2020 State of The Profession

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State of the
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American School Counselor Association. (2021).

ASCA research report: State of the profession 2020.

© American School Counselor Association, 2021

Research conducted by ASCA, Fall 2020
State of the Profession 2020
In October 2020, the American School Counselor Association distributed a state-of-the-
profession survey to nearly 75,000 members and nonmembers. The survey was designed to
gather details on school counselor demographic data, roles and responsibilities, the challenges
of virtual learning necessitated by COVID-19, efforts to combat systemic racism, their most
significant day-to-day challenges, professional development needs and other areas. The
data reveals that the nation’s school counselors consider meeting student needs in a virtual
environment to be their biggest challenge, followed by managing a large number of students and
addressing achievement and opportunity gaps.

Respondents largely began the 2020-2021 school year with all virtual (43%) or hybrid
virtual/in-person (39%) classes, and they have seen their responsibilities change as a result,
especially following up with students who haven’t participated in virtual classes. Additionally,
school counselors report taking a number of measures to address racism and bias, including
monitoring student behavior to identify racist behavior or speech, providing individual
counseling and providing classroom lessons.

The research was conducted via an electronic survey using the Qualtrics platform. An email
invitation with a unique link to the survey site was sent to 74,451 members and nonmembers
and yielded 7,000 responses, for an overall response rate of 9.4%. The data is inclusive of
practicing school counselors only. Research of other school counseling roles, including faculty,
will be conducted at a later date. All 50 states, as well as some U.S. territories, are represented
in the responses. The statistical universe measured in the survey is derived from a universe of
approximately 110,000 U.S. school counselors. Responses were calculated at the 95% confidence
level with a margin of error of +/- 1%, which is well within the acceptable range of 95% +/- 5%.

Respondent Demographics
Overall, 87% of respondents are school counselors, while 3% are building-level directors/
coordinators/building supervisors. The remaining 10% of respondents hold other job roles and
were not included in this survey. Overall, 85% hold a master’s in school counseling and 12%
hold a master’s degree in another discipline. Three percent hold doctorate degrees. In terms of
certifications, 78% hold NCC, 20% hold NBCT and 16% NCSC. Three quarters of respondents
are ASCA members.


More than three-quarters (77%) of responding school counselors are white, 10% are Black or African
American, 5% are Latinx, 3% are two or more races, about 1% are Asian, and less than 1% each are
American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific island, and 4% prefer not to say.

Respondent Race/
Asian, 1%
Two or more Prefer not to say, 4%
races, 3%

Latinx, 5%

Black or African
American, 10%

Respondent Race/
Asian, 1%
Two or more Prefer not to say, 4%
races, 3%

Latinx, 5%
White, 77%

Black or African
American, 10%

Most respondents are female (87%), 11% are male, less than 1% are nonbinary/third gender
Respondent Age
and 2% prefer not to say. More than nine in>60,
10 6%
are heterosexual, 2% are gay or lesbian, 2% are
bisexual, less than 1% note a different identity, and 5% prefer not to say.

Overall, 38% are 40 or younger, 31% are 41–50, 24% are 51-60 and 6% are 61 or older. Similarly,
20% have been working as school
51-60, 24% counselors for five or fewer years,
White, <40,22%
77% 38% for 6–10 years, 18% for
11–15 years, 14% for 16–20 years and 18% for 20–plus years.

Respondent Age
>60, 6%

51-60, 24% 41-50, 31% <40, 38%

Type of Location International, 0.4% DoDEA, 0.1%

Virtual (full-time), 1.2% U.S. Dept. of State, 0.0%

Other, 1.4%

Urban, 24.1%
Rural, 31.2%
41-50, 31%

ASCA 2020of Location
International, 0.4% DoDEA, 0.1%

Virtual (full-time), 1.2% U.S. Dept. of State, 0.0%

Other, 1.4%
Black or African
American, 10%

School Characteristics
Thirty-two percent of respondents work in elementary schools, another 32% work in high
schools and 21% work in middle schools. Another 13% work in multilevel schools and 3% point
to other categories. Nearly nine in 10 respondents work for public, non-charter schools (88%),
White, 77%
5% work for public charter schools and 5% work for private/independent/parochial schools.

