression.
symmetry of the Toeplitz matrix. Ideally, image digitization, that is, converting continuous
signals from image sensors into digital signals, should be
In the family of orthogonal transforms, DFT and DCT
carried out in such a way as to provide as compact image
occupy a special place. DFT and DCT are two discrete digital representation as possible provided that quality of
representations of the Integral Fourier Transform, which image reproduction satisfies given requirements. Due to
plays a fundamental role in signal and image processing as technical limitation, image digitization is most frequently
a mathematical model of signal transformations and of wave performed in two steps: discretization, that is, converting
propagation in imaging systems [17, 18]. Thanks to this, DFT image sensor signal into a set of real numbers, and scalar
and DCT are applicable in much wider range of applications quantization, that is rounding off, of those numbers to a set
than the other fast transforms (see Table 1). of fixed quantized values [15, 18].
In conclusion of this section, come back to the common Image discretization can, in general, be treated as obtain-
feature of fast transform, to the availability for all of these ing coefficients of image signal expansion over a set of
transform of fast algorithms of FFT type. Initially, fast discretization basis functions. In order to make the set of
transforms were developed only for signals with the number these representation coefficients as compact as possible, one
of samples equal to an integer power of two. These are the should choose discretization basis functions that secure the
fastest algorithms. At present, this limitation is overcome, and least number of the signal expansion coefficients sufficient
fast transform algorithms exist for arbitrary number of signal for image reconstruction with a given required quality. One
samples. Note that 2D and 3D transforms for image and video can call this general method of signal discretization “Com-
applications are built as separable; that is, they work separably pressive discretization” because it secures the most compact
in each dimension. Note that the transform separability is discrete representation of signals, which cannot be further
the core idea for fast transform algorithms. All fast transform compressed. Note that this term should not be confused with
algorithms are based on representation of signal and trans- terms “Compressive sensing” and “Compressive sampling,” that
form spectrum sample indices as multidimensional, that is gained large popularity in recent years [29–36]. We will
represented by multiple digits, numbers. discuss the “compressive sensing” approach later in Section 5.
The data on computational complexity of the transform There are at least two examples of practical implemen-
fast algorithms are collected in Table 2. These data are more or tation of the principle of general discretization by means
less commonly known. Not as widely known is the existence of measuring transform domain image coefficients: Coded
of so-called pruned algorithms for the cases, when transform Aperture Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
input data contain substantial fraction of zero samples and/or In coded aperture imaging, images are sensed through
one does not need to compute all transform coefficients [15– binary masks that implement binary basis functions. In MRI
24]. These algorithms are useful, for instance, in numerical imaging, coefficients of Fourier series expansion of sensor
reconstruction of holograms and in interpolation of sampled data are measured.
data by means of transform zero padding [17, 25, 26]. However, by virtue of historical reasons and of the
technical tradition, image discretization is most frequently
In some applications it is advisable to apply transforms
in imaging engineering is implemented as image sampling
locally in running window rather than globally to entire
at nodes of a uniform rectangular sampling lattice using
image frames. For such application, Discrete Cosine and
sampling basis functions, which are formed from one “mother”
Discrete Fourier Transforms have an additional very useful
function by its shifts by multiple of fixed intervals called
feature. Computing these transforms in running window can “sampling” intervals.
be carried out recursively: signal transform coefficients at The theoretical foundation of image sampling is the sam-
each window position can be found by quite simple modifica- pling theorem. The traditional formulation of the sampling
tion of the coefficients found at the previous window position theorem states that signals with Fourier spectrum limited
with per pixel computational complexity proportional to the with bandwidth 𝐵 can be perfectly restored from their
window size rather than to the product of the window size samples taken with sampling interval Δ𝑥 = 1/𝐵, commonly
and its logarithm, which is the computational complexity of called the Nyquist sampling interval [37–39].
the fast transforms [17, 26–28]. In reality no continuous signal is band-limited, and the
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, image sampling interval is defined not through specifying, in
applications of fast transforms for image data compression one or another way, of the image bandwidth, but directly by
are reviewed. In Section 3, we proceed to transform methods the requirement to reproduce smallest objects and borders of
for image restoration and enhancement. In Section 4, we larger objects present in images sufficiently well. The selected
show how DFT and DCT can be applied for image perfect, in this way image sampling interval Δ𝑥 specifies image base
that is, error less, resampling. And finally in Section 5, we band 𝐵 = 1/Δ𝑥.
address the usage of fast transforms for solving a specific task Since small objects and object borders usually occupy
of image resampling, the task of image recovery from sparse relatively small fraction of the image area, vast portions of
and irregularly taken samples, and, in particular, compressive images are oversampled, that is, sampled with redundantly
sensing approach to this problem. small sampling intervals. Hence, substantial compression of
6 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Set of image Shrinkage and Entropy Compressed bit

pixels scalar encoding of stream
Fast orthogonal quantization of quantized
transform transform
coefficients coefficients


Set of
Compressed bit reconstructed
stream Entropy Dequantization Inverse fast image pixels
decoding of transform orthogonal
coefficients transform

Image reconstruction

Figure 2: Flow diagrams of image transform coding and reconstruction.

