Muscle Science Roundup
Muscle Science Roundup
Muscle Science Roundup
SCIENCE Mass-Building
12 Research Reports
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The TEG men talk results—how theirs, and yours, can be
better—and they dissect X Fade, the contracted-position
X-hybrid technique that can ignite a mass X-plosion.
Ron Harris attempts to rescue his young bodybuilding
protégé from the dark side—steroid use. Fulfill your natural
potential first, or ’roids could ruin you.
Karen McDougal has graced the pages of Playboy, and
now she honors IM with her killer curvitude. Hot-photo
Build killer quads without heavy squats, plus the
straightforward power cycle for bench press prowess.
Joe Horrigan’s Sportsmedicine is here too.
Steve Holman discusses partial power, X Reps, Gakic,
home training and more.
The mystery of milk solved—does it really smooth you
Mind/Body Train to Gain, out? Plus, food for sex and muscles.
Connection, page 32
page 256 88 SMART TRAINING
Charles Poliquin’s supplement salvo for explosive re
sults, a chinup program to repair strength imbalance and
his views on how and when to stretch for strength.
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but in some ways it’s been more like de-evolu Vuthy Keo, Mervin Petralba, David Solorzano
tion. Fast rewind to the early ’60s. The first time I Contributing Authors:
Jerry Brainum, Eric Broser, David Chapman,
the pages of Iron Man. Peary Rader, the founder Dave Draper, Michael Gündill, Rosemary Hallum,
and editor, viewed writing about steroids as a Ph.D., John Hansen, Ron Harris, Ori Hofmekler,
two-edged sword. He believed that the use of Rod Labbe, Skip La Cour, Jack LaLanne, Butch
any drug was simply not ethical and potentially Lebowitz, Stuart McRobert, Gene Mozée,
harmful to an athlete’s health. On one hand, he Schwab, C.S. Sloan, Bill Starr, Bradley Steiner, Eric
wanted to warn the world about these drugs. Sternlicht, Ph.D., Randall Strossen, Ph.D., Richard
However, he knew that doing so would, by defini Winett, Ph.D., and David Young
tion drug that any doctor could provide, not the Jake Jones
underground; your family doctor was the source. Peary felt that the use of Di
Comstock, Bill Dobbins, Jerry Fredrick, Irvin Gelb,
anabol should not be a part of physical culture, which, as he saw it, embodied J.M. Manion, Gene Mozée, Mitsuru Okabe, Rob
health as much as strength and development. But as we the athletes focused on Sims, Leo Stern, Russ Warner
our quest for more strength and development, we denied the need for health. Director of Marketing:
Up until the late ’60s, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting Helen Yu, 1-800-570-IRON, ext. 1
were all organized by the AAU and run by the same committee. I was a part of Accounting: Dolores Waterman
that in what was then called the Southern California Weightlifting Committee. Director of Operations: Dean Reyes
Between the three sports I worked a lot of meets, and it was all volunteer work— Subscriptions Manager:
you did it because you loved it. Due to my suggestion, however, the sports were Sonia Melendez, 1-800-570-IRON, ext. 2
separated and each formed its own committee. I thought I had done a good E-mail:
thing, but now I wonder: Did that simple “advancement” contribute to the evo Advertising Director: Warren Wanderer
1-800-570-IRON, ext. 1
I say nonfunctional not in an absolute sense, but in the sense that the height Advertising Coordinator:
to-weight envelope, as it has been pushed, is the antithesis of health and athleti Jonathan Lawson, (805) 385-3500, ext. 320
cism. Before the sports became specialized, many people competed in two or Newsstand Consultant:
more of them, but once they were split, you had to make a choice—lift or build. Angelo Gandino, (516) 796-9848
The groups became even more isolated from each other.
Before, bodybuilding contests had often been held with Olympic weightlifting We reserve the right to reject any advertising at our
meets and sometimes with powerlifting meets. In fact, the scoring of the AAU or other submissions must be accompanied by a self-
Mr. America competition included “athletic points,” which you got by compet addressed, stamped envelope. Send submissions to
ing in the other sports, and you could not win unless you got the maximum IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93033.
number of athletic points. IFBB events, both professional and amateur, were Writers and photographers should send for our
strictly bodybuilding, as they are today; however, the dominant force in amateur Guidelines outlining specifications for submissions.
bodybuilding was the AAU. The Mr. Olympia, which was first held in 1965, was right to edit any letter or manuscript as we see
and is the ultimate professional title. fit, and photos submitted have an implied waiver
Most serious gyms of that era had lifting platforms, power racks and tons of of copyright. Please consult a physician before
weight. The term free weight did not exist. Try to find a gym that accommodates information published in IRON MAN at your own
The magazines changed to fit the new reality. Strength & Health (now, there’s
a quaint combination) focused more on Olympic weightlifting, a sport that was IRON MAN Internet Addresses:
Web Site:
in decline. Iron Man continued to cover all three sports and emphasized com John Balik, Publisher:
plete development (the mind/muscle/health connection). Muscle Builder/Power Steve Holman, Editor in Chief:
evolved into a bodybuilding-only publication. And Muscular Development cov Ruth Silverman, Senior Editor:
Next month I’ll discuss the ’70s, years in which even more changes took place. Dean Reyes, Dir. of Operations:
Editor’s note: Send comments via e-mail to IM Jonathan Lawson, Ad Coordinator:
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Squat Pad
We all know that heavy barbell squats are the fastest but the result should be the same. Plenty of great legs
ticket to huge thighs. Be that as it may, not all of us can have been built using pressing movements other than the
do them safely. For those of us with lower back problems barbell squat; don’t think it can’t be done.
