Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance HG During Crisis Situation For S.Y. 2021 2022
Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance HG During Crisis Situation For S.Y. 2021 2022
Revised Implementation of Homeroom Guidance HG During Crisis Situation For S.Y. 2021 2022
Depnrt ment
sDo.quEzoN CtTY
arputli. ot trr prilip!itrls RgC0Rl)5 sECT!ON
Depattment of Gluratton ITEI-EASEb
scHq)Ls Drvrsrolt oFFrcE oF Quezo rc:-?lilpa ay.,fl
September 2, 2O21
JEI{ILYiI B. cEso vI
Schoots Division Superintendent
G, @
Itrdlir d S? 3liuDirtr
tr.oattncnf of Ctuqtion
The Office ofCuriculum atrd Instuction (CI), thrcugh the Bureau ofCurriculum Development
(BCD), issues this documetrt as basis fo. tbe IEplemert tiotr of the llomeroom Guiduce
(HG) durtug Crisis Siturtior for SY 2021-2022. This documetrt is a revisioD of thc policy
guidelines previously issued (DM-OUCI-2021-1,14 and DM-OUCI-202G.1 55).
The current pandemic has clearly allectcd lhc teachirry and learning process that usually takcs
place in school. Certainly, our leamcrs cannot avoid its impact in terrns of their domains of
dcvelopmeoL While the Departmcnt has been responsive thru it.s Basic Education traming
Continuity Plan, it is crucial to cater to thc life skills development of leamers which will
empower them to overcome the dilTerent challenges and adapt to the "new normal" brought
about by the curleot crisis.
Though the plan was to have the complete implementation of the Homeroom Guidance in
school year 2021-2022 accoutting thc nccded prepantions such as oricntalion. capacity-
building, lcaming matcrials dcvclopmcnt and the like, the Departrn€nt d.'cmcd it nccessary to
offer the new program to learners fiom Kindcrgancn to Senior High School with selectcd
competencies that are lifted directly from Home(rcm Guidatrce Curriculum. However, ils firll
implcmentation which includcs the complete curiculum, policy, ard leamirg materials will
be made availablc at thc start ofschool year 2022-2023. All piv.'tc schools arc encouragcd to
implement the Homeroom Guidance.
a. Academic Development,
b. PeNonal atrd Social Developmelt, and
c. Career Development.
Homeroom Guidance shall complement the Departm€ot's goal, which is to produce holistically
dweloped Filipinos who are able to understand themselves, have problem-solving skills,make
informed decisions, achieve acadernic success, plan for their future, and respect individual
differences. It envisions learners who can work for the common good of society and love for
our country whilc upholding rhe riglts and rcsponsibilities of global citizE ns.
This issuance sets thc basic staodards for an efficie aod elTective implementation of the
Homercom Guidance in public and private schools natio ride. The Homeroom Guidaoce
Observation Form and Program Monitoring and Evaluation Tool arc also enclosed for
The inboduction and impl€mentation of the K to
12 Basic Education Program
ncccssitated changos and revisions on existing DepEd programs to align them with the new
cudcutufl The K to 12 curriculum puts cmphasis on capacitating learners with skills indoing
thet tasks and enriching these as they progress up to Grade 12. The cutriculum takes into
account societal factoE and the lcamer's developmsotal nceds. They need to perfom different
tasks, confront p€rsotral and social issues, and cvsntually decide for their curiculum exit. A
responsive and proactive program in addition to the existing academic programs must address
these oeeds.
In 1998, RevitalizEd I [omeroom Guidance (RHG) for sccondary learne$ was created to
answer the l€arncrs' needs. However, certai[ coosideratio$ to make it more comprehcnsive,
developmental, and proactive are deemed necessary.