image sampled representation is possible. It can be imple- compression due to its superior energy compaction capability
mented by means of applying to the image primary and and the availability of the fast algorithm. But the true break-
redundant sampled representation a discrete analog of the through happened, when it was realized that much higher
general compressive discretization, that is, by means of image image compression efficiency can be achieved, if transform
expansion over a properly chosen set of discrete optimal coding is applied not to entire image frames but blockwise
bases functions and limitation of the amount of the expansion [41, 42].
coefficients. This is exactly what is done in all transform Images usually contain many objects, and their global
methods of image compression. spectra are a mixture of object spectra, whereas spectra of
individual image fragments or blocks are much more specific
2.2. Transform Methods of Image Compression. Needs of and this enables much easier separation of “important”
image compression were the primary motivations of digi- (most intense) from “unimportant” (least intense) spectral
tal image processing. Being started in 1950s from various components. This is vividly illustrated in Figure 3, where
predictive coding methods (a set of good representative global and block wise DCT power spectra of a test image
publications can be found in [40]), by the beginning of 1970s are presented for comparison. Although, as one can see in
image compression research began concentrating mostly on the figure, spectral coefficients of DCT global spectrum are
what we call now “transform coding” [41, 42], which literally more sparse (spectrum sparsity of this image, i.e., fraction of
implements the compressed discretization principle. spectral coefficients that contain 95% of the total spectrum
The principle of image transform coding is illustrated by energy, is 0.095) than, on average, those of image of 16 × 16
the flow diagrams sketched in Figure 2. pixel fragments (average sparsity of spectra fragments is 0.14),
According to these diagrams, set of image pixels is first spectra of individual fragments are certainly more specific
subjected to a fast orthogonal transform. Then low intensity and their components responsible for small objects and object
transform coefficients are discarded, which substantially borders have much higher energy than in the global spectrum
reduces the volume of data. This is the main source of image and will not be lost when 95% of the most intense components
compression. Note that discarding certain image transform are selected.
coefficients means replacement of images by their band- Blockwise image DCT transform compression proved to
limited, in terms of the selected transform, approximations. be so successful, that, by 1992, it was put in the base of
The remaining coefficients are subjected, one by one, to the image and video coding standards “JPEG” and “MPEG”
optimal nonuniform scalar quantization that minimizes the [43–46], which eventually resulted in the revolution in the
average number of transform coefficient quantization levels. industry of photographic and video cameras and led to the
Finally, quantized transform coefficients are entropy encoded emergence of digital television as well [47].
to minimize the average number of bits per coefficient. For Though the standard does not fix the size of blocks,
image reconstruction from the compressed bit stream, it must blocks of 8 × 8 pixels are used in most cases. Obviously, the
be subjected to corresponding inverse transformations. compression may, in principle, be more efficient, if the block
In 1970s, main activities of researches were aimed at size is adaptively selected in different areas of images; hence
inventing, in addition to known at the time Discrete Fourier, the use of variable size of blocks was discussed in number of
Walsh-Hadamard, and Haar Transforms, new transforms that publications (see, for instance, [48]).
have guaranteed fast transform algorithms and improved
energy compaction capability [3–5]. 3. Transform Domain Filters for
This transform invention activity gradually faded after Image Restoration and Enhancement
introduction, in a short note, of the Discrete Cosine trans-
form [7], which, as it was already mentioned, was finally 3.1. Transform Domain Scalar Empirical Wiener Filters.
recognized as the most appropriate transform for image Very soon after the image transform compression methods
Advances in Electrical Engineering 7

Test image global DCT spectrum.

Test image Spectrum sparsity 0.095 at energy level 0.95

(a) (b)
Fragmented input image; WSzX ∗ WSzY = 16 × 16 Abs (fragment spectra) ; fragment spectra sparsity 0.14

(c) (d)

Figure 3: Comparison of global and local (blockwise) image DCT spectra.

Input Output (i) Modification of absolute values of transform coeffi-

image Modification Inverse image
Transform of transform transform
cients by a nonlinear transfer function; usually it is a
coefficients function that compresses the dynamic range of trans-
Figure 4: Flow diagram of transform domain filtering. form coefficients, which redistributes the coefficients’
intensities in favor of less intensive coefficients and
results in contrast enhancement of image small details
and edges.
(ii) Multiplication of transform coefficients by scalar
emerged, it was recognized that transforms represent a very weight coefficients; this processing is called transform
useful tool for image restoration from distortions of image domain “scalar filtering” [49].
signals in imaging system and for image enhancement [49,
50]. The principle is very simple: for image improvement, For defining optimal scalar filter coefficients, a Wiener-
image transform coefficients are modified in a certain way Kolmogorov [51, 52] approach of minimization of mean
and then the image is reconstructed by the inverse transform squared filtering error is used and thus filters implement
of modified coefficients (Figure 4). This way of processing is empirical Wiener filtering principles [17, 18, 26].
called transform domain filtering. Three modifications of the filters based on this principle
For the implementation of modifications of image trans- are (i) proper Empirical Wiener Filters, (ii) Signal Spectrum
form coefficients, two options are usually considered. Preservation Filters, and (iii) Rejecting Filters [18]. For image
8 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Before After
(a) (b)

Figure 5: Image cleaning from moire noise.

