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An Overview of Protection Coordination Methods

in Distribution Network with DGs

Conference Paper · December 2009

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4 authors, including:

Hadi Zayandehroodi Azah Mohamed

Islamic Azad University Kerman Branch National University of Malaysia


Hussain Shareef
United Arab Emirates University


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An Overview of Protection Coordination
Methods in Distribution Network with DGs
Hadi Zayandehroodi*, Azah Mohamed**, Hussain Shareef *** and Marjan Mohammad Jafari****
* Department of Electrical, University kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Email: [email protected]
** Department of Electrical, University kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Email: [email protected]
***Department of Electrical, University kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Email: [email protected]
**** Department of Engineering, University of Malaya, KL, Malaysia, Email: [email protected]

Abstract—The recent changes in utility structures, characteristics of DG technology. In order to ensure

development in renewable technologies and increased correct distribution system operation, various technical
attention on environmental concerns have led to increasing issues have to be tackled and one important aspect that
installation of renewable energy based distributed needs to be considered is the network protection scheme
generations (DGs) in distribution networks. Presence of which needs to be changed. Such changes may be
such DG units in a distribution network increases the complicated because it requires modelling of the whole
complexity of protection relay coordination, control and distribution system with the presence of DGs[4].
maintenance of power distribution systems. High This paper presents an overview of research works
penetration of DGs will have unfavorable impact on the
related to the development of protection coordination
traditional protection methods because the distribution
methods in distribution networks with DGs. The operating
system is no longer radial in nature and is not supplied by a
issues that need to be addressed with regards to
single main power source. With DGs in a distribution
distribution protection and DG are also discussed.
network, it becomes more active and the power flows and
fault currents may have new directions. To ensure safe and II. DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION
selective protection relay coordination, the impact of DGs
should be taken into account when planning DG
interconnection. This paper presents an overview of the DGs are a viable alternative for developing countries
impacts of DGs on system protection relay coordination where grid supply has reliability below desirable levels.
particularly in cases where DGs are added to a LV Since utilities are no longer embarking on building large
distribution feeder. The main objectives of this paper are to generating plants, DG serves as an alternative to
address the protection issues that have been identified in the generating energy resources. As a possible scenario,
presence of DGs, to study the protection requirements in the utilities can subsidize the purchase of DG units by
presence of DGs and to discuss the possible innovative customers and provide maintenance services at a
solutions in resolving the operation conflicts between reasonable cost. In addition, utilities can also buy the
distribution network and DGs. excess energy generated by the customers. The customer
DG units are usually directly connected to a distribution
Keywords ü Protection Coordination Methods; Overview; system, but in some cases, utility installed DGs are located
Distribution Networks; Distributed Generation; DG at a distribution substation[5].
Some of the common technologies available for DG are
I. INTRODUCTION wind turbine, solar system, micro-turbine, mini-hydro,
Deregulation of the electric power industry, engine gen-sets, biomass generators, combined heat and
advancements in technology and a desire of the customers power sources, super magnetic energy storage and fuel
for cheap and reliable electric power has led to an cells [6]. Over the years, the cost associated with these
increased interest in distributed generation (DG). technologies is decreasing along with increased capacity,
Compared with large generators and power plants, DG improved efficiency and better power quality and
unit has smaller generation capacity and operate at lower reliability of distribution systems. The most common
operational costs in distribution networks. Besides, the application of DGs is for situations where extremely high
application of DGs with renewable energy resources has reliability of power supply is needed, especially for
many advantages such as reduced environmental industries and buildings with critical loads. Automated
pollution, high efficiency, distribution loss reduction, electronic fabrication facilities, manufacturing facilities
improvement of voltage profile and enhancement of with computer-based controls, hospitals and data
network capacity [1, 2]. processing center are examples of such industries and
With the installation of DGs in a distribution system, buildings.
many problems may arise such as false tripping in feeders There are many benefits from the installation of DG,
and generation units, protection blinding, increasing and but however, a great penetration of DGs in distribution
decreasing of short circuit levels, undesirable network systems would lead to conflicts with the current protection
islanding and asynchronous reclosing [3]. However, the procedures operated in the present networks. This is due
impact of DGs depends on its penetration level, to the fact that the present distribution system is designed