Based on the relevant literahrre and the practice in other countries, Homctoom Guidance
is equivaleDt to Guida&e Class, which is just a part of the lofo.mation Selvices of Guidance
and Couoseling Office (Villar,2007; Mendoza" 2003). Aquino atrd Razon (1993) defined
Homeroom Cuidance as "an organized segment of the school's guidonce services, which il
given to a horneroom group usually a section or a closs with a teacher-adviser as facililator. "
Hcncc, lhe term Guidancc Class Curriculum or Cuidarce Class is the most conrmon
(Baker and Gerler, 2001). The study of Brigmar and Campbell (2003) also showed that
elementary and middle school leamers who were part ofthe school coulseling curriculum and
grcup interv€ntiotrs that emphasized cognitive, social ard self-management skills have
consistently cxhibitcd good pcrformance in Mathcmatics and Reading. Furthcrmore, the study
ofschlossberg (2001) suppoded the effectiveness of Homeroom Guidance. They showed
that thcrc is a significant improvement in terms of leamers' behavior, attitudc and knowledge
in the arcas of goal-settifl9, problem-solving, oareer exploration, and school resources.
Further, thc study of Csrey and Dimmitt (2012) found that student's success ilr school,
acadcmically and behaviorally, can be attributed to thc student's access !o school counselot
and comprcheosive guidance programs and this is panicularly true for shrdents in high-
poverty schools.
Based on the consultations conducted with the regional rcpresentatives and Guidance
and Counscling expcrts, thcrc is a great need for a program that advocatcs thc dcvelopmentof
sklls along academic, personal and social, afld carecr aspects. At present, Ilomeroom period
is pafl ofthe class program, howevcr, thcre is a nccd to update atrd improve its implemenlatioD.
Some schools reported that llomcroom p€riod is bcing used for classroom cleaning, extension
of breaks. collection of reply slips, and the like. Clearly, the curent practiccs do not aid thc
realization of thc program objectives. More so, the consultation with diffcrent slakeholdeN,
reiterated the significance ofcollaboDtion among home, school, and community to eNure the
holistic development of learne6. It has been raised that there should be a systematic and
coNistent monitoring and evaluation ofthe progBm to achieve its proper implementation.
To obtain the vision of the llomeroom Guidance, this document serves to guide the
schools in:
a- implemetrting thc program piope y to support the leameN' develoPment;
b. providing systematic proc€ss irl the overall conduct of Homeloom Guidance;
c. organizing rcsources needed in the prognm such as budget, matrpower,
facilities, Iearning materials, and other logistical needs; and
d- articulathg the scope and limits of the program inclsding its mooitoritrg atrd
The Homsroom Guidarce's Philosophy, Vision and Mission were rooted on lhe
Department of Education's Vision, Mi$sioD, aDd Core Values.
Homercom Guidance believes that every leamer is udqu€ and has the ability to develop
him,rherselfusing his or her own leaming and exprcriences from family, community, school and
society. This shall be realized tluough the collaborative efforts of family, school, cobmunity,
government, alld other institutions.
Som€ concepts fiom the Learner-Centered Theory of Jean Jacque Rousseau were
derivcd for thc Academic Devclopment domain. The theory stipulatcs that lcamer's cultural
capital or life experiences should be tapped h designiag the leaming process. In this way, a
participative classroom intsractior will be in place. Leamers are not viewed as tabula rasa and
they are assumed to possess cultural kit or accumulated experiences which serve as a significant
facmr in the leamiog process. If leamers' experiences are ignore4 thinking will be limited and
meaning-making of lessons will be hardly anained.
