11th Grade Social Studies Integrated Curriculum Map
11th Grade Social Studies Integrated Curriculum Map
11th Grade Social Studies Integrated Curriculum Map
Amanda Goodman
LIS 654
2010 March 31
Note: Text in bold refers to skills pertaining to NC SCOS Information Skills being taught by the librarian.
2.02 Describe how 1.08 Select and use In the school library, PowerPoint
the growth of independently, both show students where
nationalism and within and outside they can find examples Correct citation
sectionalism were the school, a variety of resources to use in style included
reflected in art, of resources and researching their some way in
literature, and formats. paper. Then exhibit their
language. search techniques presentation.
2.06 Recognize the using outside
2.03 Distinguish power of the media databases from the Students
between the to influence. local library and include a variety
economic and social keyword work of resources.
issues that led to 3.03 Identify bias and searches to find
sectionalism and stereotypes. resources outside the
nationalism. library that they may
4.08 Credit sources find useful for their
2.04 Assess political of information. papers. Show the class
events, issues, and where they can find on
personalities that the school’s website
contributed to information on how to
sectionalism and cite their resources in
nationalism. MLA format.
Finally instruct
students in how to
create a PowerPoint
using text and images
found online for a
simple demonstrative
PowerPoint lesson.
take a supporting or
protesting position on
Women’s Suffrage.
Students will then have
a mock debate where
they will argue their
side’s points.
3.05 Evaluate the Read the 13th, 14th, and Class discussion
degree to which the 15th amendments and
Civil War and the Civil Rights Act of
Reconstruction 1866. Explore what
proved to be a test rights were given
of the supremacy of explicitly in the
the national amendments to
government. different groups and
how the states reacted
to the amendments.
The class will discuss
the new supremacy
authority the
government gained
4.01 Compare and 3.04 Relate cultural Discuss how just Written
contrast the similarities and because someone is assignment
different groups of differences to part of a cultural group
people who personal heritage does not mean they Multiple
migrated to the and environments. embody every aspect resources
West and describe of the values of their
the problems they 2.01 Identify culture. For example, Explanations
experienced. published criteria of in many cultures, within the
excellence for women had limited papers as to
4.02 Evaluate the resources. rights, but many why their
impact that women cross dressed resources are
settlement in the 2.02 Apply identified in order to gain the credible.
West had upon criteria to select legal and cultural
different groups of resources. freedom a man
people and the enjoyed.
environment. 2.03 Recognize the
diversity of ideas and Teach how different
thoughts by formats lead to more
exploring a variety of or less revealing or
resources and honest information
formats. being recorded. For
instance, people are
usually more intimate
in their diaries while
they’re more
professional and
concise in newspapers.
Explain how to
critically examine
resources for accuracy,
currency, authority,
and bias. Use the
example of Crazy
Horse in Encyclopedia
Americana which is
very negative and
culturally insensitive.
be displayed around
the room.
November 5.01 Evaluate the 1.10 Identify Discuss the benefits of Students’
influence of characteristics and using an online successful
immigration and advantages of various database to search for navigation of
rapid media formats for a information about the Ellis website
specific task.
industrialization on potential ancestor on and keyword
urban life. 3.01 Describe personal
both the Ellis Island search engines.
cultural heritage and website and compared
environment. to keyword searches in Bar graph
search engines like
Google. Also cover the Students’ insight
pros and cons of using into racial
an online database vs. discrimination.
American health.
8.01 Examine the 5.02 Produce Divide the class into The media that
reasons why the media in various groups of four and is produced and
United States formats assign each group one how well it is
remained neutral at appropriate to of the following executed.
the beginning of audience and demographics they will
World War I but purpose. be appealing to in their The
later became propaganda media: persuasiveness
involved. 4.09 Produce and young men, elderly, of the group’s
present findings in children, and families argument.
various formats. about why they should
be for or against the
war. Let the groups
decide their pro or
against stance.
March 10.01 Elaborate on 4.05 Gather The librarian will Two maps
the causes of World information from demonstrate how to
War II and reasons the most effective find atlases and Organization of
for United States resources. population maps from information
entry into the war. different time periods
4.07 Organize and using the school’s Class discussion
10.02 Identify use information. databases and print
military, political, resources. They will
and diplomatic show the population
turning points of the of Hiroshima, Japan
war and determine before and after the
their significance to war as an example.
the outcome and
aftermath of the Then the librarian will
conflict. show how to use
Evernotes and other
online software as
tools to organize their
information as they
find details for their
include information on
the “before map” as to
why each country
joined the war and pre-
war populations. On
the “after map,”
students will include
the post-war
populations. Students
will be asked to explain
the aftermath of how
the war affected the
countries they are
Using information
gained from class, they
will pick an
organization and create
a list of indiscretions
their organization was
in which does not
match their stated
mission and goals.
April 11.01 Describe the Students will read and Class discussion
effects of the Cold watch videos on the
War on economic, prosecution that went
political, and social on across America
life in America. during the McCarthy
era. The class will then
discuss the
repercussions of
different groups
turning on each other
in America during the
Cold War.
differences during
these three censuses.
Celebrate this renewed
diversity by allowing
students to bring in
their favorite dishes to
share with the class!