Cts 1002
Cts 1002
Cts 1002
Interior Art by: Justin A. Taylor, Robert D. Taylor, Tony Perna (Image Portfolio: 1.3
Superhero, Image Portfolio: 1.5 Superhero), Jason Walton (Image Portfolio: 1.7 Fantasy
Headquarters), and other clipart
ISBN 1-4116-2439-4
Game Content. The following text excerpts of Celestius Ex, Second Edition are considered
Open Game Content. Chapters not listed are not Open Game Content.
ev erlasting lif
everlasting e.
Chapter 3: Racial Stats located in Grey Boxes
Chapter 4: All
Chapter 6: All
Chapter 7: All
John 3:16 Chapter 8: All
Chapter 9: All
Chapter 10: All
Chapter 11: All
Chapter 12: All
Chapter 13: All
Chapter 14: All
Chapter 15: All
Chapter 17: Only Environments and Hazards and all subsections
Chapter 18: Only Stat blocks
Only the artwork listed on pages below is Open Game Content and all header pictures are
considered graphical elements (see above):
Pages 37-38, 60-62, 67, 72-73, 80, 85, 134, 137, 145, 152, 162, 166, 200, 215, 221, 229,
Scientist ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Table of Contents Soldier .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Student ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Techie ..................................................................................................................................................... 52
chapter 1:
The War of Salvation
Since the great fall, Satan and his minions have been fighting to de-
stroy everything that God loves and holds dear. They fight out of
hatred . . . and fear. They hated God, because they were not content in
their place due to vanity. They rose up and they lost the war. Out of
punishment, they were banished to Earth and Hell where they con-
tinue their campaigns. They fear God, not just because of his awe-
some and superior power, but because they may lose the war and be
banished to the eternal lake of fire. However, they will fight and stop
at nothing to destroy God and take his place.
To stand in between the devil and his victories, God has assigned his
servants, the angels of heaven, to stopping the devil and his armies
and protecting the human race. Originally created as servants of light,
some angels had a much darker future. The most powerful angel,
who was favored by God, became conceited and led one-third of
heaven’s angels away from the Lord. Sold on the belief that he should
be Lord of Lords, he and his armies attacked God and his servants.
With faith in God, the angels of light stood on the front lines fighting
Therefore, ther
efore, e is no
there w no
now their old comrades. As the mighty War of Heaven concluded, Satan
and his followers were thrown out of heaven. Full of evil and hate,
condemnation for those who ar
condemnation e in
are they plan and prepare for the next and last war.
demons, continued to pull God’s people away from him. In these times, conscious thought or a random feeling. When humans are left alone,
humans began to fight alongside angels to stop these evil influences. shrouded demons can speak to humans suggesting the wrong actions
Humans, while the angels’ protectorate, also became an angel’s great- and thoughts. Angels will physically fight the demons that are im-
est allies. As time continued, the war surged forward. Then, God sent planting suggestions and when the demon is gone, the human will
the greatest of gifts to the world. God sent his Son down to the world perceive it only as a bad suggestion that faded away. The Holy Spirit
as a man. In the world, He started great teachings that would be car- takes over and leads them back to the right path. Some shrouded an-
ried on until the end of the Earth. Satan was furious and made men to gels will make suggestion to the person while demons stand on the
believe that Jesus was the worst thing for all mankind. In a great other side giving the bad advice. This will lead to conflict in a person’s
climax, humans crucified the Son of God. While Satan thought this heart, and the decision will be made based upon how close they are to
to be a victory, it was truly not. Jesus’ sacrifice was actually a sacri- God.
fice for all of mankind’s sins. The devil realized that his scheming
had misfired and he had suffered a major defeat. Now, man could be One of the aspects of the war that make an angel’s task much more
cleansed of his sins and be accepted into heaven by just believing that difficult is the person’s closeness to God. Angels refer to this phe-
Jesus was the Son of God. To make matters worse, Jesus rose from nomenon as an aura. The aura is based off of how powerful the Holy
the dead and delivered His last messages. Then, He returned to heaven Spirit is inside them. The Holy Spirit’s power comes from God, but
only to wait and return again. the Holy Spirit can only shine through as much as the person will
allow it. The person’s relationship to God is what determines how
The devil realized that he has lost the war, and will be burned for all powerful the Holy Spirit is and the aura. In the world, the Holy Spirit
eternity. In a fit of rage, he decided that if he were going down that he will help each person do great works for Lord and protect him from
would take down most of humanity and destroy all of God’s servants, evil. Now, life for this person does not become any easier, because
the angels. However, Satan was not about to give up on his plan for the person’s aura will shine out like a beacon in a fog. Other people
victory. He believed he could take over the Earth and heaven. as well as demons, are drawn to this person as well as the demons.
When they see this, demons will hunt it down and do everything they
The war picked up vigorously. Satin attempted to corrupt everything can to diminish this person’s faith. However, the aura will assist in
including the new formed churches while God continued his great protecting them from demons and the evil of other people. Also, the
works. God sent even more angels to the Earth as he continued prepa- aura will give strength to servants of the Lord. A person’s relation-
rations for the Second Coming of his son. Once again, humans began ship with God is what usually determines the overall outcome of the
to advance technologically. This caused even more temptations and battle. However, if it were not for the angels, the demons would most
dangers to all humans, but God used these new inventions for good surely drag the soul to evil and eventually to Hell.
purposes. With Satan’s plans becoming more aggressive, God sent
more and more angels to Earth to continue his work. Most of the
angels have never even been on the planet before. So now, the war
The End Is Coming
sits with humans and God’s messengers, the angels. The war will be
won because God has already declared it. However, what matters are The Day of Judgement is coming. The angels continue to serve God
how many human souls and angels can be saved from Satan’s evil. and complete missions that bring the Second Coming closer. On the
other hand, the demons fight for their lord always trying to destroy
humanity. Satan has a plan. His demons continue to fight and occa-
Earth: The Battleground sionally win. For each victory, his plans get closer to becoming a
reality. One day, he will come to Earth as a human and lead the hu-
Most humans cannot see the supernatural or the war that is happen- mans away from God. He will gather the darkness and destroy the
ing around them. While humans may not perceive the war, they do gates of heaven and his armies will raze Heaven. In his plan, God
perceive the effects of it. Often, humans are the objective of each will be destroyed and Satan will take his place. God knows what will
battle. Much of the actions of humans are effected by the outcome of happen and continues to prepare for the end. He knows of Satan’s
the battle and whom they finally choose. A human’s choice can make plan, and Satan understands this himself. All angels know of the end,
some of the most powerful angels lose the battle. Heavenly angels but they do not know how it will happen and when it will come.
will assist humans in physical tasks and through a unique power of However, Satan plans on outwitting God and winning the war. Re-
suggestion to assist in mental tasks. All angels have the ability to talk gardless of Satan’s plans, it is the angels’ job to make sure that God’s
to humans while shrouded, unseen. Humans perceive this as a sub- missions are fulfilled so that God can rescue his believers one day.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 7
chapter 2:
Welcome To Celestius Ex
Welcome to Celestius Ex Second Edition Roleplaying Game. We hope
you enjoy this game as much as we did in creating it. It was made
with the purpose to create a Christian-friendly game that allowed
players to have fun while glorifying God in the game as they would in
real life. Of course, non-Christians can play this game just as much
as Christians. One of the best things about this game is the ability to
customize it to however a person likes to play. Also, a person could
create almost any kind of character that they could imagine with this
system (as long as you have the points). Next, it uses many great
aspects of several other games to make it as good as possible. Well,
read on and have fun playing it.
This game takes place in the modern world where players create char- on the d20 gets higher, the likelihood of success increases. Of course,
acters that can be angels, special humans or wilding (half-demons). no one is the same and each person has different level of skill in all
Once these characters are customized to the player’s desire, the areas of life. While skills are a large part of a character, they also
Gamemaster will create an adventure for the characters to interact have powers and unusual abilities to aid them in their quests. Like
with, solve and complete. Unlike board games or computer games, people, characters are extremely detailed to aid the player in making
each adventure can be completely different each time. Also, the story a character like they want the character to be which brings up the
can be of any type such as drama or action or even mystery depending next part.
on the Gamemaster or player’s interest. One of the more interesting
aspects of the game is its mechanical inclusion of salvation. All Player The Player’s Characters
Characters start out as saved. If the character falls from grace, the
player would lose that character. On occasions, the GM and player
Characters are the most important part of the game. They are the
can work out a story that will allow a character to lose their salvation
heroes of the story. The Player Character (known as PC) is made up
and then find it again. However, this cannot happen with angels.
of many different aspects. The process can be long if the player is not
Whatever the player’s emphasis, the characters’ mission is to fight
sure what they are doing. One suggestion is that the rules and choices
the armies of darkness and help each person find salvation.
for character creation should be explained fully before the player be-
gins to create a character. This should help the player understand the
Christian Roleplaying? repercussions of each choice and what effect they will have. One of
the most important aspects of character is their equality with other
Christian roleplaying is a narrower aspect of general roleplaying. It is characters. While each character will be different, characters of the
based on a setting and system that uses openly stated Christian ideas. same level should all be equal in power and usage. The only subjec-
While there are many wholesome games that do not cover or allow tive factor that no rulebook can cover is the player’s ability to play
certain things, they don’t necessarily talk about Christianity or the the character and take full advantage of it. This is one of the best
Bible. The other games certainly are notable, but they don’t address aspects of the game. A character can grow and learn while the player
Christianity directly. Also, Christian roleplaying games puts charac- learns what the character really can and can’t do. The way a charac-
ters on the side of God and must defeat evil to save the lost. Normally, ter is built to maintain
they don’t have people playing very dark or evil characters. Many equality is by character Character Points Table
times, characters can be lost and find the truth in life. This is only one points.
Level Character Points
of the many aspects that stories and characters can use to build 1 50
fantastical and great stories. While God can be a part of real life, God Character 2 55
can also be a part of gaming as well. Finally, this is a Christian 3 60
roleplaying game, but these games are in no way limited to just Chris-
tians. Non-Christians can have just as much fun with them as they
Points 4 65
5 70
can with other games. It is up to the players how they play the game. 6 75
Character points are
7 80
building blocks that al-
8 85
How do you play? low players to create 9 90
whatever character they 10 95
While the whole concept is to create characters to interact with other like. Each aspect of 11 100
people’s stories, their needs to be some form of framework to set up character creation cost a 12 105
limits and maintain fairness for all players. However this is not to certain amount of points 13 110
restrain fun, but rules are to help increase it since people will focus and it is up to the player 14 115
more on fun than on the fairness of other people’s actions. This book how many character 15 120
provides the framework for such stories. In the Task Resolution and points they will assign in 16 125
each part. In the end, 17 130
Combat section, the rules are covered in a great amount of depths
each character will be 18 135
managing the entire if’s and why-not’s. For the most part, it is simple.
19 140
unique and fun to play
20 145
The basic rules use a d20 to resolve most situations. As the number if the player understands
+1 +5
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 9
how to play it. they can just as easily be diplomats if the player chooses that route.
However, each race is more apt for certain archetypes and will excel
All characters start with 45 character points and each level after that at those more than the other races.
the character will gain 5 more points. Levels determine two aspects
of the character. The first one determines how experienced they are in To pick out the race, the player should read through each race and
life. For instance, a level 5 warrior will do better in combat than a determine which one they like the best. Every race has many different
level 2 warrior. Next, experience shows how powerful the characters facets that a player can focus on allowing them more flexibility. Once
are in most situations. A group of level 10 characters can handle that the race is chosen, the player should write down all their powers and
giant demon while a group of level 4 characters could not take on weakness and make note of it’s point cost. Each race costs a certain
such a challenge. This also allows players to create characters that number of points, and these points are taken away from the 45 points
are more powerful than starting level characters to enjoy different that each character starts with. If the total cost of the race is high, the
types of games. The table helps the players determine how many char- race will usually be much more powerful. However, a higher cost
acter points the character will get if they start with a level higher than will mean less flexibility in the next areas.
Choose Background Occupation
Character Creation All characters started out doing something before they were put into
their new service. This only helps the character in selecting a back-
With the concept of character points covered, the player needs to cre-
ground as well as providing skills and feats that associate with that
ate a character. The player has 45 points and can spend them on the
background. A player can select one background for free. If the player
next 10 parts to make the character complete. Each part builds a dif-
decides to take another background, they have to pay four character
ferent part of the character, and the player needs to determine which
points for it. As long as they have the character points, they can take
aspect is more important. For some characters, a large amount of skills
as many backgrounds as they want. Also, the GM or player is free to
are more important while other characters may need to have unique
make their own backgrounds as long as it doesn’t exceed four charac-
powers. This system allows for almost anything to be made as long as
ter points.
the player has the imagination for it.
Each section below is it’s own chapter. To create a character, the Choose Archetype
player should go to each chapter and follow the instructions for creat-
Now the player knows what race they are as well as their previous
ing that aspect of the character. Normally, the chapters should be
occupation. The player needs to decide what archetype the character
followed in order and should not normally be done out of order. How-
will be. The archetype is a guideline to assist the player in determin-
ever, the players can make a character in whatever order they wish
ing the kind of character they are going to make. For example, a char-
to. The whole reason for such a layout is to make it as simple as
acter can be a soldier, a traveler, a rock star or a private investigator
possible for the player to create a character, but the process should be
to just name a few. Archetypes have no point cost and are merely
fun and interesting. If the player does not like the character when
suggestions to help the player to decide what to allocate points to in
they are finished; the player should feel free to make it over again. In
the next several steps. The character can have only one archetype.
the end, the player should like their character and be ready to put it
Also, they can make a new archetype if they have the GM’s permis-
through some great and exciting adventures.
Choose Race
Assign Ability Modifiers
The first aspect that needs to be determined is what race they are.
With the player knowing what kind of character they are going to
While the word ‘race’ may not be absolutely correct, the name is
make, they must assign Ability modifiers to each Ability. The race
chosen for it’s simplicity in the different designation. Each race has
determines the base modifier for the character. Now, the player can
strengths and weakness as well as the average personality that the
modify these with character points or leave them alone. To raise an
player should take into account. The player should not be worried
Ability Modifier by one, it costs two character points. If one lowers
about the final outcome of the character at this point, because any
any of them, the character receives two extra character points. The
race can be anything. While certain races can be more fighter-like,
amount they can raise them is detailed in the specific chapter.
Page 10 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Determine Secondary Ability the above steps to get a cool power for their character. If this hap-
pens, the GM should watch the player’s bookkeeping of character
Modifiers points.
There are several abilities that are not covered in the primary abili-
ties, but they remain essential to the mechanics of the game. These Choose Defects
are called Secondary Abilities and are averages of the primary abili-
Defects have two different outlooks. The first outlooks, and the most
ties. Unlike the primary abilities, the character’s level can enhance
appropriate, is that defects represent a character’s failing or failings
the secondary abilities. After the calculations are made for each abil-
in some way. In the real world no human is perfect and a character
ity, the player can increase them by adding character points. To in-
doesn’t have to be perfect either. The failings should help build a
crease a secondary ability by one, it costs three character points. How-
character as well as give more facets to roleplaying during the game.
ever, these cannot be lowered like the primary ones can.
The other outlook is the bonus points. Each time a character gains a
weakness, they will get extra character points deemed bonus points
Choose and Assign Skills (BP). This represents a way for the player to increase other aspects of
the character while adding a few weaknesses. However, the bonus
With the abilities assigned, the characters can now spend points on
points should not be abused. A weakness will have an impact in game
skills. Skills are what determine how knowledgeable a character is in
play, and it may hurt a character more than help if too many weak-
certain areas. This determines how powerful a character is when tested
nesses are taken.
in that area. For the most part, this game is based around skills. Al-
most every check uses a relevant skill. Skills not only cover combat,
but they cover social interactions as well as book knowledge. Finishing Touches
All characters start with a certain number of skill points, which are These are just a few more aspects of the character such as hit points,
determined by the Intelligence ability. These skill points can only be movement and essence points. These are derivatives of the abilities
used to buy skills and do not take away from the character points the and attributes that are taken in the steps above. The player cannot
character has left. However, the player can use character points to necessarily change any of this with character points, so any left should
buy additional skills. Each character point equals one skill point. The be added to the wealth of the character. Also, this step offers an op-
only other restriction is that no skill can be raised four above the portunity for the player to create a more thorough and complete back-
character’s current level. ground. If an effort is put in to increase the background information,
the character will receive extra character points. They should go back
Choose Feats and add these points to the steps above if they wish. Any points not
spent after this step cannot be spent until the next level.
Feats cover unique knowledge and extraordinary abilities. While these
are not as powerful as Attributes, they are just as useful for the more Choose Equipment and Weapons
mundane aspects of the character. Each feat costs two character points
and the prerequisites should be met before the purchase of the feat. Finally, the character is complete. The player knows what the char-
acter is and how she manages in the war. However, all characters
Choose Attributes need equipment. Equipment will help the character out, but it does
not have to be the focus of the character. On the other hand, the char-
Attributes represent supernatural forces that the characters can per- acter could be more of a gadget-type person and like a lot of toys. In
form. All of these powers that the characters receive come directly this instance, they will be spending a lot of time in this section. Be-
from God. Rather than being magic, attributes are much more power- fore the player leaves this part, the character should have clothing,
ful and diverse that allow you to build almost any affect that you can some form of protection and possibly housing and transportation. It is
imagine. Players should consider carefully the kind of powers that up to the character how much they want to buy. It should be noted
they want for their character and how many character points it will that angels do not get Wealth so they can’t get any equipment in this
cost them. The races have several of these attributes already added to section. They have no earthly assets so it is impossible for them to
the character. At this point, the characters can choose to increase keep money. However, they don’t really need money nor do they want
these powers or add new ones. Many times, players will redo some of it.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 11
chapter 3:
When the angels come to Earth they see humans traversing the Earth
focused on immediate concerns while demons run rampant warping
humanities long-term perception. To an angel the world is dark, gritty
and very corrupted. As humans have a natural tendency to do evil,
the demons help nurture these primal habits and suggest even worse
courses of action. This causes the world to become more evil and
base. In general, it makes angels very sad to see the sorrow the de-
mons inflict on humans and how the humans inflict it upon them-
selves. Because of this perspective, angels fight even harder to save
the people that God created and loves. Most of the angels’ actions are
done while they are shrouded. However, they see the world covered
in a thick, musty fog of sin. As they are surrounded be evil, they must
“And when he had ttaken
aken the book, the use powerful attributes and weapons to protect them.
four beasts and four and twenty elders
twenty The angels often will employ various means when fighting demons.
The great warrior angels will often use powerful claws or huge swords
fell down befor
down e the Lamb, ha
before ving eev
having very
ery of power while wielding them in one hand. They will even shoot
beams of light from their hands or shoot massive fire bolts at demons.
one of them harps, and golden vials full
Other types of angels will employ other means of attack. A messenger’s
of odours, which are the prayers of
are song would drain a demon of his power and force him to flee, while
others will use massive shields that protect them from the most vio-
saints. ” lent attacks. These shields will even damage the demons when the
demon attacks. While angels fight bravely, they must fight intelli-
gently and realize they may lose if they make the wrong decision. A
Revelations 5:8 lost battle could mean a mission lost for God and humans lost to the
to rest and regain their powers, which is a trade off to their power. angels bred with humans in the beginning, their relationships pro-
While the loss of essence is of very little importance to them, angels duced powerful offspring known as wildings. These creatures were
have a much greater danger. easily swayed by Satan and became horribly evil. The great flood
wiped out most of the world’s wildings and since then God has forbid
The major concern of angels when they are on Earth is temptation, any angel to have relations with a human. It should be noted that
which leads to the fall from Grace. While an angel is certainly not as angels can’t have sexual relations with their own kind, because they
easily swayed by evil as humans are, they can get too caught up in do not reproduce.
the situation or even confused. An angel will try so hard to help a
human that they can forget about what God wants, and do wrong. Idolatry – Angels are not allowed to have anyone worship them as
There are many ways they can be tempted to do evil, and Satan works gods. Many angels have fallen because of the great power that hu-
especially hard to lure angels from God. Unlike humans who have mans offer these beings. Many demons have acted as gods and tried
had sins washed away, angels do not have such a savior. On the other to lead humans away from God and destroy God’s servants. Many
hand, they are allowed to sit in the presence of God in Heaven and angels have been sent to destroy these demons that are worshipped.
know the truth of the universe. For an angel to commit a crime against On the other hand, angels cannot worship anything else nor put any-
God is unforgivable. They will be banished from Heaven and de- thing else before God. This is a rare temptation, because most angels
clared an enemy of God. There are many angels who have not pledged know the truth.
themselves to serve Satan and are considered rogues on Earth. Even-
tually, they join the dark prince and fight against God while destroy- Power – Angels must not abuse their positions. They are given great
ing the world. power as they walk on Earth. Some angels are tempted to use their
power to help others or even harm humans when it is outside their
Personality mission’s parameters. While helping is good, angels know that they
cannot get in the way of God’s will. Normally, they try to serve God’s
Before a player can take on the role of an angel, they must understand will. If confronted with a situation, the angels will consult God and
the difference in the outlook of the angel. The personalities of angels Heaven for an answer. Also, angels must be careful when using God’s
are just as diverse as humans are on Earth. Each angel has his own Grace. Normally, the angel would be given an idea of how to use
identity and unique individualism. However, what makes them dif- God’s Grace. Sometimes, God will allow an angel to have an extra
ferent from humans is their experience and perspective. With the ability point of Grace. The angel should always consult God before using it.
to understand what effect each human’s sin has on the world, the
angels have a much more aggressive and emotional stance against Secrecy – While angels are not allowed to deceive others, they tend
evil and sin. to be elusive about who they really are. For the most part, they are
not allowed to reveal who they are or why exactly they are helping.
Rules and Laws Often, they know the truth, however, they must keep it to themselves
and help the person find the truth. Their purpose is to find problems
An angel’s guidelines are similar to humans with a few exceptions. and help people find their faith. At times, the angel will know when
An angel must follow the same tenants that are set in the bible. They to tell someone his or her true identity. This is only to serve God and
cannot lie, cheat, steal, murder, destroy, or any other sin listed in the his purposes.
bible. Also, they are not to become infatuated with Earthly posses-
Envy – Sometimes, angels may be tempted to be jealous of another
sions because they have seen Heaven and God that give them every-
being’s powers. They may find themselves wishing they had more to
thing they need. They can use technology, but they do not find it all
help stop the darkness. This jealousy will often lead them into acts
that useful. A person with faith and following God could do anything
that are against God. Each angel tries to counsel one another from
that technology makes easier for them. However, technology is not
falling into this trap. God does not approve of an angel if they have
evil, but can often become the puppet of evil, like money. While there
obliged themselves with envy.
are a few laws in the bible that do not pertain to them because they
are not human, they have additional rules that they must follow. To
Killing – Most of the time, an angel will have to destroy a demon or
some humans the rules could seem harsher, but angels gladly follow
an abomination. Rarely, God will order an angel to take a human’s
any rules for God and his glory.
life. Angels must avoid from killing any human or even seriously
maiming them. Due to an angel’s power, this should be relatively
Sex - They cannot have any sexual relations with humans. While the
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 13
easy. For an angel to be allowed to kill a human, an angel will be told thing else of the character will change when they enter a new form.
which one to kill. On the other hand, an angel is allowed to destroy
any abomination or demon that they find while on Earth. Celestial: This is the form that most humans will never see. The
angels use this form when they are up in Heaven. In general, the form
Temptations appears as a spiritual cloud. Within this cloud, the angel shines light
and emotion. This form has little use on Earth, so angels do not use it
For most angels of lower rank, they are not aware of the evil fruits of and are generally not allowed to use it. Most humans would fear it
Earth. As angels get higher in rank and more experienced working on and not understand. This would give Satan more tools to use against
Earth, they begin to be tempted by the evil of the world. Starting at God as he tries to destroy God’s beloved. There has been only one
Level 5 and every five levels after that, the angel will get a tempta- recorded act in the bible, which speaks of this form. An angel of death
tion. The GM will choose what temptation the angel has, but should descended onto the Earth and took the life of each first born in the
be fair to the player. Each temptation should be an object or an idea. land of Egypt.
It may not be as specific as hamburgers, but it should not be as broad
as something such as food. A good example may be fast food or red- Divine: When an angel has come to Earth, he often takes this form
headed women or men. The GM may wish to consult with the player while moving in the shroud. For the most part, all angels, who come
to find a good fit and use past experiences. It should be noted tempta- to Earth, have a perfect human body with large, feathery wings. They
tions are not sins, but acting on the temptation is a sin. will wear utility robes or loose clothing. The clothing will vary in
colors. They will often have belts and other accessories for purely
Angels may give in and sin. For the most part, the player will lose his utilitarian reasons. The angel will use the accessories to carry his
angel character. However, there is a way to get a second chance. weapons and items. It should be noted that all angels have their own
Throughout their missions, angels gain levels and additional spiritus bibles. A few angels will be covered in armor to protect them in battle.
ratings, the player can choose to lose a level of their spiritus rating or Each angel’s appearance will be distinctly different and resemble their
lose their character. The angel can never have negative spiritus. At Earthly form. Many demons have adopted new and different divine
that point, the player will lose their character. forms to make them more powerful in the shroud.
Forms of the Angels Earthly: When an angel steps out of the shroud, the angel appears
like any other human. Each angel has their own unique appearance
The angels have three forms that they can usually take which include like most humans do. They are able to perform some of their abilities
the celestial, divine and earthly. The celestial is a form that no human while in this guise. Most humans will sometimes suspect something
has witnessed. This form is usually held when they are in heaven. about these beings.
The earthly form is what they take when they walk among the hu-
mans enshrouded. Most humans cannot see the difference between a Society
human-formed angel and another human. The earthly form is what
most angels and demons will hold on the Earth or in certain parts of Angels do not have any real organization as it is known on Earth. All
Heaven. The divine form is what angels take when they choose to do angels work and have jobs that they must perform. While the archan-
battle against demons. gels hold the leadership of heaven, the angels only need to be directed
to certain tasks. The angels work for the sole purpose of glorifying
All angels have unique forms and gifts, and demons also have similar God. As angels leave Heaven to perform missions, they also will have
powers. The demons’ gifts changed dramatically when they were standard responsibilities in Heaven. Normally, an angel will be pulled
exiled from Heaven. Demons have gotten stronger as they feed off from its tasks and given a mission to perform on Earth. The angel that
evil humans. To a human, demons appear as nightmares when they briefs them could be an angel of higher ranking or an Archangel.
are in their divine form. On the other hand, angels appear as warriors Sometimes an angel will deal with Seraphim or any other being in
of light. However, not all angels have large, feathered wings and wear Heaven.
white togas. Every angel has a different appearance. Some have more
outlandish appearances while others are much more easily accepted. To represent an angel’s power and leadership position in Heaven,
The Messenger angels have the nicest appearance, while the warrior each angel has a rank. The ranks, while not important in normal tasks,
angels have almost frightening appearances. Also, none of the show where an angel is to stand when God calls them to battle. Each
character’s statistics such attributes, hit points, essence points or any- angel is a part of a legion. On occasion, God will call legions of an-
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gels to battle forces of evil on Earth or defend Heaven’s Gates. When problems. The time it takes only seems like moments to angels as
an angel joins their legion, they fall into a specific place in the legion. they leave the realm of Earth. As for the Nine Circles, it is not as
An angel serves alongside several other angels with the same rank. easy. The Nine Circles are located around the Realm of Earth, how-
The rank is merely a tool to show an angel’s prowess and power ever, they are pockets of darkness that the demons dwell in and create
outside of Heaven. monstrosities. With the Earth being covered mostly in darkness of
evil, angels must search out these evil pockets. No angel knows where
Traveling each circle is. To enter one of these horrible places, the angels have to
enter the shroud to see the vile place. By the end of the twentieth
Angels can go anywhere in Heaven quickly and with ease. However, century there are only five that have been found. None have been
Earth is another matter. An angel can cross great distances, but they removed completely. As for the real Hell, no creature wishes to travel
must do it physically. They do not appear in a place of their own will. there, because it is the realm of darkness and eternal fire located out-
When they descend from Heaven to Earth, they are placed in the area side of the realm of Earth. The route is held secret by a few high-
where they must execute their mission. To get to another place, an ranking angels. Also, purgatory is secret to most angels except for the
angel must travel to that place in either their divine or earthly forms. keepers who must transport a human’s soul to the place. The demons
Most angels will choose to use their wings to travel great speeds have never found out about the location and any keeper who falls
around the Earth. There are exceptions to the rule. On occasion, God from grace loses any memory of the route. Purgatory is not located in
will transport an angel where they are needed if he or she deems it the Realm of Earth.
necessary. This action would take a form of God’s Grace. A charac-
ter would spend a point of grace and travel anywhere they need to.
Talents (Humans)
While the angels can travel quickly around the globe, there is the
ability to pass from the shroud to the real world. As humans live in Like all things, God created humans during the time of creation. Even
their world where they see everything disguised and hidden, angels though the humans were provided with everything, Satan easily cor-
know that there is a thin shroud that separates the real world from the rupted them, which lead to the fall of their innocence. Ever since that
spiritual world. When the angels enter the shroud, they use the term, period, man has been forced to wander the Earth while surviving and
“Stepping into the Shroud.” As they lift the veil, they see everything improving their surroundings. While God loves all men and women,
as it is. They see humans as good or evil as they really are, and can many humans continue to walk away from him and ignore his com-
see through any disguises that demons might be wearing. To step into mands. However, there are a few that continue to serve him and his
the shroud, the angels use a point of essence, take an action and dis- will.
appear from the world. An angel cannot reveal themselves to humans,
While there are many normal humans that serve God and continue to
so they must remove themselves from sight quietly. Examples would
do great miracles in his name, this game covers the unique humans
include an angel walking around a corner and disappearing, wander-
who have been given powers to combat evil and it’s effect. While
ing into a large crowd and disappear or anytime they walk out of
they are unique and unusual on Earth, most people don’t even know
sight or into an unnoticeable area. On the other hand, an angel can
they exist. Most of the time, their work against the evil hordes occur
move out of the shroud much more easily. When an angel takes an
without any other human being aware of their acts, or the evil hordes
action and an essence point, they can move to the normal world, and
cover up their acts and vehemently deny their effects and even their
all normal humans do not notice the reappearance. Most humans per-
existence. While they operate outside of normal human perception,
ceive the appearance as not having noticed them being there before.
they are great tools to aid angels and even difficult solo tasks. Even
They may have a passing thought about where the angel came from,
though they are given weak abilities compared to other creatures,
but they do not usually investigate the emergence. While an angel
humans possess the power of spiritus that makes them very powerful
only spends one point to move into or out of the shroud, the technique
to move to Heaven or the Nine Circles takes a much greater time and
For Heaven or the Nine Circles to be reached, the angel must be in
the shroud. Heaven appears as a small star that can be seen in bright- Spiritus is a type of essence generated by any creature with a soul
est and darkest places of the shroud. The angel flies toward it and the who is in touch with the Holy Ghost. All creatures with souls have
star expands to reveal the Gates of Heaven. Angels enter without essence, but it takes the Holy Spirit to turn the essence into the divine
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 15
they appear as a human, but they glow like they would when seen in
the normal world from the shroud. There is no bonus to this. How- There are many reasons why Satan has not littered the planet with
ever, this is more of a detriment since most of the demonic armies these beings. One of the main reasons is their relative weakness com-
would think nothing of it to destroy a human in the shroud. pared to spiritual humans, abominations and aberrations. Wildings
tend to have the weaknesses of the parents, but never really gain the
Wildings strengths either. They don’t have spiritus or access to celestial fire.
Most of the time, demons use the wildings in sorcery or covert opera-
tions. Also, wildings prove to be effective killing machines against
While the two sides of the war seem very black and white, there are
humans who prove to be troublesome for the demonic armies. An-
many aspects on Earth that are very gray including humans and wild-
other good reason for Satan not to have very many wildings is their
ings. Wildings are creatures that were created from the union of a
unpredictability. While Satan is very good at judging the human
human woman and a demon. Most of the time, the woman is not very
psyche, the wildings may turn on the demons to work with angels, or
aware of her partner’s identity and does not suspect anything differ-
it might happen the other way. A part of this problem stems from the
ent about her child. Also, the child appears normal. It is not until
fact that they have human souls and has access to salvation. This
puberty that the child begins to discover his true nature. This is also
proves to be very tempting for many who are seeking a different life.
the time the child will probably meet his or her father. Since the de-
Either way, the unpredictability is just too great for Satan to rely on
mon leaves the woman after their affair, the child is usually very in-
for his future plans. He has told all the demons to refrain from making
terested in the demon if not a little resentful. During this time, the
wildings unless they are told to. However, many still create some just
child will be taken away from his or her mother and be raised in one
to absorb the essence from the women. This produces a lot of conster-
of the circles as part of the demonic armies. However, the child does
nation with the ranks, but it is something they can deal with. Wild-
not always choose to go with the parent.
ings are treated very badly by both sides of the fence, which gives
The child is faced with several decisions regarding his or her revela- them a very rough personality.
tion. Many of them will agree to go with the demon and aid them in
While humans can be very friendly and even make good companions,
the war against Heaven. While wildings are generally not as power-
wildings find their powers too extreme for most humans. Besides,
ful as angels, they are well equipped at taking out an angelic threat.
their animal changing abilities make it awkward for some humans.
Since wildings have human souls, the angels cannot kill them. How-
Also, their association with animals make them much more primitive
ever, angels can disable or hinder the wilding threat. While many
compared to the soft, materialistic humans. While many wildings
become engrossed with the evil machinations, some wildings seek a
become almost barbarians out in the wild, they still can form there
way out. Once they are involved with the demons, it is very hard for
own societies and even remain apart from the rest of the world.
them to leave. Most demons will kill the wilding for their treason.
The few that decline the initial demon offer are trapped in a world
that does not accept their existence. In some instances, the demon
will try and kill the wilding, but God provides a means of survival for
Most wilding societies are small villages or enclaves located in the
the threatened wilding. Many times, angels will be present to aid the
wilderness. These villages will have everything for the members to
wilding. For those survive, they will try to lead normal lives, but they
support themselves and allow for many generations to live there.
will eventually be drawn to many communities of wildings that are
However, these villages do not necessarily appear as what they are.
springing up all over the world. Within these communities, they are
Because humanity is expanding, there are fewer areas that wildings
usually safe from outside influences and are accepted for who they
can live without interference. One of the ways that they can limit the
are. However, Satan has been working on subtly corrupting wilding
interference within their lives is by disguising their village as some-
community leaders so that he can still use them in the war. While
thing else. An example of this is tourist towns located near the wil-
most of the wilding population serve the demons or hide in wilding
derness. Located near large stretches of wilderness such mountains
communities, there are a few that have devoted themselves to the
or wilding communities, and they don’t necessarily stay in the wil-
service of God. These wildings become much stronger, because they
derness. There have been wilding enclaves located in sewers and aban-
have access to some of the spiritus powers and a few angelic strengths.
doned subway tunnels. For those that don’t care for the law, they
While they may seem powerful, they are still weaker than the more
choose high crime areas or very poor areas where they will deal with
powerful humans and the angels themselves.
law enforcement the least. Outside of certain areas of North America
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 17
and Europe, most wildings can live in the wilderness never coming While most lead horrible lives, some find ways to resist their dark
into contact with any of the modern world. temptations and follow Christian ways. Since angels cannot kill wild-
ings, they do their best at avoiding wildings unless the angels’ mis-
There have been stories among angels of wilding communities ap- sion deems a wilding’s involvement. While most wildings distrust
pearing as African or South American tribal villages. These are often angels (due to the reminder of their fathers), they can find ways or
located in the deep, unexplored areas of the world such as the Congo understandings to all them to work with an angel. The same rules
and the Amazon Rainforest. Most scientists associate these tribes with follow for humans. While most wildings conceive humans as weak,
unusual customs and behavior never really knowing the truth. While they do find their camaraderie and even alliances to be very benefi-
they seem like they never have had very much outside contact, most cial if not enjoyable. It is through humans and angels that wildings
people don’t find out about them, because they will kill any visitor on can find redemption and accept Jesus Christ. Once they have joined
site. When it comes to demons and their war, the wildings, no matter the armies of light, they become powerful allies for Heaven since
where they are, can never be too safe. The protection of the large they can act as emissaries between the activities of the shroud and the
group has proven useful at holding back many demons. However, real world. This is only due to their powerful form that they take on
demons have found other ways to manipulate them other than brute in the shroud, which makes them less vulnerable than humans who
force. enter the shroud.
Sin Forms
While all life with souls have potential for doing good, wildings are Like humans, wildings cannot enter Heaven physically. However, they
heavily influenced by their demonic heritage. There behavior tends can enter the shroud where they appear as a very different creature.
to be dark and even pessimistic. For the most part, wildings are at- Each type of wilding form varies, but nonetheless, they become even
tracted to more basic aspects of life. Normally, they don’t enjoy elec- more powerful creatures in the shroud. In the realm of Earth, they
tronics, but would rather be in the wilderness hunting and surviving. appear as humans while in their shroud form they appear as very
They really enjoy fighting and destruction. Their dark passions usu- different, almost most mythical-like, creatures. Also, they have an-
ally lead them into life of sin while rejecting most things that are good other form. One of the more unique properties of wildings is that they
or Christ-oriented. With such dark behaviors, demons find it very have an animal form. To turn into their animal form, they must enter
easy to subvert wildings. the shroud, change, and then reenter the real world as their animal
form. While entering or leaving the shroud takes one full round, their
With the independent nature of most wildings, they will usually be unique ability allows them to change into their animal form in one
alone and easily persuaded through events and ill advice. As most full round. To an outsider, the change appears as a bright flash. Their
wildings suffer persucution from humans, they are forced to live lonely bestial side is what gives them their unusual natures. Many wildings
lives. Since Demons understand human psychology, they can cause choose to live in their animal form for most of their life. Finally, it
various events to occur that pushes the wilding to certain actions. should be noted that when a wilding changes, their clothing and all
Most of the wilding’s needs and desires are very basic. It is not hard items fall off of them when they return to the real world.
finding something that will anger or beholden them. To assist their
final goals, demons will disguise themselves and subvert them com-
pletely. For this to work, the demon will build up a relationship that Racial Template
will eventually endear the wilding to it. Once this stage is complete,
the demon will easily counsel the wilding into the wrong action. Once
Description Key
the wilding has served the demon’s purpose, the demon will destroy
it or have something else destroy it. While the subversion of wildings Description: This describes their basic personalities and perceptions.
is very useful for most demonic plans, the process takes a long time The description only represents the average person of the race. There
for the final effects to be realized. However, demons live forever, and are many exceptions to this description.
time is not as important as timing. As Satan and his demonic leaders
Appearance: This only describes how they appear on average. Most
create different plans to turn wildings against humanity and God, there
beings will vary from their general demure.
are some that have rejected Satan’s ways.
Background/Job: This describes what the particular races do or what
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they have been through in the past. Also, this describes their basic able differences is the number of scars on the angel’s body. While
missions for God. angels heal physically quickly, they choose to keep their battle scars
every time they have lost their charge to evil. Some of the more expe-
Racial Powers, Attributes and Defects: These describe their par- rienced Guardians have many scars but has an almost frightening
ticular powers that are common to each race as well as weaknesses. look of determination. Most of these characteristics carry over to their
Some of these powers use the Unique Attribute for their mechanics. Earth form as well.
While anyone can duplicate these, it is best if the powers stay within
the race to maintain balance and uniqueness. When they take a human form, they appear almost the same as their
divine form except for their wings and armor. Like their divine form,
Racial Traits: These are the mechanics and ability bonuses provided they appear tall and very strong. They do retain their scars that frighten
to the character during character creation. The ability bonuses are some people. However, they are not there to endear themselves to
the starting modifier base for a character. This also gives the exact anyone. With an almost fanatical demeanor, most humans think Guard-
mechanics and cost of all the powers and weaknesses listed above. ians are crazy or has at least a few bolts loose. Many times, their
human charge is rather put off by the Guardian and tries to get away.
Racial Attributes: Because all races are different with various di- Like a parent, the Guardian is only there for the human’s best inter-
mensions of strengths, each race is limited to certain attributes. When est, and their charge eventually realizes it.
purchasing attributes, a character can only select these attributes.
Background/Job: Before humans, they assisted the Cherubim in pro-
Angel (Guardian) tecting Heaven from dark forces. They lost the fewest in the Great
War but the conflict still ways heavy on them. They watched many
Description: Not all humans have guardian angels, but God will good friends turn away from God and try to destroy what all Guard-
choose when a human needs a Guardian to protect that
human. The Guardians have been the protectorate of hu-
manity since the creation of humans. They defend hu-
manity with all their power and resources. When a Guard-
ian is present, a human has little to fear when they are
under the protection of one of these angels. While they
are not the most powerful or the most compassionate,
they seem to be the most versatile of all the angels. They
tend to use whatever method lets them complete their
mission. With their quick wits and fast reflexes, they
rarely fail their charge.
ians protected and loved. Sometimes, it hurts them to deal with their Once Satan realized that he had lost, he began throwing everything
ex-comrades on Earth. However, they know what their comrades did he could to drag down every human with him. Like most active Chris-
wrong, and now they must keep the humans from making the same tians, Guardians are fighting to protect each human during the last
mistake. flailing of evil.
After the humans were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, they were Racial Powers, Attributes and
asked to assist and protect humans on Earth. The main reason for this
was that Satan set up his throne on Earth, and this is where the ma-
Defects: Angel (Guardian)
jority of the demonic army was present. As more humans turned evil,
Defiant Shield: All Guardians have a special shield that protects
they were required less and less. After the flood, they were much
them from an enormous amount of damage. Also, the angels can throw
more active. They spent the majority of the time assisting God’s cho-
the shield as a long-range attack, and the shield will return to their
sen. This included them protecting humans from entire armies to
arm instantly.
watching over babies and little children. However, their missions
became a lot more wondrous and dire when the lamb was sacrificed.
Racial Traits: Angel (Guardian) Special Defense 8 (8); Block Ranged Attacks (2)
Flight: All angels can fly with great speed when they are in their human see this being in it’s divine form, he or she see almost perfec-
divine form. Also, they are extremely maneuverable in flight. tion of a being. Their voices have perfect pitch and tone but remain
commanding. A Messenger has perfect, physical proportions and can
Realm Travel: They can travel to Heaven, Earth and Hell. move extremely gracefully. However, they can move quickly, and they
are strong despite their lithe appearance. All this remains true in their
Extras: They do not need to breathe air, and they can survive in Earth form. They are so beautiful that many humans would fall for
water and a vacuum. Also, angels do not age since they are made of them, but the Messengers will counsel them against such emotions.
pure spirit. With such a high appearance and presence, most humans will listen
to them and be persuaded by Messengers. Despite the other angels,
Essence-Based: Angels are not killed physically no matter how many
these are some of the few angels that will appear in their divine form
hit points they lose. They will heal all wounds naturally and appear
in front of humans.
alive. If their essence is ever reduced to zero, they will automatically
return to Heaven, their home realm. If blown to bits or disintegrated, Background/Job: Throughout the Bible, this type of angel is seen
the angel will reform in Heaven in their celestial form. the most. While many of the other angels have been involved in one
point or another in the Bible, Messengers have delivered various
Temptation: Every five levels, they gain one temptation. For more
messages to humans many times in the Bible. Their appearance is
information, see the Temptation section in the angel section.
often remarkable and marks a major change in the world. The most
No Wealth: An angel does not get any Wealth Bonus, because they notable of these is the Messenger that appeared in front of the shep-
do not have any money. They have to find other means like creating herds to tell them that the Son of God was born. While she did appear
something or convincing a person to give it to them. in divine form, many Messengers will be in human disguise to deliver
their messages or assist humans. Since they lack the strength to be in
Unsaved: All angels are unsaved. Jesus died for humans and not the shroud, they will often stay in the Earth realm to assist humans.
angels. This is a very harsh weakness since one sin will cause the With this weakness, Satan himself discounted them.
player to lose their angel character.
During the Great War, the messengers served as the turning point
that eventually led to Satan’s downfall. Much to his surprise, they
Angel (Messenger) were quick fighters that could unleash a barrage of arrows and ago-
nize the fallen angels with their songs. This advantage was great, and
Description: All angels praise God, but messengers sing his praises Michael was quick to use this angelic group to his advantage that led
as many times as they can. Their voices are the most beautiful in all to his victory. However, there were some that did follow Satan.
the realms. Their voices can cause the most stonehearted to wane and
feel. This group contains the most compassion of all the angels. They While Messengers are extremely good at dealing with humans, there
are most emotional and the most joyous of all the angels. They love demonic counterparts are just as efficient. With beauty and presence
everything that God has created and despise all the evil that is trying behind them, they could enrage entire nations with just a word. Some
to warp everything. These angels tend to not be very good combat- angels have suggested that Helen of Troy was a messenger demon. In
ants. They prefer to negotiate and sway humans away from evil and fact, the Greek goddess, Aphrodite, was a demon messenger angel in
the evil suggestions. They see the war being won with humans and disguise that seduced many people. She still exists today, but has
not stopping demons from persuading them. They feel that to teach a chosen a much different form. These demons have changed the course
human to not to succumb to evil is better than vanquishing evil at of human history many times, and Messengers have been fighting
every turn. They tend to be very sad when a human chooses sin, or them on each and every human.
evil wins over the human’s hearts. They will fight the demons and
abominations when they have to but try to find alternative methods. Racial Powers, Attributes and
These angels do not like violence and do not find the violent human Defects: Angel (Messenger)
culture very appealing. They try to promote love. Angels have been
trying to curb humans of their violence and to this day continue to Psalms of Peace: By singing a special hymn, they can cause all crea-
promote love and friendship in all human behavior. tures that can hear it to stop all aggression. The ones who are affected
will not be able to attack.
Appearance: These are the most beautiful of all angels. When a
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 21
Bow of Light: They have a special bow that they can bring out at any divine form. Also, they are extremely maneuverable in flight.
moment and use to attack with powerful energy arrows. These bows
are apart of the angel and they can activate at any time. The bow Realm Travel: They can travel to Heaven, Earth and Hell.
cannot be lost or disarmed since they can make it vanish or appear at
will. Extras: They do not need to breathe air, and they can survive in
water and a vacuum. Also, angels do not age since they are made of
Flight: All angels can fly with great speed when they are in their pure spirit.
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Essence-Based: Angels are not killed physically no matter how many Background/Job: When the war in Heaven began, their angelic kind
hit points they lose. They will heal all wounds naturally and appear suffered the most casualties to Satan’s deceptions. Many warriors
alive. If their essence is ever reduced to zero, they will automatically joined Satan and his armies, and Satan believed the warriors were the
return to Heaven, their home realm. If blown to bits or disintegrated, most powerful in Heaven. He was right to an extent. Individually, the
the angel will reform in Heaven in their celestial form. warriors were better fighters, however the combined talents of the
entire angelic host were too much for the soldiers. This is not to say
Temptation: Every five levels, they gain one temptation. For more that these were the lonely angels that joined Satan. While a third of
information, see the Temptation section in the angel section. the angelic host joined him, the soldiers made up the largest percent-
age in Satan’s armies. Since Satan and his armies’ exile, the warriors
No Wealth: An angel does not get any Wealth Bonus, because they have always been outnumbered, and they have learned the value of
do not have any money. They have to find other means like creating teamwork.
something or convincing a person to give it to them.
Warriors are not sent to Earth to deal with humans very often. Their
Unsaved: All angels are unsaved. Jesus died for humans and not power is in combat, and angels don’t destroy humans very often. The
angels. This is a very harsh weakness since one sin will cause the will protect other angels as they assist humans. This can be danger-
player to lose their angel character. ous because of the possibility of demons being in the area.
As they fight for humans and viciously destroy evil creatures of Earth, Flight: All angels can fly with great speed when they are in their
they are disheartened when a human chooses to follow evil despite divine form. Also, they are extremely maneuverable in flight.
all their hard work. These circumstances happen often to warriors.
They find themselves more pragmatic and even cynical to the point of Realm Travel: They can travel to Heaven, Earth and Hell.
almost sinning. They often find themselves unhappy helping man while
Extras: They do not need to breathe air, and they can survive in
watching them fall deeper into evil. As God relieves them of their
water and a vacuum. Also, angels do not age since they are made of
waning heart, they will gladly bring their sword to bear on any de-
pure spirit.
mon or abomination.
Essence-Based: Angels are not killed physically no matter how many
Appearance: They manifest themselves as very large beings. They
hit points they lose. They will heal all wounds naturally and appear
stand at least seven feet tall and many will be much taller than this.
alive. If their essence is ever reduced to zero, they will automatically
With a very broad frame, they are heavily muscled that shows their
return to Heaven, their home realm. If blown to bits or disintegrated,
great strength. They like to have various artistic markings with vari-
the angel will reform in Heaven in their celestial form.
ous colors that help accent their skin tones. Unlike some angels, they
like to choose skin colors that are very different from humans. When
Temptation: Every five levels, they gain one temptation. For more
they do take their earthly form, they appear extremely big for a hu- information, see the Temptation section in the angel section.
man. Most warriors are mistaken for body builders, soldiers or even
thugs. Despite their appearance, they are kind and helpful to other No Wealth: An angel does not get any Wealth Bonus, because they
humans, however, they are not that compassionate. do not have any money. They have to find other means like creating
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 23
something or convincing a person to give it to them. Description: The Keepers are more commonly known as angels of
death. These angels have a very specific job. Their mission is to take
Unsaved: All angels are unsaved. Jesus died for humans and not a person’s soul when the person’s body dies. They take the soul to
angels. This is a very harsh weakness since one sin will cause the purgatory where all human’s souls wait for the Day of Judgment. The
player to lose their angel character. challenge is that the keeper must get the soul and then deliver it.
What makes it difficult is that humans may die in good places as well
Angel (Keeper) as bad places in the shroud.
Page 24 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Flight: Starting characters can fly up to 50 mph with giant Racial Attributes
wings, only in the shroud. Adaptation, Armour, Celestial Fire, Essence Bonus,
Flight 2 (8), Limitation -1 Enhanced [Ability], Environmental Control, Extra Arms,
Extra Attacks, Extra Defenses, Extreme Damage,
Realm Travel: can travel to Earth, Shroud, Heaven, Features, Flight, Flunkies, Force Field, Health Bonus,
Purgatory, and Hell, and takes a round to activate Healing, Heightened Awareness, Heightened Senses,
Special Movement 5 (5): Realm Travel; Activation Time 5 (- Highly Skilled, Immunity, Insubstantial, Invisibility, Item of
5) for each travel type Power, Jumping, Mind Control, Mind Shield, Power
Defense, Projection, Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Sensory
Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs training, Block, Servant, Sixth Sense, Special Attack, Special
also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills. Defense, Special Movement, Speed, Spirit Ward, Swarm,
Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1 (4) Telekinesis, Telepathy, Tunneling, Unique Attribute
anything that they are in contact with will go with them to other realm. Defects: Angel (Keeper)
Once a demon goes, they will instantly know how to go there and
would eventually find a way to travel there and steal all human souls. Soul Keep: All Keepers have the ability to remove the soul from
The Keepers will do anything to stop this. If a Keeper is forced back human bodies. By simply touching them, they remove the soul from
to Heaven, they will lose the souls that they are carrying, and any the human. They can only perform this in the Shroud and takes a
creature can take the souls since they are just floating around in the round to prepare. Once they began to remove the soul, they cannot be
shroud. Keepers can never take a soul to Heaven’s gate. The soul interrupted, or the soul will return to the body unaffected. The soul is
would be destroyed just like any demon or other creature. kept inside the Keeper until they get to purgatory and release it. If
they are ever forced back to Heaven, they will lose the soul, and it
Racial Powers, Attributes and will remain in the last place the Keeper was at.
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Keeper’s Staff: This is a unique weapon that appears as a staff until methods of immersion. The demons find it easy to keep them on a
the angel causes a blade to spring from within to form a giant scythe- leash while easily subverting them into doing anything. With them so
like weapon. They cannot lose this weapon or be disarmed. blinded by passion, Ayerlings never realize what is going on. For
those that do recognize the bottomless pit of sin and demonic plans,
Flight: All angels can fly with great speed when they are in their their attitudes become almost hateful toward the demons and lost hu-
divine form. Also, they are extremely maneuverable in flight. mans.
Realm Travel: They can travel to Heaven, Earth , Hell and Purga- Once Ayerlings have recognized the darkness, many of them do not
tory. turn to the light. Those that choose to seek out their own path of
revenge they will leave a trail of blood that will involve many inno-
Extras: They do not need to breathe air, and they can survive in cents. To their blind passion of revenge, they do not see anything, but
water and a vacuum. Also, angels do not age since they are made of their need to satisfy themselves. This leads them down almost the
pure spirit. same path of the their brethren who remain puppets. There are a few
that can redirect their passions for God. Those that have chosen the
Essence-Based: Angels are not killed physically no matter how many
light can direct themselves to become very helpful to the light side.
hit points they lose. They will heal all wounds naturally and appear
These individuals remain very passionate and do any mission with an
alive. If their essence is ever reduced to zero, they will automatically
unbending fervor. They get along with the Lunus the best.
return to Heaven, their home realm. If blown to bits or disintegrated,
the angel will reform in Heaven in their celestial form. Appearance: In the shroud, they appear very lithe with huge bat-
like wings that extend from their back. Also, they have a tail that acts
Temptation: Every five levels, they gain one temptation. For more
like another appendage. Some even have small horns that give them a
information, see the Temptation section in the angel section.
stereotypical demonic appearance. When they are in this form, they
No Wealth: An angel does not get any Wealth Bonus, because they tend to act more like gargoyles. They like to watch and then strike at
do not have any money. They have to find other means like creating their prey. This hit-and-run tactic is to help them survive since they
something or convincing a person to give it to them. do not have the endurance for a straight fight. However, they use a
similar tactic in the Earth realm but with a different method.
Unsaved: All angels are unsaved. Jesus died for humans and not
angels. This is a very harsh weakness since one sin will cause the In their human form, they appear as a very beautiful person. They use
player to lose their angel character. this attraction to get other peoples attention as well as what they want.
Once they get what they need, they will drop the person and proceed
to fulfill their next need. While many people resent this behavior,
Ayerling they don’t realize how flighty the person really is. All Ayerlings can
take the form of almost anything that can fly on Earth. They cannot
Description: While the Ayerling may appear as an angel, they are take the form of insects. Each Ayerling must choose one flying crea-
everything but angels. While they are good in nature, they tend to be ture that is inherent to them and then they can purchase other crea-
more fickle. They always like to have a good time and even some go tures.
as far as playing pranks on unsuspecting people. Their heads usually
stay in the clouds always thinking about having fun rather than on Background/Job: In the demonic army, the Ayerlings are used for
what matters at hand. However, they tend to allow pleasure to rule scouting and spying. In their human form, they can easily get the
over their lives. attention of most humans and get whatever they need. In this way, the
Ayerlings become effective assassins against humans and wildings.
If they have not chosen the path of light, they will be involved in When they deal with angels, they will usually swarm onto the angel
almost any activity that is very pleasant. In society, they take up the since they cannot take it on one-by-one. A lower level angel is caught
various jobs in the illegal drug market, other times, they will be in- off guard while a higher-level angel can find a way to deal with the
volved in prostitution. In general, they love the parties. If there is a nuisance. Their quick attacks and dangerous claws allow for some
gathering occurring, they will seek it out. They feel as if they deserve very devastating blows, but when they are hit, they are put out of
to have fun. While they go to every party, the thrill never quite fills commission rather quickly. Their fragileness is also another worry
the void in their soul, and they seek out more extreme and eccentric for angels as well as being strength. With too much force, they can
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 27
Racial Ability Base: Realm Travel: Travel to Shroud and Earth only and takes
Strength: -1 a round to activate
Agility: 2 Special Movement 2 (2): Realm travel to Earth and
Constitution: -1 Shroud; Activation (-2); Restriction (-2) cannot enter
Awareness: 1 Heaven, Hell or Purgatory regardless if they get the
Wits: 0 attribute or not.
Spirit: 0
Presence: 0 Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based: character will not
Appearance: 3 die if they lose all their Essence Points; Also further
increases in rank provide a +1 defense against all
Vampiric Attack: Bite 2d8 and add number of hit points to essence attacks after the first rank.
character as long as maximum does not exceed twice as Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based 1 (1)
many as the character’s total maximum.
Special Attack 2(8): Incapacitating, Vampiric (3); Low Fragile: -5 to Maximum Hit Points
Penetration, Melee, Static, Toxic Not so Tough (-1)
Flight: Starting characters can fly up to 10 mph with giant Total Cost: 24 Character Points
wings, only in the shroud.
Flight 1 (4), Limitation -1 Racial Attributes
Adaptation, Alternate Form, Animal Friendship, Art of
Prehensile Tail: One tail that can operate like another arm. Distraction, Combination Attack, Contamination, Essence
Extra Arms1 (1) Bonus, Enhanced [Ability], Environmental Control, Extra
Attacks, Extra Defenses, Extreme Damage, Features,
Natural Weapons: Claws: 2d8 and Essence Drain Flight, Flunkies, Force Field, Health Bonus, Healing,
Special Attack 2 (8): Essence Drain, Flurry, Melee; Heightened Awareness, Heightened Senses, Highly
Features 1 (1): Horns (No combat affect) Skilled, Immunity, Insubstantial, Invisibility, Item of Power,
Jumping, Mechanical Genius, Mimic, Natural Weapons,
Farsight: See over several city blocks Organizational Ties, Power Defense, Regeneration,
Heightened Senses 1 (1): Type 1, Sight Rejuvenation, Sensory Block, Servant, Sixth Sense,
Special Attack, Special Defense, Special Movement,
Spirit Ward, Superstrength, Unique Attribute, Wealth
easily be destroyed. When the Ayerlings leave the demonic forces for Racial Powers, Attributes and
the light, they are much more at risk.
Since Ayerlings rely on strength in numbers, they become relatively
Vampiric Attack: They can bite someone and drain their hit points
weak by themselves. This is one of the things that the Ayerling must
and transfer them to the character. They can transfer up to twice as
face. With most Ayerlings involved in demonic plans, the lonely
many hit points as they can currently have. Also, the ability para-
Ayerlings eventually find friends with faithful humans and wildings.
lyzes the character for several minutes.
Once they find them, the Ayerlings find much better company and life
even though they don’t realize it at first.
Flight: With their large bat wings, they are a lot better fliers than
they appear.
Prehensile Tail: They have a long tail that acts like another limb.
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Natural Weapons: They have claws and small horns that jut from they will create society-wide rules. Regardless of their origin, they
their head. will all create a similar strict code of behavior. Often, this strict code
has a very heavy military bent. This is one of the reasons that demons
Farsight: They can see very far away with accuracy. In fact, their value Fyrlings. They are easily controlled and are very effective in
eyes are almost eagle-like. combat. For the ones that choose to seek salvation, they continue
their code while changing up some aspects of it for the Bible. One of
Alternate Forms: Must choose one creature that is a bird and flies the hardest parts they face as a Christian is the inability to forgive.
in the air. The reason for this is that most Fyrlings have a tendency to hold
everyone else to the same honor codes and conducts. To make matters
Realm Travel: They can travel to the Shroud and back to the Earth.
worse, the Fyrlings are very strong-willed and dominating. They are
Fragile: The Ayerlings have very thin bones and are prone to injury. very extreme in their views and have little patience for mistakes or
failures. This harsh nature does not endure very well with most other
people. Many people do not like to deal with them, or any of their
Fyrlings military plans. While most notes that they are not wrong in their views,
they feel that the Fyrlings have taken things to the extreme.
Description: The Fyrlings have a very strong sense of honor and
righteousness. For the most part, they create honor codes and con- The Fyrlings have a hard time forgiving others and themselves for
ducts for themselves. As for the ones that live with other Fyrlings, mistakes and sins. Fyrlings do not often become vengeful. Instead
they tend to remember all the mistakes a person has made. Anytime
they see another person makes a mistake, they will be tempted to not good at hunting through paperwork.
remind them of past failures every time the action may be repeated.
Racial Powers, Attributes and
Appearance: In the shroud, they appear as a giant cat standing up-
right. Standing over 7 feet tall, their appearance is in the style of the
hunting cats such lions and leopards with very similar abilities. They
Natural Weapons: They attack with powerful claws and ferocious
have a human body with a cat-like head and legs, which makes it
jaws. These are more powerful than animal claws or biting.
easier for them to jump. Their arms are very muscular with human
hands that have rather large claws. These claws are the most deadly Extreme Senses: By using a form of of sight called Darkvision, the
of all the wildings. They do not only use them for combat, but they character can see in the dark just like it was day. However, there
also use these to climb like a cat would. They do have tails, but they needs to be at least a very small amount of light for the sight to work.
serve more for balancing. The other combat aspect that they have is With this help, they are also very good at being aware of their sur-
their powerful jaw which can almost bite through anything. What- roundings. They excel at sneaking up and are very difficult at being
ever cat they look like is the same one they can change into. They can ambushed.
also take on any animal form that is limited to a land-based predator.
