Lesson 04 - Chance of A Lifetime
Lesson 04 - Chance of A Lifetime
Lesson 04 - Chance of A Lifetime
Jenkins is telling David about a “great opportunity” – but should David invest in it? Listen
to their conversation and answer the comprehension questions below:
Listening Comprehension
1. Jenkins wants David to invest...
a. $4,000
b. $14,000
c. $40,000
2. What's the relationship between the two men?
a. childhood friends
b. cousins
c. co-workers
3. The last bad investment David made was in...
a. a failed company
b. a house
c. a car
4. Jenkins is excited about a company in the area of...
a. agriculture
b. manufacturing
c. technology
5. David doesn't want to risk his money because...
a. he's saving for a house
b. his son will go to college soon
c. he'd like to take a vacation with his wife
6. Jenkins found out about this opportunity from...
a. hearing about it in the news
b. researching on the internet
c. a man who came into his shop
Conversation Text Vocabulary
David: No way… uh-uh… not my hard-earned
hard-earned dollars =
dollars. money that required a
lot of work to earn
Jenkins: It’s the chance of a lifetime, Dave. Lighten
lighten up = don’t be
up, man.
so serious
David: Jenkins, you’re nuts if you think I’m going to nuts = a slang word for
invest four thousand dollars into a stock that I know “crazy”
Jenkins: But just think… if you buy four thousand gamble = take risks
with money, which
dollars’ worth of Ocean Tech stocks at twenty dollars
could result in losing it
a stock… and then Ocean Tech sells the stocks for
make a fortune = get a
eighty-dollars, you’ll make a fortune.
LOT of money
do you fall for scams. Let me guess… some smooth- fall for = believe in
something that isn’t
talking guy in a fancy suit driving a fancy car came
into your coffee shop and told you about Ocean Tech…
smooth-talking =
maybe even showed you some papers… charts and
someone who speaks
graphs? well and can convince
Jenkins: Uh…well…okay, sure…Mr. Rogers showed
me some papers. But the papers he showed me were Vocabulary
well researched.
lingo = specialized
David: And he used a lot of business lingo, right? vocabulary in a certain
Jenkins: He spoke with intelligent understanding of complimentary = free
the business world.
on top of that = in
David: Uh, huh, sure. I bet you even gave him
complimentary coffee? legit = legitimate, real
David: You were taken, but I won’t be. I’ll see you
Vocabulary Quiz
Complete each sentence with the right word. Two words are not used.
Comprehension Questions
1. a
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. c
Vocabulary Quiz
1. making a fortune
2. dirt cheap
3. in the works
4. complimentary
5. gambling
6. talk me into
7. pals
8. nuts
9. legit
10. lighten up