connection point in distribution systems and as a passive and radial network configuration. A typical
distribution system consists of single and three-phase line A. Effect of Penetration DG in Traditional Protection
sections connected to various types of balanced and
unbalanced loads and therefore distribution system
analysis has to consider an unbalanced three-phase Figure 3 shows a distribution network with several DG
network fed by a single three-phase source. A typical units. Depending on the placement of DG on the feeder,
distribution protection system consists of fuses, relays and different protection scenarios will arise as described
reclosers. An inverse overcurrent relay is usually placed below:
at the substation where a feeder originates. Reclosers are
usually installed on main feeders with fuses on laterals.
Reclosers are necessary in a distribution system since 80%
of all faults taking place in distribution systems are
temporary. It gives a temporary fault a chance to clear
before letting a fuse to blow. The coordination between
fuses, reclosers and relays is well established for radial
systems but however, when DG units are connected to a
distribution network, the system will no longer be radial Figure 3: Simple Distribution Network with DG
and this means losing coordination among the network
protection devices [7]. The extent in which a DG affects
protection coordination depends on DGs' capacity, type 1) If only DG1 is connected, for a downstream
and location [8-10]. fault, e.g., a fault in line 3, relays R1, R2, and
R3 will see the downstream fault current,
III. EFFECT OF DG ON PROTECTIVE DEVICE which is greater than the fault current without
COORDINATION IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK DG1. Then, R3 will eliminate the fault and the
sensitivity will be improved because of the
Figure 1 shows a simple radial distribution network larger fault current. The situation will be
where S is the source, B1,B2,B3,B4 are the busbars and similar for a given fault in line 2 or line 1. For
L1,L2,L3,L4 are the corresponding loads. Inverse an upstream fault, that is to say, with a fault
overcurrent protection relays are usually used in which the occurring before busbar B1, relays R1, R2, R3
setting and coordination curves of relays R1, R2, and R3 will never see the upstream fault current and
are shown in Figure 2. will not be activated. Meanwhile, the
overcurrent relay of DG1 will sense a fault
current and then act to separate DG1 from the
utility system. So, the selectivity and
coordination of R1, R2, and R3 will hold.
2) If only DG2 is connected, for a downstream
fault, relays R1, R2, and R3 will sense
Figure 1: Simple Distribution Network without DG downstream fault currents. The fault current
seen by R2, R3 is greater than that without
The protection philosophy is such that for a maximum DG, while the current of R1 is less than
fault current in line 3, the operating time of relay R2 is before. For a fault in line 1, relays R2, R3 will
made greater than the operating time of relay R3 at least never see the upstream fault current, while R1
by a time interval, ǻt (Figure 2). ǻt depends on factors will sense a downstream fault current and
such as the circuit breaker opening time and delay and operate. With a fault before busbar B1, relay
return time of the measuring element [11]. In case of R1 will see a reversed fault current, acting
electromechanical relays, overshoot is also considered. when the fault current value is greater than the
Similarly, relays R2 and R1 are coordinated for a set value. Meanwhile, DG2 and the loads
maximum fault at line 2. The characteristic of inverse downstream will form an island.
relay curves is such that R2 will back up R3 and R1 will 3) If only DG3 is connected, for a downstream
back up R2 as shown in Figure 2. fault, relays R2 and R3 will sense downstream
current for faults in line 3 and upstream
current for faults in line 1. It is important to
note here, that for any given fault downstream
or upstream, these relays will sense the same
fault current. This would create a conflict since
these relays sense the same current for either
of these faults and it is impossible to achieve
coordination with the existing scheme. Since it
is required to clear only the faulted section, R3
has to operate before R2 for any fault in line 3,
and R2 has to operate before R3 for a fault in
line 1.
4) If only DG1 and DG2 are connected, for a
downstream fault of DG2, selectivity and
coordination of R1, R2, and R3 will hold, for
Figure 2: Time Overcurrent Plot for Coordination between Relays an upstream fault of DG1, relay R1 will
operate. Then, DG1 will be disconnected from recloser downstream network must be disconnected first
the system, while DG2 and the loads before reclosure takes place to avoid asynchronous
downstream will form an island running mode. connection. This solution will not be appropriate if DGs
5) If only DG2 and DG3 are connected, for a are widely applied in distribution networks [13].
downstream fault of DG3, selectivity and An adaptive protection scheme for optimal coordination
coordination of R1, R2, R3 will remain, for a of over current relays was introduced to allow adaptation
fault in line 1, relay R1 will act, for a fault to system changes [14]. Here, new relays settings were
before line1 and relays R1, R2 will see the implemented for changes in load, generation or system-
reversed fault currents contributed by DG2 topology. An approach to avoid major changes in the
and DG3. In this case, the upstream currents protective devices so that the fuse based protection is not
are proportional to the capacities of DG2 and disturbed by DG was studied in ref [15]. However,
DG3, so the corresponding operation time of theoretical studies of the impact of DG on the current seen
R1, R2 is related to the fault injection by protective devices indicate that DGs may be blind for