This does not include insects. Alternate Form: They can turn into any form that is a land-based
carnivore. They cannot turn anything into that goes into water like
Background/Job: With quickness and a large bulk, they become crocodiles.
some of the best warriors in the world. The demons use them as shock
troops. They can jump in a fight and deal powerful blows and then Realm Travel: They can enter the Earth and Shroud realms only.
jump out, giving them an element of surprise against lesser oppo-
nents. Unlike the Ayrlings who cannot stay in the fight, the Fyrlings
can stand up in a fight and take several serious blows as well as give
them. While they are not as tough as the Stonelings, they must seek a
Description: The Illyrus are well known for their sense of justice
quick way to end combat or maneuver out of it to find another advan-
and fairness. While they do not seek justice as the Lunus do, they
tage. They do fairly well against angels forcing them into conflicts
have the best chance at determining the proper judgment in a dis-
that they do not want to fight. Angels find Fyrlings such a threat that
puted matter that would make all parties satisfied. Their fairness is
they must fight against them and take a chance on killing them. Lesser
well known throughout the war and many use these blind people for
angels hold back allowing them to be defeated by being overwhelmed.
their judges and city officials. With their great since of the law, they
In groups, the Fyrlings are extremely dangerous. A large number of
have the best chance at making the right decisions. Some say that
them can easily take down one angel unless the angel unleashes its
God gave them this gift to supplement them for their sightlessness,
full power. This will usually result in them killing all the wildings,
however, the Illyrus say that God gave them other gifts. They claim
which would be bad. The other use of a Fyrling is their hunting abil-
the gift of fairness was given to everyone except that the Illyrus use it
ity. Demons like to use the Fyrling to hunt down humans to terrorize
the best. In general, they stay the most neutral on most matters and
or just kill them outright. They serve as excellent soldiers against the
side with no one. They rarely have disputes with anyone, because
powerful humans who posses special gifts. With their ability to hide
they will usually try to find another course of action to suit most
and track, they become very effective hunters. As for the ones who
parties. If they ever have to fight, they will with no hesitation. They
seek salvation, they have a very different life.
understand the need for action and with their special gift, they can
While they still maintain a very strong sense honor, they lead a very engage in combat just as easily as sighted people can. However, most
different life. Most of the time, they will seek refuge into one of the people are very surprised when an Illyrus is placed in this situation,
many wilding towns, or they will lead a very lonely life away from because they appear as very patient people.
people. Sometimes, they will meet a group of companions that will
While they are very patient, their biggest problem is in their desire to
need their assistance on several missions. These missions use their
work independently. Since the Illyrus have always relied on them-
powerful abilities in the shroud and with the assistance of angels can
selves to do everything, they like to keep doing everything themselves.
become powerful forces. They also are very useful at finding things.
While this is not necessarily a bad thing, the Illyrus will take it to the
In more wilderness areas, they act as rangers or rescuing teams. In a
extreme. They will not work within a team very easily. The Illyrus
city environment, they make good investigators. However, they are
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Racial Traits: Illyrus believe they can do fine alone and do not need partners. The
problem comes when the team needs the Illyrus. The Illyrus
Type: Human will leave his teammates in trouble to complete their own
missions. However, they may choose a different tact. They
Racial Ability Base: will go ahead of the group and do everything for the group
Strength: -1 rather than wait for them to accomplish it. This causes se-
Agility: 1
vere problems in most situations. Most of the time, the Illyrus
Constitution: -2
will give the group a chance.
Awareness: 0
Wits: -1
Appearance: They appear as normal humans, but they are
Spirit: -1
Presence: -1 blind. Some are born with the defect, while others may be
Appearance: -1 involved in an accident that leaves them blind. Once they
are blinded, they are given a distinguishing trait.
Shroudsight: See the shroud as if they were standing in it, but
they can’t interact with it. Also, can use to see when present in the All Illyrus gain a much higher senses and awareness. They
Shroud. can react to things very effectively as well as properly. They
Unique Ability: Special Sight (Shroud) 1(5) know where people are in the room just from their breath-
ing or small noises. Sometimes, they use feeling and even
Blind: No sight smell to tell them about their surroundings. Another unique
Sensory Impairment (-3): Sight ability is there sight into the shroud. All these unique hu-
mans have a very powerful ability that is connected to their
Extreme Senses: +4 Bonus to all senses used to perceive; Sonar Spiritus. For the Illyrus, they can see into the shroud as if
to know how far everything is away from them
they had eyes and were standing in the shroud. However,
Heightened Senses 8 (8): Type 1 (Smell, Hearing, Touch, Taste);
they cannot interact with anything in the shroud. Also, they
Heightened Awareness 2 (2); Heightened Senses 2 (2): Type 2
cannot use this ability to navigate since the shroud and Earth
are very different sometimes. For the most part, they can
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based: character will not die if use this to investigate people and their true nature. They
they lose all their Essence Points; Also further increases in rank can see demons or angels for what they are, or they can see
provide a +1 defense against all essence attacks after the first just how spiritual the person is. Angels do not even have
rank. this extraordinary power. The only drawback is that the
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based 1 (1) beings in the shroud will see the person looking into the
Realm Travel: Travel to Shroud or Earth only
Special Movement 2 (2): Realm Travel (Shroud, Earth); Activation Background/Job: The Illyrus have been instrumental in
2 (-2); Restriction (-2) can only travel to these two realms the war. With their extreme senses and ability to see in the
shroud, they can see enemies in an area and what is going
Total Cost: 18 Character Points on. This causes a significant problem for many demons and
their activities. While normal humans may not believe an
Racial Attributes
Animal Friendship, Armour, Computer Scanning, Essence Bonus,
Illyrus, gifted humans, wildings and other beings will cer-
Enhanced [Ability], Environmental Control, Exorcism, Extra tainly listen to them. What make them harder to deal with
Attacks, Extra Defenses, Extreme Damage, Flunkies, Force Field, are their humble attitudes. Without sight, they come to ap-
Health Bonus, Heightened Awareness, Heightened Senses, Highly preciate God more and what he has done. This makes them
Skilled, Item of Power, Jumping, Mechanical Genius, Mind Shield, harder to tempt. Instead, demons will cause all their associ-
Organizational Ties, Power Defense, Projection, Regeneration, ates as many problems as possible, or they will seek a way
Rejuvenation, Sensory Block, Servant, Sixth Sense, Special to dispatch the Illyrus. For their associates, they will face
Attack, Special Defense, Spirit Ward, Telepathy, Unique Attribute, many trials and cause problems for the Illyrus in turn. As
Wealth for getting rid of them, demons will find thugs or other lost
humans to kill them. While demons do not like killing hu-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 31
mans, the lesser demons would rather get rid of them than take the might include business suits and for others it will include the latest
chance of them messing things up. fashion or popular cloth design. Whatever there preferred dress style,
they will always look nice and even eye catching.
Racial Powers, Attributes and
Background/Job: Despite what many worldly people believe, the
Defects Inheritus have never been recognized by history for their deeds. The
majorities of people that are recognized have no special powers and
Shroudsight: They can see in the shroud as if they were actually
are just talented or intelligent. While this is one of the means Satan
there. With this ability, they can see a human’s aura, or their true
uses to hide God’s power from the world, God chooses people with
nature like a demon or a wilding. By detecting a human’s aura, they
the potential of faith and conviction that it takes to become an Inheritus.
can determine their actual spiritual level.
In fact, the majority of people who could be Inheritus are too wrapped
Blind: All Illyrus are blind whether naturally or by an accident. in sin to know God. When they are freed, they began to take their role
as an Inheritus.
Extreme Senses: Since they are blind, all their other senses are greatly
enhanced. Also, they have a unique sonar ability, which gives them God gives Inheritus a great amount of power due to their high convic-
almost virtual sight. However, these senses are weak against extreme tions. With this power, he sends them on various missions to aid other
sounds. humans, wildings and angels in the fight against Satan. The means of
providing the missions varies. Sometimes, he will give them a mes-
Realm Travel: They can only travel to the Earth and Shroud realms. sage in a dream or send a Messenger angel. Most of the time, he relies
on signs and the Holy Spirit to guide them in the right direction. While
they may not recognize the signs for what they are, the Holy Spirit
Inheritus lets them know what the right choices are. What makes their jobs
harder is that there may be more than one mission given to the Inheritus
Description: This is strictest group of all the humans. The Inheritus
at a time, or they may not be given any missions for years. All they
follow the Bible and it’s teachings almost implicitly. If the bible says
know is that they must keep their faith strong and their minds and
to do this, they will do it. While they still allow for some moderniza-
bodies devoted to God.
tion, they will take every passage for what it says. This reflects mostly
in their behavior.
The Inheritus follows God’s missions exactly. They do not like people
reinterpreting God’s will with their own meanings. As they may not
understand the meaning of their missions, they will follow it knowing
that they will one day understand what they are doing. Their blind
devotion is what gives them such strong faith even though it may
irritate their companions. In fact, they tend to be a little strict even for
some angels. Most of the time, their devotion will serve them well,
but it can be their downfall.
Sometimes, they may get so focused on the goal that they may trip
along the way. When this happens, they usually will become pride-
ful, arrogant or even hateful. When this happens, they must suffer the
consequences. Once they realize their mistake, they pray for forgive-
ness and try not to act that particular way anymore. Like most Chris-
tians, the Inheritus tend to be hard on them for making the same mis-
takes, but their companions will usually help them through it.
Appearance: They are the most formal of all the human groups in
appearance. They tend to be employed in well-paid professions. No
matter what their job, they like to dress well. For some people, this
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Racial Traits: Inheritus die if they lose all their Essence Points; Also further
increases in rank provide a +1 defense against all essence
Type: Human attacks after the first rank.
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based 1 (1)
Racial Ability Base:
Strength: -1 Realm Travel: Travel to Shroud or Earth only
Agility: -1 Special Movement 2 (2): Realm Travel (Shroud, Earth);
Constitution: -2 Activation 2 (-2); Restriction (-2) can only travel to these
Awareness: 0 two realms
Wits: 0
Spirit: 0 Total Cost: 18 Character Points
Presence: -1
Appearance: -1 Racial Attributes
Adaptation, Art of Distraction, Aura of Command,
Spiritus Shield: Force Field 50 Computer Scanning, Essence Bonus, Enhanced [Ability],
Force Field 4 (16):Blocks Incorporeal, Blocks Teleport, Exorcism, Extra Attacks, Extra Defenses, Extreme
Both Directions, Static, Uses Energy Damage, Flunkies, Health Bonus, Healing, Heightened
Awareness, Heightened Senses, Highly Skilled, Item of
Signs Awareness: +4 to perceive signs Power, Jumping, Mechanical Genius, Mind Shield,
Heightened Awareness 2 (2); Restriction (-3) only with Organizational Ties, Power Defense, Rejuvenation,
signs and messages from God Sensory Block, Servant, Sixth Sense, Special Attack,
Special Movement, Spirit Ward, Unique Attribute, Wealth
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based: character will not
Realm Travel: They can travel to the Shroud and Earth realms only.
Description: This is a war and that is how the Lunus treat it. They
fight the darkness one creature at a time and save one person at a
time. In their minds, they know what it takes and some of these other
humans who call themselves “warriors of light” are just wanna-be’s.
While they follow the rules, they leave no quarter for lost humans or
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 33
demons. taking down evil. Many times, most people cannot tell the difference
between the punks and Goths and the Lunus.
They fight with all of their heart and mind and win almost any way
they can. Their virtue is not their compassion or their devotion. Rather, Background/Job: They fight a dirty and very horrible war. What
they are the shadows that bring God’s justice to the world. They walk makes their job worse is that God’s will is very enigmatic to them.
a very thin line. They do understand that it’s God justice that the lost They are given missions to stop someone from being murdered in one
and fallen will ultimately face in the end. For them, they are given alley, but they cannot interfere with the woman getting raped in the
missions to stop the advancing evil. The biggest problem is their fa- other alley. For the most part, God makes it easier by not making
naticism. Many Lunus cannot follow the light and will lose their power them aware of the other horrible acts that He doesn’t want them in-
and purpose when they go too far. They do this by forgetting they are terfering with. However, they know that bad stuff is going on every-
doing God’s will and began to only do their own will. With humanity’s where, but they can only stop what God tells them too. This dark
salvation in the middle, they can make the wrong choice and act just knowledge makes them very bitter and pessimistic. When confronted
as evil as the demons. This is often disastrous for other humans as with their target, they will destroy it completely.
well as the fall of the Lunus. While this happens many times, the
Lunus are saved like all humans and can return to their position. Usually, they are made aware of a target through signs or a dream.
Then, they began to investigate the target or a potential victim. They
Appearance: They dress and act anyway that it takes as long as don’t interact with them, but they just watch them from the shadows.
there is no sin involved. These are usually people dressed in black They are so elusive that most people are not even aware of them until
trench coats slinking around dark alleys stopping evil as it happens. it is too late. This is mostly attributed to their unique power of hiding.
Most Lunus will not have had a shower in days and dress in old, They prefer dark spaces, because it makes their final act against the
unwashed clothing. This lack of appearance is due to their duty to target less noticeable. When they attack, they will destroy the culprit
completely. If it is a human, they will kill the human with multiple by no one. However, it needs to be dark or a shadow present before
gunshots. If it is a wilding, things become difficult, and they find they can disappear. As long as they stay in the shadow, they will
anyway to deal a killing blow to the creature. As for demons, this is a remain invisible.
very dark mission as it will lead them into the shroud where they are
extremely vulnerable. Some Lunus do not survive an encounter with Darkness: They can fight in the dark as well as see in it.
a demon, but God has a reason for this. Most of the time, God will
send assistance from other humans, wildings and even angels. With a Realm Travel: They can only travel to the Shroud and Earth realm.
group effort, most demons can be taken down without any problems.
Once their mission is over, they wait for their next one. Most Lunus Stonelings
scrape through life in the lower rungs of the economy. Some of them
even become policeman and work a little more off-duty. Description: These wildings are extremely strong, big and loud. If
the Stoneling has an opinion, everyone in the area will know about it,
Racial Powers, Attributes and especially if he or she gets physical. They don’t hide very much nor
Defects do they care to hide very much. They will let a person know immedi-
ately what they think. If they care about the person, they may choose
Shadow: A Lunus can disappear into the shadow and be perceived
Racial Traits: Stoneling Alternate Forms: Choose one form that is a land-based
based herbivorous or carnivorous mammals
Type: Wilding
Alternate Form 1 (3), 10 character points; Restriction (-2)
only land-based herbivorous or carnivorous mammals
Racial Ability Base:
Strength: 8(8+0)
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based: character will not
Agility: 0
die if they lose all their Essence Points; Also further
Constitution: 2
increases in rank provide a +1 defense against all
Awareness: -1
essence attacks after the first rank.
Wits: -1
Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based 1 (1)
Spirit: -1
Presence: -2
Realm Travel: Travel to Shroud or Earth only
Appearance: -2
Special Movement 2 (2): Realm Travel (Shroud, Earth);
Activation 2 (-2); Restriction (-2) can only travel to these
Horns: 1d6 bonus damage when charging
two realms
Natural Weapons 1 (1): Horns
Total Cost: 25 Character Points
Earth Hammer: 4d8+Strength, Quake
Item of Power 4 (16): Special Attack 5 (20): Muscle-
Racial Attributes
Powered, Flurry, Energy Drain, Quake, Melee, Only in
Adaptation, Alternate Form, Armour, Combination Attack,
Essence Bonus, Enhanced [Ability], Environmental
Control, Exorcism, Extra Attacks, Extra Defenses,
Strength: +8
Extreme Damage, Features, Health Bonus, Healing,
Superstrength 2 (8)
Heightened Awareness, Heightened Senses, Highly
Skilled, Item of Power, Jumping, Mechanical Genius,
Armor: 8 Natural Armor
Mimic, Natural Weapons, Organizational Ties, Power
Armor 2 (8); Health Bonus 2 (4)
Defense, Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Sensory Block,
Sixth Sense, Special Attack, Spirit Ward, Superstrength,
Rage: When attacked, they become enraged
Transmutation, Unique Attribute, Wealth
Blind-Fury (-2)
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 35
Stonelings act very different depending on what side they are on. Be- The Stonelings that have found salvation serve a very different pur-
cause of their extreme nature, they can’t go halfway, and so they pick pose. Rather than acting as the front-line offense, they are now de-
a side completely. However, they can and do change if there is enough fenders of all the lesser beings. They excel at protecting gifted hu-
reason too. A Stoneling that remains with the demonic forces is a mans in the shroud while assisting warrior angels in dangerous ar-
very brutish and grotesque creature. They kill humans for fun if al- eas. Also, a brigade of various wildings with a Stoneling in the front
Page 36 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Racial Ability Base: Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based: character will not
Strength: 1 die if they lose all their Essence Points; Also further
Agility: 0 increases in rank provide a +1 defense against all essence
Constitution: 0 attacks after the first rank.
Awareness: -1 Unique Attribute: Non-Essenced Based 1 (1)
Wits: 1
Spirit: -1 Realm Travel: Travel to Shroud or Earth only
Presence: 2 Special Movement 2 (2): Realm Travel (Shroud, Earth);
Appearance: 0 Activation 2 (-2); Restriction (-2) can only travel to these
two realms
Underwater Adaptation:Can breathe underwater; survive
extreme pressures of the deep ocean; Use sonar to find Total Cost: 27 Character Points
creatures and see in the water
Adaptation 2 (2): Underwater, Extreme Pressure; Racial Attributes
Heightened Awareness 1 (1): Sonar Adaptation, Alternate Form, Animal Friendship, Art of
Distraction, Aura of Command, Combination Attack,
Claws: 1d4 Essence Bonus, Enhanced [Ability], Environmental Control,
Natural Weapons 1 (1) Exorcism, Extra Arms, Extra Attacks, Extra Defenses,
Extreme Damage, Features, Flunkies, Force Field, Health
Stinger Tail: 2d8, Essence Drain, Paralyzing: Stamina Bonus, Healing, Heightened Awareness, Heightened
Check vs. DC: 14 (10+(2/rank)) Senses, Highly Skilled, Item of Power, Jumping,
Extra Arms 1 (1); Special Attack 2 (8): Incapacitating, Mechanical Genius, Mind Shield, Natural Weapons,
Essence Drain, Melee, Only in Shroud, Toxic; Water Speed Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Sensory Block, Servant, Sixth
5 (10) Sense, Special Attack, Spirit Ward, Unique Attribute,
Water Speed, Wealth
creates a powerful fighting force. Because of their size and strength, gains special qualities from the Stoneling that it is forever connected
many Stonelings will stay in the shroud and in darker areas, they can to.
be of great assistance to newer visitors. If not in the shroud, they will
live away from society as hermits. They don’t like the human world Strength: They have very high strength which allow them to do an
since they do not understand the bad choices that they make. They enormous amount of damage.
feel very strongly about the war, and they do not have much patience
for the easily corrupted humans. Armor: Not only can they fight offensively, they have a high degree
of armor and a large amount of health.
Racial Powers, Attributes and Alternate Forms: They can turn only into other animals that are
Defects herbivore or omnivore land-based mammals..
Horns: With their huge horns, they can charge a person dealing ex- Realm Travel: They can travel to the Earth and Shroud realm only.
tra damage.
Earth Hammer: Early on in their life when they have entered the Watyrlings
Shroud, they find a kind of weapon. Most of the time, it is bludgeon-
ing weapon like a club or a sledgehammer. Whatever it appears as, it
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 37
Description: Watyrlings are quick-witted and sharp. Their words essential to almost all trade lines for the demons as well as most of
can be like lethal daggers that could take down any opponent or swoon humanity. While the Watyrlings can be sharp-tongued, many demons
another’s heart. These wildings are sharp-minded, but they also have are just as persuasive if not more than the Watyrlings. This fact helps
the agility to back it up. While not very strong, they can easily ma- the demons keep these jostle creatures under control. As for their
neuver into, or out of, any situation. For the most part, their whole combatant roles, the Watyrlings are used to aid the defense of one of
goal is to not get hit, while lightly pounding their opponents a dozen the circles that exist at the bottom of the ocean. Since most things
different ways. With a quick word and a soft movement, they can can’t live underwater, the demons use Watyrlings and many deadly
easily offset any opponent that will give them a great advantage. While abominations to protect the circle. For the ones that figure out the
skilled with words, they have a horrible tendency to become over- truth, they leave the demons and their malicious ways.
Watyrlings in the light are very bright and happy. They will have the
The arrogance of the Watyrling is renown. Most wildings do not like most fun no matter what the situation is. Whether it is combat or
associating themselves with these creatures because of their conde- dancing, they will have fun no matter what. With such good humor,
scending attitudes. All Watyrlings know they are good and know it they will raise the spirits of their comrades without any trouble. Some
well. Most of the time, their brashness gets them in trouble more than people such as the Lunus may get annoyed, but they do enjoy their
anything else. However, some are lucky enough to not get maimed or company nonetheless. One of the things that may irritate even more
even killed. Also, they are lucky to be one of the only wildings to live people around them is their desire to be flamboyant. No other wilding
in the ocean. has the panache that the Watyrling does, and some do not want it
after seeing such daring stunts.
All Watyrlings can breathe water like a fish. In fact, they can do this
in their human form, animal form and even shroud form. While they Racial Powers, Attributes and
are proficient in all ways in the water, they also love the water. They
look for any way to go for a swim at any moment. Many times, this
will cause problems with non-Watyrling companions, because they
Underwater Adaptation: The Watyrling can breathe underwater as
can usually not join the Watyrling or help very well. However, this
well as withstand the pressures in the deep part of the ocean.
doesn’t bother the Watyrlings, and they enjoy being rulers of the ocean
while reminding everyone as often as possible. Claws: They have claws that assist them in hunting and eating in the
Appearance: As a human, they appear as any other human. They
look very similar, but they are not usually overweight since they swim Stinger Tail: They have a tail that they use to paralyze their victims.
so much. Unlike other wildings, their shroud form does not look very This tail also assists them in their fast water speed.
different either. Once in the shroud, they appear as blue-skinned, lithe
humans with pointed ears. Also, they have webbed feet and hands. Alternate Forms: They can turn into any vertebrate fish or water-
They swim very naturally and know how to do it without any lessons. based mammals only.
While the know how to swim, they are also very fast swimmers. In
fact, they can wave their body that allows them to speed through the Realm Travel: They can travel only to the Shroud and Earth realm.
water as one of the fastest animals in the sea. As for their animal
form, they can take the form of any ocean animal that is a vertebrate Xenus
and not an insect. Their first form is their natural form and is usually
a large fish or ocean mammal.
Description: Xenus are secretive and quiet for very good reasons.
While some don’t realize, these are humans that are actually aliens
Background/Job: Throughout the war, the demons have never used
somewhat physiologically disguised. After fleeing their planet from
them for frontlines or skirmishing tactics. There have been excep-
religious persecution, they chose to disguise themselves and their
tions, but they are rare. While not combat-oriented, the demons have
children as humans. Once they are on earth, they can live in peace
just as an important job for them. They use them for supply line man-
from the horrors of war. Unfortunately, they stepped onto the world
agement. With their ability to transverse the water and excellent ver-
where Satan has his throne. They hide on a world that wants them as
bal skills, they can make excellent traders and transporters. Since
well as rejects them. They work in low-level economic jobs where
most of the Earth is covered in water, the use of rivers and oceans is
Page 38 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
they will get very little scrutiny. They run from other aliens as well as tries so that they might blend in better with the other illegal immi-
governments who want them for their knowledge. While the older grants. All of the older generation will have accents while the younger
generation retains their knowledge, the younger generation does not generation will not have accents. Also, they do not necessarily speak
know anything but Earth. In fact, there are some younger Xenus who the same language of the culture they claim to be from. For example,
do not even know that they come from a different world. For the ones they may look Hispanic, but they cannot speak Spanish. This is rather
that are aware of their heritage, they continue to seek refuge with common for the Xenus. As for their own language, some of the younger
others of their kind. As for the war, they have become an integral part ones are taught the language while others learn nothing of their heri-
without them even realizing it. tage. Also, their powers do not manifest until they’re past puberty.
This is when they learn the truth or are confounded by their strange
With their advanced mind control abilities, they can communicate abilities. The other unique item about their powers is that they are
with just a thought while some can even perform telepathy. Also, not dependent on their faith level. While their faith level modifiers
they can read minds of humans and wildings giving them an informa- can affect the rolls, they don’t lose their powers if they lose their
tion advantage. Since they are good with the mind, many groups will faith.
use these as intelligence gathering techniques to aid them in their
analysis. Unfortunately, they are being looked for by other groups In the shroud, they appear as their original form as aliens. They have
that make them a liability sometimes to the existing group. This lim- large black, almond-shaped eyes with a tear shaped head. Their body
its their use sometimes. Most of them feel alone in the world, and a is proportional to their head similar to a human. They stand between
few will seek the darkness for shelter. five to seven feet tall. They are lithe, but are strong. They have claws
and can move fairly quickly. They have no nose and their mouth is
Appearance: Most of the aliens sought to enter the United States as small.
illegal immigrants. They took the disguise of people from other coun-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 39
Background/Job: On a distant planet of Eyr, the race that conspira- Racial Powers, Attributes and
cies typically call “grays” live in a world that is controlled by the
spire of life. This creates the caste system and laws of their world.
Also, the spire tells who they can marry and what job they will do.
Mental Powers: They have powerful mental abilities from reading
Before the spire, they were about to destroy themselves and their
minds to even controlling them. They even have some ability to ma-
world with corruption. In fact, they had come to this world after their
nipulate objects with their mind. However, they cannot read minds of
last world was destroyed. It was designed to apply law where there
beings that are from outside realms such as Heaven. They can only
was chaos. The overseers were put in place to manage and interpret
use this on Earth born creatures.
the spire’s will. This great technological society flourished even more,
and they use space travel to establish portals between various worlds. Sixth Sense: They have an uncanny ability to detect danger and other
They had used Earth for millennia with only the overseers knowing things around them.
the true purpose of Earth. About sixty years ago, things changed when
an army chaplain was brought to Eyr. Realm Travel: The Xenus can only enter the Shroud and Earth realm.
It should be noted that not all Xenus can enter the shroud, but all
Originally, the crew of the ship was to bring the man to Eyr for the PC’s are assumed to be able.
overseers to do analysis on. They did this every hundred years or so,
and the victims usually died from the examination. However, this
human was different. With Earth in a huge world war, the man was
very quiet and even gruff. Rather than fearing the creatures, he tried
to talk to them. Besides his BTU’s, he only had a Bible and a small
necklace with a cross. On the way to the Earth, the crew examined
the Bible and what it said. The crew found the Bible intriguing and
even tried to question him. He told them what he believed, and they
were even more intrigued. Once they arrived at the planet, they began
to tell others about this book and it’s stories. The man was detained
rather than examined when the overseers had learned of the crew’s
finding. The man was told to explain that the book was fictional and
not real, or he would be killed. He told the crew that it was real, and
it was Jesus that would save them from the darkness. He was merci-
lessly killed. However, it was too late.
The word spread, and the Christian faith grew like wildfire. Various
beings began to question the spire and the overseers. It was publicly
said that the overseers where dictators controlling the world and their
rights. The overseers knew the true nature of this book and began a
bloody campaign to destroy all the Christians. Every Christian that
was found was publicly crucified to scare the mass into submission,
but the movement grew. Unfortunately, the overseers planned to ex-
terminate the whole race if it had too. When the Christians realized
this, they began to make plans to leave. In just five years after the
chaplain was killed, the Christians left Eyr and sought refuge on Earth.
The overseers hated this and began to make plans to follow. With an
agreement with United States government, they began to seek out
these refugees with either killing them or taking them back to Eyr.
The other problems the refugees realized is how much evil had con-
trolled Earth already. However, they were aided by humans, wild-
ings and angels to find a home and take a stance in the war. It should
be noted that not all Xenus could enter the shroud.
Page 40 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
chapter 4:
Most characters had a life before they became more directly involved
with the war. Each background occupation gives the character addi-
tional skills, feats and wealth. For balancing, each occupation equals
4 character points. All characters that get an occupation can get only
one occupation for free. All humans and wildings are required to
choose at least one background occupation. Angels do not have to
choose one. While they may get one occupation for free, they can
choose another option. If they don’t take an occupation, they can get
four free points to use on other aspects of the angelic character. Also,
characters can get more than one occupation. Each additional occu-
pation costs four character points. There is no discount in character
points in the occupations so the players may want to use the extra
character points on more specific choices. However, there may not be
one in here that suits the character.
If the player wants a different occupation than the ones that are listed
below, they can create their own background occupation with the
GM’s approval. The GM has to approve the player creating the back-
ground occupation and the GM has to approve the final outcome of
“Peace I lea
Peace ve with y
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give the occupation. When designing a new occupation, the only restric-
tion is that no attribute can be placed inside an occupation. Other
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orld than that, there is no other restriction and the player should feel free
to make any kind of character that they wish.
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your ts be
troubled and do no
troubled t be afraid.
not ” Academic
Academics include librarians, archaeologists, scholars, professors,
John 14:27
teachers, and other education professionals.
Prerequisite: Age 18+. Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank
Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus bonus to that skill. Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gamble,
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank Hide, Knowledge: Streetwise, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Gun
bonus to that skill. Craft (electronic, mechanical, or structural), Climb, Combat, Ranged Defense, Unarmed Attack
Drive, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Repair, Ride.
Bonus Feat: Select either Brawl or Sneak Attack.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
Dilettantes usually get their wealth from family holdings and trust
A celebrity is anyone who, for whatever reason, has been thrust into funds. The typical dilettante has no job, few responsibilities, and at
the spotlight of the public eye. Actors, entertainers of all types, news- least one driving passion that occupies his or her day. That passion
casters, radio and television personalities, and more fall under this might be a charity or philanthropic foundation, an ideal or cause worth
starting occupation. fighting for, or a lust for living a fun and carefree existence.
Page 42 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Prerequisite: Age 18+. bonus to that skill. Bluff, Diplomacy, Gamble, Knowledge: Business,
Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge:
Wealth Bonus Increase: +4. Electronics, Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowl-
edge: Streetwise
Wealth Bonus Increase: +4.
A doctor can be a physician (general practitioner or specialist), a
surgeon, or a psychiatrist. Investigative
Prerequisite: Age 25+. There are a number of jobs that fit within this occupation, including
investigative reporters, photojournalists, private investigators, police
Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus detectives, criminologists, criminal profilers, espionage agents, and
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank others who use their skills to gather evidence and analyze clues.
bonus to that skill. Craft, Computer Use, Knowledge: Biological Sci-
ences, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Medical, Search. Prerequisite: Age 23+.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2. Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank
Emergency Services bonus to that skill. Computer Use, Craft (visual art or writing),
Decipher Script, Forgery, Gather Information, Investigate, Knowl-
Rescue workers, firefighters, paramedics, hazardous material han- edge: Arcane, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts,
dlers, and emergency medical technicians fall under this category. Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Mechanics,
Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Knowledge:
Prerequisite: Age 18+. Police Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Research, Search, Sense
Motive, Gun Combat, Ranged Defense, Unarmed Defense.
Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
bonus to that skill. Balance, Climb, Computer Use, Drive, Jump,
Knowledge: Biological Sciences, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowl-
Law Enforcement
edge: Physical Sciences, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Search, Medi-
cal, Swim. Law enforcement personnel include uniformed police, state troopers,
federal police, federal agents, SWAT team members, and military
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
Entrepreneur Prerequisite: Age 20+.
Entrepreneurs have an obsession about being their own boss. They Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
believe in themselves, have an abundance of confidence, and the abil- on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank
ity to acquire the funds necessary to bankroll their newest bonus to that skill. Diplomacy, Drive, Gather Information, Intimi-
moneymaking venture. These small to large business owners have a date, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowl-
knack for putting together business plans, gathering resources, and edge: Law, Knowledge: Police Sciences, Listen, Gun Combat, Ranged
getting a new venture off the ground. They rarely want to stick around Defense, Unarmed Attack, Unarmed Defense
after the launch, however, as they prefer to put their energies into the
next big thing. Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Combat Martial Arts, Light
Armor Proficiency, or Burst Fire.
Prerequisite: Age 18+.
Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank Military covers any of the branches of the armed forces, including
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 43
army, navy, air force, and marines, as well as the various elite train- Prerequisite: Age 15+.
ing units such as Seals, Rangers, and Special Forces.
Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
Prerequisite: Age 18+. on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank
bonus to that skill. Computer Use, Knowledge: Arcane, Knowl-
Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus edge: Architecture, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: Biological Sci-
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank ences, Knowledge: Business, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge:
bonus to that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Foreign Cul-
Military Sciences, Move Silently, Navigate, Pilot, Survival, Swim. ture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Mechanics, Knowledge: Mili-
tary Sciences, Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge:
Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Physical Sciences, Knowledge: Police Sciences, Knowledge: Reli-
Light Armor Proficiency, or Dodge. gion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Perform,
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
Ordained clergy of all persuasions, as well as theological scholars
and experts on religious studies fall within the scope of this starting Technician
Scientists and engineers of all types fit within the scope of this start-
Prerequisite: Age 23+. ing occupation.
Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus Prerequisite: Age 23+.
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank
bonus to that skill. Decipher Script, Knowledge: Arcane, Knowl- Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
edge: Occult, Knowledge: Religion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank
Knowledge: Streetwise, Listen, Sense Motive. bonus to that skill. Computer Use, Craft, Knowledge: Architecture,
Knowledge: Business, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Mechani-
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1. cal, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Repair, Research.
Farm workers, hunters, and others who make a living in rural com- White Collar
munities fall under this category.
Office workers and desk jockeys, lawyers, accountants, insurance
Prerequisite: Age 15+. agents, bank personnel, financial advisors, tax preparers, clerks, sales
personnel, real estate agents, and a variety of mid-level managers fall
Skills: Choose three of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
within the scope of this starting occupation.
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +3 rank
bonus to that skill. Balance, Climb, Craft, Drive, Handle Animal, Prerequisite: Age 23+.
Knowledge: Biological Sciences, Knowledge: Nature, Pilot, Repair,
Ride, Survival, Swim, Wilderness Lore, Wilderness Tracking Skills: Choose two of the following skills to receive a +1 rank bonus
on that skill. Also, the player may choose one skill to add a +2 rank
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1. bonus to that skill. Computer Use, Diplomacy, Knowledge: Arcane,
Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: Business, Knowledge: Electronics,
Student Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Reli-
gion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Research.
A student can be in high school, college, or graduate school. He or
she could be in a seminary, a military school, or a private institution. Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
A college-age student should also pick a major field of study.
Page 44 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
chapter 5:
Archetypes are ideas that create a basic framework for each charac-
ter. It is merely a guideline to give the player direction in designing a
particular character. These guidelines are not set, and the player is
free to assign any character point to anything. However, certain GM’s
may prefer the player not diverge from the archetype too much unless
the player wants to add extra, justified, details. Archetypes are more
than jobs but are more specific than race
Choosing Archetypes
This is a very important step in character creation. With a race and an
occupation providing background detail, the archetype further adds
to the detail of the character that directs the player through the rest of
character creation. The archetype helps the player determine where
they should assign character points throughout the rest of character
creation. It is this basic framework that helps the player define what
the character will be.
Archetype Template
Below, there are several examples of archetypes that players can
choose for their characters. Each one can be modified if the player
wants to change the basic ideas. Also, the player can create any ar-
chetype that he or she wants.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 45
These are the abilities that are recommended to be the highest. This Feats: -
is to help make the character seem more like what the Archetype
should represent. Bodyguard
Secondary Abilities: Like the above, this is a recommendation on They will protect the lives of their charge at all costs. They will give
what the most important secondary abilities should be. Since these their lives whether it is for money, love or even patriotism. They tend
are merely averages of primary abilities, there are only one or two to be professional and insensitive. Unlike the ones they protect, they
even suggested. are very wary of their surroundings and all the actions of the people
around them. They are very dedicated to what they are doing, and
Skills they know that if they fail that someone will die. This is what gives
them their serious appearance.
These are the skills that the character should spend its points in. Each
skill will aid the character in each particular archetype. The player Primary Abilities: Strength, Agility, Awareness
does not need to use these skills, as they are only a suggestion.
Secondary Abilities: Initiative, Stamina
Skills: Bluff, Decipher Script, Demolitions, Disable Device, Disguise,
These include the feats that the archetype might find useful. Of course, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gamble, Gather Information, Hide,
the player might find other feats useful for them. Intimidation, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: For-
eign Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Military Sciences,
Knowledge: Police Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Listen, Medi-
Artist cal, Move Silently, Navigate, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Poisons,
Powerlifting, Read Lips, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak
These are people who create. As ideas spring from their mind, they
Languages, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Gun Combat, Heavy
place them into reality to be lauded, hated or quickly forgotten. They
Weapons, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, Thrown Weapons, Un-
love power to create and do it for dark desires or God’s glory. This
armed Attack, Unarmed Defense
includes painters, writers, sculptors, designers, musicians, etc. For
most part, they are not very personable. Instead, they forge ideas in Feats: Accuracy, Light Armor Proficiency, Blind-Shoot, Block Ranged
their mind and allow them to take shape in the world. The other unique Attacks, Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Concealment, Great Stamina
part of this particular caste is their desire to branch out into many
different areas. While they may not enjoy the more physical activi-
ties, this does not mean they do not know about them. These diverse Commando
people know a little about everything and love to make their ideas
come to life. More skilled than the soldiers, these people dedicate themselves to
the art of war. They are more than fighters and some would say they
Primary Abilities: Awareness, Wit, Spirit are almost one-man armies. Through stealth, they can take out one or
several men at a time with advance weaponry. They are trained to use
Secondary Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom a variety of weapons, equipment and vehicles. These individuals are
mostly combat oriented and do not offer very much beyond combat.
Skills: Computer Use, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Dis- Usually, they have a lot of dedication and drive.
guise, Forgery, Gather Information, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge:
Arcane, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Primary Abilities: Agility, Constitution, Wits
Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Oc-
cult, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Knowledge: Religion, Knowl- Secondary Abilities: Base Attack Bonus, Base Defense Bonus, Ini-
edge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Listen, Perform, Pick tiative
Pocket, Pilot, Profession, Research, Search, Sense Motive, Speak
Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Con-
Page 46 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
trolled Breathing, Decipher Script, Demolitions, Disable Device, positions include translators, liaisons, government officials, and many
Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle more. Politicians can also use this archetype by working with other
Animal, Hide, Intimidation, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Area, political opponents and allies. Finally, diplomats also help in busi-
Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: ness disputes. Most of the time, this occurs in business agreements or
Mechanics, Knowledge: Military Sciences, Knowledge: Nature, Lis- in trade negotiations. Also, they can be of help in labor disputes. The
ten, Medical, Move Silently, Navigate, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Pi- player should decide what kind of diplomat they are going to create.
lot, Poisons, Read Lips, Repair, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight
of Hand, Speak Languages, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Primary Abilities: Presence, Appearance, Wit
Wilderness Tracking, Archery, Gun Combat, Heavy Weapons, Me-
lee Attack, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, Thrown Weapons, Un- Secondary Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom
armed Attack, Unarmed Defense
Skills: Balance, Bluff, Computer Use, Concentration, Decipher Script,
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Blind- Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gamble, Gather
Fight, Blind-Shoot, Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Dodge, Steady Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation, Investigate, Knowledge:
Hand, Sneak Attack, Vehicle Dodge, Weapons Encyclopedia Business, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts,
Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Reli-
gion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Listen, Open Lock, Perform, Poi-
Daredevil sons, Read Lips, Research, Ride, Search, Seduction, Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Ranged Defense, Unarmed De-
The most common of these individuals are the ones that like to try fense
death-defying stunts in all sorts of manners. However, the archetype
covers a lot of individuals who love the rush. In general, they are Feats: None
extremists who enjoy anything that would scare a normal individual.
For work, they like jobs that tend to be dangerous. While they like to Driver
endanger themselves, they necessarily don’t like to endanger others.
For the kinder individuals, they don’t like to scare their companions
If it’s got wheels and flies on the ground, the driver is the master. He
unless they have too.
can take any land-based vehicle and make it do moves that no engi-
Primary Abilities: Agility, Constitution, Wits neer would have ever thought possible. They love speed and g-forces.
A driver can turn on a dime daring physics to get him. Sometimes,
Secondary Abilities: Base Defense Bonus, Stamina they will do such maneuvers even though they have passengers. Al-
though, few of those will ever be their passengers again. While they
Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Controlled Breathing, love to drive, they also love the vehicles they manipulate so well.
Demolitions, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Handle They will know the ins and outs of all vehicles and their capabilities.
Animal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge: Architecture, Knowledge: Elec- Some of them even become good mechanics and jury-riggers. If their
tronics, Knowledge: Mechanics, Listen, Medical, Move Silently, not driving fast or tinkering with their car, they are usually involved
Navigate, Open Lock, Perform, Pick Pocket, Pilot, Research, Ride, in another activity that shares similar characteristics.
Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Ar-
chery, Gun Combat, Heavy Weapons, Unarmed Defense Primary Abilities: Agility, Awareness, Wits
Feats: Blind-Shoot, Force Stop, Iron Will, Vehicle Dodge Knowledge: Arcane, Knowledge: Architecture, Knowledge: Area,
Knowledge: Biological Sciences, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowl-
Gunslinger edge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Mechanics,
Knowledge: Military Sciences, Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge:
Physical Sciences, Knowledge: Police Sciences, Knowledge: Reli-
These are the men and women whose preferred weapon is the fire-
gion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Listen,
arm. Besides being sure shots, they are quick and can do stunts with
Medical, Navigate, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Poisons, Research, Ride,
bullets that most people will never expect. The gunslinger knows his
Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Spot, Swim,
weapon and what it takes to use it. He or she knows how many bul-
Wilderness Lore, Wilderness Tracking, Gun Combat, Ranged De-
lets they have and can hit any target no matter where it might be.
fense, Unarmed Defense
Some of the stunts the can do are ricocheting bullets, finding weak-
nesses and disarming almost any opponent. These guys are the mas- Feats: Judge Opponent, Frightful Presence, Steady Hand, Weapons
ters of their deadly craft, and no one besides another gunslinger can Encyclopedia
ever come close.
have a deep understanding of the human body and how to get it to in the wilderness while others choose to live homeless in the streets.
heal or deal with problems. For most people, medics are the ones that Occasionally, there will be those that will wander across a country
separate the sick or injured from death. from one city to another. People have their reasons and there is very
little commonality between each one. The player should decide what
Primary Abilities: Constitution, Awareness, Wit kind of lifestyle they choose but why they chose it.
Skills: Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Diplomacy, Drive, Secondary Abilities: Stamina, Wisdom
Gather Information, Investigate, Knowledge: Biological Sciences,
Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Listen, Medi- Skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Disguise, Handle Animal, Hide, In-
cal, Poisons, Read Lips, Research, Search, Sleight of Hand, Speak timidation, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: Bio-
Languages, Spot, Use Rope, Wilderness Lore, Gun Combat, Ranged logical Sciences, Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Occult, Listen,
Defense, Unarmed Defense Medical, Move Silently, Navigate, Poisons, Repair, Ride, Search, Spot,
Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Wilderness Lore, Wilderness
Feats: Ambidexterity, Deflection, Endurance, Great Stamina, Iron Tracking, Archery, Gun Combat, Melee Attack, Melee Defense,
Will, Run Ranged Defense, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed Defense
Minister Feats: Dodge, Frightful Presence, Great Stamina, Iron Will, Power
They dedicate their lives to serving the Lord and his will. The char-
acter is empowered by God and the Word that he lives his life by. Personality
With a strong spiritual nature, they bring God’s message to the lost
and reaffirm the flock. However, they are human (most of the time), There are actors, actresses, singers and many other celebrities that
and they do make mistakes, but they know where to turn. love the spotlight. These individuals while possibly dedicated to their
craft are more interested in getting the attention of others. These people
Primary Abilities: Wits, Spirit, Presence are the cream of society, and they gain an enormous amount of cover-
age from the press. Of course, they love this coverage and will do
Secondary Abilities: Initiative, Wisdom many antics to get their attention.
Skills: Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplo- Primary Abilities: Wits, Presence, Appearance
macy, Disguise, Drive, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide,
Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Secondary Abilities: Stamina, Intelligence
Arts, Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge:
Religion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Lis- Skills: Bluff, Controlled Breathing, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Dis-
ten, Medical, Move Silently, Perform, Research, Ride, Search, Sense guise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gamble, Intimidation, Knowl-
Motive, Speak Languages, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope, Wilder- edge: Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: For-
ness Lore, Gun Combat, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, Special eign Culture, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise,
Ranged Attack, Unarmed Defense Listen, Navigate, Perform, Read Lips, Research, Ride, Search, Se-
duction, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Sports,
Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Faith, Iron Will Spot, Swim, Tumble, Archery, Gun Combat, Melee Defense, Ranged
Defense, Unarmed Defense
Outcast Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Great Stamina
Regardless of all the prosperity that society and humanity seem to
experience, there are some people that still reject society and all it’s Pilot
trappings. For whatever reason, these people leave their lives for the
streets or the wilderness. Sometimes, they become hermits that live Like the driver who loves his hot-rods, the pilot is the daredevil of the
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 49
skies and seas. They can fly like the wind and produce impossible
maneuvers that no one would believe. They know what the air or sea
craft can do, but they know how to take care of it. They won’t push it
past its limit unless they have too, and they understand when they Infiltrators, thieves, pickpockets and other scoundrels that grace the
should do this. Of course, this does not count for their debonair and streets. While these people no longer follow the dark path, they do
panache attitude toward life. use their skills and talents for good. A burglar doesn’t break into
mansions anymore, but they may be helping a shelter find cheaply
Primary Abilities: Agility, Awareness, Wits priced items. Their street knowledge is very useful to help those in
Secondary Abilities: Base Attack Bonus, Initiative
Primary Abilities: Agility, Awareness, Wits
Skills: Bluff, Computer Use, Concentration, Controlled Breathing,
Demolitions, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Drive, Escape Artist, Gather Secondary Abilities: Base Defense Bonus, Intelligence
Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Me-
chanics, Knowledge: Military Sciences, Knowledge: Physical Sci- Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Computer Use, Demolitions, Disable
ences, Listen, Medical, Move Silently, Navigate, Open Lock, Pilot, Device, Disguise, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gamble, Gather In-
Profession, Repair, Search, Speak Languages, Sports, Spot, Survival, formation, Hide, Intimidation, Jump, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge:
Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Gun Combat, Heavy Weapons, Melee Streetwise, Listen, Move Silently, Navigate, Open Lock, Pick Pocket,
Defense, Ranged Defense, Unarmed Defense Pilot, Poisons, Read Lips, Ride, Search, Seduction, Sleight of Hand,
Speak Languages, Sports, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope, Archery,
Feats: Accuracy, Dodge, Force Stop, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Gun Combat, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, Thrown Weapons,
Steady Hand, Vehicle Dodge Unarmed Defense
While there are soldiers on the battle lines fighting for every soul,
there are those that are fighting the war on a different front. Evil is in
all places and these people are the lights in the professional world. In
a cutthroat business world, these people live by the word and fight There are two ways to play a scientist as detailed in popular enter-
for those who are lost. These individuals might know only about of- tainment. The first kind is your typical laboratory, absent-minded,
fice life and business, but they know what is at stake and are just as inventor. They don’t know much about life on the streets, but they are
vital to war as any foot soldier. looking for ways to improve humanity’s lot. However, there are some
that do work for evil and look for horrible ways to use their inven-
Primary Abilities: Wits, Awareness, Presence tions. Since the players could not make such a character, the typical,
good-hearted gadgeteer is used to create items for good. The other
Secondary Abilities: Initiative, Intelligence kind is the adventurer. While scientists know a lot of the world al-
ready, there are some scientists that have to go out and get the infor-
Skills: Bluff, Computer Use, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Drive, Forg- mation and artifacts that they need. These typical smart daredevils
ery, Gather Information, Intimidation, Investigate, Knowledge: Ar- will travel all over the world to get what they need. The player should
chitecture, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: Business, Knowledge: decide what kind of scientists they will make. Also, these are not the
Cultural Arts, Knowledge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: Foreign Cul- only kinds of scientists in the world the player is free to make up any
ture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Listen, Navi- kind of scientist that they wish. However, they should explain to the
gate, Profession, Read Lips, Research, Search, Seduction, Sense GM to gain his approval.
Motive, Speak Languages, Spot, Swim, Melee Defense, Ranged De-
fense, Unarmed Defense Primary Abilities: Constitution, Awareness, Wits
Skills: Bluff, Computer Use, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, chooses an archetype.
Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Gather Information, Handle
Animal, Hide, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Arcane, Knowledge: Primary Abilities: Wits, Awareness, Presence
Area, Knowledge: Biological Sciences, Knowledge: Electronics,
Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: Mechanics, Knowledge: Secondary Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom
Nature, Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Knowl-
Skills: Bluff, Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Craft, Disguise,
edge: Social Sciences, Listen, Medical, Repair, Research, Search,
Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gamble, Gather Information, Handle
Speak Languages, Spot, Wilderness Lore, Melee Defense, Ranged
Animal, Hide, Intimidation, Investigate, Jump, Knowledge: Arcane,
Defense, Unarmed Defense
Knowledge: Architecture, Knowledge: Area, Knowledge: Biological
Feats: Steady Hand Sciences, Knowledge: Business, Knowledge: Cultural Arts, Knowl-
edge: Domestic Arts, Knowledge: Electronics, Knowledge: Foreign
Culture, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Mechanics, Knowledge: Na-
Soldier ture, Knowledge: Occult, Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Knowledge:
Religion, Knowledge: Social Sciences, Knowledge: Streetwise, Lis-
Whether fighting a war for a nation or engaged in a gang war in the ten, Move Silently, Navigate, Open Lock, Perform, Pick Pocket, Pro-
streets of a large inner city, these people stand on the front lines of any fession, Read Lips, Research, Ride, Search, Seduction, Sense Mo-
conflict. Usually, they would rather fight than argue. To make it simple, tive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Sports, Spot, Swim, Tumble,
they know how to use weapons and their physique to take down their Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed De-
opponents. For the most part, they do not like to talk, because they fense
are not very good at it. Besides, there are others who enjoy this bor-
ing skill, and these character enjoy duking it out when talking fails. Feats: Concealment, Dodge, Steady Hand
chapter 6:
Generate Ability Scores
A character’s core, base abilities are determined by eight values
known as Ability Scores. These values describe the character’s in-
nate, natural aptitude at interacting with the world. The eight Abil-
ity Scores are:
Strength (Str)
Agility (Agi)
Constitution (Con)
Awareness (Awa)
Wits (Wit)
Spirit (Spi)
Presence (Pre)
Appearance (App)
Isaiah 40:31 Ability Modifiers cost a number of Character Points equal to the
same value of the Ability modifier, which are paid for by the
character’s starting Character Points. All characters have a specific
race that they must choose and each race has a starting base value
for the character’s ability modifiers. The cost is already included in
the Race Character Point Cost, so the player doesn’t need to pay for
the base. Players may choose to modify the character’s generated
Page 52 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Ability Modifiers up or down from the base by increasing or decreas- • Strength checks.
ing the number of Character Points assigned to the Ability Modifier,
on a 1 for 1 basis (1 Character Point equals 1 Ability Modifier). If the Any creature that can physically manipulate other objects has at least
ability modifier is a negative, the character gets back that many char- -4 Point of Strength. A character with no Strength modifier can’t ex-
acter points. ert force, usually because it has no physical body or because it doesn’t
move. Such a creature automatically fails Strength checks.
Negative Rating and Agility
“None” Ability Scores Agility is a measure of the character’s hand-eye co-ordination, nimble-
ness, reflexes, and balance. Agility provides modifiers to:
It is possible for some constructs (including robots) or alien creatures
to have a score of “none.” None is not the same as a modifier of -5. A • Base Attack Bonus.
modifier of none means that the creature does not possess the Ability • Base Defense Bonus.
at all. • Agility-based Skill checks.
• Agility checks.
A character’s Ability Modifier can never be reduced to –5 in charac-
ter creation. If a character is reduced to -6 or less during game play, Any creature that can move has at least -4 Point of Agility. A creature
the character will die. with no Agility modifier can’t move, but if it can act, it will use the
Wits modifier for its Agility type actions. Agility always provides a
• Str -5 means that the character cannot move at all. +0 modifier to ranged attack rolls, regardless of the character’s Agil-
He or she lies helpless on the ground. ity rating.
• Agi -5 means that the character cannot move at all.
He or she is motionless and helpless.
• Con -5 means that the character is dead.
• Awa -5 means that the character cannot think and
is in a coma-like stupor, helpless. Constitution determines your character’s health and stamina. Consti-
• Wit -5 means that the character is withdrawn in a tution provides modifiers to:
deep sleep, helpless.
• Spi –5 means that the character is dead since it • Stamina, which also determines the character’s hit
doesn’t have a soul. points.
• Pre -5 means that the character is withdrawn into a • Base Defense Bonus.
catatonic, coma-like stupor, helpless. • Constitution-based Skill checks.
• App –5 means that the character has become • Constitution checks.
extremely ugly and their physique has collapsed allow-
ing them not to move at all, in which they are helpless. Any living creature has at least -4 Point of Constitution. A creature
with no Constitution has no body or no metabolism. The creature is
also immune to Ability damage, Ability drain, and energy drain, and
Definition of Ability always fails Constitution checks.
Scores Awareness
Strength Awareness is a measure of the character’s ability to perceive and
understand the world around them. Awareness provides modifiers to:
Strength is a measure of the character’s physical power. Strength pro-
vides a modifier to: • The character’s Wisdom, which also determines
the character’s essence points.
• Damage rolls in melee or unarmed combat or when • The character’s Intelligence, which also deter-
using weapons that is Muscle Powered. mines the character’s skill points.
• Strength-based Skill checks. • Awareness-based Skill checks.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 53
Spirit describes the character’s willpower, prowess and how strong
Table : Ability Score Value Descriptions
their soul is. Spirit provides modifiers to:
Ability Modifier Description
• Base Attack Bonus
-5 Inept
• Wisdom, which also determines the character’s es-
-4 Infant
sence points.
-3 Child
• Spirit-based skill checks.
-2 Significantly below adult human average; youth
• Spirit checks.
-1 Below adult human average; teenager
0 Adult human average
Any creature that has a soul has at least a –4 modifier to Spirit. If
+1 Above human average
something has no Spirit score, it is an object or it is a lifeless corpse.
+2 Significantly above human average
All undead creatures have no Spirit since they don’t have a soul any- +3 Highly capable
more. Abominations will have a spirit score since demons infuse +4 Extremely capable
abominations with a little bit of their own Spirit. +5 Best in the region
+6 Best in the country
Presence +7 World-class ability; maximum human potential
+8 Above human achievement
Presence describes the characters strength of persuasion, manipula- +9 Significantly above human achievement
tion and personality. Presence provides modifiers to: +10 (and up)Legendary ability
• Initiative.
• Stamina, which also determines the character’s hit
Page 54 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
chapter 7:
Secondary Abilities
Secondary Abilities are not as general as the primary abilities, but
they are more specific for certain circumstances. Most of the time, the
character’s primary abilities will be used during game play. While
they may expand the character’s abilities, they are simply derivatives
of the primary abilities. All people will have been able to fight in
some way and somehow manage to avoid attacks. Also, all charac-
ters will react in a certain time, while being able to absorb a certain
amount of information. These instinctual basics are covered in the
secondary abilities.
Assigning Secondary
They are based on the average of two different primary ability modi-
fiers. If the average is a negative number or zero, the value will auto-
matically be set to zero. This is to represent the nature of the ability
and the traits it shares with primary abilities. With all the secondary
abilities using two different primary abilities, no one primary ability
has an advantage in the game.
player must divide the character’s level by two while tacks or just get out of the way in
rounding down. Also, it can never be less than zero or a general. This is the character’s
fraction. These innate abilities are essential to one’s sur- ability for dodging and general
vival and knowledge and are increased as they learn more reflexes against attacks. Like the
in life. Base Attack Bonus, this ability
cannot be used in non-combat
At character creation and afterwards, the character can situations which the character
increase these abilities by assigning character points. For should use the Agility modifier
one point of a secondary ability’s modifier, the cost is 3 instead or a relevant skill. For
character points. However, the abilities can only be raised devices such as traps and even su-
so much. At any one time, they can only have a maxi- pernatural forces, they are in a
mum of 9 character points placed in one secondary abil- way attacking the character. The
ity. This means at character creation, the character can character must avoid the attack
only have their modifier increased by no more than 3 so he or she would rely on their
points. Base Defense Bonus.
Power Bonus (PB) = (Current Character The Base Defense Bonus is based
Level)/2 on the average of the Constitu-
tion and Agility modifier. These
Base Attack Bonus abilities are used, because com-
bat is just not about how quick a character is in getting out of the
(BAB) way. In melee and other situations, it is about parrying and shielding
massive blows which would include the character’s ability to take
[(SPI+AGI)/2]+PB punishment. This is why constitution is used.
This is the character’s basic ability to hit something in combat or • Melee and Ranged Defenses
other extreme situations. When in normal, non-combat, circumstances, • Melee and Ranged Defense skills
this secondary ability should not be used. This ability allows the char- • Dodging special attacks in Combat
• Base Defense Bonus checks
acter to hit something else with a weapon or his or her own body.
Anytime a character is trying to make contact in combat, this ability
should be used. Also, this ability can be used with vehicle mounted Initiative (INI)
weapons as well as the character’s special attacks and attributes.
The Base Attack Bonus is based on the average of the Spirit and
Agility modifier. These are used, because the character’s ability to While this ability is used mostly for combat, it is not necessarily re-
attack is based on their quickness and steadiness as well as their per- stricted to combat. This ability determines how quick the character is
sonal drive. to act against his opponents. As covered in combat, this is used to add
to a 1d20 and whoever gets highest will go first. However, this can
• Melee and Ranged Attacks
be used out of combat. Sometimes, speed is essential to winning some
• Melee and Ranged Attack skills
contest. If the GM determines that more than Agility or Wit is needed,
• Attacking with Special Attacks or Attributes
• Base Attack Bonus checks the character can use Initiative to judge, which one can make the
quickest decision.
Base Defense Bonus (BDB) Initiative is based on the average of Wits and Presence. While it is
good to be able to move quickly, the character must know where to
[(CON+AGI)/2]+PB move and make their decision fast. This quick thinking is also modi-
fied by their presence. A person with less presence may be more in-
The Base Defense Bonus is used when a character must dodge at- timidated by someone with more presence.
Page 56 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
• Determines Combat order during Combat aware of the surroundings, the character may have a better idea of
• Determines order of actions during a contested event God’s message.
• Initiative checks
• Determines Essence Points of the character
• Determines Faith Level base
• Resisting Temptation
Stamina(STA) • Detecting evil
• Wisdom checks
Wisdom is based on the average of Spirit and Awareness. Since wis- • Determines Skill Points for the character
dom measures the characters understanding of God, Spirit is used to • Understanding the surroundings
• Persuading others
help determine how strong the character is in following God. As for
• Intelligence checks
Awareness, God creates and manages everything around us. To be
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 57
chapter 8:
Skill Points and Skill
Characters have a number of Skill Points based on their Awareness,
as outlined in the secondary attribute description. Each skill point
may be used to by 1 Rank in that skill. If the player desires more
ranks for that character, they can use character points to by addi-
tional skill points.
Using Skills
When a character uses a Skill, the character makes a Skill check to
see how well the character performs the action. As the character’s
Page 58 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Table: Skills
Skill check result gets higher, the character becomes more successful Specializations: Shaking Surface, Slippery Surface, Tightrope
at the attempt. Based on the circumstances, the character’s result must
match or exceed a particular number (called a DC, or Difficulty Class) The ability to maintain balance under adverse conditions.
to use the Skill successfully. The harder the task, the higher the num-
ber the character needs to roll. Bluff
(Skill Rank + Relevant Ability + d20) vs. DC Relevant Ability: Presence
This is the Ability modifier that most often applies to the Skill check. Climb
If two (or more) Abilities are listed, it indicates that different Abili-
ties may be relevant, depending on the situation. The GM should se- Relevant Ability: Strength
lect the one most appropriate to the circumstances. For example, the
Pilot Skill has the Relevant Ability: Awareness or Agility. When a Specializations: Natural Surfaces, Poles, Ropes, Vegetation, Walls
character attempts to pilot a large cruise ship, the GM should require
The ability to scale vertical surfaces with or without the use of spe-
a Skill check using the Awareness modifier — the character’s knowl-
cialized climbing equipment.
edge of the boat’s controls are more important when driving such a
massive ship. When the character hops into a small ski boat, how-
ever, his or her Agility is more important and thus the GM should Computer Use
require a Skill check using the Agility modifier instead of the Aware-
Relevant Ability: Awareness
ness Modifier.
Specializations: Artificial Awareness, Databases, Intrusion/Security,
Specializations Networks, Programming
A selection of Specializations is provided. When a character gains a Practical knowledge of computer use. Computer engineering (hard-
new Skill, he or she may select one Specialization for free. Any time ware) is covered by Knowledge: Electronics.
the character makes a Skill check (a character attempting to balance
on a thin ledge using Acrobatics: Balance, for example); the charac- Concentration
ter gains a +1 bonus to his or her Skill check. With GM permission,
players may select a Specialization that is not listed if it fits with their Relevant Ability: Spirit
character concept. Also, GMs may allow characters to gain two ad-
ditional Specializations for a particular Skill by paying the normal Specializations: Clearing One’s Mind, Magic Focus, Single Minded
cost associated with gaining a Rank in that Skill.
The ability to ignore distractions and interference when focusing on a
Description task.
The Skill name line is followed by a general description of what us- Controlled Breathing
ing the Skill represents.
Relevant Ability: Constitution
General Skills Specializations: Cyclic Breathing, Holding Breath, Slow Heart Rate
Craft curities.
Diplomacy Forgery
Relevant Ability: Presence Relevant Ability: Awareness
Specializations: Etiquette, Social Grace, Heraldry, Negotiation Specializations: Detection, Electronic Documents, Handwriting,
Paper Documents
The knowledge concerning the proper way to interact during social
situations, and negotiations, including rules of conduct and persua- The ability to counterfeit documents and papers or to identify forger-
sion. ies. This Skill can be used in conjunction with the Computer Use
Disable Device
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Wits
Specializations: Jamming, By Passing, Traps
Specializations: Card Games, Computer Games, Dice Games, Strat-
The ability to circumvent traps, jam mechanical devices, by pass se- egy, Role Playing
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 61
The ability to play various games (including betting strategies) well. Specializations: Government, Police, Underworld
Gather Information The ability to track a piece of information or person through red tape
and electronic media.
Relevant Ability: Presence
Specializations: Contacts, Gossip, Rumormongering
Relevant Ability: Strength
The ability to find out information about an area, from the day-to-day
events to specific pieces of information. Specializations: Long, High, Pole Vault
Handle Animal The ability to jump well and consistently. A character can normally
jump about 6 feet forward or 3 feel up/back (double range with a
Relevant Ability: Presence running start). This Skill increases the character’s maximum hori-
zontal distance by +1 foot for every two Skill ranks. This modifier is
Specializations: Any single animal such as dogs, dolphins, horses, doubled for running starts and halved for vertical or backwards jumps.
