Household Food Waste: A Case Study in Kimberley, South Africa
Household Food Waste: A Case Study in Kimberley, South Africa
Household Food Waste: A Case Study in Kimberley, South Africa
ABSTRACT — Dr N Cronjé*
Department of Consumer Science
Food waste relates to three major world University of the Free State
problems: food security, greenhouse gas Mandela Drive
emissions in the food supply chain, and waste Bloemfontein
disposal. One of the key ways to achieving 9301
sustainable food security globally, is to reduce South Africa
food waste. In a country such as South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 51 401 7691
where between 12 to 14 million people are food Fax: +27 (0) 86 693 4974
insecure, the reduction of the R61.5 billion Email: [email protected]
worth of food waste, could play a major role in *Corresponding author
this. In order to minimise household food waste,
or consumer-related food waste, it is imperative — Dr I van der Merwe
to have an understanding of the factors Department of Consumer Science
influencing waste-related behaviour. The study University of the Free State
focused mainly on the reasons for and Mandela Drive
behaviour when discarding food, consequently Bloemfontein
causing food waste. Subsequent to this, the 9301
researchers also determined what type of food South Africa
was wasted most. This paper reports on the Tel: +27 (0) 51 401 2598
results of a survey conducted in Kimberley, in Fax: +27 (0) 86 693 4974
the Northern Cape of South Africa. A total of Email: [email protected]
100 questionnaires were distributed and
completed, from which data were analysed. — Ms I-M Müller
Although consumers indicated that they do not Department of Consumer Science
waste much food (the majority wasting University of the Free State
approximately 5%), a significant proportion Mandela Drive
indicated that excess leftover food was Bloemfontein
discarded. A lack of planning for meals was 9301
found to be prevalent. Purchasing in bulk and South Africa
purchasing the incorrect products were also Tel: +27 (0) 82 574 2632
found to contribute significantly to food waste. In Fax: +27 (0) 86 396 4974
this study it has been found that bananas and Email: [email protected]
apples are the fruit that were most often wasted,
and tomatoes and potatoes were the most
wasted vegetables. Furthermore, leftover food
was identified as one of the main sources of ARTICLE INFO
discarded food. Alternatives for the re-use of
leftover food could aid consumer reduction of Article history
food waste. Alternative practices need to be Received April 2017
developed to educate consumers about what to Revision October 2017
do with this food. A more thorough knowledge Final Submission January 2018
of factors influencing behaviour and attitudes
towards food waste needs to be established. Keywords
Thus, culture-specific and localised household, food waste, food security,
interventions should be synthesised, consumers, sustainability
implemented and evaluated.
that is landfilled. According to Oelofse (2015) study to explore the reasons for discarding food
the main problem with sending organic waste to at household level and some behavioural
landfill is that the waste decomposes. Methane aspects of consumers toward it. Subsequent to
(a greenhouse gas) and leachate are generated this, it is also the aim of the researchers to
in landfills because of this decomposition determine what type of food was wasted most.
process. Leachate has the potential to This information is needed to draw up culture-
contaminate ground water. The contribution to specific and localised interventions to educate
global warming is substantial because methane consumers on wasting less food.
is 21 times more harmful as a greenhouse gas
than carbon dioxide (Richardson 2014). METHODOLOGY
still fit to be consumed at time of discarding or South Africa 41.8% of households are female
food products that would have been edible if headed or females are the main breadwinners
eaten in time. (Worldbank 2013). A vast majority of persons
responsible for food purchases will therefore still
Data collection be women. Family structures in South Africa can
also be seen as a contributing factor to the
Data were collected over a period of 2 months. aforementioned position. Only a third of
households in this country can be considered
The questionnaire consisted of six sections, “traditional” families, i.e. those with married
which took 20-25 minutes to complete. All parents and children. More than a quarter of
questions were coded with nominal multiple households include grandmothers living with
choice options or yes-or-no questions. grandchildren, homosexual life partners and
child-headed households (Stats SA 2011).
Section 1 included basic demographic and
psychographic information on age, gender, According to the results, a significant portion
ethnicity, type of family and the number of (70%) of the respondents did not plan their
members in the household. Section 2 focused weekly meals. Of the 30% that indicated that
on basic job information such as type of they do plan their weekly meals, only 54%
employment and hours worked per day. Section indicated that they adhered to their meal
3 contained of basic personal information planning. Research suggests that the advance
related to shopping habits and the use of planning of meals and consequent shopping
shopping lists. Section 4 explored the attitudes lists, reduces waste because excessive
towards storage, including what should be purchasing is thus limited (Parizeau et al. 2015).
stored. Section 5 contained questions about Just more than half of the respondents (52%)
leftovers and the discarding thereof. Section 6, felt that they often bought more than what they
which formed the bulk of the questionnaire, actually needed, whereas 48% of the
determined which food products were wasted, respondents felt that they only bought what was
the amount wasted and possible reasons for necessary. The reasons given for purchasing
wastage. excess (in order of importance) were: additional
items bought that were marked down/on special
The raw data was imported into the Statistical (68%); some were impulsively bought (15%);
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 24), shopping lists were incomplete (14%) and a co-
from which descriptive statistics were obtained. shopper influenced the purchase (3%).
