Chapter Seven: Multi-Sample Methods
Chapter Seven: Multi-Sample Methods
Chapter Seven: Multi-Sample Methods
You will recall that the null hypothesis tested by the independent
samples t test is H0 : µ1 = µ2 . This can be interpreted as asserting
that the treatments afforded two groups of subjects were equal in
their effect.
The null hypothesis tested by the One-Way ANOVA F test is
H0 : µ1 = µ2 = · · · = µk
1 µ1 = µ2 6= µ3
2 µ1 6= µ2 = µ3
3 µ1 = µ3 6= µ2
4 µ1 6= µ2 6= µ3
The test statistic for the One-Way ANOVA F test is a ratio given by
F =
MSw =
N −k
The sum of squares within is the sum of the sums of squares for the
individual groups or
or equivalently
( x)2
SS = x −
The sums of squares for the three individual groups are as follows.
( x1 )2 (1016)2
SS1 = − x12 = 208730 − = 2278.8
n1 5
( x2 )2 (1055)2
SS2 = x2 − = 225857 − = 3252.0
n2 5
( x3 )2 (922)2
SS3 = x32 − = 171986 − = 1969.2
n3 5
As with the mean square within, the mean square between is a ratio
of a sum of squares to a degrees of freedom. More precisely,
MSb =
k −1
By Equation 7.8
Pn1 2 Pn2 2 Pn3 2
( All x.. )2
i=1 xi1 i=1 xi2 i=1 xi3
SSb = + + −
n1 n2 n3 N
2 2 2
(1016) (1055) (922) (2993)2
= + + −
5 5 5 15
= 599073 − 597203.267
= 1869.73
The result of 934.88 provided on page 269 of the text is based on a different
calculation where rounding was a bit differently.
7.2 One-Way ANOVA F Test 16/52
The Test of Significance
The assumptions underlying the ANOVA F test are the same as those
underlying the independent samples t test, namely
1 Population normality
2 Homogeneous variances
3 Independence of observations
H 0 : π 1 = π 2 = · · · = πk
As with other statistics with which you are now familiar, the
hypothesis test is carried out by calculating an obtained value with a
subsequent comparison to a critical value.
For the chi-square test the obtained value is calculated by
" #
X (fo − fe )2
χ =
all cells
In this table we have used double subscripts to indicate the row and
column of each cell entry.
Group Group Group
One Two Three
fo11 fo12 fo13
Outcome 1
fe11 fe12 fe13
fo21 fo22 fo23
Outcome 2
fe21 fe22 fe23
(NR ) (NC )
fe =
where NR is the row total for the cell whose expected frequency is
being calculated and NC is the column total for the same cell.
" #
X (fo − fe )2
χ =
all cells
(17-20.81)2 (29-25.03)2 (11-11.16)2 (52-48.19)2
= + + +
20.81 25.03 11.16 48.19
(54-57.97)2 (26-25.84)2
+ +
57.97 25.84
= .70 + .63 + .00 + .30 + .27 + .00
= 1.9
Number of Number of
αPCE Groups Comparisons αFWE
.05 3 3 .122
5 10 .286
10 45 .630
20 190 .920
.01 3 3 .027
5 10 .075
10 45 .231
20 190 .528
αPCE =
where NT represents the number of tests to be performed.
Thus, for example, if we wish to control αFWE at .05 while we
perform three tests, each test would be carried out at the .05
3 = .017
level of significance.
The five p values, along with the hypothesis test from which each was
derived, are listed in ascending order below. Also shown are the
step-down values of αPCE (S-D) and the classical Bonferroni values of
αPCE (CB) for each test of significance.
As may be seen the tests of µ2 − µ5 and µ1 − µ3 are significant while
the remaining tests are not.
It is important to understand that the tests of µ3 − µ4 and µ2 − µ4
are automatically declared nonsignificant at this point due to the
stopping rule.
Notice that had the researcher employed the classical Bonferroni
method, which unfortunately is still common practice, only µ2 − µ5
would have been significant.
Test µ2 − µ5 µ1 − µ3 µ4 − µ5 µ3 − µ4 µ2 − µ4
p-value .0090 .0111 .0181 .0200 .0419
S-D αPCE .0100 .0125 .0167 .0250 .0500
CB αPCE .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100
x̄i − x̄j
qij = q
The subscripts i and j denote the two groups being compared so that
x̄i and x̄j are the means of groups i and j respectively. MSw is the
mean square within as computed for a one-way ANOVA via Equations
7.3 and 7.4.
The symbol nh represents the harmonic mean of the two sample sizes
and is computed as
nh = 1 1
ni + nj
Use the data from the dieting study depicted on slide #9 to perform
Tukey’s HSD test. Begin by stating the null hypotheses to be tested,
then perform the tests and finally, state you conclusions. Maintain
αFWE at .05.
Because there are three groups and we wish to make all pairwise
comparisons, we will have 3(2)
2 = 3 hypotheses to test. They are
H0 : µ1 = µ2
H0 : µ1 = µ3
H0 : µ2 = µ3
x̄1 = 203.2
x̄2 = 211.0
x̄3 = 184.4
MSw = 625
Because sample sizes are the same for all groups, nh will be
2 2
nh = 1 1
= 1 1
ni + nj 5 + 5
The test statistics for the three comparisons are by Equation 7.13
x̄1 − x̄2 203.2 − 211.0
q12 = q = q = −.698
MSw 625
nh 5
x̄1 − x̄3 203.2 − 184.4
q13 = q = q = 1.682
MSw 625
nh 5
x̄2 − x̄3 211.0 − 184.4
q23 = q = q = 2.379
MSw 625
nh 5