Theoretical Limits of Thermophotovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
Theoretical Limits of Thermophotovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
Theoretical Limits of Thermophotovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
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Theoretical efficiencies are derived in a detailed balance calculation for
thermophotovoltaic solar energy conversion, where solar radiation is
absorbed by an intermediate absorber, which emits radiation inside an
evacuated housing towards a solar cell. For ideal components with no
optical losses and only radiative recombination in the solar cell, maximal
efficiencies are found of 85% for full concentration of the incident sunlight
on a black absorber, and of 54% for no concentration and a selective
absorber absorbing only for h̄ω > 0.92 eV. This is considerably larger than
the efficiency for directly illuminated solar cells with also only radiative
recombination, the Shockley–Queisser limit, which is 41% for full
concentration and 30% for no concentration.
In order to approach efficiency limits for real TPV systems, several
non-idealities have been introduced: (a) realistic assumptions about the
geometry of the intermediate absorber, (b) optical losses of 5% for photons
with energy below the band gap of the solar cell and (c) non-radiative
recombination in the solar cell of the same amount as radiative
recombination. This reduces the efficiency for non-concentrated sunlight to
only 32.8%, but for very high concentrations of 10 000 and above suitable
absorber geometries still seem to allow efficiencies close to 60%.
2. Operating principle of solar cells In the limit of only radiative recombination the current density
of a solar cell is given by
Solar cells consist of semi-conducting material. Photons jQ = −e(jγ ,abs − jγ ,em ), (2.1)
generate electron–hole pairs, when they are absorbed. The first where the absorbed photon current density jγ ,abs determines
step of the energy conversion from solar heat into electricity the overall rate of generation of electron–hole pairs. The
is a conversion of heat into chemical energy of the generated overall recombination rate is given by the emitted photon
electron–hole pairs. Chemical energy is produced by the rapid current density jγ ,em. Assuming full absorption by the solar cell
thermalization of electrons in the conduction band and of holes for photons with energy in the transmission range of the filter
in the valence band down to kinetic energies of 3/2 kT0 per ε l < h̄ω < ε u and no absorption outside this range, the absorbed
particle on average, where T0 is the temperature of the solar and emitted photon currents are given by a generalized Planck
cell. The resulting distributions of electrons in the conduction equation [5],
band as well as of holes in the valence band are separate Fermi εu
(h̄ω)2 dh̄ω
distributions with the Fermi energy εFC for the conduction jγ = F C −εF V )
, (2.2)
band different from the Fermi energy εFV for the valence band. 4π 3h̄3 c2 εl exp h̄ω−(εkT −1
Theoretical limits of thermophotovoltaic solar energy conversion
which differs from Planck’s original formula by introducing of photons in the integrand by h̄ω is
the difference ε FC − ε FV of the quasi-Fermi energies, which
characterize the energy distribution of the electrons in a solar jE = σ T 4 , (2.3)
cell, giving rise to the emission of luminescent radiation. The
where σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/(m2 K4) is Stefan–Boltzmann’s
energy current density jE associated with this photon flux jγ is
obtained by multiplying the integrand of equation (2.2) with
For later reference, we use equations (2.1) and (2.2) for
the energy per photon h̄ω. Equation (2.2) for jγ (and jE) gives
conventional solar energy conversion, where the solar cell is
the energy and photon currents (Iγ and IE) indicated in figure 1 directly illuminated by the sun. For non-concentrated sunlight
when multiplying the current densities with the appropriate a maximal efficiency of 30% is found for an optimal band gap
areas (AA for the absorber and AE for the emitter) and of the solar cell of ε G = 1.3 eV, while for full concentration
using the corresponding temperatures, splitting of the quasi- the maximal efficiency is 41% for a solar cell with εG =
Fermi energies (ε FC − ε FV = 0 for the emitter and absorber), 1.1 eV [1].