Cognitive Leaming Theory of Jean Piaget has its share in this domah. It believes that
cognitive development is a contiluous process as the biological maturation atld environmeotal
influence taftc place. Lcamers gain knowledge rurd go tbrough the differcnces between what
they leaned aod what the existing realitics are. l'urthermorc, it claims that leaming and ncw
howledgc can be storcd if there are ellective cognitive processes while leameN encoutrter
learring difficutties wilh inellective cognitive processes. The theory tries to illust at€ the
processes :rnd mechanisms of how reasoning skills add thinking using hypothes€s develop by
an inlant as h€/she becomes an adult latcr on. Piaget included the coocept of schema which
refers to "a cohesive, rcpeatable action sequence processing component actions that are tightly
intercotrnected and govemed by a core mearing." It is a set of linked mental representations
of the world which pcople uscd to make meaning and a.t on differcnt situations. During the
devclopment of mcntal prcccsses, schema/schemata increase in number including is
Anothcr conccpt in this thcory that HG embraced is tho adaplation process that includes
assimilation, accommodation, and €quilibration. Assimilation occurs when a pe.son uses
his/her schema to understand the new situation or thidgs while accommodation happens when
the previous knowledge is irrclcvant and needs to b€ changed ro understand the new situarion
or things. Moreovcr, cquilibration dirccts the lcamer to attain equilibriurn which happens
when leamer assimilates or accornmodatcs Dew information.
The Pcrsotral and Social Development Domain in Homeroom Guidance got inspiration
from thc theory ofEric Ericson's Psychosocial Developmcnt. lts descriptive overview ofsocial
and emotional developme was taken as one ofthe coDsiderations in crafting the standards and
competeocies. His view on Dastering the attitudes, ideas, and skills at each slage of
development to help leameN to be successful and contributing members of society is highly
evident in the prograrn.
Super's Developmental theory ofcarccr choice is also a great influence in this domain.
As a person's career advances, it undergocs five 'lifc-stagos'that itrcludc grox,th, cxploration,
establishment, mainteaaacc, aad dccline. His concept of cstablishing a 'self-conccpt' as a
persoll grows plays an importatrt rolc in identi$ing occupation. The concept of vocational
maturity which may bc attributed to person's age undergoes a cycle as manifested in his/her
career transitions.
The concept ofcareer development as a lifelong process including its early development
of Ginzberg is clearly reflectcd in the Calccr Development domain of thc prognam. HG
advocates the early inclusion ofcareer concept irl the lives of learners aad guide them as they
discover the path that thcy want to take.
Homeroom Guidance is a developmcntal and proactive prognm that has standards and
competencies that cut across all grade levels. The competency indicatoN are arranged ftom
simple to complex and focuses on the developmelt ofbigber oder thinking such as analyzing
and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles rather than just remembering.
l. School ensures the proper implemeDtation of Homeroom Guidancc thar leads to thc
developrnent ofthe leamers' life skills in the three domains. lt convenes both home and
comounity for the rcalizatioo ofHomeroom Guidance,s visioo.
2. Home plays vital role itr thc lcamers' life skills dcvelopmcnt through its consistent
support, involvemcnt, artd collaboration wirh thc school and community_ It pmvides
guidcd opportunities that complemcnt the school activities of lcamcrs in Homqoom
3. Codmunity etrd other institutiors reinforce tbe development of leameN' life skills
through its engagement in the school progBrns and activitics. It also serves as a support
system ofthe school a-s they craff polioies, programs, and projects that arc .elevant !o
the vision, mission, irDd philosophy of Homeroom Cuidance.
The rcmaining HC MELCs arc composed oftwenty percent (20%) Acadcmic Developmcnt
Domain aod five petcent (5 7o) from the Carcer Development Domain.
Since this is not a formal leaming area, Homeroom Guidance should not be pan of the
computation of grad€s by the end of each quarter. For 5.Y.2021-2022, it shall serve as
enrichment activity that can be pe.formed at home and in school or through other platforms
with the help of guidance counselors /guidance dcsignates, teachc'rs, and parcnts.
ln the process ofchoosing thc MELCs the following criteria were also considered
IV. Procedure
details (Lcamer's Assessment Tool Annex 5) shall be attached to SF-9 aod SF-10
whenever treing issued io requesting party.