capabilities of DG2 and DG3. Coordination is over current protection [3]. For example, short-circuit
likely to be lost. current fed by a synchronous generator can decrease the
6) If DG1, DG2 and DG3 are all connected, for a current seen by the feeder relay or fuse, preventing or
fault downstream, the situation is similar. R2 retarding correct operation. Another adaptive protection
will act for a fault in line 2 and R1 will operate scheme for distribution networks with high penetration of
with a fault in line1. For a fault before busbar DGs was introduced based on online diagnosis of
B1, the operation time of R1, R2 depends on occurred faults [7]. From the fault point of view, every
the sizes of DG2 and DG3. It is obvious that source was presented as a voltage source behind the
the operation time of R1, R2, and R3 will be Thevenin impedance. If a fault point shifts from one bus
related to the capacities of DG1, DG2 and to the adjoining bus, for a given type of fault, the
DG3 if DG1 is connected at busbar B4. Thevenin impedance to a given source can even increase
It can be concluded that for a downstream fault of DG, or decrease. Thus, if a fault point shifts over a section (i-j)
from one bus (i) to another (j), for a given type of fault,
selectivity and coordination remains and sensitivity is
improved. However, for an upstream fault of DG, the fault current contribution from any given source can
either continuously increase (I Fmin, to I Fmax) or
coordination is likely to be lost.
continuously decrease (l'Fmin, to l'Fmax). Thus, the fault
IV. REVIEW OF DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PROTECTION contribution from source "k" for a given type of fault
occurring at any point between bus i and bus j will always
lie between the contributions from source "k" to the same
The nature of distribution network changes with type of fault on bus i and bus j [7].
multiple DG units and therefore directional relays are To maximize the amount of generation which can be
needed in the network. Fuses and old reclosers do not connected to a distribution network and to avoid
have directional nature, although it can be easily equipped unacceptable high fault clearing times, a new protection
with direction-sensitive units. However, when it comes to coordination strategy was proposed [16]. Here, the over
economic considerations, it will not be cost-effective to current principle and time depending characteristics of
replace all fuses and reclosers with directional protection current was used. Such a scheme gives the additional
devices. When DGs are used, the problem of losing advantage of being able to run extensive radial circuits or
protection devices coordination must be solved regardless closed ring structures. It minimises the number of
of capacity, number and location of DGs. For example, if customer outages for fault conditions and fault clearing
the protection relays see the same fault current for a fault times and fulfill the requirements of a deregulated multi-
downstream as well as for a fault upstream, coordination owner energy market consequently [16].
will be lost. On the other hand, if it sees different current
for a downstream or upstream fault, there is a margin Computational intelligence techniques have been used
available for coordination to remain valid. If the disparity in protection relay coordination. For instance, genetic
in fault currents seen by devices is greater than the algorithm was used to optimize coordination of directional
margin, then coordination still holds. Therefore, over current relays [17]. This method determines optimal
coordination is likely to hold if DG fault current injection operation characteristic, current setting multiplier and time
is greater than the margin. setting multiplier of directional over current relays
simultaneously. The advantages of the method are such as
A simple example was shown to demonstrate the the ability to apply on large networks and the ability to
changes in fault currents passing through protection consider both linear and non-linear characteristics of
devices when DGs are connected to the system and to relays. An expert system was used for protective relay
suggest that protection coordination must be checked after coordination in radial distribution network with small
connecting each DG to distribution network [12]. power producers [18]. The method is very useful for
However, this approach is applicable only in the presence setting numerous protective relays in a distribution system
of low penetration of DGs into the system. A study was [18].
made on the fuse coordination problem and suggested a
solution to disconnect all DGs when a fault occurs [13]. A protection scheme for distribution network with DG
The disadvantage of this solution is that it leads to was developed by the dividing the network into several
disconnection of all DGs even when transient faults occur. zones [19]. Zoning was made by considering locations,
In addition, the recloser -fuse coordination in presence of generation capacities of DGs and loads, with one zone for
DGs using microprocessor-based reclosers was also each DG. Starting from the beginning of a feeder, each
addressed. It was suggested that all DGs located in the zone extends to the end of the feeder as long as the DG
within that zone is capable of supplying peak load of that
zone. When peak load of substations located in the zone protection. Conflicts between DG and protection schemes
exceeds generation capacity of zone's DG, zone border have been discussed in the literature, but effective and
finishes, and two circuit breakers were installed in the practical methods to solve protection malfunction due to
beginning and in the end of zone points. In the case, there the presence of DG have to be further investigated. Some
exists a second DG located within the supplying limit of practical cases related to the aforesaid issues in a typical