School Type by Respondent Race/Ethnicity

Respondent Age
>60, 6% Native
Black or Hawaiian or
All African other Pacific Two or more
  respondents White American Latinx island races
Elementary School 32% 32% 37% 25% 23% 28%
51-60, 24% <40, 38%
Middle School 21% 21% 22% 20% 8% 24%
High School 32% 31% 30% 41% 54% 33%
Multilevel School 13% 13% 10% 12% 8% 10%
International 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Other 3% 2% 1% 3% 8% 5%

In terms of location type, 42% work in suburban areas, 31% in rural and 24% in urban, rising to
48% among respondents who are Black41-50,
or African
American and 41% of Latinx. Much smaller
percentages (one percent or fewer) are full-time virtual, international, DoDEA or other.

Type of Location International, 0.4% DoDEA, 0.1%

Virtual (full-time), 1.2% U.S. Dept. of State, 0.0%

Other, 1.4%

Urban, 24.1%
Rural, 31.2%

Suburban, 41.5%

Students Receiving Unsure, 5%

Free/Reduced Rate Lunch 0-15%, 13%
at Respondents’ Schools

More than 75%, 28% 16-30%, 14%

78% 80% 79%
40% 31%
30% 22% 20% 20%
20% Ratios

The largest 10%

percentages of respondents report a student-to-school-counselor ratio of 251–350-
to-1 (26%) and All
–450-to-1 (24%),
Respondents which is comparable
Elementary Middle to the High
national average (430:1; U.S.
Department of Education data) yet well above the ASCA recommendation (250:1).

Respondents’ Caseloads
All Respondents Elementary School
Middle School High School

35% 33%
31% 31%
30% 28%
25% 26%
25% 24% 25% 24% 25%

20% 20%
12% 12% 11%
10% 8% 9%

5% 4%

250 or fewer 251–350 351–450 451–550 More than
students students students students 550 students

When reported ratios are disaggregated by school level, ratios are also comparable to national
medians of School
(national averagesCounselor Role for this measure due to available national data).
are less accurate
To a Great Extent Adequately
The national median ratio for K–8 is 708:1 vs. 212:1 for 9–12. Fortunately, small numbers of
respondents report having responsibility for more than 750 students (5% overall).
Students 21% 53%

Administrators 27% 42%

Teachers/school staff 19% 48%

District staff 12% 38%

Parents/families 4% 31%

School board members 5% 25%

Policy & decision-makers 2% 19%

General public 1% 10%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


Rural, 31.2%

Student Demographics
In terms of student demographics, the largest percentage of respondents (28%) report that more
than three quarters of students in their school receive free/reduced rate lunch, rising to 35%
among elementary school counselors; 13%, 0%-15% ofSuburban,
students; 14%, 16%–30% of students;
14%, 31%–45% of students; 16%, 46%–60% of students; and 10%, 61%–75% of students.

Students Receiving Unsure, 5%

Free/Reduced Rate Lunch 0-15%, 13%
at Respondents’ Schools

More than 75%, 28% 16-30%, 14%

31-45%, 14%

61-75%, 10%

46-60%, 15%

A majority of respondents (59%) report 15% or fewer students are English-language learners,
Fall 2020 School Year:
while 18% report 16%–30% of students are ELLs and 19% report 31% or more of students are
How Classes Began In-Person, 13%
ELLs, rising to 33% among school counselors in urban area schools.

