11th Grade Social Studies Integrated Curriculum Map

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Amanda Goodman
LIS 654
2010 March 31

Note: Text in bold refers to skills pertaining to NC SCOS Information Skills being taught by the librarian.

11th Grade Social Studies Integrated Curriculum Map

Time NC SCOS: NC SCOS Strategy/ The

Frame History Information Skills Activity Assessment
August 1.01 Identify the 1.11 Explore primary Teach students the Worksheets
major domestic and secondary difference between
issues and conflicts sources. primary and secondary
experienced by the sources by having
nation during the them read excerpts
Federalist Period. from the Federalist
Papers and the Articles
of Confederation.
Watch sections of “A
New Nation” from the
Schlesinger Video

Students will then

complete worksheets
to identify if various
statements would have
been made by
Federalists or Anti-
Federalists. Explain
how these statements
reflected on the major
domestic issues and
conflicts of the time

1.02 Analyze the Discuss the political Journal entries

political freedoms freedoms these
available to the different groups had Combine the
following groups prior to 1820. Then entries into a
prior to 1820: instruct students to single document
women, wage write a journal entry and have it on
earners, landless from their chosen display as a class
farmers, American perspective and discuss project.

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Indians, African how they had either

Americans, and the freedom or inability
other ethnic groups. to express their
political views.

1.03 Assess Instruct students to Posters

commercial and create small posters
diplomatic supporting or Display the
relationships with protesting the United posters around
Britain, France, and State’s involvement the classroom.
other nations. with other nations.

September 2.01 Analyze the Ask students to write The logical or

effects of territorial letters to the ideological
expansion and the newspaper supporting support for their
admission of new their belief or position in the
states to the Union. disagreement with the students’
concept of Manifest editorial pieces.

2.02 Describe how 1.08 Select and use In the school library, PowerPoint
the growth of independently, both show students where
nationalism and within and outside they can find examples Correct citation
sectionalism were the school, a variety of resources to use in style included
reflected in art, of resources and researching their some way in
literature, and formats. paper. Then exhibit their
language. search techniques presentation.
2.06 Recognize the using outside
2.03 Distinguish power of the media databases from the Students
between the to influence. local library and include a variety
economic and social keyword work of resources.
issues that led to 3.03 Identify bias and searches to find
sectionalism and stereotypes. resources outside the
nationalism. library that they may
4.08 Credit sources find useful for their
2.04 Assess political of information. papers. Show the class
events, issues, and where they can find on
personalities that the school’s website
contributed to information on how to
sectionalism and cite their resources in
nationalism. MLA format.

Discuss with students

bias in the media by

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comparing Fox News

and MSNBC and the
media’s ability to
influence in
contemporary times.
Ask them to consider
the effects the
newspapers would
have had on a culture
with few other
resources they could
look to find unbiased
opinions during early

Finally instruct
students in how to
create a PowerPoint
using text and images
found online for a
simple demonstrative
PowerPoint lesson.

Split the class into

three groups and
assign each group a
different area to cover
(art, literature, or
language). Students
will use a variety of
resources to gather
their information from.
Each group will create
a PowerPoint to
collectively teach the
class how patriotic
feelings of nationalism
and sectionalism were
expressed in their

2.05 Identify the Read the Seneca Falls Persuasiveness

major reform Declaration of of students’
movements and Sentiments. Split the arguments for
evaluate their class into male and their position
effectiveness. female groups. Then using beliefs and
divide each group in logic from the
half and have them time period.

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take a supporting or
protesting position on
Women’s Suffrage.
Students will then have
a mock debate where
they will argue their
side’s points.

2.06 Evaluate the Have students read Class discussion

role of religion in excerpts from “The
the debate over North Star” by
slavery and other Frederick Douglass and
social movements “The Liberator” by
and issues. William Lloyd Garrison.
Have students highlight
passages where the
authors try to persuade
the reader that they
are led by God in their
work. Discuss how the
persuasive voice is
used in civic discourse.