(and this encompasses a very large group), deep squats Squat later in the workout. Of course, it would be
done with a heavy bar on your back can be akin to play wise to keep squats in your leg program for best results.
ing Russian roulette. You never know when you’ll go The smart way to do that is to do them at the end of your
down for another rep and blow out your back coming workout so that you need far less weight. I like to do leg
back up. It would seem that your choices are to either extensions, heavy leg presses or hacks, then walking
persist in tempting fate with heavy squats or abandon all dumbbell lunges and, only after all of those, barbell
hopes of ever building thighs with enough meat on them squats. All it takes at that point is a couple of very strict
to hang off the bone. Luckily, when it comes to body sets of 15 deep reps with a mere 225 on the bar to put
building training, there’s always more than one way to do the final blowtorch to my quads. And honestly, my legs
it. I’ve come across several methods for keeping the look much better now than they did a few years ago,
quad gains coming without putting my lower back at risk. when I was squatting 500 pounds and injuring my lower
Preexhaust with leg extensions. Leg extensions are back on a regular basis. —Ron Harris
commonly regarded as a means of warming up the
knees before you do heavy pressing movements, so Editor’s note: Check out Ron Harris’ Web site,
they’re often performed with light weight and high reps.
But you can also use leg extensions to preex
haust the quadriceps so that you need less
weight on the pressing movements to follow,
and you achieve the same growth-stimulating
effects. Start with a couple of light warmup
sets, but then go ahead and do three or four
tough work sets to failure, using more weight
and fewer reps on each consecutive set. An
example might be 200 pounds for 20 reps,
250 for 15 and a third set with 300 pounds for
10 reps. That will ensure that your quads
fatigue before your hamstrings and glutes
when you follow up with squats or leg press
es, and you should require only about 60 to
80 percent of the usual weight to hit failure
within your desired rep ranges.
A press is a press. Don’t fall for the myth
that barbell squats are the only pressing
movement that can pack size onto your
thighs; it’s just not true. Hard work on leg
presses, hack squats or Smith-machine
Neveux \ Model: John Hansen
Super Gripper
New Grip,
Success Modeling
As for upper-body exercises, vary
your grip slightly on bench presses,
pulldowns, rows, curls, overhead
presses and any other exercise to
I wasn’t the best athlete in the world or the sharpest guy on Madison Avenue, change the angle of pull. In most
but I knew how to find them. Whether they were athletes or businesspeople, I’d cases you’ll put a few different actin
seek out the best and find out what made them tick. myosin pairings into optimal register
Outstanding people will show you what they did to be successful. It’s very and trigger more overall growth in the
simple. target muscle. [Note: If you feel injury-
type pain with any grip or foot posi
1) Find someone who’s already getting the results that you want. tion, discontinue it immediately.]
2) Find out what that person is doing. —Steve Holman
3) Do the same things, and you’ll get the same results, genetics willing. Train, Eat, Grow
In my business life and my bodybuilding life I’ve always tried to surround my Editor’s note: The above is an
self with the most successful people I could find. Success leaves clues, and I am excerpt from the best-selling body
building book Train, Eat, Grow—The
a success detective. A by-product of seeking out success models is that you end
Positions-of-Flexion Muscle-Training
up with lifelong friends who have the same passions that you have, and you end
Manual. It’s available from Home Gym
up helping each other over the years. It’s a two-way street, and you should al
Warehouse for $19.95 plus shipping
ways give more than you receive. and handling. Call (800) 447-0008, or
Finding people to model is just a matter of looking for people who are suc visit
cessful in the area you are focusing on. It’s pretty easy. I’ve been doing it my
whole life. I find that if I ask people if I can sit with them and find out what makes
them successful, they’re usually flattered. In fact, in more than 25 years of ap
proaching high achievers, I’ve never been turned down. People who are in great
shape or successful in other areas of their life love it when someone notices, and
they love to share the secrets of their success. The truth is that most people
don’t ask and aren’t interested.
Get curious and find people to model. Then become a person worth modeling.
Everyone wins. —John M. Rowley
Editor’s note: John Rowley owned the gym where the movie “Pumping Iron”
was filmed, and he was one of the youngest senior vice presidents of any major
real estate company in Manhattan. John’s passion is teaching people—and
companies—about goal setting, staying motivated and adding a fitness lifestyle
to their already busy lives so they’ll have the energy to pursue their dreams. You
Seated Row
Push Ups Handle
Dip Belt
Accu-Measure Fat Calipers
Top powerlifters display their max strength not more than a Come the following Monday, go to your numbers from the
couple of times a year. The rest of the time they cycle, or back previous Wednesday and work back up. Every week you add
off, into easier training and then build up to a new personal 15 pounds to your sets and then take 10 pounds off and build
record. Apply that form of periodization to your workouts, and up again. It’s called wave cycling. If you look at your singles,
you’re guaranteed to break your personal records—at least if your week will stack up like this: 205, 210, 215; 210, 215,
you have the willpower to say good-bye to pump and burn 220; 215, 220, 225, etc.
and reduce your reps to the one-to-five range. By the end of the third week you will have worked up to
Let’s use your bench press as an example. Say your one-rep your previous best and will top off the month with a P.R. of
max is 225 pounds and your best set of 10 reps is 185. On 230. If it goes up easily—and it should—you may want to try
Monday perform 185x5, 190x4, 195x3, 200x2 and 205x1. Rest for 235 or wait for Monday and test yourself without tiring
for three to five minutes between sets—power needs rest. Note preliminary sets. Try this: 135x5, 185x2, 205x1, 225x1, 235x1,
that none of the sets comes close to failure. That’s intentional, a and, if the going is good, 240x1 and even 245x1.
part of the periodization strategy. It may be hard psychologically Spend the fifth week repping out with your pet bodybuilding
to stop before you reach complete muscle failure, but that’s moves, and on Monday start another power cycle with slightly
between you and your therapist. heavier weights—say, 195x5, etc. A cycle doesn’t have to last
On Wednesday add five pounds to all your sets: 190x5, four weeks. If your gains keep on coming, there’s no reason
195x4, 200x3, 205x2, 210x1. You’ll notice that not all of the not to take advantage of it for another week or two.—Pavel
sets are equally hard. That is intentional—scaled down cycling Beyond Bodybuilding
within a workout.