denoising from additive signal independent noise and image image deblurring. It is applicable in processing specifically
deblurring, they modify input image Fourier spectra 𝑆𝑝inp in domains of DFT or DCT, which are, as it was already
at each frequency component according to the equations mentioned, two complementing discrete representations of
correspondingly. the integral Fourier Transform.
In addition, empirical Wiener filter modifies image spec-
Empirical Wiener Filter trum through deamplification of image spectral components
according to the level of noise in them; spectrum preservation
󵄨󵄨 󵄨2
1 󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨󵄨 − 𝑆𝑝noise filter modifies magnitude of the image spectrum as well by
𝑆𝑝out = max (0, 󵄨 󵄨 󵄨 󵄨2 ) 𝑆𝑝inp ; (1) making it equal to a square root of image power spectrum
ISFR 󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝 󵄨󵄨
󵄨󵄨 inp 󵄨󵄨 empirical estimate as a difference between power spectrum of
noisy image and that of noise. Rejecting filter does not modify
remaining, that is, not rejected, spectral components at all.
Signal Spectrum Preservation Filter In some publications, image denoising using the spectrum
preservation filter is called “soft thresholding” and rejecting
󵄨󵄨 󵄨2 1/2
1 󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨󵄨 − 𝑆𝑝noise filtering is called “hard thresholding” [53, 54].
𝑆𝑝out = max (0, 󵄨 󵄨 ) 𝑆𝑝inp ; (2) Versions of these filters are filters that combine image
󵄨󵄨 󵄨2
ISFR 󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨󵄨 denoising-deblurring and image enhancement by means of
󵄨 󵄨
𝑃-law nonlinear modifications of the corrected signal spectral
Rejecting Filter 1 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨2
{ 󵄨 󵄨
{ 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨(1−𝑃) 𝑆𝑝inp , if 󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨 > 𝑆𝑝noise ,
𝑆𝑝 󵄨 󵄨2 𝑆𝑝out = { ISFR󵄨󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨󵄨 (4)
{ inp , if 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨𝑆𝑝inp 󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨 > 𝑆𝑝noise , {
𝑆𝑝out = { ISFR (3) {0, otherwise,
{0, otherwise,
where 𝑃 ≤ 1 is a parameter that controls the degree of
where 𝑆𝑝out is Fourier spectrum of output image, 𝑆𝑝noise is spectrum dynamic range compression and, by this, the degree
power spectrum of additive noise, assumed to be known of enhancement of low intensity image spectral components
or to be empirically evaluated from the input noisy image [18].
[15–18], and ISFR is the imaging system frequency response The described filters proved to be very efficient in
assumed to be known, for instance, from the imaging system denoising so-called narrow band noises, that is, noises, such
certificate. as “moirè noise” or “banding noise,” that contain only few
As one can see in these equations, all these filters elimi- nonzero components in its spectrum in the selected trans-
nate image spectral components that are less intensive than form. Some illustrative examples are given in Figures 5 and
those of noise and the remaining components are corrected 6.
by the “inverse” filter with frequency response of 1/ISFR. However for image cleaning from wideband or “white”
Division of image spectra by ISFR compensates image blur in noise, above transform domain filtering applied globally to
the imaging system due to imperfect ISFR; that is, it performs entire image frames is not efficient. In fact it can even worsen
Advances in Electrical Engineering 9

Before After
(a) (b)

Figure 6: Cleaning a Mars satellite image from banding noise by means of separable (row-wise and column-wise) high pass rejecting filtering.
Fiducial marks seen in the left image were extracted from the image before the filtering [14].

the image visual quality. As one can see from an illustrative window” processing, being very attractive from the com-
example shown in Figure 7, filtered image loses its sharpness putational complexity point of view, suffers from “blocking
and contains residual correlated noise, which is visually more effects,” artificial discontinuities that may appear, in the result
annoying than the initial white noise. of processing, at the edges of the hopping window. Blocking
The reason for this inefficiency of global transform effects are artifacts characteristic for transform image coding.
domain filtering is the same as for the inefficiency of The desire to avoid them motivated the advancement of
the global transform compression, which was discussed in “Lapped” transforms [58], which are applied blockwise with
Section 2.2: in global image spectra low intensity image the half of the block size overlap. Obviously, the ultimate
components are hidden behind wideband noise spectral solution of the “blocking effects” problem would be pixel by
components. And the solution of this problem is the same: pixel processing in sliding window that scans image row-
replace global filtering by local fragment wise filtering. This wise/column/wise.
idea is implemented in local adaptive linear filters. Being Thus, local adaptive linear filters work in a transform
applied locally, filters are becoming locally adaptive, as their domain in a sliding window and, at each position of the
frequency responses are determined, according to (1)–(4), by window, modify, according to the type of the filter defined
local spectra of image fragments within the filter window. by (1)–(4), transform coefficients of the image fragment
Local adaptive linear filters date back to mid-1980s and were within the window, and then compute an estimate of the
refined in subsequent years [16, 18, 26, 55]. As a theoretical window central pixel by means of the inverse transform of the
base for the design of local adaptive filters, local criteria of modified transform coefficients. As an option, accumulation
processing quality were suggested [56]. of estimates of the all window pixels overlapping in the
It is instructive to note that this is not an accident that the process of image scanning by the filter window is possible
evolution of human vision came up with a similar solution. It as well [59]. As for the transform for local adaptive filtering,
is well known that when viewing image, human eye’s optical DCT proved to be the best choice in most cases. Figures
axis permanently hops chaotically over the field of view and 8 and 9 give examples of local adaptive filtering for image
that the human visual acuity is very nonuniform over the field deblurring and enhancement.
of view. The field of view of a man is about 30∘ . Resolving Local adaptive filters can work with color and multicom-
power of man’s vision is about 1󸀠 . However such a relatively ponent images and videos as well. In this case, filtering is
high resolving power is concentrated only within a small carried out in the corresponding multidimensional transform
fraction of the field of view that has size of about 2∘ (see, for domains, for instance, domains of 3D (two spatial and one
instance, [57]); that is, the area of the acute vision is about color component coordinates) spectra of color images or
1/15th of the field of view. For images of 512 × 512 pixels this 3D spectra of a sequence of video frames (two spatial and
means window of roughly 35 × 35 pixels. time coordinates). In the latter case filter 3D window scans
The most straightforward way to implement local filtering video frame sequence in both spatial and time coordinates.
is to do it in a hopping window, just as human vision does, As one can see from Figures 10 and 11, the availability of
and this is exactly the way of processing implemented in the additional third dimension substantially adds to the filter
the transform image coding methods. However “hopping efficiency [18, 55, 60].
10 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Test image Noisy test image, PSNR=10(.noise St. Dev = 25)

(a) (b)

Filtered image Difference between original test and filtered images.

Standard deviation 10.8
(c) (d)

Figure 7: Denoising of a piece-wise test image using empirical Wiener filter applied globally to the entire image.