Almost half (43%) of the respondents indicated The respondents estimated that, in their view,
that it bothered them a great deal when food is 33% waste a small amount, 23% waste hardly
thrown away. 18% of the respondents were any food, 15% waste a reasonable amount, 14%
bothered “a fair amount”, 27% were bothered “a waste no food, 13% waste some food and 2%
little”, 7% were “not very much bothered” and indicated that they waste a lot of food.
5% were “not bothered at all” at the thought of
throwing away food (Figure 1). As shown in Figure 2 which indicates the
breakdown, in percentages, more than two
thirds (69%) of respondents only threw away 5%
of the food. This correlates with the estimates in Type of food wasted
the preceding paragraph. Only 1% of the
respondents indicated that they threw away a There is a considerable lack of research as to
third (33%) of their food. Jörissen et al. (2015) what type of food is most wasted in households.
reported that because the topic of food wastage In this study it has been found that bananas and
is associated with moral and emotional apples are the fruit that were most wasted, and
judgement, respondents tend to underestimate tomatoes and potatoes were the most wasted
the amount of food they waste. Furthermore, the vegetables (Table 1). In a study reported by
utilisation of household surveys, although Ronquest-Ross et al. (2015), a moderate
methodically simple, is subject to error because escalation in fruit consumption of 6% was led by
estimates are made from memory (Aschemann- bananas, apples and grapefruit in South Africa,
Witzel et al. 2015). In a South-African context and tomatoes, potatoes and onions
only 5% of food was wasted, which represents consumption rise moderately between 1994 and
9.04 million tons of food (Chetty 2016). The 2009. Therefore it was not unexpected that the
results obtained in this study indicate the same. most consumed fruit and vegetables are also
the most wasted. Furthermore, Evans (2012)
When items near their “best before” date, the suggested that if there are children present in
vast majority (85%) of respondents use the the homes, more waste of fruits and vegetables,
products as soon as possible. This indicates especially potatoes, are wasted. Children are
good behaviour with regards to food waste. A also very selective with regards to fruits and
mere 6% of the respondents discard the food. vegetables, subsequently adding to waste
One can argue that respondents do not throw (Visschers et al. 2016). This coincides with
away food unnecessarily due to the high food findings in this study, as 34% of the households
prices. Furthermore, almost a third (32%) of the consisted of 2 or more children.
sample population earned a salary of less than
R4000 per month, thus leading to the conclusion Leftovers were the most wasted food in
that food is an expensive commodity and households (34%), followed by 30% of milk and
therefore cannot be wasted. Some research dairy products being wasted (Table 1). Bread
suggests that lower income groups tend to (25%) was also wasted significantly more than
waste less food (Grover & Singh, 2014), other food products. Visschers et al. (2016)
although then buying in bulk to save money can argue that it takes more effort to use meal
increase food waste (Porpino et al. 2015). leftovers and create a new or alternative meal.
In their study, consumers indicated that it was
easier to use bread for sandwiches instead of
leftovers, as the latter need to be stored properly Although consumers indicated that they did not
and cannot always be used as it is. waste much food, a significant proportion
indicated that excess leftover food was
Wrong storage methods, not enough storage discarded. Therefore, alternative practices need
space and/or over purchasing of food were to be developed to give consumers ideas about
possible explanations for the high rates of what to do with this food. This study indicated
wastage, specifically for fruits, vegetables and that the majority of respondents were aware of
dairy products. Respondents indicated that they food waste and to some extent, tried to minimise
most often bought too many vegetable (42%), it. Some even indicated that they were willing to
fruit (22%) and dairy (21%) products (Figure 3). change their purchasing and preparation habits
The main reasons for discarding these products to reduce food waste. However, influencing
was that the products were past their “best consumers to change their behaviour has
before” dates, they smelled off and that mould varying degrees of success. Although,
started to form (on the bread). consumers might have an interest in more
sustainable practices, this might not necessarily
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION influence their behaviour. Changing the
behaviour of consumers requires a combination
Worth noting was the lack in planning of meals, of interventions that is culture specific (Farr-
which was conducive to purchasing in bulk and Wharton, Foth & Choi 2014).
purchasing the incorrect products. If the
consumers in this specific study could be The exploration and research of possible
provided with the knowledge and methods to alternatives for the re-use of leftover food could
plan their meals, they would be able to save assist consumers to reduce food waste. Given
time and money, and it might even lead to less that food waste depends on the composition of
household food waste. There are some the household, alternative solutions might
researchers who argue that consumers are include culture specific and localised
enticed to purchase in excess of their immediate interventions. Consequently, more research
needs as a result of smart marketing needs to be done in other areas of South Africa,
campaigns, and are also encouraged to buy with different ethnic compositions of consumers
impulsively (Baumeister 2002; Ene 2008; Farr- to determine the attitudes and behaviour toward
Wharton et al. 2014). food waste, as well as what food is wasted. This
will assist in forming a holistic and