2 Homeroom Guidance shall not bc vicwed as a formal lcaming area likc Edukasyon
sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) and thc like. lt shall b€ trcatcd as a program that will help
l€arners dcvclop the competencies nccdcd in the thrce domains. Hence, its dclivery
in class is quite informalbut still follows the Structu.ed Learning Expericnce flow.
3. Class Advisers shall be assigned to implement the program with the technical
assistarce of the Guidancc Counsclor. lf the school does not hsvc a Guidancc
Counselor, the School Head may alsign a Guidaoc€ Desigrcte but he/she shouldbe
provided with proper training specific to thc implementation of Homeroom
6 Time Allohenl:
9. Medium of lnstrucfib, - The s€lfJeaming modules are written in English, but the
regions may opt to translate the leaming material in tbeir mothcr tongue or any
language convenient to the leamcrs to ensure panicipation and inteEction during
the session and better understanding ofthe concepts.
10. Collaboration with the family and community is also encouraged in order to create
a venue for the leame$ in dweloping such life skills. Parcnts may rcfer to the Gabay
so Magulang fowd in the SLM in order to guide their childrctr in accomplishing the
ll- Oientation and Capacity Building. The Central Office, through the Bureau of
Curiculum Dcvclopment, shall conduct oricntation arld capacity building to
Regiotr and Division Supervisors In{hargc ofGuidancc and Counseling.
Rcgions, schools divisions, and schools shall conduct hainings for the program
implementeN to capacitate and prepare them for the implementation of Homeroom
Guidance MELCs.
13. DcpEd schools shall include all expcnses relative to l{omeroom Guidance in their
A rual Inplementation Plan (AIP) and Sctool lmprovcment Plan (SIP).
Reaional OIfice
Ccntral ()fticc
Though thc intcnt ofHG is to hclp lcamcrs develop compctcncies that will aid them in
facitrg different issues and tasks, it is importaDt to still track their lcvel of developmetrt.
tlomeroom Guidancc implementers must always kccp in mird that the program shall capacitatc
leamerc towards succcss, hqoce, comparcd to the fomnl leaming areas that are being measured
following thc DO No. 8, s. 2015, Homeroom Guidance shall utilizc Lcamsr's Development
Assessment Tool (
nnex 3), guided by the verbal descriptions below:
Verbsl DescriptioDs
No Chance to The leam€r did not submit outputs or has not shown ary ofthe targer compelency in 6
NO pslticular quarter.
Nccds The lcamer accomplished atrd submitlrd 3ff2 ofthe outpul h a pqnicular quaner or hrs Dot
lmpmvemeDt acquired the larget compeleDcies.
The leamer accomplished aDd submitt€d 6010 ofthe output in a particular quarter or has
Dcvcloping D
acquired some ofthe target compelcncy.
Sumciently Thc lcamcr accomplishcd and submitted 90% of thc outpul rn a pa(icular quarter or has
Developed acquired the target competency.
Developed and The leamer accomplished aDd submitted l00p/o oftbe oulpul ia a panicular quaner and has
Commcndable acquired the target competency and showed commeDdable applicadon in re3l li-fc situations
Leamer's devclopment shall be assesscd through their portfolio and p€rformance task
Corduct of Homeroom Guidance is mandatory but this is not part of the academic
rating. Cradcs arc just descriptivc. "Needs Improvemerf' description shall Ilot be treatcd as
failed but shall indicate the need for interention ftom school and home. In the eveDt that thc
leamer rcmains at the 'Necds Improvernenf' at the end oi cach quafler, the Adviser, Guidance
Couoselor, and Pareots need to work together to provide intervention. Disciplinary cases of
leamers must not affect their HG grades.
Homeroom Guidance grades must be reflected in the SF-9 aad SF-10 using the
follovitrg dgscriptioDs:
No Chance to Obscrvc NO
Nccds Improvcmcnt NI
Developing I)
Sufhciently Developed SD
Developed and Commendable DC
The details of the L$mer's Developmert Assessment results shall be attached to the
said forms. There is no need to put equivalenl ratitrgs or computations for e3ch description.
