Ms. Hajara Mohammed has been offered admission to the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana to pursue a 4-Year Bachelor of Education in Basic Education (Junior High School) program starting in September 2019. She must pay a non-refundable fee of GH¢1,400 by September 27th at one of several banks in order to accept and complete her registration for the 2019/2020 academic year. Her hall of affiliation is Simpa Hall and she is required to adhere to all University rules and regulations.
Ms. Hajara Mohammed has been offered admission to the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana to pursue a 4-Year Bachelor of Education in Basic Education (Junior High School) program starting in September 2019. She must pay a non-refundable fee of GH¢1,400 by September 27th at one of several banks in order to accept and complete her registration for the 2019/2020 academic year. Her hall of affiliation is Simpa Hall and she is required to adhere to all University rules and regulations.
Ms. Hajara Mohammed has been offered admission to the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana to pursue a 4-Year Bachelor of Education in Basic Education (Junior High School) program starting in September 2019. She must pay a non-refundable fee of GH¢1,400 by September 27th at one of several banks in order to accept and complete her registration for the 2019/2020 academic year. Her hall of affiliation is Simpa Hall and she is required to adhere to all University rules and regulations.
Ms. Hajara Mohammed has been offered admission to the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana to pursue a 4-Year Bachelor of Education in Basic Education (Junior High School) program starting in September 2019. She must pay a non-refundable fee of GH¢1,400 by September 27th at one of several banks in order to accept and complete her registration for the 2019/2020 academic year. Her hall of affiliation is Simpa Hall and she is required to adhere to all University rules and regulations.
DAA/AG.14/VOL.19/2 August 12, 2019 Ms Hajara Mohammed Plt 23 Blk Hxx Pankrono Estate - Ashanti 0545282958
Dear Ms Mohammed,
1. We are pleased to inform you that the Joint Admissions Board on behalf of the Academic Board of University of Education, Winneba has offered you admission to the University in the Faculty of Educational Studies to pursue a 4-Year Programme in BACHELOR OF EDUCATION IN BASIC EDUCATION (JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) starting from Saturday, September 07, 2019. Registration begins on Monday, September 09, 2019. 2. Your Application Number is 1829689. Use this number to pay your fees and get your index number. Subsequently, quote your index number and programme of study on all of�cial documents. 3. You are required to make full payment of a non-refundable fee of One Thousand, Four Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢1,400.00). Pay the fees at any networked branch of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited, National Investment Bank, The Royal Bank, ADB Bank Limited or GCB Bank Limited by Friday, September 27, 2019 if you accept this offer of admission. Please inform the Teller you are using TRANSFLOW to pay August 12, 2019 | 564 | 1829689 | 111008564
University of Education fees.
4. Your hall of af�liation is SIMPA HALL. There are limited vacancies for accommodation on campus for interested students. Contact your Hall Manager if you wish to be considered for accommodation. You may also wish to make your own arrangements for accommodation outside the University Campus. 5. Your admission is for the 2019/2020 academic year only and if you fail to enrol or withdraw from the programme you forfeit the admission automatically. You will be required to complete a fresh set of application form if you intend to be considered for admission in a subsequent year. 6. Please note that if it is discovered subsequently that you do not possess the quali�cations by virtue of which you have been offered admission to the University, you will be withdrawn and made to face any appropriate sanctions. The original copies of your certi�cate(s) and other supporting document(s) will be inspected to complete your registration. 7. You will be required to adhere to ALL University rules and regulations as contained in the Students' Handbook. Students are considered to be on probation for the duration of their programme and they would be dismissed at any time for unsatisfactory work or misconduct. 8. The University reserves the right to revise its fees and other arrangements without notice. 9. It has to be noted that the University is a secular institution and is not bound by the observance of any religious or sectarian practices. As much as possible, University lectures and/or examinations would be scheduled to take place within of�cial working days, but where it is not feasible, lectures and examinations would be held on other days. 10. The University does not give �nancial assistance to students. It is therefore the responsibility of students to arrange for their own sponsorship and maintenance during the period of study. 11. The University requires that you are declared medically �t. It would be arranged for you to be medically examined. You are therefore required to bring your National Health Insurance Card. Your Chest X-ray Photograph will be taken at the University Clinic. 12. A change of programme is not allowed.
Please accept our congratulations.
Yours sincerely,
For: REGISTRAR cc: Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean, Faculty of Educational Studies Finance Of�cer Internal Auditor