Common Technical Document (CTD) For Registration of Human Drugs Module 1: Administrative Part Section Sub-Section Heading
Common Technical Document (CTD) For Registration of Human Drugs Module 1: Administrative Part Section Sub-Section Heading
Common Technical Document (CTD) For Registration of Human Drugs Module 1: Administrative Part Section Sub-Section Heading
1.5.18 Commitment / Undertaking that the firm shall follow the official
pharmacopoeia specifications for product / substance as published in the latest
edition & shall update its specification as per latest editions of the same. In
case, the specifications of product / substance not present in any official
pharmacopoeia the firm shall establish the specifications. In both cases, the
validation of specifications shall be done by the applicant.
1.5.19 Commitment / Undertaking that in case of any post approval change, the
applicant shall ensure that the product with both approvals shall not be
available in the market at the same time. And the product with new approvals
shall be marketed only after consumption / withdrawal of stock with previous
approvals. The company shall be liable to inform the same regarding marketing
status of product to the DRAP after getting such post-registration approvals.
1.5.20 Other commitment e.g., regarding stability studies etc.
1.5.21 Protocols along with the commitment to follow Good Laboratory Practices
(GLP) by the Manufacturer.
1.5.22 Protocols to implement Good Pharmacovigilance Practice by the
Pharmacovigilance department/section of the Manufacturer / Company.
1.6 Miscellaneous Information:
1.6.1 Information on Prior-related Applications.
1.6.2 Appendix.
1.6.3 Electronic Review Package.
1.6.4 QIS (Quality Information Summary).
1.6.5 Drug Substance related Document including following:
a. Name and address of API manufacturer.
b. Approval of manufacturing facility of API by regulatory body of country &
c. Vendor qualification / audit is
Document based
Site inspection based
d. Reason for point c.