Knowledge: Arcane
The ability to teach and train animals with an intellect above that of
instinctive insects. An animal usually has an Awareness of 1-3. Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Awareness Reflects knowledge of the history, religion, ethics, and lifestyle of one
or more foreign countries or cultures. Each Rank in this Skill pro-
Specializations: Bacteria/Viruses, Botany, Ecology, Genetics, Physi- vides familiarity with a distinct culture (a Specialization). Thus, mul-
ology, Zoology tiple Specializations may be listed for Foreign Culture depending on
the Skill Rank.
This field covers scientific knowledge of how living things function.
Knowledge: Law
Knowledge: Business
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Specializations: Civil, Criminal, Customs, Family, International,
Specializations: Accounting, Banking, Executive, Fraud, Govern- Political
ment, Marketing, Small Business
Knowledge of legal procedure and practice. GMs may assume that
The ability to organize, run, and understands part or all of an organi- anyone with Rank 6 or more has a license to practice law. All Spe-
zation (such as a business, government, or association). cializations, except International, are specific to one country or re-
gion only (for example, “Japanese Criminal Law”).
Knowledge: Cultural Arts
Knowledge: Mechanics
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Specializations: Archaeology, Art Appraisal, History, Literature, Ur-
ban Legends Specializations: Aeronautical, Armorer, Automotive, Gunsmith,
Locksmith, Micro, Traps
Knowledge of aspects of human culture (or another species’ culture).
The ability to maintain, repairs, or builds a mechanical and electro-
Knowledge: Domestic Arts mechanical device. This also includes knowledge of tool use, weld-
ing, etc. Armorer applies to heavy vehicle-mounted weapons while
Relevant Ability: Awareness Gunsmith covers personal weaponry. Use Artisan for archaic weap-
Specializations: Cleaning, Cooking, Decorating, Home Budgeting
Knowledge: Military Sciences
The ability to efficiently organize and run a domestic household.
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Knowledge: Electronics
Specializations: Hardware Recognition, Awareness Analysis, Logis-
Relevant Ability: Awareness tics, Strategy, Tactics, Teamwork
Specializations: Communications, Computers, Consumer Electron- The character has military-style tactical, staff, or leadership training.
ics, Robotics, Security, Sensors In addition, SWAT (or other tactical police units) often includes indi-
viduals who pick up similar Skills (and often recruit ex-military per-
The ability to maintain, repair, build, modify (and at high Ranks,
design) electronic equipment.
Knowledge: Nature
Knowledge: Foreign Culture
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 63
Specializations: Animals, Cycles, Plants, Seasons, Weather Specializations: Anthropology, Geography, Politics, Psychology,
Social Work, Sociology, Theology
Knowledge of the interactions of the natural world.
Understanding of the way people function in society as well as soci-
Knowledge: Occult etal behavioral patterns.
The knowledge of how current and historical religions worked. The ability to move without being detected audibly.
Specializations: Air, Highway, Sea, Space, Urban, Wilderness The ability to recognize, concocts, apply, and neutralize a variety of
poisons and toxins.
The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment.
The Navigate Skill will help a character find the fastest/safest route Power Usage
to a destination.
Relevant Ability: Based on Power’s Relevant Ability
Open Lock
Specializations: One specific Power only
Relevant Ability: Agility
Unlike other Skills, Power Usage only offers a bonus to any check for
Specializations: Combination, Electronic, Padlocks, Puzzle Lock the use of one specific Power. To receive a bonus on multiple Powers,
this Skill must be assigned multiple times, once for each Power. The
The ability to open locking devices. Skill is useful to a character that may not have a high ability (such as
Awareness) that is associated with one of his or her Powers (such as
Perform Mind Control or Telepathy). When the character must make a check
for the specific Power, the Power Usage Skill adds a bonus as though
Relevant Ability: Presence the check is actually a Skill check.
Specializations: Comedy, Dance, Drama, Music, Public Speaking,
Singing, Fast Talking
Relevant Ability: Strength
The ability to perform well before an audience, and to evoke an emo-
tional response through the art form. Specializations: Bulky Objects, Free Weights, Humans, Moving
Objects, Small Objects (Hand-Held)
Pick Pocket
The ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for in-
Relevant Ability: Agility jury. This includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects
in motion, and supporting large masses.
Specializations: Palm, Legerdemain, Lift Object
Repair ploiting their sex appeal. A successful Skill check will convince an-
other person that the character is genuinely interested in them. Whether
Relevant Ability: Awareness or not the subject actually responds will depend on his or her own
romantic inclinations and sexual preference. The characters should
Specializations: Mechanics, Computerized, Electronics be careful with this skill since this skill could become a sin.
The ability to carry out permanent or temporary repairs to equipment. Sense Motive
Research Relevant Ability: Wits
Specializations: Legal, Historical, Scientific This represents the knowledge of determining when a person is not
being honest or forth coming.
This Skill allows a character to locate diffi-
cult to find pieces of data by searching jour- Sleight of Hand
nals, the web, and other media.
Relevant Ability: Agility
Specializations: Card Sharking, Fine Ma-
Relevant Ability: Agility nipulation, Stage Magic
Specializations: One Specific Species A character with this Skill has superior manual
(Camel, Horse, Tiger, etc.). Agility, greater than that suggested by his or
her Agility score. This includes the ability to
This is the knowledge of how to care for a perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects,
riding beast, how to saddle, mount, and dis- cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.
mount the animal, how to get it to perform
difficult or dangerous maneuvers safely and Speak Languages
without balking, and how to best pace it for
long distance rides. Relevant Ability: Awareness
Cricket, Football, Hockey, Volleyball, etc. Specializations: Knots, Handling Loads, Securing
The ability to play well in a team or individual sporting event with This Skill allows a character to adeptly use rope for any number of
specialized rules. purposes.
Specializations: Ambush, Movement, Tailing Specializations: Guide, Hunting, Identification, Natural Hazards
This the ability to locate people or creature trying to hide their pres- The character is familiar with local wilderness areas. The character
ence. can find subsistence for him or her and others and avoid natural dan-
Wilderness Tracking
Relevant Ability: Wits
Relevant Ability: Awareness or Wits
Specializations: Aquatic, Artic, Desert, Wilderness, Urban
Specializations: Aquatic, Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain,
The ability to survive in harsh environments. Plains
The character is skilled at acrobatic The ability to accurately shoot with a hand-
tumbling and flips. held firearm and to keep it properly main-
tained. Auto-fire applies to firing bursts of
Use Rope fully automatic fire from any gun, whether it
is a small submachine gun, a big assault rifle,
Relevant Ability: Agility or a heavy machine gun. Pistol applies to fir-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 67
ing single shots from a handgun. Rifle ter to actually dodge bullets. Rather, it is a
covers firing single shots from guns with combination of situational awareness and tac-
a shoulder stock including rifles and tical movement as well as knowing when to
shotguns. keep moving (to present a more difficult tar-
get) and when to drop for cover.
Heavy Weapons
Special Ranged Attack
Relevant Ability: Base Attack Bonus
Relevant Ability: Base Attack Bonus
Specializations: Artillery (indirect fire
weapons such as Howitzers), Gunnery Specializations: One specific Special At-
(heavy machine guns, tank guns and tack
other vehicle-mounted direct-fire weap-
ons), Launchers (rocket and missile This Skill is used for weapons created using
launchers) the Special Attack Attribute that emanate
from the character’s body, rather than a de-
The ability to accurately fire vehicle-, vice or weapon. For example, eye beams, fire-
shoulder-, or tripod-mounted weapons balls fired from the hand, or sonic blast shot
such as a tank cannon or heavy machine from the mouth would qualify for this Skill
gun, and to perform routine maintenance. use, but a laser gun (Gun Combat Skill) or a
deadly boomerang (Thrown Weapon Skill)
Melee Attack would not.
The ability to attack effectively with a hand-to-hand melee weapon. The ability to accurately throw weapons or objects at a target.
Specializations: Axe, Baton/Club, Knife, Improvised Weapons, Specializations: Strikes, Holds, Throws, Grappling
Polearms (spears, naginata, etc.), Shield, Sword, Whips/Chains
The ability to attack without weapons.
The ability to defend well with a hand-to-hand melee weapon.
Unarmed Defense
Ranged Defense
Relevant Ability: Base Defense Bonus
Relevant Ability: Base Defense Bonus
Specializations: Strikes, Holds, Throws, Grappling
Specializations: Personal, Air Vehicle, Ground Vehicle, Water Ve-
hicle, Space Vehicle The ability to block armed or unarmed melee attacks without using a
The ability to avoid ranged attacks, but this does not enable a charac-
Page 68 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
chapter 9:
Feats represent the extraordinary abilities and proficiencies of char-
acters. The feats that represent the extraordinary abilities allow the
character to perform remarkably. For example, they allow martial art
manoeuvres, the ability to use two weapons at the same time, fight in
the dark, and many other possible advantages. They only help the
character, but they do not inhibit the character. The other type of feat
provides proficiencies. One of these types allows the character to wear
different kinds of armor. However, the armor a character purchases
and wear is different than the armor that is purchased in the Attribute
chapter. That type of armor does not need a feat to wear it.
Select Feats
At character creation, the character may choose as many feats as they
like as long as they have enough character points. When the charac-
ter progresses to another level, they can use their character points to
purchase more feats. Anytime a character purchases a feat, the pre-
requisites must be met.
Feat Costs
“Do not be anxious about an
not ything,
Feats cost 2 Character Points each.
but in eev
verything, b
erything, y prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present
present Feat Descriptions
your requests t
requests o God. And the pea
to ce of
peace The Feat entries herein detail information in the following format:
Table: Feats
double range (-4 penalty) would receive -2 penalty. This Feat can be tacking or defending with melee weapons or while unarmed in poor
assigned more than once. light, absolute darkness, or against an invisible opponent.
Benefit: When a character wears medium armor, the armor check Benefit: If the character deals an opponent enough damage to make
penalty applies only to Skill checks that involve moving. A character the opponent drop (either by knocking the opponent out or by reduc-
that is not proficient suffers the armor check penalty on attack rolls as ing the opponent’s Hit Points to less than 0), the character gets an
well. immediate extra melee attack against another opponent adjacent to
the character. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the
Blind-Fight same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous opponent. The
character can use this ability once per round.
Benefit: The character does not suffer penalties associated with at-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 71
Prerequisite: Agility 1+
Double Tap
Prerequisites: Agility 1+, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: If the character makes a successful Block Defense, he or she Benefit: When the character attempts to sideswipe a surface vehicle
can deflect a standard melee or ranged attack away harmlessly with- with his or her own, the character can force the other vehicle to a stop
out damaging the blocking object. The GM may decide that some by nudging it into a controlled sideways skid.
types of attacks cannot be deflected. When trying to deflect a Special
Attack, the Block Defense roll is penalized: -2 for each Rank of the Frightful Presence
Special Attack.
Prerequisites: Presence 3+, Intimidate Skill 9+ Ranks
Page 72 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Benefit: When the character uses this Feat, all opponents within 10 acter immediately gets to make a melee attack against that opponent
feet who have fewer Ranks than the character must make a Wisdom as if the character had not used his or her attack action for the trip
check (DC 10 + the character’s Rank + the character’s Presence attempt.
modifier). An opponent who fails his or her save is shaken, taking a -
2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and Skill checks for a number of Iron Will
rounds equal to 1d6 + the character’s Presence modifier. The charac-
ter can use the Feat once per round as a free action. A successful save Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Wisdom checks.
indicates that the opponent is immune to the character’s use of this
Feat for 24 hours. This Feat does not affect creatures with an Intelli- Judge Opponent
gence of 3 or lower.
Benefit: The character can judge his or her opponent’s approximate
Great Cleave Base Attack Bonus and weapon Skill Rank from the foe’s attitude
and posture even without actually seeing him or her fight. Addition-
Prerequisites: Spirit 2+, Cleave, Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus ally, the character can accurately estimate the opponent’s remaining
10+ Hit Points. For both of these advantages, the GM may decide to pro-
vide descriptive indications such as “your enemy is much better than
Benefit: As Cleave, except that the character has no limit to the num- you with a sword, but if you connect a few times with your energy
ber of times he or she can use it per round. blast, it will drop him,” rather than saying “the enemy’s base attack
bonus is 10, with a Melee Attack (Sword) Skill of 2, and he has 60
Great Stamina Hit Points remaining.”
Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Stamina check. Knockout Punch
Improved Brawl Prerequisites: Brawl, Base Attack Bonus 7+
Prerequisites: Brawl, Base Attack Bonus 8+ Benefit: When making the character’s first unarmed attack against a
flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit.
Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a
+2 competence bonus on his or her attack roll, and the character in- Leap Attack
flicts damage equal to 1d8 + the character’s Strength modifier.
Prerequisites: Agility 1+, Base Attack Bonus 7+
Improved Initiative
Benefit: The character can make leaping attacks with his or her me-
Benefit: The character gets a +4 bonus on Initiative checks. lee weapon, delivering additional damage due to momentum. Any
time the character has a higher Initiative than his or her opponent; he
Improved Knockout Punch or she may attempt a leaping attack. If the strike is successful (it hits
and the target fails a defense) the character gets an extra +2 bonus to
Prerequisites: Brawl, Knockout Punch, Base Attack Bonus 12+ damage and may additionally add half his or her Jump Skill Ranks (if
any) to the damage. If the character fails to hit, however, or the oppo-
Benefit: When making the character’s first unarmed attack against a nent succeeds with his or her defense, the character is off balance and
flat-footed opponent, treat a successful attack as a critical hit. This receives a -4 penalty to any further defense checks until his or her
critical hit deals triple damage. turn to act in the following round.
Benefit: If the character trips an opponent in melee combat, the char- Mounted Combat
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 73
Prerequisite: Ride Skill treated as a normal attack against the target using standard attack
rules. The GM may decide that some types of attacks cannot be re-
Benefit: Once per round when the character’s mount is hit in com- flected.
bat, the character may make a Ride check to negate the hit. The hit is
negated if the character’s Ride check is greater than the attack roll Rapid Shot
(essentially, the Ride check becomes the mount’s Armour Class if it’s
higher than the mount’s regular Defense). Prerequisites: Agility 1+, Point Blank Shot
One Shot Left Benefit: The character can get one extra attack per round with a
ranged weapon. The attack is at the character’s highest base attack
Benefit: The character will always have at least one projectile re- bonus, but each attack (the extra one and the normal ones) suffers a -
maining for his or her ranged weapon, even after an extended combat. 2 penalty. The character must use the full attack action to use this
This might be a final bullet in a gun, arrow in a quiver, plasma unit in Feat.
a wrist blaster, or stone in a sling. This option does not remove the
need to reload weapons in a game that uses realistic ammunition rules, Run
but rather assures that the character will not be forced to reload at a
critical moment. One Shot Left does not affect weapons or Special Benefit: When sprinting, the character moves five times normal speed
Attacks built using the Limited Shots Disability. instead of four times normal speed. If the character makes a running
jump, increase the distance or height cleared by one-fourth, but not
Point Blank Shot past the maximum.
Benefit: Once per round, if the charac- assigned (to a minimum of 0). Alternatively,
ter makes a successful melee attack with the character can attack with one weapon
an unarmed strike or a light weapon, the and defend with another receiving a -2 pen-
character deals extra 1d4 damage. alty to Attack checks he or she makes but
adding a +2 bonus to his or her Defense
Steady Hand checks vs. melee or unarmed attacks. This
bonus lasts until the character’s turn in the
Prerequisites: Agility 1+ following round.
Benefit: Declare that the character is using the Feat before making Benefit: A character has the ability to recall the vital statistics and
an attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). It forces a important quirks of practically all known commercially available
foe damaged by the character’s unarmed attack to make a Stamina weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, its general level of reli-
saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the character’s Rank + Wits modi- ability as well as all vital statistics — material composition, ammuni-
fier), in addition to dealing damage normally. If the defender fails his tion capacity, caliber, possible outfitted accessories, etc. Characters
saving throw, he is stunned for 1 round (until just before the character’s without this ability will only have such information on weapons they
next action). A stunned character can’t act and loses any Dexterity actually own or use regularly and will need to successfully roll an
bonus to Armour Class. Attackers get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against Intelligence based Knowledge: Military Science (Hardware Recog-
a stunned opponent. The character may attempt a stunning attack once nition) Skill check to recall important details. In addition, Weapons
per day for every four Ranks attained, and no more than once per Encyclopedia also includes knowledge on acquiring weapons, so char-
round. acters will have a +4 bonus on any Knowledge: Streetwise or Knowl-
edge: Business Skill checks needed to locate or buy weapons.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Whirlwind Attack
Prerequisite: Agility 1+
Prerequisites: Agility 1+, Intelligence 10+, Dodge, Base Attack Bo-
Benefit: The character can effectively fight with two melees or ranged nus 8+
weapons at once against the same or different targets, provided both
weapons are designed for one-handed use. When using two weapons, Benefit: A character can give up all his or her regular attacks for the
the character can attack twice using the normal Two Weapons rules, round and instead make one melee attack at the character’s Base At-
but the penalties for doing so are reduced by 2 each time this Feat is tack Bonus against each adjacent opponent.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 75
chapter 10:
Assign Attributes
The eight core Ability Modifiers represent your character’s basic
abilities, but his or her more specific acquired or innate talents and
abilities are known as Character Attributes. Any Character Points
remaining after you have purchased your character’s Abilities, Race,
and Class are available to acquire Attributes.
Modifying Attributes and Adjusting if any, utility in the campaign, he or she can reduce its Character
Point Cost or even give the Attribute away for free. If circumstances
Point Costs change and the Attribute becomes useful on a regular basis, the char-
acter should pay for the Attribute with Character Points granted
Players may occasionally find that an Attribute does not exactly match
through Level progression.
their concept of how a particular power or capability should function.
The GM (and, with GM permission, the players) may redefine the
effects of existing Attributes to better suit particular character con- Adaptation
cepts. If the GM feels a changed effect makes the Attribute signifi-
cantly more or less powerful, he or she may alter its Point cost to Cost: 1 Point/Rank
reflect this.
Relevant Ability: Constitution
Additionally, the value of Attributes assumes the setting of the game
gives them a good chance of actually being useful in play. If a charac- Progression: The character is adapted to 1 environment/
ter is given an Attribute that the GM decides is unlikely to have much, Rank
Attributes Point Cost Ability Score Attributes Point Cost Ability Score
The character can adapt to survive in a number of environments hos- different Attribute Ranks as well.
tile to ordinary humans equal to his or her Adaptation Rank. Ex-
amples of hostile environments include: acidic/basic liquids, extra Partial-Powered Form
realm, extreme pressure, intense cold, intense heat, noxious gases,
radiation, underwater (the ability to “breathe” water), and vacuum (3 Points/Rank)
(low pressure, not the absence of air). Adaptation does not apply to
non-human characters whose natural environment is not the Earth’s The form is built from 10 Character Points for each Alternate Form
atmosphere (such as a mermaid living in the ocean). In these cases, Rank, which can be used to acquire Abilities, Attributes, and De-
the character must assign Adaptation (Earth Atmosphere) to survive fects. The character’s Abilities all drop to zero and thus must be raised
in normal human environments. Surviving in low- or no-oxygen en- with the Alternate Form’s new Character Points; Calculated Values
vironments is a Special Defense Attribute, not Adaptation. also must be recalculated. Additionally, the character’s regular At-
tributes, Skills, and Defects no longer function in the Alternate Form,
The Attribute also provides 2 Points of Armour against environmen- though the GM may decide that some Attributes (such as Personal
tal conditions and attacks similar to the adapted environment. For Gear, Flunkies, Organizational Ties, Wealth, and others) and some
example, Adaptation (Heat) provides Armour while in the desert heat Defects still retain their effects. Defects can also be assigned to the
and against fiery blasts, while Adaptation (Pressure) provides Armour new Form to provide additional Character Points. Unless the GM
while deep-sea diving and against a crushing gravity attack. In most indicates otherwise, normal clothing becomes part of the Alternate
natural Earth environments, this Armour provides complete protec- Form as well.
tion against the elements. Adaptation can thus be viewed as a very
limited form of the Armour Attribute in many situations. A character Full-Powered Form
with even Rank 1 Armour gains the benefits of Adaptation against
normal environmental conditions. Armour does not protect against (9 Points/Rank)
specific hostile environments that have less tangible damaging ef-
fects, such as extra realm, noxious gases, and underwater. The form is built from 10 Character Points for each Alternate Form
Rank, which can be used to acquire Attributes, and Defects. The char-
acter retains all the Abilities, Attribute Ranks, Skill Ranks, and De-
Alternate Form fect Bonus Points associated with his or her regular form. The newly
acquired Attributes and Defects add to the character’s normal form.
Costs: 2, 3 or 9 Points/Rank If the character’s Abilities are modified by the Enhanced [Ability]
Attribute or Less Capable [Ability] Defect, the Calculated Values
Relevant Ability: Constitution
should be recalculated as necessary. Unless the GM indicates other-
Progression: The character’s alternate form is built from wise, normal clothing becomes part of the Alternate Form as well.
10 Character Points/Rank
Cosmetic Changes
A character with Alternate Form can instantaneously transform into
one other specific form that is determined during character creation (2 Points)
and approved by the Game Master. Once selected, the form cannot be
A “Rank 0” option of the Alternate Form Attribute is also available
altered. Alternate Form allows the character to possess a radically
at the cost of 2 Character Points. This Rank allows a character to
different body shape than his or her normal human form, and exhibit
undergo cosmetic changes that confer no additional abilities on the
exotic physical features as well.
target. This includes: a 10% size increase or decrease, change of gen-
If a character only has a single, permanent, non-human form, this der, 50% age increase or decrease, color changes (eye, skin, or hair),
Attribute should not be applied. Instead, the character must acquire and minor physical changes (shape of ears, facial features, or bodily
the relevant Attributes and Defects that best represent the form’s ca- proportions).
pabilities. A character with several different Alternate Forms should
assign this Attribute multiple times. The Attributes gained in the Animal Friendship
character’s Alternate Form obviously cannot be Dependent upon the
Alternate Form Attribute. Different Alternate Forms can be built with
Page 78 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
Sample Alternate Forms
Relevant Ability: Presence
The examples herein suggest some Attributes that may be appropriate
for the Alternate Forms, but the GM can modify them if desired. Other Progression: Descriptive; see below
types of alternate forms can include electricity, radiation, light, emotion,
data, dream, sound, and many others. A character with this Attribute has an unusual, in-
stinctive empathy towards animals. On a successful
• Animal Forms Presence check, the character can befriend an other-
Many nature-based shapeshifters (and cursed martial artists) have one wise hostile or even ferocious animal. For example,
or more Partial-Powered animal forms. Suggested Attributes: any that this would allow a character to get past a police dog
are relevant to the specific animal form, such as Armour, Attack or guard dog. Utilizing this ability requires behaving
Combat Mastery, Health Bonus, Features, Flight, Heightened Senses, in a calm and friendly manner; a friendship cannot be
Jumping, Natural Weapons, Special Movement, Tunneling, etc. made if the character or his or her friends have al-
ready attacked the animal. An “animal” is defined as
• Elemental/Chemical Forms
a natural creature with Awareness of 1-2 that lacks
This option covers a wide range of possible forms, including: acid, base,
gold, granite, ice, mercury, water, sulfur, synthetic drugs, etc. Suggested the ability to communicate via a structured language
Attributes: Adaptation, Armour, Duplicate, Health Bonus, Elasticity, (that is, it cannot speak).
Enhanced [Ability], Extra Arms, Insubstantial, Extreme Damage,
Regeneration, Special Attack, Special Defense, Special Movement, The GM can apply difficulty penalties or bonuses to
Superstrength, Swarm, Water Speed. the Presence check based on the character’s actions
and the situation. For example, the dice roll modifier
• Flame Form could be -4 if the animal is especially fierce or very
The character is composed of fire, and can ignite flammable objects on loyal to its current owner, or +4 if the characters just
contact. Any person near the character may suffer burn damage as well. saved the animal from some nasty fate. When be-
Suggested Attributes: Adaptation (Heat), Armour (Optimized to heat), friending a pack of animals, a dice roll penalty of -2
Environmental Influence (Heat), Flight, Force Field, Special Attack is assigned for two animals, -4 for 3-4 animals, -6 for
(Aura). 5-8 animals, -8 for 9-16 animals, and higher penal-
ties for larger packs. If the attempt fails, the animal(s)
• Gaseous Form
may attack, threaten the character, or slink away,
This form is less substantial than a liquid form. The character cannot
pick up solid objects and can only exert the pushing force of a gentle depending on its nature. A second attempt is usually
wind. Suggested Attributes: Adaptation, Extra Attacks, Flight, not possible within a short period of time. If an ani-
Heightened Awareness, Invisibility, Insubstantial, Projection, mal is befriended, it will let the character and com-
Regeneration, Sixth Sense, Size Change, Special Attack, Special panions approach it, and will not attack or act ag-
Defense, Speed. gressively unless it or the members of its pack or fam-
ily are threatened. At the GM’s option, it may be af-
• Incorporeal Form fectionate enough to want to follow behind the char-
An Incorporeal form is without physical substance (for example, a ghost acter or somehow assist him or her.
or living shadow). The character can pass through walls, walk on air or
water, and perform similar ghost-like feats. Suggested Attributes: An animal that has been befriended simply likes the
Adaptation, Flight, Invisibility, Insubstantial, Special Defense. character. Actual training of the animal takes time
and requires the application of Handle Animal Skill.
• Melding Form The character’s Rank in this Attribute (round up) is
The character can meld into any inanimate object, and still perceive
added to his or her Handle Animal Skill.
nearby events as though he or she is still human. Once merged, the
character cannot be harmed unless the object is damaged. Suggested
Rank 1 +1 to the Handle Animal Skill.
Attributes: Adaptation, Insubstantial, Teleport (Within melded object),
Rank 2 An additional +1 modifier is
applied to the Presence check. +2 to the
Handle Animal Skill.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 79
Armour reduces the damage that is inflicted on the character or struc- Art of Distraction may represent oratorical ability, innate Presence,
ture. Armour reduces the damage of each attack by 4 Points per Rank. or even a beautiful or resonant voice. This Attribute allows a charac-
The base cost for Armour is 4 Points/Rank. ter to distract a number of people or animals at a critical moment,
provided he or she has some method of communicating with them
A number of options are available for the Armour Attribute, which (for example, talking, dancing, television broadcast, illusionary im-
alter the Attribute’s Point cost or modify the Armour’s effectiveness. age, written word, etc.) If the character is trying to directly distract a
The minimum Point cost of Armour, regardless of options, is 1 Char- potentially hostile group, such as an angry mob or a group of security
acter Point. guards, his or her
Rank dictates how
Partial many people are
distracted. If the
The Armour has a small thin area (half Armour value, -1 to Point character has an
cost) or an unarmored area (no Armour value, -2 to Point cost) that audience that is
can be targeted using a Called Shot. Point cost reductions apply to the already prepared
total cost of Armour, not the cost per Rank. to listen, the Rank
determines the
Optimized Armour percentage of that
audience that is
The Armour is focused against a particular uncommon attack form. distracted or
Eligible attack forms include electricity, cold, laser beams, fire/heat, moved enough to
essence blasts, etc. Armour cannot be optimized against broad cat- take action,
egories such as blunt impacts or piercing weapons, however. Opti- whether that in-
mized Armour provides doubled protection against the chosen attack volves buying the
form only, and no protection against other forms. A character can character’s next
acquire both Optimized Armour and ordinary Armour by assigning CD, donating
Page 80 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
money to a charity, or voting for the character in an election. once. Commanders usually concentrate on key individuals (such as
immediate subordinates) and hope the actions of these people will
If multiple people with this Attribute work as a team, the total num- encourage others to follow them.
ber of people distracted is added together. Appearance is used both
when distracting people physically (for example, with sex appeal), Rank 1 The character can inspire one person.
and Presence is used to distract someone through emotion, rhetoric, Rank 2 The character can inspire up to two people.
or force of personality. Rank 3 The character can inspire a small team (1-
10 people).
Rank 1 The character can distract one individuals, Rank 4 The character can inspire a medium team
or 5% of an audience will be motivated. (11-50 people).
Rank 2 The character can distract up to two indi- Rank 5 The character can inspire a large team (50-
viduals, or 10% of an audience will be motivated. 200 people).
Rank 3 The character can distract a small crowd (1- Rank 6 The character can inspire a very large team
10 individuals), or 20% of an audience will be motivated. (200-1000 people).
Rank 4 The character can distract a medium crowd
(11-50 individuals), or 50% of an audience will be moti-
Celestial Fire
Rank 5 The character can distract a large crowd
(50-200 individuals), or 75% of an audience will be Cost: 4 Points/Rank
Rank 6 The character can distract a very large Relevant Ability: Awareness
crowd (200-1000 individuals), or 95-100% of an audience
will be motivated. Progression: The character receives 10 Celestial fire
Points/Rank to acquire Spiritual Powers
A character with the Celestial fire Attribute has the ability to ma-
Aura of Command nipulate spiritual energies to produce a specific set of effects that seem-
ingly defy physical laws. The player should define the character’s
Cost: 1 Point/Rank special ability and establish a consistent theme for his or her powers.
Themes that are common in Celestius Ex include:
Relevant Ability: Presence
• Fire is a common attack and elemental control that many angels
Progression: Descriptive; see below choose to use; the effects could be a bolt of fire that strikes enemies to
large pillars of flame that extend to the sky.
The character possesses a natural knack for leadership. This Attribute
is similar to Art of Distraction, except it only works on allies or sub- • Spiritual Light can be used to brighten up an area in the shroud as
ordinates or possibly with leaderless individuals looking for guid- well as harm demons; it can range from a beam of striking light to a
ance (such as ordinary people caught in an emergency). Instead of large flare that stuns all enemies in an area.
distracting them, the character is able to inspire allies or neutrals into
following him or her into dangerous situations that they might other- • Music and song are often powerful ways to soothe enemies or bol-
wise avoid. ster allies.
Simply because a character is in a position of authority over other • Psionic abilities that produce psychic effects such as Telepathy, Tele-
people does not automatically imply that he or she possesses the Aura kinesis, or Precognition; psi powers are normally assumed to be tal-
of Command Attribute. In a military structure, subordinates will usu- ents with which the character was born, although they may have re-
ally follow most orders (even dangerous ones) without hesitation be- quired special training to awaken.
cause it is part of their job. Aura of Command reflects a character’s
almost unnatural ability to inspire others to engage in actions that A character with the Celestial fire Attribute receives 10 Celestial
few people would ever consider undertaking. Note that few leaders Fire Points per Rank of this Attribute. Celestial Fire Points may be
have an Aura of Command sufficient to inspire their entire force at used like Character Points to acquire individual Attributes. Attributes
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 81
acquired using Celestial fire Points are designated “Spiritual Pow- With training, individual characters can learn to combine their Spe-
ers” and represent the extent of the character’s celestial fire. A Spiri- cial Attack Attribute into awesome displays of power. In order to do
tual Power is used just like an ordinary Attribute; except each time this, all the characters must have both the Combination Attack At-
the character uses it he or she must expend Essence Points. This rep- tribute and the Special Attack Attribute. The number of characters
resents an angel concentrating on his or her inner spirit. that can combine at once is dependant on the Rank of Combination
Attack; a character can combine with up to 2 other characters for
Characters can acquire almost any Attributes as Spiritual Powers using each Rank. There is also an Essence Point cost associated with Com-
their Celestial fire Points with these exceptions: Essence Bonus and bination Attack: 2 Essence Points per person involved in the attack.
Celestial Fire. The GM should exercise caution in allowing charac- Each character must pay this cost separately. For example, if four
ters to acquire Highly Skilled or Organizational Ties, since either can characters are combining, they each must pay 8 Essence Points.
be inappropriate or unbalancing. In addition, each Spiritual Power
should be given its own descriptive name or special effects. Thus, The attack takes place on the Initiative of the character with the low-
while a Spiritual Power may be acquired as “Special Attack Rank est Initiative and uses the character with the lowest attack modifier to
2,” on a character sheet it should be written down as “Lightning Bolt: determine if it hits. A single attack roll is made. The target has a
Weapon Attack Rank 2,” etc. defense penalty of -1 per character involved in the attack. If the attack
succeeds, it inflicts double damage (for example, if two character
Each power normally drains Essence Points from the character equal combine, one with a 2d8 Special Attack and one with a 3d8 Special
to one half (round up) the Celestial fire Points that were spent to Attack, the total damage inflicted would be 10d8 — 5d8 doubled).
acquire that Rank of the Attribute. For example, acquiring the Elas-
ticity Attribute at Rank 5 as a Spiritual Power, costs 10 Celestial fire Note that characters with the Combination Attack Attribute are not
Points. Invoking the Elasticity Spiritual Power at Rank 5 drains 5 subject to the same restrictions as normal characters that perform a
Essence Points from the character (10 ÷ 2 = 5). A character can choose similar action.
to use a Spiritual Power as if it were acquired at a lower Rank to
conserve Essence Points, however. Continuing the example, the char- Computer Scanning
acter can use Elasticity at Rank 2 instead (even though it can be used
at a maximum of Rank 5), which only drains 2 Essence Points.
Cost: 2 Points/Rank
If the Spiritual Power is an Attribute with instantaneous effects, such
Relevant Ability: Awareness
as Exorcism, Teleportation or Weapon Attack, the character must in-
voke the power anew (and spend Essence Points) each time he or she Progression: Descriptive; see below
wishes to make use of it. If it has continuing effects (as in the case for
most other Attributes), these effects will last for one minute; the char- This Attribute allows a character to access, read, and understand data
acter can maintain it for a greater duration by spending additional from all computers in the Surrounding area. The DC for the check is
Essence Points equal to the Celestial fire Point cost every minute. determined by the complexity and security of the computer; most home
The Game Master can adjust this time up or down as necessary for computers are DC 10 while high-tech secure machines are DC 20 to
his or her campaign. Maintaining a Spiritual Power requires no spe- 30. When trying to access a computer built as an Item of Power, the
cial concentration, but if the Power is not maintained it will cease to character suffers a penalty of -2 for each Rank of the Item of Power.
function and need to be invoked all over again in order to reactivate The Attribute Rank determines the maximum distance in which scan-
it. ning can take place. To read multiple computers over a network, the
area must be sufficient to encompass the target computers. Since this
Combination Attack Attribute can be a very powerful tool in a campaign, the GM and
players should ensure it is used appropriately.
Cost: 3 Points/Rank
Rank 1 Scanning can happen at the range of 1 foot.
Rank 2 Scanning can happen at the range of 10
Relevant Ability: None
Rank 3 Scanning can happen at the range of 100
Progression: The character can combine attacks with up
to 2 other characters/Rank
Page 82 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Rank 4 Scanning can happen at the range of 1 ence depends on the nature of the contamination and whether the vic-
mile. tim has been “transformed,” “devoured,” or “reborn” in the process.
Rank 5 Scanning can happen at the range of 10 A person who has been successfully contaminated Will usually gain
miles. a certain number of Attributes “paid for” with the Bonus Points ac-
Rank 6 Scanning can happen at the range of 100 quired by assigning new character Defects (often including Cursed,
Ism, Marked, Permanent, and Owned, the last one representing servi-
tude to his or her new master). Usually the mutation will result in a
Contamination monstrous form similar to that of the character responsible. Thus, a
spider alien that laid an egg in its victim may produce another spider
Cost: 2 or 4 Points/Rank alien; the victim of a vampire will grow fangs, etc. The GM should be
wary of potentially undesirable possibilities such as a werewolf char-
Relevant Ability: None acter infecting the entire group of characters, thereby creating an en-
tire group of werewolves.
Progression: Descriptive; see below
The Contamination Attribute usually allows the creator or mother
This Attribute represents the character’s ability to transform other some measure of control over the newly transformed character. In
people (or animals, or objects) into entities like him or herself. Fre- these instances, the Rank of Contamination is added as a favorable
quently, this victim can then contaminate even more people. The modifier to any Mind Control attempts performed against the subject.
method should be specified when the character is created. It might be
similar to myths behind the vampire legend — the character’s blood A variation to Contamination inflicts the target with some sort of curse
carries a “plague” that, when ingested, mutates the person over a or disease, rather than transforming him or her into a different type of
matter of hours or days. Alternatively, the character might lay an egg creature. Examples of these afflictions include rapid ageing, debili-
or seed (real or metaphorical) in the body of his or her prey, which tating diseases, sensitivity to specific elements, etc.
will later hatch within the victim, killing him or her as a new monster
is born. The character might even need to perform some special ritual Rank 1 The transformation occurs over several
that alters the victim. Whatever the case, the conditions under which months.
the victim can become “contaminated” must be specified. Rank 2 The transformation occurs over several
For 2 Points/Rank, contamination is “difficult” — the victim must be Rank 3 The transformation occurs over several
willing, unconscious, or restrained for deliberate contagion to occur,
Rank 4 The transformation occurs over several
or the target must perform an unusual activity (such as eating a mor-
sel of the character’s flesh). Rank 5 The transformation occurs over several
For 4 Points/Rank contamination is “easy” — the contagion might be Rank 6 The transformation occurs over several
similar to a traditional werewolf attack, where a scratch or bite re- rounds.
sults in a victim becoming a werewolf. The GM can add special con-
ditions, limitations, or effects to ensure that becoming a monster is a
curse and not a blessing. Essence Bonus
The higher the Rank of Contamination, the faster the transformation Cost: 3 Points/Rank
occurs. There should always be some means of curing or delaying the
eventual mutation, however. Possible cures include the death of the Relevant Ability: None
creature that inflicted the contaminant, radical surgery, blood trans-
fusion, or a successful mystical healing. Progression: The characters’ Essence Points are in-
creased by 10 Points/Rank
The GM will decides whether a player character who is turned into a
monster remains in the player’s control or is reclassified as an NPC. Possessing this Attribute increases the Essence Points of the charac-
Any retention (dreams, memories, etc.) of the victim’s former exist- ter, allowing him or her to draw on a greater pool of essence reserves
in times of need. This Attribute is particularly important for charac-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 83
ters with the Celestial Fire Attributes. The character can alter the weather to create or still weather condi-
tions of various sorts such as breezes, winds, rain, snow, fog, or storms.
Environmental Control For weather that is reasonable for the local climate, the area affected
depends on the character’s Level. For weather that is abnormal (rain
in a desert, snow in a hot summer) or violent (lightning storm, bliz-
Cost: 1-2 Points/Rank
zard, hurricane), the character’s Rank is treated as one less for pur-
Relevant Ability: Wits poses of area affected or two less if both violent and abnormal. If this
would reduce the Rank below 1, the effect cannot be produced. For
Progression: Descriptive; see below focused attacks, such as lightning bolts or tornadoes, use the Special
Attack Attribute instead. To produce precise effects or keep abnormal
The character can affect environmental conditions such as light, heat, or violent weather under control, the GM may require a Wits check
darkness, or weather. This is most appropriate for characters with with a penalty equal to the area Rank (for example, -4 if affecting a
Special control over a particular element or facet of nature such as regional area) and a bonus equal to the character’s Attribute Rank
sorcerers, demons, and spirits, but it could also represent various tech- (for example, +5 if the character has Rank 5). It will often take sev-
nological devices. If a character wishes to perform multiple effects eral rounds for weather to build up or disperse. Abnormal weather
(for example, control light and darkness) he or she should acquire the effects will return to normal soon after a character ceases to use this
Attribute multiple times. Attribute. Weather control costs 2 Points/Rank if general in nature,
or 1 Point/Rank if very specific (such as, “rain making”).
Maintaining Environmental Control requires a slight amount of con-
The character can illuminate an area with light as bright as a sunny centration: the character can perform other actions while doing so,
day on Earth. Light control costs 1 Point/Rank. but can only affect one area at any given time. The size of the envi-
ronment the character can control is determined by the character’s
Darkness Rank.
The character can summon smoke, fog, darkness, or the like to en- Rank 1 The character can affect a small area (like a
shroud an area, blocking normal vision. Darkness control costs 2 room).
Rank 2 The character can affect a modest area (like
Points/Rank if the character can create total darkness that completely
a house).
obscures light sources, or 1 Point/Rank if the darkness is only partial. Rank 3 The character can affect a local area (like a
neighborhood or village).
Silence Rank 4 The character can affect a regional area
(like an entire city).
The character can block out sounds within the area of effect. It costs Rank 5 The character can affect a large area (like
1 Point/Rank to create a barrier that prevents anyone outside from an entire county).
hearing sounds coming from within or vice versa, or 2 Points/Rank to Rank 6 The character can affect an entire region
create a zone of silence where no sounds exists. (like a state, province, or small country).
Temperature Exorcism
The character can alter temperatures in the area from arctic cold to
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
desert heat. If the character wishes to produce heat or cold sufficient
to start fires or instantly freeze someone solid, the player should as- Relevant Ability: Wits
sign the Special Attack Attribute instead. Temperature control costs
1 Point/Rank if the character is limited to either increasing or de- Progression: Descriptive; see below
creasing temperature, or 2 Points/Rank if he or she can do both.
A character with this Attribute knows how to perform or create ritu-
Weather als, charms, or spells capable of driving out, binding, or banishing
Page 84 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
(for example, all hand-to-hand, all ranged, etc.) Also, unless two or it might represent a special talent with a weapon (such as guns, blades,
more opponents are very close together, armed or unarmed hand-to- blunt weapons), knowledge of a particular martial arts technique, or
hand attacks must target the same person. The GM must decide when ability with a specific Special Attack.
the character can use his or her extra attacks. The suggested method
spreads the actions roughly evenly over the character’s Initiative range. For 5 Points/Rank, this knowledge can be applied to all forms of physi-
For example, if a character had three attacks and rolled an Initiative cal combat including armed, unarmed, martial arts, and ranged weap-
of 18, he or she would attack on Initiative numbers 18, 12, and 6. If ons, as well as Special Attacks such as essence blasts, Special spells
the enemy rolls an Initiative of 20 and has 5 attacks (Extra Attacks that inflict damage, or vehicle weapons.
Rank 4), he or she can attack on Initiative numbers 20, 16, 12, 8, and
4. This option has the advantage that it spreads actions over the entire Naturally, the character’s attack must be successful to inflict any dam-
combat round, but it involves the player paying closer attention to the age. Physical strength is not the key to delivering Extreme Damage in
Initiative numbers. Alternatively, the attacks may be carried out at an attack; the ability to sense a weakness is far more important. The
the same time during the character’s single Initiative. capacity of Extreme Damage to augment any kind of attack makes it
a very useful Attribute for a combat-oriented character.
This Attribute reflects the character’s ability to use every defensive The character possesses one or more secondary abilities that grant
combat situation to his or her benefit. Each round, the character may useful but mundane, non-combat related advantages. Features are typi-
make one or more additional defensive or non-combat actions. Addi- cally possessed by non-humans and reflect various, minor biological
tionally, penalties for performing more than one defensive action each or technological advantages.
round only apply after the extra defenses are used. For example, a -2
Examples of racial features include homing instinct, longevity, molt-
penalty is applied to the fifth defense for a character with Rank 3
ing ability, a pouch, scent glands, secondary eyelids, etc. Examples of
Extra Defenses.
technological features suitable for building into cyborgs, robots, or
androids include diagnostic equipment, gyrocompass, modem, radio,
Extreme Damage self-cleaning mechanism, etc. A wide range of other Attributes cover
other more useful features such as gills, wings, fangs, and enhanced
Cost: 2 or 5 Points/Rank senses.
A character with the Extreme Damage Attribute knows precisely how Relevant Ability: Agility
and where to hit any opponent in order to inflict incredible amounts
of damage. Progression: Descriptive; see below
For 2 Points/Rank, additional damage is only inflicted when the char- A character with Flight can fly through an atmosphere or in space (in
acter uses one specific weapon type, Special Attack, or method of space, he or she would still need protection from the environment).
attack; this attack is defined during character creation. For example, This is a common ability for angels, demons, some wildings, and ve-
hicles. The methods usually used to achieve flight are: wings, propel-
Page 86 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
lers, rotors, The flyer can only become airborne if he or she launches from a high
rockets, anti- place (like a tree or rooftop) or from a fast-moving vehicle. Addition-
gravity, hot ally, he or she can only gain speed by diving, or gain altitude by
air, or some riding thermals.
other tech-
nique. Rank 1 The character can fly at speeds up to 10
mph (approximately 18 feet/round).
Depending on Rank 2 The character can fly at speeds up to 50
the speed at mph (approximately 90 feet/round).
which the Rank 3 The character can fly at speeds up to 100
character is
Rank 4 The character can fly at speeds up to 500
moving, oppo-
nents may suf- Rank 5 The character can fly at speeds up to 1,000
fer a penalty to mph.
hit the charac- Rank 6 The character can fly at speeds up to 5,000
ter. A fast- mph.
moving char-
acter may
have an attack
penalty as
well. Cost: 1 or 2 Points/Rank
Rank 1 The character controls 1 flunky. An extendable Force Field can be assumed to cover a diameter out to
Rank 2 The character controls 2 flunkies. about 25% more than the character’s longest realm (for example, the
Rank 3 The character controls 3 or 4 flunkies. Force Field of a six-foot human would be about eight feet across). A
Rank 4 The character controls 5 to 7 flunkies. wall is assumed to be about 100 square feet (such as a 10’x10’ wall),
Rank 5 The character controls 8 to 12 flunkies. while an ordinary Force Field is form fitting. All Fields will block
Rank 6 The character controls 13 to 20 flunkies.
anyone who is not Insubstantial at Rank 6 from moving through it. If
a character with an extended Force Field also has Flight, the GM
Force Field may allow the character to carry other people who are inside the
Force Field with him or her while flying.
Cost: 2, 3, or 4 Points/Rank
A Force Field can be given additional customized Abilities or Dis-
Relevant Ability: Wits abilities. Each Ability taken reduces the protection provided by the
Field by 10 Points, but gives it some special capability. Each Disabil-
Progression: The Force Field reduces damage by 10 ity taken increases the protection of the Field by 10 Points but adds
Points/Rank some sort of weakness.
A Force Field is an essence field around the character that protects Force Field Abilities
against incoming attacks. Force Fields can represent Special barriers,
telekinetic shields, or technological “screens” that protect certain ve- • Air-Tight
The Field prevents the passage of gas molecules. While this is a ben-
A typical Force Field is different from Armour, since it can be bat- eficial defense against toxic gas attacks, a character in the Field Will
tered down by a sufficiently powerful attack. A Force Field can be eventually deplete all breathable oxygen.
“up” or “down.” When down, it does not stop any damage. Unless
the Detectable Defect is assigned, an up Force Field is invisible. Force • Blocks Incorporeal
Field status must be determined at the start of the character’s actions
for the round and cannot be changed until his or her turn to act in the The Field prevents the passage of characters that are in the shroud
next round. from going through it. It also stops characters currently using Rank 6
Attack damage is first applied to the Force Field, with any additional
penetrating damage applied against Armour (if any). Thus, if a weapon • Blocks Teleport
hit successfully penetrates a Force Field, the Armour Attribute can
still protect against it. A Force Field can be reduced or even knocked A character cannot teleport into or out of the Field. This is mostly
down by a sufficiently powerful attack. If an attack does more dam- useful only for extendable Force Fields or those that protect vehicle.
age than the Force Field prevents (even if the rest of the damage is It cannot be used with the Shield Only Disability.
absorbed by Armour), the Force Field temporarily loses one Rank of
effectiveness. The character can only regain Ranks if the field is down • Field-Penetrating
and regenerating, unless the Regenerating Ability is assigned. A Force
Field recovers one Rank every round it is turned off and not in opera- The Force Field can be used to interpenetrate other Force Fields while
tion (“down”). A Force Field that is knocked down to zero Ranks making attacks (or moving through them). If the character’s Field is
automatically shuts off to regenerate. in direct contact with an enemy Force Field, and can stop more dam-
age than the foe’s, the enemy’s Field is neutralized and offers no pro-
The cost is 4 Points/Rank if it is an area Force Field that is extendable tection against the character’s attack, but is still up. In the case of an
to protect others nearby, 3 Points/Rank if it only protects the charac- extended Field or wall, the character can actually move through the
ter, or 2 Points/Rank if it is a two-realm wall (up to 100 square feet) Field.
or shield that acts as a barrier. A wall can be projected out to a dis-
tance of up to 15 feet away from the character. • Offensive
Page 88 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
The Field delivers a powerful electric or essence shock to anyone This type of Field is one of the 2 Points/Rank versions. The Field
who touches it; inflicting 1d6 damage for every 10 damage the Force does not entirely surround the character. Instead, it is a shield (maxi-
Field currently blocks. Consequently, the damage delivered by an mum of about 1 yard in diameter) that the user must deliberately
Offensive Force Field decreases as the Field becomes damaged and is interpose between an attacks using a Block Defense. The character
knocked down in Ranks of effectiveness. must also possess the Combat Technique (Block Ranged Attacks)
Attribute to us the Field in a Block Defense against ranged attacks. If
• Regenerating the character successfully defends, the Force Shield provides protec-
tion as normal. This Disability cannot be used with the Block Teleport
If the character uses one non-combat action to regenerate the Force Ability or Both Directions Disability. It counts as two Disabilities.
Field, it regains one lost Rank of effectiveness. A character with the
Extra Attacks Attribute can regenerate multiples Ranks each round. • Static
Force Field Disabilities The character cannot move when generating the Field. He or she may
still attack or otherwise act, but must stay in one place (or continue to
• Both Directions drift if floating through space, continue to fall if falling, etc.)
The Force Field blocks attacks moving in any direction, both inwards • Uses Essence
and outwards, thereby virtually preventing the user from attacking
when the Force Field is up. This means that when the Force Field is The Force Field drains Essence Points from the character. Upon acti-
active and the user makes an attack, the Force Field Will affect their vation, the Field burns a number of the character’s Essence Points
attack as it would an outside attacker’s (reducing the damage inflicted equal to half the total Point cost of the Attribute. The same numbers
and going down in Ranks if its protection value is exceeded). This of Essence Points are consumed each minute the Field is up. This is
Disability cannot be used with the Shield Only Disability. not available for Force Fields acquired with the Celestial Fire At-
tribute since they ordinarily burn Essence Points.
• Internal
Highly Skilled Rank 4 The Immunity plays a major role in the
game. Typical examples include: fire/heat; a broad
Cost: 1 Point/Rank weapon type (such as swords or clubs); mental attacks.
Rank 5 The Immunity plays an extreme role in the
Relevant Ability: Variable game. Typical examples include: gunfire (including
forms of artillery); bladed weapons; unarmed attacks.
Progression: The character gains an additional 4 Skill Points/Rank Rank 6 The Immunity plays a primal role in the
game. Typical examples include: weapons; essence;
A character with this Attribute is more experienced or better trained blunt trauma.
than an ordinary person, and as a result has more Skill Points than an
average adult. Extending this Attribute beyond Rank 6 provides 4
additional Skill Points per Rank (for example, Rank 11 would pro-
vide a total of 44 Skill Points). Acquiring several Ranks of the Highly
Skilled Attribute is the ideal method for creating a versatile charac- Cost: 3 Points/Rank
Relevant Ability: None
Cost: 10 Points/Rank Each Rank of this Attribute reduces a character’s density so much
that he or she can pass through certain types of objects (including
Relevant Ability: Constitution weapons) as though insubstantial. If a specific substance is not listed
in Rank progression, the GM should use the entry that it most closely
Progression: Descriptive; see below resembles. The density of the human body, for example, falls approxi-
mately at Rank 2 (water); consequently, a punch from an enemy would
With this Attribute, the character is completely immune to damage harmlessly pass through a character with Rank 3 Insubstantial. Char-
and adverse effects that stem from a particular weapon, element, ap- acters with Rank 6 Insubstantial are effectively incorporeal and can
plication, or event. For example, a character with Rank 1 Immunity pass through virtually anything, including most forms of energy.
to silver cannot be hurt by silver weapons and Will not feel pain if
clubbed with a sack of silver dollars. Similarly, a character with Rank 1 The character can pass through paper and
Rank 4 Immunity to fire/heat could walk into the most intensive cloth.
firestorm possible and emerge unscathed. Rank 2 The character can pass through wood and
Rank 1 The Immunity plays a small role in the Rank 3 The character can pass through concrete
game. Typical examples include: weapons made from a and earth.
rare substance (such as gold, silver, or adamantine); Rank 4 The character can pass through iron and
attacks from a specific opponent (such as a brother, steel.
single animal type, or oneself); under specific condi- Rank 5 The character can pass through lead and
tions (such as in water, one hour during the day, or at gold.
home). Rank 6 The character can pass through energy.
Rank 2 The Immunity plays a moderate role in the
game. Typical examples include: weapons made from an
uncommon substance (such as wood, bronze, or iron);
attacks from a broad opponent group (such as blood
relatives, demons, or animals); under broad conditions Cost: 3 Points/Rank
(such as during the night, on weekends, or in holy
places). Relevant Ability: None
Rank 3 The Immunity plays a large role in the
game. Typical examples include: electricity; cold; a Progression: The character is invisible to one sense or
specific weapon type (such as daggers, arrows, or technique/Rank
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 91
This Attribute Will completely hides the character from one or more of Power Attribute, which can be used to assign other Attributes. For
senses or detection methods. The character may possess a supernatu- some character concepts, Items of Power above Rank 6 are not un-
ral concealment ability or a technological cloaking device, or have a reasonable. Assigning Defects to the item earns Bonus Points, which
psychic or Special talent that causes observers to overlook him or are used to acquire additional Attributes for the item. Defects that
her. To represent partially invisibility, see the Sensory Block Attribute. cannot usually be assigned include: Conditional Ownership, Ism,
Marked, Nemesis, Owned, Red Tape, Significant Other, Skeleton in
For each Invisibility Rank, the player selects one sense or technique the Closet, and Wanted. Players selecting this Attribute must have a
to which the character is “invisible.” Senses include the human range discussion with the GM to determine what abilities the Item of Power
for sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell. Detection techniques include: possesses and how it works. The player, with GM approval, may also
astral; ethereal; infrared; mental; radar; radiation; sonar; spiritual; create specific abilities for Items of Power using the Unique Attribute.
ultraviolet; vibration. The GM may decide that the most common An Item of Power may be combined with a mundane, minor, or major
forms of Invisibility — often sight and hearing — cost 2 Attribute Gadget (such as a car that can fly, or a sword that can teleport people).
slots rather than only 1.
The item costs 4 Points/Rank if it is difficult for the character to mis-
While the character may not be detected using specific methods, indi- place or for an enemy to steal/knock away, or it is almost always with
rect evidence can still reveal the character’s presence. For example, a the character. Examples include jewellery, frequently worn clothing,
character that is invisible to sight will still leave footprints in muddy or equipment the character carries with them always. The item costs
ground. Similarly, a vase that is knocked from a table by a character 3 Points/Rank if it is easier for the character to misplace or for an
that is invisible to sound will still make noise as it smashes on the enemy to steal/knock away, or it is often distant from the character.
floor. Examples include thrown weapons, armor that is stored when not in
use, and vehicles or equipment that stay at the character’s home until
In normal combat situations involving human or nearly human oppo- needed.
nents, a character that is invisible to sight has a great advantage.
Once the invisible character gives away his or her general position Additionally, the total Point cost (not cost per Rank) for the Item is
(for example, by firing a gun, attacking with a sword, or shouting) he increased by 1 if it can only be used by a small subset of individuals
or she can be attacked, but there is a -4 penalty for anyone within (Restricted Use). For example: only characters with a Strength above
melee range and -8 for anyone at a greater distance. Heightened Aware- 18, only sorcerers, only members of a specific religion, or only wild-
ness and Heightened Senses can reduce this penalty, as can the Blind- ings. The total Point cost is increased by 2 if the Item can only be
Fight or Blind-Shoot Feats. This penalty is halved if using an Area or used by the character (Personal Use); someone with the Mechanical
Spreading Special Attack on the invisible character. Genius Attribute cannot reconfigure this restriction.
Item of Power Items that cannot be lost or stolen, such as objects that are implanted
in or fused to the character’s body (often true for cyborgs), are not
Items of Power. In these cases, the items are considered part of the
Cost: 3-4 Points/Rank
character and thus the player should use Points to acquire the At-
Relevant Ability: Usually none, but sometimes Wits tributes directly. If a character requires a specific object, or group of
objects, to act as a focus when using one or more of his or her innate
Progression: The item is built using 5 Character Points/ Attributes, the Special Requirement Defect applies instead of Item of
Rank Power.
This Attribute describes any exotic, portable item that directly en- Jumping
hances a character in some way (perhaps by conferring Attributes).
An Item of Power represents advanced technology or a relic with
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
paranormal powers. Special weapons that others can use are often
designed with Item of Power, with Points allocated to the Special Relevant Ability: Strength
Attack Attribute.
Progression: The character adds 20 to his or her Jump
Each item is built using up to 5 Character Points per Rank of the Item Skill each Rank
Page 92 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
With this Attribute, the character can make very high, unaided verti- Relevant Ability: None
cal jumps but cannot actually fly. This ability is very appropriate for
martial artists or wildings. Progression: Descriptive; see below
Initiating Mind Control requires a full round. The character must suc- pact on the lives of others if a bomb is about to explode in a church or
cessfully make a Power Usage: Mind Control Skill check (if attack- the target is piloting a vehicle at the time. In these instances, the GM
ing multiple targets, roll only once) against DC 10 plus the Aware- may give the target a chance to break free of the Mind Control even if
ness modifier of the target (use the highest modifier if targeting mul- the target does not regard a command as dangerous or distasteful
tiple people). At Ranks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, the character receives a +1 (which would present an opportunity to end the control). This option
bonus to his or her attempt to Mind Control a target. If the check is puts the GM in direct control of the situation, which will benefit the
successful, the target must make a Wisdom save against DC 10 plus campaign. Naturally, the GM can also apply modifiers to the save
the attacker’s Wits modifier plus the attacker’s Rank in Power Us- attempt that are cumulative with penalties associated with the con-
age: Mind Control. When controlling a large number of people, an trolling character’s Mind Control Rank.
average Wisdom check for the entire group could be used. At Ranks
2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, the target also receives a -1 penalty when attempt- A character need not control every thought and action of his or her
ing to defend against Mind Control (or when trying to break estab- victims but can allow them to live normal lives until they are needed;
lished contact). At Rank 7, for instance, the character gains a +4 these targets are known as “sleepers.” Additionally, people who have
bonus while the target suffers a -3 penalty. A character needs to de- been Mind Controlled Will not usually remember events that occurred
feat an opponent in Mind Combat to toy with the target’s emotions during the time period they are controlled and will have a gap in their
(for example, giving the opponent new fears or a prejudice). memories.
Once Mind Control is established, it remains in effect until the domi- The GM may allow a character to temporarily boost his or her Mind
nating character willingly relinquishes control, or until the target Control Attribute by one or two Ranks against a single individual
breaks free from the control. A target may attempt to break control who is his or her captive by “working” on the subject for a day or
under two circumstances: whenever he or she is given a command more. This bonus can represent concentrated brainwashing techniques
that conflicts with the nature of the character, and whenever the GM or dedicated study of a subject.
deems it appropriate for dramatic effect. To sever the connection, the
target must make a successful Wisdom save against DC 10 plus the Player Characters should only be placed under Mind Control for ex-
attacker’s Awareness modifier and Power Usage: Mind Control Skill tended periods of time in exceptional circumstances.
Rank plus the modifiers based on the controller’s Mind Control Rank.
Rank 1 The character can control the mind of 1
target for a duration of several minutes.
Against Target’s Nature Rank 2 The character can control the minds of 2-3
targets for a duration of several hours.
If a Mind Controlled target is commanded to perform an action that Rank 3 The character can control the minds of 4-8
he or she would not willingly do under normal circumstances, the targets for a duration of several days.
target can attempt to break control. Additionally, the target may re- Rank 4 The character can control the minds of 9-15
ceive a bonus if the action goes against his or her nature. The more targets for a duration of several weeks.
distasteful the target finds the command, the greater the bonus. For Rank 5 The character can control the minds of 16-
mildly distasteful actions (such as licking an enemy’s boots), no bo- 25 targets for a duration of several months.
nus is given. For highly distasteful or undesirable actions (such as Rank 6 The character can control the minds of 26-
stealing from an ally), a +4 bonus is given. Finally, for exceptionally 50 targets for a duration of several years.
distasteful or undesirable actions (such as attacking an ally), a +8
bonus is given. Note that these bonuses are cumulative with penalties Mind Shield
associated with the controlling character’s Mind Control Rank.
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
When the GM Deems Appropriate
Relevant Ability: Wits
If the character commands his or her target to perform a number of
mundane activities (clean the house, fetching a drink of water, etc.), Progression: The character gains a +2/Rank for Wisdom
the GM may decide the target does not receive an opportunity to break saves involving mind invasion
established control. Even a seemingly inoffensive command such as
“sit in the closet” or “go to sleep,” however, may have a drastic im- A character with Mind Shield is protected against mental intrusion.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 95
Natural Weapons
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
The character is covered in nasty spikes, quills, or sharp scales. Any- Rank. Players should not assign this Attribute to represent organiza-
one who wrestles with the character automatically suffers 2 damage tions that have very little power. The GM determines the extent of the
each round. This damage is in addition to any attack damage deliv- organization’s influence.
ered. During these struggles, the opponent’s clothes will also be ripped
and shredded unless they are armored. Rank 1 The character is connected to the organization and can rely
on it for occasional support and favors (and expect to be called on in
• Tail Striker return).
If the character has a combat-ready tail, it can be equipped with spikes, Rank 2 The character has respected status in an organization such
a stinger, or other similarly nasty weapon. The attack inflicts an addi- as a landed knight in the feudal system, a junior executive in a corpo-
tional 2 damage (in addition to normal damage). Upon a successful ration, a city council member, or a Mafia “Wise Guy” in an orga-
attack, the target must make a Agility check or suffer a -4 Initiative nized crime family. The organization brings the character status and
penalty the following combat round (the target is off balance). This some wealth.
attack uses the Unarmed Attack (Strikes) Skill.
Rank 3 The character has middle rank in an organization such as a
corporate vice president in charge of a department, a lesser feudal
• Tentacles lord with a castle and lands, or a Mafia “captain” who runs a neigh-
borhood, or a junior congressman or member of parliament.