On Friday add another fiver: 195x5, 200x4, 205x3, 210x2, Editor’s note: The above is an excerpt from Pavel’s new
215x1. On this and any other of your bench days you may do book Beyond Bodybuilding. It’s available from Home Gym
a couple of your favorite muscle-building exercises or, better Warehouse for $49.95 plus shipping and handling. Call (800)
yet, powerlifting assistance drills like the board press after your 447-0008, or visit
power sets.
Ramp up your
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Fact: A static grip can limit muscle action and growth.
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It Hurts So Good
average 13 percent increase in the muscle cross section. hormonal responses and muscular adaptations. Med Sci
Neither group, however, had any testosterone response. Sports Exer. 37:955-63.
and dynamic exer that higher initial levels of testosterone and other anabolic
cise. hormones favor more rapid muscle gains.
After 12 weeks —Jerry Brainum
individual variations
in gains in muscular 1 Hubal, M.J., et al. (2005). Variability in muscle size and
size and strength strength gain after unilateral resistance training. Med Sci
proved significant. Sports Exer. 37:964-72.
Coleman DVD
Critical Mass
A: Doing only heavy short-range-partials—but not too
short—may do some good things for your muscle mass.
That’s similar to what we call stage sets, where you do
the sweet-spot range first—the bottom two-thirds of
the stroke on an incline press, for example—then finish
with the top one-third of the movement. However, keep
Q: I was reading your Beyond X-Rep Muscle-
in mind the size principle of muscle fiber recruitment.
Full-range reps, or close to full range, may make that
fiber-activation domino effect happen more effectively.
Also keep in mind that fibers fire throughout the stroke.
In other words, as you push the bar up, different fibers
are firing along the way. So while you may get at a lot of
Building e-book and your discussion of Ronnie
fibers by doing heavy partials, you could conceivably
Coleman’s training. I was thinking of trying a work
miss a few that fire closer to the top of the stroke if your
out constructed primarily of short-range partials.
partials are too abrupt.
Wouldn’t that enable me to go heavier and really
Experiment and see what happens. To play it safe,
blast the sweet spot on each exercise? Would it be
you may want to do a full-range set, or at least close to it,
feasible to try something like that every few weeks
before your heavy partial set. In fact, that will help prime
or so as a change of pace? Wouldn’t that technique
your nervous system to fire more fibers on that second
let me hit the sweet spot and keep continuous ten
sion on the muscle throughout the set? Also, in The
As for the sweet spot being the sticking point, it’s
Ultimate Mass Workout e-book you mentioned
probably right below that, as the sweet spot is the stron
that the sweet spot on an exercise may vary slightly
gest point on the stroke—the max-force-generation
from person to person due to different body types,
point. It should be a point at which you can get some
muscle attachments and so on. I’ve noticed that my
sweet spots are normally my sticking points—where
I can’t do another positive rep. Would it be accurate Q: I train by myself, so I have to tweak my X-Rep
to say the X spot is really the sticking point? sets a little for compound movements like squats.
After my heavier sets to failure, I do an X set in
which I use a lighter weight with slow negatives
and then explode on the positive and do X Reps
at the end of that set. With squats it gives me a
great pump and burn. I recently tried incline
one-arm lateral raises on an incline bench
with a seat. I’ve never done those before. They
felt great, but at what angle do you recom
mend I set the incline? Also, I’ve always won
dered what angle is best for incline curls. One
more thing: I have a weight-assisted chin/dip
machine at my fitness center. If I do X Reps on
wide-grip chins, should I be a little less than
halfway up, as with undergrip chins for biceps?
A: That’s a great solution for squats. Nice work
figuring that out. Explosive movements have been
shown to enhance fiber recruitment and develop
neuromuscular efficiency—and you’re adding X
Reps to that lighter explosive set. Nice. Just be care
ful not to bounce. Stay in control
For incline laterals the bench should be halfway
between 45 and 90 degrees. Try to go a little lower
than that for incline curls, but be careful. Too
much stretch on that exercise can cause shoulder
problems. You may have to gradually work down to
about 60 degrees.
On chins start X Reps just out of full stretch and
come up to the midpoint, or just short of it. You
should feel your lats screaming as you pulse.
Okabe \ Model: Ronnie Coleman
Critical Mass
the dumbbells closer together. That will put
You can get great a bit more stress on your triceps but provide
workouts at home your pecs with something different. You can
with limited also try supersetting either style with push
equipment. ups on the floor—do the pushups immedi
Selectorized ately after your set of bench presses.
dumbbells can Seated shoulder presses. You can do
make home these alternating style or W style (pushing
training even out instead of up, so your arms look like the
more effective. sides of a W at the top). You may also want to
try alternating them with dumbbell upright
rows from workout to workout.
Biceps curls. You can do these in al
ternating style or do one-arm bent-over
concentration curls at every other workout.
You can also do hammer curls (thumbs up),
which will hit the brachialis and the outer
heads of the biceps.
Triceps extensions. You can do these
lying on the ground, lying back on your
Swiss ball or seated, one arm at a time be
hind your head. Or try them seated with a
dumbbell in each hand, driving them up at
the same time behind your head.
