LESSON#1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

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LESSON#1: Personal Entrepreneurial B.

What entrepreneurial activities do you know and

Competencies capable of doing which are related to Cookery?
Introduction C. Given the opportunity to own a business that relates
>Entrepreneurs are people with skills and capabilities with Cookery are you confident to manage it? Explain
to see and evaluate business opportunities. They are your answer.
individuals that can strategically identify products or D. What do you think are the most important
services needed by the community and they have the competencies you must possess in order to be
capacity to deliver these at the right time and at the successful in running your chosen business?
right place. E. Name successful entrepreneurs from your area
>Entrepreneurs are agents of economic change; they whose business is related to Cookery. Be able to share
organize, manage and assume risks of a business. to the class their PECs that made them successful.
Some of the good qualities of an entrepreneur are
opportunity seeker, risk taker, goal setter, excellent Task 3: Individual Activity (25points)
planner, a confident problem solver, hardworking, Direction: Answer the following guide questions
persistent, and a committed worker. on a separate sheet of paper. Share your
answers to the class.
>Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is not just a 1. Explain the importance of assessing one‘s
simple business activity. It is a strategic process of PECs before engaging in a particular
innovation and new venture creation. Basically, entrepreneurial activity.
entrepreneurship is both an art and science of
converting business ideas into marketable products or ____________________________________________
services to improve the quality of living. ____________________________________________
PRE-ASSESSMENT#1 ____________________________________________
As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged ____________________________________________
to dig deeper on your knowledge and previous
experiences on the topic. Try to diagnose or assess
what you already know about PECs by answering Task 2. Are there other strategies or approaches where
1 that will serve as your seatwork#1. you can assess your PECs? Explain how those
Task 1: Matching Type strategies will become more useful in selecting a
Direction: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in viable business venture.
column A with their meaning in column B. Write the _______________________________________
letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of _______________________________________
A B _______________________________________
____1. Creative A. make a wise decision towards _______________________________________
the set objectives _______________________________________
____2. Profit-oriented B. strategic thinking and
setting of goals 3. What are the desirable personal
____3. Discipline C. trust in one‘s ability characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills and
traits of a prospective entrepreneur? Why are
____4. Decision Making D. adoptable to change these important?
____5. People Skill E. innovative to have edge over _______________________________________
other competitors _______________________________________
____6. Planner F. solid dedication _______________________________________
____7. Self-confidence G. skillful in record keeping _______________________________________
____8. Hardworking H. always stick to the plan _______________________________________
____9. Ability to I. working diligently
accept change _______________________________________
____10. Committed J effective and efficient 4. Why there is a need to assess one‘s PECs in
communication and relation to terms of characteristics, attributes, lifestyles,
people skills, and traits before starting a particular
K. always looking for income business?

Task 2(ASSIGNMENT#1): Guide
Direction: The following are guide questions which ____________________________________________
encapsulate the entire module. Write your answers on ____________________________________________
your assignment notebook, and then share these to the ____________________________________________
class next meeting.

