Studying The Urban Characteristics of A Heritage Town To Develop Sustainable Urban Strategy - A Case Study of Kumbakonam
Studying The Urban Characteristics of A Heritage Town To Develop Sustainable Urban Strategy - A Case Study of Kumbakonam
Studying The Urban Characteristics of A Heritage Town To Develop Sustainable Urban Strategy - A Case Study of Kumbakonam
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2 authors, including:
G. Yogapriya
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
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Studying the urban characteristics of a heritage town to develop sustainable urban strategy – A case study of Kumbakonam View project
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1 Research Scholar, Department of Architecture, Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract - A community with a closely knitted culture and people constituted for the development of the town as an
tradition constitutes the identity of any settlement. The rituals urban centre.
and customs were the results of a myth, facts or historical
background. Though temple towns in Tamilnadu can be Table -1: The dynasties, the period and its contribution to
classified as single centered or multicentred, a strong religious the town.
and heritage characters bounds the town and in turns it
propagates the growth from earlier periods. The habitat near Time line Contributions
the temple structures are seems to be satisfied with the
Sangham period 300 B.C to 300
program goes in and around the premises. In this paper the A.D
temple town Kumbakonam is explored for its development Pallava and pandya 300 A.D to Excavation of
from the sangham period to till date and it’s concluded that period 500 A.D tanks
the town plays a major role in religious, cultural, economical
Chola period 900 A.D - Shiva temples
developments. It is also invites tourist in major role and its 1200 A.D
proper heritage town to develop sustainable urban design
strategy. Vijaynagar and Nayak 1400 A.D- Vaishanavite
Period 1800 A.D Temple
Key Words: temple town, heritage, urban centre, culture, Pandya revival and 1200 A.D -
sustainability. Muslim rule 1400 A.D
British Rule 1800 A.D - Acquired
1. INTRODUCTION Independence and Present cultural Name –
Democracy Cambridge of
Any urban area for its persistent livelihood needs a South India
sustained human life. Arguments related only to the
aesthetics of a neighborhood area are described to be 1.2 Role of a Temple
superficial as it is not concerned with the issues of any sort.
In the period of global warming and depleting natural The temples were constructed for the purpose of worship,
resources, a heritage town has to be conserved and group gatherings and religious festivals by various kings. It
preserved. Otherwise, all the globalization and economic has been ornamented in various styles of decoration.
development process will disturb the quality of life of the Kumbakonam Taluk has 180 temples in and around. During
future generation. Chola or Vijayanagar period, the dynasties don't have any
department for agricultural improvements, though it was
1.1 History of Kumbakonam taken care by few individuals, the temples also played a
major role in it. The income received from the temple was
Located at 47km from Tanjore District, Kumbakonam was redirected to the amount of agricultural development. The
called by the name Kutamukku in the medieval period. Two money is also used for the purpose of temple maintenance,
rivers Kaveri towards the North and Arasalar towards the festivals and fairs for the deities. There are more number of
South define the edge and demarcate the boundary for the Vaishanavite and the Shaivite temple in the town which is
town. The history of the town backs to Sangham Age (300 the reason for the conductance of more number of
B.C.E.–300 C.E.) and it is believed that the present day town celebrations3.
was the site of Kudavayil, the place a Chola king, retained his
court1.It was major urban complex attached to Palaiyaru, a 1.3 Role of Tanks
Chola Capitol. Both twin towns have temples, palaces,
religious institutions through the period2. Though the temple It is stated in a Telugu epic poem that the construction of
settings are the establishments by Cholas, the urban set up tanks and irrigation canals also constituted for the prosperity
was because of Nayaks. After Cholas, different dynasties of than the land extent. Tanks are mostly present inside the
temple used for religious and ablution purpose. While other
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 746
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | August -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
tanks were constructed throughout the town as a tool in town 2.1 Existing Land use and Demographics
planning, to sustain ground water table and to be used by the Characteristics
localities 4. The tanks in Kumbakonam are mostly rectangular
and trapezoidal in plan. Most of the tanks present in the town Residential area covers 83% of the total land use and
could be filled by rain water and water channels from the two commercial 5%, industrial 1% educational 3% and other few
main rivers. The Mahamagam tank in Kumbakonam is famous areas covers about 20.15%. The town area of Kumbakonam
for festival conducted once in 12 years is for the purpose of covers agricultural land also. It constitutes around 125
holy dip. Other tanks have been continuously engaged with Hectares and dry area of 48.70 Hectares. It is stated that the
the temples and its celebration. religious activities in the town went down and there was a
continuous relocation of people during 1770. The invasion
Existing Conditions from northern areas is the cause for this change5. There is a
Mahamagam Tank
gradual increase in population from the year 1951 but still
Plays a role in Religious the percentage of growth is only 4.3% from 1991 to
Potramarai Tank Activities 2001.Geographical constraints in the area because of the two
rivers is the main reason for the slow progress of population
Reddy Roa Tank growth in the town.
Pidari Kulam No major role in
religious activities
Nageswaran Kulam Became a residential
Saraya Pond Illicit liquor production
in the olden days and
now it is caught in
between the
Ayikulam Converted into taxi
Kumbeswara Kulam Converted into a park
Area Activity
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 747
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | August -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Kumbeswarar North Street Brass Stainless steel Kumbakonam, Mayiladuthurai, Vaitheeswaran Koil,
Vessels Sirkhazi, Chidambaram, Virudhachalam and Thozhudhur.
TSR Big Street Jewelry , Banks ,
Financial Services
Head Post office Road Automobiles , Lodging
Source: -
Image 2: Showing the interim circuit
Source: Interim Report-Priority Circuit
Visiting a pilgrimage center for an important occasion is a Tamil Nadu July 2012.
part of religious life. It gives the sense of assurance and
confidence to a devotee. Since the temple town has lots of
programmes in a form of festivals, celebrations, fairs there is Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services
a gradual growth of tourist from all over the world. Limited (TNUIFSL) has prepared a report on the
Mahamagam festivals attract lakhs of people for every 12 Conversion of City Corporate Plan to Business Plan for
years. There is also a progressive growth of domestics and Kumbakonam Municipality in May 2007. They have
foreign tourist to the town. identified Heritage areas as Temples, Religious
Institutions, Environmentally sensitive areas & Minor
Heritage areas.
In 12th five year plan, Ministry of Tourism has Graph -3: Tourist arrival Data
appointed National Level Consultant (NLC) as IL&FS
Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (IL&FS IDC). Source: Results of Market Research by the CONSULTING
They have identified tourism circuits across all States and ENGINEERING SERVICES (I) PVT. LTD.
Union Territory after due consultation with all the
stakeholders. Under this one of the circuits covers Trichy,
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 748
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | August -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 749