Dumbbell rows. Try two-arm rows, one-
Swiss ball bench presses. Try them at every other visit IM
workout with your elbows tucked in close to your torso and
Steve Holman
52 JANUARY 2006 \
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The World had to learn how to dodge joint pain while still using the
productive basic exercises with heavy weights. The follow
ing section lists which exercises usually aggravate sensitive
areas of the body and how you can overcome the joint pain
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Mr. Natural Olympia John Hansen’s
Naturally Huge
Workout 1
pump in the triceps, I begin my triceps workout and feel Dumbbell pullovers (at the end of the chest
no pain in my elbows. workout) 2-3 x 10-12
Even though the triceps are pumped, I still don’t dare Pushdowns 3 x 12, 10, 8
start off with an extension movement. Instead, I com Decline extensions 3 x 10, 8, 6
mence with pushdowns, which are not as hard on the Bench dips 3 x 10-12
elbow joints as an extension movement would be. I begin
Workout 2
with a light weight and pump out 12 to 15 reps for the first
Close-grip bench presses 3 x 10, 8, 6
set. I increase the weight over the next three sets and finish
Overhead extensions 3 x 10, 8, 6
off with six to eight reps on my last heavy set.
Dips 3 x 10, 8, 6
It’s only now that I move onto an extension exercise like
lying triceps extensions or seated triceps extensions. The Next month I’ll cover knees and lower back injuries.
elbows and triceps have plenty of blood in them at this
point, but I still begin with a moderately heavy weight and Editor’s note:
slowly increase the poundage on each new set so I don’t John Hansen has
cause injury to the joints. I also make sure that I lower the won the Natural Mr.
resistance very slowly on each rep, as that seems to de Olympia and is a
crease the amount of stress on the elbow joints. two-time Natural Mr.
Another great exercise for adding mass to the triceps Universe winner. Visit
without stressing out the elbows is the close-grip bench his Web site at www
press. In addition to using your triceps, you’re also calling .naturalolympia
on the pecs and delts. Because of the involvement of those .com. You can write to
two other large muscle groups, the elbows aren’t directly him at P.O. Box 3003,
stressed, as they would be with an extension movement. Darien, IL 60561, or
That lets me use heavier poundages, which is great for call toll-free (800)
adding more mass to the triceps while simultaneously 900-UNIV (8648). His
bringing blood into the elbow joints. It would be safe to new book, Natural
move on to a triceps extension after performing several Bodybuilding, is now
sets of close-grip bench presses. available from Home
Here are two sample triceps workouts for those suffer- Gym Warehouse,
ing from painful elbows: (800) 447-0008 or IM John Hansen
56 JANUARY 2006 \
Free download from
Build Incredible Pressing Power and Bulletproof Shoulders
Proteins derived from milk, mainly ing milk for anyone over age one. nutrient source. Some bodybuilders
whey and casein, are recognized as Many problems associated with avoid milk at all times but often
the best sources of supplemental milk, say these groups, relate to the cannot explain why. Those training
protein for bodybuilders and other hormones in milk, such as insulinlike for contests say that the sodium
athletes, as well as for anyone else growth factor 1. IGF-1 is an anabolic content of milk leads to water reten
seeking a quality protein source. Milk hormone in muscle, but it can also tion, even though milk isn’t particu
itself, however, is an entirely different act as a growth factor for cancer larly rich in sodium.
matter. From a health perspective, spread. IGF-1 is a peptide hormone, Still, there must be something
nothing beats mother’s milk as a meaning that it’s nothing more than about milk that makes it taboo for so
primary source of nutrition for hu a long string of amino acids held many bodybuilders. Even if we
mans and other animals. Few would together by bonds in a specific discard obvious factors, such as
argue that point. The necessity of sequence. lactose intolerance—the inability to
drinking milk after infancy, however, Any protein you take in orally is fully digest the lactose, or milk sugar,
is controversial. degraded by gastric acid and then due to a lack of the enzyme lac
Entire Web sites are devoted to further degraded by the liver. The tase—or an allergy to milk proteins
the alleged health dangers of drink odds of a hormone the size of IGF-1 themselves, which is rare, something
surviving that in milk appears to obscure
formidable digestive bodybuilders’ muscular definition.
barrier and entering Bodybuilders often think that
the blood are re whole milk is loaded with fat. The
mote at best, truth is that it contains a mere 3.5
though that hap percent fat. The alternative to whole
pens sometimes in milk is nonfat milk, containing less
infants. Some sci than 1 percent fat. There is nothing
entists, however, about nonfat milk that should pro
suggest that milk mote either water retention or fat
contains other accretion.
proteins that shield Or is there?
IGF-1 in the diges The glycemic index is a measure
tive process, allow of how rapidly carbohydrates are
ing some active absorbed into the blood. Though
hormone to reach originally developed for diabetics in
the blood. The 1981, the G.I. also provides useful
proof of that con and interesting data for people
tention is skimpy at interested in the fate of the carbs
best. they eat. The G.I. exposed the fact
From a body that some venerated “complex
building standpoint, carbs” actually act more like simple
milk is considered sugar when eaten alone. Examples
good and bad. For include baked potatoes and carrots.
those seeking to Using the G.I., however, mandates
Milk: Does it do a gain weight and some common sense, since many
bodybuilder’s add muscle mass, high-carb foods also contain fat,
cuts good? milk is a nearly ideal which slows the entry of carbs into
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considered meat the food of warriors. Some anthropologists something that
have suggested that the human body hasn’t changed much affects sexual po
since the Stone Age. If that’s true, then modern human beings tency. That certain
are still biologically designed to benefit from a hunter-gatherer something also
diet that includes meat plays a critical role
and fat. in numerous biologi
Meat, eggs and cal functions, in
dairy foods can indeed cluding muscle gain
help enhance vigor and and fat loss. That
potency. On the other something is the so-
hand, the meatless called bad fat.
vegetarian diet—and in —Ori Hofmekler
particular, the vegan
diet—may help protect Editor’s note: Ori Hofmekler is the author
against cardiovascular of the books The Warrior Diet and Maximum
disease. Nevertheless, Muscle & Minimum Fat, published by Dragon
a vegetarian diet may Door Publications ( For
also adversely affect more information or for a consultation, contact
libido and virility and him via e-mail at,
may even compromise or by phone at (866)
athletic and sexual WAR-DIET.