Other, 5%
Most-Significant Challenges
Not surprisingly, respondents indicate that having access to students in a virtual
All Virtual, 43% environment
(68% rate extremely challenging/challenging) is their biggest day-to-day challenge at work,
followed by providing counseling and lessons to students in a virtual environment (62%).
Majorities are also challenged by managing high caseloads (53%) and closing opportunity and
achievement gaps (51%). Findings are similar regardless of whether respondents’ schools began
the year as virtual, hybrid or in person, with the exception that slightly more than 50% find
Hybrid, 39%
having access to students in a virtual environment and providing counseling and lessons to
students in a virtual environment extremely challenging/challenging.

Respondents’ Involvement in Crisis

Planning and Response Team
Yes No

90% 84%
78% 80% 79%
50% STUDY 7
40% 31%
30% 22% 20% 20%
20% 15%
Day-to-Day Challenges
Rating Extremely Challenging/Challenging All Respondents
Having access to students in a virtual environment 68%
Providing counseling and lessons to students in a virtual environment 62%
Managing high caseload/number of students 53%
Closing opportunity and achievement gaps 51%
Being assigned inappropriate duties 39%
Ensuring administrators understand the school counselor role 38%
Participating in professional development appropriate for school counseling 38%
Providing training and resources for teachers/staff 37%
Accessing adequate school and community mental health resources for referrals to students and parents 36%
Providing short-term counseling to support students’ mental health needs 36%
Collecting/analyzing student data 34%
Keeping up with new technologies 31%
Incorporating anti-racism practices/ pedagogy/curriculum in the school counseling program 30%
Finding time for professional development 29%
Responding to students in crisis 29%
Having access to students in a regular school environment (pre-COVID-19) 27%
Addressing school/district policies that result in institutional discrimination 25%
Hiring of inadequately or improperly trained school counselors 13%

Survey respondents also mentioned several other challenges, such as funding for school counselor
resources, responsibility for 504 case management and caring for their own mental health.


More than 75%, 28% 16-30%, 14%

31-45%, 14%
Issues Related to COVID-19
Only 13% of respondents began 10%2020–2021 school year with in-person classes. The largest

percentage, 43%, began with all virtual classes, while 39% began the year with a hybrid virtual/
46-60%, 15%
in-person schedule. Another 6% point to other situations.

Fall 2020 School Year:

How Classes Began In-Person, 13%

Other, 5%

All Virtual, 43%

Hybrid, 39%

As a result of the pandemic, job responsibilities have changed for most respondents. For
Respondents’ Involvement in Crisis
Planning73%andfollow up with students
Response Team who have not participated in virtual classes; 53% follow
up with students who have not returned since schools reopened;Yes 48%Noparticipate in attendance/

check-ins; 45%
90% have increased responsibility
84% regarding SEL implementation; and 34% have
78% 80% 79%
80% duties before/after school, bus/hall/lunch duty, etc. These additional duties vary
somewhat based on how respondents’ schools began the 2020–2021 school year. For example,
47% of school50%
counselors who started the year in person are involved in additional duties
before/after40%school, bus/hall/lunch duty, etc. And, compared with31%
in-person school counselors,
all virtual school counselors are more likely to have
22% 20%increased responsibility regarding
20% SEL
20% 15%
(48% vs. 38%).
All Respondents Elementary Middle High Multi-level

Respondents’ Caseloads
All Respondents Elementary School
Middle School High School