Certain further improvement of image denoising capa- Obviously, image restoration efficiency of the sliding
bility can be achieved if, for each image fragment in a given window transform domain filtering will be higher, if the
position of the sliding window, similar, according to some window size is selected adaptively at each window position.
criterion, image fragments over the whole image frame are To this goal, filtering can be, for instance, carried out in
found and included in the stack of fragments, to which the windows of multiple sizes and, at each window position, the
3D transform domain filtering is applied. This approach in its best filtering result should be taken as the signal estimate at
simplest form was coined the name “nonlocal means” filtering this position using methods of statistical tests, for instance,
[61–63]. In fact, similar method has been much earlier known “intersection of confidence intervals method” described in [67].
as the correlational averaging (see, for instance, [64]). It Another option in multiple window processing is combining,
assumes finding similar image fragments by their cross- in a certain way (say, by weighted summation or by taking a
correlation coefficient with a template object and averaging of median or in some other way), filtering results obtained for
similar fragments, that is, leaving only the dc component of different windows. All this, however, increases correspond-
the 3D spectra in this dimension. In [65] the simple averaging ingly the computational complexity of the filtering, which
was replaced by full scale 3D transform domain filtering. may become prohibitive, especially in video processing.
One should, however, take into account that the correlational In conclusion of this section note that DFT and DCT
averaging is prone to produce artifacts due to false image spectra of image fragments in sliding window form the
fragments that may be erroneously taken to the stack just so called “time-frequency representation” of signals, which
because of the presence of noise that has to be cleaned [66]. can be traced back to 1930s-1940s to Gabor and Wigner
Advances in Electrical Engineering 11



Figure 8: Denoising and deblurring of a satellite image by means of local adaptive filtering. Top row: raw image and its fragments magnified
for better viewing (marked by arrows); bottom row: resulting image and its corresponding magnified fragments.

Before After
(a) (b)

Figure 9: Enhancement of an astronomical image by means of 𝑃th law modification of its spectrum.
12 Advances in Electrical Engineering

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10: 2D and 3D local adaptive filtering of a simulated video sequence: (a) one of noisy frames of a test video sequence (image size
256 × 256 pixels); (b) a result of 2D local adaptive empirical Wiener filtering (filter window 5 × 5 pixels); (c) a result of 3D local adaptive
empirical Wiener filtering (filter window 5 × 5 pixels × 5 frames).

(a) (b)

Figure 11: 3D local adaptive empirical Wiener filtering for denoising and deblurring of a real thermal video sequence: (a) a frame of the initial
video sequence; (b) a frame of a restored video sequence. Filter window is (5 × 5 pixels) × 5 frames; image size is 512 × 512 pixels.

and works on “visible speech” [68–70]. For 1D signals, the these publications the names “soft thresholding” and “hard
dimensionality of the representation is 2D; for images, it is thresholding” filters, correspondingly.
3D. Such representation is very redundant and this opens Basis functions of wavelet transforms (wavelets) are
an interesting option of applying to it image (for 1D signals) formed by means of a combination of two methods of build-
and video (for 2D signals) processing methods for signal ing transform basis functions from one “mother” function,
denoising and, in general, signal separation. shifting and scaling. Thanks to this, wavelets combine local
sensitivity of shift basis functions and global properties of
3.2. Wavelet Shrinkage Filters for Image Denoising. In 1990s, “scaled” basis functions and feature such attractive properties
a specific family of transform domain denoising filters, the as multiresolution and good localization in both signal and
so-called wavelet shrinkage filters, gained popularity after transform domain. Thus, the wavelet shrinkage filters, being
publications [53, 54, 71, 72]. The filters work in the domain applied to entire image frames, possess both global adaptivity
of one of wavelet transforms and implement, for image and local adaptivity in different scales and do not require for
denoising, the above-mentioned Signal Spectrum Preserva- the latter specification of the window size, which is necessary
tion Filter (2) and Rejecting Filter (3), except that they do for the sliding window filters.
not include the “inverse filtering” component (1/ISFR) that These filters did show a good denoising capability. How-
corrects distortions of image spectra in imaging systems. ever, a comprehensive comparison of their denoising capabil-
As it was already mentioned, the filters were coined in ity with that of sliding window DCT domain filters reported
Advances in Electrical Engineering 13