Sesamin Is Sizzlin’ It’s one hot antioxidant—and it helps nitric oxide production too
Sesamin. If you haven’t yet heard of it, you will. If you think it comes from
sesame seeds, you’re right. It’s actually the most abundant lignan in sesame
seeds and oil. Lignans are antioxidants and phytoestrogens found in a variety
of plants—flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, rye, soybeans, broccoli and some berries.
Sesamin is one of those plants too, and to say it has many many different
functions is a slight understatement.
Sesamin products already on the market claim to help maximize fat loss,
support liver and kidney health and maintain healthy lipid profiles. Let’s get a
scientific preview of some of the current information on sesamin.
For example, one study looked at the effect of sesamin on gene expression
in the liver; researchers found that sesamin regulates the metabolism of lipids,
xenobiotics and alcohol at the mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) level.
You’ve heard of all the nitric oxide hoopla. Well, sesamin plays a role there
too. In fact, research suggests that sesamin may improve hypertension, or high
blood pressure, because it can induce production of nitric oxide. Sesamin is also a very strong antioxidant. For example, in
one study mice were given varying amounts of sesamin, vitamin E or vitamin C. They were subjected to 30 minutes of swim
ming exercise two hours after receiving samples. The scientists found that sesamin had a protective effect via its antioxidant
capacity (whereas vitamins C and E were ineffective).
Sesamin has been shown to have lipid-lowering effects, antioxidant effects and immunoregulatory functions. So if you’re
hypertensive, sesamin may be one of the ingredients on the horizon that may help you. Alternatively, its role in protecting you
during exercise is worth further exploration. And to top it off, the effect of sesamin in nitric oxide metabolism (which affects
myriad physiological processes) makes it potentially one of the most exciting new dietary supplements around.
—Jose Antonio, Ph.D.
Editor’s note: Jose Antonio, Ph.D., is the chief science officer of Javalution ( and the president of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition (
Call (800) 447-0008, or visit www
Breaking the
According to the Bottom Line
Health newsletter, “Only 3 percent of
Americans follow all four of the main
health rules—don’t smoke, get regu
lar exercise, eat fruits and vegetables
and maintain a normal weight. Most
chronic diseases would be drastically
reduced if more people adhered to
these basic lifestyle recommenda
tions.” Most bodybuilders adhere to
three out of the four. With the recent
low-carb-diet craze, many are shun
ning fruits and veggies. If you’re interested in health, fruits and veggies are good; it’s
only the processed, high-glycemic carbs you should be shunning.
—Becky Holman
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folk=j^k qê~áåáåÖ=C=oÉëÉ~êÅÜ=`ÉåíÉê=jìëÅäÉJqê~áåáåÖ=mêçÖê~ã=TR
tçêâçìí=N^W=aÉäíëI=jáÇÄ~ÅâI=_áÅÉéëI=cçêÉ~êãë Incline kneeups 2 x 10
Bench V-ups 2x8
Dumbbell upright rows (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Twisting crunches 2 x 10-12
Seated forward-lean laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10 tçêâçìí=N_W=aÉäíëI=jáÇÄ~ÅâI=_áÅÉéëI=cçêÉ~êãë
Barbell shrugs (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Rack pulls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Cable upright rows (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
Dumbbell upright rows (X Reps) 1 x 8-10
Nautilus rows (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Cable laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Bent-arm bent-over laterals (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Dumbbell presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Behind-the-neck pulldowns (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
Dumbbell shrugs (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Bent-over laterals 1 x 8-10
Rack pulls (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
Cable curls (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Nautilus rows (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Concentration curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
One-arm dumbbell rows (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Rope hammer curls (X Reps) 1 x 8-10
Behind-the-neck pulldowns (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
Barbell reverse wrist curls 2 x 15
Uncrossovers (X Reps) 1 x 8-10
Barbell wrist curls 2 x 15
Preacher curls (X Reps or staged) 2-3 x 8-10
Rockers 1 x 15
Incline curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
tçêâçìí=OW=nì~ÇëI=e~ãëI=d~ëíêçÅëI=içï=_~Åâ Incline hammer curls 1 x 8-10
Dumbbell reverse wrist curls 2 x 15
Smith-machine squats (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Dumbbell wrist curls 2 x 15
Leg extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Rockers 1 x 15
Sissy squats (drop set; X Reps) 1 x 10(8)
Leg presses 2 x 8-10 tçêâçìí=P_W=`ÜÉëíI=i~íëI=qêáÅÉéëI=^Äë
Hack squats 1 x 8-10
Smith-machine incline presses (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Leg curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Incline flyes (X Reps) 2 x 8-12
Stiff-legged deadlifts (partials) 2 x 8-10
Wide-grip dips (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Hyperextensions (X Reps) 1 x max
Decline flyes (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Reverse hyperextensions 1 x 10
Flat-bench flyes 1 x 8-12
Leg press calf raises (X Reps) 3 x 15-20
Parallel-grip pulldowns (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Hack-machine calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 12-15
Chins (X Reps) 1-2 x 8-12
Standing calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell pullovers 2 x 8-10
Machine donkey calf raises (X Reps) 1 x 12
Decline extensions (X Reps or staged) 2-3 x 8-10
Seated calf raises 2 x 15-20
Cable pushouts 1 x 8-10
Low-back machine 1 x 8-12
Dumbbell overhead extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
tçêâçìí=P^W=`ÜÉëíI=i~íëI=qêáÅÉéëI=^Äë Superset
Incline kneeups 2 x 10
Smith-machine incline presses (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Bench V-ups 2x8
High cable flyes (X Reps) 2 x 8-12
Ab Bench crunches 2 x 10-12
Dumbbell bench presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Low cable flyes (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Add to Friday’s workout
Middle cable flyes (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Seated calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 9-12
Parallel-grip pulldowns (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Standing calf raises or
Chins (X Reps) 1-2 x 8-12
machine donkey calf raises (X Reps) 1 x 20-25
Machine pullovers (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Close-grip bench presses 2 x 8-10 •Where X-Reps are designated, only one set is
Pushdowns 2 x 8-10 performed with X Reps or an X-Rep hybrid technique
Superset from the e-book Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building.