35% 33%
31% 31%
30% 28%
25% 26%
25% 24% 25% 24% 25%

20% 20%
12% 12% 11%

5% 4%

Suburban, 41.5%

Students Receiving Unsure, 5%

Free/Reduced Rate Lunch 0-15%, 13%
Additional Duties Related to COVID-19
at Respondents’ Schools
  Respondents All Virtual Hybrid In-person
Follow-up with students
More who
75%, not
28%participated in virtual classes 73% 16-30%,80%
14% 74% 44%
Follow-up with students who have not returned since schools reopened 53% 56% 56% 37%
Attendance/check-ins 47% 55% 45% 31%
Increased responsibility regarding SEL implementation 45% 48% 44% 38%
New/additional duties (before/after school, bus/hall/lunch duty, etc.) 34% 24% 41% 47%
31-45%, 14%
Additional responsibilities related to universal mental or behavioral 30% 28% 32% 30%
health screenings
61-75%, 10%
Home visits 20% 25% 17% 12%
46-60%, 15%
New health-related duties (temperature check, etc.) 20% 15% 23% 26%
Substitute teaching 14% 9% 15% 24%
No significant changes 8% 7% 6% 14%
Fall 2020 School Year:
Other 11% 10% 11% 8%
How Classes Began In-Person, 13%
Among the other responsibilities that have increased under COVID-19 are managing student
schedules, additional paperwork related to hybrid structures, community engagement activities,
Other, 5%
additional meetings with building leadership, learning new technology platforms and more. “Constant
schedule changes for students switching back and forth from virtual to in-person learning,” a
All I’ve
respondent notes – a comment that is echoed by many others. “I feel like Virtual,
been43%on call. I’ve been

working 12–15 hours per day, including weekends,” a respondent says. “The day never ends,” says
another. “Very few boundaries. Difficult to reach students when we can’t speak with them during class.”

Asked if they are part of a crisis planning and response team for natural disasters, school
Hybrid, 39%
violence, suicide risk assessment, etc., 77% respondent yes, while 23% responded no.
Respondents who work in high schools are less likely than elementary and middle school
counselors to be part of a crisis planning and response team.

Respondents’ Involvement in Crisis

Planning and Response Team
Yes No

90% 84%
78% 80% 79%
40% 31%
30% 22% 20% 20%
20% 15%
All Respondents Elementary Middle High Multi-level

ASCA Caseloads STUDY
All Respondents Elementary School
Middle School High School

35% 33%
Commenting on their crisis planning team, respondents indicate the team serves a number
of roles – from dangerous situations to student risk assessments. “Student services and
administrators meet each week to discuss collaborative efforts for student and family support.
Protocols for crises are discussed and reviewed with the entire staff,” a respondent notes.
Unfortunately, several survey respondents indicate that while a team is in place, it doesn’t meet
regularly. And among those who say they aren’t part of a crisis planning team, teams either don’t
exist or school counselors aren’t included. “All school counselors are asked for input for certain
areas, but not officially on the team,” a respondent comments.

Issues Related to Racism and Bias

The ASCA study gathered details about school counselors’ efforts in addressing racism and bias
in their school counseling program, as well as how their schools are addressing racism and bias.
Although 17% of responding school counselors indicate they have taken no specific actions to
address racism and bias in their program, 42% point to monitoring student behavior (in person)
and chats (virtual) to identify racist behavior or speech; 38%, providing individual counseling;
35%, providing classroom lessons; 22%, identifying and advocating to revise or remove
policies that disproportionately affect students of color, such as “looking at data across higher-
level classes to make sure all populations are represented,” “decreasing punitive response to
behaviors,” “prioritizing students of color for support and intervention, reaching out for check-
ins and referral to racial affinity groups,” “formed a districtwide team to systematically tackle
equity work across our district … point out practices that affect students of color in negative
ways…” and other practices.

Additionally, 22% say they are using data to identify students who should be included in most
rigorous coursework; 20%, providing parent information, education or outreach; 19%, providing
in-service training for staff; and 15%, providing small-group counseling.

Other actions taken include “updating schoolwide materials to reflect diversity and teach about
bias and discrimination,” “prepared in-service training with my school psychologist,” “started
an equity leadership professional learning community that meets twice a month,” and other
actions. In comments, however, a number of respondents point to lack of support for these
efforts, for example, “I have communicated with my administrators the need for addressing
this matter but I am being told to wait.” Another notes, “[I’m] attempting more staff training.
Sometimes [it’s] a struggle at current institution.” Additionally, several comments reveal
a segment of school counselors lack an understanding of systemic racism and their role in
educating students.