One or more of the character’s limbs — or possibly his or her hair —
are actually tentacles. A character with tentacles gains a +2 bonus to
Rank 4 The character has senior rank in an organization, such as the
his or her Unarmed Attack and Unarmed Defense Skill Rank when
senior vice-president of a large corporation, a high-ranking officer in
engaged in a wrestling attack or defending against one. Tentacles are
the military, or a US state governor.
also difficult to avoid in combat (opponent suffers a -1 Defense pen-
alty). Rank 5 The character has controlling rank in an organization, such
as the president of a corporation, the boss of a large crime family, or a
Organizational Ties US senator.
Rank 6 The character has a controlling rank that spans multiple or-
Cost: 1-3 Points/Rank
ganizations, such as the ruler of a small nation, or “boss of bosses” of
Relevant Ability: Presence many different crime families.
the attack and avoids all damage (and effects) from the attack. The pable of injuring targets, the character should possess a Special At-
player should consult with the Game Master to determine which At- tack Attribute, which is tied to the Illusion Attribute through the De-
tributes are appropriate for a Power Defense. pendent Defect.
A character may only attempt one Power Defense each round unless A character can normally maintain only a single Projection at a time.
he or she also possesses the Extra Defenses Attribute, in which case To be able to maintain multiple Projections at once costs the charac-
he or she may sacrifice one extra defense to attempt an additionally ter an extra 1 Point for every distinct Projection the character can
Power Defense (the two may not be used in conjunction, through). sustain simultaneously after the first. Thus, “Projection Rank 3 (one
sense, four Projections)” would cost six Points: three Points for Rank
Characters must assign this Attribute once for each Attribute they 3 (one sense) and three more Points for being able to sustain four
wish to use defensively. Projections at a time. The GM can assume that a group of objects or
entities in close proximity, such as a furnished room, a swarm of in-
Projection sects, or a horde of charging warriors, counts as a single Projection
rather than several. If a character is already sustaining his or her
Cost: 1 to 4 Points/Rank maximum number of Projections and wishes to create another one, an
existing Projection must first be dispelled.
Relevant Ability: Awareness
In order for the character to create a convincing Projections of some-
Progression: Descriptive; see below thing complex, the GM may require a Power Usage: Projection Skill
check against an appropriate DC. The GM can adjust the DC de-
The character can project an image that fools one or more senses. The pending on how familiar or unfamiliar the character is with the scene
Projection cannot be touched because it is not substantial. Closer in- that is being simulated. The GM may also give the character a +1
spection will usually reveal the Projection for what it is, which may bonus for every Rank he or she has in excess of the minimum Rank
cause it to disappear (GM’s discretion). The GM may require a Wis- needed to create the Projection. For example, if a character with Pro-
dom check to “see through” a Projection against a DC equal to: 10 jection Rank 5 decides to create a merely human-sized Projection
plus the projector’s Wits modifier plus the projector’s Rank in Power (which needs only Rank 1), a +4 bonus applies. If the roll fails, the
Usage: Projection. character’s Projection has some subtle flaw in it; the character creat-
ing it may not be aware of this until someone else points it out, how-
A Projection may be of a particular object or entity, or of a complete ever.
scene (such as a furnished room or crowd). It may also be thrown
over an existing person, scene, or object to make it appear different Rank 1 The character can an create small illusions,
than it really is. A Projection that is untended is normally static, ei- about the size of a single person.
ther remaining in one place or (if created over something) moving as Rank 2 The character can create medium illusions,
the underlying object or entity moves. To give a Projection the sem- large enough for an entire room, or a large object like a
blance of independent activity (such as a projected image of a person car or elephant.
Rank 3 The character can create large illusions
who moves and speaks), the character must actively concentrate on
that can cover a house-sized area.
manipulating the Projection, and perform no other actions.
Rank 4 The character can create very large illu-
sions that can cover an entire neighborhood (or a few
For 1 Point/Rank the character can create Projections that can be
hundred square yards).
detected by one sense, usually sight (sense must be determined dur- Rank 5 The character can create huge illusions
ing character creation). For 2 Points/Rank the Projections can be de- that cover a village-sized area.
tected by two senses, usually sight and hearing. For 3 Points/Rank Rank 6 The character can create great illusions
the Projections can be detected by three senses. For 4 Points/Rank that can cover a town-sized area.
the Projections can be detected by all senses. No matter how realistic
the Projections, however, they can never cause physical sensations
intense enough to inflict pain or damage. An image of a roaring fire
may feel hot, and a character may believe that he or she is burning,
but the fire cannot actually deliver damage. To create Projections ca- Cost: 4 Points/Rank
Page 98 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
Relevant Ability: Awareness Cost: 2 or 5 Points/Rank
A character with Sensory Block can cover an area (size is determined Progression: The servant is constructed from 10 Char-
by the Rank) with a field that partially blocks specific senses or de- acter Points plus 10/Rank
tection techniques. This can represent a Special ability, technological
The character has a servant or companion entity. It serves as a famil-
enhancement, or paranormal effect. Each time this Attribute is as-
iar, pet, companion, or bodyguard. Examples of Servants could in-
signed, the character can either block one sense or enhanced sense
clude: a Special girl’s talking animal companion, a pet robot, a
(Type I) or one detection technique (Type II), which is determined
sorcerer’s apprentice, a fierce wolf, a bound demon or ghost, a mage’s
during character creation. The GM may allow multiple assignments
familiar cat, or a vampire’s enslaved servants. For a more powerful
to the same sense or technique, which results in cumulative penalties.
pet monster servant (usually associated with gladiatorial combat),
To fully block a detection technique, see the Invisibility Attribute.
see the Pet Monster Attribute. Servants are NPCs controlled by the
GM, but they will normally work toward the character’s best inter-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 99
ests. Nevertheless, they should have their own personalities and may character can sense. In some cases, the GM may allow detection at
occasionally get into trouble of their own. greater distances if the source is very strong. The GM should give a
bonus (+2 modifier or more) if the character is touching the source.
A Servant is assumed to be around “all the time.” To create a servant
that the character summons for a brief period of time, acquire the A character that specifically concentrates on using his or her Sixth
Attribute as a Spiritual Power — this will result in the servant only Sense may gain more precise information on a successful Wits Check.
remaining around as long as the character spends appropriate Es- The exact content of this information is up to the GM. If the check
sence Points. succeeds, the GM may provide the character with a few extra clues
about the source such as “the celestial fire is coming from those build-
This Attribute costs 2 Point/Rank if the character is limited to one ings over there” or “you sense the evil presence feels otherworldly...
particular Servant. If the character can dismiss the Servant and re- and hungry.” If the check fails, the character will not gain any addi-
place it with a different one between adventures or during an adven- tional information unless something happens, such as the phenomena
ture with suitable effort (GM’s option such as casting a summoning becoming stronger, or coming much closer. The GM should always
spell or taming a new animal), then the Attribute costs 5 Points/Rank. try to use Sixth Sense to plant clues that make a story more exciting,
A character can take the Attribute several times to have multiple Ser- but not allow it to short-circuit the process of discovery in a mystery
vants. plot.
A Servant is a 1st Level Adventurer, created with his or her own Examples of phenomena to which the character may be sensitive in-
Ability Scores, Attributes, Defects, and Skills as normal but with clude astral/ethereal beings, danger, Pocket Realms, electricity, ele-
only 10 Character Points. Each Rank of the Servant Attribute also ments, emotions, evil, illusions, interpersonal dynamics, celestial fire,
gives the player 10 additional Character Points to add to the Servant magnetics, paranormal nexus points, particular objects, places of
(for example, 20 Points at Rank 1, 30 Points at Rank 2, etc.). The power, psionics, spirits, telepathy, truth, virtue, or the use of specific
Servant may not have the Servant, and some relationship-based De- Attributes or Defects.
fects should not be assigned due to its innate role as a character’s
Servant. Thus, it is inappropriate for a Servant to have the following Precognition and Postcognition
Defects: Owned, Red Tape, or Significant Other.
Alternatively, Sixth Sense can be assigned to represent precognition
Sixth Sense and postcognition — the ability to access visions of past and future
events. This option is a GM-defined Attribute, however, which al-
Cost: 1 Point/Rank lows him or her limit its application and scope within the campaign.
For precognition and postcognition, the Attribute’s Rank reflects the
Relevant Ability: Wits maximum time difference between the present situation and a per-
ceived future or past event (the higher the Rank, the longer the time
Progression: The character gains 1 Sixth Sense/Rank difference). Low-Ranking character may only perceive events within
minutes or hours of the current time; high-Ranking characters can
Some characters have the ability to detect things that are hidden to extend this time to hundreds or even thousands of years.
normal senses or technological sensors, while others have affinities
for specific objects or people. Sixth Sense typically represents psy-
chic or Special ability, but can also reflect trained and acute senses or
Size Change
divine intervention.
Cost: 1, 5, or 6 Points/Rank
The character may sense one particular category of phenomena per
Rank. The player should define the category with the GM’s approval Relevant Ability: Constitution
(Sixth Sense is very much a GM-defined ability). As a guideline, the
Progression: Descriptive; see below
character is automatically alerted when something his or her Sixth
Sense detects is in close proximity (roughly 20 foot radius area). The This Attribute reflects the ability to increase or decrease the stature
GM may require a Wits check to do this, with difficulty modifiers of the character. A character may have the ability to both shrink and
depending on the strength of the source of whatever emanations the grow for 6 Points/Rank. Alternatively, the character can choose to
Page 100 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
shrink only at a cost of 1 Point/Rank or to grow only at a cost of 5 Special Attacks may be further customized by assigning one or more
Points/Rank; this restricts the character to changing size in one direc- attack Abilities. Each attack Ability taken reduces the damage by
tion (with the ability to return to his or her normal size). For ex- 1d8 but adds an additional capability. Attacks may also be assigned
ample, a character with Size Change (Shrinking Only) Rank 2 could one or more attack Disabilities. Each attack Disability increases the
shrink to half size and once shrunk could grow back, but he or she damage by 1d8 but reduces the attack’s utility by imposing some form
could never increase his or her height beyond normal. of limitation.
It takes one round for a character to change size. Size Change is nor-
mally designed to affect only the user, but it can be specified as us-
Special Attack Abilities
able on others instead. If so, it only affects a single willing subject,
whom the user must touch. For it to be used as an attack against Ability # of Slots
unwilling persons or over a distance, the character must also acquire Accurate 1
the Special Attack Attribute with the Linked (Size Change) Ability. Affects Incorporeal 1
Area Effect 1
Rank 1 The character’s size can increase or de- Aura 2
crease one size category (a Medium character can either Auto-Fire 3
grow to Large or shrink to Small). Burning 1
Rank 2 The character’s size can increase or de- Concealable 1
crease two size categories (a Medium character can Contagious 2 or 4
either grow to Huge or shrink to Tiny). Drain Body 1
Rank 3 The character’s size can increase or de- Drain Essence 1
crease three size categories (a Medium character can Drain Mind 1
either grow to Gargantuan or shrink to Diminutive). Drain Soul 1
Rank 4 The character’s size can increase or de- Enduring 1
crease four size categories (a Medium character can Flare 1
either grow to Colossal or shrink to Fine). Flexible 1
Rank 5 The character’s size can increase or de- Flurry 1
crease five size categories (a Small character can grow Homing 1 or 2
to Colossal; a Large character could shrink to Fine). Incapacitating 3
Rank 6 The character’s size can increase or de- Incurable 4
crease six size categories (a Tiny character can grow to Indirect 1
Colossal; a Huge character could shrink to Fine). Irritant 1
Linked (Attack) 2
Special Attack Linked (Attribute) 1
Long Range 1
Mind or Soul Attack 5
Cost: 1 or 4 Points/Rank Muscle-Powered 1
No Regeneration 1
Relevant Ability: None Penetrating (Armour) 1
Penetrating (Force Field) 1
Progression: The character possesses an attack that de- Quake 1
livers 1d8 damage/Rank Spreading 1
Stun 1
Celestius Ex characters sometimes wield powerful offensive ener- Tangle 2
gies, such as electric zaps, fireballs, unusual martial arts strikes, or Targeted 1 or 2
energy swords. Some characters, such as cyborgs or robots, as well Trap 1
as vehicles, may have guns, missiles, or beam weapons built into Undetectable 4
their bodies. Unique Ability 1
Vampiric 2-4
Special Attack costs 4 Points/Rank, and delivers 1d8 damage per Rank.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 101
The player must assign Abilities and Disabilities when the Special be designed with many independently operated weapons, each manned
Attack is designed. On the player’s character sheet, they are listed in by a different character, which allows simultaneous attacks. If a
parentheses following the attack’s modified damage. He or she may weapon is created from this category, it should be noted as requiring
assign a combination of Abilities and Disabilities that would reduce a “Different Gunner” and purchased at an additional flat cost of 2
its damage to a minimum of 1d8. To create a “zero damage” Special Points each (this is the half-cost discounted version).
Attack, one would select the No Damage Disability. For example,
suppose a character has a Special Attack at Rank 2. He or she would Special Effects
only be able to purchase one Ability, which would reduced the attack’s
damage from 2d8 to 1d8. If the character wanted to purchase a sec- The special effects of Area Effect, Drain (Any), Flare, Incapacitating,
ond Ability, he or she must first assign a Disability, which would Irritant, Spreading, and Tangle are determined by the Rank of the
raise the attack’s damage back to 2d8. The character could then pur- Special Attack only. Extreme Damage, Superstrength, and critical hit
chase a second Ability, reducing the damage back to 1d8. multipliers are not included in the calculation. Additionally, Armour
and Force Fields do not normally protect against Drain (Any), Flare,
A Weapon Attack should always be given a descriptive name such as Incapacitating, Irritant, or Tangle. Before making an attack, a charac-
“Pillar of Fire” or “Heart’s Strike.” When designing the attack, the ter can choose to inflict less damage than the normal 1d8/Rank, or
player (with GM input) should determine what Skill and Specializa- reduce the power of their special effects.
tion is appropriate for its use. For most Special or superpowered ranged
attacks, it Will be Special Ranged Attacks. For vehicle Attacks, it is Effects Based on Damage Inflicted
usually Heavy Weapons (Gunnery). For ranged weapons designed as
Personal Gear, it is usually Guns or Thrown Weapon with an appro- The scope of the special effects for attacks with the Area Effect, Drain
priate Specialization depending on the description. Any weapon with (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, Linked, Spreading, or Tangle
the Melee Disability uses the Melee Attack or Unarmed Attack Skills Abilities depend on the rank of the Special Attack. For example, Drain
depending on its description. For example, Melee Attack (Sword) is (Mind) reduced the target’s Awareness Score by 2 for every Special
appropriate to an energy sword, while Unarmed Attack (Striking) Attack Rank; similarly, Tangle creates restraints that have 4 Health
would be suitable for a spirit that drained essence by its touch or a Points for every Special Attack Rank. To introduce randomness into
martial arts strike. these special effects, their scopes could instead be based on every 5
damage that the attack inflicts (or would have inflicted in the case of
Alternate Attacks attacks with the No Damage Disability). For the examples, Drain
(Mind) would reduce a target’s Awareness Score by 2 for every 5
Although a character or vehicle often uses his or her highest-Rank damage, and Tangle would create restraints that have 4 Health Points
“primary” weapon, alternate or backup ones may also be possessed. for every 5 damage. If this alternate rule is used, damage must be
The Point cost of these additional “secondary” attacks are one quar- rolled for all attacks — including ones with the No Damage Disabil-
ter the cost of the primary attack at 1 Point/Rank. The primary attack ity — to determine the special effect scope.
— the attack with the highest Rank — is the only one that costs the
standard 4 Points/Rank. Secondary attacks may each possess differ- Special Attack Abilities
ent damages, Abilities and Disabilities. If acquiring alternate attacks
as Spiritual Powers the secondary attacks drain the regular 4 Essence The following Abilities may be assigned to a Special Attack. The
Points/Rank, not 1 Essence Point/Rank. GM may disallow any combination of Abilities that seems inappro-
Vehicle Weapon Attacks and
Different Gunners • Accurate
If a vehicle has the Special Attack Ability, each armament is nor- The attack is unusually accurate giving a +4 bonus to Attack rolls (or
Ability checks if the attack has the Mind or Soul Attack Ability).
mally designed for use by whoever is controlling the vehicle. An op-
erator can only fire one of the weapons each round, unless he or she This Ability can be assigned two or three times for a +8 or +12 bo-
possesses the Extra Attacks Attribute and the Special Attack has the nus, but may not be combined with the Linked (Attack) Ability.
Flurry Ability. If the vehicle carries multiple people, however, it may
• Affects Incorporeal
Page 102 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
This attack will affect characters that are currently Astral or Incorpo- penetrates the opponent’s Armour, the target will suffer an additional
real as if they were solid. 1 damage/Rank of the Special Attack each round for 5 rounds or until
the effect is somehow neutralized (GM’s discretion; it should depend
• Area Effect on the type of attack, and may require several rounds for full neutral-
ization). Armour does not protect against the extra burning damage
This is an attack, like an explosive blast, that affects not only the in subsequent rounds. Alternatively, Burning can be defined as a
direct target, but also anyone in the immediate area. All affected char- “hourly burn,” in which case the damage is 2 per Rank rather than 1
acters are allowed a Defense check (diving for cover, swerving out of but is applied on a daily basis (rather than round-by-round). Finally,
the way) for half damage. Characters and vehicle that can shield them a “slow burn” inflicts 4 damage/Rank-inflicted daily (rather than
with very solid objects or terrain in the vicinity may avoid damage round-by-round). This Ability may best represent a disease or slow
completely (GM’s discretion) on a successful Defense check. This poison attack. Unlike a regular Burning attack, the hourly burn and
represents the character ducking or moving behind cover. The GM slow burn damage will continue until the victim is dead or makes a
will decide whether an object or person is within the area of effect, successful Stamina check against a DC or 15 + the Rank of the Spe-
and may assume the area radius is equivalent to 5 feet for every Spe- cial Attack (made on an hourly or daily basis).
cial Attack Rank. Area Effect can be assigned multiple times; each
Ability doubles the area radius. • Concealable
• Aura This option is only available for Hand-Held weapons, vehicle weap-
ons, or personal gear. Such weapons are normally assumed to be vis-
Rather than having to make an actual attack, the character instead ible — a weapon built into a vehicle has obvious barrels or gun ports,
automatically damages anyone who touches his or her body. An ex- for example. A Concealable weapon is not so obvious; it may extend
ample might be a character that was sheathed in flame or electrified. out from the vehicle or be disguised as something else. If built as a
If this Ability is combined with the Area Effect Ability, it automati- Hand-Held Weapon or Personal Gear, this means it is small enough
cally damages anyone in the designated area around the character. to be used with one hand and concealed under clothing. Most pistol-
Aura counts as two Abilities. sized or knife-sized weapons are Concealable. For more cinematic
games, larger weapons such as swords and machine guns can be de-
• Auto-Fire signed as Concealable as well.
The attack consists of a burst of multiple shots like a machine gun or • Contagious
rapid sequence of essence bolts. Instead of scoring one hit when an
attack is successful, the attacker scores hits (minimum of one, maxi- Some or all of the attack’s damage or other effects will be passed on
mum of five) equal to the difference between his or her final to hit roll to others who touch (or otherwise contact) a victim. If mildly conta-
(including all modifiers) and the target’s defense roll (including all gious, not everyone will be infected; a prospective victim must fail a
modifiers) divided by five, rounded down. For example, if a character Stamina check versus a DC 15 + Rank of Special Attack to be af-
(with a final hit roll result of 27) attempts to hit a target that rolls a fected. If taken twice, it is highly contagious; someone must fail the
final defense value of 16, he or she would score 2 hits (27 - 16 = 11; Save at a -4 penalty in order to be affected. Alternatively, the conta-
11 ÷ 5 = 2.2; round down to 2). Each hit delivers separate damage gion may be automated under some circumstances. The save is nor-
(important when considering Armour and Force Fields). Bonuses from mally a Stamina check, but some contagion may require a Wisdom
Extreme Damage, Superstrength, and critical hit multipliers are only check. The GM should adjudicate Effects and countermeasures. The
applied to the first hit in an Auto-Fire burst — all others only inflict Ability is usually combined with the Toxic Disability. Contagious
the normal damage of the Special Attack. The Game Master may counts as two Abilities if mildly contagious or four Abilities if highly
increase the maximum number of hits scored to 10 to reflect more contagious.
potentially damaging attacks. Auto-Fire counts as three Abilities.
• Drain Body
• Burning
The attack causes the victim to suffer weakness and/or loss of co-
This represents acid, flaming liquid, or similar attacks that deliver ordination. The victim’s Strength, Agility, or Constitution (chosen
continuing damage over several rounds. If the initial attack damage when the attack is designed) is reduced by 2 per Rank of the attack.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 103
The Ability drain is in addition to any Hit Point losses from the at- If the target is hit (or in the radius of an Area Effect weapon attack)
tack. To design an attack that only drains the chosen Ability, but in- the defending character may be blinded. Every target looking at the
flicts no other punishment, the No Damage Disability must also be attack must roll a Stamina check against DC 10 + 2 per Rank of the
assigned. If a target’s Constitution is drained to 0, he or she is ren- Special Attack. If a target character fails his or her Stamina check, he
dered unconscious but does not die as normal. Lost Ability Score or she is blinded for a number of combat rounds equal to the amount
Points are recovered at two Points per hour of rest. by which the save was failed. Characters with appropriate Special
Defenses will not are blinded. Flare may be taken multiple times;
• Drain Essence each time it is taken, add an extra 2 to the DC of the Stamina check.
Flare can also be generalized to cover other sense-overloading at-
The attack drains away the victim’s personal essence supply, causing tacks. For example, the attack might cause deafness.
him or her to become fatigued and/or despondent. In addition to the
damage delivered to the victim’s Hit Points, the attack causes the • Flexible
same loss of Essence Points. To design an attack that only drains
Essence Points, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. This Ability represents long, flexible, or extendible attacks such as a
Lost Essence Points recover at their normal rate. prehensile whip, essence-lash, razor-ribbon, or similar attack mode.
The target’s defense rolls are at a -2 penalty. If the attacker is strong
• Drain Mind enough to physically lift the target, a successful attack can trip or
disarm an opponent (snagging a hand-held weapon) in lieu of deliver-
The attack causes the victim to lose his or her mind. The attack may ing damage. Such non-damaging attack stunts are made at a -4 pen-
be a psionic attack, a tranquillizer or similar drug, or another form of alty to the attack roll since they require great talent to execute accu-
attack. The victim’s Awareness is reduced by 1 multiplied by the Spe- rately.
cial Attack Rank. This Awareness drain is in addition to any Hit Point
losses from the attack. To design an attack that only drains Aware- • Flurry
ness, the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. The drained
Points return at the rate of two every hour. This Ability allows a character to use his or her Special Attack mul-
tiple times in a round if that character has multiple attacks — one
• Drain Soul extra use per round each time it is assigned, in addition to the first
regular use. To obtain extra attacks, the character will need to have
The Attack affects the victim’s spirit. This attack may be a wave of taken the Extra Attacks attribute. The attacks will use the initiative
fear, despair, or some other Wisdom-destroying emotion. The victim’s order that is described in the Extra Attacks attribute.
Spirit is reduced by 1 multiplied by the Special Attack Rank. This
drainage is in addition to any Hit Point losses from the attack. The • Homing
same amount of hit points loss will be the same amount of essence
points loss. To design an attack that only drains the chosen Ability, The attack or weapon fires a projectile or essence bolt that can track
the No Damage Disability must also be assigned. The drained Points and follow its target. The character receives a +4 bonus to his or her
return at the rate of two every hour. attack roll, and if the attack misses or the target successfully defends,
the weapon will return to try again (only one more time) in the next
• Enduring combat round. A Homing attack is vulnerable to Sensory Block, how-
ever. In a setting where electronic Sensory Block is not common (such
Enduring can only be assigned in conjunction with Area Effect. The as ancient Japan), Homing counts as two Abilities.
attack remains active within the affected area over multiple rounds.
Examples of this type of attack include chemical clouds, sheets of • Incapacitating
fire, electrical charges, or super cooled vapors. Anyone entering or
remaining in the area is immediately subject to the attack; defense This represents any form of attack that can instantly incapacitate a
checks are outlined under Area Effect. Each time Enduring is as- foe even if it does not inflict actual damage. This includes putting an
signed, the Area Effect attack remains active for 1 additional round. opponent to sleep or turning him or her to stone. Regardless of whether
the attack does physical damage, the victim must make a check against
• Flare a secondary ability (either Stamina or Wisdom— decide when the
Page 104 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
attack is designed) against DC 10 + 2 per Special Attack Rank to unarmed attack, or a different Special Attack. If that master attack is
avoid being completely incapacitated. When designing the attack, successful, this linked attack automatically hits as well (no defense
specify the form the incapacitation takes: asleep, awake but para- allowed), but if it misses or fails to penetrate the target’s defenses
lyzed, turned to stone, transformed into an inert doll, etc. The effects (Armour, Force Fields, etc.), the linked attack automatically fails too
will wear off in several minutes, unless the Incurable Ability is also (with full Essence Point cost, if applicable). If the master attack hits
taken. To design an attack that only incapacitates the target, the No and delivered enough damage to successfully penetrate Armour, then
Damage Disability must also be assigned. Incapacitating counts as the Armour does not protect at all against the damage of the second
three Abilities. linked attack. Damage bonuses from Extreme Damage, Superstrength,
and critical hit multipliers only apply to the master attack, not to each
• Incurable attack. An attack with the Linked Ability may not be given the Accu-
rate or Long Range Abilities or the Inaccurate, Low Penetration,
The attack produces wounds or other effects that do not heal natu- Melee, or Short Range Disabilities; its range and accuracy are de-
rally, and are incurable by normal methods. Rather than recovering at pendent on the attack to which it is linked. The attack can only be
a normal rate or being amenable to standard medical treatment, re- used in conjunction with the master attack; it cannot be used sepa-
covery cannot take place until some exotic event or treatment has rately, on its own. Unless the GM indicates otherwise, only one Spe-
occurred. This requirement must be specified when the attack is de- cial Attack can be attached to each master attack. Linked (Attack)
signed, subject to GM approval. Incurable counts as four Abilities. counts as two Abilities.
ject makes a Wisdom check plus any bonuses for the Mind Shield This type of attack spreads to cover an expanding area like a cone of
Attribute (DC is the attacker’s Awareness or Wits check total). Soul essence or a spray of projectiles or essence bolts. The defender re-
Attack ignores Armour and Force Fields, and affects Insubstantial or ceives a -1 penalty to his or her Defense roll. Multiple adjacent tar-
Astral characters normally. Both versions count as five Abilities. gets in the attack path may also receive damage if they are lined up or
in a dense formation, up to a maximum of one extra target for every
• Muscle-Powered Special Attack Rank. The Spreading Ability can be acquired multiple
times; each one further penalizes the target’s Defense roll by -1 and
This ability normally is only appropriate for melee or thrown weap- doubles the number of possible adjacent targets. Spreading is often
ons. The character adds any damage modifier due to Strength to the assigned in conjunction with the Short Range Disability.
attack’s base damage.
• Stun
• No Regeneration
An attack with this Ability inflicts temporary damage such as an elec-
This is a lesser form of Incurable. The damage from the attack cannot tric shock that shorts out electronics and renders people unconscious.
be restored using the Healing or Regeneration Attributes but can oth- Lost Hit Points are recovered or repaired at one Point every minute
erwise recover or be repaired normally. rather than at the normal rate. Stun damage cannot kill. Although the
attack only inflicts temporary damage (compared to the real damage
• Penetrating (Armour) of a regular attack), it has the advantage that it may be used to inca-
pacitate a foe without the risk of killing him or her.
Armour does not stop damage from these attacks as efficiently as
usual. Each time Penetrating (Armour) is assigned, Armour stops 10 • Tangle
less damage than normal from the attack (up to the Armour’s maxi-
mum rating). Attacks that can entangle the victim may include a spray that freezes
the target in ice, or traps him or her in the branches of an animated
• Penetrating (Force Field) plant, simple webbing, etc. The entanglement has 4 Hit Points for
every Special Attack Rank. If a target does not successfully defend a
The Force Field Attribute does not stop damage from these attacks as
Tangle attack, he or she is trapped until sufficient damage is delivered
efficiently as usual. Each time Penetrating (Force Field) is assigned,
to the entanglement to reduce its Hit Points to zero or lower (at this
the Force Field stops 10 less damage than normal from the attack (up
point it is destroyed). A trapped character has restricted movement
to the Field’s maximum rating).
and attacks physically at a -4 penalty, cannot defend (ignore Agility
bonuses for AC), and cannot perform actions that require complex
• Quake
gestures. A character is usually able to speak, however. A victim
This attack causes a linear shock wave in the ground, causing rum- who has partially destroyed an entanglement may regain additional
bling and fractures. The quake “fault” Will only be large enough for body movement (GM’s discretion). A Tangle attack also inflicts dam-
one person to fall into its depths unless it is combined with the Area age as normal unless the No Damage Disability is also assigned to
Effect Ability. A victim may fall into the crevasse if he or she fails a the attack. An “Incurable” entanglement can only be damaged by
Base Defense check (DC 15 + Special Attack Rank). The fissure will some special means (such as fire or water) defined when the Tangle
be approximately 3 feet deep for the first 5 damage (including bo- attack is created. Tangle counts as two Abilities.
nuses for Strength and Extreme Damage) and is doubled for every
additional 5 damage the attack inflicts. Thus a quake that delivers a • Targeted
total of 15 damage creates a fissure 12 feet deep, while one that deliv-
The attack inflicts double damage to a specific group of targets and
ers 30 damage creates a crevice 96 feet deep. Quake can only be used
normal or no damage to everyone else. Thus, an attack could be good
on a solid surface (which may be earth, sand, cement, or asphalt),
essence (double damage to evil creatures), chaos essence (double
and may not be combined with the Aura Ability or No Damage Dis-
damage to lawful creatures), life essence (double damage to undead
creatures), or detrimental to a specific race. Targeted counts as one
Ability if no damage is delivered to non-Targeted opponents, or two
• Spreading
Abilities if normal damage is delivered.
Page 106 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
The attack is not as accurate as normal ones, and imposes a -4 pen- The attack does not deliver ordinary physical damage. This Disabil-
alty to all attack rolls. This Disability can be taken two or three times ity is usually only taken if combined with Abilities such as Drain
for a -8 or -12 penalty. (Any), Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant, Linked (Attribute), or Tangle
that produce effects that do not rely on physical damage. The damage
• Internal value of the attack is used only to rate the effectiveness of these spe-
cial abilities — the greater the damage value, the more effective the
The attack is only usable inside a specific vehicle or other structure. attack. Characters that use Special Attacks with the No Damage Dis-
This may represent a vehicle’s built-in internal security systems or an ability may still need to roll to determined the effectiveness of some
attack for which the character draws power from a Mechanism inside attack Abilities, however.
and channels it through his or her body.
• Only In (Environment)
• Limited Shots
The attack or weapons can only target objects that are on or in a
The attack is only usable for a few combat rounds, after which it particular limited environment, for example, “only in water” (repre-
either runs out of ammunition or power, or simply burns out. Assign- senting a torpedo) or “only in space” (representing a powerful weapon
ing this Disability once means it can make up to six attacks; if taken that requires a vacuum to work). The environment should not be one
twice, up to three attacks; if taken three times, only one attack. If the that is ubiquitous in the campaign (for example, “only in air” is not
attack also has the Auto-Fire Ability, one “attack” means a single valid unless a lot of the game action Will take place in airless envi-
Auto-Fire burst. ronments). If the environment is very rare in the campaign, the GM
may allow this to count as two Disabilities.
The base numbers of Disability slots are for attacks that take several
minutes or more to “reload.” If the attack can be “reloaded” with one • Self-Destruct
action, the number of Disability slots is reduced by 1 (minimum of 1
slot). If the attack can be “reloaded” instantly (an ammunition source Use of this attack destroys the weapon (characters obviously assign
is still required), the Disability is worth two fewer slots (minimum of this Disability to themselves very rarely). This Disability is usually
1 slot). combined with Melee and Area-Effect to represent an explosive self-
destruct system. It may not be combined with Limited Uses. It counts
• Low Penetration as four Disability slots.
The attack has an inferior ability to penetrate Armour and Force Fields • Short Range
relative to its damage. Examples include shotgun blasts, hollow-point
bullets, or phased plasma guns. Any Armour or Force Field Attribute This attack is only usable at fairly close range (effective range of
stops an additional 10 damage. This Disability is incompatible with about 50 feet). The Short Range Disability cannot be combined with
either of the two Penetrating Abilities. GMs must approve Special the Long Range Ability or the Melee Disability.
Attacks with multiple assignments of Low Penetration.
• Slow
• Melee
The attacker must use one combat action to aim, charge, chant an
The attack is only usable against adjacent opponents and may require incantation, load the weapon, or perform some other necessary activ-
physical contact. An example of a Melee attack is a physical or es- ity before each attack. Someone with the Extra Attacks Attribute can
sence sword or a touch that inflicts debilitating effects. Of course, use one of his or her extra actions to prepare the attack rather than
many Melee weapons can be thrown as well in desperate situation, wasting the entire round. The Slow Disability can be taken more than
but the attack suffers a -4 attack penalty and the damage is divided in once to represent an attack that takes even longer to initiate. Assign-
half. The Melee Disability cannot be combined with the Long Range ing it twice increases the time to three rounds; three assignments in-
Ability or Short Range Disability. It is sufficiently limiting that it is crease the time to 10 rounds (about a minute); four increases the time
equivalent to two Disabilities. to two-six hours; five increases the preparation to days. This Disabil-
ity may not be used with the Linked (Attack) Ability.
• No Damage
Page 108 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
• Static twice increases the time to reach the target to two rounds; each fur-
ther assignment doubles the transit time. Slow moving missiles and
The attack cannot be used while the character is moving (or if a ve- plasma bolts are examples of attacks that might have Stoppable two
hicle weapon, while the vehicle is moving under its own power). This or three times.
could be due to a need for precise aim or total concentration. The
weapon might also require all power to be diverted to its essence • Toxic
supply, or might be static because of recoil, or another reason. The
character is considered flat-footed while preparing to fire the attack. The attack is a gas, toxin, biological weapon, sound, radiation, or
Static is worth two Disabilities. other harmful effect that only damages living things. Non-living ma-
terial (such as most vehicle) or characters that have the appropriate
• Stoppable Adaptation or Special Defense Attributes are immune to its effects.
The attack fires a projectile or essence bolt that is massive or slow • Unique Disability
Progression: The character gains 1 Special Defense slot/ The character can skim over sand, snow, or ice at full speed.
A character with this Attribute is resistant or completely immune to a
specific type of uncommon ailment or injury, normally one whose The character can slither along the ground at normal walking/run-
effects are otherwise insidious in nature. Special Defense can be ac- ning speeds. This allows a character to move quickly while maintain-
quired multiple times to represent a character that is resistant or im- ing a very low profile.
mune to different kinds of attacks/events.
If a category is assigned one slot, the character is partially resistant;
for two slots, the character has complete or enhanced resistance. For The character can swing through forests and cities (areas with natu-
ability to survive under harsh physical conditions, see the Adaptation ral or artificial structures above swinging height) using vines/ropes/
Attribute. Several examples of Special Defenses and their effects are webbing or simply his or her arms.
shown. The GM and players are encouraged to develop their own as
well. Untrackable
The character never leaves footprints, tracks, or a scent when he or
she walks or runs.
Special Movement
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
The character can move at regular walking speed without touching
Relevant Ability: Agility the ground by bounding back and forth between nearby vertical sur-
faces (walls). For example, he or she can proceed down hallways or
Progression: The character gains 1 type of movement/ climb an alleyway between two buildings (bouncing from wall to
Rank wall).
Relevant Ability: Agility long as the creature still has Essence Points to spend. If the entity
does pass through, the spirit ward might burst into flame or otherwise
Progression: Descriptive; see below vanish, its power overcome by the intruder.
A character with Speed can move much faster than a normal charac- If a supernatural entity is struck with a spirit ward (this requires a
ter, as well as perceive the world at an increased pace. In Celestius successful attack in combat), it suffers 1d8 damage per Rank of the
Ex, a fast-moving character can still interact with the world. This ward for every round the ward is in contact with it. If a Spirit Ward is
means that the character will not run into buildings along city streets placed on a person who is possessed by or under the Mind Control of
because he or she can perceive them early enough and make sharp a dark entity, the controlled character receives a chance to break free.
turns to avoid them. Fast characters can also read books quickly, write
at incredible speeds, and perform normal chores and activities at en-
hanced rates. In addition to gaining +2 Initiative at each Rank, the
character is harder to hit when moving quickly due to the incredible
speed at which the character is moving. Cost: 4 Points/Rank
Many characters with Speed Will also possess one or more Ranks in Relevant Ability: Strength
the following Attributes: Combat Technique (Lightning Reflexes),
Progression: The character’s Strength is increased by 4/
Extra Attacks, Extra Defenses, Heightened Awareness, Extreme Dam-
age, Regeneration, Special Movement.
While a player can enchance their character’s Ability Modifiers with
Rank 1 The character can move at speeds up to 50
mph, and gains +2 Initiative. character points, it is somewhat limiting to superstrong characters
Rank 2 The character can move at speeds up to and vehicle. Celestius Ex heroes and giant monsters are well known
100 mph, and gains +4 Initiative. for possessing strength well beyond mortal limits. Such characters
Rank 3 The character can move at speeds up to possess the Superstrength Attribute.
200 mph, and gains +6 Initiative.
Rank 4 The character can move at speeds up to
400 mph, and gains +8 Initiative.
Rank 5 The character can move at speeds up to
800 mph, and gains +10 Initiative. Cost: 2 Points/Rank
Rank 6 The character can move at speeds up to
1,600 mph, and gains +12 Initiative. Relevant Ability: Constitution
tionally, all the critters of the swarm must remain within close prox- A character using Telekinesis can lift an object or group of adjacent
imity of each other (within a radius of 10 feet per Rank). objects and move it at walking speed (30 feet/round) or manipulate it
with the Agility of a human hand. Telekinesis works over a close
A swarm’s Base Attack Bonus is equal to its Attribute Rank + 4. It distance (up to about 15 feet) at full strength; effective strength de-
inflicts 1 damage for every 10 critters (round up; minimum one dam- clines by one Rank if used within a short range (up to 50 feet), or by
age) in the swarm. A swarm has zero Essence Points, but does not two Ranks if used at medium range (up to 500 feet). Ranges multiply
fall unconscious as a normal character would. In many instances, the by 1,000 in space. The weight that a character can lift depends on his
Armour and Force Field Attributes will protect the target character or her Rank, as does the degree of fine motor control.
from all damage, since the Attributes stop sufficient damage from
each critter attack. Against some critters, even regular clothing may The character can also levitate an object (or group of objects) and
be enough to stop some or all damage. Each situation will be differ- have it strike another person as if it were a short-ranged thrown
ent; the GM must determine how much damage, if any, will penetrate weapon. The weight Telekinesis can lift is reduced by a factor of 10
the target’s defenses. when throwing an object hard enough to inflict damage. For example,
a character with Rank 5 could lift up to 10 tons but could only throw
A swarm can be attacked normally, and each creature in it dies if it is objects weighing up to 1 ton. This is treated as a normal attack and
hit (no Defense roll is allowed). Unless an opponent is using an at- thus can be negated by a successful defense roll. Damage depends on
tack with the Area Effect or Spreading Abilities, however, only a the weight of the object hurled: 1d4 damage for an object weighing
single member of the swarm can be killed per attack (GM’s discre- up to 2 pounds, 1d8 damage for up to 20 pounds, 2d8 damage for one
tion). Consequently, a swarm of 200 creatures requires 200 attacks to up to 200 pounds, 3d8 damage for one up to one ton, and so on. The
be completely destroyed. Attacks with the Spreading Ability can af- same damage applies to the object being hurled. If Telekinesis is used
fect multiple critters at time, while attacks with the Area Effect Abil- to directly crush or constrict a target, damage delivered equals 2 Points/
ity can be devastating to the swarm. Rank.
A character that dissolved into a swarm may choose to use an action A character who uses Telekinesis to grab another person and throw
to revert into normal form. To accomplish this, all available critters in him or her uses the same procedure, but this requires a successful
the swarm (those not killed or trapped) must join together. Trans- Power Usage: Telekinesis Skill check against a DC equal to the target’s
forming back to normal form requires a character’s action for that defense roll. Accurately tossing an opponent so that he or she hits
round, but does not cost any Essence Points. The character will re- another target requires a successful to hit roll. If attempting to disarm
turn to normal form with Hit Points equal to the number of critters a character with Telekinesis, the subject should be allowed a Strength
that recombined divided by the Swarm Attribute Rank (round down). check against DC 10 + 1 per Telekinesis Rank to retain the weapon.
For example, if a character with 50 current Hit Points and Swarm at If a character wishes to fly at speed exceeding 30 feet/round, he or
Rank 4 divided into 200 creatures, and after a battle, recombined she needs Flight rather than Telekinesis.
with only 130 available critters, the character would then have a cur-
rent total of 32 Hit Points (130 ÷ 4=32). Ordinary Telekinesis (capable of lifting anything physical, but not
forms of essence) costs 4 Points/Rank. At a cost of only 2 Point/Rank,
Telekinesis the character may have a more focused Telekinesis. This restricts the
character to telekinetically moving (or sculpting) a particular type of
matter. Some examples are provided.
Cost: 1-2 Points/Rank
cannot affect treated metals. A cubic yard of packed dirt masses about Telepathy is the classic mental ability, and Celestius Ex characters
2 tons; the same mass of concrete weighs about 2.5 tons, while a with ESP will often possess it. Versions of telepathy may also repre-
cubic yard of solid granite weights about 2.7 tons. sent other Special capabilities; demons that can tempt their victims
often possess Telepathy, for example.
Telepathy costs 1 Point/Rank if its utility is quite restricted (for ex-
The character can only affect flames of an existing fire, or can possi- ample, “only works with canines” or “only with close friends”). It
bly start them with his or her mind as well (GM’s discretion). Since costs 2 Points/Rank if its utility is somewhat restricted (for example,
fire does not have mass, the Rank indicates the size of the flames that “only with humans” or “only with beasts”). It costs 3 Points/Rank if
can be controlled and manipulated: small fires at Rank 1 (like a candle it has universal utility.
or match flame), up to raging infernos that cover several city blocks
at Rank 6. This Attribute allows the character to read and transmit thoughts,
and at higher Ranks, to actually “invade” a person’s mind and probe
Metal their memories or alter their thoughts. Telepathy normally works only
if a subject is in sight, or can be otherwise perceived (touched, heard,
The character’s Telekinesis only works on metal. This may be a mys- etc.). If the subject is beyond normal perceptions, mental invasion is
tical limitation, or it may be the character’s power is actually based impossible, while transmitting thoughts, reading surface thoughts or
on magnetic. A cubic yard of steel weighs about 8 tons. sharing the subject’s sensory impressions only works if that particu-
lar subject is someone the character is close to, such as a parent,
Water sibling, long-term co-worker, close friend, or lover.
The character can lift and move water. A cubic yard of water weights A subject cannot detect a telepath reading thoughts or sensory im-
about 1700 lbs. (close to a ton). A gallon of water weights about 8 pressions unless he or she has the Telepathy or Mind Shield Attribute
pounds. at an equal or higher Rank. If so, he or she can choose to block the
telepath (or attempt to block it with the Mind Shield), in which case
Wood the only way to get through is via mental invasion. A subject will
always be aware of a mental invasion (although a non-telepath may
The character’s power only works on wood (living or dead). This not understand exactly what is going on).
ability is usually mystical in nature and common to nature priests and
Rank 1 The character can, by concentrating, use
spirits. A cubic yard of wood weighs less than a ton. mind reading to pick up the “loud” surface thoughts of
a particular subject. A “loud” thought is something
Rank 1 The character can lift up to 2 lbs.
about which the subject is thinking hard or that has a
Rank 2 The character can lift up to 20 lbs.
very strong emotional content. The character can also
Rank 3 The character can lift up to 200 lbs. (a
transmit a single feeling, such as “fear” or “love” to
another person.
Rank 4 The character can lift up to 1 ton (a car).
Rank 2 The character can, by concentrating, use
Rank 5 The character can lift up to 10 tons (a large
mind reading to pick up the ordinary surface thoughts
of a particular subject. The character can only read what
Rank 6 The character can lift up to 100 tons (a
a person is actually thinking at the time. Two telepaths
small spaceship or house).
can communicate with one another at conversational
speeds by reading each other’s thoughts. The character
Telepathy can also transmit a word, simple image, or simple
concept (like “flower” or a person’s face) to a non-
telepath on which he or she concentrates. It requires an
Cost: 1-3 Points/Rank
entire round of concentration to convey one concept,
which makes telepath to non-telepath communication
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Rank 3 The character can, by concentrating, pick
Progression: Descriptive; see below
up a single subject’s surface thoughts and sensory
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 113
impressions (i.e., see through a subject’s eyes, feel Teleport enables the character to transport him or herself instantly
what he or she feels, etc.). The character can choose to from place to place without crossing the intervening space. It is a
edit out some senses if desired. Alternatively, the common ability for angels, demons and wildings.
character can concentrate and read “loud” surface
thoughts from 2-6 people. The character can transmit Teleporting is only possible if the character has visited the intended
sub-vocalized speech to a single non-telepath at normal destination or can clearly see or otherwise sense the destination (pos-
conversational speeds or send a single powerful image sibly through the Heightened Senses or Sixth Sense Attributes). The
or word to 2-6 people.
GM may allow characters to teleport to unknown destinations (such
Rank 4 The character has the same capabilities as
as “100 yards up” or “to the other side of the door”), perhaps for an
at Rank 3 Telepathy. In addition, he or she can invade
another person’s mind. This counts as an attack, and if additional 1 or 2 Character Points total. Accidentally teleporting into
the subject is unwilling or unaware, the character will a solid object may be fatal or simply cause a failed teleport at the
enter Mind Combat with him or her. If the subject is GM’s option. A character can carry anything while teleporting that
willing or loses the mental combat, the telepath can he or she could normally carry.
probe his or her memory for information he or she
needs. The character will also instinctively read “loud” Teleporting is much quicker than any other means of travel (Flight,
surface thoughts of anyone he or she touches (unless Space Flight, etc.), however, it is often risky. A Power Usage: Teleport
deliberately blocking the ability) without any need for Skill check against DC 15 should be required to perform a teleport
concentration. The character can transmit thoughts at beyond a “safe” distance. Failure means the character ends up in the
conversational speeds to 2-6 people at a time, simulta- wrong place (GM option) and his or her power “burns out” or “mal-
neously. functions” for hours or days.
Rank 5 The character has the same capabilities as
Rank 4 Telepathy, except that he or she can read When Teleport is first assigned, the GM may ask the player to decide
“loud” surface thoughts of anyone in the general if velocity (speed and direction) is conserved during travel. Alterna-
vicinity without any need for concentration, unless
tively, the character might adapt velocity to each Teleport individu-
deliberately blocking the ability. A successful mental
ally. In many campaigns, the effects of velocity will simply be ig-
invasion can even probe memories that the subject can
no longer consciously remember. The character can
transmit thoughts at conversational speeds to 7-20
Rank 1 The maximum teleportation distance is 1
people at a time, simultaneously.
miles, while the safe distance is 30 feet.
Rank 6 The character has the same capabilities as
Rank 2 The maximum teleportation distance is 10
Rank 5 Telepathy. He or she automatically reads the
miles, while the safe distance is 300 feet.
surface thoughts of everyone in the vicinity and auto-
Rank 3 The maximum teleportation distance is
matically shares the sensory experiences of anyone he
1,000 miles, while the safe distance is 1 mile.
or she is actually touching without any need for concen-
Rank 4 The maximum teleportation distance is
tration, unless he or she deliberately tries to block this
10,000 miles, while the safe distance is 10 miles.
ability. The character can transmit thoughts at conversa-
Rank 5 The maximum teleportation distance is
tional speeds to 21-50 people at a time, simultaneously.
100,000 miles, while the safe distance is 100 miles.
If the character succeeds with a mental invasion, he or
Rank 6 The maximum teleportation distance is
she may not only probe memories but may also alter
1,000,000 miles, while the safe distance is 1,000 miles.
them, deleting existing memories or giving the subject
false ones.
Teleport Transmutation
Cost: 3-5 Points/Rank
Cost: 5 Points/Rank
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Relevant Ability: Awareness
Progression: Descriptive; see below
Progression: Descriptive; see below
This Attribute allows a character to transmute one non-living object
Page 114 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
(or set of connected objects) into another, or even create them an Relevant Ability: None
object from nothing. Transmutation costs 5 Points/Rank if the char-
acter can transmute any object into another (within the limits of his or Progression: Descriptive; see below
her Rank). It costs 4 Points/Rank if the character can only transmute
(to or from) a general class of objects such as “metal,” “weapons,” The Tunneling Attribute allows a character to move earth and/or bur-
“clothing,” or “food.” It also costs 4 Points/Rank if the character can row underground. Tunneling assumes that the character is going
only transmute one object to another of similar mass; the types of through sand or packed earth; boring through solid rock is one Rank
objects are unrestricted. The cost is 3 Points/Rank if the character is slower. The tunnel the character leaves behind will either be perma-
limited to a transmutation within a specific category and of similar nent or will collapse immediately (must be specified during creation
mass, such as “regular clothes to battle costume,” “lead to gold,” or of each tunnel).
“spoiled food to edible food.” Finally, if the character can only create
Rank 1 The character tunnels very slowly, similar
objects in one of the categories, but not transmute one object to an- to the tunneling speed of ten men with shovels.
other, the cost is reduced by 1 Point/Rank. The GM may restrict any Rank 2 The character tunnels slowly, similar to the
categories that seem overly broad or too powerful. tunneling speed of a bulldozer.
Rank 3 The character tunnels at a snail’s pace (up
The character cannot transmute material into new objects outside the to 60 feet per minute).
character’s experience. The character could transmute a weapon into Rank 4 The character tunnels at a walking speed
a book, painting or videotape, but the content must be something with (up to 10 mph).
which he or she was already familiar. Likewise, a character that had Rank 5 The character tunnels at slow vehicle
no familiarity with computers could not transmute a television into speeds (up to 50 mph).
one using Transmutation. The GM may choose to require a Aware- Rank 6 The character tunnels at fast vehicle
ness Ability check (or relevant Skill check) if the character attempts speeds (up to 100 mph).
a particularly complex transmutation. Failure may indicate the new
object does not function properly; this is especially applicable when Unique Attribute
creating complex technological devices. Unless the GM decides oth-
erwise, Transmutation is only able to make objects that could be clas- Cost: 1-5 Points/Rank
sified as Personal Gear; it cannot create Items of Power. When at-
tempting to transmute an Item of Power, the character suffers a pen- Relevant Ability: Varies
alty to the Awareness Ability check of -2 for each Rank of the Item of
Power. Progression: Descriptive; see below
Rank 1 The character can transmutate objects This Attribute covers any abilities not detailed in the rules. Often a
weighing up to 1 lb. single Point is sufficient to give the character “flavor,” but more Points
Rank 2 The character can transmutate objects can be allocated to enhance the effects on game play and must be
weighing up to 5 lbs. added if the Attribute would be of considerable benefit. Discuss the
Rank 3 The character can transmutate objects Attribute with the GM to determine what specific game effects the
weighing up to 10 lbs.
Attribute possesses.
Rank 4 The character can transmutate objects
weighing up to 50 lbs
The GM should assign a Point cost per Rank based on how the At-
Rank 5 The character can transmutate objects
tribute compares to other Attributes and how useful it is. In general,
weighing up to 100 lbs.
Rank 6 The character can transmutate objects an Attribute that is somewhat useful in the game should cost 1 Point/
weighing up to 500 lbs. Rank, one that is very useful should cost 2-3 Points/Rank, and one
that is extremely useful should cost 4-5 Points/Rank (or more).
Tunneling Note: The Unique Attributes in the Race section are special for that
race. While they can be easily replicated, GM’s are encouraged not
Cost: 2 Points/Rank to allow players to obtain Racial Unique Attributes that do not come
with their race. These attributes are what make certain races unique
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 115
and different. A character with Water Speed can float and travel on or under water.
The character can swim on the surface at high speeds and dive under-
Rank 1 The Attribute has little character or game water for brief periods by holding his or her breathe, or indefinitely if
effect. he or she has the Adaptation (Underwater) Attribute. To survive the
Rank 2 The Attribute has a moderate character or pressure associated with deep diving, the Adaptation (Pressure) At-
game effect.
tribute must also be assigned. Depending on the speed at which the
Rank 3 The Attribute has a large character or game
character is moving, opponents may suffer a penalty to hit the charac-
Rank 4 The Attribute has a major character or ter. A character without Water Speed can still swim but much more
game effect. slowly (about 2 mph).
Rank 5 The Attribute has an extreme effect on the
character or game. Rank 1 The character is as fast as a slow fish or
Rank 6 The Attribute has a primal effect on the rowboat (up to 10 mph).
character or game. Rank 2 The character is as fast as a swift fish or
yacht (up to 20 mph).
Rank 3 The character is as fast as a modern steam-
Unknown Superhuman ship (up to 40 mph).
Rank 4 The character is as fast as a speedboat (up
Power to 80 mph).
Rank 5 The character is as fast as a hydrofoil (up
Cost: Variable to 160 mph).
Rank 6 The character is faster than any fish or
Relevant Ability: Variable watercraft (to 320 mph).
Progression: Variable
chapter 11:
Select Defects
Defects are disadvantages through which your character must suffer
in order to overcome the hardships of day-to-day life. Defects serve
as an excellent and often comical role-playing opportunity. They only
impede your character to a limited extent and are not intended to to-
tally negate his or her many abilities.
Achilles Heel
The character loses twice as many Hit Points as normal from a par-
ticular attack form, which must fit with the character concept. It might
be something with appropriate mystic resonance, such as wooden
stakes for vampires or silver for werewolves. It could also reflect the
character’s nature such as a robot taking extra damage from water
(as it causes short circuits), or an alien’s weakness to weapons from
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 117
damage is also doubled. If it is even more rare, such as one particular character can move at a slow speed and talk with others
artefact, the damage may be tripled or quadrupled. while using the Attribute, but cannot perform any
complex actions or use any other Attribute.
1 BP The Bane causes minor damage (1d6/round of 3 BP The Attribute requires full concentration. The
exposure). character cannot do anything else while using the
2 BP The Bane causes moderate damage (2d6/round of Attribute; he or she must remain still and devote full
exposure). attention to the Power.
3 BP The Bane causes severe damage (3d6/round of
Conditional Ownership
Blind Fury Linked to Attribute. Only a character who possesses the Item of Power
Attributes can acquire this Defect. The character’s possessions granted
Under specific conditions selected by the player (and approved by the by those Attributes actually belong to another person or organisation.
GM), the character will enter a state of unbridled anger. While en- They are issued to the character, but the agency imposes “mild,”
raged, the character will furiously attack the closest person, whether “strict,” or “severe” conditions on their use.
that individual is a friend or foe. Once that person is defeated or flees,
the berserk character will attack the next closest “threat.” Examples “Mild conditions” indicate that the character can use the objects for
of conditions that might initiate Blind Fury include: receiving a cer- some personal business (such as travelling), but if he or she is re-
tain amount of damage, sight of blood, a specific sound or smell, be- leased from the organisation or disobeys direct orders, the objects can
ing outnumbered in combat, seeing a friend in mortal danger, con- be taken away. The character can also be assigned different objects at
frontation with a specific opponent, etc. any time. For example, a police detective might have conditional use
of an unmarked police car.
The character can only return to a normal emotional state under an-
other specific condition. This return could involve Wisdom check, or “Strict conditions” indicate that the character is only permitted to use
could be an automatic reversion. Examples of return conditions in- the objects for activities as ordered by the organisation. This is the
clude: no opponents in the vicinity, a specific calming technique per- way most military and police equipment is issued. If the character is
formed by an ally, solitude, injection of a particular drug, being knocked caught using the objects for personal activities, he or she will receive
unconscious, etc. a severe reprimand.
1 BP Initiating the Blind Fury is difficult; reverting to “Severe conditions” indicate that the character can only use the ob-
normal emotional state is easy. jects under specific orders. A government owned time travel device
2 BP Initiating the Blind Fury and reverting to a normal would probably fall under these conditions. Using the objects at any
emotional state are both moderately difficult. other time results in incarceration, physical punishment, or even death.
3 BP Initiating the Blind Fury is easy; reverting to
normal emotional state is difficult. 1 BP Mild conditions are imposed on the objects’
ownership and usage.
Concentration 2 BP Strict conditions are imposed on the objects’
ownership and usage.
Linked to Attribute. The character must concentrate while using a 3 BP Severe conditions are imposed on the objects’
specific Attribute that functions over a period of time; it does not ownership and usage.
apply to Attributes with an instantaneous effect. If the character’s
concentration is interrupted voluntarily or by an outside event, the
Attribute ceases to function.
Confined Movement
1 BP The Attribute requires slight concentration. The This Defect prevents the character from leaving a narrowly defined
character can still perform other non-combat actions, area. This may represent, for example, an undead villain that is cursed
but cannot engage in combat or use other Attributes to haunt a particular place, an android that is programmed to follow a
that also require Concentration. specific guard route, or a government-licensed magical girl that is
2 BP The Attribute requires intense concentration. The only registered for travel in a specific region.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 119
2 BP Restricted to a large area (100-mile radius), such as emanate mental shock waves. Detection techniques include: shroud;
a single county or large city. human sight, hearing, or sense of smell; infrared; mental; radar; ra-
4 BP Restricted to a small area (1-mile radius), such as a diation; sonar; spiritual; ultraviolet; vibration; and others. The Spe-
small town or large, multi-structure complex. cial Attack Attribute is an exception to this Defect — characters must
6 BP Restricted to a tiny area (300-foot radius), such as acquire an Attack Ability to make the attack undetectable.
a small village or single building.
1 BP The Attribute’s use can be detected using 1-2
Cursed methods.
2 BP The Attribute’s use can be detected using 3-5
A Cursed character has likely offended God in his or her past, or is 3 BP The Attribute’s use can be detected using 6-9
the direct descendent of someone who did (Curses often pass through methods.
bloodlines). The Curse can take a near limitless number of forms, but
should not provide a character with an obvious advantage (remem-
ber, it’s a curse!). The exact nature, background, and limitations of Easily Distracted
the Curse should be discussed with the GM.
Some characters are Easily Distracted by events, objects, people, or
1 BP The character suffers from a slight disadvantage. ideas, which are collectively known as triggers. Notable examples of
2 BP The character suffers from a moderate disadvan- triggers include attractive members of the opposite (or same) sex,
tage. wealth, food, movie stars, hobbies, gossip, hot cars, music, one’s own
3 BP The character suffers from a severe disadvantage. looks, books or scrolls of ancient lore, and magical items. A character
with this Defect will become enthralled with the trigger until it can
Dependent no longer influence him or her. Many characters have interests in a
variety of triggers but do not possess this Defect because their inter-
Linked to Attribute. The character cannot use the chosen Attribute est is moderated by their sense of judgement.
without first using a second (or more) Attribute. If the character fails
1 BP The character is distracted by a trigger that is
to activate the second Attribute, he or she cannot use the other one
encountered infrequently.
either. Examples of the Dependent Defect include: a character who 2 BP The character is distracted by a few infrequent
can fly after activating his Force Field (Flight dependent upon Force triggers, or by one trigger that is encountered fre-
Field), a character who gains additional Armour when invisible quently.
(Armour dependent upon Invisibility), a character that can run much 3 BP The character is distracted by several infrequent
more quickly after stretching his or her legs and growing (Speed de- triggers, or by one trigger that is encountered con-
pendent upon Elasticity and Size Change), etc. The player must jus- stantly.
tify the Dependent Defect to the GM to avoid silly combinations.
bat situations, which can often place him or her in precarious posi-
Girl/Guy Magnet tions. A character with the Inept Defence Defect suffers a penalty to
his or her Defense Bonus.
The character attracts susceptible girls (or guys, or even both sexes)
like bees to nectar. For some reason they are just drawn to the charac- 2 BP The character’s Defense Bonus is decreased by 1.
ter, fall helplessly in love (or lust), and will not let go nor give the 4 BP The character’s Defense Bonus is decreased by 2.
character a minute’s peace. Even worse, they will fight each other 6 BP The character’s Defense Bonus is decreased by 3.
over the character to keep one another from consummating the rela-
tionship. The Girl/Guy Magnet does not represent some unusual cha-
risma on the part of the character but rather his or her fate to con-
Involuntary Physical
stantly meet obsessed people. Change
1 BP Only a couple of girl/guy characters are actively
chasing the character. This Defect is only available to characters who have the Alternate
2 BP Several girls/guys are actively chasing the charac- Form Attribute. The character may accidentally change from normal
ter. form to the Alternate Form (or vice versa), or an external trigger (cold
3 BP Swarms of girls/guys are actively chasing the water, natural force, etc.) may induce the change. This Defect may
character; a new one appears every adventure or two. represent a character who: transforms between identities upon hear-
ing or uttering a specific sound or word, reverts to normal form when
a particular chemical in the body is in low quantities (such as sugar
Incomplete Training or salt), transforms when a button on a gadget or Item of Power is
pushed, transforms in times of stress, etc.
This Defect requires GM permission. The character’s training and
development in his or her class was not as extensive as it should have This Defect is assigned once to indicate the character can acciden-
been. The character does not gain one or more “Special” benefits tally change from normal to Alternate Form or from Alternate Form
associated with class progression upon gaining a new Rank. The Bo- to normal form. The Defect is assigned twice if the character can
nus Points returned by this Defect is equal to the Character Point cost transform both ways unintentionally.
of the specific benefit (though the GM may penalise the character by
returning one less Point). The Bonus Points returned are typically 1 BP It is difficult to trigger the Involuntary Change.
used to acquire alternative Attributes. 2 BP It is moderately easy to trigger the Involuntary
3 BP It is easy to trigger the Involuntary Change.
Inept Attack
This Defect reflects a character’s poor judgement in offensive combat Ism
situations, which makes it much more difficult to strike an opponent
successfully. A character with the Inept Attack Defect suffers a pen- Ism is discrimination based solely on one particular aspect of a char-
alty to his or her base attack bonus. acter. Examples of Ism include: ageism, elitism, racism, sexism, or
discrimination based on education, species, genetics, sexual prefer-
3 BP The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by ence, occupation, religion, physical features, etc. The players and GM
1. are strongly encouraged to discuss these contentious discrimination
6 BP The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by issues, and their role in the game, before play begins.
9 BP The character’s Base Attack Bonus is decreased by 1 BP The character experiences a small degree of
3. discrimination.