in. (You can keep up with our rou those was the X Fade for contracted- the foot pad was lowered to the
tine changes on a workout-by-work position exercises, and it made a semistretched point near the bot
out basis in the X-Blog section at considerable difference in our re tom of the stroke, and we We never stop sults. performed X Reps at the key X spot.
experimenting because, as we said, It started out as a three-position Sounds painful and productive,
we’re bodybuilders: We’re never X-hybrid technique. For example, right?
satisfied with our results. on leg extensions we would do reps The problem was that by the
That’s precisely the reason that we till exhaustion, then our partner time we got to that critically impor
were able to get into better condi would help us to the top, contracted tant semistretched point, we were
tion in ’05 than in ’04—we experi position, where we performed X too spent to do it justice. In other
mented and came up with a number Reps. Then the foot pad was lowered words, we were cheating ourselves
of X-hybrid techniques that took our to the middle position, and we per out of an intense X-spot blast, in
intensity to the next level. One of formed X Reps there; then, finally, (continued on page 86)
tçêâçìí=N^W=aÉäíëI=jáÇÄ~ÅâI=_áÅÉéëI=cçêÉ~êãë Dumbbell upright rows,
seated laterals or rack pulls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell upright rows,
Incline one-arm laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
seated laterals or rack pulls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Seated forward-lean laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Rack pulls (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Dumbbell presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Bent-over barbell rows 2 x 8-10
Barbell shrugs (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
One-arm dumbbell rows (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Bent-over barbell rows 2 x 8-10
Bent-over laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Bent-arm bent-over laterals (X Reps) 2 x 10-12
Preacher curls (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10
Bent-over laterals (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Incline curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell curls 2 x 8-10
Incline hammer curls 1 x 8-10
Concentration curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell reverse wrist curls 2 x 15
Hammer curls 1 x 8-10
Dumbbell wrist curls 2 x 15
Barbell reverse wrist curls (X Reps) 2 x 15
Rockers 1 x 15
Barbell wrist curls (X Reps) 2 x 15
Rockers 1 x 15 tçêâçìí=P_W=`ÜÉëíI=i~íëI=qêáÅÉéëI=^Äë
tçêâçìí=OW=nì~ÇëI=e~ãëI=d~ëíêçÅëI=içï=_~Åâ Incline presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Incline flyes (X Reps) 2 x 8-12
Squats (last set staged) 3 x 8-10
Wide-grip dips (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Leg extensions or hack squats (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Decline flyes (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Sissy squats (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
Flat-bench flyes (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Hack squats (nonlock) 1 x 8-10
Parallel-grip chins (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Leg curls (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Chins (X Reps) 1 x 8-12
Stiff-legged deadlifts (bottom-range partials) 2 x 8-10
Dumbbell pullovers 2 x 8-10
Hyperextensions (X Reps) 1 x max
Decline extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Donkey calf raises, standing calf raises
Overhead extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
or one-leg calf raises (X Reps) 4 x 15-20
Seated calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 15-20
Incline kneeups 2 x 10
tçêâçìí=P^W=`ÜÉëíI=i~íëI=qêáÅÉéëI=^Äë Bench V-ups 2x8
Incline presses (X Reps) 2-3 x 8-10 Ab Bench crunches 2 x 10-12
Incline flyes (squeeze at the top of each rep) 2 x 8-12
Dumbbell bench presses (X Reps) 2 x 8-10 Add to Friday’s workout
Decline flyes (squeeze at the top of each rep) 1 x 8-12 Seated calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 9-12
Flat-bench flyes (squeeze at the top of Standing calf raises 1 x 20-25
each rep) 1 x 8-12 •When X Reps are designated, only one set is
Parallel-grip chins (X Reps) 2 x 8-10 performed with X Reps or an X-Rep hybrid technique
Chins (X Reps) 1 x 8-12 from the e-book Beyond X-Rep Muscle Building.
Undergrip rows 2 x 8-10
Decline extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10 kçíÉW=Train Monday through Friday, following the sequence
Kickbacks 2 x 8-10 of workouts as listed. Also, it’s best to have a selectorized
Superset dumbbell set, such as the PowerBlock, if you don’t have a
Incline kneeups 2 x 10 rack of fixed dumbbells of various weights. If you don’t have
Bench V-ups 2x8 a leg extension machine, do old-style hacks with a two-
Twisting crunches 2 x 10-12 second contraction at the top of each rep instead. Use
partner resistance, towel around the ankles, if you don’t
tçêâçìí=N_W=aÉäíëI=jáÇÄ~ÅâI=_áÅÉéëI=cçêÉ~êãë have a leg curl machine.