Actions to Address Racism and Bias in School Counseling Program
All High Multi- Current Non- ASCA Non-
  Respondents Elementary Middle School level RAMP RAMP Member member
Monitoring student 42% 45% 47% 34% 45% 38% 41% 42% 41%
behavior (in person) and
chats (virtual) to identify
racist behavior or speech
Providing individual 38% 34% 46% 37% 38% 37% 37% 39% 38%
Providing classroom 35% 59% 29% 14% 39% 35% 35% 36% 32%
Identifying and 22% 18% 22% 26% 22% 30% 23% 23% 17%
advocating to revise or
remove policies that
disproportionately affect
students of color
Providing parent 20% 22% 21% 17% 21% 23% 19% 20% 19%
information, education or
Using data to identify 22% 13% 29% 31% 18% 39% 22% 24% 18%
students who should be
included in most rigorous
Providing in-service 19% 18% 21% 20% 20% 27% 19% 20% 18%
training for school staff
Providing small-group 15% 17% 17% 9% 18% 15% 13% 15% 15%
No actions taken 17% 12% 16% 23% 16% 16% 18% 16% 20%

As the chart indicates, some differences appear among demographic groups. For example, 59%
of elementary school counselors (vs. 35% of the full sample) are providing classroom lessons
to address racism and bias in their school counseling program and 46% of middle school
counselors (vs. 38%) of the full sample are providing individual counseling. Recognized ASCA
Model Program (RAMP) status also has some bearing on anti-racism and bias efforts. Thirty
percent of respondents with the RAMP designation are identifying and advocating to revise or
remove policies that disproportionately affect students of color (vs. 23% of non-RAMP schools),
39% are using data to identify students who should be included in the most rigorous coursework
(vs. 22% of non-RAMP schools) and 27% are providing in-service training for school staff (vs.
19% of non-RAMP schools). A school counselor’s race/ethnicity appears to be less of a factor in
these efforts.

Survey respondents were also asked how their schools or districts are supporting and promoting
diversity, equity, inclusion and access this year. Respondents indicate their schools/districts
have adapted by requiring diversity, equity and inclusion training for all faculty (34%),
incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion in student curriculum (27%) and created positions
for diversity, equity and inclusion specialists (16%). Ten percent have changed policies and


procedures for students, such as ensuring students have access to computers and the Internet,
updated dress codes to be more equitable and added restorative practices, for example. Six
percent have changed procedures for faculty, such as required professional development on
equity, revised teaching practices and monthly meetings to discuss implicit bias. Four percent of
respondents say their schools have eliminated/modified school resource officer positions (4%).

Other actions taken by schools include “invited an outside agency to help facilitate discussion,”
“district launched an equity department, which has promoted the equity tenet in various formats
for all district personnel, students and families” and started a “blook club on several books
related to white privilege and institutional racism in education,” for example.

Schools’ Efforts to Promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access

Respondents Elementary Middle High School Multi-level
Required diversity, equity and inclusion training for 33% 33% 35% 35% 27%
all faculty
Incorporated diversity, equity and inclusion in 27% 29% 27% 23% 28%
student curriculum
Created positions for diversity, equity and inclusion 16% 16% 18% 17% 12%
Changed policies and procedures for students 10% 10% 11% 10% 10%
Changed policies for faculty 5% 6% 6% 5% 4%
Eliminated/modified school resource officer 4% 3% 4% 4% 4%
No actions taken 36% 33% 36% 37% 43%

School Counseling Program Characteristics and Use of Time

Majorities of respondents strongly agree/agree that their school counseling program includes
developmentally appropriate instruction focused on the mindsets and behaviors all students
need for postsecondary readiness and success (88%); is delivered to all students systematically
(82%); is based on the ASCA National Model (78%); incorporates data-informed decision
making (82%); results in improved student achievement, attendance and discipline (81%); and
closes achievement and opportunity gaps (73%). In general, elementary school counselors assess
their programs more favorably, as the chart shows, while more than nine in 10 school counselors
at RAMP-designated schools agree their programs meet the criteria indicated.