Success and sustainability ofthe ploglam u/ill only be ensured ifrhere is a systematic
and adequate monitoring and evaluatio[. Monitoring and evaluation shall bc dode iiom
S€ptember 2020 to luly 202 I or as scheduled by the Deparltneot. Reports o.l thc rcsults of the
moDitortrg and evaluation shall be submined at the erd ofSY 2020 - 2021. Thc following are
the offices and units, directly involved in the implemenlation and monitoring ofthis program:
The School Head leads the monito .rtg in coordination with the Guidance
Counselor/Guidance Designate using the Homcroom Guidance School Observation
Tool and Homcroom ouidarce School Inplementation Tool (Sce Atrrcx I aod Aonex
EsP Supervisor undcI the CLMD in coordination with thc ESSD Focal Person fot
Cuidance and Cou$eling leads the monitoring itr the Regional l,6ve1, focusing on the
entire implemsntation of the Homeroom Guidance. Thcy shall submit the Homeroom
Guidance Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Tool (Scc Annex4) to lhe Bureau of
Curiculum Dcvelopment on or before July 12,2022.
Thc Burcau ofcuniculum Developmcnt lcads the ovemll monitoring and cvaluation of
Homeroom Guidance. The Bueau representative shall consolidate the Homeroom
Guidancc Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Rcports aDd coordinate thc results to
othcr burcaus of thc Central Office that which may scrve as rcferencc for futrrrc
enhancements of lhe program and rclatcd policies.
VIII. Efiectivity
This shdl take effccl in SY 2021-2022 and succ€eding yeaN irDmediately upotr
publication in the DepEd *eb6ite.
tx. References
Carcy, J., & Dimmitt, C. "School counseling a.d studcnt outcomes: Summary of six
statewide studies" Professional School Counseling, l6 (2), 146-153. doi:
to. I I 7 7 /2t 567 59X0001 6002M. 20 12.
Schlossberg, S.M., Morris, J.D., & Lieberman, M.G. "The EITects of a CounselorJcd
Guidance Intervention on Leamers' Behaviors and Attitudes. Professional School
Counseling". 2001.
RA 10533 "Act Enhancing the Philippinc Basic Education System by Strcngthening Its
Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, ApFopriating
Fuds Thercfor aod for Other Puposes," otherwise known as thc "Enhanccd Basic
Education Act of2013."
DO 25, s. 2013 Guid€lines on the Conduct ofCareer Guidance Week for High School
Leamers Effective School Yerr (SY) 2013-2014
Memorandum No. 86, s. 1959 "Clarification ofthe Guidance Provisions ofrhe Revised
Philippine Educariooal Program
Name of Rating:
D&telTime: Gmde Level / Sectiotr:
To the obs€rver: Check the box to indicate your ass€ssment guided by the scale below:
0 - No Chance to Observe
I - Not Observed
2- Observed but Irxufficient
3- Sufficiently Obseryed
4- sufficietrtly Observed and Commendable
TIe reacher l -l I 0
I . oukcs srre that tte lcalring Dodaliry is conduive for leamiry ald
2. effcctively orlnuizcs lcamitrg sinutions ro uect the objectivcs ofrhe
-:. use s fusmrctiout urethods that elrourage rcle\ant leamer
parricipatiotr io tlE leamitrg process.
J. iuplcuEuts tle urodule i[ accoldaucc lo
fic $udelircs
5. couuDlulicates clca yarrd eflectivel]'to thc level oflealners.
o:xplailrs iuponaul ideas ill a clear ard pr"ctical $a]'.
7. de[oosrrates cotrlnulrd of thc topic disculsed.