3.01 Trace the Read the Missouri Timeline

economic, social, Compromise and the
and political events Compromise of 1851. The
from the Mexican Create a timeline that explanations of
War to the outbreak highlights and explains the importance
of the Civil War. the various of each
compromises that dealt compromise.
with how to handle
tensions about slavery.

3.02 Analyze and Read South Carolina’s The class

assess the causes of Declaration of discussion about
the Civil War. Secession and discuss history
the exact reasons as revisionists and
outlined in the how their
Declaration why South interpretation
Carolina felt compelled disagrees with
to secede from the primary sources
Union. Discuss if this from the time
matches students’ period.
prior education about
the reasons behind the
Civil War.

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October 3.03 Identify Watch selection from Paper

political and military Ken Burn’s “The Civil
turning points of the War” to understand
Civil War and assess various turning points
their significance to in the Civil War. Read
the outcome of the “The Gettysburg
conflict. Address” and discusses
its political and
emotional effects on
listeners. Students will
research the battles of
Gettysburg and
Vicksburg using
primary and secondary
resources to explain
why they were major
turning points in the

3.04 Analyze the Create a poster that Poster

political, economic, illustrates the
and social impact of differences between Class discussion
Reconstruction on slavery, sharecropping,
the nation and and tenant farming in
identify the reasons the lives of African-
why Reconstruction Americans during the
came to an end. Reconstruction period.
With this
understanding, ask the
class to discuss why
they think
Reconstruction came
to an end.

3.05 Evaluate the Read the 13th, 14th, and Class discussion
degree to which the 15th amendments and
Civil War and the Civil Rights Act of
Reconstruction 1866. Explore what
proved to be a test rights were given
of the supremacy of explicitly in the
the national amendments to
government. different groups and
how the states reacted
to the amendments.
The class will discuss
the new supremacy
authority the
government gained

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and why they were

able to enforce these
new amendments.

4.01 Compare and 3.04 Relate cultural Discuss how just Written
contrast the similarities and because someone is assignment
different groups of differences to part of a cultural group
people who personal heritage does not mean they Multiple
migrated to the and environments. embody every aspect resources
West and describe of the values of their
the problems they 2.01 Identify culture. For example, Explanations
experienced. published criteria of in many cultures, within the
excellence for women had limited papers as to
4.02 Evaluate the resources. rights, but many why their
impact that women cross dressed resources are
settlement in the 2.02 Apply identified in order to gain the credible.
West had upon criteria to select legal and cultural
different groups of resources. freedom a man
people and the enjoyed.
environment. 2.03 Recognize the
diversity of ideas and Teach how different
thoughts by formats lead to more
exploring a variety of or less revealing or
resources and honest information
formats. being recorded. For
instance, people are
usually more intimate
in their diaries while
they’re more
professional and
concise in newspapers.

Explain how to
critically examine
resources for accuracy,
currency, authority,
and bias. Use the
example of Crazy
Horse in Encyclopedia
Americana which is
very negative and
culturally insensitive.

Students will research

reasons that various
groups’ moved West.
They will then identify
a singular historical

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figure from a group

and discuss in a written
assignment whether
that person’s reasons
for heading West
matched the prevailing
reasons of their
cultural group. Papers
will include an
explanation of why
they choose their
resources and why.

4.03 Describe the In small groups, have Brochures

causes and effects students collaborate on
of the financial a brochure advertising Group
difficulties that the beliefs of the discussion about
plagued the Populist Party. Groups effective
American farmer will then exchange marketing skills.
and trace the rise brochures in a
and decline of clockwise motion
Populism. around the classroom.
After a brief group
discussion of the
differences between
their brochure and the
new one, the class will
then have a discussion
where they discuss
what they learned
about how to market
your beliefs most

4.04 Describe Create maps detailing Maps

innovations in the major railroad lines
agricultural of the period. Students Analysis of
technology and will then compare agricultural
business practices agricultural changes over
and assess their information from an time.
impact on the West. assigned portion of the
country prior to and
after railroads were
introduced to the area.
They will display their
area’s information on
available space of the
chart. Maps will then

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be displayed around
the room.