Respondents’ Assessment of their School Counseling Program
Strongly Agree/Agree the School Counseling All Elementary Middle High RAMP Non-
Program… Respondents school School RAMP
is based on the ASCA National Model 78% 85% 80% 73% 97% 75%
incorporates data-informed decision making 81% 83% 85% 78% 95% 79%
is delivered to all students systematically 82% 89% 80% 79% 95% 81%
includes developmentally appropriate instruction 88% 93% 86% 83% 95% 87%
focused on the mindsets and behaviors all students
need for postsecondary readiness and success
closes achievement and opportunity gaps 72% 77% 70% 69% 92% 70%
results in improved student achievement, attendance 80% 86% 79% 75% 93% 79%
and discipline

In the categories of direct student services, respondents spend an average of 28% of their time
in counseling, followed by instruction (17%), as the chart that follows indicates. Findings are
similar among grade levels, although elementary school counselors spend significantly more
time on direct instruction compared with middle and high school counselors. Conversely, high
school counselors spend more time in appraisal and advisement. These are positive findings,
indicating that school counselors, on average, spend nearly 80% of their time in direct and
indirect student services (74%), as recommended in the ASCA National Model.

Time Spent in School Counseling Tasks

Time Spent in Each Area (Average) Respondents Elementary Middle High School
Direct student services 57.5% 60.5% 54.2% 56.1%
Counseling 27.4% 25.2% 30.7% 27.0%
Instruction 17.4% 27.7% 12.1% 10.2%
Appraisals and advisement 12.7% 7.6% 11.4% 18.9%
Indirect student services: referrals, consultation, collaboration 16.8% 15.7% 18.9% 17.1%
Defining, managing and assessing activities 8.1% 7.9% 7.9% 8.4%
Fair-share responsibility activities 6.1% 6.3% 6.6% 5.9%
Non-school-counseling tasks 11.5% 9.7% 12.4% 12.5%

About eight in 10 respondents report their school counseling program has not received the
Recognized ASCA Model Program designation, 4% have a current RAMP designation, about one
percent previously earned the designation but it’s now expired and 15% are unsure.

Given the current environment, respondents were asked if they have spent more time on social/
emotional development over the past 12 months. Nearly two-thirds of respondents (63%)
indicate they are spending more time on SEL, while 29% have spent about the same amount of
time/emphasis and 8% have spent less.


31% 31%
30% 28%
25% 26%
25% 24% 25% 24% 25%

20% 20%
12% 12%
of School Counselor Role 11%
8% 9%
Confusion about the role of school counselors continues to be an issue, according to 4%
respondents. Asked to what extent particular demographic groups/roles understand the role
of school counselors,
250 or fewer respondents assign the highest
251–350 351–450score to administrators
451–550 (27%
students students students students 550 students
the role to a great extent; 42% adequately), followed by students (21% to a great extent; 53%
adequately) and teachers/school staff (19% to a great extent; 48% adequately).

Perception of School Counselor Role

To a Great Extent Adequately

Students 21% 53%

Administrators 27% 42%

Teachers/school staff 19% 48%

District staff 12% 38%

Parents/families 4% 31%

School board members 5% 25%

Policy & decision-makers 2% 19%

General public 1% 10%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

It’s clear that continued advocacy is needed to support appropriate school counselor roles,
especially among families and the general public. “I work in a rural, small district and it seems
like no one really understands the point of my job,” a respondent comments.

Professional Development Needs

When school counselors and building-level supervisors/directors need information to solve a
problem at work, they first turn to trusted peers and colleagues (91%), followed by ASCA (67%),
website search (65%), social media channels (29%) or another association (24%), including
their state association. Although findings are similar by school type, years of experience makes
a difference. New school counselors (0–2 years of experience) are more likely to turn to ASCA
(74% vs. 67% of the full sample) and less likely to seek information from another association
(16% vs. 24% of the full sample). However, it’s clear that trusted colleagues and peers are a
critical information source for school counselors. Across the board, nine in 10 respondents are
most likely to turn to colleagues.