in [59] showed that even when for particular test images the periodicities, fast signal and image convolution and correla-
best wavelet transform from a transform set [73] was selected, tion, and image resampling and building “continuous” image
sliding window DCT domain filters demonstrated in most models [17, 18, 26]. The latter is associated with the efficiency,
cases better image denoising results. with which DFT and DCT can be utilized for fast signal
The capability of wavelets to represent images in different convolution.
scales can be exploited for improving the image denoising Image resampling is a key operation in solving many
performance of both families of filters and for overcoming digital image processing tasks. It assumes reconstruction
the above-mentioned main drawback of sliding window DCT of an approximation of the original nonsampled image by
domain filters, the fixed window size that might not be means of interpolation of available image samples to obtain
optimal for different image fragments. This can be achieved samples “in-between” the available ones. The most feasible
by means of incorporating sliding window DCT domain is interpolation by means of digital filtering implemented as
(SWTD) filters into the wavelet filtering structure through digital convolution. A number of convolutional interpolation
replacing soft/hard thresholding of image wavelet decompo- methods are known, beginning from the simplest and the
sition components in different scales by their filtering with least accurate nearest neighbor and linear (bilinear, for 2D
SWTD filters working in the window of the smallest size 3 × 3 case) interpolations to more accurate cubic (bicubic, for 2D
pixels. This idea was implemented in hybrid wavelet/SWTD case) and higher order spline methods [77, 78]. In some appli-
filters and proved to be fruitful in ([74], see also [55]). cations, for instance, in computer graphics and print art, the
simplest nearest neighbor or linear (bilinear) interpolation
methods can provide satisfactory results. In applications that
3.3. Local Adaptive Filtering and Wavelet Shrinkage Filtering
are more demanding in terms of the interpolation accuracy,
as Processing of Image Subband Decompositions. Obviously,
higher order spline interpolation methods gained popularity.
sliding window transform domain and wavelet processing are
The interpolation accuracy of spline interpolation methods
just different implementation of the scalar linear filtering in
grows with the spline order. However their computational
transform domain. This motivates their unified interpretation
complexity grows as well.
in order to gain a deeper insight into their similarities and dis-
There exists a discrete signal interpolation method that is
similarities. The common base for such unified interpretation
capable, given finite set of signal samples, to secure virtually
is the notion of signal subband decomposition [75]. One can
error free interpolation of sampled signals, that is, the method
show that both filter families can be treated as special cases
that does not add to the signal any distortions additional to
of signal subband decomposition by band-pass filters with
the distortions caused by the signal sampling. This method is
point spreads functions defined by the corresponding basis
the discrete sinc-interpolation [18, 25]. Interpolation kernel for
functions of the transform [26, 55]. From the point of view of
the discrete sinc-interpolation of sampled signals of 𝑁 sam-
signal subband decomposition, the main difference between
ples is the discrete sinc-function sincd𝑥 = sin 𝑥/𝑁 sin(𝑥/𝑁).
sliding window transform domain and wavelet signal analysis
This function replaces, for sampled signals with a finite
is arrangement of bands in the signal frequency range. While
number of samples, the continuous sinc-function sinc 𝑥 =
for sliding window transform domain filtering subbands are
sin 𝑥/𝑥, which, according to the sampling theory, is the ideal
uniformly arranged with the signal base band, subbands
interpolation kernel for reconstruction of continuous signals
of the wavelet filters are arranged in a logarithmic scale.
from their samples provided that the number of samples is
Hybrid wavelet/SWDCT filtering combines these two types
infinitely large. Note that the discrete sinc-function should
of subband arrangements: “coarse” subband decomposition
not be confused with a windowed or truncated sinc-function
in logarithmic scale, provided by wavelet decomposition, is
with a finite number of samples, which is very commonly
complemented with “fine” uniformly arranged sub-subbands
believed to be a good replacement in numerical interpolation
within each wavelet subband, provided by the sliding window
of the continuous sinc-function. The windowed sinc-function
DCT filtering of the wavelet subbands.
does not secure interpolation error free signal numerical
It is curious to note that this “logarithmic coarse—
interpolation, whereas the discrete sinc-interpolation does.
uniform fine” subband arrangement resembles very much
Fast Fourier transform and fast Discrete Cosine trans-
the arrangements of tones and semitones in music. In Bach’s
form are the ideal computational means for implementing
equal tempered scale, octaves are arranged in a logarithmic
the convolutional interpolation by the discrete sinc-function.
scale and 12 semitones are equally spaced within octaves [76].
Of these two transforms, FFT has a substantial drawback:
it implements the cyclic convolution with a period equal to
4. Image Resampling and Building the number 𝑁 of signal samples, which is potentially prone
‘‘Continuous’’ Image Models to causing heavy oscillations at signal borders because of a
discontinuity which is very probable between signal values
As it was indicated in the introductory section, Discrete at its opposite borders. This drawback is to a very high
Fourier and Discrete Cosine Transforms occupy the unique degree surmounted when signal convolution is implemented
position among other orthogonal transforms. They are two through DCT [18, 26]. As it was already indicated, convolu-
versions of discrete representation of the integral Fourier tion through DCT is also a cyclic convolution but with the
Transform, the fundamental transform for describing the period of 2𝑁 samples and of signals that are evenly extended
physical reality. Among applications specific for DFT and to double length by their inversed, in the order of samples,
DCT are signal and image spectral analysis and analysis of copies. This completely removes the danger of appearance
14 Advances in Electrical Engineering

of heavy oscillations due to discontinuities at signal borders window central pixel at each window position. Typical
that are characteristic for discrete sinc-interpolation through application examples are imitation of image retrieval through
processing in DFT domain. turbulent media (for illustration see [88]) and stabilization
Several methods of implementation of DFT/DCT based and superresolution of turbulent videos [89–91].
discrete sinc-interpolation. The most straightforward one is Being working in DCT transform domain, “elastic”
DFT/DCT spectrum zero padding. Interpolated signal is gen- resampling in sliding window can be easily combined with
erated by applying inverse DFT (or, correspondingly, DCT) above-described local adaptive denoising and deblurring
transform to its zero pad spectrum. Padding DFT/DCT [25]. Yet another additional option is making resampling
spectra of signals of 𝑁 samples with 𝐿(𝑁−1) zeroes produces in sliding window adaptive to contents of individual image
𝐿𝑁 samples of the discrete sinc interpolated initial signal with fragments by means of switching between the perfect shifting
subsampling rate 𝐿, that is, with intersample distance 1/𝐿 of and another interpolation method better suited for specific
the initial sampling interval. The computational complexity image fragments. This might be useful in application to
of this method is 𝑂(log 𝐿𝑁) per output sample. images that contain very heterogeneous fragments such as
The same discrete sinc interpolated 𝐿 times subsampled photographs and binary drawings and text [25].
signal can be obtained more efficiently computation-wise A certain limitation of the perfect shifting filter in creating
by applying to the signal 𝐿 times the signal perfect shifting “continuous” image models is its capability of subsampling
filter [25, 79] with shifts by 𝑘/𝐿 at each 𝑘th application images only with a rate expressed by an integer or a rational
and by subsequent combining the shifted signal copies. The number. In some cases, this might be inconvenient, for
computational complexity of this method is 𝑂(log 𝑁) per instance, when the required resampling rate is a value
output sample. between one and two, say 1.1, 1.2, or alike. For such cases,
The method is based on the property of Shifted DFT there exists the third method of signal resampling with
(SDFT, [18, 26, 80]): if one computes SDFT of a signal discrete sinc-interpolation. It is based on the general Shifted
with some value of the shift parameter in signal domain Scaled DFT, which includes arbitrary analog shift and scale
and then computes inverse SDFT with another value of the parameters. Using Shifted Scaled (ShSc) DFT, one can apply
shift parameter, the result will be a discrete sinc interpolated to the image DFT spectrum inverse ShScDFT with the desired
copy of the signal shifted by the difference between those scale parameter and obtain a correspondingly scaled discrete
values of the shift parameter. In order to avoid objectionable sinc interpolated image [82, 83]. Being the discrete sinc-
oscillations at signal borders, the DCT based version of this interpolation method, this method also does not cause any
filter is recommended [81–83]. image blurring, which other interpolation methods are prone
Image subsampling using the perfect shifting filter can to do. Figure 13 illustrates this on an example of multiple
be employed for creating “continuous” image models for iterative image zooming-in and zooming-out.
subsequent image arbitrary resampling with any given accu- The Shifted Scaled DFT can be presented as a convolution
racy [18, 84]. It can also be used for computing image and, as such, can be computed using Fast Fourier or Fast
correlations and image spectral analysis with a subpixel Cosine Transforms [18, 26]. Thus, the computational com-
accuracy [18, 26]. Particular examples of using created in this plexity of the method is 𝑂(𝜎 log 𝑁) per output signal sample,
way continuous signal models for converting image spectra where 𝜎 is the scale parameter. As in all other cases, the use of
from polar coordinate system to Cartesian coordinate system DCT guaranties the absence of severe boundary effects. This
in the direct Fourier method for image reconstruction from method is especially well suited for numerical reconstruction
projections and for converting (rebinning) of image fan beam of digitally recorded color holograms, when it is required to
projections into parallel projections one can find in [18]. rescale images reconstructed from holograms recorded with
Except for creating “continuous” image models, the per- different wave lengths of coherent illumination [82].
fect shifting filter is very well suited for image sheering in the Among the image processing tasks, which involve “con-
three-step method for fast image rotation by means of three tinuous” image models, are also signal differentiation and
subsequent (horizontal/vertical/horizontal) image sheerings integration, the fundamental tasks of numerical mathematics
[85]. that date back to such classics of mathematics as Newton
Perfect interpolation capability of the discrete sinc- and Leibnitz. One can find standard numerical differentiation
interpolation was demonstrated in a comprehensive com- and integration recipes in numerous reference books, for
parison of different interpolation methods in experiments instance, [92, 93]. All of them are based on signal approxi-
with multiple 360∘ rotations reported in [25]. The results mation through Taylor expansion. However, according to the
of experiments illustrated in Figure 12 clearly evidence that, sampling theory, approximation of sampled signal by Taylor
in contrast to other methods, including high order spline expansion is not optimal, and the direct use of these methods
interpolation ones [78, 86, 87], discrete sinc-interpolation for sampled signals may cause substantial errors in cases,
does not introduce any appreciable distortions into the when signals contain substantial high frequency components.
rotated image. In order to secure sufficiently accurate signal differentiation
In some applications, “elastic” or space variant image and integration by means of those standard algorithms, one
resampling is required, when shifts of pixel positions are must substantially oversample such signals.
specified individually for each image pixel. In these cases, The exact solution for the discrete representation of
the perfect shifting filter can be applied to image fragments signal differentiation and integration provided by the sam-
in sliding window for evaluating interpolated value of the pling theory tells that, given the signal sampling interval
Advances in Electrical Engineering 15