Entrepreneurial activities are important to social

A. Explain why entrepreneurial activities are important development because these help the people to have an
to social development and progress of the economy. improved quality of life, greater morale and economic
freedom. The pioneering and innovative activities by the globe. Smartphones are not exclusive to rich countries or
entrepreneurs bring creation of new goods & services rich people either. As the growth of China's smartphone
which causes new employment. This makes a cascading market and its smartphone industry show, technological
effect and virtuous circle in the economy. entrepreneurship will have profound, long lasting impacts
The following are six reasons why on the entire human race.Moreover, the globalization of
entrepreneurship capital is important to the tech means entrepreneurs in lesser-developed countries
economy: have access to the same tools as their counterparts in
1. Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses-Path-breaking richer countries. They also have the advantage of a lower
offerings by entrepreneurs, in the form of new goods and cost of living, so a young individual entrepreneur from an
services, result in new employment, which can produce a underdeveloped country can take on the might of the
cascading effect or virtuous circle in the economy. The multi-million-dollar existing product from a developed
stimulation of related businesses or sectors that support country.
the new venture add to further economic development. 4. Community Development-Entrepreneurs regularly
For example, a few IT companies founded the Indian IT nurture entrepreneurial ventures by other like-minded
industry in the 1990s as a backend programmers' hub. individuals. They also invest in community projects and
Soon the industry gathered pace in its own programmers’ provide financial support to local charities. This enables
domain. But more importantly, millions from other sectors further development beyond their own ventures.Some
benefitted from it. Businesses in associated industries, like famous entrepreneurs, like Bill Gates, have used their
call centre operations, network maintenance companies money to finance good causes, from education to public
and hardware providers, flourished. Education and training health. The qualities that make one an entrepreneur are
institutes nurtured a new class of IT workers offering the same qualities that motivate entrepreneurs to take it
better, high-paying jobs. Infrastructure development forward.
organizations and even real estate companies capitalized 5. The Other Side of Entrepreneurs-Are there any
on this growth as workers migrated to employment hubs drawbacks to cultivating entrepreneurs and
seeking new improved lives. Similarly, future development entrepreneurship? Is there an “upper limit” for the number
efforts in underdeveloped countries will require robust of entrepreneurs a society can hold?Italy may provide an
logistics support, capital investment from buildings to example of a place where high levels of self-employment
paper clips and a qualified workforce. From the highly have proved to be inefficient for economic development.
qualified programmer to the construction worker, the Research reveals that Italy has in the past experienced
entrepreneur enables benefits across a broad spectrum of large negative impacts on the growth of its economy
the economy. because of self-employment. There may be truth in the old
2. Entrepreneurs Add to National Income-Entrepreneurial saying, "too many chefs and not enough cooks spoil the
ventures literally generate new wealth. Existing businesses soup."
may remain confined to the scope of existing markets and 6. The Role of States-Regulations play a crucial role in
may hit the glass ceiling in terms of income. New and nurturing entrepreneurship, but regulation requires a fine
improved offerings, products or technologies from balancing act on the part of the regulating authority.
entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed and Unregulated entrepreneurship may lead to unwanted
new wealth created. Additionally, the cascading effect of social outcomes including unfair market practices,
increased employment and higher earnings contribute to pervasive corruption, financial crisis and even criminal
better national income in form of higher tax revenue and activity.Paradoxically, a significantly high number of
higher government spending. This revenue can be used by entrepreneurs may lead to fierce competition and loss of
the government to invest in other, struggling sectors and career choices for individuals. With too many
human capital. Although it may make a few existing players entrepreneurs, levels of aspirations usually rise. Owning to
redundant, the government can soften the blow by the variability of success in entrepreneurial ventures, the
redirecting surplus wealth to retrain workers. scenario of having too many entrepreneurs may also lead
3. Entrepreneurs Also Create Social Change-Through their to income inequalities, making citizens more – not less –
unique offerings of new goods and services, entrepreneurs unhappy.The interesting interaction of entrepreneurship
break away from tradition and indirectly support freedom and economic development has vital inputs and inferences
by reducing dependence on obsolete systems and for policy makers, development institutes, business
technologies. Overall, this results in an improved quality of owners, change agents and charitable donors. If we
life, greater morale and economic freedom.For example, understand the benefits and drawbacks, a balanced
the water supply in a water-scarce region will, at times, approach to nurturing entrepreneurship will definitely
force people to stop working to collect water. This will result in a positive impact on economy and society.
impact their business, productivity and income. Imagine an I have known some entrepreneurial activities which are
innovative, automatic, low-cost, flow-based pump that can related to cookery. This entrepreneurial activities involve
fill in people's home water containers automatically.Such the preparation and creation of foods such as bread and
an installation will ensure people are able to focus on their pastries, dim sum foods, desserts, and some other Filipino
core jobs without worrying about a basic necessity like or foreign tasty foods. These foods need to be promoted in
carrying water. More time to devote to work means the public and to create product awareness. This
economic growth. promotion is part of the entrepreneurial activities aside
For a more contemporary example, smartphones and their from cooking and selling. By doing all of those things like
smart apps have revolutionised work and play across the
cooking, promotion, and selling consumers may fully know
and understand about the product.  

Cookery includes not only cooking but also adherence to

food preparation standards and food safety. These things
are part of entrepreneurial activities and must not be
neglected all throughout the process. Entrepreneurial
activities are properly performed for the purpose of having
a successful cookery business and to create a mark in the

Some important things needed for cookery business.

Canvassing and or looking good supplier for new

ingredients for cooking.
Meeting with culinary masters to discuss some cooking
Attending culinary seminars and seeking advice to elite
chef cook.
Making some cooking experiments to form a new product.
Researching what is in and what is out in the market.
Exerting efforts on sampling and marketing.

Yes, especially if you have the needed skills. If you don't,

you can always take risks.
Yes, because food is in our daily needs and that’s the
reason why you should be confident. People will already
support your product(s) simply because not just they want
it, they need it. If you have the confidence and the effort
basically you can manage it properly.
Yes! Because its a great opportunity and as an individual, I
have a skill and knowledge regarding cooking.

Here are the most important competencies needed to run

a business successfully.
Understand basic business mathematics.
Able to communicate well.
Able to control and monitor daily business operations.
Able to forecast sales.
Able to adopt market trends.

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