2 BP The character experiences a large degree of dis-
Inept Defence 3 BP The character experiences a severe degree of
This Defect reflects a character’s poor judgement in defensive com-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 121
ing parent who lives at home is an example of this. If for any reason ration, government, crime ring, or other organisation or individual.
the Nemesis is defeated or goes away, the GM should create another Control over the character can be exerted through a variety of meth-
Nemesis, unless the player also wishes to use Power Points gained ods including blackmail, brainwashing, legal contract, technology, or
through advancement to eliminate the Defect permanently. just highly effective propaganda. Dire consequences await a charac-
ter whose actions conflict with the mandate of the owning body.
1 BP The Nemesis is merely annoying and/or interferes
infrequently. 1 BP The organisation has partial ownership of the
2 BP The Nemesis may actively try to harm the character character; the character is subject to slight punishment
and/or interferes frequently. for opposing the owners.
3 BP The Nemesis will always harm the character given 2 BP The organisation has significant ownership of the
the opportunity, and/or interferes constantly. character; the character is subject to moderate punish-
ment for opposing the owners.
3 BP The organisation has total ownership of the char-
Not So Tough acter; the character is subject to severe punishment for
opposing the owners.
The character is less durable than his character Level would other-
wise suggest. This Defect is appropriate for characters with a “glass
jaw,” or those who succumb to physical trauma easily. A character Part of Body
may not take this Defect if it would reduce his or her Hit Points be-
low 1. Linked to Attribute. Only part of the character’s body is affected by a
specific Attribute, most commonly used for: Adaptation, Alternate
1 BP The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 5 Form, Armour, Invisibility, and Superstrength. For example, a char-
Points. acter might only receive Armour benefits against abdominal attacks,
2 BP The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 10 possess the ability to turn his or her left arm invisible, or have bionic
Points. legs with Superstrength.
3 BP The character’s Hit Points are decreased by 15
Points. 1 BP The Attribute affects a large part of the body
(torso, both legs, both arms, etc.).
2 BP The Attribute affects a small part of the body (one
One-Way Transformation leg, one arm, abdomen, chest, head, etc.)
3 BP The Attribute affects a tiny part of the body (one
Linked to Attribute. This Defect is usually only be taken in conjunc- hand, face, one foot, groin, knee, etc.).
tion with the Alternate Form, Insubstantial, Invisibility, or, Size
Change Attributes. Once the character has transformed from a nor-
mal state, he or she cannot transform back to a prior form without Permanent
meeting certain conditions. This might include a magical ritual, work
by mechanics or lab technicians, consuming a specific substance, or Linked to Attribute. A specific Attribute is always functioning, and
simply the passage of time. the character cannot turn it off. This Defect only applies to Attributes
that would inconvenience the character if the Power were always
1 BP It takes several hours of work or special circum- active, such as: Force Field, Invisibility, or Size Change. The player
stances to enable the character to transform back to an and GM should discuss the problems and limitations associated with
earlier form. an eternally active Power.
2 BP As 1 BP, but the process requires expensive (or
hard to find) replacement components, ingredients, or 1 BP The Attribute is a slight inconvenience to the
other prerequisites. character.
3 BP As 2 BP, but the process takes several days. 2 BP The Attribute is a moderate inconvenience to the
Owned 3 BP The Attribute is a severe inconvenience to the
Free will has little meaning for a character who is Owned by a corpo-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 123
Points/Rank Attribute could be a 5 Points/ character’s status after benefiting from any
Rank Reduction. This Defect is not usu- Sample Reductions technological aids such as eyeglasses or hear-
ally appropriate for 1 Point/Rank At- ing aids in the setting. For example, if a char-
Attribute always used in same way
tributes. acter has a hearing aid but is still hard of
Fewer sub-Points awarded
hearing, he or she has Sensory Impairment
A list of suggested Reductions are shown Less frequent usage
Limited control (Diminished Hearing, 1 BP). In a setting
in the table, Sample Reductions. where a hearing aid was unavailable or could
One aspect
Partial effectiveness not correct his or her particular impairment,
Smaller target group he or she would have Sensory Impairment
Very specific utility (Deaf, 2 BP) instead.
Restriction 1 BP The character has a dimin-
ished primary sense (such as short-sightedness or
Linked to Attribute. One of the character’s Attributes is associated
being hard of hearing), or has lost a secondary sense
with one or more disadvantages that limit its use. This Defect offers a (such as taste or smell).
near-endless number of limitations, and consequently the player and 2 BP The character has completely lost a primary sense
GM should discuss the ramifications of the selected Restriction. A (sight or hearing), or has two diminished primary
list of suggested Restrictions are shown in the Sample Restrictions. senses, or has completely lost multiple secondary
The GM may increase the Bonus Points returned to the character to 3 BP The character has completely lost a primary sense
an alternate progression (such as 2 BP, 4 BP, 6 BP; or 3 BP, 6 BP, 9 (sight or hearing) and multiple secondary senses.
BP) if the Attribute this Defect is restricting has a high Character
Point cost at each Rank (see Dynamic Sorcery or Extra Attacks for
examples). Severe limitations on an Attribute, which will affect the
Significant Other (S.O.)
Point cost per Rank, are covered by the Reduc-
tion Defect. A character with this Defect has someone
for whom he or she must go to any lengths
1 BP The Attribute has a minor Sample Restrictions to keep safe from harm, even at the risk of
Restriction. his or her own life. The S.O. should be a
2 BP The Attribute has a moderate Cannot use on oneself regular fixture in the campaign. A one-night
Restriction. Check needed to maintain control stand, or a cousin visiting for two weeks is
3 BP The Attribute has a major During specific times of the day a plot complication and not an appropriate
Restriction. Easy to counteract S.O. The character’s sense of obligation
Flawed results towards the S.O. is enough that the char-
In particular locations acter will take great pains to ensure his or
Sensory Initiative penalty to use her safety and well-being. Examples in-
Limited functioning clude spouses and steady boy or girl friends,
Impairment Loss of specific effect
immediate relatives (parents and grandpar-
Naked form only
ents, brothers and sisters, perhaps very
Requires consumable focus
One or more of the character’s senses (sight, Requires maintenance close cousins), and close co-workers (such
hearing, taste, touch, smell) are either dimin- Requires special equipment as a cop’s partner). It is acceptable for a
ished or lost. An example of a diminished sense Requires Ability checks character to take another character as an
is being near-sighted or hard of hearing; the Restricts movement S.O., provided the players role-play this
GM should take the impairment into consider- Specific targets relationship appropriately. In this case, the
ation when deciding what the character is able Time limit S.O. relationship is always worth just 1 BP
to perceive, and may apply a -4 penalty on Under certain conditions but is treated as a 3 BP Defect by the GM
checks to notice things with that sense. An ex- Usage inflicts pain in terms of the frequency with which it af-
ample of a lost sense is blindness or deafness. Use weakens character fects the game.
Any diminishment or loss is based on the
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 125
S.O. is inappropriate for most Flunkies and Servant characters. obtain and/or needed constantly.
1 BP The Special Requirement is easy to obtain and/or 1 BP The character’s restriction applies to very few
needed infrequently. people, or the character has slight reservations.
2 BP The Special Requirement is difficult to obtain and/ 2 BP The character’s restriction applies to many people,
or needed often. or the character has strong reservations.
3 BP The Special Requirement is extremely difficult to 3 BP The character’s restriction applies to a large group
Page 126 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
of people, or the character has extremely strong reser- Vulnerability, it can temporarily strip the character of some of his or
vations. her Attributes (GM determines which Attributes are affected). The
Vulnerability should only affect the character rarely, however, since
Unreliable Power it impacts him or her so severely.
1 BP The character must make the check against DC 14. 1 BP The incentive to hunt the character is minor. For
In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt example, he or she may be wanted on outstanding
to use the Attribute again for 1 to 10 minutes. warrants, but there may be no actual reward posted, or
2 BP The character must make the check against DC 17. the reward is fairly small.
In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt 2 BP The reward, contract, or other incentive offered to
to use the Attribute again for 10 to 30 minutes. hunt the character is significant.
3 BP The character must make the check against DC 20. 3 BP The reward, contract, or other incentive offered to
In non-combat situations, the character cannot attempt hunt the character is extreme.
to use the Attribute again for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Weak Point
The character’s body possesses an abnormal weak point (in addition
An Unskilled character starts with less than the usual number of Skill to the normal human weak points, like the heart and head). If the
Points. This Defect cannot be combined with the Highly Skilled At- weak point is ever hit during combat with a Called Shot, the result is
tribute. Additionally, characters may not take this Defect if it would an automatic critical hit. If the attacker rolls a natural critical hit (a
reduce his or her Skill Points below zero. natural 20), the target is immediately reduced to 0 Hit Points and falls
unconscious. The opponent, or even the character, may not be aware
1 BP The character has 4 fewer starting Skill Points. the weak point exists, however, until its presence is discovered by
2 BP The character has 8 fewer starting Skill Points. accident or through careful study.
3 BP The character has 12 fewer starting Skill Points.
1 BP The weak point is tiny (-6 Called Shot attack
Vulnerability 2 BP The weak point is small (-4 Called Shot attack
The character has a critical weakness to a specific object, environ- 3 BP The weak point is large (-2 Called Shot attack
ment, thought, activity, or condition. When in close proximity to the penalty).
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 127
chapter 12:
Finishing Touches
Now that the majority of character creation is finished, you can de-
termine the rest of the character’s statistics.
Hit Points
This value dictates the amount of physical damage your character’s
body can sustain before it ceases to function (for example, your char-
acter dies). Damage delivered in combat is subtracted from your
character’s current Hit Point total. If the total ever falls below zero,
the character falls unconscious. If the total even drops to a negative
number that is lower that the negative number of the characters total
Hit Points (for example, a character has 45 HP and drops below -45
HP) then the character is dead. A characters’ Hit Points are deter-
mined by current Stamina, plus the character’s previous HP (1st level
characters have a previous HP of 0), minus any modifier for the Not
So Tough Defect, plus any other modifiers.Also, all starting charac-
“Let yyour
our light shine before
before ters automatically gain 5 hit points at 1st level. For instance, a Level
5 Lunus has a Stamina 7, his previous HP were 25, his Constitutuion
men, that the
that y may see y
they our good
your modifier is 2, and 2 Ranks of Good Health (+2d8 + Con modifier, and
he or she rolls a 6 and 4) would have Hit Points equal to
works, and glor
orks, ify y
glorify our Fa
your ther
Father 7+25+10+2=39.
which is in heaven.
heav ” Hit Points = Stamina + Previous Hit Points + Modifiers
Matthew 5:16 Death is not that common, but characters should be careful. Charac-
ters sometimes will be knocked unconscious rather than killed, though
the GM should determine how deadly they want the opponents to act.
Wound Levels
While this is covered more detailed in the combat section, all charac-
ters have six wound levels. Nothing is done with it at character cre-
ation. The Wound Threshold is equal to Stamina +10. The Wound
Threshold should be placed in the box next to the Wound Levels on
the character sheet. Everytime the character is hurt, they have a chance
to gain a wound. If the amount of total damage exceeds the character’s
Wound Threshold, the character will mark one wound level. If the
Page 128 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
character increased by 2 for every 5 Essence Points sacrificed and may keep a
suffers character who has fallen deep into the negatives alive long enough to
more than receive medical attention. Finally, Essence Points can be used to re-
double or roll dice. If your character’s Essence Points total is ever reduced to 0,
triple the the spirit of the being will dissipate or return to their home realm.
amount, Humans and wildings have a special attribute that doesn’t allow them
the charac- to die.
ter will
have two To regain Essence Points, the character can automatically regenerate
or three five points a day. Also, they can regain points by entering a holy site.
b o x e s This is usually a Christian church, and the characters must pray and
marked in- maybe meditate or rejoice. This takes a little bit of time. When it is
stead. For done, the character has a lot more EP regained. How much the church
example, rejuvenates depends on the church’s dedication.
the charac-
ter suffers When a character gains a level, the character will get more EP. To
32 points determine EP, it is equal to the current Wisdom plus the previous EP
of damage (starting characters have 0 EP) and any attributes or modifiers. This
and his should be calculated after the character has spent all their character
character’s points that the player plans on using.Also, all 1st level characters
Wound Threshold is 15. Since 32 is at least double of 15, the charac- automatically gain 5 essence points. For example, a 5th level charac-
ter will have two Wound Levels marked. If the damage was 45, the ter has a current Wisdom of 7, the previous EP were 25, the Spirit
character would mark three boxes of Wound Levels. Each time, the modifier is 2, and 2 ranks in Rejuvenation (2d8+Spi modifier and the
character loses a wound level, they gain penalties to all their physical player rolls 3 and a 8). The total EP is 7+25+11+2=45
actions. If the box, -2, is marked, the character will suffer a –2 pen-
alty to all physical actions. The wound levels and their descending Faith Level
penalties are 0, -1, -2, -4, -6, Dead. If the box, Dead, is marked, the
character is dead and can only be saved through supernatural means. A character can be tempted by evil at any time. Whether it be from
Also, these boxes are much more difficult to heal. the outside or a personal flaw, the character must make a Wisdom
Carrying Capacity
Determine Wealth Bonus Light Medium Heavy
Strength Load Load Load
All characters have a certain amount of starting wealth. The char-
acters will use this wealth to buy various equipment, weapons 1 up to 3 lb. 4–6 lb. 7–10 lb.
2 up to 6 lb. 7–13 lb. 14–20 lb.
and armour. For more on wealth, The Equipment chapter has
3 up to 10 lb. 11–20 lb. 21–30 lb.
more detail on how wealth works. A newly created 1st-level
4 up to 13 lb. 14–26 lb. 27–40 lb.
character’s Wealth bonus is +0 plus: 5 up to 16 lb. 17–33 lb. 34–50 lb.
6 up to 20 lb. 21–40 lb. 41–60 lb.
• Wealth provided by the character’s starting occu-
7 up to 23 lb. 24–46 lb. 47–70 lb.
8 up to 26 lb. 27–53 lb. 54–80 lb.
• Bonus from the Wealth Attribute, if taken.
9 up to 30 lb. 31–60 lb. 61–90 lb.
• 2d4 die roll.
10 up to 33 lb. 34–66 lb. 67–100 lb.
• +1 for having 1 to 4 ranks in the Profession skill.
11 up to 38 lb. 39–76 lb. 77–115 lb.
• 1 CP equals +1 Wealth Bonus
12 up to 43 lb. 44–86 lb. 87–130 lb.
13 up to 50 lb. 51–100 lb. 101–150 lb.
14 up to 58 lb. 59–116 lb. 117–175 lb.
Determine Carrying 15
up to 66 lb.
up to 76 lb.
67–133 lb.
77–153 lb.
134–200 lb.
154–230 lb.
Capacity 17
up to 86 lb.
up to 100 lb.
87–173 lb.
101–200 lb.
174–260 lb.
201–300 lb.
19 up to 116 lb. 117–233 lb. 234–350 lb.
As characters pick up more items and equipment, their comes a
20 up to 133 lb. 134–266 lb. 267–400 lb.
limit to how much they can carry. With the technology level go- 21 up to 153 lb. 154–306 lb. 307–460 lb.
ing down in several areas, the equipment is getting bigger and 22 up to 173 lb. 174–346 lb. 347–520 lb.
bulkier again like it was hundreds of years ago. A character’s 23 up to 200 lb. 201–400 lb. 401–600 lb.
carrying capacity depends directly on the character’s Strength 24 up to 233 lb. 234–466 lb. 467–700 lb.
score, as shown on Table: Carrying Capacity. 25 up to 266 lb. 267–533 lb. 534–800 lb.
26 up to 306 lb. 307–613 lb. 614–920 lb.
If the weight of everything a character is wearing or carrying 27 up to 346 lb. 347–693 lb. 694–1,040 lb.
amounts to no more than his or her light load figure, the charac- 28 up to 400 lb. 401–800 lb. 801–1,200 lb.
ter can move and perform any actions normally (though the 29 up to 466 lb. 467–933 lb. 934–1,400 lb.
character’s speed might already be slowed by the armor he or +10 x4 x4 x4
she is wearing).
The figure at the upper end of a character’s heavy load range is his or players in describing their character’s during game play.
her maximum load. No character can move or perform any other ac-
tions while carrying more than his or her maximum load. Earn Background Points
Lifting and Dragging Now that the numerical component of your character is complete
(Abilities, Attributes, Defects, Skills, and other values), you should
A character can lift up to his or her maximum load over his or her
concentrate on fine-tuning his or her personality, while still leaving
room for the character to grow in the future. One of the most effective
A character can lift up to double his or her maximum load off the ways to better visualise your creation is to provide detail through a
ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While over- background history, a character story, or a character drawing. Spend-
loaded in this way, the character loses any Agility bonus to Defense ing time to develop your character without a rule structure will en-
and can only move 5 feet per round (as a full-round action). hance your role-playing greatly, and can give the GM a window into
your character’s motivations. As an incentive, the GM will award
A character can generally push or drag along the ground up to five you 1-3 Background Points for each contribution you complete, which
times his or her maximum load. Favorable conditions (smooth ground, are then distributed among the Ability Scores or Character Attributes.
dragging a slick object) can double these numbers, and bad circum- If any of your character’s Abilities are changed after using the Back-
stances (broken ground, pushing an object that snags) can reduce them ground Points, you must recalculate any appropriate Calculated Val-
to one-half or less. ues.
Tremendous Strength
For Strength scores not listed, find the Strength score between 20 and
29 that has the same ones digit as the creature’s Strength score. Mul-
tiply the figures by 4 if the creature’s Strength is in the 30s, 16 if it’s
in the 40s, 64 if it’s in the 50s, and so on.
chapter 13:
Every character has a Wealth bonus that reflects his or her buying
power—a composite of income, credit rating, and savings. A
character’s Wealth bonus serves as the basis of the character’s Wealth
check, which is used to purchase equipment and services for the char-
Wealth Bonus
To determine a character’s starting Wealth bonus, roll 2d4 and add
the wealth bonus for the character’s starting occupation, plus (if ap-
propriate) the bonus from the Windfall feat.
Over the course of play, the hero’s Wealth bonus will decrease as the
hero purchases expensive items and increase as the hero gains levels.
“Do not st
not or
store up for y
ore oursel
A character’s Wealth bonus can never fall below +0, and there is no
treasures on ear
easures th, wher
earth, e mo
where th and
moth limit to how high the Wealth bonus can climb.
rust destroy, and wher
destro e thie
where ves
thiev Since Wealth is an abstract concept, it’s sometimes difficult to deter-
mine how financially well off a character is. To get a general sense of
break in and steal. But st
break or
store up for
ore how financially solvent a character is at any given time, check the
yourselves treasures in heaven, table below.
ourselv easures
treasur heav
where mo
where th and r
moth ust do no
rust t
not Wealth Bonus Financial Condition
+0 Impoverished or in debt
destroy, and wher
destro e thie
where ves do no
thiev t
not +1 to +4 Struggling
+5 to +10 Middle class
break in and steal. For wher
break e y
where our
your +11 to +15 Affluent
+16 to +20 Wealthy
treasure is, ther
easure e y
there our hear
your t will
heart +21 to +30 Rich
+31 or higher Very rich
be also.” Purchasing Equipment
Matthew 6:19-21
Wealth checks are used to determine what characters can afford and
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 133
what gear they might reasonably have access to. Every character has acter purchase an object or service. If the attempt is successful, that
a Wealth bonus that reflects his or her buying power. Every object character provides the purchaser with a +2 bonus on his or her Wealth
and service has a purchase DC. To purchase an object, make a Wealth check. The character who provides the aid reduces his or her Wealth
check against the purchase DC. bonus by +1.
Also, there is a penalty for spending beyond a character’s means. A character’s Wealth bonus can never decrease to less than +0. If a
Whenever a character buys an object that has a purchase DC higher character’s Wealth bonus is +0, the character doesn’t have the buy-
than his or her current Wealth bonus, the character’s Wealth bonus ing power to purchase any object or service that has a purchase DC
decreases (see below). of 10 or higher, and can’t take 10 or take 20.
A character can try again if he or she fails a Wealth check, but not A character’s Wealth bonus recovers as the character advances.
until the character has spent an additional number of hours shopping
Every time a character gains a new level, make a Profession check.
equal to the purchase DC of the object or service.
(If the character has no ranks in the skill, this check is a Wits check.)
The DC is equal to the character’s current Wealth bonus. If the char-
Aid Another acter succeeds, his or her current Wealth bonus increases by +1. For
every 5 points by which the character exceeds the DC, he or she
One other character can make an aid another attempt to help a char-
Page 134 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
gains an additional +1 to his or her Wealth bonus. check, and he or she can’t take 10 or take 20. Also, a character can’t
make a Wealth check to see if he or she has a mundane object on hand
Wealth Awards during character generation or between adventures—only during play.
If the character succeeds, his or her Wealth bonus is unaffected, even
Adventuring may result in characters finding valuable items. In such if the object’s purchase DC is higher than his or her Wealth bonus.
cases, the benefit translates into a Wealth award.
Depending on the situation, the GM can rule that a certain mundane
Selling Stuff object is not available; for an object to be obtainable, the character
must be in a place where the object logically would be.
To sell something, a character first needs to determine its sale value.
Assuming the object is undamaged and in working condition, the sale Restricted Objects
value is equal to the object’s purchase DC (as if purchased new)
minus 3. Some objects require licenses to own or operate, or are restricted in
use to qualifying organizations or individuals. In such cases, a char-
Selling an object can provide an increase to a character’s Wealth bo- acter must purchase a license or pay a fee to legally own the object. A
nus. The increase is the same amount as the Wealth bonus loss the license or fee is a separate item, purchased in addition to (and usually
character would experience if the character purchased an object with before) the object to which it applies. The four levels of restriction
a purchase DC equal to the sale value. are as follows.
Regardless of the character’s current Wealth bonus, he or she gains a Licensed: The owner must obtain a license to own or operate the
Wealth bonus increase of 1 whenever the character sells an object object legally. Generally, the license is not expensive, and obtaining
with a sale value of 15 or higher. If A character sells an object with a it has few if any additional legal requirements.
sale value less than or equal to his or her current Wealth bonus, and
that sale value is 14 or lower, the character gains nothing. Restricted: Only specially qualified individuals or organizations are
technically allowed to own the object. However, the real obstacles to
A character cannot legally sell restricted objects unless the character ownership are time and money; anyone with sufficient patience and
is licensed to own them. A character also cannot legally sell objects cash can eventually acquire the necessary license.
that have been reported as stolen. Selling objects illegally usually
requires that the character have contacts in the black market, and Military: The object is sold primarily to legitimate police and mili-
reduces the sale value by an additional 3. tary organizations. A military rating is essentially the same as re-
stricted (see above), except that manufacturers and dealers are gener-
ally under tight government scrutiny and are therefore especially wary
EQUIPMENT BASICS of selling to private individuals.
On-Hand Objects Illegal: The object is illegal in all but specific, highly regulated cir-
To account for the mundane and innocuous objects that most people
have among their possessions—and not force every charac-
ter to specifically purchase such objects in order to employ Restricted Objects
them—use the following rules.
Restriction License or Fee Black Market Time
With the GM’s permission, a character can make a Wealth Rating Purchase DC Purchase DC
check to see if he or she has a mundane object on hand, as Required
long as the object has a purchase DC of 10 or lower. (The
GM determines the purchase DC for an object that’s not men- Licensed 10 +1 1 day
tioned in this chapter, using similarly priced objects as a Restricted 15 +2 2 days
guide.) The Wealth check works the same as for buying the Military 20 +3 3 days
object, except that the character takes a –10 penalty on the Illegal 25 +4 4 days
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 135
Purchasing a License
Requisition Modifiers
To purchase a license or pay necessary fees, make a
Wealth check against the purchase DC given in Table: Situation Modifier
Restricted Objects. With a success, the license is is-
sued to the character after the number of days indi- Object is necessary for assignment +6
cated. To speed the process, the hero can make a Object has obvious application for assignment +4
Knowledge (business) check against a DC equal to Object has peripheral application for assignment +2
the license purchase DC. Success results in the li- Object has no obvious application for assignment –2
Object is rare –2
cense being issued in 1d6 hours. (During the process
Object restriction
of character creation, a character just needs to pur-
Licensed –2
chase the license or pay the fee; the time required Restricted –4
takes place before game play begins.) Military –6
Illegal –8
As a general rule, a character must obtain the appro- Hero is skilled or proficient in use of object +2
priate license before buying a restricted object. Le- Hero returned all gear undamaged on previous mission +2
gitimate dealers will not sell restricted objects to a
character who does not have the necessary license.
However, a character may be able to turn to the black
market (see below) to obtain restricted objects without a license. against a DC equal to the equipment’s purchase DC. Add the
character’s Presence bonus to the check. Table: Requisition Modifi-
The Black Market ers lists modifiers that may affect the check.
Sometimes a character wants to obtain an object without going through The result of the check determines whether and how quickly Depart-
the hassle of getting a license first. Almost anything is available on ment-7 can provide the hero with the requested equipment. With a
the black market. Knowledge (streetwise) checks can be used to lo- success, the object is issued to the hero. Generally, it takes 24 hours
cate a black market merchant. The DC is based on the location in to obtain an object through requisition, but if the object is especially
question: 15 to find a black market merchant in a big city, or 20, 25, common, or if the hero beats the check DC by 5 or more, it is avail-
or higher in small towns and rural areas. able in 1d4 hours.
Objects purchased on the black market are more expensive than those Requisitioned objects are loaned, not given, to the hero. Obviously,
purchased legally. Add the black market purchase DC modifier from expendable objects like ammunition don’t have to be returned if used.
Table: Restricted Objects to the object’s purchase DC.
Mastercraft Objects
Obtaining an object on the black market takes a number of days ac-
cording to the Time Required column on Table: Restricted Objects. Weapons, armor, and some other types of equipment can be constructed
The process can be hurried, but each day cut out of the process (to a as mastercraft objects. The exceptional quality of these objects pro-
minimum of one day) increases the purchase DC by an additional +1. vides the user a bonus on attack rolls, damage, Defense, or some
other characteristic that improves when the object is used.
Requisitioning Equipment
A mastercraft object that provides a +1 bonus can usually be pur-
When a hero working for Department-7 needs more equipment than chased on the open market as a custom version of a common object.
he or she has on hand, the hero may try to requisition it. Department- The increased cost of such an object adds +3 to the purchase DC.
7 evaluates whether the character really needs the object, how soon
the agency can supply it, and whether the agency can reasonably ex- A rare few objects are of mastercraft quality even without
pect to get it back when the hero is done with it. customization—the off-the-shelf version of the object is of such high
quality that it is always provides a bonus of +1. In these cases, the
The result is determined by a level check (1d20 + character level) purchase DC is not increased (such objects are already priced higher
Page 136 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
than similar objects of lower quality). Spot DC = Target’s Sleight of Hand skill modifier (including modifi-
ers from Table: Concealing Weapons and Objects) + 10
Mastercraft objects with a bonus of +2 or +3 are not common and are
generally not for sale. If a mastercraft +2 object could be found for An observer attempting to spot a concealed object receives a –1 pen-
purchase, its cost would add +6 to the normal purchase DC. The cost alty for every 10 feet between him or herself and the target, and a –5
of a mastercraft +3 object would add +9 to the normal purchase DC. penalty if distracted.
Concealed Weapons and Objects Patting someone down for a hidden weapon requires a similar check.
However, the skill employed in Search, and the searcher gets a +4
It’s assumed that, when attempting to conceal a weapon or other ob- circumstance bonus for the hands-on act of frisking the target. Some
ject, a character is wearing appropriate clothing. devices may also offer bonuses under certain circumstances (a metal
detector offers a bonus to Search checks to find metal objects, for
Drawing a concealed weapon is more difficult than drawing a regu- example).
larly holstered weapon, and normally requires an attack action. Keep-
ing the weapon in an easier-to-draw position makes concealing it more Spotting Concealable Armor
Concealable armor can be worn under clothing if the wearer wants it
Sleight of Hand Checks to go unnoticed. Don’t use the modifiers from Table: Concealing
Weapons and Objects when wearing concealable armor. Instead, any-
To conceal a weapon or other object, make a Sleight of Hand check. one attempting to notice the armor must make a Spot check (DC 30).
A character concealing an object before he or she heads out into pub-
lic can usually take 10 unless he or she is rushed, trying to conceal it Living in Luxury
when others might see, or under other unusual constraints. Sleight of
Hand can be used untrained in this instance, but the character must The purchase DCs given are for average-quality items. It’s possible
take 10. to purchase similar items with luxury features, generally by increas-
ing the purchase DC by 1. Although such items are more expensive,
Size and Concealment they offer no additional features or game benefits.
General Equipment
Contractor’s Field Bag
This section covers the wide variety of general gear available to ad-
venturers of all sorts. A combination tool bag and notebook computer case, this has pock-
ets for tools, pens, notepads, and cell phones. It even has a clear plas-
Many of the objects in this section are battery-operated. Any device tic flap for maps or plans. Made of durable fabric, it holds 10 pounds
that uses batteries comes with them. As a general rule, ignore battery worth of equipment and comes with a shoulder strap.
life—assume that heroes (and their antagonists) are smart enough to
recharge or replace their batteries between adventures, and that the Day Pack
batteries last as long as needed during adventures. If battery life is
important in the game, roll 1d20 every time a battery-operated item is This is a small backpack, the sort often used by students to carry their
used. On a result of 1, the batteries are dead and the object is useless. books around, or by outdoor enthusiasts on short hikes. It holds 8
New batteries have a purchase DC of 2 and can be changed as a pounds of gear and fits comfortably over one or both shoulders.
move action.
Equipment Tables
Handbags provide another way to carry 2 pounds of equipment. The
Equipment is described by a number of statistics, as shown on Table: purchase DC shown is for a basic bag; high-fashion purses can in-
General Equipment. crease the DC by as much as 5.
Size: The size category of a piece of equipment helps to determine Patrol Box
how easy that object is to conceal, and it also indicates whether using
the object requires one hand or two. In general, a character needs Originally developed for use by police officers, this portable file cabinet
only one hand to use any object that is of his or her size category or has found favor with traveling salespeople. This hard-sided briefcase
smaller. takes up the passenger seat of an automobile and provides easy ac-
cess to files, storage for a laptop computer, and a writing surface. It
Weight: This column gives the item’s weight. holds 5 pounds worth of equipment and has an average lock (Disable
Device DC 25; break DC 15).
Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire
the item. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include any Clothing
modifier for purchasing the item on the black market.
The items described here represent special clothing types, or unusual
Restriction: The restriction rating for the object, if any, and the ap- outfits that a character might need to purchase.
propriate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply
this modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to For the most part, clothing choice is based on character concept. It’s
acquire the item on the black market. generally assumed that a hero owns a reasonable wardrobe of the
sorts of clothes that fit his or her lifestyle. Sometimes, however, a
Bags and Boxes character might need something out of the ordinary. When that’s the
case, he or she will have to purchase it like any other piece of gear.
With the wide variety of equipment available to modern adventurers, Clothes have two effects on game mechanics: one on Disguise checks,
it’s often critical to have something to store the equipment in or carry and one on Sleight of Hand checks.
it around in.
First, clothing is part of a disguise. See the Disguise skill description
Briefcase for more on how appropriate dress affects Disguise checks.
A briefcase can carry up to 5 pounds worth of gear. A briefcase can Clothes also help to hide firearms, body armor, and small objects.
be locked, but its cheap lock is not very secure (Disable Device DC Tightly tailored clothing imposes a penalty on an attempt to conceal
20; break DC 10). an object; clothing purposely tailored to conceal objects provides a
Page 138 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
General Equipment
Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction Object Size Weight Purchase DC Restriction
Fatigue Jacket: A lightweight outer garment fashioned after the fa- Film: The medium upon which photographs are stored, film comes in
tigue uniforms worn by military personnel when performing their stan- a variety of sizes and speeds. The purchase DC represents the cost of
dard duties. a roll of 24 exposures of high-speed (ASA 400) film.
Overcoat: A warm coat worn over a suit jacket or indoor clothing. Film Developing: In most areas, drugstores and photo shops provide
1-hour service; in others, it takes 24 hours. In really remote areas,
Parka: This winter coat grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on film may have to be sent away for developing, taking a week or longer.
Stamina Check made to resist the effects of cold weather. The purchase DC represents the cost of getting two prints of each
shot on a roll of film, or one of each and any two also blown up to a
Tool Belt larger size.
This sturdy leather belt has numerous pockets and loops for tools, Cell Phone
nails, pencils, and other necessities for repair and construction work,
Page 140 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
A digital communications device that comes in a hand-held model or A color flatbed scanner allows the user to transfer images and docu-
as a headset, a cell phone uses a battery that lasts for 24 hours before ments from hard copy into a computer in digital form.
it must be recharged. It works in any area covered by cellular service.
Professional Equipment
This category covers a wide variety of specialized equipment used by
Whether a desktop or notebook model, a computer includes a key- professionals in adventure-related fields.
board, a mouse, a monitor, speakers, a CD-ROM drive, a dial-up
modem, and the latest processor. A character needs a computer to Some objects contain the tools necessary to use certain skills opti-
make Computer Use checks and to make Research checks involving mally. Without the use of these items, often referred to as kits, skill
the Internet. checks made with these skills are at a –4 penalty. Skills and the kits
they are associated with are listed below. See the descriptions of the
Desktop: Bulky but powerful, these machines are common on desks kits for additional details. Note that kits should be restocked periodi-
everywhere. cally (purchase DC 5 less than the original purchase DC.
Notebook: Slim, lightweight, and portable, notebook computers have Note that some skills, by their nature, require a piece of equipment to
most of the functions available on desktop computers. utilize.
Upgrade: A character can upgrade a desktop or notebook computer’s Skill Associated Item
processor to provide a +1 equipment bonus on Computer Use checks. Climb Climbing gear
Increase the purchase DC of a desktop by +1 or a notebook by +2 to Craft (electronic) Electrical tool kit
purchase an upgrade. Craft (mechanical) Mechanical tool kit
Craft (structural) Mechanical tool kit
Digital Audio Recorder Demolitions Demolitions kit
Disable Device Car opening kit
These tiny recorders (about the size of a deck of playing cards) can Electrical tool kit
record up to eight hours of audio and can be connected to a computer Lockpick set
to download the digital recording. Digital audio recorders don’t have Disguise Disguise kit
extremely sensitive microphones; they only pick up sounds within 10 Investigate Evidence kit
Perform (keyboards) Instrument, keyboard
Perform (percussion) Instrument, percussion
Perform (stringed) Instrument, stringed
Perform (wind) Instrument, wind
Repair Electrical tool kit
Personal data assistants are handy tools for storing data. They can be
Mechanical tool kit
linked to a notebook or desktop computer to move files back and forth, Multipurpose tool
but can’t be used for Computer Use or Research checks. Treat Injury First aid kit
Demolitions Kit Deluxe: A deluxe kit includes all the materials in a basic kit, plus
supplies for analyzing narcotic substances at the scene and for gath-
This kit contains everything needed to use the Demolitions skill to set ering more esoteric forms of physical evidence such as casts and molds
detonators, wire explosive devices, and disarm explosive devices. of footprints or vehicle tracks, as well as chemical residues and or-
Detonators must be purchased separately. ganic fluids. It also contains the necessary dusts, sprays, brushes,
adhesives, and cards to gather fingerprints. It grants a +2 equipment
Disguise Kit bonus on Investigate checks under appropriate circumstances (when-
ever the GM rules that the equipment in the kit can be of use in the
This kit contains everything needed to use the Disguise skill, includ- current situation).
ing makeup, brushes, mirrors, wigs, and other accoutrements. It doesn’t
contain clothing or uniforms, however. Using a deluxe kit to analyze a possible narcotic substance or basic
chemical requires a Craft (chemical) check (DC 15). In this case, the
Duct Tape +2 equipment bonus does not apply.
and Escape Artist checks automatically fail). to stabilize a dying character (see the Treat Injury skill). Skill checks
made without a medical kit incur a –4 penalty.
Instrument, Keyboard
Multipurpose Tool
A portable keyboard, necessary in order to use the Perform (key-
board instrument) skill. This device contains several different screwdrivers, a knife blade or
two, can opener, bottle opener, file, short ruler, scissors, tweezers,
Instrument, Percussion and wire cutters. The whole thing unfolds into a handy pair of pliers.
A multipurpose tool can lessen the penalty for making Repair, Craft
A set of drums, necessary in order to use the Perform (percussion (mechanical), Craft (electronic), or Craft (structural) checks without
instrument) skill. appropriate tools to –2 instead of the normal –4. The tool is useful for
certain tasks, as determined by the GM, but may not be useful in all
Instrument, Stringed situations.
An electric guitar, necessary in order to use the Perform (stringed
instrument) skill.
Survival Gear
Survival gear helps characters keep themselves alive in the great out-
Instrument, Wind
A flute, necessary in order to use the Perform (wind instrument) skill.
Lockpick Set
This is a good-sized backpack, made of tough water-resistant mate-
A lockpick set includes picks and tension bars for opening locks oper- rial. It has one or two central sections, as well as several exterior
ated by standard keys. A lockpick set allows a character to make pockets and straps for attaching tents, bedrolls, or other gear. It can
Disable Device checks to open mechanical locks (deadbolts, keyed carry up to 60 pounds of gear.
entry locks, and so forth) without penalty.
A backpack gives a character a +1 equipment bonus to Strength for
the purpose of determining carrying capacity.
Mechanical Tool Kit
This collection of hand tools and small parts typically includes a va- Binoculars
riety of pliers, drivers, cutting devices, fasteners, and even power tools.
Binoculars are useful for watching opponents, wild game, and sport-
Basic: This kit, which fits in a portable toolbox, allows a character to ing events from a long distance.
make Repair checks for mechanical devices without penalty.
Standard: Standard binoculars reduce the range penalty for Spot checks
Deluxe: This kit fills a good-sized shop cabinet. It includes a broad to –1 for every 50 feet (instead of –1 for every 10 feet). Using binocu-
variety of specialized hand tools and a selection of high-quality power lars for Spot checks takes five times as long as making the check
tools. It grants a +2 equipment bonus on Repair checks for mechani- unaided.
cal devices and allows a character to make Craft (mechanical) or
Rangefinding: In addition to the benefit of standard binoculars,
Craft (structural) checks without penalty.
rangefinding binoculars include a digital readout that indicates the
exact distance to the object on which they are focused.
Medical Kit
Electro-Optical: Electro-optical binoculars function the same as stan-
About the size of a large tackle box, this is the sort of kit commonly
dard binoculars in normal light. In darkness, however, users looking
carried by military medics and civilian EMTs. It contains a wide va-
through them see as if they had the darkvision ability granted by night
riety of medical supplies and equipment. A medical kit can be used to
vision goggles.
treat a dazed, unconscious, or stunned character, to provide long-term
care, to restore hit points, to treat a diseased or poisoned character, or
Climbing Gear
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 143
All of the tools and equipment that climbing enthusiasts use to make weather.
climbing easier and, in some cases, possible, including ropes, pul-
leys, helmet and pads, gloves, spikes, chocks, ascenders, pitons, a Weapon Accessories
handax, and a harness. It takes 10 minutes to remove the gear from its
pack and outfit it for use. Use this gear with the Climb skill. As if modern weapons weren’t dangerous enough, a number of ac-
cessories can increase their utility or efficiency.
Box Magazine
A compass relies on the Earth’s magnetic field to determine the direc-
tion of magnetic north. A compass grants its user a +2 equipment For weapons that use box magazines, a character can purchase ex-
bonus on Navigate checks. tras. Loading these extra magazines ahead of time and keeping them
in a handy place makes it easy to reload a weapon in combat.
Fire Extinguisher
This portable apparatus uses a chemical spray to extinguish small
fires. The typical fire extinguisher ejects enough extinguishing chemi- A detonator activates an explosive, causing it to explode. The device
cals to put out a fire in a 10-foot-by-10-foot area as a move action. It consists of an electrically activated blasting cap and some sort of de-
contains enough material for two such uses. vice that delivers the electrical charge to set off the blasting cap. Con-
necting a detonator to an explosive requires a Demolitions check (DC
Flashlight 15). Failure means that the explosive fails to go off as planned. Fail-
ure by 10 or more means the explosive goes off as the detonator is
Flashlights come in a wide variety of sizes and quality levels. Those being installed.
covered here are professional, heavy-duty models, rugged enough to
withstand the rigors of modern adventuring. Flashlights negate pen- Blasting Cap: This is a detonator without a built-in controller. It can
alties for darkness within their illuminated areas. be wired into any electrical device, such as a light switch or a car’s
ignition switch, with a Demolitions check (DC 10). When the elec-
Penlight: This small flashlight can be carried on a key ring. It projects trical device is activated, the detonator goes off.
a beam of light 10 feet long and 5 feet wide at its end.
Radio Control: This device consists of two parts: the detonator itself
Standard: This heavy metal flashlight projects a beam 30 feet long and the activation device. The activation device is an electronic item
and 15 feet across at its end. about the size of a deck of cards, with an antenna, a safety, and an
activation switch. When the switch is toggled, the activation device
Battery Flood: Practically a handheld spotlight, this item projects a sends a signal to the detonator by radio, setting it off. It has a range of
bright beam 100 feet long and 50 feet across at its end. 500 feet.
Rope Timed: This is an electronic timer connected to the detonator. Like an
alarm clock, it can be set to go off at a particular time.
Climbing rope can support up to 1,000 pounds.
Wired: This is the simplest form of detonator. The blasting cap con-
Sleeping Bag nects by a wire to an activation device, usually a small pistol-grip
device that the user squeezes. The detonator comes with 100 feet of
This lightweight sleeping bag rolls up compactly. It can keep a char-
wire, but longer lengths can be spliced in with a Demolitions check
acter warm even in severe weather and can also double as a stretcher
(DC 10).
in an emergency.
Holsters are generally available for all Medium-size or smaller fire-
A tent keeps a character warm and dry in severe weather, providing a
+2 equipment bonus on Stamina checks against the effects of cold
Page 144 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Transportation Purchase DC
A number of types of homes are mentioned on Table:Lifestyle. The
Domestic, coach 14
Domestic, first class 17 purchase DC covers the down payment, not the total cost of the home.
International, coach 18 (A character buying a home does not have to worry about mortgage
International, first class 22 payments; they simply replace the hero’s rent, which is already ac-
Car rental counted for in the Wealth system)
Economy car 6
Mid-size or truck 8 The small house and condo are one- or two-bedroom homes, prob-
Luxury 10 ably with curbside parking. The large condo and medium house are
three-bedroom homes with garage or carport parking for one or two
Lodging Purchase DC cars. The large house is a four-bedroom home with a two-car garage,
Budget motel 7 while the mansion is a five- or six-bedroom home with an extra den,
Average hotel 9 spacious rooms throughout, and a three-car garage. All of these homes
Upscale hotel 11 are of typical construction; luxury appointments or avant garde de-
sign is available with a +2 increase to the purchase DC.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 145
Location dramatically affects a home’s value. The given purchase lodging rates are per day.
DC assumes a typical suburban location. An undesirable location,
such as a bad neighborhood or a remote rural site, reduces the pur- Services
chase DC by 2. A particularly good location in an upscale neighbor-
hood or city center increases the purchase DC by 2. The broad spectrum of services available to characters is only repre-
sented in overview here. Services are identified on Table:Services.
Purchase DCs are given for several entertainment options. They rep-
resent the purchase of a single ticket. A pair of tickets can be pur- Auto Repair
chased together; doing so increases the purchase DC by 2.
Having a car repaired can be expensive; how expensive depends on
Meals the amount of damage the vehicle has suffered. The purchase DCs for
damage repair assume the vehicle has not actually been disabled; if it
Several typical meal costs are provided. The cost of picking up the has, increase the purchase DC by +3. Repair generally takes 1 day
for every 10 hit points of damage dealt, and results in the vehicle
being returned to full hit points. See page 163 for more about vehicle
Item Purchase DC Bail Bonds
Auto repair
1 to 10 hp damage 15 Characters jailed for crimes can seek bail. Bail is a monetary guaran-
11 to 20 hp damage 18 tee that the suspect will show up for his trial. The bail amount is set
21 to 30 hp damage 21 by a judge or magistrate, sometimes immediately following arrest (for
30+ hp damage 24 minor crimes) and sometimes days later (for serious crimes). If bail is
Towing 8 granted, a character can arrange for a bail bond—a loan that covers
Bail bonds bail. The purchase DCs represent the fees associated with the loan;
Property crime 13 the bond itself is paid back to the bond agency when the hero shows
Assault crime 16 up for trial. If the hero fails to show up, the agency loses the bail loan,
Death crime 22 and may send bounty hunters or other thugs after the character.
Bouncer 6 Bail amounts vary dramatically, depending on the seriousness of the
Bureaucrat 10
crime, the suspect’s criminal history, his or her role in society, his or
Informant 7
her family life, and other factors the judge believes indicate that the
Police officer 10
Legal services 10 + lawyer’s Knowledge (civics) ranks character will or will not flee (or commit other crimes) before the
Medical services trial. An upstanding citizen with a good job and a family who has
Long-term care 10 + doctor’s Treat Injury ranks never before been charged with a crime gets minimal bail; a career
Restore hit points 12 + doctor’s Treat Injury ranks criminal with nothing to lose gets maximum bail or may not be granted
Surgery 15 + doctor’s Treat Injury ranks bail at all. The purchase DCs shown assume the suspect is viewed
Treat poison/disease 10 + doctor’s Treat Injury ranks positively by the court. If not, increase the purchase DC by as much
as 5. Whatever the base purchase DC, a successful Diplomacy check
(DC 15) by the suspect reduces the purchase DC by 2.
tab for additional diners adds +2 per person to the purchase DC. Property Crime: The crime involved only the destruction of property;
no one was attacked or seriously hurt as part of the crime.
Assault Crime: The crime involved an attack intended to capture, kill,
Airfare tickets are for a single passenger round trip. One-way tickets or seriously injure the victim.
are available, but only reduce the purchase DC by 2. Car rentals and
Page 146 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
The weapons covered
here are grouped into
three categories based
on their general utility:
ranged weapons, ex-
plosives and splash
weapons, and melee
Ranged weapons fall
into three general
groups: handguns,
longarms, and other
ranged weapons such
as crossbows.
Medical Services Handguns and longarms are personal firearms. A personal firearm is
any firearm designed to be carried and used by a single person.
A character’s medical insurance is built into his or her Wealth bonus;
the purchase DCs represent the ancillary expenses not covered, or Ranged Weapons Table
only partly covered, by insurance. Medical services must be paid for
in full regardless of whether they are successful. See the Treat Injury Ranged weapons are described by a number of statistics, as shown on
skill for more information on the medical services described below. Table: Ranged Weapons.
Long-Term Care: The purchase DC represents treatment for regain- Damage: The damage the weapon deals on a successful hit.
ing hit points or ability score points more quickly than normal on a
given day. Critical: The threat range for a critical hit. If the threat is confirmed,
a weapon deals double damage on a critical hit (roll damage twice, as
Restore Hit Points: The purchase DC represents treatment for hit point if hitting the target two times).
damage from wounds or injuries on a given day.
Damage Type: Ranged weapon damage is classified according to type:
Surgery: The purchase DC represents the cost of a single surgical ballistic (all firearms), energy (of a specific type), piercing (some
procedure. simple ranged weapons), or slashing (a whip). Some creatures or char-
acters may be resistant or immune to some forms of damage.
Poison/Disease: The purchase DC represents one application of treat-
ment for a poison or disease. Range Increment: Any attack at less than this distance is not penal-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 147
Ranged Weapons
Damage Range Rate of Purchase
Weapon Damage Critical Type Inc. Fire Mag. Size Wt. DC Res.
Beretta 92F 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S 15 box Small 3 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(9mm autoloader)
Colt M1911 2d6 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 7 box Small 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
(.45 autoloader)
Desert Eagle 2d8 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S 9 box Med 4 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
(.50AE autoloader)
Glock 171 2d6 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 17 box Small 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
(9mm autoloader)
MAC Ingram M10 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 30 box Med 6 lb. 15 Res (+2)
(.45 machine pistol)
Pathfinder 2d4 20 Ballistic 20 ft. S 6 cyl. Tiny 1 lb. 14 Lic (+1)
(.22 revolver)
S&W M29 2d8 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 6 cyl. Med 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
(.44 magnum revolver)
TEC-9 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S or A 32 box Med 4 lb. 14 Res (+2)
(9mm machine pistol)
AKM/AK-47 2d8 20 Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box Large 10 lb. 15 Res (+2)
(7.62mmR assault rifle)
Beretta M3P 2d8 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 5 box Large 9 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(12-gauge shotgun)
Browning BPS 2d10 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 5 int. Large 11 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
(10-gauge shotgun)
HK PSG11 2d10 20 Ballistic 90 ft. S 5 box Large 16 lb. 22 Lic (+1)
(7.62mm sniper rifle)
M16A2 2d8 20 Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box Large 8 lb. 16 Res (+2)
(5.56mm assault rifle)
Mossberg 2d8 20 Ballistic 30 ft. S 6 int. Large 7 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
(12-gauge shotgun)
Remington 700 2d10 20 Ballistic 80 ft. Single 5 int. Large 8 lb. 17 Lic (+1)
(7.62mm hunting rifle)
Sawed-off shotgun 2d8 20 Ballistic 10 ft. S 2 int. Med 4 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
(12-ga shotgun)
Uzi 2d6 20 Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 20 box Large 8 lb. 18 Res (+2)
(9mm submachine gun)
Heavy Weapons (each requires the use of the Heavy Weapons skill)
M-60 2d8 20 Ballistic 100 ft. A Linked Huge 22 lb. 21 Mil (+3)
(medium machine gun)
M2HB 2d12 20 Ballistic 110 ft. A Linked Huge 75 lb. 22 Mil (+3)
(heavy machine gun)
M72A3 LAW 10d62 — — 150 ft. 1 1 int. Large 5 lb. 15 Mil (+3)
(rocket launcher)
M79 Varies2 — — 70 ft. 1 1 int. Large 7 lb. 14 Mil (+3)
(grenade launcher)
Other Ranged Weapons (May require Archery or Thrown Weapon skills)
Compound bow 1d8 20 Piercing 40 ft. 1 — Large 3 lb. 10 —
Crossbow (Archery) 1d10 19–20 Piercing 40 ft. 1 1 int. Med 7 lb. 9 —
Flamethrower 3d6 — Fire — 1 10 int. Large 50 lb. 17 Mil (+3)
Javelin 1d6 20 Piercing 30 ft. 1 — Med 2 lb. 4 —
Pepper spray Special2 — Special2 5 ft. 1 1 int. Tiny 0.5 lb. 5 —
Shuriken 1 20 Piercing 10 ft. 1 — Tiny 0.5 lb. 3 —
Taser 1d42 — Electricity 5 ft. 1 1 int. Small 2 lb. 7 —
Whip 1d2 20 Slashing 15 ft.3 1 — Small 2 lb. 4 —
This mastercraft weapon grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls. 2 This weapon does special damage. See the weapon description.
See the description of this weapon for special rules.
Page 148 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
ized for range. However, each full range increment causes a cumula- well. Unlike box magazines, cylinders can’t be removed, and they
tive –2 penalty on the attack roll. Ranged weapons have a maximum must be reloaded by hand. However, most revolvers can be used with
range of ten range increments, except for thrown weapons, which a speed loader. Using a speed loader is much like inserting a box
have a maximum range of five range increments. magazine into a weapon. Without a speed loader, a firearm with a
cylinder magazine must be loaded by hand.
Rate of Fire: Some ranged weapons have a rate of fire of 1, which
simply means they can be employed once per round and then must be Internal: Some weapons keep their ammunition in an internal space,
reloaded or replaced. Firearms, which operate through many differ- which must be loaded by hand. This is the case with most shotguns,
ent forms of internal mechanisms, have varying rates of fire. The three as well as some rifles.
possible rates of fire for handguns, longarms, and heavy weapons are
single shot, semiautomatic, and automatic. Linked: Some machine guns use linked ammunition. The bullets are
chained together with small metal clips, forming a belt. Typically, a
Single Shot: A weapon with the single shot rate of fire requires the belt holds 50 bullets; any number of belts can be clipped together. In
user to manually operate the action (the mechanism that feeds and military units, as the gunner fires, an assistant clips new ammunition
cocks the weapons) between each shot. Pump shotguns and bolt-ac- belts together, keeping the weapon fed.
tion rifles are examples of firearms with single shot rates of fire. A
weapon with the single shot rate of fire can fire only one shot per Size: Size categories for weapons and other objects are defined dif-
attack, even if the user has a feat or other abilities that normally al- ferently from the size categories for creatures. The relationship be-
low more than one shot per attack. tween a weapon’s size and that of its wielder defines whether it can
be used one-handed, if it requires two hands, and if it’s a light weapon.
Semiautomatic (S): Most firearms have the semiautomatic rate of fire.
These firearms feed and cock themselves with each shot. A semiauto- A Medium-size or smaller weapon can be used one-handed or two-
matic weapon fires one shot per attack (effectively acting as a single handed. A Large weapon requires two hands. A Huge weapon re-
shot weapon), but some feats allow characters armed with semiauto- quires two hands and a bipod or other mount.
matic weapons to fire shots in rapid successions, getting in more than
one shot per attack. A Small or smaller weapon is considered a light weapon. It can be
used one-handed and, as a light weapon, is easier to use in your off
Automatic (A): Automatic weapons fire a burst or stream of shots hand.
with a single squeeze of the trigger. Only weapons with the auto-
matic rate of fire can be set on autofire or be used with feats that take Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight when fully loaded.
advantage of automatic fire.
Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire
Magazine: The weapon’s magazine capacity and type are given in the weapon. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include
this column. The amount of ammunition a weapon carries, and hence any modifier for purchasing the weapon on the black market.
how many shots it can fire before needing to be reloaded, is deter-
Restriction: The restriction rating for the weapon, if any, and the ap-
mined by its magazine capacity. How the firearm is reloaded depends
propriate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply
upon its magazine type. The number in this entry is the magazine’s
this modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to
capacity in shots; the word that follows the number indicates the
acquire the weapon on the black market.
magazine type: box, cylinder, or internal. A fourth type, linked, has
an unlimited capacity; for this reason the entry does not also have a
number. Weapons with a dash in this column have no magazines;
Reloading Firearms
they are generally thrown weapons, or weapons (such as bows) that
Reloading a firearm with an already filled box magazine or speed
are loaded as part of the firing process.
loader is a move action. Refilling a box magazine or a speed loader,
Box: A box magazine is any type of magazine that can be removed or reloading a revolver without a speed loader or any weapon with an
and reloaded separately from the weapon. internal magazine, is a full-round action.
Cylinder: A revolver keeps its ammunition in a cylinder, which is Loading a belt of linked ammunition is a full-round action. Linking
part of the weapon and serves as the firing chamber for each round as two belts together is a move action.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 149
Handguns Glock 17
A handgun is a personal firearm that can be used one-handed without The Glock is typical of 9mm self-loading pistols carried by many
penalty. This includes all pistols and some submachine guns and shot- police officers and military personnel.
guns. All handguns require the Personal Firearms Proficiency feat.
Using a handgun without this feat imposes a –4 penalty on attack Due to its high quality of manufacture, the Glock 17 is always con-
rolls. sidered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a +1 bonus on attack
Handguns can be broken down into three smaller groups: autoloaders,
revolvers, and machine pistols. MAC Ingram M10
Autoloaders (sometimes called “automatics”) feature removable box No longer in production, about 10,000 of these small submachine
magazines, and some models hold quite a lot of ammunition. They guns were made and supplied to United States police forces, the U.S.
work by using the energy of a shot fired to throw back a slide, eject Army, Cuba, and Peru. Light pressure on the trigger produces single
the shot’s shell casing, and scoop the next round into the chamber. shots, while increased pressure brings automatic fire.
They are more complex than revolvers, but nevertheless have be-
The M10 accepts a suppressor without modification.
come increasingly popular in the modern age.
Revolvers are relatively simple firearms that store several rounds (usu- Pathfinder
ally six) in a revolving cylinder. As the trigger is pulled, the cylinder
The Pathfinder is a high-quality weapon used as a concealed backup
revolves to bring the next bullet in line with the barrel.
weapon by police officers or for personal defense. The Pathfinder is
Machine pistols are automatic weapons small enough to be fired with typical of a number of short-barreled (3 inches) small-caliber revolv-
one hand. Some are autoloader pistols modified to fire a burst of bul- ers.
lets in a single pull of the trigger, while others are modified submachine
guns, cut down in size and weight to allow one-handed use. S&W M29
Ranged weapons that use box magazines come with one full maga- The Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum revolver fires one of the
zine. most powerful pistol cartridges in the world. The M29 is known for
its deafening sound, bright muzzle flash, and powerful recoil.
Beretta 92F
The standard service pistol of the United States military and many
American law enforcement agencies. The Intratec TEC-9 is an inexpensive machine pistol popular with
criminals because it can be modified (Repair check DC 15) to fire on
Colt M1911 automatic. The pistol only works on semiautomatic fire or, if modi-
fied, only on automatic. Once modified to fire on automatic, the TEC-
This .45 semiautomatic pistol was used by the United States military 9 cannot be changed back to semiautomatic.
for decades until it was recently replaced by the Beretta 92F. Manu-
factured at three locations in the United States alone, the M1911 can Walther PPK
be found all over the world, and is still in use in several other military
forces. The PPK is a small, simple, and reliable autoloader with a design that
dates back to the 1930s. It remains in widespread service among Eu-
Desert Eagle ropean police, military, and government agencies.
sault rifles, shotguns, and most submachine guns. Typical of the assault rifles used by militaries around the world, the
Colt M16A2 is the current service rifle of the United States military,
The basic longarm is the rifle, a group that includes both hunting and is common with other armies and in the civilian world.
rifles and sniper rifles. Most rifles are autoloaders, and they function
internally in a manner very similar to autoloader pistols. Some mod- This weapon features a three-round burst setting. When used with
els are operated manually, however, with the user having to work a the Burst Fire feat, it fires only three bullets instead of five and can be
bolt or lever between each shot. Assault rifles are rifles designed for used with only three bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant
military use and feature automatic as well as semiautomatic fire. the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if a
character uses the setting without the feat, he or she makes a normal
Shotguns are large-bore weapons that primarily fire shells full of small attack, and the extra two bullets are wasted.
projectiles. They tend to be powerful, but only at short range. Reduce
shotgun damage by 1 point for every range increment of the attack. M4 Carbine
Submachine guns are relatively compact longarms that generally fire This is a cut-down version of the Colt M16A2, shortened by about a
pistol ammunition. They can fire on automatic. third by means of a telescoping stock and a shorter barrel.
Longarms are not well suited to close combat. A character takes a –4 Mossberg
penalty on the attack roll when firing at an adjacent target.
The Mossberg Model 500 ATP6C is a pump-action shotgun designed
AKM/AK-47 for military and police work.
This assault rifle of the old Soviet Union is one of the most popular
firearms in the world, having found common use in scores of bush
wars and insurrections—on all sides of such conflicts. Remington 700
Benelli M1 A bolt-action rifle with a reputation for accuracy, the Remington 700
has been popular with hunters and target shooters since its introduc-
The Benelli 121 M1 semiautomatic shotgun is reliable, simple, and tion in the 1940s.
sturdy, with one of the fastest shotgun actions in the world. Many
military and law enforcement agencies use this or similar weapons.
This heavy longarm fires the largest shotgun round available, the 10- This is a 12-gauge, double-barreled shotgun with the stock and bar-
gauge shell. rels sawed short. All that’s left of the stock is a pistol grip, and the
barrels are roughly 12 inches long. Sawed-off shotguns are generally
HK PSG1 illegal; most are homemade by cutting down a standard shotgun.
This high-precision sniper rifle, based on the design of the HK G3, Uzi
has a fully adjustable trigger and stock for individual users. The PSG1
comes with a standard scope. Designed in the 1950s for the Israeli army, the Uzi has become the
most popular submachine gun in the world. It features a collapsible
Due to its high quality of manufacture, the PSG1 is always consid- stock, making it extremely compact.
ered a mastercraft weapon. As such, it grants a +1 bonus on attack
rolls. Heavy Weapons
M16A2 The weapons covered in this section fall under the Exotic Firearms
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 151
Proficiency feat. Someone who wields a heavy weapon without the geting a person or creature). The differences between using the M79
appropriate proficiency takes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls with the and throwing an explosive lie in the range of the weapon (which far
weapon. exceeds the distance a hand grenade can be thrown) and the fact that
the M79 requires a weapon proficiency to operate without penalty.
The Exotic Firearms Proficiency (grenade launchers) feat applies to
Introduced in the Vietnam War era, this medium machine gun is still this weapon.
in widespread use with the U.S. military and that of several other
armies. The Exotic Firearms Proficiency (heavy machine guns) feat Other Ranged Weapons
applies to this weapon.
Ranged weapons that are not firearms include such diverse objects as
M2HB crossbows, tasers, and pepper spray. The feat that provides proficiency
with these weapons varies from weapon to weapon, as indicated on
This heavy-duty .50-caliber machine gun has been in service since Table: Ranged Weapons.
World War II, and remains a very common vehicle-mounted military
weapon around the world. The Exotic Firearms Proficiency (heavy Compound Bow
machine guns) feat applies to this weapon.
Bow hunting remains a popular sport in North America. A character’s
M72A3 LAW Strength modifier applies to damage rolls made when using this
The LAW (light antitank weapon) is a disposable, one-shot rocket
launcher. It comes as a short, telescoped fiberglass and aluminum Crossbow
tube. Before using the weapon, the firer must first arm and extend the
tube, which is a move action. A crossbow requires two hands to use. Pulling a lever draws the bow.