Test image Nearest neighbor interpolation

(rotation by 1080∘ in 60 steps)
(a) (b)

Bilinear interpolation Bicubic interpolation

(rotation by 1080∘ in 60 steps) (rotation by 1080∘ in 60 steps)
(c) (d)

Spline interpolation Mems531 ([78], [87]) Discrete sinc-interpolation

(rotation by 18000 ∘ in 1000 steps) (rotation by 18000 ∘ in 1000 steps)
(e) (f)

Figure 12: Discrete sinc-interpolation versus other interpolation methods: results of multiple image rotations.
16 Advances in Electrical Engineering

[original image, bilinear intrp; bicubic intrp; discr-sinc

intrp]; Nit = 75

Figure 13: Discrete sinc-interpolation versus bilinear and bicubic interpolations in image iterative zoom-in/zoom-out with the scale
parameter √2.

and signal sampling and reconstruction devices, discrete Computational efficiency of the DFT/DCT based inter-
frequency responses (in DFT domain) of digital filters for polation error free discrete sinc-interpolation algorithms is
perfect differentiation and integrations should be, corre- rooted in the use of fast Fourier and Fast DCT transforms.
spondingly, proportional and inversely proportional to the Perhaps, the best concluding remark for this discussion of
frequency index [18, 26]. This result directly leads to fast the discrete sinc-interpolation DFT/DCT domain methods
differentiation and integration algorithms that work in DFT would be mentioning that a version of what we call now Fast
or DCT domains using corresponding fast transforms with Fourier Transform algorithm was invented more than 200
computational complexity 𝑂(log 𝑁) operation per signal hundred years ago by Gauss just for the purpose of facilitating
sample for signals of 𝑁 samples. As in all cases, realization of numerical interpolation of sampled data of astronomical
the integration and, especially, differentiation filters in DCT observation [95].
domain is preferable because of much lower, for DCT, border
effect artifacts associated with the finite number of signal
samples. 5. Image Recovery from Sparse and
The comprehensive comparison of the accuracy of stan- Irregularly Sampled Data
dard numerical differentiation and integration algorithms
with perfect DCT-based differentiation and integration 5.1. Discrete Sampling Theorem Based Method. As we men-
reported in [25, 94] shows that the standard numerical tioned at the beginning of Section 2, image discretization is
algorithms in reality work not with original signals but with usually carried out by image sampling at nodes of a uniform
their blurred to a certain degree copies. This conclusion is rectangular sampling lattice. In this section we address using
illustrated in Figure 14 on an example of multiple alternative fast transforms for solving the problem closely associated
differentiations and integrations of a test rectangular impulse. with the general compressive discretization: how and with
Advances in Electrical Engineering 17

DCT diff/integr: 100 iterations D2/trapezoidal differ/integr: 100 iterations

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
Sample index Sample index

Initial signal Initial signal

Iterated dif-integr signal Iterated dif-integr signal
(a) (b)

Figure 14: Comparison of results of iterative alternated 100 differentiations and integrations of a test rectangular signal using the DCT-based
algorithms (left) and standard numerical algorithms (right, differentiation filter with point spread function [−0.5, 0, 0.5] and trapezoidal rule
integration algorithm).