November 5.01 Evaluate the 1.10 Identify Discuss the benefits of Students’
influence of characteristics and using an online successful
immigration and advantages of various database to search for navigation of
rapid media formats for a information about the Ellis website
specific task.
industrialization on potential ancestor on and keyword
urban life. 3.01 Describe personal
both the Ellis Island search engines.
cultural heritage and website and compared
environment. to keyword searches in Bar graph
search engines like
Google. Also cover the Students’ insight
pros and cons of using into racial
an online database vs. discrimination.

Students will then

create bar graphs
comparing immigration
numbers and countries
of origin using
databases and search
engines to find
accurate information.
Discuss racial
discrimination against
different immigration

5.02 Explain how Discuss Andrew Collages

business and Carnegie, Rockefeller,
industrial leaders and Vanderbilt’s Class discussion
accumulated wealth industry practices.
and wielded political Show photos and Ticket-out-the-
and economic videos of the Biltmore door to name a
power. Estate to illustrate the work condition
fabulous wealth the that labor
5.03 Assess the “Captains of Industry” unions wanted
impact of labor accumulated. to change.
unions on industry
and the lives of Show photos and share
workers. quotes from labor

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5.04 Describe the unions discussing the

changing role of conditions that workers
government in were exposed to. Have
economic and students create
political affairs. collages that display
the stark difference in
the lives of the rich vs.
the poor. Have
students explain how
the government’s
response to labor
unions pressure
brought about changes
in economic and
political affairs.

December 6.01 Examine the Have students draw The articulation

factors that led to political cartoons either of the support
the United States supporting or opposing or disagreement
taking an U.S. imperialism. found in the
increasingly active cartoon.
role in world affairs.

6.02 Identify the Explain what yellow The examples of

areas of United journalism is and show modern yellow
States military, examples of it. Explain journalism that
economic, and how it has affected students find.
political international
involvement and relationships then and
influence. now in international
affairs. Ask students to
6.03 Describe how find modern examples
the policies and of yellow journalism
actions of the and present it to the
United States class.
impacted the affairs
of other countries.

January 7.01 Explain the Read excerpts from Thoughtfulness

conditions that led The Jungle by Upton and insight of
to the rise of Sinclair. Have the class the paper.
Progressivism. write a paper
discussing the effects
those food safety
standards has had on

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American health.

7.02 Analyze how Compare the party Students’ ability

different groups of platforms of the to identify
Americans made different political progressive
economic and parties. Have students ideas.
political gains in the identify what issues
Progressive Period. were progressive.

7.03 Evaluate the Have students compare Group

effects of racial the literary tests that discussion
segregation on were given to African-
different regions Americans against
and segments of the those given to other
United States' groups. Have students
society. enter a group
discussion about the
consequences of
requiring a literary test
in order to vote.

7.04 Examine the Watch the first films Ticket-out-the-

impact of produced by Thomas door by having
technological Edison. Contrast this students name a
changes on with other early turn of the
economic, social, “moving picture” century
and cultural life in devices. What big technology that
the United States. changes has changed life in
technology made in the United
their own lifetimes? States.

8.01 Examine the 5.02 Produce Divide the class into The media that
reasons why the media in various groups of four and is produced and
United States formats assign each group one how well it is
remained neutral at appropriate to of the following executed.
the beginning of audience and demographics they will
World War I but purpose. be appealing to in their The
later became propaganda media: persuasiveness
involved. 4.09 Produce and young men, elderly, of the group’s
present findings in children, and families argument.
various formats. about why they should
be for or against the
war. Let the groups
decide their pro or
against stance.

Each group will then

decide what form their

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media will take (short

video, poster,
Vaudeville play, etc).
Depending on the
media method the
group chooses will
determine to what
extent they will
receive instruction and
media resources from
the librarian.

When completed, each

group will present to
the class and
afterwards, the class
will vote on the
persuasiveness of their
argument towards the
perceived needs and
desires of the intended
focus group.