(continued from page 82) position isn’t unimportant, just less the X-hybrid techniques on key
stead giving priority to the less- crucial than the semistretched exercises.
important points on the stroke. So point. Our revised X Fade—and the We’ll have more on all of those
we made two changes: results we got from it—made that techniques and in a future TEG.
NF Because we usually did two sets even more apparent to us. There’s also info at www.Beyond
on contracted-position exercises, we We believe the real mass-kicker, including pictures of
did the first with end-of-set X Reps occurred on stretch-position exer our ’05 results right next to our ’04
at the semistretched point. So, when cises, however. We’ve described how shots so you can compare. We hope
we reached nervous system exhaus stretch overload is tied to hyperpla they help motivate you to hit the
tion, we moved to the semistretched sia, or fiber splitting—at least in gym—with X Reps and X-hybrid
point and fired out X-Rep partials. animals (one study showed a 300 moves on the key exercises.
That gave the max-force point prior percent mass increase after only 30
ity. days of stretch overload). It’s also bÇáíçêÛë=åçíÉW For the latest on
OF On the second set we used the believed to ramp up anabolic hor the X-Rep muscle-building method,
X Fade but not the three-positions mone production. By devising an X- including X Q&As, X Files (past e-
variety described above. Instead, we hybrid technique that stresses newsletters), our before and after
cut it to a two-spot technique. We muscle elongation, similar to a tech photos and the new X-Blog training
did the top, contracted position first, nique Jay Cutler uses, we added to journal, visit ïïïKuJoÉéKÅçã. For
then lowered the foot pad to the our explosive mass gains. (Was it more information on Positions-of-
semistretched point and did partials hyperplasia? Who knows; we were Flexion training videos and Size
there to finish. just glad to see impressive new size.) Surge programs, see page 69. To
We saw gains immediately after We believe that was the primary order the Positions-of-Flexion train
we made those adjustments, no reason we were able to make such ing manual Train, Eat, Grow, call
doubt due to our having given the great gains while overtraining—our (800) 447-0008, visit www.home
max-force point priority on the first muscles just couldn’t help but grow, or see the ad below. IM
set. As we’ve said, the contracted- when we used such ideal stressors as
TEG book
percent bodyfat.
Step 1 (45 minutes before the workout). Take 1,200
milligrams of alpha-glycerophosphocholine in gel form.
That will significantly increase your training intensity. In
my 26 years as a strength coach I’ve seen no equivalent as
Q: I’ve been told not to take a postworkout shake
a nonaddictive preworkout stimulant. It boosts GH and
raises the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is known
as the motivation neurotransmitter.
Step 2 (beginning of workout). Take five grams of
branched-chain amino acids to increase mental acuity
immediately after I train, that I should wait an hour during the workout. That will prevent the conversion of
and then take a carbohydrate drink. Is that the new tryptophan to 5-HTP, which is the chemical tied to the
approach to building muscle? mental dwindling that occurs late in a workout.
A: No, it’s not the latest; nor is it the best approach. Dr. Step 3 (during the workout). Take nine grams of
Mauro DiPasquale and I share the belief that what you take carnosine spread evenly throughout the session. That will
before, during and after the workout influences your train increase your work capacity tremendously. It also increases
ing gains most.The best approach is outlined below. Of maximal strength through a mechanism that is not yet
course, personal budget will affect how many of the steps all that well explained by the medical community. At the
you can follow to maximize workout intensity and enhance Arizona PPC, the medical staff injects 500 milligrams into
recovery. each bilateral bodypart to be trained. That works even
Depending on your finances, you can choose to do any better, but for those who don’t have access to the injectable
of the steps, but keep in mind that steps 5 and 6 (minus the form, the higher oral dose will work well.
Step 4 (right after the workout). Take
18 grams of essential amino acids. That’s
been shown to increase protein synthesis
Step 5 (15 minutes after the workout).
Drink a postworkout shake with about 50
grams of whey protein isolate and 100 grams
of a 50-50 mix of dextrose and maltodextrin.
Take it with three grams of taurine and 600
milligrams of R-form alpha-lipoic acid.
Step 6 (45 minutes after the workout).
Drink another postworkout shake with 30
grams of whey protein isolate and 100 grams
of a 50-50 mix of dextrose and maltodextrin.
Neveux \ Model: Bob Donelly
Various compounds can enhance your gains if you take them at the
appropriate times. For example, taking branched-chain amino acids
Omni-grip pullups, 60 reps total. You do a
total of 60 reps using three different grips on
your pullups. Cycle from a wide, pronated grip to supi
nated-grip chinups to narrow, neutral-grip pullups. Rest Do a total of 60 reps on
45 seconds between sets until you get to 60 reps total. A
sample workout might look like this: pullups. Cycle from a
One set of wide pronated-grip pullups, 8 reps
rest 45 seconds
wide, pronated grip to
One set of supinated chinups, 6 reps
rest 45 seconds
supinated-grip chinups
One set of narrow, neutral-grip pullups, 5 reps
rest 45 seconds
to narrow, neutral-grip
One set of wide pronated-grip pullups, 6 reps
rest 45 seconds
pullups. Rest 45 seconds
One set of supinated chinups, 4 reps
rest 45 seconds
rest 45 seconds
method has been used for years by physical therapists and and methods, visit
athletic trainers in rehab. To quote my colleagues Anne www.CharlesPoliquin
Fredericks and the late Mel Siff, PNF, not static stretching, is .net. Also, see his ad on
the best type of stretching to perform before lifting weights. page 129. IM Charles Poliquin
was training with precision form and eating all the right
foods right on schedule. I had recently persuaded him to
break up with his girlfriend Tracy, who’ d been no good for
his bodybuilding goals. The young buck was now dating
one of the front desk girls at the gym, as well as one of his
younger sister’ s best friends, who’ d been the prom queen
at his high school just two years before.