first zone's DG. As long as zone's peak load does not LV distribution network will be discussed in the following
exceed generation capacity of the first DG, while moving sections.
towards end of feeder, the second DG is regarded within
the same zone and zone border extends as far as the zone's A. Increase in short circuit currents
peak load does not exceed summation of two DG's The consequence of incorporating DG may result the
capacity. The reason to consider zoning procedure from mal-operation of existing distribution networks by
the beginning feeder toward its end is to allow more loads providing flows of fault currents which were not expected
to be supplied through upstream network. After network when protections get originally designed. Generally, fault
zoning and determining zones' boundaries, some switches current increase largely depends on number of factors,
which are capable of operating quickly and receive remote such as capacity, penetration, technology, interface and
signals, are placed between each two zones of the system. connection point of DG, besides other parameters such as
These switches are also equipped with check system voltage prior to the fault, etc. [22].
synchronization relays. To implement the protection
scheme, a computer-based relay with high processing B. Protection coordination
power and large storage capacity is installed at the sub- Protection of power systems is typically tuned in such a
transmission substation of the distribution network [20]. way that only the faulted part of the system gets removed
The computer-based relay holds the main responsibility of when a fault happens. This tuning is called protection
system protection and operates through steady monitoring coordination and this becomes worse when DGs are
of the currents flowing through some specific points of connected because they can negatively affect the system
network. coordination. By connecting DGs into the grid, the issues
A multi agent approach to power system protection related to system protection turns to be very significant.
coordination is also presented [21]. The proposed multi- For instance, the protection devices downstream of the last
agent system takes the substation as one Java Agent DG will never see fault current for an upstream fault. If
Development (JADE) framework which consists of a these devices can see the increased fault current due to
substation management agent and a number of relay penetration of DG, there will be no problem in
agents, DG agents and equipment agents. Coordination coordinating them. However, if the protection devices
strategy is embedded both in substation management observe fault currents for upstream faults, there are two
agent and relay agent to facilitate the relay agents to be possibilities: firstly, if they see the same fault current for a
coordinated. In the coordination strategy, relay settings fault downstream as well as for a fault upstream, then
and time will not be the only parameters that will decide coordination will be lost. Secondly, if they see different
the relay coordination. Relay agents communicate with current for a downstream or upstream fault, there is a
other agents such as substation management agent, DG margin available for coordination to remain valid. If
agents and equipment agents in order to obtain a disparity in fault currents seen by devices is greater than
successful coordination. The validity and effectiveness of the margin, then coordination holds. Therefore,
the proposed multi-agent system have been demonstrated coordination is likely to hold if DG fault injection is
by applying it to an agent-based platform. The excessive.
communication simulation shows that the successful In the case of fuse-recloser coordination, there is also a
communication information has been achieved not only margin available for coordination to remain valid. In this
between agents within one JADE container but also case, if the disparity in fault currents seen by these devices
between different JADE containers, indicating that the is less than the margin, then coordination holds.
proposed multi-agent system is a feasible approach in Therefore, coordination is likely to hold if DG fault
protection coordination [21]. injection is small [4].
The effect of DG on reclosing operation was C. Temporary faults
investigated and showed that the presence of DG caused
inefficiency in reclosing operation of distribution In radial systems, fault clearing requires the opening of
networks where transient faults were not properly cleared only one device because there is only one source
[13]. Moreover, islanding operation was shown to lead in contributing current to the fault. In contrast, meshed
loss of network synchronism and when reclosing transmission systems require breakers at both ends of a
operation was carried out in an asynchronous network, faulted line to open. Obviously, when DG is present, there
heavy damages can be imposed on distribution devices. are multiple power sources and opening only the utility
breaker does not guarantee that the fault will clear quickly.
V. OPERATING ISSUES OF DISTRIBUTION PROTECTION Therefore, DG will be required to disconnect from the
WITH DISTRIBUTED GENERATION system when a fault is suspected, before the fast reclosing
time has elapsed, so that the system reverts to a true radial
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various problems related to incorrect operation of system Actually, there is the possibility that DG will disconnect
protections. Conflicts between DG and protection schemes either too quickly or too slowly with a detrimental impact
are typically due to unforeseen increase in short circuit on the distribution system. This creates numerous
currents, lack of coordination in the protection system, potential operating conflicts with respect to overcurrent
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