8.02 Identify Divide the class into Listing the

political and military two groups (Allies and battles and
turning points of the Central Powers) and explaining the
war and determine have them identify significance of
their significance to each of the major these conflicts.
the outcome of the battles that they lost
conflict. and against whom. Ask
them to identify what
was the significance of
their loss. Have the two
groups present to each
other in order to
understand how these
conflicts shaped the
final outcome.

8.03 Assess the Read the Charter for Paper

political, economic, the League of Nations
social, and cultural and Wilson’s Fourteen
effects of the war Points. Students will
on the United States then write a short
and other nations. paper as to how the
League of Nations
changed the power
dynamics between

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countries after World

War I.
February 9.01 Elaborate on Students will create a Timeline
the cycle of timeline that follows
economic boom and the booms and busts of Class discussion
bust in the 1920's the Stock Market prior
and 1930's. to and after the 1929
crash. Ask the class to
compare this
uncertainty to
economic troubles in
the United States since

9.02 Analyze the The class will analyze Thoughtfulness

extent of prosperity photos of the time of discussion
for different period and compare about
segments of society the different groups to differences
during this period. each other. In groups, between groups’
students will create prosperity and
lists of the hardships the lists created
faced by a group within groups.
assigned to them. The
lists will be posted
under a corresponding
photo to be displayed
on the classroom wall.

9.03 Analyze the 1.01 Participate in Students will silently Student

significance of read-aloud, read selections from participation
social, intellectual, storytelling, The Great Gatsby and
and technological booktalking, silent writings by Ernest Group
changes of lifestyles and voluntary Hemingway. Then as a discussions
in the United States. reading class, students will read
experiences. aloud poetry from Students’
9.04 Describe Langston Hughes. understanding
challenges to 1.06 Identify of genre
traditional practices characteristics of Afterwards, the characteristics
in religion, race, and various genres.
librarian will identify
gender. the main
characteristics of these
genres and how they
are used in examples
within these works.

Students will then

discuss in small groups

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of four how these

genres reflect the
historical events and
challenges that were
facing the United
States at the time.

9.05 Assess the Students will write Papers

impact of New Deal short papers discussing
reforms in enlarging how New Deal reforms
the role of the are still affecting their
federal government families today.
in American life. Examples: Medicare,
Medicaid, The TVA, the
Blue Ridge Parkway,

March 10.01 Elaborate on 4.05 Gather The librarian will Two maps
the causes of World information from demonstrate how to
War II and reasons the most effective find atlases and Organization of
for United States resources. population maps from information
entry into the war. different time periods
4.07 Organize and using the school’s Class discussion
10.02 Identify use information. databases and print
military, political, resources. They will
and diplomatic show the population
turning points of the of Hiroshima, Japan
war and determine before and after the
their significance to war as an example.
the outcome and
aftermath of the Then the librarian will
conflict. show how to use
Evernotes and other
online software as
tools to organize their
information as they
find details for their

Students will work

together in groups to
create two maps: one
that shows Europe and
the Middle East’s
boundaries and
countries before War
World II and the other
after the war. They will

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include information on
the “before map” as to
why each country
joined the war and pre-
war populations. On
the “after map,”
students will include
the post-war
populations. Students
will be asked to explain
the aftermath of how
the war affected the
countries they are

10.03 Describe and Using skills previously PowerPoint

analyze the effects gained, students will
of the war on create a PowerPoint in
American economic, their group using
social, political, and images found from
cultural life. various resources to
discuss changes in
American society after
the war on the lives of
women, the rise of the
suburbs, and the
population explosion
referred to as the Baby
Boomers generation.
Groups will then
present their
PowerPoints to the

10.04 Elaborate on Students will fill in Map

changes in the worksheet maps
direction of foreign showing all the military Paper
policy related to the skirmishes the United
beginnings of the States was involved in
Cold War. prior to the start of the
Cold War. Students will
then write a one page
paper about which
event they believe had
the most profound
effect on starting the
Cold War.