what accuracy can one recover an image from its sparse and The meaning of the Discrete Sampling Theorem is very
irregularly taken samples. simple. Given 𝐾 samples of a signal one can, in principle,
There are many applications, where, contrary to the compute 𝐾 certain coefficients of a certain signal transform
common practice of uniform sampling, sampled data are and then reconstruct 𝑁 samples of a band-limited, in this
collected in irregular fashion. Because image display devices transform, approximation of the signal by means of inverse
as well as computer software for processing sampling data transform of those 𝐾 coefficients supplemented with 𝑁-
assume using regular uniform rectangular sampling lattice, 𝐾 zero coefficients. If the transform has the highest, for
one needs in all these cases to convert irregularly sampled this particular type of signals, energy compaction capability
images to regularly sampled ones. and selected were those nonzero transform coefficients that
Generally, the corresponding regular sampling grid may concentrate the highest, for this particular transform, signal
contain more samples than it is available, because coordinates energy, the obtained signal approximation will have the least
of positions of available samples might be known with a mean square approximation error. If the signal is known to
“subpixel” accuracy, that is, with the accuracy (in units of be band-limited in the selected transform and the computed
image size) better than 1/𝐾, where 𝐾 is the number of nonzero coefficients corresponded to this band limitation,
available pixels. Therefore one can regard available 𝐾 samples signal will be reconstructed precisely.
as being sparsely placed at nodes of a denser sampling lattice The discrete sampling theorem is applicable to signals
with the total amount of nodes 𝑁 > 𝐾. of any dimensionality, though the formulation of the signal
band-limitedness depends on the signal dimensionality. For
The general framework for recovery of discrete signals
2D images and such transforms as Discrete Fourier, Discrete
from a given set of their arbitrarily taken samples can be Cosine, and Walsh Transforms, the most simple is compact
formulated as an approximation task in the assumption that “low-pass” band-limitedness by a rectangle or by a circle
continuous signals are represented in computers by their sector.
𝐾 < 𝑁 irregularly taken samples and it is believed that It was shown in ([96], see also [18, 97]) that, for 1D
if all 𝑁 samples in a regular sampling lattice were known, signal and such transforms as DFT and DCT, signal recovery
they would be sufficient for representing those continuous from sparse samples is possible for arbitrary positions of
signals [18, 96]. The goal of the processing is generating, sparse samples. For images signals, the same is true, if band-
out of an incomplete set of 𝐾 samples, a complete set of limitation conditions are separable over the image dimen-
𝑁 signal samples in such a way as to secure the most sions. For nonseparable band-limitations, such as circle or
accurate, in terms of the reconstruction mean square error circle sector, this may not be true and certain redundancy in
(MSE), approximation of the discrete signal, which would be the number of available samples might be required to secure
obtained if the continuous signal it is intended to represent exact recovery of band-limited images.
were densely sampled at all 𝑁 positions. As it was indicated, the choice of the transform must
Above-described discrete sinc-interpolation methods be made on the base of the transform energy compaction
provide band-limited, in terms of signal Fourier spectra, capability for each particular class of images, to which the
approximation of regularly sampled signals. One can also image to be recovered is believed to belong. The type of the
think of signal band-limited approximation in terms of their band-limitation also must be based on a priori knowledge
spectra in other transforms. This approach is based on the regarding the class of images at hand. The number of samples
Discrete Sampling Theorem [18, 96, 97]. to be recovered is a matter of a priori belief of how many
18 Advances in Electrical Engineering

samples of a regular uniform sampling lattice would be Spectrum mask; spectrum sparsity 0.095
sufficient to represent the images for the end user. Spectrum sparsity for the rectangle 0.47

Implementation of signal recovery/approximation from

sparse nonuniformly sampled data according to the dis-
crete sampling theorem requires matrix inversion, which
is, generally, a very computationally demanding procedure.
In applications, in which one can be satisfied with image
reconstruction with a certain limited accuracy, one can
apply to the reconstruction a simple iterative reconstruction
algorithm of the Gerchberg-Papoulis [98, 99] type, which,
at each iteration step, alternatively applies band limitation
in spectral domain and then restores available pixels in
their given positions in the image obtained by the inverse
Among reported applications, one can mention super-
resolution from multiple video frames of turbulent video
and superresolution in computed tomography that makes
use of redundancy of object slice images, in which usually a
substantial part of their area is an empty space surrounding Figure 15: Spectral binary mask (shown white with the dc compo-
nent in the left upper corner) that indicates components of DCT
the object [96].
spectrum of the image in Figure 3, which contain 95% of the total
spectrum energy and its rectangular outline.
5.2. “Compressive Sensing”: Promises and Limitations. The
described discrete sampling theorem based methods for
image recovery from sparse samples by means of their approach must be redundant with respect to the given
band-limited approximation in a certain transform domain number 𝐾 nonzero spectral coefficients: 𝑀 = 𝐾 log 𝑁
require explicit formulation of the desired band limitation [30]. In real applications, this might be a serious limitation.
in the selected transform domain. While for 1D signal this For instance, for the test image of 256 × 256 pixels shown
formulation is quite simple and requires, for most frequently in Figure 3 spectrum sparsity (relative number of nonzero
used low pass band limitation, specification of only one spectral components) on the energy level 95% is 0.095,
parameter, signal bandwidth, in 2D case formulation of the whereas log 𝑁 = log(256 × 256) = 16, which means that
signal band limitation, requires specification of a 2D shape of the “compressive sensing” approach requires in this case more
signal band-limited spectrum. The simplest shapes, rectangle signal samples (16 ⋅ 9.5% = 152%) than it is required to
and circle sector ones, may only approximate, with a certain recover.
redundancy, real areas occupied by the most intensive image
spectral coefficients for particular images. Figure 15 illustrates
this on an example of spectral binary mask that corresponds 5.3. Discrete Signal Band-Limitedness and the Discrete Uncer-
to 9.5% of the DCT spectral coefficients of the test image tainty Principle. Signal band-limitedness plays an important
shown in Figure 3 that contain 95% of the spectrum energy role in dealing with both continuous signals and discrete
and a rectangular outline of this mask, which includes 47% of (sampled) signals representing them. It is well known that
the spectral coefficients. continuous signals cannot be both strictly band-limited and
have strictly bounded support. In fact, continuous signals
In the cases, when exact character of spectrum band neither are band-limited nor have strictly bounded support.
limitation is not known, image recovery from sparse samples They can only be more or less densely concentrated in
can be achieved using the “compressive sensing” approach signal and spectral domains. This property is mathematically
introduced in [29–32]. During last recent years, this approach formulated in the form of the “uncertainty principle” [100]
to handling sparse spectral image representation has obtained
considerable popularity [33–36]. 𝑋𝜀𝐸 × 𝐵𝜀𝐸 > 1, (5)
The compressive sensing approach assumes obtaining
a band-limited, in a certain selected transform domain, where 𝑋𝜀𝐸 and 𝐵𝜀𝐸 are intervals in signal and their Fourier
approximation of images as well, but it does not require spectral domains that contain a sufficiently large fraction 𝜀𝐸
explicit formulation of the image band-limitation and of signal energy.
achieves image recovery from an incomplete set of samples by In distinction to that, sampled signals that represent
means of minimization of 𝐿0 norm of the image spectrum in continuous signals can be sharply bounded in both sig-
the selected transform (i.e., of the number of signal nonzero nal and spectral domains. This is quite obvious for some
transform coefficients), conditioned by preservation in the signal spectral presentation, such as Haar signal spectra:
recovered image of its available pixels. Haar basis functions are examples of sampled functions
However, there is a price one should pay for the uncer- sharply bounded in both signal and Haar spectral domains.
tainty regarding the band limitation: the number 𝑀 of But it turns out that there exist signals that are sharply
samples required for recovering 𝑁 signal samples by this bounded in both signal and their spectral domains of DFT
Advances in Electrical Engineering 19