Loading a crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of oppor-
When the LAW hits its target, it explodes like a grenade or other tunity.
explosive, dealing its 10d6 points of damage to all creatures within a
10-foot radius (Base Defense Bonus check, DC 18 for half damage). Flamethrower
Because its explosive features a shaped charge designed to penetrate
the armor of military vehicles, the LAW ignores up to 10 points of A flamethrower consists of a pressurized backpack containing fuel,
hardness if it strikes a vehicle, building, or object. However, this only connected to a tube with a nozzle. It shoots a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-
applies to the target struck, not to other objects within the burst ra- long line of flame that deals 3d6 points of fire damage to all creatures
dius. and objects in its path. No attack roll is necessary, and thus no feat is
needed to operate the weapon effectively. Any creature caught in the
The M72 has a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against a target line of flame can make a Base Defense Bonus check (DC 15) to take
closer than 30 feet away, it does not arm and will not explode. half damage. Creatures with cover get a bonus on their Base Defense
The Exotic Firearms Proficiency (rocket launchers) feat applies to
this weapon. A flamethrower’s backpack has hardness 5 and 5 hit points. When
worn, the backpack has a Defense equal to 9 + the wearer’s Base
M79 Defense Bonus. A backpack reduced to 0 hit points ruptures and ex-
plodes, dealing 6d6 points of fire damage to the wearer (no check
This simple weapon is a single-shot grenade launcher. It fires 40mm allowed) and 3d6 points of splash damage to creatures and objects in
grenades (see under Grenades and Explosives, below). These gre- adjacent 5-foot squares (Base Defense Bonus check, DC 15, for half
nades look like huge bullets an inch and a half across; they can’t be damage).
used as hand grenades, and the M79 can’t shoot hand grenades.
Any creature or flammable object that takes damage from a
Attacking with an M79 is identical to throwing an explosive: you flamethrower catches on fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each
make a ranged attack against a specific 5-foot square (instead of tar- subsequent round until the flames are extinguished. A fire engulfing
Page 152 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
a single creature or object can be doused or smothered as a full-round zor-sharp points. A character may draw a shuriken as a free action.
action. Discharging a fire extinguisher is a move action and instantly
smothers flames in a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. Taser
A flamethrower can shoot 10 times before the fuel supply is depleted. A taser uses springs or compressed air to fire a pair of darts at a
Refilling or replacing a fuel pack has a purchase DC of 13. target. On impact, the darts release a powerful electrical current. On
a successful hit, the darts deal 1d4 points of electricity damage and
the target must make a Stamina check (DC 15) or be paralyzed for
1d6 rounds. Reloading a taser is a full-round action that provokes
Ammunition attacks of opportunity.
This light, flexible spear built for throwing can be used in melee, but 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 7.62mmR, .444, .50
since it’s not designed for it, characters using it in this manner are
always considered nonproficient and take a –4 penalty on their melee These calibers of ammunition are generally used in rifles, assault rifles,
attack rolls. or machine guns, and are sold in boxes of 20 bullets each. The
7.62mmR is used in the AKM and other ex-Soviet weapon types, and
Pepper Spray is not compatible with the larger 7.62mm cartridge. The .50 caliber is
a huge cartridge generally fired from heavy machine guns, but also
A chemical irritant that can temporarily blind a target, pepper spray adapted to a few models of powerful sniper rifles.
comes in a single-shot container. To use it, make a ranged touch at-
tack against the target. The target must make a Stamina check (DC 9mm, 10mm, .22, .32, .38 S, .357, .44, .45, .50AE
15) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
These calibers are generally used in pistols or submachine guns, and
Shuriken are sold in boxes of 50 bullets each. The .50AE pistol round is not
compatible with the much larger .50 rifle-caliber cartridge (see above).
A shuriken is a thrown, star-shaped projectile with four to eight ra-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 153
10-gauge Buckshot, 12-gauge Buckshot A splash weapon is a projectile that bursts on impact, spewing its
contents over an area and damaging any creature or object within that
Shotgun cartridges, also known as buckshot, are sold in boxes of ten. area. Generally, creatures directly hit by splash weapons take the
most damage, while those nearby take less damage. Splash weapons
Arrow usually must be thrown to have effect.
Arrows come in quivers of 12 and are used with the compound bow Explosives and splash weapons require no feat to use with proficiency
and other types of archery weapons. These missile weapons consist unless they are fired or propelled from some sort of launcher or other
of a slender shaft and a pointed head. device, in which case the appropriate Weapon Proficiency feat for the
launcher is necessary to avoid the –4 nonproficient penalty.
Crossbow Bolt
Explosives and Splash Weapons Table
A shaft or missile designed to be shot from a crossbow, bolts come in
quivers of 12. Explosives and splash weapons are described by a number of statis-
tics, as shown on Table: Explosives and Splash Weapons.
Explosives and Splash Damage/Direct Hit Damage: The primary damage dealt by the
Weapons weapon. For explosives, the Damage column shows the damage dealt
to all creatures within the explosive’s burst radius. For splash weap-
These weapons explode or burst, dealing damage to creatures or ob- ons, the Direct Hit Damage column is used for a target directly struck
jects within an area. by the weapon.
Explosives can be thrown or set off in place, depending on the type of Burst Radius/Splash Damage: For explosives, the burst radius is the
explosive device. Dynamite and hand grenades are examples of these area affected by the explosive. All creatures or objects within the
weapons. burst radius take damage from the explosive.
All explosives must be detonated. Some, such as grenades, include For splash weapons, all creatures within 5 feet of the weapon’s im-
built-in detonators. (Pulling the pin on a grenade is a free action.) pact point take splash damage equal to the amount shown in this col-
Others require timers or other devices to set them off. Detonators are umn.
covered in Weapon Accessories.
Damage Type: Damage from explosives and splash weapons is clas-
sified according to type: energy (of a specific type) or slashing. Some
Splash Weapons
Direct Hit Splash Damage Reflex Range Purchase
Weapon Damage Damage Critical2 Type DC Increment Size Wt DC Res
Acid, mild 1d6 1 20 Acid — 10 ft. Tiny 1 lb. 6 —
Molotov cocktail1 1d6 1 20 Fire — 10 ft. Small 1 lb. 6 —
1 This weapon cannot be purchased as an item; the purchase DC given is for the weapon’s components.
2 Threat range applies to direct hits only; splash damage does not threaten a critical hit.
Page 154 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
creatures or characters may be resistant or immune to some forms of The 40mm fragmentation grenade has a minimum range of 40 feet. If
damage. fired against a target closer than 40 feet away, it does not arm and
will not explode.
Critical: The threat range for a critical hit. If the threat is confirmed,
a weapon deals double damage on a critical hit (roll damage twice, as The purchase DC given is for a box of 6 grenades.
if hitting the target two times).
Reflex DC: Any creature caught within the burst radius of an explo-
sive may make a Base Defense Bonus check against the DC given in So-called “plastic” explosives resemble slabs of wax. Hard and trans-
this column for half damage. lucent when cold, these explosives warm up when kneaded, and then
can be coaxed to take various shapes. The information on the table
Range Increment: If the weapon can be thrown, its range increment is represents a 1-pound block. Additional blocks can be wired together,
shown in this column. Explosives with no range increment must be increasing the damage and burst radius; each additional block in-
set in place before being detonated. (See the Demolitions skill) creases the damage by +2d6 and the burst radius by 2 feet, and re-
quires a Demolitions check (DC 15) to link them.
Size: Size categories for weapons and other objects are defined dif-
ferently from the size categories for creatures. The relationship be- Although the damage statistics on the table represent a 1-pound block,
tween a weapon’s size and that of its wielder defines whether it can C4 is sold in 4-block packages. The purchase DC given represents a
be used one-handed, if it requires two hands, and if it’s a light weapon. package of 4 blocks.
A Medium-size or smaller weapon can be used one-handed or two- C4/Semtex requires a detonator to set off. It is considered to be a
handed. moderate explosive for the purpose of using a Craft (chemical) check
to manufacture it.
A Small or smaller weapon is considered a light weapon. It can be
used one-handed and, as a light weapon, is easier to use in a character’s Det Cord
off hand.
Det cord is an explosive in a ropelike form. Technically, det cord
Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight. doesn’t explode—but it burns so fast (4,000 yards per second) that it
might as well be exploding. Normally used to string multiple explo-
Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire sive charges together for simultaneous detonation (allowing a single
the weapon. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include detonator to set them all off), det cord can also be looped around a
any modifier for purchasing the weapon on the black market. tree or post or other object to cut it neatly in half.
Restriction: The restriction rating for the weapon, if any, and the ap- The information on the table represents a 50-foot length. A length of
propriate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply det cord can be spread out to pass through up to ten 5-foot squares.
this modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to When this is the case, it deals the indicated damage to all creatures in
acquire the weapon on the black market. each 5-foot square through which it passes.
Grenades and Explosives It can also be doubled up; for each additional 5 feet of cord within a
single 5-foot square, increase the damage by +1d6 to a maximum
Many explosives require detonators, which are described in Weapon increase of +4d6.
Det cord requires a detonator to set it off. It is considered to be a
40mm Fragmentation Grenade simple explosive for the purpose of using a Craft (chemical) check to
manufacture it.
This small explosive device must be fired from a 40mm grenade
launcher, such as the M79. It sprays shrapnel in all directions when it Dynamite
Perhaps one of the most common and straightforward explosives,
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 155
dynamite is very stable under normal conditions. A stick of dynamite Thermite Grenade
requires a fuse or detonator to set it off. Additional sticks can be set
off at the same time if they are within the burst radius of the first Thermite does not technically explode. Instead, it creates intense heat
stick, increasing the damage and burst radius of the explosion. Each meant to burn or melt through an object upon which the grenade is
additional stick increases the damage by +1d6 (maximum 10d6) and set. Military forces use thermite grenades to quickly destroy key pieces
the burst radius by 5 feet (maximum 20 feet). of equipment.
It’s possible to wire together several sticks of dynamite for even greater The purchase DC given is for a box of 6 grenades.
explosive effect. Doing so requires a Demolitions check (DC 10 + 1
per stick). If the character succeeds on the check, the damage or the Splash Weapons
burst radius of the explosion increases by 50% (the character’s choice).
Many splash weapons, such as Molotov cocktails, are essentially
Dynamite is sold in boxes of 12 sticks. It is considered to be a simple homemade devices (improvised explosives). The purchase DC given
explosive for the purpose of using a Craft (chemical) check to manu- in Table: Explosives and Splash Weapons reflects the typical cost of
facture it. the necessary components. See the Craft (chemical) skill for details
on making improvised explosives.
To set off dynamite using a fuse, the fuse must first be lit, requiring a
move action (and a lighter or other source of flame). The amount of Acid, Mild
time until the dynamite explodes depends on the length of the fuse—
a fuse can be cut short enough for the dynamite to detonate in the A character can throw a flask of acid as a grenadelike weapon. A
same round (allowing it to be used much like a grenade), or long flask is made of ceramic, metal, or glass (depending on the substance
enough to take several minutes to detonate. Cutting the fuse to the it has to hold), with a tight stopper, and holds about 1 pint of liquid.
appropriate length requires a move action. This entry represents any mild caustic substance. Acid may be pur-
chased in many places, including hardware stores.
Smoke Grenade
Molotov Cocktail
Military and police forces use these weapons to create temporary con-
cealment. On the round when it is thrown, a smoke grenade fills the A Molotov cocktail is a flask containing a flammable liquid, plugged
four squares around it with smoke. On the following round, it fills all with a rag. A Molotov cocktail is easily made by hand (Craft [chemi-
squares within 10 feet, and on the third
round it fills all squares within 15 feet.
The smoke obscures all sight, includ- Melee Weapons
ing the darkvision ability granted by
night vision goggles. Any creature Damage Range Purchase
Weapon Damage Critical Type Increment Size Wt DC Res.
within the area has total concealment
(attacks suffer a 50% miss chance, and Bayonet (fixed)1 1d4/1d6 20 Piercing — Large 1 lb. 7 —
the attacker can’t use sight to locate the Brass knuckles 1 20 Bludgeoning — Tiny 1 lb. 5 —
Chain saw 3d6 20 Slashing — Large 10 lb. 9 —
target). It disperses after 10 rounds, Cleaver 1d6 19–20 Slashing — Small 2 lb. 5 —
though a moderate wind (11+ mph) dis- Club 1d6 20 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Med 3 lb. 4 —
perses the smoke in 4 rounds and a Hatchet 1d6 20 Slashing 10 ft. Small 4 lb. 4 —
Katana 2d6 19–20 Slashing — Large 6 lb. 12 —
strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 Knife 1d4 19–20 Piercing 10 ft. Tiny 1 lb. 7 —
round. Smoke grenades are available in Longsword 1d8 19–20 Slashing — Med 4 lb. 11 —
several colors, including white, red, Machete 1d6 19–20 Slashing — Small 2 lb. 5 —
Pistol whip 1d4 20 Bludgeoning — Small — — —
yellow, green, and purple. As such, they Rapier 1d6 18–20 Piercing — Med 3 lb. 10 —
can be used as signal devices. Rifle butt 1d6 20 Bludgeoning — Large — — —
Spear 1d8 20 Piercing — Large 9 lb. 6 —
Sword cane1 1d6 18–20 Piercing — Med 3 lb. 9 —
The purchase DC given is for a box of Tonfa1 1d4 20 Bludgeoning — Med 2 lb. 6 —
6 grenades. 1
See the description of this weapon for special rules.
Page 156 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
cal] check DC 10 or Awareness check Any attack at less than the given range
DC 15). To use it, the rag must first be increment is not penalized for range.
lit, requiring a move action (and a lighter However, each full range increment
or other source of flame). The cocktail causes a cumulative –2 penalty on the
detonates in 2 rounds or on impact with attack roll.
a solid object, whichever comes first. A
target that takes a direct hit is dealt an Size: Size categories for weapons and
additional 1d6 points of fire damage in other objects are defined differently from
the following round and risks catching the size categories for creatures. The re-
on fire. lationship between a weapon’s size and
that of its wielder defines whether it can
be used one-handed, if it requires two
Melee Weapons hands, and if it’s a light weapon.
Melee weapons are used in close com- A Medium-size or smaller weapon can
bat, and they are generally among the be used one-handed or two-handed. A
simplest types of weapons. The feat that Large weapon requires two hands.
provides proficiency with these weap-
ons varies from weapon to weapon; A Small or smaller weapon is considered
some are considered simple weapons a light weapon. It can be used one-handed
(covered by the Simple Weapons Profi- and, as a light weapon, is easier to use in
ciency feat); others are archaic (Archaic a character’s off hand.
Weapons Proficiency) or exotic (Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency).
Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight.
A character’s Strength modifier is always added to a melee weapon’s
attack roll and damage roll. Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire
the weapon.
Melee Weapons Table
Restriction: None of the following melee weapons have restrictions
Melee weapons are described by a number of statistics, as shown on on their purchase.
Table: Melee Weapons.
Melee Weapons Descriptions
Damage: The damage the weapon deals on a successful hit.
These are the descriptions of the various melee weapons that are found
Critical: The threat range for a critical hit. If the threat is confirmed, in the modern world. Through other sources or the GM’s intuition,
a weapon deals double damage on a critical hit (roll damage twice, as almost any weapon can be added to a campaign.
if hitting the target two times).
Bayonet (Fixed)
Damage Type: Melee weapon damage is classified according to type:
bludgeoning (weapons with a blunt striking surface), energy (of a The statistics given describe a bayonet fixed at the end of a longarm
specific type), piercing (weapons with a sharp point), and slashing with an appropriate mount. With the bayonet fixed, the longarm be-
(weapons with an edged blade). Some creatures or characters may be comes a double weapon—clublike at one end and spearlike at the
resistant or immune to some forms of damage. other. A character can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons,
but if the character does so, he or she incurs all the normal attack
Range Increment: Melee weapons that are designed to be thrown can penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, as if using a
be used to make ranged attacks. As such, they have a range increment one-handed weapon and a light weapon.
just as other ranged weapons do—but the maximum range for a thrown
weapon is five range increments instead of ten. Brass Knuckles
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 157
These pieces of molded metal fit over the outside of a character’s wooden nightsticks sometimes carried by police forces.
fingers and allow him or her to deal lethal damage with an unarmed
strike instead of nonlethal damage. A strike with brass knuckles is Hatchet
otherwise considered an unarmed attack.
This light axe is a chopping tool that deals slashing damage when
When used by a character with the Brawl feat, brass knuckles in- employed as a weapon.
crease the base damage dealt by an unarmed strike by +1 and turn the
damage into lethal damage. Longsword
Chain Saw This classic, straight blade is the weapon of knighthood and valor.
Military and police units use powered saws to cut through fences and Katana
open doors rapidly. They are sometimes pressed into service as weap-
ons, often by people who watch too many movies. The katana is the traditional Japanese samurai sword. When used
with the Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency feat, it can be used with
Cleaver one hand. For a wielder without the feat, the katana must be used
with two hands, and the standard –4 nonproficiency penalty applies.
Heavy kitchen knives can be snatched up for use as weapons in homes
and restaurants. These weapons are essentially similar to the twin Knife
butterfly swords used in some kung fu styles.
This category of weapon includes hunting knives, butterfly or
Club “balisong” knives, switchblades, and bayonets (when not attached to
rifles). A character can select the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his or
Almost anything can be used as a club. This entry represents the her Agility modifier instead of Strength modifier to attack rolls with a
Object Size Examples Damage This long-bladed tool looks much like a short, lightweight sword.
This primitive device is a reach weapon. A character can strike oppo- or throw an object one size category larger than him or herself using
nents 10 feet away with it, but can’t use it against an adjacent foe. two hands. An improvised thrown weapon has a range increment of
10 feet. Increase the range increment for creatures of Large size or
Sword Cane larger as follows: Large 15 feet, Huge 30 feet, Gargantuan 60 feet,
Colossal 120 feet.
This is a lightweight, concealed sword that hides its blade in the shaft
of a walking stick or umbrella. Because of this special construction, a Damage: Improvised weapons deal lethal damage based on their size,
sword cane is always considered to be concealed; it is noticed only although the GM may adjust the damage of an object that is espe-
with a Spot check (DC 18). (The walking stick or umbrella is not cially light or heavy for its size. The wielder’s Strength modifier ap-
concealed, only the blade within.) plies only to damage from Tiny or larger improvised weapons; do not
apply the wielder’s Strength modifier to damage from Diminutive
Tonfa objects. Table: Improvised Weapon Damage by Size gives the dam-
age for improvised weapons of varying size. Improvised weapons
This is the melee weapon carried by most police forces, used to sub-
threaten a critical hit on a natural roll of 20. Improvised weapons of
due and restrain criminals. A character can deal nonlethal damage
Fine size deal no damage.
with a tonfa without taking the usual –4 penalty.
Unlike real weapons, improvised weapons are not designed to absorb
Improvised Weapons damage. They tend to shatter, bend, crumple, or fall apart after a few
blows. An improvised weapon has a 50% chance of breaking each
Any portable object can be used as a weapon in a pinch. In most time it deals damage or, in the case of thrown objects, strikes a sur-
cases, an object can be wielded either as a melee weapon or a ranged face (such as a wall) or an object larger than itself.
Equipment Nonprof. Maximum Armor Speed Purchase
Armor Type Bonus Bonus Dex Bonus Penalty Mod. Weight DC Restriction
Light Armor
Leather jacket Impromptu +1 +1 +8 –0 -0 4 lb. 10 —
Leather armor Archaic +2 +1 +6 –0 -0 15 lb. 12 —
Light undercover shirt Concealable +2 +1 +7 –0 -0 2 lb. 13 Lic (+1)
Medium Armor
Concealable vest Concealable +4 +2 +4 –3 -1 4 lb. 15 Lic (+1)
Chainmail shirt Archaic +5 +2 +2 –5 -3 40 lb. 18 —
Light-duty vest Tactical +5 +2 +3 –4 0 8 lb. 16 Lic (+1)
Tactical vest Tactical +6 +2 +2 –5 0 10 lb. 17 Lic (+1)
Heavy Armor
Special response vest Tactical +7 +3 +1 –6 -3 15 lb. 18 Lic (+1)
Plate mail Archaic +8 +3 +1 –6 -3 50 lb. 23 —
Forced entry unit Tactical +9 +3 +0 –8 -3 20 lb. 19 Lic (+1)
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 159
Armor Table armor. The character can never be reduced to zero movement. They
will always keep a minimum of 1 movement.
Armor is described by a number of statistics, as shown on Table:
Armor. Weight: This column gives the armor’s weight.
Type: Armor comes in four types: archaic, impromptu, concealable, Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire
and tactical. the armor. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include
any modifier for purchasing the armor on the black market.
Archaic armor is old-fashioned armor, such as medieval chainmail
and plate mail. Restriction: The restriction rating for the armor, if any, and the appro-
priate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply this
Impromptu armor includes items that provide protection even though modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to acquire
they weren’t designed for that purpose, such as leather biker’s jack- the armor on the black market.
ets and football pads.
Light Armor
Concealable armor is modern body armor designed to fit underneath
regular clothing. It can be worn for extended periods of time without For the character who doesn’t want to be bogged down by more cum-
fatiguing the wearer. bersome armor types, a leather garment or some sort of concealable
armor is just the ticket.
Tactical armor is modern body armor that fits over clothing and can’t
be easily concealed. Its weight and bulk make it impractical to wear Leather Jacket
all the time, and it’s generally only donned when a specific dangerous
confrontation is likely. Because it’s worn over clothing in tactical This armor is represented by a heavy leather biker’s jacket. A num-
situations, tactical armor often has pockets, clips, and velcro attach- ber of other impromptu armors, such as a football pads and a baseball
ment points for carrying weapons, grenades, ammunition, flashlights, catcher’s pads, offer similar protection and game statistics.
first aid kits, and other items.
Leather Armor
Equipment Bonus: The protective value of the armor. This bonus adds
to the wearer’s Defense. This archaic armor consists of a breastplate made of thick, lacquered
leather, along with softer leather coverings for other parts of the body.
Nonproficient Bonus: The maximum amount of the armor’s equipment
bonus that can be applied to the wearer’s Defense if the wearer is Light Undercover Shirt
using armor with which he or she isn’t proficient (doesn’t have the
appropriate feat). Designed for deep undercover work in which it’s critical that the
wearer not appear to be armed or armored, this garment consists of a
Maximum Dex Bonus: This number is the maximum Agility bonus T-shirt with a band of light protective material sewn in around the
to Defense that this type of armor allows. Heavier armor limits mo- lower torso.
bility, reducing a character’s ability to avoid attacks.
Medium Armor
Even if A character’s Agility bonus drops to +0 because of armor, the
character are not considered to have lost his or her Agility bonus. Most medium armor (except for the archaic chainmail shirt) is not
terribly heavy, but nonetheless provides a significant amount of pro-
Armor Penalty: The heavier or bulkier the armor, the more it affects tection—at the expense of some speed.
certain skills. This penalty applies to checks involving the following
skills: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Concealable Vest
and Tumble.
Standard issue in many police forces, this vest provides maximum
Speed: Medium and heavy armor slows a character down. The num- protection in a garment that can be worn all day long under regular
ber in this column is the modifier to the character’s speed while in clothing. While it may go unnoticed by a quick glance, it is usually
Page 160 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
visible to anyone looking closely for it, granting a +4 bonus on Spot consists of a heavy torso jacket with ceramic plates over the chest
checks to notice the armor. and back, neck and groin guards, arm protection, and a helmet. Heavy
and cumbersome, this armor is generally only donned by tactical of-
Chainmail Shirt ficers heading into a dangerous assault.
Top Hit Purchase
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init Maneuver Speed Def. Armor Pts Size DC Restriction
Civilian Aircraft
Bell Jet Ranger (helicopter) 1 4 250 lb. –4 –4 245 (25) 6 5 28 G 39 Lic (+1)
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (prop plane) 1 3 120 lb. –4 –4 210 (21) 6 5 30 G 36 Lic (+1)
Learjet Model 45 (corporate jet) 2 10 500 lb. –4 –4 1,100 (110) 6 5 44 G 40 Lic (+1)
Civilian Cars
Acura 3.2 TL (mid-size sedan) 1 4 300 lb. –2 –1 265 (26) 8 5 34 H 29 Lic (+1)
(sports coupe)
BMW M3 (sports coupe) 1 4 200 lb. –2 +1 275 (27) 8 5 32 H 30 Lic (+1)
Chevrolet Corvette (sports coupe) 1 1 250 lb. –2 +0 310 (31) 8 5 32 H 30 Lic (+1)
Ford Crown Victoria 1 5 425 lb. –2 –1 185 (18) 8 5 34 H 28 Lic (+1)
(mid-size sedan)
Lamborghini Diablo (sports coupe) 1 1 100 lb. –2 +1 360 (36) 8 5 34 H 37 Lic (+1)
Volkswagen Jetta (mid-size wagon) 1 4 275 lb. –2 +0 230 (23) 8 5 32 H 28 Lic (+1)
Civilian Motorcycles
Ducati 998R (racing bike) 1 0 0 lb. +0 +3 370 (37) 10 5 18 M 27 Lic (+1)
Harley Davidson FLSTF 1 1 0 lb. –1 +1 275 (27) 9 5 22 L 26 Lic (+1)
(street bike)
Civilian Trucks
AM General Hummer (SUV) 1 3 1,000 lb. –2 –2 140 (14) 8 5 38 H 34 Lic (+1)
Chevrolet Suburban (SUV) 1 8 500 lb. –2 –2 175 (17) 8 5 38 H 30 Lic (+1)
Dodge Caravan (minivan) 1 4 325 lb. –2 –2 195 (19) 8 5 34 H 28 Lic (+1)
Ford Escape XLT (SUV) 1 4 300 lb. –2 –2 200 (20) 8 5 32 H 29 Lic (+1)
Ford F-150 XL (pickup) 1 2 1,700 lb. –2 –2 175 (17) 8 5 36 H 28 Lic (+1)
Passengers: The number of passengers (in addition to the crew) the with the vehicle.
vehicle is designed to carry. Vehicles that carry passengers can use
that space to carry additional cargo when passengers aren’t present. Top Speed: The maximum number of squares the vehicle can cover in
Each unused passenger slot allows the vehicle to carry an additional 1 round at character scale (with the number of squares at chase scale
100 pounds of cargo. in parentheses). This is the fastest the vehicle can move.
Cargo Capacity: The amount of cargo the vehicle is designed to carry. Defense: The vehicle’s Defense.
Many vehicles can carry extra passengers instead of cargo, but doing
so is usually a cramped, uncomfortable, and often unsafe experience Armor: The vehicle’s armor. Subtract this number from any damage
for those passengers. As a rule of thumb, one additional passenger dealt to the vehicle.
can be carried for each 250 pounds of unused cargo capacity.
Hit Points: The vehicle’s full normal hit points.
Initiative: The modifier added to the driver’s or pilot’s initiative check
Size: Vehicle size categories are defined differently from the size cat-
when operating the vehicle.
egories for weapons and other objects.
Maneuver: The modifier added to any Drive or Pilot checks attempted
Page 162 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Purchase DC: This is the purchase DC for a Wealth check to acquire set on the fuselage above and behind the wings, provide the power.
the vehicle. This number reflects the base price and doesn’t include The interior includes luxury accommodations and a lavatory. It pro-
any modifier for purchasing the vehicle on the black market. vides three-quarters cover for crew and nine-tenths cover for passen-
Restriction: The restriction rating for the vehicle, if any, and the ap-
propriate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply Civilian Cars
this modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to
acquire the vehicle on the black market. Most new civilian cars include such standard features as air condi-
tioning, air bags, antilock brakes, cruise control, keyless entry, and
Civilian Aircraft an AM/FM radio with CD player. Luxury vehicles often also include
extras such as heated side mirrors, power seats, leather upholstery,
All aircraft, from one-seaters to jumbo jets, are controlled by the use and sunroofs. In general, these luxury amenities can be added to a
of the Pilot skill. A few examples are provided here from the variety nonluxury car with an increase of 1 to the vehicle’s purchase DC.
of airgoing vehicles that might be available to characters.
Unless otherwise noted, civilian cars provide three-quarters cover for
Bell Jet Ranger their occupants (although passengers who lean out of windows or
sunroofs, perhaps to fire weapons, may be reduced to one-half or even
This is perhaps the most common civilian helicopter worldwide; it one-quarter cover).
has also been adopted by many military forces as a light utility heli-
copter. It provides three-quarters cover for crew and passengers. Acura 3.2 TL
Cessna 172 Skyhawk The 3.2 TL is a four-door luxury sedan.
This is a sleek business jet introduced in the late 90s. Two turbofans, Chevrolet Corvette
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 163
The Corvette is a two-door sports car equipped with a 5.7-liter, 350- rugged as the military version.
horsepower V8 engine.
The military version can be configured in a variety of ways, including
Ford Crown Victoria a two-door pickup, a four-door pickup with a short bed, and a com-
pletely enclosed, SUVlike body with a hatchback and four doors. It
The Crown Victoria is a large four-door family sedan equipped with lacks the luxury accessories of the civilian version, but it is equipped
a 4.6-liter, 220-horsepower V8 engine. Large and durable, it is a fa- with puncture-resistant tires.
vorite of police forces (police cruisers are commonly Crown Victorias).
Chevrolet Suburban
Lamborghini Diablo
One of the largest sport utility vans on the market, the Suburban is a
The Diablo is a top-of-the-line exotic sports car—a two-door coupe four-door truck equipped with a standard 6.0-liter, 320-horsepower
equipped with a standard 6.0-liter, 550-horsepower V12 engine. V8 engine. It is two squares wide and four squares long.
This is a top-of-the-line street bike with a strong heritage of winning This two-door pickup truck has a 4.2-liter, 202-horsepower V6 en-
races. gine.
chapter 14:
Character advancement is unnecessary in a short adventure, but dur-
ing a lengthy campaign, players may wish to improve their charac-
ters. Advancement is not a requirement, but it can reflect the charac-
ters’ learned knowledge through conflicts with the environment, with
other characters or NPCs, or even with themselves.
Base Award
All players who participate in a game session should earn a number
“Blessed is the man that endur
that eth
endureth of XP equal to 100 times the average character Level (not class Level)
of the characters in the group.
temptation: for when he is tr
tempta ied, he
shall receiv
receive the cr
eceive own of life.
cro “ Overcoming Conflict
When determining the XP awards for conflict, GMs must remember
James 1:12 that conflict does not necessarily mean combat. While combat is a
type of conflict, it is not the only form. Solving a mystery, saving
someone from a raging fire, escaping a magician’s death trap, negoti-
ating the release of hostages, or other similar situations where the
character is pitted against an opposing force, is considered conflict.
Any situation where there is a consequence for the character failing
his or her attempted course of action is conflict.
For conflicts of note, GMs should award a number of XP, which rep-
resents the characters learning from the events. All characters in-
volved in a conflict earn the XP, regardless of their involvement. For
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 165
This award should be provided per conflict overcome but GMs should
keep in mind that the average 4- to 6-hour game session usually has
one or two conflicts-of-note — most situations are covered through
the base XP award.
Failing in Conflict
Characters can learn something even when they fail — what not to
do. When characters fail to overcome conflict, GMs should provide a
bonus equal to 10% of the base award for a minor conflict, 20% of
the base award for a moderate conflict, or 30% for a superior conflict
(round down).
Exceptional Role-Playing
Exceptionally talented or active players (those who remain true-to-
character, encourage other players to participate, help advance the
Page 166 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
plot of the game, etc.) may earn a bonus XP award. When a player Character Point Cost
does a good job role-playing his or her character, the GM should Name CP
provide a bonus equal to half the base award. For strong role-play- Primary Ability Modifiers 2
ing, a bonus equal to the base award should be provided. For excep- Secondary Ability Modifiers 3
tional role-playing, a bonus equal to 1.5 to 2 times the base award Skill Points 1
should be provided. GMs should not feel obliged to provide this award Feats 2
Attributes Varies
— it is only for role-playing that stands out. The base award covers
Defect Removal Varies
players who simply show up for the game and role-play adequately.
Character Points
When a character gains a level, they gain 5 character points. This is
to represent their growing ability in the trials that they face in each
session. The player may use these any points in anyway to increase
some value of the character. While the player is not obligated to spend
all their points at once, they can only spend points before or after a
game session. Also, angel characters have one recourse for their Faith
Levels. They cannot take the new level, give up all the XP and gain
no CP to remove one Faith Level.
Level-Dependent Benefits
Character XP Maximum Skill
Level (Experience) Ranks
1 0 4
2 1,000 5
3 3,000 6
4 6,000 7
5 10,000 8
6 15,000 9
7 21,000 10
8 28,000 11
9 36,000 12
10 45,000 13
11 55,000 14
12 66,000 15
13 78,000 16
14 91,000 17
15 105,000 18
16 120,000 19
17 136,000 20
18 153,000 21
19 171,000 22
20 190,000 23
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 167
chapter 15:
Task Resolutions
and Combat
In a role-playing game, most character or NPC actions do not require
any particular rules. A player simply says his or her character walks
across a room, picks up an object, drives a vehicle, or talks to some-
one, etc., and if the GM agrees that it is possible, this simply hap-
pens. Personal interaction between characters or NPCs normally con-
sists of the players and GM talking “in character” and describing
what their characters are doing. In the GM’s case, he or she describes
what the characters are seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tast-
“And lead us no
nott into tempt
into temptaation, but A character’s Primary Ability Modifiers, Secondary Abilities, At-
tributes, Skills, Feats and other values help resolve these dramatic
deliver us fr
deliver vil one.”
om the eevil
from questions. In many cases, dice rolls can add additional hazard and
drama to the action. The dice rolls represent elements beyond the
Matthew 6:13 direct control of the character or the uncertainty that results when
opposing characters interact.
One situation the rules cover in greater detail is combat. The rules for
combat are extensive, giving players a greater sense that they are in
control of their characters’ every step. If they lose, they will know the
Page 168 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
GM has not arbitrarily killed or injured their characters. The GM can between three characters that roll an 11, 19, and 24, the combat round
also follow a similar procedure with any other actions that affect a has 24 Initiatives. The round remains 6 seconds in length, but for the
character’s fate: treat routine activities in passing and delve into more purposes of action within the conflict, there are 24 potential indi-
detail whenever an action influences the player character physically vidual moments — 24 instances where a character could decide to
or emotionally. act.
his or her character performs, while the GM rolls the dice to deter- for the action.
mine the results of NPC actions when they impact the characters. In
situations where NPCs are only involved with other NPCs, the GM Roll dice when...
should simply decide what happens rather than rolling dice. • the unpredictability of dice adds to the excitement
of the game
In some circumstances, the GM may roll the dice to determine the • the action is foreign to the character
results of a character’s action instead of having a player roll, keeping • the action has been a weakness for the character
the actual dice roll — and the reason for rolling — secret. This is in the past
• the character is distracted or cannot concentrate
normally done when the player rolling would give away an event that
• another character or NPC is working directly
should remain unknown to the character. If, for example, there is some-
against the character
thing hidden that the character may or may not notice, the GM can • the action is not of trivial difficulty
secretly roll dice to see if the character spots it. If the GM allowed the • outside forces influence the actions
player to roll the dice, the player would know that a clue existed even • the player wants to roll the dice
if the character did not succeed in noticing it. Do not roll dice when...
• a roll would reduce the enjoyment of the game
Should I Make My Players Roll Dice? • the action is routine for the character
• the action requires a trivial amount of talent com-
It is important for the GM to realise that not all actions require a dice pared to the character’s Skill rank
roll. Obviously mundane character activities, such as hammering a
nail, riding a horse down a road, or eating lunch, should never need Ability Checks
dice rolls unless there are exceptional circumstances surrounding the
character’s actions. In other situations, the necessity to roll dice is
An Ability check is used when the GM believes that innate ability is
less obvious. If a character is virtually guaranteed to succeed at a
more important than any learned expertise or combat capability. Dur-
task, then the GM should consider whether the check is really neces-
ing an Ability check, the GM decides which Ability Modifier would
sary. While it is true that the character might fail, having the player
be most relevant to the action in question. For actions that fall under
roll the dice will slow the game down. Thus, GMs should recognise
the domain of an Attribute, the relevant Ability Modifier is usually
when a character is almost certainly going to succeed at a task and, in
given in the Attribute description.
those situations, not request the check and allow game play to con-
tinue, uninterrupted. A successful Ability check involves the player rolling equal to or
greater than the difficulty class for the given task with 1d20 + the
Conversely, one might think that if a character only succeeds if the
character’s modifier for the applicable Ability Modifier. DCs usually
player rolls a 20, then the GM should similarly not request a check
fall between 5 (rather easy task) and 30 (very challenging task) though
and, instead, state that the action fails. This, however, is not the case
they can certainly be higher for exceptionally difficult or near impos-
— player characters should always be given that one slim chance of
sible tasks.
success, even at difficult tasks that seem doomed to
failure (with the exception of tasks that the GM deems
impossible). While the dice roll may slow game-play Degrees of Success
down a bit, that slim chance of success allows charac-
ters to accomplish heroic feats that will be remembered Roll is less than the DC by 16+ Overwhelming Failure
for years. GMs may wish to allow only player charac- Roll is less than the DC by 11 to 15 Extreme Failure
ters to make this roll, even in the face of near-certain Roll is less than the DC by 7 to 10 Major Failure
failure — since NPCs are not the stars of the game, Roll is less than the DC by 4 to 6 Minor Failure
they should not be allowed the same chance of pulling Roll is less than the DC by 1 to 3 Marginal Failure
off superhuman feats. Roll is equal to or 1 greater than the DC Marginal Success
Roll is greater than the DC by 2 or 3 Minor Success
The following is a list of suggestions when the dice Roll is greater than the DC by 4 to 6 Major Success
Roll is greater than the DC by 7 to 10 Extreme Success
should and should not be rolled. If a check is unneces-
Roll is greater than the DC by 11+ Overwhelming Success
sary, the character should gain an automatic success
Page 170 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
training), the character automatically succeeds. ered the leader of the effort and makes a Skill check against the as-
signed DC, while each helper makes a Skill check against DC 10 (the
For example, a character who is attempting to break the coding on a character can’t take 10 on this check). For each helper who succeeds,
computer disk to read the top secret files can take a 20 — nothing bad the leader gets a +2 circumstance bonus to his or her Skill check. In
will happen if the character fails and the character has all the time in many cases, a character’s help won’t be beneficial, or only a limited
the world to slowly break the code. If the character had to break the number of characters can help at once. The GM limits co-operation
code in ten minutes to learn the location of the bomb that is about to as she sees fit for the given conditions.
explode, however, he or she could not take a 20. The character is
working against the clock and doesn’t have the luxury of slowly puz- Skill Synergy
zling the coding out. Further, if the character was instead attempting
to disarm the explosive, he or she similarly could not take a 20 since It is possible for a character to have two Skills that work well to-
failure will probably result in the bomb exploding. gether, such as Investigate and Knowledge: Streetwise, or Computer
Use and Open Lock for a computerised lock. Having 5 or more Ranks
Skill Checks in one Skill gives the character a +2 synergy bonus on Skill checks
with its synergistic Skills, as determined by the situation and the GM.
A Skill check is similar to an Ability check, except it is used when
the task is one that the GM decides would be governed by both a Unskilled Attempts
particular ability and a particular Skill. For example, if a task re-
Often, a character will attempt an action for which he or she does not
quired general intellectual ability (such as remembering the name of
possess the relative Skill.
a person the character had met), an Awareness check would be made.
Determining the origin of a rare alien species would also require an
Awareness check, but this task is governed by the Knowledge: Bio-
Familiar Action
logical Sciences Skill (more specifically, the Xenobiology
If the character is undertaking a familiar action, the Skill check is
Specialisation, if Specialisation optional rule is used). In game termi-
unchanged — the task is treated as a simple Ability check without a
nology, this task would require a “Awareness-based Knowledge: Bio-
bonus from the relevant Skill. The familiarity should have been es-
logical Sciences (Xenobiology) Skill check.”
tablished previously, such as in the character’s background story, or
The DC of a Skill check is determined by the difficulty of the task. If be consistent with the character’s role within the setting. The player
the character possesses the appropriate Skill (even without the exact should explain to the GM why his or her character is familiar with
Specialisation), he or she receives a bonus to the check. This bonus is the current task. The GM, of course, has final say whether the char-
equal to the character’s Skill Rank (if the task does not fall under his acter is sufficiently familiar to avoid an unfamiliar action penalty.
or her Specialisation) or one more than the character’s Skill Rank (if
For example, a student who attends university to study astronomy
his or her Specialisation does apply). A successful Skill check in-
undoubtedly has at least a cursory familiarity with many academic
volves the player rolling equal to or greater than the DC.
fields. Similarly, almost all characters living in New York City will
The GM is responsible for deciding which Ability Modifier, Skill, be familiar with the process of driving a car, even if they do not pos-
and specialisation are relevant to a particular task, using the Ability sess the Drive Skill; in North America, attempting car-related actions
Modifier and Skill descriptions given in Chapter 7: Skills. Since these is familiar to nearly everyone. A hermit living in the depths of the
questions can often be tricky, the GM should listen to the player’s Amazon, however, is likely not familiar with motor vehicles and there-
reasoning why a particular Skill or Specialisation might apply. The fore driving would be an unfamiliar action.
final decision belongs to the GM, however.
Unfamiliar Action
Combining Skill Checks
If the character is undertaking an action with which he or she is unfa-
When more than one character tries the same Skill at the same time miliar, the task should be treated as a normal Ability check with an
towards the same goal, their efforts may overlap — they can work unskilled penalty applied to the roll. This reflects how difficult it is
together and help each other out. In this case, one character is consid- for an unskilled character to accomplish the task. The unskilled pen-
alty should range from -2 to -10, depending on how much the GM
Page 172 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
feels training is required and how background aspects of the charac- In some situations, it is important to know how many Attributes a
ter could affect the attempt. The DC does not change; rather, the character can activate at one time and how quickly he or she can
character’s chance of succeeding is reduced. activate the Attribute. Innate Attributes, such as Armor or Super-
strength, are considered always active, unless the character selects a
For example, keeping a plane in the air after the cabin crew suddenly Restriction Defect whereby the Attribute is not always active. Pow-
falls unconscious is a daunting task for anyone who is not trained as a ers which must be activated but do not usually require a dice roll,
pilot. An average character might therefore suffer a -8 penalty to the such as Force Field, can be activated at a rate of one per Initiative
check. A character that is an aficionado of combat jets and aircraft starting on the character’s Initiative roll; these activations do not re-
documentaries might only suffer a -4 penalty ... even if he or she has quire the character to use an action. Powers that must be activated
never actually piloted a plane before. and do require a dice roll demand focus, and thus the character must
spend one or more actions to activate the Attribute. A character can
Required Skill have any number of Attributes active at any moment, though GMs
may wish to impose penalties if the character is focusing on too many
The GM may decide certain tasks automatically fail when performed things. It is usually obvious which Attributes fall into which cat-
by characters lacking the required Skill. Examples of required Skill egory, but the final classification is at the Game Master’s discretion.
activities include: performing brain surgery, deciphering ancient hi-
eroglyphics, concocting an antidote for a poison, estimating the value Using Attributes at Reduced Ranks
of a rare piece of art, etc.
Unless a character assigns the Maximum Force Defect to an Attribute,
Power Usage Skills he or she can voluntarily use the Attribute at reduced Attribute Ranks.
For example, a Ninja with Rank 6 Teleport (maximum safe distance
Some characters may select the Power Usage Skill for one or more of of 1,000 miles) could choose to teleport any distance up to 1,000
their Powers. This Skill provides a bonus when the character makes miles.
any check involving the specific Power. Unlike other Skills, Power
Usage does not provide an additional +1 bonus for Specialisations. Fractional Attribute Use
For example, a teleporter with an Awareness of 16 (+3 bonus) and
the Power Usage: Teleportation Skill at Rank 4 (+4 bonus) makes The GM might also allow the character to use a fraction of an
Teleportation checks with a +7 bonus. Attribute’s effect. A character with Rank 4 Insubstantial, for instance,
may only want to turn a single body part, such as a hand or head,
Using Attributes incorporeal. The GM could decide that fractional Attribute use is
more or less difficult than using an Attribute’s full effect, assigning
If an Attribute does not specifically require an Ability check, Skill appropriate modifiers to the Attribute’s use.
check, or a combat check, GMs can assume they function automati-
cally in most situations, though the Game Master may decide that a Combat
check is necessary in unusual circumstances. For example, a charac-
ter with the Aura of Command always commands some attention, but Conflict is an essential component of any role-playing game. Physi-
the GM might require a Presence check were he or she attempting to cal conflict, or combat, is an important element of the Celestius Ex,
convince someone to do something specific. but important is not the same as frequent. Combat should be a vital
element of a scene, and not just a distraction that the GM uses to pass
Certain Attributes occasionally require checks (sometimes Skill the time.
checks) to properly use the Attribute. Other Attributes provide
favourable modifiers to Ability checks or Skill checks. If an Attribute The combat rules for this RPG were designed to mimic dynamic, fast-
interacts with Ability or Skill checks, this is noted in the Attribute’s paced combat. Whenever a character enters physical conflict with
description in Character Creation. another character or NPC, the physical Combat Phase begins. Each
round of combat covers 6 seconds of time from the characters’ per-
Attributes and Actions spectives, depending on the characters’ actions and the circumstances.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 173
The game uses combat skills in addition to combat feats. Offensive If a character holds one or more actions until the end of a round and
combat skills are treated exactly like skills for any other action — does not act, he or she acts on the first Initiative in the next round.
they serve as a bonus to a character’s dice roll. In combat, the charac- The character does not gain an additional action — he or she simply
ters will add together the relevant combat skill, the Base Attack Bo- acts first regardless of Initiative rolls. All held actions occur during
nus, any combat feat modifier, a relevant attribute modifier, the rel- the first Initiative. If two (or more) characters hold their actions until
evant Ability modifier, and a rolled 1d20. Defensive combat skills the following round, then both characters act simultaneously (assum-
are applied to the character’s Defense roll when defending in an ap- ing neither continues to hold their action) and then everyone else in-
propriate situation. The character should add the Defense skill, the volved in the combat acts based on Initiative rolls.
Agility modifier, a combat feat modifier, a relevant attribute modifier,
and a rolled 1d20. Character Action
For example, a character with Defense Combat Mastery at Rank 2, a Characters act in the sequence determined by the Initiative roll. When
Agility of 11, and Melee Defense (Sword) at Rank 3 is wielding a it is time for a character to act, he or she may make one offensive
sword and attacked by an opponent in melee combat. His Defense is action (i.e. attack) or one non-combat action, unless the character has
normally 2 (+0 Agi modifier and +2 from the Defense Combat Mas- the Extra Attacks Attribute. Attacks are normally against a single
tery). When defending with his sword, he gains a +4 bonus to his target, though some weapons or attack Abilities may allow the char-
Defense roll (+3 for the Melee Defense Skill Rank, and +1 for the acter to engage multiple targets simultaneously.
Sword Specialisation), but only against melee or unarmed attacks. If
another character attacks him with a gun, thus initiating a ranged Before rolling the dice, the player should clearly describe the method
combat attack, he makes a Defense roll without a bonus since he does of attack, the weapon his or her character uses (if any), and the target.
not have the Ranged Defense Skill. If the character is trying something unusual (such as a Called Shot or
Page 174 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
attacking with two weapons), he or she should specify this before- may attempt to use one attack to strike multiple targets. For each
hand. additional target beyond the first, the character suffers a -4 check
penalty. Only one attack check is made not one check per target. Each
To successfully attack an opponent, the player (or GM for an NPC) target, however, is allowed to make a Defense check as normal. Ad-
must roll equal to or greater than the target’s Defense. Remember to ditionally, the damage inflicted to each target is reduced by one half.
include all relevant Attribute, Skill, Defect, and Weapon Abilities/ For example, if a character attempted to swing his sword and strike
Disabilities. three people in one blow, he would make one attack check with an -8
penalty (-4 for each of the two extra targets). If he successfully hits
If the Attack check succeeds, the character is on target and will hit any of the targets, his damage is reduced by half. Characters with
unless the opponent can defend against the attack. Refer to Defense certain Feats (for example, Cleave or Whirlwind Attack) are exempt
checks for more information. If the target fails the Defense roll or from these penalties.
does not defend at all, he or she suffers the effects of the attack. This
is normally damage and/or any other special effects associated with Attacking Multiple Weaker Opponents
the attack. To reflect some of the brutally successful attacks demon-
strated in real life, movies and TV series, a natural dice roll of 20 is a Sometimes a character wants to attack multiple significantly weaker
critical success and cannot be negated by an opponent’s Defense. opponents with one offensive action. This action is very cinematic
(representative of a powerful warrior battling hoards of lowly min-
If an Attack check fails, the character has missed. The attacker’s ac- ions), and consequently the attack penalties are not as severe. For
tion is over, and the attack has no effect, though a miss with a ranged each additional target that is at least 5 character Levels lower than
weapon may cause collateral damage if the shot strikes somewhere the attacker, the penalty is only -2 instead of -4. The attacker does not
else instead (this is up to the GM). A natural roll of 1 will always suffer any penalties for each additional target that is at least 10 char-
miss and may result in an exceptional failure, such as hitting an inno- acter Ranks lower than the attacker.
cent bystander or a weapon malfunctioning.
For example, a techie uses her powerful Item of Power to combat a
Range Increment hoard of 8 soldiers with the following Levels: 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, and 8.
The techie suffers no penalty for the two Level 1 and two Level 2
Melee attacks are only usable against adjacent opponents within touch- Soldier (since they are at least 10 Levels lower than she), a -2 penalty
ing distance (usually five to ten feet). This is the range for swords, for the two Level 4 and one Level 6 Soldier (since they are at least 5
melee combat, etc. Levels lower), and a full -4 for the Level 8 solder (since he is only 4
Levels lower, which is less than 5). The final attack check penalty the
The range penalty for a ranged weapon is called a range increment. It Techie suffers for her one attack is -10 (-2 -2 -2 -4 = -10).
depends on what weapon the character is using and how far away the
target is. All ranged weapons and thrown weapons have a range in- Attacks With Two Weapons
crement (see Table: Ranged Weapons and Table: Melee Weapons).
Any attack from a distance of less than one range increment is not A character with a one-handed weapon in each hand may use both at
penalized for range. However, each full range increment causes a once against the same target or attack two different targets (even if he
cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll. A thrown weapon has a or she does not have Extra Attacks) but at a severe penalty to both
maximum range of five range increments. Ranged weapons that fire checks. A two-weapon attack incurs a -6 penalty for the primary or
projectiles can shoot up to ten increments. first hand and a -10 for the other hand (the off hand). An additional -
2 penalty is applied on each attack (-8 and -12 penalties) if the at-
Special Combat Situations tacks are aimed at different targets. If a character has Extra Attacks,
he or she can only use this option with one attack and not every at-
The following are special situations that can occur during combat. tack.
Attacking Multiple Targets with One Attack The penalty applied to the off hand attack is reduced by 4 if the char-
acter has the Ambidexterity Feat. Additionally, each time the Two-
When a character absolutely must take down a number of targets but Weapon Fighting Feat is assigned, penalties applied to both attacks
he or she does not have enough Extra Attacks to do so, the character are reduced by 2.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 175
An attacking character may opt to suffer a penalty to hit in exchange If the character knows his or her enemy has a Weak Point Defect, a
for a Called Shot that provides some special advantage. For example, Called Shot can be made to hit it in combat. The attack check penalty
a Called Shot may ignore Armor (by attacking a small, unarmored depends on the size of the Weak Point: a tiny spot gives a -6 penalty;
spot) or strike a vital point, inflicting greater-than-normal damage a small spot gives a -4 penalty; and a large spot gives a -2 penalty.
results. Players must specify a Called Shot before rolling the dice.
Combined Attacks
Called Shot - Disarming
Sometimes, characters will find themselves facing an extremely tough
A character may attempt to shoot or knock a weapon out of another opponent whose Armor or Force Field is tough enough to prevent the
person’s hand. If using a ranged attack, this requires an attack at an - characters from inflicting harm. In these situations, characters will
8 penalty. If the attack hits, the character knocks away the weapon often co-ordinate their attacks, attempting to strike the same point at
(probably damaging it). If using a melee weapon or unarmed attack the same time in the hopes of overwhelming the target’s Defenses.
to disarm, the character only suffers a -4 penalty, but the target may For each character attempting a combined attack after the first, the
make a Strength check to retain control of the weapon. If the check attackers each suffer a -2 penalty to their attack check. Each charac-
succeeds, the weapon’s user still suffers a -4 penalty on his or her ter must hold his or her attack until the slowest character’s Initiative
next action with that weapon (since it is off balance), but he or she (or later) before launching the attack. Each character makes an at-
retains control of it. tack check to see if he or she hits the target. If the character hits, he or
she determines how much damage is inflicted by the attack normally.
Called Shot to Partial Armor All successful attackers combine their damage values into one total
and this amount is inflicted upon the target as if from one attack.
Some armor may provide partial protection, like a flak vest only pro-
tecting a person’s torso. An attack aimed at a thin or unarmored area If one attack fails to hit with the combined attack penalty but other-
suffers a -4 attack check penalty and ignores the effects of the armor wise would normally hit, the character still hits the target but does
if successful.
not successfully co-ordinate with the other characters. Naturally, if quarter of the attack’s maximum damage (round down).
only one character co-ordinates, a combined attack does not occur.
The character determines how much damage is inflicted but reduces For example, a character wants to capture an opponent so she strikes
the damage delivered by half (round down). If the character misses, to Incapacitate. Her punch (with three Ranks of Extreme Damage)
no damage is delivered. normally inflicts 1d3 + 6, for a maximum of 9 damage. She rolls to hit
with a -6 penalty and successfully hits her opponent, forcing the tar-
The target of a successful combined attack is only required to make a get to make a Stamina check. Regardless of whether or not the target
single Defense roll to determine if she or he is hit by the incoming remains conscious, he takes 2 (9 ÷ 4 = 2.25, rounded down to 2)
combined attack. A penalty of -1 is applied to the roll for each oppo- damage from the blow.
nent beyond the first who participates in the combined attack.
Striking to Wound
Characters who possess the Combination Attack Attribute have spe-
cial rules for performing this manoeuvre, and are not subject to the A character in combat can elect to reduce his or her delivered damage
same limitations. below the normal damage value to a minimum of 1 (known as strik-
ing to wound). He or she may not attempt this with attacks possess-
Extra Aim
A character making a ranged attack may deliberately take extra time
to aim. If a character aims a ranged weapon for an entire round and
does not move during that period, he or she receive a +4 attack check
bonus, or +6 if he or she is using a scope. If an aiming character
chooses to move or suffers any damage before he or she can fire, the
character loses the benefit of Extra Aim.
Striking to Incapacitate
A character attacking in hand-to-hand combat or with a blunt melee
weapon may attempt to knock a surprised opponent unconscious. The
target of the attack must be unaware of the attack to be vulnerable.
The attacker makes his or her attack check with a -6 penalty. If the
target suffers any damage (after all defensive Attributes are applied),
he or she must make a Stamina check(DC 10 + attacker’s Strength
modifier). If the target succeeds on this check, he or she maintains
consciousness. If the target fails this check, however, he or she falls
unconscious. Damage inflicted by an Incapacitating Strike is one-
Medium 1d4+2 0
Large 2d4+4 +1
Huge 3d4+6 +2
Gargantuan 4d4+8 +4
Colossal 5d4+10 +8
* Plus the attacker’s Strength modifier and any other bonuses
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 177
ing the Area Effect, Auto-Fire, or Spreading Ability, however. Game Masters resolve a grappling attempt like a normal attack using
the Unarmed Attack (Grappling) Skill. If the attack hits and the target’s
Throwing Heavy Things Defense (if any) fails, then the attacker successfully grabbed his or
her opponent. The attacker gains a grappling advantage if he or she
A character with a high Strength Ability (sometimes gained through has more free hands than the defender. “Free” means not holding
the Superstrength Attribute) can lift heavy things — up to 10% of his weapons or other objects, or not otherwise incapacitated. In this case,
or her maximum capacity — and throw them to deliver damage. It the defender suffers a cumulative -2 penalty for each free hand the
takes one action to grab and lift a large, awkward object, and another attacker uses to grapple in excess of the number of free hands the
to throw it. Consequently, throwing objects is slower than firing most defender is using. The maximum penalty assigned for this disadvan-
weapons. The advantage of throwing an object is that big things are tage is -8. For example, if a Knight (two hands) tries to escape from
harder to dodge than smaller ones. The GM should assign each ob- the grasp of an alien (four hands), she suffers a -4 penalty (4 — 2 = 2;
ject a size category based on its size and weight. 2 x -2 = -4). If the Mantis Man is holding an object in one of its four
hands, however, the Adventurer only suffers a -2 check penalty (3 —
The attack delivers damage, and receives an attack roll bonus, based 2 = 1; 1 x -2 = -2).
on the size of the object (see Throwing Damage Bonuses table). The
attacker’s Strength modifier plus any bonuses increase the damage The attacker can hold a grabbed character relatively stationary. The
for Extreme Damage. target suffers a -4 penalty on all checks when performing other melee
attacks (including grabbing, biting, kneeing, etc.) or -8 when attempt-
Total Attack ing to perform other tasks requiring freedom of movement like using
hand-held equipment. Exception: if the grabbed character is much
A character can take this option in conjunction with an attack. It means stronger (or more agile, at the GM’s discretion) than the opponent,
he or she focuses intently on an offensive action with little thought his or her penalty is halved, and the character can still move freely.
given to Defense. The character gains a +2 bonus to a single attack The GM may consider a character much stronger if his or her Strength
check, but the character’s Defense decreases by 2 for the entire round is at least 8 points higher. Thus, a small child (Strength -2) could not
in which he or she is making a Total Attack. A character with the stop a strong man (Strength +3) from pinning him or her, while the
Extra Attacks Attribute can initiate more than one Total Attack each strong man would be able to move freely if grabbed by the small
round, but each Total Attack reduces his or her Base Defense Bonus child. It is, of course, possible for one character to grab an opponent
by 2. who then grabs the character in return (this is what often happens
when grappling).
Touching a Target
Grappling Manoeuvres
Some Attributes require a character simply touch his or her target. It
is much easier to just touch a person than it is to physically strike him Once a character grabs an opponent, he or she can attempt a grap-
or her with enough force to cause damage. Thus, any character that is pling special manoeuvre (Lock, Throw, or Pin) as his or her next
simply attempting to touch an opponent gains a +6 bonus to his or her attack.
attack check. Touching a specific part of a target’s body may require
a Called Shot. This assumes the character is simply attempting to Lock
make physical contact with the target. If prolonged contact is required,
the target must either be willing or the character must grapple the Instead of attacking normally, the grabbing character can choke, crush,
target. or strangle his or her foe. This attack automatically hits and inflicts
damage equal to 1d4, plus bonuses from Strength and Extreme Dam-
Grappling age.
delivers 1d6 damage (as well as bonuses from Strength). Addition- acters roll a Strength or Agility check (as appropriate) with modifiers
ally, if the defender fails his or her Defense check, the attacker may for the Unarmed Attack (Grappling) Skill. The character with the
throw the character out a window or off a ledge, and the GM can highest degree of success (or least degree of failure) wins. If the
assign extra damage based on the situation. If the attacker throws the grabbed character wins, he or she escapes, and may also attack or
opponent at another enemy, he or she may make an attack check. If take another action. If the characters tie, the grabbed character es-
the attack is successful, the grabbed opponent hits the target and both capes, but forfeits his or her current action. If the grabbed character
suffer equal damage. A throw normally breaks the grip on the target loses, he or she is immobilised and forfeits one attack action that
unless the attacker attempts to maintain a hold and succeeds in an round. If a grabbed character chooses to attack the person who grabbed
Unarmed Attack (Grappling) check against a DC of 15 (which must him or her (with appropriate penalties) and inflicts damage equal to
be made whether the throw is successful or not). or greater than his or her foe’s Constitution, he or she automatically
escapes the grab.
Fighting from the Ground
A character that has grabbed someone may attempt to improve his or
her hold during the next attack by completely immobilising the oppo- Fighters thrown to the ground or who are otherwise forced to fight
nent in a pin. Treat this manoeuvre the same as the first grab attack. If from a prone position make all attacks at a -4 penalty.
the attack succeeds, then the foe is pinned, usually under the weight
of the attacker’s body. Attackers may not attempt a pin if the oppo- Movement in Combat
nent is much stronger (see earlier for definition of much stronger).
Once a character pins an opponent, the target suffers a -6 penalty on The GM decides whether he or she wishes to keep detailed track of
checks when attempting to escape. A pinned character cannot attack movement, ranges, and distances. In most close-in combat situations,
or move. GMs should not worry about exact speeds and distances — a general
idea of the overall situation is sufficient. Alternatively, GMs can mea-
Biting sure ranges in a more abstract fashion: “you’re behind him and in
melee range” or “you can reach her in three rounds, if you hurry.”
Since biting does not require the use of hands, it is an effective tactic The GM should judge how quickly range shifts from relative speeds
when a character has either grabbed or been grabbed by an opponent. to dramatic necessity. For example, in a race between two opponents
Game Masters should treat this as a normal attack that inflicts 1d3 with equal speeds, the GM can allow the character that keeps win-
damage, unless the aggressor is using a Natural Weapons Attribute ning Initiative to increase the gap gradually between him or her and
(Fangs, Beak, or Mandibles). the other runner.
Escaping If the GM wishes to keep precise track of movement and distances,
assume an average character moves a number of feet equal to his or
A grabbed character may attempt to struggle free. On the character’s
her size-related moment modifier (3 for an human) times his or her
Initiative, he or she can attempt to escape instead of attack. Both char-
Agility while walking (one-half foot times Agility if swimming
or crawling). Jogging is a double move, running a triple move
and sprinting a quadruple move. This guideline assumes six-
Movement Attack Penalties seconds per round, but the GM can modify exact speeds when
Normal Character Movement Attribute Penalty
Jogging Up to Maximum no penalty
(up to Base Movement x 2) Attribute Rank -2 GMs can allow characters to jump as far as seems dramatically
Running Maximum -2
appropriate for the game. If distance is important, a person can
(Base Movement x 3) Attribute Rank -1
jump about 6 feet forward, or 3 feet up or back, with range
Sprinting Maximum Attribute Rank -4
(Base Movement x 4) doubled on a short running start. Use the Jump Skill to deter-
mine exact distances for trained characters and for characters
with the Jumping or Speed Attribute. A wheeled or tracked ve-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 179
If a character is sprinting, he or she incurs a -4 penalty to attack and ons, climbing into or out of a vehicle, writing a note, changing clothes,
Block Defense checks. If the character is running, he or she incurs a etc. Players may also use non-combat actions to safely withdraw from
-2 penalty on attack and Block Defense checks. Characters who are armed or melee combat, provided the opposition does not attack at a
jogging do not incur penalties. Additionally, characters do not incur later Initiative number in the same round. Note that speaking a few
penalties when attempting Parry/Dodge Defense checks regardless of words during combat, running about while attacking, or making a
their speed. GMs do not need to keep exact track of movement rates short dramatic speech does not constitute an action.
unless they wish; they may simply keep movement abstract.