8. respouds appropriatcly to leamcl qnestions aud coDnns[t5
9. provides titu€ and dircctio[ for iudivi&al tbought prior ro erot{
(if applicsbh)
10. preparelchects. dirrnbutes efficieltly dre uatenals for actirines
I 1. adequalel_y prepares leauErs lo rurdenalr lhe sp€citc afiiviry
ll Fo!,rd€s leamcr5 adequate tiutc lo rellecl oll t[c acrivity uriliziug a
!"ricq ofprocess skills {i.e. dcxroNtratc. prcdict. aDal}zc. couclud€.
slxthesize- etc. )
Rating - Total
x 100%
(No. of items with I -4 scores) x 4
Verbal Descriptior
920/. - tw. - Outstading
6y/o-9tvo Above Avsrage
46./0-68% Averagc
240/045% Below Average
237. and below - Ne€ds Impaovement
DeEd Cqide!, [a-dco AEnue Paig Cry.
IhtrEr{612)m}r@S87.4116F (6I}N1-56'I
EalEl ffi&qedoor.d!,iarda&.sanlbni& Wd*: *!6d.ov.ofi
It stl& !l tla Dlitr$rrlt
;B.Drrtmail of €lurrtiolt
Directions: Check the box that corresponds to your answer in each itern using the legend below.
4. The leaming modality is Numbd oflearncrs in each lcaming
appropriate and conducivc fo. modality
the conduct of the program.
5. Duties and respotrsibilities of Documentation of orientation for the
pcrsonncl arc clearly dclined. personnel and teachcrs
6. Correct reports arc submifted Ycar-end report by the school
7- Issues and concems based on Matrix of issucs and concems from the
the repons arc acted upon. rcpons and actions taker
SchoolHead: f)ate:
Signatue over prhted name
Division Region:
Schools Division Supcrintendcnt: Datc ofSubmission
CID Supervisorl
SGOD Guidance Couns€lor/Guidance Designatc
Total No. ofSchools Total No. ofschools that Total No. of Total No. ofSchools
in the Division lmplemented the Schools Monitorcd that did not
(Elemcntary School - Homeroom Guidance and Evaluatcd / Implement the
Senior High School) Program Obsewed Homsroom
Guidance Program
(State reason/
j ustificatioo for non-
DircctioDs: Check the box that coresponds to your answer in each item using the legend below
3. Class Advisers arc b€tng Results of Modtoring Tool and post
monitored as they iEplernent confcrcnce of Guidance
the HG. Counselor/designste with advisers
I II. Assessmcnt of Learncr's
Learners are oriented on the Documentation of leamer's
leaming objective and how orienlation about the larning
their development will be objectives and evaluation of their
evaluated. dcvolopment
2. Assessment results are Documeotation of conference with the
cxplaincd to the leamers, leamers about thet developmsnt
lcading to thcir realiztion of
the areas for improvement.
3. Leamers can keep track oftheir Assossmcnt ofLeamcr's
progress in the program Development wiih remarks of adviser
and parcnt
I\'. Supcrvision of Holrreroom Guid.trce lttlplcmeIttation
A clear Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plans ofSchool Head and
(Cuidance Counselor/Designate Guidance Counselor/Designate
and School Head) before the
start of thc prcgram is evidcot.
2. Monitoring Plan is properly Documentation of the actual
implemented. moDitoring results
3. Mordtoring results are discussed Minutes of Me€ting with the
with the concemed personnel so concemed personnel and the
as to eDcourage actions needed accomplished HG Mooitoring Tool
to imFove the program (School Level)
4. Monitoring results are utilized Matrix of Monitoring Rcsults and the
to improve the program actions taken
5. Propcr coondination, planning, Minulcs of Meeting and Post
and corrective feedback system Conl'erence documentation
are being enforced.
6. Capacity building for HG is Documentation of teachers atrd
being conducted. peNonnel trainiDg with the attached
utiliTed budget and rccorded training
V. Adminislrstivc Concerns
Orientation for leamers ald tlEir Documcntation of leamers ard
parents is conducted by tlrc parents' orientation (e.9. attendaoce
school before the stan ofSchool sheet, photos etc.)