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10.05 Assess the For homework, Paper

role of organizations students will look up
established to the following peace
maintain peace and keeping organizations
examine their and their stated
continuing mission and goals:
Alliance for Progress
Security Council
United Nations
Warsaw Pact

Using information
gained from class, they
will pick an
organization and create
a list of indiscretions
their organization was
in which does not
match their stated
mission and goals.
April 11.01 Describe the Students will read and Class discussion
effects of the Cold watch videos on the
War on economic, prosecution that went
political, and social on across America
life in America. during the McCarthy
era. The class will then
discuss the
repercussions of
different groups
turning on each other
in America during the
Cold War.

11.02 Trace major Students will take a Class discussion

events of the Civil field trip to the
Rights Movement International Civil
and evaluate its Rights Museum in
impact. Greensboro, NC if
applicable. Students
will go on the guided
tour and afterwards in
small groups discuss
the enduring legacy of

LIS 654 Amanda Goodman© Spring 2010


11.03 Identify major 5.03 Describe, The librarian will Media

social movements support an explain persuasive and presentation
including, but not opinion, and /or debate skills and the
limited to, those persuade an influence of media on Persuasive skills
involving women, audience using a promoting an
young people, and variety of media individual’s argument
the environment, formats. by using the Nixon vs.
and evaluate the Kennedy debate as an
impact of these 5.01 Respond to example.
movements on the reading, listening,
United States' viewing experiences Individually, students
orally, artistically,
society. will select a person of
interest that they will
through various
do research on their
role in one of the
following social
movements: feminists,
rock-n-rollers, hippies,

They will then use

earlier gained skills to
create a presentation
that expresses that
person’s views and
share it with the class.

The students will try to

persuade each other as
to why their chosen
person’s views were
supported by the larger
movement they were
part of.

11.04 Identify the Students will read Class discussion

causes of United newspaper and journal
States' involvement articles from the time
in Vietnam and period talking about
examine how this Kent State and other
involvement protests by students
affected society. against the Vietnam
War. They will then
discuss as a class about
the power of students
to influence society.

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11.05 Examine the Students will listen to Paper

impact of “We didn’t start the
technological fire” by Billy Joel and
innovations that other songs from this
have impacted era. In a paper, they
American life. will identify common
themes about how
11.06 Identify technology changed
political events and American life (ex:
the actions and pesticides and unborn
reactions of the children), the rising
government officials political involvement
and citizens, and by the American
assess the social and people in politics, the
political Civil Rights Movement,
consequences. and compare how this
differed from earlier
eras when the
American people were
more supportive of the
United State’s
involvement in
international affairs
and wars.
May 12.01 Summarize Students will write a Paper
significant events in compare and contrast
foreign policy since paper about the
the Vietnam War. differences in
apartheid in South
Africa to the Civil
Rights Movement in
the United States.

12.02 Evaluate the Have students look at Map

impact of recent the 1986 Amnesty
constitutional ruling that legalized
amendments, court undocumented
rulings, and federal residents. Have
legislation on United students trace the
States' citizens. impact of this decision
on the rising
12.05 Assess the population
impact of growing demographics in the
racial and ethnic United States
diversity in comparing the 1980,
American society. 1990, and 2000 census
demographic reports to
each other. Map the

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differences during
these three censuses.
Celebrate this renewed
diversity by allowing
students to bring in
their favorite dishes to
share with the class!

12.03 Identify and Discuss the Three Miles Class discussion

assess the impact of Island incident and
economic, have students debate Poster
technological, and whether there is
environmental reasons against using
changes in the renewably energy
United States. sources like solar
power, wind power,
and wave power. Have
students create posters
comparing different
renewable energies to
each other.

12.06 Assess the Students will interview Paper

impact of twenty- at least three adults
first century about the effects that Class discussion
terrorist activity on they perceived on
American society. American society
following the disasters
12.04 Identify and of 9/11/2001. Students
assess the impact of will then compare
social, political, and these comments to
cultural changes in their own memories of
the United States. what they recall of
United States’ life prior
to the War on Terror.
Hold a final class
discussion on whether
there is a more
effective method of
fighting a guerilla war
than current U.S.

LIS 654 Amanda Goodman© Spring 2010

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