The survey asked respondents about their professional needs. Although the question asked
specifically about receiving professional development from ASCA in key areas, the data
is included in this report because it sheds light on school counselors’ overall needs. The
data indicates they are most interested in receiving education in the areas of mental health
(87% extremely interested/interested), social/emotional development (86%), virtual school
counseling (83%), crisis/trauma/violence (83%), diversity, equity and inclusion (78%), school
counseling technology (78%), anti-racism practices (75%), self-injury and suicide (74%) and
grief and death (72%).

Professional Development Interests

Rating Extremely Interested/ All
Interested Respondents Elementary Middle High School 0-2 yrs exp 20+ yrs exp
Mental health 84% 83% 85% 84% 91% 80%
Social/emotional development 83% 87% 82% 79% 93% 77%
Crisis/trauma/violence 81% 84% 81% 78% 91% 75%
Virtual school counseling 80% 81% 83% 79% 84% 80%
School counseling technology 76% 78% 72% 74% 75% 77%
Diversity, equity and inclusion 75% 76% 76% 75% 81% 66%
Anti-racism practices 72% 72% 74% 73% 78% 64%
Self-injury and suicide 72% 69% 74% 70% 89% 64%
Grief and death 70% 73% 70% 64% 83% 59%
Group counseling 67% 75% 68% 56% 82% 56%
LGBTQ issues 65% 54% 72% 69% 74% 56%
Legal and ethical issues 62% 59% 60% 65% 68% 60%
Advocacy 62% 60% 62% 64% 76% 51%
Data collection and analysis 62% 68% 58% 59% 72% 52%
Bullying/conflict resolution 61% 64% 61% 53% 83% 49%
Career development 59% 52% 56% 66% 66% 57%
Academic achievement/success 59% 53% 62% 62% 69% 53%
Leadership 58% 56% 55% 59% 65% 48%
Substance use/abuse 58% 42% 60% 68% 69% 52%
Disabilities/special needs 57% 60% 55% 54% 72% 47%
Transitions 57% 51% 57% 60% 70% 48%
Postsecondary education 43% 20% 37% 66% 51% 38%
Rural school counseling 34% 32% 30% 31% 46% 28%
Classroom management 34% 45% 30% 21% 51% 24%
Urban school counseling 33% 32% 33% 36% 43% 27%


The results of the 2020 State-of-the-Profession survey reveal encouraging trends in the school
counseling profession. Progress is being made with improved student-to-school-counselor
ratios—from 588:1 in 1986 to 430:1 today, based on data from the Department of Education,
and reinforced by this study, which finds that 75% of school counselors are responsible for 450
or fewer students. School counselors also are spending more time in direct student services and
leading efforts to address systemic racism and reduce inequities. School counselors embrace the
standards of the profession and utilize vital resources to continue to grow their expertise.

It’s important to acknowledge that this research was collected during an atypical year. The
global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as educators’ renewed attention to addressing racism and
bias, created increased social and emotional learning needs, as well as new and increased job
responsibilities. School counselors responded, adapting to new ways of learning and increasing
their advocacy to ensure success for all students.

School counselors understand their role in creating an inclusive and supportive school culture
where all students can thrive. When schools counselors are empowered and provided the tools
to support students’ social and emotional development, academic success and post-secondary
planning through a school counseling program, student outcomes improve.

About the American School Counselor Association

The American School Counselor Association is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) professional organization
based in Alexandria, Va. ASCA promotes student success by expanding the image and influence
of school counseling through leadership, advocacy, collaboration and systemic change. ASCA
helps school counselors guide their students toward academic achievement, career planning and
social/emotional development to help today’s students become tomorrow’s productive, contribut-
ing members of society. Founded in 1952, ASCA has a network of 50 state and territory associa-
tions and a membership of nearly 40,000 school counseling professionals. For additional informa-
tion on the American School Counselor Association, visit www.schoolcounselor.org.


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