(a) (b)

Figure 16: Space-limited image “C. Shannon” (left) and its band-limited DFT spectrum (right; shown centered at the signal dc component).

or DCT, which are discrete representations of the Fourier very substantially reduce processing artifacts associated with
integral transform. An example of a space-limited/band- image discontinuities at the borders.
limited image is shown in Figure 16. Such images can be Modern tendency in the imaging engineering is compu-
generated using the above-mentioned iterative Gershberg- tational imaging. Computer processing of sensor data enables
Papoulis type algorithm which, at each iteration, applies to substantial price reduction and sometimes even complete
images alternatively space limitation in image domain and removal of imaging optics and similar imaging hardware.
band limitation in transform domain. Such images are very It also gives birth to numerous new imaging techniques in
useful as test images for testing image processing algorithms. astrophysics, biology, industrial engineering, remote sensing,
In a similar way one can generate space-limited and band- and other applications. No doubts, this area promises many
limited analogs of the discrete sinc-function, i.e. functions, new achievements in the coming years. And it is certain that
which form band-limited shift bases in the given space fast transforms will remain to be the indispensable tool in this
limits. In [97] such functions were coined a name “sinc-lets.” process.
Figure 17 shows an example of a sinc-let in its three positions
within a limited interval and, for comparison, the discrete
sinc-function for the same band limitation. Nomenclature
The following relationship between signal bounds in
signal and DFT spectral domains can be derived: 𝑎𝑘 : Image samples
𝛼𝑟 : Image spectral coefficients
𝑁sign × 𝑁spect < 𝑁, (6) 𝑘 = 0, . . . , 𝑁 − 1;
𝑟 = 0, . . . , 𝑁 − 1: pixel and, correspondingly, spectra
where 𝑁sign is the number of signal nonzero samples, 𝑁spect coefficient vertical and horizontal
is the number of its nonzero spectral samples, and 𝑁 is the indices
number of samples in the signal sampling lattice. This is what 𝐶(⋅) : Various constants
one can call the discrete uncertainty principle.
Δ𝑥: Image sampling intervals
Δ𝑓: Sampling interval in the transform
6. Conclusion 𝑁: Total number of image samples
𝜆: Wavelength of coherent radiation
Two fundamental features of fast transforms, the energy 𝑍: Distance between object plane and
compaction capability and fast algorithms for transform hologram.
computation, make them perfect tool for image compres-
sion, restoration, reconstruction, and resampling. Of all fast
transforms, Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Cosine
Transform are the most important as they are complementing
each other discrete representations of the integral Fourier DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform
transform, one of the most fundamental mathematical mod- DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform
els for describing physical reality, and, in addition, they enable DFrT: Discrete Fresnel Transform
fast digital convolution. From these two transforms, DCT PSNR: Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio: ratio of signal
is preferable in most applications thanks to its ability to dynamic range to noise standard deviation
20 Advances in Electrical Engineering

Signal; Nit = 1000; N = 512; Slim = 103 Spectrum; Nit = 1000; N = 512; BlimDFT = 51
Discrete sinc-function
1 1
0.8 support
interval 0.8
0.6 Spectrum
0.6 of the sinclet
0.2 0.4

0 0.2

200 250 300 350 220 240 260 280 300
Sample index fftshift (frequency index)
(a) (b)

Signal; Nit = 1000; N = 512; Slim = 103 Spectrum; Nit = 1000; N = 512; BlimDFT = 51

1 1
Discrete sinc-function
0.8 support
interval 0.8
of the sinclet
0.2 0.4


200 250 300 350 220 240 260 280 300
Sample index fftshift (frequency index)
(c) (d)

Signal; Nit = 1000; N = 512; Slim = 103 Spectrum; Nit = 1000; N = 512; BlimDFT = 51
Discrete sinc-function Signal
1 1
Sinclet 0.6 of the sinclet
0.2 0.4

0 0.2

200 250 300 350 220 240 260 280 300
Sample index fftshift (frequency index)
(e) (f)

Figure 17: Examples of a “sinc-let” (red plots) and, for comparison, of the discrete sinc-function for the same band limitation (blue plots) in
their three different positions within the interval of 103 samples of 512 samples (boxes a–c). Plots of their DFT spectra are shown in boxes
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