2. An adequate budget is alloftcd ApFoved budget vs FinaDcial Report
for HC expcnscs. ofHG (e.g materials, training
expenses etc.)
3. Materials and relcvant supplies lnventory ofsup,plies arld materials vs
(online or prhted leaming r€ports of utilization
materials) are available for the
leamers aod tcachen of HG.
4. The leaming modality is Number of leamers ir cach leaming
appropriate and conducivc for modality
the conduct of the program.
5. Duties and .esponsibilities of Documentation of orientation for the
personncl arc clcarly defined. pcrsonnel and teachers
6. Correct reports arc submitted. Year-end repon by the school
7. Issues and cotrcerns bas€d on Matsix of issues and concems from the
thc reports arc acted upon. rcports and actions taken
Write the total numb€r of checks per area and identiry those that arc not evidetrt atrd evidctrt
but inadequate which merit actioDs to be taken-
BCD-CSDD-O- 1-2585
EVIDENT BUT To be lilled-up at the POSITION
INADEQUATf, Post-Conference by Indicate whether actio stobe
To befilled up by School Head ith the taken are lrnplemented or N91
School HG Imple e ter Ifiplemented in the aart
This certifies that thc monitoring and evaluation results havc bcen discussed with mc. I
urderstatrd that my signature does not necessarily iodicate ageement, but acknowledges receipt
ofthc repon, and that I may rcspood to any and all issues containcd in this evaluation. Writrcn
response must Lre submitted to the undersigned supervisor within l0 working days ofdate noted
Monilored hv Designation:
Signature over pdnted name
Pa*t C X Ptihti,ros
DepEd Colnphx, lrardho Av6rue,
0Gd Lft (6I)
ffi172ur8687{146 Fa( (6I) m1.60t
F,tul od(ld$d.Sv.dldoda@sarat I'ieGiE rw.deoe.@v.oh
3.,[tln !t !E tlatiBunt
Drpartncnt of €Duation
Regional Director: Date ofSubmission:
CLMD Supervisor:
Regional Guidance Counselor / Guidatrce Desigtrate:
Division I
Division 2
Regional Director:
Signaturc over printed tramc
Aorer 5:
To the class adviser: Check lhe bo, to indicote your assessmett guided by lhe scale below.
0- No Charce to Ob6ervc
l- Needs lmprovement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Dcv€lop€d
4- Developed aud CommeDdable
4 3 I l)
Competency 4 3 I 0
Respond to pcrsonal ard social necds that can
contribute to the promotion ofiDtemational staDdards
State steps to tulfill the goal in life
To the closs adviser: Chec* the box to indicak yow asses.*tent guided by the scale belov)
G No Charc€ to Obscrve
l- Needs Improvemo
2- Developing
3- Suffi ciently Developed
+ Developed and Commetrdable
Competency 1 3 2 I 0
l"t Qusrter
Value onesclf
Competetrcy 4 -l 2 I 0
Participatc in school activities relevant to lhc needs ofthe
DemoNtrate aoademic exoellence based on global needs
Live ways that rcspect and protect thc cnvircnment
Engage oneself in meaningful programs and initiatives for the
common good
Strengthetr self-empowerme to rcspond to the needs ofthe
Respond to perso[al and social needs that can contribute to
thc promotion of intemational standards
State steps to fulllll the goal in life
To the class adviser: Chect the bot to indicate your assessrnent guided b lhe scale below
0- No Chance to Obscrve
l- Needs Imploveme
2- Developing
3- Sufi cieutly Develop€d
4- Developed and Commendable
Comp€tency 4 3 I 0
ln Quarler
Value others
Respect individual diferences
Gain understaoding of oocself and others
Idendry the methods ofeffective study habits toward lifelong
Demonsrare effectiYe study habits
2'd Quorter
Provide proper procedure toward responsible decision-making
Evaluate experieoces in decision-making toward achievitrg
common good
Share the lessons leamed from school and community that can
be used in daily tivirg
Apply lessons liom home, school and community to daily
