An Improved Procedure For Testing For Assay Linearity: Original Article
An Improved Procedure For Testing For Assay Linearity: Original Article
An Improved Procedure For Testing For Assay Linearity: Original Article
Addresses Background Statistical testing of assay linearity using replicate measurements
Department of Chemical Endocrinology made on binary mixtures of samples provides no information about the significance
Department of Endocrinology
of any detected deviations from linearity, which may often be desirable.
University Medical Centre Nijmegen
PO Box 9101 Method Performance of additional statistical analysis of the assay data.
6500 HB Nijmegen
Result Objective measures for non-linearity and the minimum detectable deviation
The Netherlands
from linearity of the assay are obtained.
Correspondence Conclusion A few additional calculations from the available data make it possible
Dr HA Ross to assess whether or not an assay method needs improvement to achieve adequate
E-mail: [email protected]
performance within its intended application.
Ann Clin Biochem 2003; 40: 75–78
mixtures. The data points of the independent variable Table 1. Result of replicate measurements (y1–y4) of serum
x were obtained in one of two ways: total thyroxine on ve mixtures of samples a and b
(a) The usual way in which the in-between expected b a+3b a+b 3a+b a
values were calculated from the average of
measurements of the two pure serum samples; y1 31¢7 99¢5 147 217 271
y2 31¢5 97¢6 146 208 265
(b) By using dimensionless, equally spaced numbers, y3 31¢3 95¢6 144 203 265
in this case 0, 0¢25, 0¢5, 0 ¢75 and 1. y4 30¢6 93¢7 144 198 264
The rationale of the latter approach is the following : Mean y 31¢28 96¢60 145¢2 206¢5 266¢2
Var y 0¢2292 6¢273 2¢25 65¢67 10¢25
x1 31¢28 90¢02 148¢8 207¢5 266¢2
The expected value y’ for the concentration of a x2 0 0¢25 0¢5 0¢75 1
binary mixture of samples with concentrations a and
b, when mixed in the proportions x and 17x (05x51) Var y ˆ replicate variances calculated for each mixture; x1 ˆ values for
is: the independent variable calculated from estimates of a and b;
x2 ˆ dimensionless values of the independent variable.
y0 ˆ x:a ‡ (1 ¡ x):b ˆ x:(a ¡ b) ‡ b
This means that, independent of the actual values of calculated, given the actual replicate variance and a
a and b, minimization of squares of (y7y’) leads to a critical value for F:
regression line with a slope that is an estimate of the Non-linearitycrit ˆ
concentration di¡erence (a7b) and an intercept that
estimates the concentration b. H(replicate variance £ (F…3,15)crit ¡ 1)=6) (3)
It should be noted that the values for a and b are also
A brief explanation of the statistics is given in
obtained by substituting the measured averages of
Appendix 1.
the pure samples in the regression equation that uses
the conventional independent variable.
Calculations of slope, intercept and residual error Results
were performed by standard algorithms contained in The results of the quadruplicate measurements of
Microsoft Excel.3 The replicate variance was calcu- total T4 in samples a and b and the ¢xed mixtures (in
lated by averaging the ¢ve variances obtained for each nmol/ L) are given in Table 1.
mixture. For the EP6 experimental design, with 18 Performing linear regression analysis on these data
degrees of freedom for the residual variance and 15 for using values calculated from the estimates in pure a
replicate variance, the formula in Selvin (1995) 2 for and b as the independent variable x1 resulted in a slope
the F-value for linearity testing must be rewritten as: of 0 ¢987 and an intercept of 23¢3 nmol/ L.
F ˆ …6 £ residual variance With the dimensionle ss variable x2, a slope of 231 ¢9
and an intercept of 33¢2 nmol/ L was obtained (see
¡5 £ replicate variance†=replicate variance (1)
Fig. 1).
The procedure was extended by estimating the The residual error of 5 ¢ 023 nmol/ L (Excel algo-
contribution of non-linearity to residual variance. rithm) was squared to give the residual variance of
Therefore, the notion of `non-linearity’ was intro- 25¢23 and replicate variance was 16 ¢93 (var y
duced, which is de¢ned as the square root of the averaged) implying a replicate error of 4¢115 nmol/ L.
di¡erence between residual and replicate variances. Using (1), an F value of 3¢94 was found, which is
Thus, it is the root of the residual variance that would signi¢cant with a P value of 0¢029, implying that non-
have been obtained had there been no replicate error. linearity is proven. In order to ascertain whether this
Non-linearity is conveniently expressed in concentra- is relevant in the context of this assay, additional
tion units and calculated as the square root of the calculations according to (2) and (3) were made.
di¡erence between residual and replicate variances: Non-linearity was estimated from (2), yielding
2 ¢88 nmol/ L. This is 1 ¢2% of the total concentration
Non-linearity ˆ range (231¢9 nmol/ L). Since the T4 range for
H…residual variance ¡ replicate variance† (2) euthyroid subjects is about 100 nmol/ L wide, this
deviation from linearity should be considered as irre-
Alternatively, it may be expressed in a relative levant for the usual applications.
manner by dividing by the concentration range to The critical value of F(3, 15) at P50¢05 is 3¢29.With
which it applies (ja ^ bj). Whether or not the null the current replicate variance, the critical value for
hypothesis is rejected, an estimate of the magnitude non-linearity is 2 ¢54 or 1¢1%. This means that the
of the minimally detectable non-linearity can be precision with which the linearity experiment was
2 Selvin S. Practical Biostatistical Methods. Belmont CA: Duxbury LOF. Thus, LOF/3 (3 df) can be tested against the repli-
Press, 1995: 45–51 cate variance (15 df) using F-statistics.
3 Microsoft1 Excel 97 SR-2, Microsoft Corporation 1985–97
4 Willemsen JJ, Ross HA, Wolthers BG, Sweep CGJ, Kema IP. (LOF)=3
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