A non-combat action may succeed automatically, or the GM can re-
Firing Weapons from Moving Vehicles quire an Ability check or Skill check to determine whether it suc-
ceeds. Some non-combat actions may require several rounds to per-
Characters who are inside a fast-moving vehicle fire their weapons at form at the GM’s option.
a penalty. Firing weapons when moving at moderate speeds incurs a
Other Actions
-4 penalty, while moving very quickly earns an -8 attack check pen-
alty. Game Masters should impose an additional -4 penalty for char- Some activities do not count as attack or non-combat actions. A char-
acters also piloting the vehicle while firing. acter can perform either of the following activities in addition to an
attack or non-combat action:
Attacking Moving Targets
• Move a short distance or manoeuvre his or her vehicle.
Attempting to hit a target that is moving at exceptional speeds is very
challenging. When attempting to hit a target that is moving quickly, • Say anything that fits within the span of 6 seconds.
the character suffers an attack check penalty. See Attack Situation
• Perform Defensive Actions in response to any attacks against him or
Modifierstable for the appropriate penalty based on the target’s speed.
her. Note that if the character performs more than one defensive ac-
tion in a round, subsequent defensives after the first (or later, if he or
Attack Check Modifiers she has the Extra Defenses Attribute) in the same round suffer penal-
The GM may impose appropriate modifiers when the players make
an attack check. An attack action normally assumes characters are
engaged in active combat — dodging enemy attacks, making quick Defense
strikes when the opportunity arises, moving about, etc. The GM should
If a character is the target of a successful attack (any attack check
not apply any penalties for this sort of normal combat-related activ-
that is equal to or greater than the character’s Defense), he or she
ity. If circumstances are such that a character’s aim or concentration
may attempt to defend against it with a Dodge/Parry Defense (avoid-
seems likely impeded (such as shooting someone whom the character
ing the attack by moving out of the way, or using a weapon to push
cannot clearly see or attacking a foe while hanging upside down), the
the attack to the side or “off-line”), an Attribute Defense, or a Block
GM may assign penalties to the attack check. Likewise, in stress-free
Defense (interposing an object between the attack and the target).
situations (such as whacking an immobile victim, or target range shoot-
Defensive actions are not dependent on Initiative order but resolved
ing with nothing riding on the outcome), the GM can apply favourable
immediately after the attack before the attack damage is calculated or
bonuses or assume automatic success.
A number of possible penalties or bonuses are described on Table:
To successfully defend, the player must roll greater than the attacker’s
Attack Situation Modifiers. The GM may adjust or ignore these modi-
modified attack roll. The character’s Defense roll is equal to 1d20 +
fiers if he or she prefers.
the character’s base Defense Bonus + any additional appropriate
modifiers. Each character can attempt a Defense only once against a
Non-Combat Actions particular attack (including grapples). A character may defend against
more than one attack in a round, but with an appropriate penalty to
Rather than taking an offensive action during any combat round, a
each Defense after the first (unless the character has the Extra De-
character may use a non-combat action on his or her Initiative. Such
fenses Attribute; the penalty then applies to each Defense after the
actions include untying a rescued captive, running, changing weap-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 181
notice a gap in his or her memory and question what happened, or a sphere of control of a character, the character is allowed to make a
personality adjustment (new phobia, for example) may weaken over save to resist the effect as though he or she was the target of the
time. If the character wishes to perform a change quickly, the charac- attack. For example, a teleporter who wished to teleport the bullets
ter may perform minor changes in a matter of rounds while the char- out of an opponent’s gun would still be required to make an Aware-
acter can accomplish massive changes in about an hour. ness check against the target’s Base Defense Bonus (the appropriate
DC for the action) and the person holding the gun would be allowed
When a character attempts to alter a target’s mind, he or she must a Willpower save to resist the effect. Other common objects usually
make a Knowledge: Social Sciences (Psychology) Skill check against in a target’s sphere of control include: the ground beneath the target,
a DC appropriate for the extent of the change; 10 for minor changes, air around the target, objects the target holds or carries, etc. The GM
20 for major changes, 30+ for massive changes. The GM may in- determines what objects are under the defender’s sphere of control.
crease the DC further if the alteration is particularly severe or dras-
tic. The character’s margin of success determines how long the modi- All-or-Nothing or Partial Effects
fication lasts, measured in years if the character took his or her time
with the procedure or measured in days if the character rushed things. When an Attribute is used against a group of targets, GMs may use
GMs should make this Skill check secretly and not inform the player one of two options for resolving the resistance check. When a large
of the result unless it is a failure — he or she will not know how long group of people attempt to resist the effect of a Power, the GM makes
the change will hold, only that it has occurred or not. one save, using the average save modifier of the targets. Important
characters (player characters or key NPCs) should be allowed to make
The Mind Shield Attribute provides bonuses to the character’s at- individual rolls for themselves to prevent villains from teleporting a
tempt to resist mind combat and mental alterations, as well as Armor group of 50 people, including the players characters, thereby using
against mind combat damage. the more vulnerable citizens to avoid the player characters’ higher
saves. In this way, either all of the targets are affected by the At-
Using Attributes in Combat tribute (on a failed save) or none are affected (on a successful save).
In some situations, players will want to use various Attributes in in- Alternatively, the GM may wish to use one dice roll which is used as
ventive ways in the middle of a fight. The following rules outline the the same roll for each character’s check — characters with high saves
use of Attributes in combat. In many instances, the appropriate Power bonuses within the group may successfully resist the effects of the
Usage Skill can influence the chances of success. Attribute while characters with low saves are affected.
Creative characters can use a number of seemingly inoffensive At- When two characters pit their Attributes against each other, who win?
tributes in very effective ways in the middle of combat. Special At- In most situations, the character with the highest Rank wins. For ex-
tacks are obviously designed for offensive use against an opponent, ample, a criminal alien is attempting to make his get-away by Flight.
but what about Teleportation? Could a character not teleport an op- The hero grabs the alien with Telekinesis and tries to hold the charac-
ponent in front of a moving truck or simply out of a fight entirely? ter back, preventing him from flying away. The hero has Telekinesis
at Rank 5 while the alien has Flight at Rank 3. The hero, therefore, is
When a character wishes to use a normally inoffensive Attribute strong enough to prevent the alien from escaping.
against an unwilling opponent, the character must use a non-combat
action to make a Power Usage Skill check. If the check is successful, If the two Attributes are close in Rank (usually the same or differing
the target is allowed a save (whichever type of save is most appropri- by one Rank), the GM may request an opposed check to see who
ate) to defend against the Attribute’s effect. The DC of the save is wins the contested action. Using the above example, if the alien’s
equal to 10 + 1 per Rank of the Attribute being used against him or Flight Rank was 4, instead of 3, the GM could request an opposed
her. check. The alien makes an Agility check (since Agility is the relevant
Ability for Flight) and scores a result of 16. The hero must now make
Sphere of Control an Awareness check (since Awareness is the relevant Ability for Tele-
kinesis) and score a result of 16 or higher to prevent the alien from
If a character attempts to use an Attribute on an object within the escaping.
Page 184 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
What if a character has two or more Attributes that can be used in the Defending with an Attack
opposed check? What if the alien, in the first example, also has Tele-
kinesis at Rank 4? In a situation like this, the GM should simply add By holding an action until attacked by an opponent, a character can
the two Attribute Ranks together to determine who wins the opposed defend him or herself with the offensive use of an Attribute. This
action. Thus, the alien has Flight at Rank 3 and Telekinesis at Rank 4 simultaneous attack and Defense option combines the advice under
for a total of 7, which is much higher than the hero’s Telekinesis Using Attributes Against Opponents and Using Attributes Defensively
Rank of 5. The alien is therefore able to make his escape (possibly into a single action. To succeed, the character must activate the At-
lifting the hero into the air or simply breaking free of his hold, de- tribute with an appropriate check and also make a successful save
pending on the GM’s discretion). (for the Power Defense Attribute) to activate the effect properly. For
instance, when a character attacks a criminal who has a held action
Using Attributes as Attacks remaining, the criminal might attempt to use Teleportation to place a
bystander between him and the character’s energy blast. The crimi-
In movies and TV series, characters regularly use seemingly passive, nal must first make a successful Awareness check to see if the
non-hostile Attributes to attack opponents, causing harm. A charac- Teleportation works. If the attempt is successful, and the bystander
ter who can teleport may disorient foes by teleporting them repeat- fails to resist, a Reflex save determines if the criminal activates the
edly within one combat round or selectively teleporting portions of Teleportation in time.
non-living foes away, causing massive trauma, for example. The list
of possible attack applications of an Attribute is endless —characters This method can also be used to defend others with an Attribute. If an
are well known for pushing the bounds of innovation. Most Attributes, ally (or innocent bystander, etc.) is attacked, the character can at-
however, do not account for these offensive tricks and stunts — they tempt to Teleport (for example) the target out of the way of the attack
are accomplished using Special Attacks. A Special Attack is not lim- with a successful use of Teleportation and Power Defense.
ited simply to powerful energy blasts — it can be any “attack” that
causes harm or detriment to an opponent. The teleporter who repeat- Temptation and Sin
edly teleports a target in a combat round may have a Special Attack
with the Drain Body Ability and the No Damage Disability, reflect-
At times in the game, all characters will be tempted to do something
ing the sudden disorientation the target feels after the attack and the
bad. Most of the time, the temptation is due to the character’s own
fact that no real physical harm is inflicted on the opponent. Alterna-
failings. This can happen either by an opponent talking or displaying
tively, if the teleporter is capable of teleporting just a select portion of
an object that will tempt the character into a sinful act. When this
a target away causing harm to the target, the Special Attack may be
occurs, the character must make a Wisdom check (DC 15) to resist
designed to do an incredible amount of damage. By using the Attack
the temptation. Optionally, the GM may modify the DC by adding the
Abilities and Disabilities, players can create any sort of attack, which
total skill. For instance, the character has a gambling problem and is
will account for the numerous and creative ways that characters utilise
trying to resist. The GM may decide to add his Gamble skill, which is
their abilities. Some Special Attacks designed this way will have the
10 to the DC which would make it a total DC of 25. If they fail the
Linked (Attribute) or Dependent Defect.
temptation, they lose one Faith Level. As the character lose more
Using Attributes Defensively Faith Level, they will incur penalties that affect all mental and spiri-
tual checks. Sometimes, the character is tempted by another charac-
Just as characters can find imaginative ways to use their Attributes ter. In these cases, the tempting character can choose to use their
against opponents, they are just as likely to think of ways to use their Intelligence or a skill such as Seduction. Generally, a character should
Attributes to defend themselves from harm. For a character to utilise use the one that gives them a higher bonus. When a character tempts
such a Attribute defensively, he or she must select the Power Defense another, the character must roll a 1d20+Intelligence or Relevant Skill.
Attribute. If the character does not select this Attribute, he or she The character being tempted must roll a 1d20+Wisdom to resist if
does not have the experience required to use the Power defensively. they choose. Whoever gets higher, they will win the contest. If the
Thus, a character with Teleportation who does not have the Power character being tempted loses, they will perform the action. Other-
Defense: Teleportation Attribute may be able to teleport but he does wise, the tempting character must wait another hour before retrying.
not have the training or knowledge needed to teleport at a moment’s
notice and avoid an incoming attack. Damage
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 185
Characters suffer damage through combat, accidents, or other haz- Armor or Force Fields and Damage
ards. Damage ratings indicate the dice roll required to determine the
amount of damage inflicted. The target character subtracts any dam- If a character has Armor or a Force Field, this reduces the delivered
age inflicted from his or her Hit Points if the attack successfully pen- damage from each successful attack by an amount equal to its rating.
etrates Armor, Force Fields, and other Defenses. The character suffers any damage not negated by the Armor or Force
Field, subtracting it from his or her current Hit Points. See Effects of
Amount of Damage Inflicted Damage to a Character for the result.
Each attack has a damage rating, which is equal to the base damage Critical Hits
of the attack (which includes a weapon’s damage value) plus any
bonuses from Extreme Damage and Strength, as is appropriate for In the event of a natural attack dice roll of 20, the attacker inflicts a
the attack. When the character successfully strikes an opponent, he critical strike. A roll of 20 always inflicts a double-damage critical
or she rolls the number of dice indicated, plus any bonuses, to deter- hit, unless the GM decides otherwise. For example, a 6d8 attack in-
mine the amount of damage the attack inflicts. flicts 12d8 damage when a critical is scored.
Hit Points regenerate at a rate equal to one Hit Point per character Objects are easier to hit than characters because they usually don’t
Level for each day (or each hour for less “realistic” campaigns) of move, but many are tough enough to shrug off some damage from
rest. For example, a Level 5 character rejuvenates 5 Hit Points every each blow.
day while resting. The healing rate doubles if the character is in the
Object Defense and Bonuses to Attack: Objects are harder or easier
care of someone with Medical Skill but halved if he or she does not
to hit depending on their size and whether they are immobile or being
spend time resting.
held, carried, or worn by opponents. The base Defense of objects is
Recovering Energy Points shown on Table: Size and Defense of Objects.
Recovering Faith Level An object being held, carried, or worn has a Defense equal to the
above figure + 5 + the opponent’s Agility modifier + the opponent’s
All saved characters have had their sins wiped away by Jesus, the class bonus to Defense. Striking a held carried, or worn object pro-
Son of God, when he died on the cross. All characters are assumed to vokes an attack of opportunity from the character that holds it. (If a
be Christians who try to repent and pray for forgiveness. Character character has the Sunder feat, he or she doesn’t incur an attack of
who is saved may remove one Faith Level each day. Also, they may opportunity for making the attempt.)
remove an extra one when they are attending church. This bonus can
only be applied once a week. The other way to remove them all is Hardness: Each object has hardness—a number that represents how
through baptism. This is the only way for lost humans and wildings well it resists damage. Whenever an object takes damage, subtract its
to no longer be lost. Once a character is lost, they can no longer have hardness from the damage. Only damage in excess of its hardness is
their Faith Levels removed as detailed above. They must be baptised deducted from the object’s hit points (see Table: Substance Hardness
again. When a baptism occurs, all their Faith Levels are removed and and Hit Points and Table: Object Hardness and Hit Points).
any powers are granted back to them.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 187
Object Hardness Hit Points Break DC Checks: Unattended objects never make checks. They are
considered to have failed their checks. An object attended
Lock by a character (being grasped, touched, or worn) receives a
Cheap 0 1 10 check just as if the character herself were making the check.
Average 3 5 15
High quality 5 10 20
High security 10 120 35
Breaking Objects
Ultrahigh security 20 150 40
Manufactured objects1 When a character tries to break something with sudden force
Fine 0 1 10 rather than by dealing damage, use a Strength check to see
Diminutive 0 1 10 whether he or she succeeds. The DC depends more on the
Tiny 1 2 10 construction of the object than on the material.
Small 3 3 12
Medium-size 5 5 15 If an object has lost half or more of its hit points, the DC to
Large 5 10 15 break it decreases by 2.
Huge 8 10 20
Gargantuan 8 20 30
Colossal 10 30 50 Repairing Equipment
Firearm, Medium-size 5 7 17
Rope 0 2 23 Equipment, such as weapons, vehicles, or other gadgets
Simple wooden door 5 10 13 can become damaged in the course of fighting crime. Char-
Strong wooden door 5 20 23 acters can repair damage to equipment by making a Knowl-
Steel door 10 120 35 edge: Mechanics Skill check. If the object has Hit Points,
Cinderblock wall 8 90 35 each successful Skill check repairs 10 Hit Points. Each Skill
Chain 10 5 26
check should take approximately one day of work (approxi-
Handcuffs 10 10 30
mately six to ten hours), depending on the extent of the
Metal bars 10 15 30
Figures for manufactured objects is minimum values. The GM may adjust these upward to repairs required.
account for objects with more strength and durability.
Page 188 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
chapter 16:
Earth is the world that God created as he created Heaven. Like Heaven,
Earth is a perfect ecological system. Unlike Heaven, Earth has death.
With Earth covered in evil, this makes Earth a dark and dangerous
place. On Earth, humans try to live their lives as they grow and pros-
per until death. Unlike animals, humans are one of the few creatures
on Earth that have souls. This fact makes it a very dangerous place as
demons try to suck the essence out of humans and lead them down
paths of destruction. However, God has aided the few humans that
have fought against the darkness and promoted God’s will.
Finally, the term “Earth” refers to the whole universe. While the planet
is given the same name, the realm refers to the whole area humans
refer to as the universe. In this respect, all characters can travel from
Heaven to any place in the universe. On top of this universe, there is
another entire realm that is more representative of the true spiritual
nature of the universe.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 189
Church Ratings
Many churches declare that they follow the ways of God. Most churches genuinely try to follow the bible, but tend to fail
due to problems that they create inside a church. There are a few churches that are there to take money from people
and use it for their own evil intentions. As well as bad churches, there are many churches that are faithful to God and
are lights to the world.
There are bad churches in all denominations of Christianity as well as good ones. The quality of the church begins with
the leading minister and leadership of the church and ends with the congregation. Within the church, the minister and
other leaders of the church must manage the majority of the congregation. They have to keep infighting from occurring
as well as harsh opinions from forming. The congregation and ministers must also help each person with their multitudes
of problems. Most people are drawn to very faithful churches. There are others that are drawn to the bad ones, but
demons tend to have control of that persuasion. Below, there are five ratings and examples. Besides the two lowest
ratings, when a character walks into a church, the church’s rating is raised one level. Within the house of God, a
character can obtain additional essences while on a mission.
Rating 0 Rating 3
God is not apart of this church. It is only a church in name. Place of Power: Rank 3
People are drawn here by evil rather than good and they will The church is average and is starting to bring the lost in
try to subvert the good people to evil ways by confusion. On from the world.
more than one occasion, a character has been sent to Essence: 30 Essence Points per day
destroy these houses of evil.
No Essence can be gained from this place Rating 4
Place of Power: Rank 4
Rating 1 The church is guiding light for the community. Demons are
Place of Power: Rank 1 working hard to bring members of the congregation back to
The church is in decline from God. While God might have evil.
been the leadership’s mind in the beginning, God is no Essence 40 Essence Points per day
longer apart of this church. On the other hand, the church
might be trying to improve itself from where it was. Also, Rating 5
God has sent characters to help these churches grow back Place of Power: Rank 5
toward him. The church is a lighthouse in the darkness of the world. A
Essence: 10 Essence Points per day character can see this place from space. While they may
not be beautiful on the outside, they are very beautiful to
Rating 2 God and his characters. There are only a few of these
Place of Power: Rank 2 churches in the world. Demons will try anything to destroy
The church is trying to follow God, but they are still these places as well as their congregation.
struggling with evil and their sins. Essence: 50 Essence Points per day
Essence: 20 Essence Points per day
Shroud wish man could see, but very few do. To block the truth from man,
God placed a veil that divided the spiritual world from the normal
After God created everything. He chose for man not to see the true Earth. The shroud and the Earth, while separate, share many
spiritual world of Earth. He wanted man to make choices of his own similariteis, yet they are very different and can affect each other. The
free will and not understanding the full consequences. He wanted shroud is almost another layer beyond the normal Earth. As man
man to choose well, because man wanted to do well and not because constructs a 30-story building, the building’s shadow is also repre-
of the darkness the man covers the world in. If man was only aware sented in the shroud. The building would have the same dimensions.
of how much harm evil does to the Earth around them. Characters A wall in the shroud will block a character just like it would on
Page 190 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Earth. If the building crumbles on Earth, the building will crumble in a character could not see their hand in front of their face. Characters
the shroud. However, the effects to a building in the shroud would try to fight in the darkness, but often lose to evil creatures that inhabit
have no discernable affects on Earth. Like a shadow,
the building’s shadow on Earth would not affect the
building itself. This is true in the shroud. The struc- The Dream World
tures in the shroud that are merely reflections of the
ones on Earth do not affect the buildings they repre- There are many occasions where characters must rescue humans
sent. from real demons in the human’s dreams. By warping the mind in the
dream, the demon can tempt the human in their dreams. The person
The shroud can be manipulated like anything else on can be changed in several ways and brainwashing can even occur.
Earth. However, the effects do not last. If a huge de- The characters must go into the dream and stop the demon.
mon decides to rampage through the shroud after a However, the person’s dream world is much different than Earth or
the shroud. There are two ways that the GM can handle a dream
couple of characters, the demon can destroy parts of a
world. The first way is to manage the dream like the real world and
building or an entire building. After a short time, the
follow all the same rules as if the characters were in the shroud.
building will start to rematerialize back to how it origi- Regardless of where the characters are, all their powers work
nally appeared. The debris would also disappear as the normally and they work as if they are in the shroud.
building reformed itself. Another example would be a
hole made by a character. The hole after a short time The second way is more difficult and can be much more entertaining.
would shrink down to where there was no hole after Dreams are merely reflections of reality and fantasy of the human’s
that time. While destruction may not last, creation does mind. The characters will appear not as themselves but as people the
not last either. A character can construct something out person knows. The dream does not follow proper physics or reason
of the material in the shroud like shelter, and the struc- except not to exceed the reality of the fantasy. The setting can also
ture or item would hold for a short time. The charac- vary. It can be placed in a person’s favorite TV show, book or movie.
ters could even use this for defensive measure. How- It may even be a movie that scarred the person and uses it as a
setting for their dream. For example, if it would take a favorite TV
ever, the item or structure created would not last. After
show, the characters would suddenly take on the supporting cast
a short time, the thing created would vanish and the
members in appearance, action and talk. The dreamer would usually
parts would reappear back to where they were gotten. be the central star or most important character in the dream. If the
The time it takes for the shroud to repair itself normally GM were to do this, he should pick a show, book or movie that all the
takes about two hours. As the items affected are big- characters know and halfway like.
ger, the time would be longer. A skyscraper mostly de-
stroyed would take an over a day to come back. As it Demons will usually try to turn the dream into a nightmare, which
stands, the shroud appears to be a war zone in the more usually ends with the dreamer’s death. The characters should try to
human populated areas. stop the demon at all cost. The characters can spend one EP to alter
the dream physics for a combat round. This would allow them to jump
The shroud appears similar to Earth. The main differ- a mile high in a second or kick a demon through five buildings.
ence is the lighting and color. As humans are more faith- Characters can die in the dream, but the dream does not affect their
ful to God, the people’s auras or spiritus make every- true essence score. They take damage like humans do in the dream
thing in the surrounding area brighten up like it was in setting. In some settings, a bullet can hit and kill the person with
ease. In other dream settings, the bullet might hit everything but the
full daylight. The amount of light varies depending on
the holiness of the people in the area. It should be known
that there are very few places that are very bright. On
the other hand, evil has an opposite affect on the area.
and live in the darkness. Most of the time, these evil creatures can see
As humans become more evil the area gets darker. The color fades
in the darkness with no problem, but they cannot see in the light.
out of items to where it only has various shades of gray. The lighting
Unless the evil is extremely great, there will be low lighting. Inside
changes as well. As humans become more evil, the area becomes
structures, the lighting comes from non-visible sources that cast shad-
darker and darker. The lighting gets so dark that it appears to be night
ows everywhere. As the shadows get worse, the area becomes much
by human standards. The much more vile places have a darkness that
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 191
more evil. It only takes two days or a dark ritual too start reconfiguring Heaven’s Gates. Besides Heaven itself, Heaven’s Gates are the most
the area to evil. beautiful structure in the all the realms. The gates are two large doors
that swing in. They appear like ivory with gold trim, but they are
As for the other senses, they work differently from Earth. Hearing almost impossible to damage even though they appear weak. Giant
stays pretty similar to Earth. Sounds tend to echo more and voices walls flank the gates that continue as far as the eye can see. While the
made on Earth sound like whispers. Smell and taste are quite a bit main wall spreads upward and outward and allows no passage around
dulled, especially as the area gets darker. The more vibrant areas tend it, there is a small wall that stands in front of the main wall and is
to have a pleasant aroma that a character can instantly detect. Also, only half it’s height. Almost invisible to anyone leaving or entering,
the more evil creatures such as lost humans and demons have a rotten there are embattlements and walkways that the angels use in case of
odor like a dead animal rotting. Saved humans, wildings and angels defense. Around the wall and gate, their are nebulous clouds that
smell normal if a little reduced. The more pure creatures smell beau- surrounds it with rays of every color of light shining through them
tiful. Characters don’t eat in the shroud so they rarely eat anything. If from Heaven. On the side of Heaven, there is bright light that is com-
they did, there would be no taste except in areas that are bright. How- pletely white that creates all the surrounding light in Heaven. On the
ever, the shroud feels similar to Earth in the area of touch, but the side of Earth and other realms, the clouds fade off into blackness.
shroud feels much dirtier and greasier to characters. The effect of the Nothing can be seen in the darkness. Angels and other creatures can
grime gets much worse as evil makes everything darker. As charac- fly into the darkness and instantly travel to any realm. As for getting
ters move around the shroud, they can perceive humans and other there, it takes three rounds to travel from any realm to Heaven’s Gates.
The only way into Heaven is through the gates. The forces of evil
Creatures with souls are easily visible. They appear as bright, trans- realize this, because there is no way to penetrate the wall. However,
lucent shadows in the shroud. As they become more evil, the crea- they have found a way through dark magic and the sheer power of the
tures tend to become much darker and less detailed. The more spiri- evil abominations to destroy the gates themselves and nothing being
tus the creature exudes, it causes the creature to be much brighter able to block their entrance. While demons cannot enter Heaven it-
and have more detail. A very spiritual person would look very similar self, they can send their legions of monsters to destroy Heaven. To
in the shroud to their real appearance on Earth. Other types of crea- help protect the gates, the smaller wall has patrols of cherubim, a
tures exhibit differently in the shroud. Demons appear as very dark powerful type of angel that destroys any invaders. Of course, there
and evil shadow like any other evil human. Animals are barely vis- are legions of characters ready to come to battle and protect God and
ible in the shroud. They appear as very translucent shadows. On the Heaven. No angel understands how Satan plans on destroying God,
other hand, an abomination is easy to see in the shroud as they appear since most angels perceive this as an impossible task.
as shadows with red glowing eyes. All creatures in the shroud can
easily see characters for what they are. An angel will appear in a While the defenses are huge, this has not stopped the demons from
translucent-like divine form. Humans and wildings will have a bright launching offenses. Heaven’s Gates have almost been destroyed twice.
aura just like humans who have been saved. The first instance occurred during the time of the flood. Satan had
amassed a powerful army ready to destroy Heaven. By making alli-
The other notable difference from the Shroud and the normal world is ances with evil nephilim, half-angel, half-man (unlike wildings that
the lack of vehicles. At first, many humans and wildings travel the are half-demons, half-humans), they managed to create very power-
Shroud on foot. Once they are accustomed with it, they will begin to ful abominations. Satan and his demons stood on Earth as they sent
bring in their own vehicles. Vehicles do not show up at all in the their first wave of monsters to attack the gates. The gate defenses
Shroud unless someone brings it into the Shroud. The vehicle works barely stood the first wave. As the first wave was being routed, the
the same in the Shroud as they do in the normal world. Many demons following waves of abominations and demons were readying to at-
have begun stealing the more powerful equipment to assist their de- tack. All of the sudden, God unleashed the waters on Earth. The wa-
fenses and offensive plans. There are a few circles that have gathered ters not only destroyed everything on Earth, but this supernatural
a large supply of weapons and vehicles. flood also hit the shroud. Every abomination died along with all the
nephilim and wildlings. The demons were reduced to zero essence
Heaven’s Gates and forced back to the circles. In one great swoop, Satan’s plan and
his army were destroyed. While Satan knew of the flood, he was
As anything approaches Heaven, everything must pass through hoping to destroy Heaven before it happened.
Page 192 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
The second major attack occurred in the time of Jesus. Satan had
turned the world against the Son of Man and had grown very strong.
In the preceeding hundred years, Satan had been amassing another
large army of abominations. As the world became darker and more As most humans realize and all angels know, Hell is another realm
evil, the demons and their armies grew in power. Satan saw his mo- that is on the other side of Earth from Heaven. It is a giant lake of fire.
ment when Jesus was to be crucified. On that day Jesus was cruci- The fire rages throughout the whole realm. There is no escaping the
fied, the demonic armies attacked. In that particular moment, Satan fire once a being has entered it. While characters can view it, most
knew he could win the war finally. With Jesus gone, Satan knew he choose not to see the horrible place. What most humans don’t realize
had an opportunity and relished in the fact that he had convinced man is that there is no one in Hell. On the Day of Judgment, he will throw
to kill their savior. Once again, Satan underestimated God. As the all the sinful souls including the fallen characters into this lake of
armies were attacking and breaking through Heaven’s gates, Jesus fire. However, that day has not come, because on that day the Earth
died on the cross and his sacrifice removed all sin from the world. will be destroyed and all the souls will be judged.
Man had been given another chance. The demons were suddenly pow-
erless. As man’s sins were washed away, all the essence they had Demonic Circles
absorbed from sin had also been washed away. The demons were
powerless and the angelic armies destroyed the abominations while Since the demons do not live in Hell, they really live on Earth. De-
the demons fled. While the demons could return to Earth to re-ener- mons have been on Earth since Heaven’s War. They continued to
gize them, Satan knew he had lost the moment and the battle. He fight the war from Earth. Having lost the advantage of being in Heaven,
realized he could lose the war now that the Lamb of God had been the demons gathered in bands and set up nexuses of power in various
sacrificed. As the demons and abominations continue to test the gates spots of the world. They called these bases a circle because of the
and their defenses, the cherubim ready themselves for anything and dark rituals that are associated with it. By 2100 AD, there are nine
look to their leader for all instruction. circles. Originally, there were thirteen circles, but the God’s armies
finally destroyed some of them. Many beings have been somewhat
The leader of the wall is in fact not a cherubim, and his name is successful and the number of circles have dwindled to seven. How-
Danius. He is a powerful angel that is nearing the status of archangel. ever, demons can rebuild circles in a short time so the total number of
However, the brutish cherubims respect this character and his abili- circles flucuate. Demons can build a circle within a year to a decade.
ties. Danius is the keeper that accompanied Jesus to purgatory and The time it takes to create a circle is dependent of how powerful it is.
back to Earth. He is the one that moved the rock in front of Jesus’ Although, the bigger circles tend to eventually attract the attention of
tomb and informed Jesus’ mourners that he had risen. While being the characters. Each circle gives off a certain amount of essence and
the most sympathetic and caring of the keepers, he is also one of the the demons use rituals to anchor their celestial bodies to a circle. A
most rigid and duty-committed angels. circle can be destroyed and a new one can be created. Angels do not
know where circles are created and they have to search for them.
By the twenty-first century, only four circles’ locations are known
Within the gates of Heaven, there is the place where God, the creator and the other five still need to be found. The known circles are still
of all, watches all the realms. Within this magnificent place, there are very powerful and many beings have been attempting various strate-
several layers in which God’s servants reside. Each layer has a dif- gies to destroy them. To make matters worse, circles are not built in
ferent function and purpose. Everything in Heaven is perfect and an- human populated areas. Circles tend to give off an eerie feeling that
gels serve God with all of their hearts, love and spirits. Angels are the eventually scares off humans. Beside, angels can find circles easily
happiest in Heaven. Also, there is no trouble or problems, so angels by using humans. A human can navigate in the area, but an angel has
are sent to Earth to stop evil and protect humans. While there is a lot a much different experience in the shroud. When operating on the
going on, they are constructing a grand city of gold to allow the re- Earth, a character knows when he enters a circle. The character can
deemed souls to live there. Angels will rarely talk about Heaven easily detect the surrounding evil. When the character enters the shroud
except to insist that it is the greatest place in the realms. and enters the circle, the character sees the true evil of demons and
their creations.
Each circle goes into the Earth. The demons use powerful rituals to
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 193
defenses is the Arions. They are powerful abominations that fly While all demons manipulate politics and desires all over the world,
through the air and have immunity against all light attacks. The war- this group takes an unusual interest in politics. They have watched
rior characters must use melee attacks to damage it. They are power- communism rise and fall as they pull all the little strings.
ful and can stop most characters.
For many years, the forces of light have tried to wipe out the fortress
The other problem with area is the ground. At the center of the area, of ice, but they have failed each time. The demons and abominations
a large castle stands with pits surrounding it. To land, the character have unique abilities that allow them to reflect any character’s long-
must choose the pits that contain hordes of abominations or the castle, range attack against them. When reflected, the attack has dark es-
which hold demons and aberrations. This place has the most aberra- sence associated with it and hurts the characters. However, the com-
tions. Its demons specialize in capturing angels and turning them into mon tactic is to remain inside and wait for the armies to breach their
these horrible creatures. Within the ground, there are labyrinths of defenses. When the defense is broken, the abominations, which are
dungeons with cells holding humans, characters, abominations and black and have chitinous armor, swarm out attacking everything. When
other creatures. The area is marked by the screams that are emitted the invaders are pushed back, they will go back inside as quickly as
from the pits. The abominations in these parts are insane after years possible. This is the least populated circle. They choose to torture the
of torture. They have no fear and no will. The demons have complete world with it’s own devices rather than demonic ones.
power especially after the success at warping the religion of Islam.
The Scorpius
Deep in the desert of the Sahara, a massive fortress stands in the
While there are cold places on Earth, this is one of the coldest. Deep sand. Anyone can recognize it because it is shaped from a dead, giant
in the wastelands of Siberia, the demons have built a fortress of ice scorpion. Most characters know that the scorpion was once a hor-
and despair. While temperatures on Earth do not affect angels, the rible abomination that the demons used to destroy angelic armies.
circle exudes a powerful effect that causes characters to get so cold While the characters managed to destroy all of these abominations,
that they will not be able to do anything well. This cold effect causes the fortress still seems to be alive. The tip of the tail is a huge battle-
all characters to have a –2 penalty to all rolls. This coldness reduces ment that fires powerful shots in any direction. The claws are large
any opposing forces from approaching. This circle is the only known caverns that hold huge abominations. The entrance to the circle is in
circle where one of the dragon kings is actually in control. In this the mouth. This is one of the smallest circles in the world, but it has
barren land, they pull the strings of Russia and Europe. It was this the capability to move anywhere in the desert. This is the only circle
circle that allowed the czars to rule Russia and when the czars be- with such a power. To hide, the fortress can bury itself below the
came ungrateful, the demons encouraged a revolt against the czars. sands. It takes two turns for it to hide or uncover itself. It does have
The few keepers that were there would tell tales of how the demons defenses if forced into a fight. It can dodge larger attacks and has
bathed joyously in the czar’s blood as they watched them all die. quick reflexes. Combined with the quickness and powerful armor,
the fortress is very difficult to destroy. In fact, it is so quick
that it seems to be a living entity reacting to an attacker. It has
been suggested that the scorpion is still alive and the demons
keep it in submission. It is also rumored that the demons need
large amounts of essence and will plant the fortress near a
city. Here, the fortress can absorb the essence from humans.
Other suggests that the fortress needs a nexus point, points of
power in the Earth, to maintain its state. Whatever the reason
for it’s moving, the fortress has caused much pain in human
history. They have encouraged the desert rivalry and the ha-
tred that comes from this area. They have started massacres
and brought disease to the innocent. Rumors persist that an
entire villages disappear from Africa as the fortress moves
nearby. Fortunately, the fortress does stay on the northern half
of the Africa, because they have a very powerful, rival circle
in Southern Africa.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 195
The Spine
Lightbringer’s fortress
chapter 17:
Gamemaster Guide
The Gamemaster is the one who manages a game session with a
planned adventure. The GM can make any adventure as long as the
players have plenty to do during the planned session. Because a ses-
sion may not go as planned, it is a good idea for any GM to be pre-
pared. GM’s are the ones that help bring the characters together and
make sure the players are having fun. However, it is not easy being
the GM
The GM must manage the game session in all aspects except for char-
acter management. Even then, some GMs like to keep notes on the
characters. This is not a bad idea, but it is not the primary job of the
GM. The primary job is to narrate the story and tell the characters
what is going on each scene. The GM must be detailed enough to
allow the characters to know what they can interact with. Here, a
GM can set the mood and the tone of the game as it progresses. While
this helps add flavor to the game, the GM must keep the game going
“Finally, br
Finally others, wha
bro te
whatever is tr
tev ue,
true, at a steady pace. The other job that the GM does is to act as judge to
the game group. The judge cannot be partial to anyone. However,
whatever is noble, wha
tev te
whatever is r
tev ight,
right, when it comes down to a GM character and player’s character, the
GM should be partial to the players. This is because the player is
whatever is pur
tev e, wha
pure, te
whatever is lo
tev vely,
lov there to have fun, but the GM should still try to make it challenging.
whatever is admirable—if an
tev ything is
anything The GM must be the one to make the decisions on what should hap-
pen when in the adventure. These ideas are points that when the char-
excellent or praisewor
praisew thy—think about
orth acter meets the criteria, the adventure should turn to a new direction
or a plot point may become clearer to the players. This is a difficult
such things. Whate
Whatever y
tev ou ha
you ve lear
hav ned
job. To compound the problem, the GM must decide when to include
or receiv
received or hear
eceived d fr
heard om me, or seen in
from God’s favor in the adventure. To help the GM, there are several points
below to explain how to handle situations as well as adventure man-
me—put it into pra
into ctice. And the God
practice. agement.
interact and tell the story in one location. However, the scene does GMs can keep the feel of the missions pretty dark, but there can be
not hold the same exact meaning in this RPG. The scene is where pretty spectacular action games or pulp games. The angels know that
characters act and interact with other characters. This can be one the end of the world is approaching, but they still don’t know how
place or it can be the entire block of the area. Primarily, it depends on soon. The archangels are aware that the demons are creating five new
what the GM wants the characters to do in a certain place. The GM circles, but they still don’t know where. If more circles are built, the
must build an adventure. The GM must decide what he is going to do number of abominations will increase and humans will fall quicker to
in each scene and what each scene will have in it. Scenes can vary evil. The angels will not be able to hold their ground on Earth. This
widely from what the GM wants to do. The scene could be a small has only happened once before and that was before the flood. To make
house to a small room where all the pertaining action to that scene matters worse, each circle is getting larger and more powerful. The
will take place. It could be as large as a dungeon or extensive cata- demons themselves are becoming more powerful and more difficult
combs. The scene will have important details to further the story that to deal with. Evil humans are starting to cause more destruction and
the GM will give. As the scene transfers to a new scene, the location fear that feeds to the evil beings of the world causing them to become
will generally change. As scenes change, the story must be furthered more powerful. As the front of evil advances, more and more angels
as the characters develop and find new contentions. The scene should are being brought down to stand on the front lines.
also follow the general feel and setting in the game. While this game
While the angels persistently fight, they also must not lose sight of
can almost produce any genre or setting, the GM should try to keep
God and fall from grace. As less experienced angels come down, more
the scene pertinent to the genres that he is using. If it were fantasy-
and more are being loss to sin. Humans are faced with evil humans
like, the scene would not emphasize the technology of a downed space-
who continue to maliciously subvert humanity. Wildings are in the
ship. It may have a spaceship as an elaborate dungeon, but it would
most danger as they are outcasts from humans, but they cannot seek
not refer to it in its true technological sense. Horror will have a darker
refuge in the shroud due to the increase in evil creatures.
and more mysterious scene, but science fiction scenes will be riddled
with technological gizmos. The GM should always try to give each
scene the same general feel that follows the particulars of the genres Angelic Missions
to keep the game smooth.
Angels are sent to Earth on missions. All angel characters should be
on Earth for a specific purpose, which is called a mission. A mission
Mood can take one game session or it may take several. The mission cannot
be left until the objectives have been completed or the angels fail to
The mood is the feel that is prominent in the game. While some play-
achieve the objectives.
ers are rather oblivious to the mood as they are having fun, more
serious gamers try to push different atmospheres or moods in the game. Each mission should have clearly stated objectives. This is to help
The mood can be very relaxed to tense and dark. Each game should the players know why they are there and what they must do. The GM
be examined at what kind of genre and the pertaining mood that is should plan the mission and all the scenarios within the mission. The
associated to that genre or setting. mission should have at least a few problems that the angels must
solve before they get to the end. The end should have a climax to it
Setting and show the players that they have accomplished something. Below
there are typical story elements that are good to have in a mission to
The official time for the game is modern day. God is sending more have a somewhat congruent adventure.
and more angels to Earth as he continues his plans. The modern set-
ting will usually contain horror and action type genres. Also, the game Earth Adventures
can contain science fiction elements due to the ever-growing techno-
logical discoveries. Due to the shroud, the game can become more of While angels are sent to Earth, humans and wildings are living on it
a fantasy game as they wander the world fending off exotic monsters, every day. As they try to make a living and survive the darkness, they
finding allies and even saving humanity. are more apt at becoming a part of great adventures. Many times,
God will choose the individuals for missions involving the shroud to
The world is becoming very dark, and the number of abominations is
make them stronger in life. This additional experience helps humans
on the rise again. The angels are starting to lose the war on Earth.
and wildings to spread the good news and defend humanity better.
Page 198 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
the main story antagonist should have a story behind them. There thugs. For more information on the particulars of creatures, the GM
should be an explanation of why he is opposing God. The angels can should use the next chapter.
use the enemies’ backgrounds to their advantage, because it shows
how the bad guys can become good again. Demons, abominations, Temptation and Sin
aberrations are just a few of the creatures that cannot be affected by
angels. In these cases, the player characters usually destroy them or
One of the major aspects of Celestius Ex is that all characters must
send them back to their circle. The main antagonist should pose the
resist temptation and sin. If the characters fail to resist the temptation,
party a problem from mental trickery to sheer combat prowess. Also,
their Faith Level diminishes. One of the biggest decisions the GM
they should be adept at tempting player characters. The game should
has to face in this game is how to handle sin and how strict to be with
be focused on humans. After all, Earth is under the stewardship of
the characters. For the most part, the GM should be lenient rather
humanity and the demons want to destroy humanity or use them against
than strict. If a player chooses an action by accident, the GM should
God. However, the GM is free to focus on any character or subject
remind him or her. On the other hand, if the player chooses that the
that he or she would like. Whatever the focus of the game, God cares
character to commit sin, the GM should make the player roll. There
about humanity as much as anything else. He wants the angels to
are good reasons for the character to commit sin. By committing sin,
help humans in their bad predicaments or stop demons and abomina-
it shows the character’s personal weaknesses which gives the char-
tions from causing problems in humanity.
acter more depth as well as making it more fun for the character.
However, the Faith Level is also a good way to keep trouble-making
Encounters players in line. Temptation can be abused and make the players mis-
erable. The GM should only use it a couple of times during each
In most games, the GM will have the player characters face off against game session. In the end, it is up to the GM and how strict he or she
evil in combat situations during certain times. It is these encounters wants to be with the players. One example is that the GM should be
that can make games fun or make them tediously boring. Most GM’s fairly strict with high-level characters and/or more experienced play-
needed to find their balance of combat encounters in a game session. ers.
Some GM’s do better with several while others like to have one or
two really big fights. Whatever the style, the GM’s need to do some God’s Favor
work before the game to come up with the stats. While there are stats
listed in Chapter 18, the system is flexible enough to allow the GM to
All characters in every adventure will have one point of God’s Favor
create almost anything. One of the issues that come up is how hard
which allows incredible effects. God’s Favor is not a miracle, but an
should the foes be in an encounter. Generally, everyone of signifi-
intervention for the angel and other characters. The characters carry
cance in the game has some level. When determining the level of the
out the favor to benefit the mission as well as the faith of the human
foes for an encounter, the character points should be looked at rather
or wilding. As for miracles, God’s will may not seem always good to
than the level. However, the level can help the GM in initially deter-
another human at the time. God’s Favor can be used to destroy an evil
mining a foe for the player characters. First, the GM should decide
human or even demon. While there are many examples of this in the
how many foes he or she wants to bring in. Most of the time, it will be
Bible, one example includes an angel of death taking it’s celestial
several thugs and one very difficult foe. Second, the GM must know
form and descending onto Egypt to take the life of every first-born
how many character points there are in the player character group.
son. While no angel could feasibly do this, the angel used a point of
To determine this, the GM needs to add up all their points and divid-
God’s Favor to use and succeed in the mission. Miracles tend to have
ing it by two. Some GM’s may find this number too low or difficult to
a good connotation, but God’s decision may not seem to have a very
build an adequate threat. Then, the GM should use the total character
happy ending even for the most devout human servant.
points of all the player character for the next step. Third, the GM
should use this new number to determine the foes specific stats. All In the beginning of the mission or adventure, the GM should dole out
the foes’ character points should equal the number determined above. one point to each player. This point can be used to enact God’s Favor
For example, there are 4 level 5 characters with a total 260 character at anytime during the mission. The GM should provide certain op-
points. Next, the GM will need to make foes that will total 160 char- portunities for the humans to create powerful effects. The player may
acter points. When the GM designs the foes, he will make characters decide to use this at any point. This is fine, but the power has great
for these foes like any other player character. Continuing from the danger. If the angel chooses to use the power for sinful purposes, the
example above, the GM will have 1 level 5 gangster and 5 level 1
Page 200 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
angel will immediately fall from grace. The GM should give the players acter to make Stamina check every 10 minutes. Failure means that
hints or general instructions on how or where to use it. In real life, the character loses 1d6 hit points. Appropriate clothing and success-
angels would know when to use the power, but the players would not ful use of the Survival skill can modify the save, as noted above.
know. Thus, the players will need a little prodding and warning. The
GM should only warn the player once or twice on how to effectively Catching on Fire
use it. After that, the players have the free will to use it as they see fit.
Last, the power may not work like the angel wants or expects. The Heroes exposed to open flames might find their clothes, hair, or
GM should keep the power limited to not disrupting too much of the equipment on fire. Heroes at risk of catching fire are allowed a Base
normal Earth or the mission. The GM has final say over how the Defense Bonus check (DC 15) to avoid this fate. If a hero’s clothes or
power is used. hair catch fire, he or she takes 1d6 points of damage immediately. In
each subsequent round, the burning hero must make another Base
Defense Bonus check. Failure means he or she takes another 1d6
Environment and Hazards points of damage that round. Success means that the fire has gone
out. (That is, once the character succeeds at the saving throw, he or
Darkness and Light she is no longer on fire.)
It’s a rare mission that doesn’t end up in the dark somewhere, and A hero on fire may automatically extinguish the flames by jumping
heroes need a way to see. See Table: Light Sources for the radius that into enough water to douse him or herself. If no body of water is at
a light source illuminates and how long it lasts. hand, rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with blankets or
the like permits the hero another save with a +4 bonus.
Heat and cold deal damage that cannot be recovered until the charac- A character can go without food for three days, in growing discom-
ter counteracts or escapes the inclement temperature. As soon as the fort. After this, the character must make a Constitution check each
character suffers any damage from heat or cold, he or she is consid- day (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d6 points of
ered fatigued. damage.
A character not properly equipped to counteract the heat or cold must Damage from thirst or starvation cannot be recovered until the hero
attempt a Stamina check each hour (DC 15, +1 for each previous gets water or food, as needed. Even magical or psionic effects that
check). Failure means that the character loses 1d4 hit points. Heavy restore hit points cannot heal this damage.
clothing or armor provides a –4 penalty on saves against heat but
grants a +4 equipment bonus on saves against cold. A character that Suffocation and Drowning
succeeds at a Survival check (DC 15) gains a +4 competence bonus
on the save (see the Survival skill). A character in an airless environment (underwater, vacuum) can hold
his or her breath for a number of rounds equal to his or her Constitu-
Searing heat or bitter cold (desert or arctic conditions) forces a char- tion score. After this period of time, the character must make a Con-
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 201
stitution check (DC 10) every round to continue holding his or her Falling
breath. Each round, the DC of the Constitution check increases by 1.
A character takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet of a fall, to
When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, he or she a maximum of 20d6 points. If the character succeeds on a Base De-
begins to suffocate or drown. In the next round, the character falls fense Bonus check (DC 10, +1 for each 10 feet fallen), this damage is
unconscious with 0 hit points. In the following round, the character halved. If the saving throw fails, full damage is applied.
drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round after failing the
check, the character dies of suffocation or drowning. A character can make a Tumble check (DC 15) to treat a fall as if it
were 10 feet shorter when determining the damage and Base Defense
Smoke Bonus check DC required by the fall.
Characters breathing heavy smoke or similar toxic gases must make Falling Objects
a Constitution check (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) each round
or spend that round choking and coughing. Characters who choke for Objects that fall upon characters (or creatures or vehicles) deal dam-
2 consecutive rounds take 1d6 points of damage. age based on their size and the distance fallen, as noted on Table:
Damage from Falling Objects.
Smoke also obscures vision, giving one-half concealment (20% miss
chance) to characters within it. Objects deal the initial damage given in Table: Damage from Falling
Objects if they fall 10 feet or less. An object deals additional 1d6
Strangulation points of damage for every 10-foot increment it falls beyond the first
(to a maximum of 20d6 points of damage). Objects of Fine size are
When a character is strangled by an instrument or an attacker, use the too small to deal damage, regardless of the distance fallen.
rules below.
A successful Base Defense Bonus check indicates that the target takes
A character can strangle or choke a target of the same size category half damage. The size of the falling object determines the save DC.
or one size category larger or smaller. The strangling attempt incurs
an attack of opportunity. If the save fails by 10 or more, and the object is at least three size
categories larger than the character, the character is pinned under the
To begin the choke, the attacker must succeed at an opposed grapple fallen object. A pinned character cannot move but is not helpless. The
check. If the grapple succeeds, the attacker can choose to deal normal character can make a Strength check to lift the object off him or her-
unarmed damage as well as choke the target. The target can hold his self or an Escape Artist check (DC 20) to get out from underneath.
of her breath for a number of rounds equal to his or her Constitution The GM can modify the DCs for these checks based on the circum-
score. After this period of time, the target
must make a Constitution check (DC 10, +1
for each previous check) every round to con- Table: Damage from Falling Objects
tinue holding his or her breath. The target
begins to suffocate on a failed check (see Initial BDB Strength
Suffocation and Drowning). Object Size Examples Damage Check DC Check DC
Fine Penny 0 n/a n/a
If at any time the target breaks free or slips Diminutive Paperweight 1 0 n/a
free of the grapple, the stranglehold is bro- Tiny Wrench 1d3 5 n/a
ken (although any damage that was dealt Small Vase 1d4 10 5
remains). Note that a grappled target that is Medium-size Briefcase 1d6 15 10
not pinned can use his or her attack action Large Garbage can 2d6 20 20
to strangle his or her attacker. Huge Oil barrel 4d6 25 30
Gargantuan Piano 8d6 30 40
Colossal Vehicle 10d6 35 50
Page 202 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
stances. must succeed at a Base Defense Bonus check (DC 15) or acciden-
tally poison him or herself with the weapon.
Poisonous Substances
When a character takes damage from an attack with a poisoned
weapon, touches an item smeared with contact poison, consumes a Solid poisons are usually ingested. Liquid poisons are most effective
poisonous substance, inhales a poisonous gas, or is otherwise poi- when injected directly into the bloodstream. Gaseous poisons must
soned, the character must make a Stamina check. If the character be inhaled to be effective. The table below summarizes the character-
fails, he or she takes
the poison’s initial
Table: Poisons
damage (usually
ability damage). Save Initial Sec. Purchase Craft
Even if the character Poison Type DC Dmg Dmg DC Restriction DC Time
succeeds, he or she Arsenic Ingested 15 1d2 Str 1d4 Con 9 Res (+2) 24 4 hr.
typically faces sec- Atropine Injury 13 1d3 Agi 1d3 Str 3 Res (+2) 14 1 hr.
ondary damage 1 Belladonna (plant) Injury 18 1d3 Str 1d6 Str 14 Lic (+1) n/a n/a
minute later. This Blue vitriol Injury 12 1 Con 1 Con 3 Res (+2) 9 1 hr.
secondary damage Blue-ringed Injury 15 1d2 Con 1d2 Con 14 Lic (+1) n/a n/a
also requires a Octopus venom
Stamina check to Chloral hydrate Ingested 18 1d3 Agi Uncon. 12 Res (+2) 28 8 hr.
avoid. 1d3 hours
Chloroform 1 Inhaled 17 Uncon. — 9 Res (+2) 24 4 hr.
Poisonous liquids are 1d3 hours
Curare (plant) Injury 18 1d4 Agi 1d4 Wis 15 Res (+2) n/a n/a
usually administered
Cyanide Injury 16 1d3 Con 1d6 Con 15 Mil (+3) 31 15 hr.
through injection or
Cyanogens Inhaled 19 1d2 Agi 1d4 Con 12 Mil (+3) 28 8 hr.
by application to a DDT Inhaled 17 1d2 Str 1d2 Str 9 Lic (+1) 20 4 hr.
weapon. Poisonous Knockout gas Inhaled 18 1d3 Agi Uncon. 12 Res (+2) 26 8 hr.
gases must be in- 1d3 hours
haled to be effective. Lead arsenate (gas) Inhaled 12 1 Str 1d2 Con 6 Res (+2) 17 2 hr.
Poisonous solids are Pb arsenate (solid) Ingested 12 1 Con 1d2 Con 6 Res (+2) 18 2 hr.
usually ingested with Mustard gas Inhaled 17 1d2 Con 1d4 Con 12 Mil (+3) 26 8 hr.
food or drink. Paris green (gas) Inhaled 14 1 Con 1d2 Con 9 Res (+2) 20 4 hr.
Paris green (solid) Ingested 14 1d2 Con 1d2 Con 9 Res (+2) 24 4 hr.
Perils of Using Puffer poison (fish) Injury 13 1d3 Str Paralysis 13 Lic (+1) n/a n/a
Poison 2d6 min
Rattlesnake venom Injury 12 1d3 Con 1d3 Con 12 Lic (+1) n/a n/a
A character has a 5% Sarin nerve gas Inhaled 18 1d3 Con 1d4 Con 15 Illegal (+4) 30 15 hr.
Scorpion/tarantula Injury 11 1 Str 1 Str 12 Lic (+1) n/a n/a
chance (roll of 1 on
1d20) to expose him Strychnine Injury 19 1d2 Agi 1d4 Con 9 Res (+2) 23 4 hr.
or her to a poison Tear gas Inhaled 15 Blindness — 9 Res (+2) 21 4 hr.
whenever the char- 1d6 rounds
acter applies it to a VX nerve gas Inhaled 22 1d6 Con 2d6 Con 21 Illegal (+4) 42 48 hr.
weapon or otherwise
readies it for use. Ad- Chloroform gives off vapor that causes unconsciousness. Applying chloroform to an unwilling subject requires a
ditionally, a charac- successful grapple check and pin.
n/a: Certain poisons can’t be made with the Craft skill. Instead, such a poison must be obtained by extracting it
ter who rolls a 1 on from the creature in question.
an attack roll with a
poisoned weapon
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 203
istics of various poisons. kinds of creatures are immune to poison, as detailed in their descrip-
tions, though it is conceivable that a special poison could be synthe-
Save DC: The Difficulty Class of the Stamina check to negate the sized specifically to harm them.
effects of the poison.
Initial Damage: The damage a character takes immediately upon fail-
ing his or her Fortitude save. When a character is exposed to a treatable disease, the character must
make an immediate Stamina check. The victim must make this roll
Secondary Damage: The damage a character takes after 1 minute of when he or she comes into contact with an infectious carrier, touches
exposure to the poison if the character fails a second saving throw. an item smeared with diseased matter, consumes food or drink tainted
Ability score damage is temporary, unless marked with an asterisk, in with a disease, or suffers damage from a contaminated attack. If the
which case the damage is permanent ability drain. Unconsciousness character succeeds, the disease has no effect on him or her—the
lasts for 1d3 hours, and paralysis lasts 2d6 minutes. character’s immune system fights off the infection. If the character
fails the check, he or she takes damage after an incubation period;
Purchase DC: The DC for the Wealth check necessary to obtain the once per day thereafter, the character must succeed at a Stamina check
raw materials to craft the poison, or to purchase one bottle of solid or to avoid secondary damage. Two successful checks in a row indicate
liquid poison or one high-pressure cylinder of gaseous poison. A bottle that the character has fought off the disease and recovers, taking no
holds four doses, while a cylinder holds enough gas to fill a 10-foot- more damage.
radius area.
The characteristics of some treatable diseases are summarized on
Restriction: The restriction rating for the poison, if any, and the ap- Table: Diseases.
propriate black market purchase DC modifier. Remember to apply
this modifier to the purchase DC when making a Wealth check to Type: The disease’s method of delivery—ingested, inhaled, or via an
acquire the poison on the black market. injury. Some injury diseases can be transmitted by a wound as small
as an insect bite. Most diseases that are inhaled can also be ingested
Craft DC: The DC of the Craft check to create a quantity of the poi- (and vice versa).
Save DC: All characters must make a Stamina check to see if they
Time: The amount of time required for the Craft check. catch the disease.
If the Craft check succeeds, the final product is a synthesized solid or Incubation Period: The amount of time before initial damage takes
liquid poison stored in a bottle (containing 4 doses) or a gas stored in effect (if the victim fails his or her Stamina check).
a pressurized cylinder. When released, the gas is sufficient to fill a
10-foot-radius area and takes 1 round to fill the area.
Immunity Diseases
Creatures with Save Incubation
natural poison at- Disease Type DC Period Initial Dmg Sec. Dmg
tacks are immune Anthrax Inhaled/Injury DC 16 1d2 days 1 Con 2 Con*
to their own poi- Small pox Inhaled/Contact DC 15 2d4 days 1 Str and 1 Con 1 Str and 1 Con
son. Nonliving Pneumonia Inhaled DC 12 1d4 days 1 Str 2 Str and 2 Con
creatures and Hantavirus Injury DC 14 1 day 1d2 Str 1 Str* and 1 Con*
creatures without Necrotizing faciitis Contact DC 13 1d6 days 1 Con 2 Con*
West Nile virus Injury DC 12 1d4 days 1 Agi and 1 Con 1 Agi and 1 Con*
metabolisms are
Salmonellosis Ingested DC 13 1 day 1 Str and 1 Agi 1 Str and 2 Agi
immune to poison.
Oozes and certain *If damage is sustained, make a second check to avoid 1 point being permanently drained (instead of damaged).
Page 204 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Initial Damage: The damage the victim takes after the incubation pe-
In summary
Secondary Damage: The amount of damage the hero takes one day The job of game mastering is much harder than a player’s job in the
after taking initial damage, if he or she fails a second saving throw. game. The GM must plan out his or her adventures and characters.
This damage is taken each day the saving throw fails. The GM human characters should have a history with enough detail
to explain why they are with God or why they are not. Once the
Acid motivations and the will of the characters are designed, the GM has
to come up with an overall story for the characters to play through.
Corrosive acids deal damage each round of exposure. The amount of The GM should try not to kill player characters in the game, but a
damage varies depending on the acid’s strength, as noted on Table: dramatic death or the luck of the roll can be very enjoyable. Once the
Acid Damage. antagonist, supporting characters and the story are decided on, the
GM should be ready to have the characters play through it. Also, the
Acid damage from an attack reduces hit points. A character fully im- GM has the job of making the game challenging for the characters
mersed in acid takes potentially more damage per round of exposure and players as well as FUN. The players should feel like they have a
than a character splashed with acid. chance in the adventure. This idea only helps them to have fun; be-
cause the players won’t have fun if they feel like there is no way to
The fumes from most acids are inhaled poisons. Those who come win. There should always be a way out for the characters. As the
within 5 feet of a large body of acid must make a Stamina check (DC players enjoy the game, they will be even more satisfied by complet-
15) or takes 1 point of temporary Constitution damage. A second check ing the adventure and gaining experience points. Overall, everyone
must succeed 1 minute later to avoid taking another 1d2 points of should try to have fun. If there is a problem, the GM and players
Constitution damage. should discuss it after the game and resolve the matter the best way
they can.
Electrical hazards come in many forms, including Electricity Damage
stun guns, downed power lines, and electric security
fences. Table: Electricity Damage gives damage val- Type Examples Damage Stamina DC
ues for various electrical hazards based on relative Jolt Car battery, stun gun 1d3 10
voltage. A character can make a Stamina check to Low voltage Fuse box, electrical 2d6 15
reduce the damage by half. If that character is not socket
Medium voltage Industrial 4d6 15
grounded or is otherwise insulated from the current,
Transformer, electric
a successful save indicates that no damage is suf- fence
fered. High voltage Power line, electric 8d6 20
chair, lightning
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 205
character creation and even game play. Also, it will help the GM plan ers and GM should decide exactly how they want to react to each
games better if they know what to expect. So, read on and remember other.
these are only a few observations and there are other aspects that
players and GM’s will find as they play through adventures. Ability Scores
Races There has been a great amount of effort put in to make the primary
ability scores as equal as possible. However, not everything is per-
When players are considering races, they should think about how fect. The two primary abilities that should be watched out for is Agil-
they want to play their character. In the combat sense, wildings and ity and Constitution. They are used the most in combat. If a character
angels give them the most advantages. If a player wants a character maxes out these two abilities, they will have a greater edge in com-
that is desperately fighting the odds and has little chance of success bat. However, this may not be a bad thing especially for humans.
when going toe-to-toe against a demon, they should look at the Lunus Appearance and Presence can be very dominating in social situations.
and the Illyrus. If they want more sociable characters that like to talk If a character has high scores in these, he or she will be able to pass
rather than fight, an Inheritus, Ayerlings, Watyrling and Messenger almost any social check. This leads to the secondary abilities.