living with consideratiotr to family and society
UndcBtand the importaflcc ofguidance ftom parents or
guardians and significant adults in choosing a profession,
vocation and futurc plans
Errich knowledge and skills toward academic achieveme
Reflect on the decisiods made tbr lilb and profession
4 Quaner
Share one's abilities for the developmcnt of others and
Competcnct 4 3 I 0
Strcngthcn seli.cmpowermcnt to rcspond to thc needs ofthe
Respond to personal and social needs that caD contribute to the
promotion of intemational sta[dalds
Demonstratc academic excellcnce based on global necds
Name of Grrde/S€ctiotr:_
Name of Section A Learning Modrlit]:
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate tout osse.ssmenl guided by the scale below
0- No Chance to Obs€rve
l- Needs Improvement
2- Devclopiag
3- Sufficicntly Devclopcd
,l- Developed and Commerdable
Competency 4 3 I 0
In Quarter
Identiry the metlods ofeffective study habits toward
lifclong lcaming
Sharc knowledge, skilts, and positive attitude helpful
in lifelong leaming
Value oneself
Respect individual diffcrcnccs
Gain undentanding of oneself and others
Idcntiry factors rolatcd to lifc and profcssion
2d Suorler
Sharc the lessons leamed lrom school and community
that can bc used in daily living
Apply lessons fiom home, school atrd commuaity to
daily living with consideiation to family and society
Examine the diffeaent factors h decision-making for
the achievement of success
Provide propcr procedue toward responsible decision-
Evaluate experieoces in decision-making towa.ds
achieving common good
Gather information about lifc, professio[ aod vocation
UDderstand the importaDce ofguidaoce ftom parents
or guardians aod significant othcrs in choosilg a
profession, vocation and future plans
Competeocy 4 3 I 0
Rclatc thc choicc ofprofession, vocation and future
plans to one's skills, competcncics, and thc rolcs of
paretrtvguardians and signifi cant adults
Apply effective ways ofprotectitrg oneselfand othcrs
Live efective ways in rcsolving issues that involve
oneself and others
Share skills helpful to solve problcms
Describe the choscn ficld
Dccide for life and professioo
Reflecl on the decisions made for lifc and profession
4 Quarter
Demonstrate acadcmic cxcellence based on the global
Live ways that rcspect and protect the environment
Shale onc's abilities for the development of others and
Eagage oneself in meaningfirl pmgrams and initiatives
for the cornmon good
Shetrgthen self-empowcrment to respond to th€ nceds
of the community
Respond to personal and social needs that can
coDtribute to the promotion ofintemational standards
State steps to fulfill the goal in life
Outline plans for thc chosen profession, vocation and
the futurc
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your a.ssessme guided by the scale below
0- No Chance to Observe
l- Needs Irnprovement
2- Developing
3- Suff cieotly Develop€d
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 ) I 0
Value oneself
Value othcrs
Respect individual differences
Gain undenitanding of oneself and others
7t Suonet
Examine the different Iactors in decision-making for
the achicvcment of succcss
Provide proper procedurc toward responsiblc decision-
Evaluatc the experietrces in dctision-making towad
achieving commoD good
3d Quarter
Apply elll'ctive ways ofprotecting oneselfand others
Live eflective ways in resolving issues that involve
oneself and others
Share skills helptul to solve problems
,fh Quartet
Share onc's abilities for thc development ofothers aDd
Engage oneselfin meaningful programs and initiatives
for the commoo good
Stftngthcn self-empowerment to rEspond to thc needs
oflhe community
Respond to pcrsonal and social needs that can
contribute to the prcmotion of intemational standards