Analog and Digital Lab: Course Outcomes
Analog and Digital Lab: Course Outcomes
Analog and Digital Lab: Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the Course, the student will be able to:
10. Construct a circuit to verify the truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, NOR and NAND
11. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of Full Adder using basic gates.
12. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of JK Flip flop using IC 7476.
13. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of 4:1 multiplexer using IC 74153 and 1:4
De-multiplexer using IC 74139.
14. Rig up and test the truth table of Decade Asynchronous Counter IC 7490.
15. Construct an experiment to display0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display
with the help of decoder/ driver IC 7446/ or 7447.
16. Construct and test interfacing of suitable CMOS IC to Switch, LED, 6V Relayand 12
V DC Motor (from Reference Book no. 3).
17. Construct and test Interfacing of suitable TTL IC to Buzzer and Solenoid (from
Reference Book no. 3).
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s taxonomy) such as:
Educational Component Weightage (%)
1 Remembering 20
2 Understanding 20
3 Application/ Analysis 60
Total 100
CO2 5 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 U/A 3
devices Opto-isolator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Analog and
Digital Lab
- 3 3 - - - - 3 3 3
Course Delivery:
The laboratory Course will be delivered through Tutorial, laboratory interaction, group
discussion, practical exercises, instructions, assignments and viva voice.
Tutorial - 1Hr:
Staff-in-charge will;
1. Explain the concept and working of experiment to be conducted.
2. Impart/ discuss required selection of ICs/ components/ devices/ meters /equipment /
suitable accessories for the experiment to be conducted.
3. Ask students to draw the circuit diagram, tabular column and truth table if any.
4. Give clear instructions about safety precautions to be followed while conducting the
Student will rig up the circuit diagram and conduct experiment individually under the
supervision of the staff-in-charge.
To Evidence Course
What Frequency Practical
Whom Collected Outcomes
Two IA tests for
(Continuous Internal Evaluation)
Record (Average of Marks
10 Lab Record 1 to 6
Writing allotted for each
3 pages
Student Activity 05 1 to 6
(Semester End
End Answer
on course Course
End of Course
End of The Course Questionnaire 1 to 6
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination
1. I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next
higher digit.
2. Rubrics to be devised appropriately by the concerned faculty to assess Student activities.
Grand Average/Total
Note: The SEE Question paper should be set in such a way that Questions in the
Question paper should have equal nos. of Questions from Part A and Part B.
Particulars Marks
4. Results 05
5. Viva-voce 10
Total 50
20. Construct a circuit to verify the truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, NOR and NAND
21. Rig up and verify the truth tables of NOT, AND, OR gates.
22. Construct an experiment to verify the truth tables of NOT, NOR and NAND gates.
23. Construct an experiment to verify the truth tables of AND, OR and NAND gates.
24. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of Full Adder using basic gates.
25. Construct and verify the truth table of Full Adder.
26. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of JK Flip flop.
27. Rig up and verify the truth table of JK Flip flop using IC 7476.
28. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of 4:1 multiplexer using IC 74153.
29. Construct a circuit to verify the truth table of 1:4 De-multiplexer using IC 74139.
30. Rig up and verify the truth table of 4:1 multiplexer.
31. Rig up and verify the truth table of 1:4 De-Multiplexer.
32. Rig up and test the truth table of Decade Counter using IC 74290.
33. Construct an experiment to test the truth table of Decade Counter.
34. Construct an experiment to display 0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display
with the help of decoder/ driver IC 7446/ or 7447.
35. Rig up an experiment to display 0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display with
the help of decoder/ driver IC 7446/ or 7447.
36. Rig up an experiment to display 0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display.
37. Construct an experiment to display 0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display
using IC 7446/ or 7447.
38. Construct an experiment to display 0-9 digits using standard Seven segment display
with decode.
39. Construct and test CMOS interface to Switch and LED.
40. Construct and test CMOS interface to Relay and DC Motor.
41. Construct and test CMOS interface to LED and Relay.
42. .Construct and test Interfacing of TTL to Buzzer and Solenoid.
Sl. No. Name of Equipment and Specification
1. DC Regulated power supply ( 0-30V, 2A) 10
6. DC Voltmeter (0-1V) 10
7. DC Voltmeter (0-10V) 10
8. DC Voltmeter (0-30V) 10
9. DC Ammeter ( 0 -100µA) 05