Angel could work very well for these kinds of rolls. As for combina-
tions, the Messenger Angel and Watyrling are the player’s best bet. While the secondary abilities are important, they should not be beefed
When players want to play strange characters or outsiders, they should up with points. It is much more efficient to dump points in attributes,
look at Keeper Angels, Xenus and even a Stoneling will allow them skills and feats than increasing these. However, a player can and should
to play in more unusual circumstances. With twelve selections to modify his character however he or she wishes. The most important
choose from, a player should be able to come up with any kind of one is the intelligent ability. While weak on the outside, an adversary
character that they want. can have a high intelligence with a high appearance and, through
temptation, have a character do almost anything. While wisdom is
One of the issues that is not really discussed anywhere is the kind of important to resist these attempts, the intelligence ability does have
interactions between the different types. Humans will always be a an advantage if used correctly. This can be almost detrimental for
little awe struck by angels and their counterparts. All humans will be angels. The rest of the abilities all have varying uses depending on
especially afraid of Keepers. They never know if the angel of death is the player’s style.
there for them or not, even if the angel tries to counsel them, which
helps a little but not much. All humans are somewhat trepid when Skills
they are around wildings in the shroud. This is mostly due to their
size and appearance. Other than that, humans tend to find powerful Many new players make the mistake that ability scores are more im-
allies in wildings. On the other side, wildings don’t have any precon- portant than skills. In fact, they have it backwards. While the skills
ceived notions towards any race. They feel like outsiders to every- make you more specialized and a negative ability modifier can hurt a
thing, but they tend to enjoy hu- character in some circum-
man company and their angelic stances, skills
mentors. As for angels, they a r e
tend to react evenly to ev- cheap
eryone, but some will be
a little prejudiced to-
wards wildings
due to their in-
volvement in
than that,
the play-
Page 206 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
and many points can be dumped into these to give a character much about the inclusion of both hit points and wound levels. Wound levels
better chance at passing most DC checks. The combat skills are good are to keep things somewhat dangerous when characters suffer a large
example of this. By increasing your gun combat skill and ranged de- amount of damage, while hit points show the character being whittled
fense skill, a character stands a good chance at surviving any ranged down by small amounts of damage. Both of these can kill, but Wound
combat. However, this also makes it hard to keep the characters bal- Levels incur actual penalties. Another aspect is mind combat. Most
anced overall in aspects of fighting. All-around warriors will have to players will not be expecting this and won’t realize how powerful
dump a lot of points into all the combat skills to be good in all kinds of this aspect of the game can actually be. A player with a Xenus char-
combat. Of course, this will create deficiencies in other areas that acter may catch on fairly quick on how powerful they can be in a
will make them relatively weak. Finally, skills are designed to give situation. Most characters will not allocate defenses against this, which
your character background and depth. While it is advantageous to is usually mind shield and will be easily hurt or taken over by it.
have high melee attack skill, the character will have more depth if he However, the GM should keep a close rein on players that may take it
has knowledge of art due to his mother’s love for art. too far. This also goes along with the temptations. Most players will
forget that a demon can persuade them to do the wrong action and the
Attributes and Feats player will be helpless to stop it and forced to roleplay the character
failing a situation.
There are too many attributes to go over. Simply, a player can utilize
anyone of the available attributes to their maximize their character’s Shroud
potential if they understand what each one does. There are some at-
tributes that will be noted. First, Celestial Fire is very powerful and The shroud is a very important aspect to the game. This is where the
most angel characters should use this attribute to produce most of characters can do all their cool powers while fighting evil. While in
their powers. This is one of the main attributes that make angels so the shroud, characters have all the same potential actions as demons.
powerful. Superstrength should be taken if available to increase the The character can persuade humans and wildings on Earth while they
character’s strength rather than putting CP’s into it or using Enhance stand in the shroud like a demon does. A character may even be able
Ability. It is much cheaper to increase strength with this attribute. to absorb essence from the evil actions from lost humans on the Earth
Healing is a relatively powerful attribute so that more fragile mem- side. Of course, this is a sin and any character doing this will lose one
bers such as humans might have a better chance at living. Finally, Faith Level automatically. Also, they can interact with the shroud as
Health Bonus and Essence Bonus are almost essential to helping char- covered before. While the characters can dissuade a demon’s victim,
acters survive while highly skilled attribute aids characters in having the characters can choose to enter the shroud and wipe out the evil.
a lot of proficient skills. This can be a very fun aspect of the game, but the GM and player
should not forget that the game is about humans, wildings and other
Feats are minor in some ways but should not be overlooked. They can creatures with souls finding salvation. A demon’s victim might not be
increase secondary abilities much cheaper than spending CP. Also, tortured by demon anymore, but the demon might have done enough
they are very useful for the combatants of the group. There are many damage to alter the victim’s behavior towards evil. The characters
feats that will give combatants an edge such as power attack and can stop the demons, but it is much harder to stop the evil cancer
whirlwind attack. In the end, the player should choose both of these inside a tormented soul.
based on their character concept, archetype and background and not
necessarily what makes them lethal weapons. Conclusion
Combat With the above knowledge, a GM should be ready for his or her play-
ers and help them along in making a great campaign. Of course, other
Combat can be very deadly. Despite how high of level the character issues might arise. The designers have worked hard at minimizing
goes or their hit points, Wound Levels are what keep everything some- the problems, but a group may have questions. The group should
what grounded. As a character gets higher level, they will be taking answer them the best they can within the framework of the game.
more wound levels, because their more powerful opponents will be Everyone in Crown of Thorns Studio hopes you have fun playing this
dealing more damage. While a character can beef up their Stamina, it and will help in anyway possible. Be sure to keep an eye out for
would be very inefficient use of CP’s, and the character should prob- downloads, new products and any other changes that we will an-
ably invest in defense rather than Stamina. Some players may wonder nounce on the website, www.celestius-ex.com.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 207
chapter 18:
From the Darkness
and the Light
These are some of the different type of creatures that angels may deal
with when they are on missions. The GM is encouraged to modify,
expand or redesign any of these creatures to fit his or her campaign.
The majority of the population in Heaven are celestial beings known
as angels. They are the servants of the Lord and perform everything
from small to large tasks. Each one is important to God and he has a
special purpose for each one. Outside of Heaven, the angels have
been charged with doing God’s will on Earth and in the Shroud. Each
angel is unique like all creatures in Heaven as well as has their own
free will.
“For I am convinced that neither Archangels
death nor life, neither angels nor
They appear as any other angels. These are what angels change into
demons, neither the present nor the as they grow to a certain power. They are the most powerful celestial
beings in Heaven. For the most part, they are the most powerful be-
future, nor any powers, neither ings in the universe. They are rarely involved with missions outside
of Heaven unless the risk is too great for an angel. They are the gen-
height nor depth, nor anything else erals of the legions. They are one of the closest of all beings to God.
The most powerful of all archangels is Michael. There are many other
in all creation, will be able to archangels, and there has been only one archangel to fall from grace.
separate us from the love of God that
Other celestial beings
is in Christ Jesus our Lord ” Angels and Archangels are not the only creatures that reside in Heaven.
Many different types of creatures continue to do God’s work in Heaven.
Romans 8:38-39
Some of these creatures include Seraphim, Thrones and Cherubim.
Page 208 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
There are many others and each individual has their own special task. puter Scanning, Essence Bonus, Enhanced [Ability], Exorcism, Ex-
Everyone lives in harmony in Heaven and while discrepancies of opin- tra Attacks, Extra Defenses, Extreme Damage, Flunkies, Health Bo-
ion appear, each maintain good relationships with each other. nus, Heightened Awareness, Highly Skilled, Item of Power, Jumping,
Mechanical Genius, Mind Shield, Organizational Ties, Power De-
Neutrals fense, Rejuvenation, Servant, Sixth Sense, Special Attack, Spirit Ward,
Unique Attribute, Wealth
Feats: Point Blank Shot students. This fact has alarmed some archangels and they are asking
God to destroy this new wave, but God has not given the order. He
Attributes: - only states that it will happen in due time. These students are being
taught a very powerful and potent magic. A full adept could harm or
Defects: Owned (2) destroy an angel. Once this entire class of students graduate, more
students will be brought in. The students are taught everything that a
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: Police Uniform, Walkie
normal or public school would teach, but the curriculum would also
Talkie, Hip Holster, Glock 17 (2d6), Tonfa (1d4), Hand-
cuffs include twisted perceptions of truth and the past. The students would
appear normal, but they would have very strange ideas. Satan, other-
wise known as Lucifer to his fellow demons, knows of Baalum’s
treachery, but he is not aware of all the plans. He likes the ideas of the
Enemies schools, and Baalum himself has told Lucifer that the casters are for
Lucifer’s purposes only. Lucifer is using one of Baalum’s most trusted
Sorcerers demons, Isaal, as a double agent. Lucifer has ordered Isaal to find
the most powerful of the entire sorcerer stu-
There are some humans who have dedicated their dents and bring the student to Lucifer. How-
lives to the study of magic. While some began out ever, Isaal has his own plans and thinks that
of curiosity or innocence, they all become consumed he has a shot at ousting both of these de-
by the need for more and greater power. Most mons from their high perches. Lucifer is
tomes of magic are hidden and not widely spread. also aware of Isaal’s deceitful plan.
To learn the craft, a human must learn it from
another practitioner. Each practitioner usu- Sorcerers have great power. The de-
ally leads a solitary life and searches on his fining difference is that they have
own for more power. Angels never find most gained the attribute, Sorcery.
sorcerers unless they exhibit their power. Like Mechanistically, it works just like
all humans, angels cannot slay a sorcerer un- the attribute, Celestial Fire. It
less God orders it, or he uses his power to harm uses Essence Points to power
others. Most of the time, the sorcerer will only the spells. However, there is
exhibit his power to take control or cause others one major drawback. Each
to fear him. Most sorcerers can destroy a human’s time the character uses Sor-
life, but a few become powerful enough to wipe out cery, the character will lose
an entire city. When sorcerers show these kinds of one Faith Level if they have
powers, angels will be dispatched to destroy the sor- any. As long as they have the
cerer. Sorcerers are very well known to demons, and character points, they can de-
demons will often manipulate sorcerers in their quests sign any kind of spell they
for power. However, a demon will not absorb the es- want. With such power, it is
sence of a caster, because the caster will perceive the demon has an no wonder that so many humans are tempted by it.
enemy to his obsession for power. The demons want to keep the hu-
man as their ally and confidant. On the other hand, the sorcerer is just Echoes
another pawn the demons’ plans and only a few are aware of the
demons deceitfulness. This is how the demons want to keep matters Humans will be in situations where they are pushed to their emo-
with sorcerers, and they have instituted a new plan by Baalum. tional limits. When in these extremes, a human’s soul exudes addi-
tional essence. Whether it is converted into Spiritus or not, the amount
Baalum has decided that to take Satan’s place in the demonic hierar- of essence causes the human to leave an impression on the shroud
chy. However, his plan needs a huge amount of sorcerers. Each of like something pushing against a piece of fabric. While the impres-
them would follow his commands and all the demons that follow him. sion cannot be seen in the shroud, the impression can be seen on
There have been small schools set up around the world to teach young Earth. These impressions are known as echoes. Some echoes are as
children as sorcerers. The total enrollment has exceeded ten thousand
Page 210 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
short as a human’s action to as long as the whole event. Within the Each abomination appears differently to various degrees depending
event, there may even be several echoes. It all depends on the situa- on which area they inhabit. Each kind of abomination have a differ-
tion. A murder might involve the murder and the victim. This would ent method, mission and power that make them very potent. Demons
be the same case in a sexual encounter willing or unwilling. A wit- build these creatures from almost anything. Most abominations are
ness’ echo might even be there. As for just a single echo, a moment made from materials of dead animals. Before the body disappears
might be a child getting her first puppy or a man getting his degree or from the shroud, the demons can use their rituals and cause the dead
first car. It can also be from very negative aspects like a suicide. Ech- matter to rise and walk in the shroud. Many abominations appear to
oes do fade overtime. Depending on how strong the emotions were, be nonliving corpses walking around. For angels, the appearance alone
the echo might take a week to several years to fade. An echo really is worth them being destroyed.
does not affect an angel at all. It only helps them perceive what might
have happened in a certain place. A character can use Intelligence For stat purposes, all abominations start out with zero modifiers on
(DC 20) to perceive and understand the events. However, there is all their abilities. Since they don’t have any will, they are not consid-
nothing really an angel can do about an echo being present. ered sentient and they cannot be saved. Plus, they don’t have souls.
While the echo might not be of usefulness to the angel, the echo is
really valuable to demons. Demons can turn echoes into shadelings
and there is even a ritual that uses an echo to create a ghost. Some- Arions
times, demons may use echoes to torture people with guilt by enhanc-
They appear as giant manta rays that glide through the air. They are
ing the echoes into visions.
the twenty-times the size of any angel. While large, they are very
nimble in the air. They have a large maw for a mouth with several
rows of teeth that will shred anything it swallows. Also, they have a
Since their exile from Heaven, demons have been looking for a way large ridged tail that ends with a small arrow-shape point that fires
to break their way into Heaven and destroy it and God. However, the up to three lightning bolts each round. To help defend it, it has a very
demons had a slight problem with this idea. God permanently threw thick, almost impenetrable armor. Flying high above the Ark, it will
them out of Heaven, and they were never allowed back in. The few fly into a group of angels and destroy a few of them while knocking
demons to make their way back into Heaven were instantly destroyed. several angels out of the air. They are impervious to lower rank an-
The demons would no longer exist once they entered the gates of gels while more vulnerable to the higher ranked angels. The arions
Heaven. So, Lucifer and his followers had to find another way to have been guarding the Ark for as long as it has been there. Many
destroy most of Heaven without them doing it themselves. They re- angels believe an aberration created the arions from it’s own twisted
searched and studied rituals that allowed them to alter fragment and mind. It takes several years to build one and each assault takes out
objects in the shroud. They found a way to assemble parts of various only a few. No angel knows what these creatures are created from or
materials including living matter. Once constructed, the demons would they would find a way to stop it.
imbue this creation with permanent essence. The creature would sur-
Stats: Arion
vive as long as it kept its essence. Since the creature did not use es- Lvl: 14 CP: 115
sence in actions, it only lost essence from damage. Str: 2 BAB: 7
Agi: 6 BDB: 10 (-1 size)
Angels first encountered these horrible creatures before the Great Con: 4 Ini: 8
Flood. These creatures were very powerful and could easily take out Awa: 3 Sta: 10
a small group of angels. Luckily, most abominations are not powerful Wit: 2 Wis: 7
enough to leave the shroud unaided, which gives angels some safety Spi: -5 Int: 9
on Earth. Right before the flood, there were more abominations in the Pre: 0 HP: 82
shroud than at any other time. Satan, with a powerful gate ritual, led App: 0 EP: 56
a huge assault against Heaven only to have the floodwaters destroy Size: Large Move: 25
his reinforcements. After the flood, most of the abominations were
destroyed. After that point, Satan and his followers decided to rebuild Skills (total): Knowledge: Military Sciences (Tactics) (8),
Spot (4), Listen (7), Melee Attack (17), Special Ranged
their forces with much more secretive means. At the turn of the 21st
Attack (18), Melee Defense (20), Ranged Defense (20),
century, the Earth is covered by abominations.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 211
als and powerful spells. Only three circles make use of these priests. in the water. Instead of the two arms with claws, the creature has ten
The Tomb uses its own undead priests to enact their many rituals. tentacles with giant claws at the end of each tentacle. The creature
The priests are easily destroyed and are not very good combatants. can fire beams of searing energy out of its four eyes. These creatures
Most of the time, the demons will place guards to protect the priests. will spend most of their time sleeping on the ocean floor. When they
Even today, the demons are looking for new recruits. Several small travel the oceans, other abominations and demons will sit inside shell
enclaves have sprung up over the centuries in Arabian and African of these huge creatures. They will only attack if provoked and it has
countries. The people in this religion are usually power-hungry or poor perception. If something does make itself notice, the creature
illiterate vengeful people. Characters will often try to stop the de- will attack without reluctance. Krakens are pretty mindless for the
mons and these misunderstood people. While angels can only dis- most part and are easy to trick and out maneuver. However, they are
suade people from this religion, they can destroy these abominations fast despite there size.
when they find them.
Stats: Kraken
Stats: Jujdra Lvl: 12 CP: 105
Lvl: 3 CP: 60 Str: 7 BAB: 5
Str: -1 BAB: 1 Agi: 2 BDB: 6 (8, (-2 Size))
Agi: 4 BDB: 3 Con: 5 Ini: 5
Con: 2 Ini: 4 Awa: 4 Sta: 6
Awa: 4 Sta: 2 Wit: 0 Wis: 5
Wit: 5 Wis: 1 Spi: -5 Int: 7
Spi: -5 Int: 5 Pre: -2 HP: 33
Pre: 2 HP: 18 App: -2 EP: 30
App: -1 EP: 38 Size: Huge Move: 10
Size: Med Move: 12
Skills (Totals):Hide (4), Navigate (6), Special Ranged
Skills (total): Concentration (1), Gather Information (8), Attack (16), Unarmed Attack (16), Melee Defense (12),
Hide (10), Knowledge: Occult (10), Power Usage (1), Ranged Defense (12), Unarmed Defense (8)
Melee Attack (2), Melee Defense (4), Ranged Defense (4),
Unarmed Defense (4) Feats: Brawl, Improved Brawl
very thick armor. While not that nimble, their armor is almost imper- are around the circle known as the Temple. They use the creatures to
vious to any attack. They have four large arms that wield two glaives. kill any intruders in the area. They use their ability to camouflage in
They have no visible heads. The only way to destroy these warriors the darkness and ambush anyone. With their powerful jaws and huge
is to either penetrate their armor or hit the essence source where the claws, they can rip almost any being into shreds. Angels are a little
head would be and in between the two plates. harder for them to deal with so they roam in packs. Then, they attack
the angels in large numbers and defeat them. Luckily, they only exist
Stats: Scarab in the shroud. Through a very long and dangerous ceremony, a few
Lvl: 6 CP: 80 have been unleashed onto Earth.
Str: 6 BAB: 3
Agi: 1 BDB: 6 Stats: Seimbans
Con: 5 Ini: 3 Lvl: 3 CP: 65
Awa: 3 Sta: 4 Str: 5 BAB: 1
Wit: 0 Wis: 3 Agi: 4 BDB: 3
Spi: -5 Int: 4 Con: 2 Ini: 2
Pre: -2 HP: 34 (14 + 3d8) Awa: 3 Sta: 3
App: -3 EP: 9 Wit: 1 Wis: 1
Size Huge Move: 5 Spi: -5 Int: 3
Pre: 2 HP: 33 (9+4d8)
Skills (Totals): Hide (3), Melee Attack (9), Special Ranged App: -2 EP: 7
Attack (7), Melee Defense (8), Ranged Defense (8), Size: Medium Move: 12
Unarmed Defense (7)
Skills (Totals): Hide (6), Spot (4), Listen (4), Jump (6),
Feats: Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting (3) Tumble (5), Wilderness Tracking (2), Survival (2), Melee
Attack (6), Melee Defense (5), Ranged Defense (4),
Unique Powers/Attributes Unarmed Attack (3), Unarmed Defense (4)
♦ Huge (Size Change 2)
♦ 4 Arms (Extra Arms 2) Feats: Sneak Attack, Judge Opponent, Block Ranged
♦ Armor 20 (Armor 5) Attacks
♦ 5 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 2)
♦ Scarab Glaive Melee 2d8+Str, Ranged Energy Unique Powers/Attributes
Attack 2d8 (Item of Power 4: Special Melee Attack 3 ♦ Rending Claws 4d8+Str, -10 to Foe’s Armor, Es-
(Flurry, Muscle-Powered, Melee), Special Ranged Attack sence Damage (Special Attack 5: Muscle Powered,
2 (Long Range, Uses Essence) Penetrating Armor, Drain Essence, Melee)
♦ Extra Health 3d8 (Health Bonus 3) ♦ Camouflage (Invisibility 3, sight, smell, hearing)
♦ Bite 1d6 (Natural Weapons 1)
Defects: ♦ Heightened Awareness
♦ Huge Size Permanent (Permanent –3) ♦ +4d8 Hit Points (Health Bonus 4)
♦ Neck weakness: To Attack the Neck, -3 (Achilles
Heel –1) Defects:
♦ Camouflage, Can’t move to work (Restriction –3)
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
These creatures appear to be extremely large lions. They stand al-
most as tall as a normal man does, and their claws extend at least six These are leeches in the shroud. These dark, shadowy, emaciated
inches. They have a very large and thick mane and their bodies are figures gather around humans with essence and draw the essence away
covered in a hard, leathery armor. These creatures are blacks all over from the person. Several Shadelings will attach themselves to a per-
and it aids them in camouflage. Seimbans mostly populate the jungles son and continually draw on the essence to stay alive. When the
Page 214 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
shadelings attack a human, the human feels a hungriness or empti- combat. While they can be taken down quickly, the creatures do not
ness that they must fill. This will lead them to do more sinful acts and die. To permanently destroy it, a keeper must destroy them with his
creating more essence and the shadelings continue to drain the hu- fire attacks. If a keeper is not present, the parts will continue to act
man. While these abominations are relatively easy to dispatch by and eventually reform. Shamblers are merely used to distract or over-
angels, there are millions in certain locations. While attacking in whelm an opponent if not to destroy humans and wildings.
groups they will use very sharp claws to rend their opponents. In
darker places, demons can cast a ritual that will affect a large area. Stats: Shamblers
Each echo in the area starts to mutate into a shadeling. The effect Lvl: 1 CP: 50
lasts for months. As angels have to wipe out each shadeling, the pro- Str: 5 BAB: 2
Agi: -1 BDB: 2
cess is very slow. Most cities or other heavily populated areas are
Con: 5 Ini: 0
covered with them. Awa: 1 Sta: 2
Wit: -3 Wis: 0
Stats: Shadelings
Spi: -5 Int: 0
Lvl: 2 CP: 55
Pre: 0 HP: 27 (7+4d8)
Str: 0 BAB: 3
App: -2 EP: 5
Agi: 4 BDB: 3
Size: Medium Move: 3
Con: 2 Ini: 3
Awa: 1 Sta: 3
Skills: Melee Attack (4), Unarmed Attack (3), Ranged
Wit: 3 Wis: 1
Defense (4), Melee Defense (4), Unarmed Defense (4)
Spi: -5 Int: 3
Pre: 2 HP: 11
Feats: -
App: -2 EP: 7
Size: Medium Move: 12
Unique Powers/Attributes:
♦ Slashing Claws 3d8+Str (Special Attack 3: Muscle-
Skills: Hide (6), Listen (2), Spot (4), Search (2), Melee
Powered, Essence Drain, Melee)
Attack (5), Melee Defense (5), Ranged Defense (4),
♦ Immune to Criticals (Immune 2)
Unarmed Defense (4)
♦ Health Bonus +4d8 (Health Bonus 4)
Feats: Dodge, Sneak Attack
Defects: -
Unique Powers/Attributes
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: Ragged clothing
♦ Claws 3d8 (Special Attack 3: Flurry, Drain Essence,
♦ Drain Essence 3d8 (Special Attack 2: Drain Es-
sence, Vampirism, Melee, No Damage) Troll
♦ 2 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 1)
♦ Flight at 50 mph (Flight 2) Wildings can be a very unruly bunch. The demons created very large
creatures to keep their wilding forces controlled. These creatures were
Defects: called trolls. They are very large with a horrible temperament. Most
♦ Obsessed with human Essence (Blind Fury –1) wildings come to hate these beings and will kill them if they feel they
have enough force to do it. To prevent their destruction, the trolls are
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: - only employed at certain times and especially in battle. Most of the
time, the demons will have the trolls leave the wildings alone, but the
trolls enjoy torturing and maiming their charges. While not ushering
Shamblers wildings through battle or torturing them, they are often sent into
cities and other areas to kill escaped wildings and destroy any hu-
A demon will often invade a mortuary or cemetery and find a dead mans in the shroud. Trolls are large with thick skin and extremely
body. In the shroud, recent dead bodies will have an echo. The demon strong. They have barbed whips to keep their subjects in line.
can perform a short ritual and raise the body to life in the shroud. The
body can only do rudimentary actions, but they are often used for Stats: Troll
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 215
Lvl: 15 CP: 135 only a few vampires, although the number is increasing. Vampires
Str: 6 BAB: 7 are humans that have given their souls to the demons. In exchange,
Agi: 4 BDB: 11 the demons have given them great power. Through a very powerful
Con: 4 Ini: 7 ritual that takes one night, the demons can turn a human into a vam-
Awa: 2 Sta: 11 (9+2) pire. Once the soul is removed, the body dies. The next night the
Wit: -1 Wis: 7
body will rise from it’s place. The creature retains all its past memo-
Spi: -4 Int: 7
ries. The weakness of the vampire is for the hunger of essence. Since
Pre: 0 HP: 100 (84+3d8)
App: -2 EP: 56 the body does not have true soul, there is no replenishment of essence
Size: Large Move: 16 inside the body. The vampire must seek out another human to absorb
essence from. While the means of draining is different for each vam-
Skills (totals): Climb (8), Gather Information (4), Hide (6), pire in certain
Intimidation (2), Jump (8), Listen (4), Move Silently (6), ways, most
Poison (4), Swim (8), Tumble (6), Gun Combat (7), Melee vampires
Attack (9), Unarmed Attack (9), Ranged Defense (13), choose to
Melee Defense (13), Unarmed Defense (13) drink blood
like the tales
Feats: Great Stamina, Brawl, Improved Brawl, Stunning say they did.
However, the
first vampires
Unique Powers/ Attributes
♦ Large Size (Change Size 1) drained es-
♦ Fast Healing 4 hp/round (Regeneration 4) sence by
♦ 3 Attacks per round (Extra Attacks 2) merely touch-
♦ 3 Defenses per Round (Extra Defenses 2) ing its prey.
♦ +8 Strength (Superstrength 2) Since the
♦ +3d8 HP (Good Health 3) truth has been
♦ Power Whip 4d8+Str, entangles (Item of Power 4: twisted over
Special Attack 5: Flurry, Muscle-Powered, Entangle, the years,
Melee) vampires
♦ Collar of Submission, a necklace that is placed on must rely on
someone and causes him or her to become extremely
inept obeying all commands, but can’t do anything
and help from
complicated like combat, DC 18 (Item of Power 4: Spe-
cial Attack 4: Incapacitating, Melee, No Damage, Unique their elders to determine their needs and strengths.
Disability (must be worn); Always On –3, Limited to
Shroud –1, Mind Control 1) Each vampire can create new vampires. Although a ritually created
vampire is always more powerful than any of his or her’s other prog-
Defects: eny. Each creature can create another vampire. To create one, the
♦ Blind Fury 2 vampire must feed his dark essence into the person’s soul. The soul is
♦ Permanently Large (Permanent 3) then corrupted and begins to leave the body. In the physical realm,
the vampire may use a kiss or have the new progeny drink blood from
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: Taskmaster Harness him. This takes essence away from the vampire, which makes him
weaker. As to the soul leaves the body, the vampire channels the soul
Vampires to his demon masters. The vampire then will channel up to six es-
sence points into the new vampire. The new progeny is weak and
These are extremely powerful beings. Most abominations cannot ex- feigns for more essence. As they get older, they begin to grow in
ist on Earth. If an abomination does exist on Earth, it is extremely strength. No progeny can create another. Only the vampire created by
powerful. Since angels cannot use their divine forms or traits on Earth, demons, or otherwise known as vampire keepers, can create vampire
the vampire represents a very difficult problem. Fortunately, there are progeny. This is how the demons prefer it to help maintain control of
Page 216 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
their servants. To gain new powers besides what they have, the vam- ♦ Blood Drain 4d8 (Special Attack 3: No Regenera-
pires must absorb essence from a wilding or talented. A vampire can- tion, Concealable, Drain Essence, Vampiric (Essence),
not absorb the powers or essence of an angel and it is instantly de- Low Penetration, Melee, Slow 1, Toxic)
stroyed if it does. This causes vampires to hunt out the exceptional in ♦ Gaseous Form, a poisonous gas cloud that can
the world and destroy them to help them gain more power. Each keeper cause humans to pass out (DC 12), Uses 2 EP (Alternate
Form, Full Powered 2: Insubstantial 2, Flight 1, Special
dreams of breaking free of their demon masters. In fact, a vampire can
Attack 1 (Area Affect, Incapacitates, Melee, No Damage,
never break free of the demons. To help them, vampires only have a
Toxic), Restriction –2)
few weaknesses. The sun does not destroy a vampire outright, but ♦ Bat Form, can’t see in the dark, Uses 2 EP (Alter-
every combat round, or ten seconds, that the vampire is in the sun, the nate Form, Full Powered 1: Flight 1, Heightened Senses
vampire will lose one point of essence. Another weakness is Spiritus. 1 (Sonar), Low vision -1, Size Change (Tiny) 2, Sixth
A human can roll his resistance like he does against a demon to keep Sense 2, Restriction -2)
the vampire at bay. Some will use crosses while other will show a ♦ Fast Healing 3 hp/round (Regeneration 3)
force of will. ♦ Immune to Critical (Immunity 2)
♦ 2 Attacks per round (Extra Attacks 1)
Note: Existing player human character can be turned into vampires.
The special abilities for the progeny should be added as well as the Defects:
Strength and Agility increased by four. The character points should ♦ Deadly Sun Allergy, instant (Restriction –3)
also be increased by the ability increase and special abilities. The ♦ Incapacitated by a wooden stake in heart (Weak
character will take on a new level depending on the total character Point –1, Vulnerable –1)
♦ Essence can’t be naturally regenerated (Restriction
points. Unless a cure can be found, this is a permanent situation and
the player should lose the character since it is considered “lost”.
♦ No image in mirror (Restriction –2)
Unique Powers/ Attributes are crushed and twisted. Once the torture is finished, the angel has
♦ Blood Drain 5d8 (Special Attack 4: No Regenera- fallen from grace and turned into a new being. The process is rather
tion, Concealable, Drain Essence, Vampiric (Essence), unusual and the results are even stranger. Demons have found that
Low Penetration, Melee, Slow 1, Toxic) the torture unleashes a certain potential within the angel. The angel
♦ Gaseous Form, a poisonous gas cloud that can somehow begins a transformation into an archangel, but the being
cause humans to pass out (DC 12), Uses 2 EP (Alternate
does not complete the full transformation. Instead, the angel twists
Form, Full Powered 2: Insubstantial 2, Flight 1, Special
into a new being not like any creature in any realm. The angel’s mad-
Attack 1 (Area Affect, Incapacitates, Melee, No Damage,
Toxic), Restriction –2) ness causes him to reimagine his appearance and purpose. The indi-
♦ Bat Form, can’t see in the dark, Uses 2 EP (Alter- vidual changes with an almost completely different personality. These
nate Form, Full Powered 1: Flight 1, Heightened Senses creatures only have one form and lose their ability to move out of the
1 (Sonar), Low vision -1, Size Change (Tiny) 2, Sixth shroud. The form can be anything. Their abilities can be very differ-
Sense 2, Restriction -2) ent. Once they leave the prison, they choose whether to join the de-
♦ Fast Healing 4 hp/round (Regeneration 4) monic armies or return to their cell. Most of these creatures join the
♦ Immune to Critical (Immunity 2) demons, but a few escape into the shroud to terrorize all beings. The
♦ 2 Attacks per round (Extra Attacks 1) angels have called their twisted brethren, “Aberrations.” They are
♦ Dominate (Mind Control, humans 2) not demons, nor are they abominations or anything else. Demons fear
♦ Create Prodigy, occurs after the death of the these creatures and their horrific power.
human by blood draining (Contamination 3, Limited –1))
♦ Animal Domination (Mind Control, animals 1) While the process is very horrific and dangerous, no demon has cho-
♦ Fear opponent are paralyzed by fear if they fail a
sen to undergo the procedure. The unwilling victims have produced a
Wisdom check (DC 16) (Special Attack 3: Incapacitating,
much stranger creature that is even less powerful than a human has.
Area Affect, No Damage, Short Range, Toxic)
These are called Minions. They are not much good for anything ex-
Defects: cept for simple tasks. The demons are continually researching what it
♦ Incapacitated by a wooden stake in heart (Weak is that makes the angels become more powerful and not a demon.
Point –1, Vulnerable –1) Also, the idea of the prison was originally created by an insane de-
♦ Essence can’t be naturally regenerated (Restriction mon known as Marij. One of the most loyal demons to Lucifer him-
–3) self, Marij created the prison, because he knew that it was possible to
♦ No image in mirror (Restriction –2) find the untapped potential. He merely had to find it. He still does not
♦ Demon Masters (Owned –3) know the answer but knows that he will complete it as soon as he
completes a special project for Lucifer.
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: Business Clothing, sword
cane, handgun Wanderer
Most angels marvel at this creature. After the release, the Wanderer
Aberrations only has one form he can take which appears almost completely hu-
man. What makes the creature most unusual is that he appears al-
In the war, angels sometimes fail their missions and return to heaven. most identical to the man known as John the Baptist. John was one of
Unfortunately, there are casualties in the angelic armies. Most of the the demons most hated adversaries. At first, the demons thought it
time, angels will fall from grace and losing to temptation. When they was some kind of trick. However, the Wanderer has a personality and
fall, they are on the other side of the Great War and an enemy of mannerism similar, but does not appear to hold the same ideas. Many
Heaven. As the armies of evil swell against God, evil has found an- demons still do not trust this aberration. The problem is that he
other way to destroy angels. On certain occasions, there are more preaches the end of the world and that the messiah is returning. While
powerful demons that can ensnare an angel and their essence. Once he has devoted himself vocally to Lucifer, he wanders the world
ensnared, they cannot return to Heaven or enter or leave any realm. preaching the end. He only appears in the shroud and does not seem
They cannot move, act, or speak. If unimpeded, the demon will take to possess the capability to enter the realm of Earth. Demons do not
the captive to the circle. In each circle, there are special prisons built know if his twisted mind is trying to trick them or trick the world. He
to hold angels. The prisons are made of crystals that create a virtual is aggressive towards angels if they are hostile, but will not attack if
realm. Within that realm, the angel’s thoughts, powers and beliefs the angels don’t attack. He has on occasion attacked hostile demons.
Page 218 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Many demons want to destroy him, but Lucifer has ordered them to 3d8+Str (Item of Power 10: Mind Control 6,Sensory
avoid the being. Block 2, Special Attack 3 (Flurry, Muscle-Powered,
Stats: Wanderer ♦ 4 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 3)
Lvl: 45 CP: 270 ♦ Mind Shield 5
Str: 5 BAB: 22 ♦ 3 Defenses per round (Extra Defense 2)
Agi: 5 BDB: 11 ♦ +20 Skill Points (Highly Skilled 5)
Con: 3 Ini: 20 ♦ Aura of Command 5
Awa: 4 Sta: 22 (20+2) ♦ Immune from all nonessence-based attacks (Immu-
Wit: 4 Wis: 21 nity 5)
Spi: 5 Int: 21
Pre: 4 HP: 196 Defects: -
App: 3 EP: 196
Size: Med Move: 15 Equipment, Weapons, Armor: Ragged Clothing
Skills (Totals): Bluff (8), Climb (8), Concentration (7), Cat Lord
Controlled Breathing (6), Decipher Script (7), Diplomacy
(14), Gather Information (8), Handle Animal (7), Hide (8), Once the demons released this being she appeared as a giant white
Intimidation (11), Investigate (13), Jump (9), Knowledge: and black striped werecat. When the demons discovered they could
Arcane (10), Knowledge: Nature (10), Knowledge: Occult not control the creature, they attempted to capture her. The creature
(8), Knowledge: Religion (8), Knowledge: Social Sci- broke free and escaped out of the circle. Once in the shroud, she dis-
ences (8), Listen (8), Move Silently (8), Navigate (8),
covered Wildings, which appeared as werecats like her. After many
Power Usage: Mind Control (31), Search (8), Seduction
massacres, a large amount of Fyrlings gave her leadership of their
(10), Sense Motive (5), Speak Languages (10), Spot (8),
Swim (8), Tumble (9), Use Rope (9), Wilderness Lore (9)
packs. She had no interest in humans and only saw them as means of
making her packs grow through reproduction.
Melee Attack (44), Melee Defense (43), Ranged Defense
(43), Unarmed Attack (25), Unarmed Defense (25) The world began to see a large influx of these creatures. Angels found
these beings to be a problem in their dealings on Earth, but have
Feats: Block Ranged Attacks, Deflection, Dodge, Great destroyed many werecats. However, no angel has been able to de-
Stamina stroy the cats, because no angel can match or stop the powerful Cat
Lord that leads them. The Cat Lord is somewhat aware of her unstop-
Unique Powers/Attributes pable power, but only cares about her werecats that she calls her
♦ Ghost-like (Insubstantial 6) children. Due to her insanity, she has not made any push to attack
♦ Danger Sense (Sixth Sense 3) demons, angels or any of their plans. The powerful werecats would
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and make a powerful ally, but the Cat Lord hates all demons and destroys
takes a round to activate (Special Movement 2: Realm them on site. She has occasionally worked with angels depending on
Travel; Activation Time 2 for each travel type)
if her interests are met. Toward the end of the twentieth century, she
♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills.
began to fear the expanding technological cities of humans. She only
(Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1) needs the land to expand her tribes, but humans have started killing
♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to more wolves as they cut down more forest. This has caused her some
vacuum, Never need to eat (Special Defense 8) concern, but only wants to see her children happy. She does not ac-
♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the tively disdain technology or the companies that produce it. She finds
character (Regeneration 6) most inventions useful, but she and her children have destroyed more
♦ Absorption by touching, 8d8 (Special Attack 8: than one logging operation.
Vampiric (HP), Vampiric (EP), Melee, Toxic, Uses Es-
sence) Stats: Cat Lord
♦ Staff of Enlightenment, mentally dominates 26-50 Lvl: 40 CP: 245
beings, can blind all in a 500 ft radius, in melee combat, Str: 10 (2+8) BAB: 19
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 219
Agi: 4 BDB: 19
Con: 4 Ini: 17 Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
Awa: 2 Sta: 18
Wit: 2 Wis: 18
Spi: 4 Int: 17 Virtualus
Pre: 2 HP: 260
App: -2 EP: 260 This is one of the newer aberrations that demons had created. Ini-
Size: Med Move: 12 tially, he pledged himself to the demon lords and began work on his
twisted ideas. He believed that the future was in technology. He saw
Skills (Totals): Balance (6), Climb (12), Concentration (4), technology as being the only way to defeating the heavenly legions.
Controlled Breathing (4), Diplomacy (4), Disguise (4),
His experiments were strange and dangerous. At first, the demons in
Escape Artist (6), Gather Information (4), Handle Animal
the circle thought nothing of his unusual ideas until a major accident
(4), Hide (20), Intimidation (10), Investigate (4), Jump
(12), Knowledge: Military Sciences (4), Knowledge: occurred. He was experimenting with powerful explosives in the
Occult (4), Knowledge: Nature (4), Listen (14), Medical shroud. During one of the experiments, he left briefly to obtain some
(4), Move Silently (16), Navigate (4), Search (4), Seduc- extra equipment. The experiment became unstable and detonated. This
tion (4), Sense Motive (4), Spot (14), Survival (4), Swim was not a small explosion. The experiment destroyed the entire circle
(12), Tumble (4), Use Rope (4), Wilderness Lore (4), and a large area around the circle. The demons decided that he should
Wilderness Tracking (4) be destroyed and began to hunt down Virtualus.
Melee Attack (49), Melee Defense (39), Ranged Defense He came to the conclusion that he didn’t need the demons or their
(49), Unarmed Attack (49), Unarmed Defense (39) pathetic plots. He was ready to take over the shroud and the Earth.
Before he could do this, he needed an army. By using different tech-
Feats: Dodge, Whirlwind Attack, Sneak Attack, Brawl, niques and some rituals, he created deformed constructs from various
Improved Brawl electronics. In the end, they appeared to be cybernetic skeletons with
powerful guns. Each construct was designed for a certain purpose. To
Unique Powers/Attributes
aid the construct, the design was altered to allow them to perform
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and
takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4 (4): their objectives efficiently. However, Virtualus designed all his con-
(Realm Travel; Activation Time 4 (-4) for each travel structs for war. His war constructs were a force to be reckoned with.
type)) His full army could match any demon force or even a few angelic
♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs legions. The demons have tried to destroy him and his constructs, but
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills. they still haven’t been able to destroy him completely. While being
♦ Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1 (4) an enemy of demons, his army is also an enemy of angels, all humans
♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to and wildings.
vacuum, Never need to eat, (Special Defense 8)
♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the Stats: Virtualus
character (Regeneration 6 (24)) Lvl: 40 CP: 245
♦ 7 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 6) Str: 3 BAB: 19
♦ 4 Defenses per Round (Extra Defenses 3) Agi: 8 BDB: 20
♦ Rending Strike7d8+Str (Special Attack 8: Flurry, Con: 3 Ini: 15
Muscle-Powered, Flurry, Essence Drain, Melee) Awa: 3 Sta: 15
♦ Personal Force Field 50 (Force Field 6: Regenerat- Wit: 3 Wis: 17
ing) Spi: 1 Int: 18
♦ Invisibility to Sight and Hearing (Invisibility 2: Pre: -4 HP: 240
Sight, Hearing) App: -4 EP: 270
♦ +8 Strength (Superstrength 2) Size: Med Move: 24
♦ Immune from all nonessence-based attacks (Immu-
nity 5) Skills (Totals):Bluff (5), Climb (5), Computer Use (13) ,
Concentration (5), Craft (13), Demolitions (13), Diplo-
Defects: - macy (4), Disable Device (5), Disguise (10), Drive (10),
Page 220 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Escape Artist (5), Gather Information (5), Hide (10), They enjoy subverting people and confusing them of the truth. While
Investigate (5), Jump (5), Knowledge: Architecture (13), demons enjoy tormenting humans in their lives, they really want hu-
Knowledge: Electronics (13), Knowledge: Law (5), mans for other purposes.
Knowledge: Mechanics (13), Knowledge: Military Sci-
ences (13), Knowledge: Physical Sciences (13), Listen After being thrown from Heaven, they no longer have the sustenance
(5), Move Silently (5), Navigate (5), Open Lock (10), that they need. All angels need essence to survive and maintain their
Repair (33), Research (13), Search (13), Spot (13), Swim forms. Without essence they stay in their celestial form in a coma-
(5), Tumble (5), Use Rope (10)
like state. However, demons cannot voluntarily revert back to their
celestial form. They can only choose their divine and human form.
Gun Combat (25), Heavy Weapons (25), Melee Defense
(53), Ranged Defense (43), Special Ranged Attack (42), When a demon does not have any essence, they will immediately
Unarmed Attack (39), Unarmed Defense (30) disappear and reappear at their circle they are attuned to. They will
wait at the place in a gas-like form until they are imbued with es-
Feats: Brawl, Improved Brawl sence. All circles are designed to receive and give essence to any
demon. However, demons must give the circle essence in return.
Unique Powers/Attributes
♦ Flight: Starting characters can fly up to 50 mph All demons can move and act independently, but they need essence to
(Flight 2) survive and continue their plans. They get their essence from hu-
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and mans. Any creature with a soul produces essence. If the person that is
takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4 (4): Realm in tune with the Holy Spirit (a presence that comes from God that
Travel; Activation Time 4 (-4) for each travel type) resides in all Christians), the essence will be converted into a new
♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs type of energy called Spiritus. No demon can harness essence from
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills.
Spiritus. In fact, the Spiritus will hurt them as well as help a human
♦ Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1 (4)
resist any of their temptations. So, demons must work hard to get a
♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to
vacuum, Never need to eat, Can block ranged attacks human to turn away from God and listen to their more primal in-
(Special Defense 8 (8); Block Ranged Attacks (2)) stincts. When the human turns away from God, the Holy Spirit will
♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the remain, but it will lose sway over the soul and the human’s action.
character (Regeneration 6 (24)) This is because God never leaves the human. Once the human has
♦ Repair any machine fifty times faster than normal stopped allowing them to be influenced by demons, the human con-
(Mechanical Genius 5) tinues to produce essence but none of it is converted. Humans do not
♦ Full Armor 40 (Armor 10) use essence, but the level of essence affects the state of their soul. If
♦ 4 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 3) essence builds up, the human becomes very decadent experimenting
♦ 3 Defenses per Round (Extra Defenses 2) in everything. If the essence drops low or to nothing, the human feels
♦ Essence Cannon 7d8 (Special Attack 10: Drain only despair. Demons have learned this about humans and have found
Essence, Flurry, Long Range)
that they can siphon away the human’s essence to reenergize them
♦ Rituals (Magic 8: Varies)
with that essence. By lowering and raising the essence, the demons
♦ Immune from all nonessence-based attacks (Immu-
nity 5) use this as one of their ways to toy with humans.
Defects: -
To get a human to turn away from God, demons employ several dif-
ferent methods. Most common means are through suggestions from
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: the shroud. While in the shroud, a creature can see anyone on Earth.
The demon must vocally suggest an action to the person or what they
should say. The human automatically gets to resist the demon, but
Demons this is considered an opposed roll. The demon must roll his Intelli-
gence plus level while the human uses their Wisdom plus their level.
Demons are the creatures that reside in the darkest places of Earth. For every level of faith, the human gets to add +5 to their roll. This
Once angels of light and all-things-good, they now work for them- only works if the demon is trying to influence a human from the shroud.
selves and their self-proclaimed leader, Satan, as they defile the Earth With all six levels, the human could add 30 to their roll. Without
and humans. Without the grace of God, these creatures are pure evil. Spiritus, demons find it easy to sway a human in the wrong direction.
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 221
If the human is a problem for the demon, the demon will use other for other ways to destroy the evil being. His latest plan includes cre-
methods and influences to lower their Spiritus. Demons will often ating a large army of sorcerers to hold the world in their power as
have other humans say or do things to a stronger human. Many times, they began an attack on Heaven. In his divine form, he has large
evil humans will cause a human’s Spiritus to lower enough to be horns and a large muzzle-like face with very sharp teeth. His body is
swayed from God. Fear is a wonderful tool that causes a human to covered in fire in which he is immune to and it is always burning.
lose all their Spiritus at once. Sometimes, demons will take their hu-
man form and wander the Earth. Once on Earth, they can influence Stats: Baalum
any human action and even cause greater problems. While demons Lvl: 30 CP: 195
use humans for their essence, they have other reasons for corrupting Str: 14 BAB: 16
Agi: 4 BDB: 17
Con: 4 Ini: 16
Awa: 1 Sta: 17
Demons are evil and want to destroy God. Satan has a plan to use
Wit: 3 Wis: 15
corrupted humans as soldiers in his war directly against God. Other
Spi: 2 Int: 15
demons like to use and hurt humans just because they know it hurts Pre: 4 HP: 222
God to see a human do such acts. However, demons cannot simply App: -1 EP: 222
amass a huge army and attack Heaven. The angels would detect a Size: Med Move: 12
buildup or a demonic plan and would send their troops to stop the
demons. They don’t want to see their plans fall apart easily, so they Skills(Totals): Balance (6), Climb (16), Diplomacy (6),
work in covert activities and try to draw as little attention as possible. Disguise (6), Escape Artist (6), Gather Information (8),
Humans do a great job in corrupting themselves without the demons Handle Animal (6), Hide (6), Intimidation (10), Investigate
help. All demons know that by keeping the world dark they can cre- (4), Jump (14), Knowledge: Military Sciences (6), Knowl-
ate a powerful enough army and take back Heaven. edge: Occult (4), Listen (4), Medical (4), Move Silently
(6), Navigate (4), Search (4), Seduction (6), Sense Motive
Baalum (4), Spot (8), Survival (4), Swim (14), Tumble (6), Use
Rope (6)
Angelic Name: Bale
Melee Attack (36), Melee Defense (27), Ranged Defense
As leader of the circle, the Iron Gates, Baalum has commanded one (27), Special Ranged Attack (26), Unarmed Attack (36),
Unarmed Defense (26)
of the most powerful circles for the last three millennia. Being one of
the most powerful angels to join Lucifer, he led a large legion of de-
Feats: Dodge, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Cleave,
voted angels. Lucifer used his popularity to garner a large amount of Great Cleave, Block Ranged Attacks, Deflection Brawl,
support in which he led into the bloodiest battle of the War in Heaven. Improved Brawl
This battle caused many angels to be destroyed including some of his
beloved friends. After the exile, he discovered what Lucifer had done. Unique Powers/Attributes
He resented Lucifer for that and began to plan Lucifer’s downfall. ♦ Celestial Sword: 6d8+Strength, -10 armor reduction
However, he was one of the most powerful demons to follow Lucifer, to opponent (Special Attack 7: Drains Essence, Muscle-
so he continued to vocally support Lucifer and his plans for conquest. Powered, Flurry, Penetrating (Armor); Melee, Only in
He has been very successful in many campaigns and is still very popu- Divine Form)
lar with many demons. While bloodthirsty and powerful, he exudes a ♦ Hallow Light: 5d8, Blinds: Intelligence Check vs
very cool attitude and mood. He is very charismatic and believes in DC 14 (10+(2/rank)) (Celestial Fire 2: Special Attack 5:
Drains Essence, Flare, Short Range, Only in Divine
what he fights for. After all, if God is trapped, he has conquered one
foe and only needs to conquer one more.
♦ Flaming Aura 3d8, permanently on, immune to fire
(Special Attack 2: Aura, Burning, Melee, Only in Shroud;
Lucifer has used Baalum to lead large armies and raise the morale of
Permanent –3; Immunity 1)
the troops. In fact, he was in charge of leading the second wave of ♦ Flight: Starting characters can fly up to 50 mph.
attackers against Heaven. But God knew he was going to purposely (Flight 2)
stall the second wave and used the flood to destroy the second wave. ♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and
While Baalum used excuses to hide his treachery, he began to look takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4: Realm
Page 222 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Travel; Activation Time 4 for each travel type) total points by one-half, only at 1st level), Owned (-3) by
♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs God )
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills.
♦ Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1 (4) Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
♦ Extras: No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune
to vacuum, Never need to eat, Extreme Strength (Special
Defense 8 (8); Superstrength 3) Sunder
♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the
character (Regeneration 6 (24)) Angelic Name: Sundra
♦ 5 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 4)
♦ 4 Defenses per Round (Extra Defenses 3) Being a part of the original fallen, Sunder was chosen to be one of the
♦ Inspires a Medium Team (Aura of Command 4) twelve great dragons. Losing his ability to turn into a standard divine
Armor 20 (Armor 5) form, he now turns into a mythical European dragon. Sunder stands
as tall as ten stories and is almost 200 feet long not including his tail.
With the ability to breath molten fire out of his mouth, he can destroy
♦ Temptation: Gains one temptation every five levels,
most angels in one attack. His claws are also just as dangerous and he
ie: 1, 5, 10, 15…; Points are already higher to compen-
sate for level gain, character does not gain any more enjoys destroying angels in his jaws. To increase his power, his skin
bonus points than provided below; the defects are is a very thick armor that makes him almost impervious to attack.
somewhat frequent (Temptation 3 (-6) for the level gain) Due to his great power, he will lead a small cadre of demons and
♦ No Wealth: Wealth Bonus will always be a +0 setup a small base of operation in a city. Once they have it setup in
(Restriction (-3): Cannot have a Wealth Bonus of more the city, they begin to lead various operations to increase their power
than a +0) and make the area very dark with evil. It takes several months to
♦ Unsaved: When one sin is committed, the charac- years to uproot Sunder from the city. He has been responsible for
ter cannot go to Heaven anymore (Unique Defect (divide many different acts of violence and terrorism. He has encouraged se-
rial killings and random violence. While he is conniving to an extent,
he relies on brute force more than finesse.
Stats: Sunder
Lvl: 31 CP: 200
Str: 10 BAB: 18
Agi: 4 BDB: 17
Con: 4 Ini: 15
Awa: 2 Sta: 17
Wit: 1 Wis: 16
Spi: 2 Int: 17
Pre: 0 HP: 270
App: -2 EP: 250
Size: Huge Move: 20
Stats: Jujdrist
Lvl: 20 ‘CP: 145 Defects:
Str: 2 BAB: 13 ♦ Temptation: Gains one temptation every five levels,
Agi: 4 BDB: 14 ie: 1, 5, 10, 15…; Points are already higher to compen-
Con: 4 Ini: 13 sate for level gain, character does not gain any more
Awa: 3 Sta: 14 bonus points than provided below; the defects are
Wit: 3 Wis: 14 somewhat frequent (Temptation 3 for the level gain)
Spi: 6 Int: 13 ♦ No Wealth: Always will be a +0 (Restriction: Cannot
Pre: 4 HP: 140 have a Wealth Bonus of more than a +0)
App: -2 EP: 140 ♦ Unsaved: When one sin is committed, the charac-
Size: Med Move: 12 ter cannot go to Heaven anymore (Unique Defect (divide
total points by one-half, only at first level), Owned -3 by
Skills (Totals): Bluff (6), Climb (4), Concentration (5), God)
Decipher Script (5), Diplomacy (6), Disguise (6), Forgery
(5), Gather Information (5), Hide (5), Intimidation (6), Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
Investigate (10), Jump (4), Knowledge: Arcane (5),
Knowledge: Nature (5), Knowledge: Occult (10), Knowl-
edge: Religion (10), Listen (5), Medical (5), Move Silently Calían
(6), Navigate (5), Poisons (5), Power Usage: Mind Con-
trol (13), Research (5), Search (5), Seduction (10), Sense Angelic Name: Calus
Motive (5), Speak Languages (5), Spot (5)
She was eager and ambitious, and Lucifer secretly counseled her. As
Melee Attack (17), Melee Defense (20), Ranged Defense she was sent on several missions to Earth, she met with him each
(20), Thrown Weapons (17), Unarmed Defense (20) time. At first, she was trying to find a way to destroy him. However,
he was too strong and she was too weak. He eventually convinced
Feats: Block Ranged Attacks
her that she was better than the rest of the angels and that they should
be destroyed. He setup her up to sabotage an angelic mission. She
Unique Powers/ Attributes
♦ Ritual Magic 100 (Magic 10) and her comrades were to destroy a newly forming circle. As they
♦ Control 4-8 Individuals for several days (Mind were about to complete the mission, she turned on them and several
Control 3) demons ambushed them. As she fell from grace, she still believed
♦ Mind Shield +10 (Mind Shield 10) that she was better than any angel. She makes it a mission to hunt
♦ Telepathy, Read and Transmit Thoughts as well as down angels and stop their missions while sending them back to
attack minds, can perform Telepathy on 2-6 individuals Heaven. She has succeeded many times and failed only a few times.
simultaneously (Telepathy 4) She is an excellent planner and tactician. She enjoys using humans as
♦ Defiant Shield: Armor 20, Thrown Damage 2d8 pawns and bait.
(Armor 5 (Shield Only); Special Attack 1: Affects Incor-
poreal, Drain Essence, Short-Range, Only in Divine Stats: Calian
Form, Uses Energy) Lvl: 19 CP: 140
♦ Flight: Starting characters can fly up to 50 mph Str: 12 BAB: 14
(Flight 2) Agi: 4 BDB: 13
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and Con: 4 Ini: 9
takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4: Realm Awa: 1 Sta: 11
Travel; Activation Time 4 for each travel type) Wit: 1 Wis: 11
♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs Spi: 4 Int: 10
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all Pre: 0 HP: 126 (114+2d8)
skills.(Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1) App: -1 EP: 120 (114+2d8)
♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to Size: Med Move: 12
vacuum, Never need to eat (Special Defense 8)
♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the Skills: Balance (6), Climb (14), Concentration (3), Con-
character (Regeneration 6 (24)) trolled Breathing (6), Disguise (6), Escape Artist (6),
Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game Page 225
their essence. She is a much more powerful demon, because humans Range, Static, Toxic (Sound), Unique Disability (only
expel more essence when they are experiencing certain situations. affects attacking opponents), Extra Energy)
While she does not swear to Lucifer or his legion, she does work with ♦ Bow of Light: 2d8, 500 ft range, -10 armor reduc-
them to further her own goals while helping her old enemy out. She tion of opponent, Uses Archery skill (Special Attack 3:
does not formerly belong to a Circle; she will often frequent the Blight, Drain Energy, Penetrating (Armor), Only in Divine Form)
♦ Flight fly up to 50 mph (Flight 2)
a circle somewhere in North America.
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and
Stats: Erilyes takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4: Realm
Lvl: 10 CP: 95 Travel; Activation Time 4 for each travel type)
Str: 0 BAB: 9 ♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs
Agi: 4 BDB: 7 training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills.
Con: 0 Ini: 10 (Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1)
Awa: 0 Sta: 6 ♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to
Wit: 2 Wis: 8 vacuum, Never need to eat (Special Defense 8)
Spi: 4 Int: 6 ♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the
Pre: 8 HP: 40 character (Regeneration 6)
App: 6 EP: 50
Size: Med Move: 12 Defects:
♦ Temptation: Gains one temptation every five levels,
Skills (Totals): Bluff (10), Diplomacy (10), Gather Infor- ie: 1, 5, 10, 15…; Points are already higher to compen-
mation (2), Hide (6), Intimidation (10), Investigate (2), sate for level gain, character does not gain any more
Jump (2), Knowledge: Religion (6), Knowledge: Social bonus points than provided below; the defects are
Sciences (2), Listen (2), Move Silently (6), Search (4), somewhat frequent (Temptation 3 for the level gain)
Seduction (10), Sense Motive (4), Speak Languages (4), ♦ No Wealth: Always will be a +0 (Restriction: Cannot
Spot (2), Tumble (6), Use Rope (6) have a Wealth Bonus of more than a +0)
♦ Unsaved: When one sin is committed, the charac-
Archery (11), Melee Attack (11), Melee Defense (9), ter cannot go to Heaven anymore (Unique Defect (divide
Ranged Defense (11), Unarmed Attack (9), Unarmed total points by one-half, only at first level), Owned -3 by
Defense (11) God)
a guardian angel, he was very vigorous in his duties and was very (3), Spot (4), Tumble (7), Use Rope (7)
successful. His overwhelming devotion became his downfall.
Melee Attack (12), Melee Defense (13), Thrown Weapons
He was guarding a young woman who was being stalked by an evil (12), Ranged Defense (13), Unarmed Attack (12), Un-
man. The man was under the influence of demons, and he success- armed Defense (13)
fully thwarted the demons and their influence. Everyone was safe
from the evil influences and he began suggesting godly ideas to both Feats: Block Ranged Attacks, Dodge, Brawl, Improved
Brawl, Stunning Fist, Sneak Attack, Power Attack
of them. However, this was not enough. The man walked into the
woman’s house, half-crazed, and murdered the woman. Ryn never
Unique Powers/Attributes
saw such a horrible act performed by a human. He thought that de- ♦ Killer’s Cleaver 5d8 and does Essence Damage as
mons were only capable of such acts. While he could have inter- well as –5 to Con/hit, it is a blade of energy that only
vened, he was ordered by God to stand aside and allow the events to affects the living (Special Attack 5: Drain Essence, Drain
happen. As Ryn watched the woman die, he was even more horrified Body, Flurry, Melee, Toxic)
as the man began to defile her body. He was so enraged by this evil ♦ Defiant Shield: Shield Armor 20, Thrown Damage
being, not just because of the evil acts, but his inability to defend the 2d8 (Armor 5 (10): Shield Only; Special Attack 1 (4):
woman during the slaughter. He falsely realized that all his hard work Affects Incorporeal, Drain Essence, Short-Range, Only
had been for naught, and everything he had done for God never really in Divine Form, Uses Energy)
mattered and did not make any difference. With these thoughts and ♦ 3 Attacks per Round (Extra Attacks 2)
watching such a horrible act, he decided to take matters in his own ♦ 3 Defenses per Round (Extra Defense 2)
♦ Flight: fly up to 50 mph (Flight 2)
hands. He appeared on Earth and surprised the man. The angel pro-
♦ Realm Travel: can travel to Earth and Shroud, and
ceeded to rip the man completely apart. The room was covered in
takes a round to activate (Special Movement 4: Realm
body parts and blood. From that day forward, Ryn became Rykes, the Travel; Activation Time 4 for each travel type)
demon of slaughter. ♦ Power Skill: Can attempt any skill even if it needs
training, also additional ranks provide a +1 to all skills.
Later on, Rykes realized his lapse in judgment and thought, but this (Unique Attribute: Power Skill 1)
only aided his madness. He hates all humans and works towards us- ♦ No need to breathe, Does not age, Immune to
ing them and destroying them. In fact, he uses his guardian knowl- vacuum, Never need to eat (Special Defense 8)
edge to protect murderers as they perform their acts. At times, he will ♦ Essence-Based: Physical damage cannot kill the
decide to dispatch the murder himself or have a vengeful soul destroy character (Regeneration 6)
his tool while giving him another tool. He waits for the day that all
humanity will be destroyed. Defects:
♦ Temptation: Gains one temptation every five levels,
Stats: Rykes ie: 1, 5, 10, 15…; Points are already higher to compen-
Lvl: 12 CP: 105 sate for level gain, character does not gain any more
Str: 1 BAB: 10 bonus points than provided below; the defects are
Agi: 5 BDB: 11 somewhat frequent (Temptation 3 for the level gain)
Con: 5 Ini: 6 ♦ No Wealth: Always will be a +0 (Restriction: Cannot
Awa: 2 Sta: 8 have a Wealth Bonus of more than a +0)
Wit: 1 Wis: 8 ♦ Unsaved: When one sin is committed, the charac-
Spi: 3 Int: 7 ter cannot go to Heaven anymore (Unique Defect (divide
Pre: 0 HP: 58 total points by one-half, only at first level), Owned -3 by
App: 0 EP: 54 God)
Size: Med Move: 15
Equipment, Weapons, Armor: -
Skills: Bluff (2), Climb (3), Gather Information (4), Hide
(7), Intimidation (2), Investigate (4), Jump (3), Knowl-
edge: Occult (4), Knowledge: Religion (4), Knowledge:
Social Sciences (4), Listen (4), Move Silently (7), Search
(4), Seduction (2), Sense Motive (3), Speak Languages
Page 228 Celestius Ex2 Roleplaying Game
Index Chains 69
Character Action 175
Chevrolet Corvette 164
Familiar Action 173
Jump 63
Jumping 180