threshold energies ε l and a finite upper limit ε u in the case
of using a filter or selective emitter with finite bandwidth
for illumination of the solar cell. As the filter has to be
3. Theoretical maximum of TPV efficiency
reflective outside this bandwidth for efficient TPV conversion,
3.1. Black absorber
it effectively narrows down the spectrum of the net emitted
radiation for both the emitter and the solar cell. Unless If the solar radiation is incident from a solid angle S
some means for spacial control of the emission has been the incident energy current density is, according to Stefan–
implemented (as mentioned briefly at the end of section 3.1) Boltzmann’s law,
all solid angles correspond to the entire hemisphere for S
jE,S = σ TS4 . (3.1)
the photon and energy currents Iγ and IE leaving components π
of the TPV system. The solid angle of the radiation If the intermediate absorber is black and at temperature TA , it
received by the absorber from the sun depends on the emits an energy current density into A = π which is lost to
concentration. The intermediate absorber receives radiation the outside
from the sun, a black body subtending the solid angle S =
jE,A = σ TA4 . (3.2)
6.8 × 10−5 for non-concentrated light and S = π for
maximal concentration. = π results from Lambert’s This does not contain the radiation emitted towards the solar
law after integration over the whole hemisphere. The cell.
temperature of solar radiation is TS = 6000 K and the We can define an efficiency for absorption which is
difference of the Fermi energies ε FC − ε FV = 0. It may be jE,S − jE,A π TA4
advantageous for the intermediate absorber not to be black, but ηabs = =1− . (3.3)
jE,S TS4
to absorb only photons with energies above a lower threshold
energy ε l, while the upper threshold energy of the absorber If all recombination in the solar cell is radiative, the open-
circuit situation of the solar cell is simple to describe, since
ε u = ∞. For the emission of the absorber, the solid angle
the solar cell must emit as many photons as it absorbs. If, in
is A = π, its temperature is TA and ε FC − ε FV = 0 in the
addition, the filter transmits near-monochromatic radiation, the
energy currents exchanged between emitter and solar cell are
The emitter of the intermediate absorber/emitter
equal, too. In this quasi-equilibrium situation, where the solid
combination emits into E = π towards the solar cells, has angles and photon energy range for radiation from the emitter
the same temperature TA as the absorber and the difference through the filter and absorbed by the solar cell and radiation
of the Fermi energies ε FC − ε FV = 0. The emission towards emitted by the solar cell through the filter and absorbed by
the solar cells may be restricted to an energy interval εu–ε l the emitter are identical, equal absorbed and emitted photon
by its selective properties or by an appropriate filter, which currents in (2.2) require
reflects all photons with energy outside this interval back onto
h̄ω h̄ω − (εF C − εF V )
the emitter. The emitter may even be a light-emitting diode = . (3.4)
and have ε FC − ε FV > 0, a situation analysed separately in this kTA kT0
issue by Harder and Green [6]. The efficiency of the production of electrical energy per
The solar cell absorbs all photons transmitted by the filter. electron–hole pair as the chemical energy divided by the
The lower threshold is given by its band gap, εl = ε G. Due photon energy h̄ω is for monochromatic radiation from (3.4)
to radiative recombination, the solar cell also emits photons T0
ηcell = 1 − . (3.5)
towards the emitter into the solid angle C = π according TA
to (2.2). Due to a large difference of the Fermi energies Since this is the Carnot efficiency for reversible processes,
ε FC − ε FV in the solar cell, the emitted photon current density no other device could perform better in converting heat
may be large, although the temperature of the solar cell is than a solar cell with only radiative recombination operated
only T0 = 300 K. The selectivity of the emitter, or the filter in with monochromatic light. It also shows that under these
between the solar cell and the emitter, would again limit the conditions, no entropy is generated in the solar cell.
net emission spectrum to the photon energy range εu–ε l. Derived for open-circuit conditions, this efficiency also
For black-body radiation (ε l = 0 and ε u = ∞) the energy holds for small deviations from open circuit, i.e. for electrical
current density obtained from (2.2) by multiplying the number currents, which are much smaller than the short-circuit current.
N-P Harder and P Würfel
100 10
dj E /d ω / W/(cm eV)
ηTPV /%
0 1E-3
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
ω /eV
Figure 4. Energy current density spectrum as a function of photon
Figure 3. Maximum TPV conversion efficiency ηTPV as a function energy h̄ω for non-concentrated solar radiation (TS = 6000 K, solid
of the absorber temperature TA for a black absorber illuminated by line) and for radiation emitted by a black body of TA = 865 K into a
fully concentrated sunlight and using a monochromatic selective hemisphere (broken line).
In this situation, most of the electron–hole pairs generated by
the photons from the emitter recombine. As recombination is
assumed to be entirely radiative, and as all photons from the
solar cell are absorbed again by the emitter, no energy is lost.
ηTPV /%
Theoretical limits of thermophotovoltaic solar energy conversion
N-P Harder and P Würfel
5. Conclusions
Theoretical limits of thermophotovoltaic solar energy conversion
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