“They’re not? So why do so many
guys use them?”
“You’re trying to be a great body
builder. Drugs don’t make a great
bodybuilder. Without the right
genetics and plenty of hardcore
training, eating and supplements,
even a million dollars’ worth of
steroids and growth hormone won’t
matter. I assume that you’re think
ing about experimenting yourself
He didn’t want to commit to an
answer, so he just shrugged. “I don’t
“You don’t have to bullshit me.
We’ve been over this before. I am
not here to make a moral judge
ment against you. You can do that
for yourself. I’ll guide you to make
the right decisions as far as your
physique goes, though. Answer this:
Do you honestly believe this is the
best you can be without steroids?”
“No, I guess not.”
“Of course not. You’re 22 years
old, and your natural hormones are
raging like a wildfire right now.
You’ve made better gains just since
I met you than most guys do in a
year or more. I truly think you have
a lot more growing to do before you
even think about steroids. And you
may build such an amazing natural
physique that you can be all over
the magazines like Skip La Cour
and Tito Raymond.”
“I’ve been on these message
boards where a lot of guys my age
talk about gaining 20 to 30 pounds
in just a couple months, that’s all. It
sounds pretty incredible.”
“First of all, some of these people
are flat-out lying. Anyone can say
Model: Skip La Cour
hen was the last time you got makers of Jeep wanted to use them as off-
stuck in a doorway? Not be road test tracks.
cause you were carrying too All right, maybe I’m exaggerating just a
much payload but because you tad, but you get the point. Backs that are
were just too darn wide? So wide, in fact, that wide and thick are few and far between. The
your arms and shoulders were being forced back is probably the most difficult area of the
way out to the sides by your cartoonlike lats; physique to fully develop, and when some
so wide that you had to be doused with but one can actually turn around and display a
ter and pushed through the door by 10 con complete back—upper, lower, middle and
cerned family members? Never, right? outer—it can be an incredible sight to be
Okay, so it’s never happened to me, either, hold.
but wouldn’t it be kind of cool if it did? It’s Some of the biggest cheers you’ll ever hear
probably not such a far-off scenario for back at a bodybuilding contest occur when cer
freaks like Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates or tain competitors turn their backs to the au
Lee Haney. Those guys were so wide that dience and slowly spread their lats wider,
each lat resided in a different ZIP code! Their and wider, and wider. Retired champion
backs were also so thick and gnarly that the Tony Pearson used to be a master at that.
2) Inefficient lifting
Go into any gym in the world, vçì=ãìëí
and you’ll see more butchered back
workouts taking place than for any äÉ~êå=íç=ëÉí
other bodypart. With some exercis óçìê=ÄçÇó
es you can almost get away with
simply lifting the weight from point
A to point B, but not with back éêçéÉê
movements. Back training takes a éçëáíáçå=íç
bit of finesse along with pure brutal
ity, as there are several form points ~íí~Åâ=óçìê
that must be adhered to if you’re Ä~ÅâK \ JANUARY 2006 111
Free download from
Body Got Back!
going to unlock your true potential. mean it. Sure, you can load on the
Few people understand that, and so plates and get crazy, but keep your
4) Failure to prioritize.
they focus on lifting enormous form and technique fairly sane, As I mentioned above, many
poundages, paying little attention and you have a match made in bodybuilders have either a wide
to what their body is doing. Jerking heaven. back that lacks thickness or a thick
or swinging a weight is only going back that lacks width. That often
to work the biceps, brachialis and 3) Back training is hard! occurs because they’re using the
lower back, providing little stimula wrong exercises in their back work
tion for the major back muscles. A good back workout can be outs. While no back movement
In order to work the width and just as vicious as a good leg work builds width or thickness exclusive
thickness of the back correctly, you out. Done right, it can be exhaust ly, certain exercises do one or the
must learn to set your body in posi ing, nauseating and emotionally other a bit more efficiently. For
tion before you even begin a move draining. Let’s face it: The true instance, deadlifts tend to build
ment. Chest out, shoulders back back builders like pullups, dead- more thickness and depth into the
and a slight arch in the lower back lifts, bent rows, T-bar rows, seated back, while lat pulldowns tend to
will set the stage for optimal re rows and one-arm rows are brutal improve V-taper. Taking it a step
cruitment of your back muscula to perform, and lazy trainees tend further, wide-grip bent-over rows
ture. Then, once you’re in that to turn their backs on them in favor middle-back thickness, and
position, stay there for the duration favor of fancy machines that have underhand-grip bent-over rows
of the set. Start your pull by imme a pretty face but not much in the build slabs of mass on the lats.
diately tightening your lats, and way of guts. You like machines Because the back musculature is so
then follow through to full contrac that much, take up sewing. You complex, you should make a con
tion by squeezing your shoulder want a freaky back, be prepared to certed effort to learn exactly which
blades together forcefully—like you fight for every inch. part of the back each exercise hits
Model: Ken Yasuda
Got Back
Wide-grip pullups
(pull to lower pecs) 3 x 6-8
Model: John Hansen
Undergrip pulldowns
(pull to lower pecs) 3 x 8-10
Close-grip seated
cable rows 3 x10-12
Stiff-arm pulldowns 3 x 12-15
(continued on page 118)
114 JANUARY 2006 \
Free download from
Body Got Back!
Rack deadlifts (pull begins
just below the knees) 3 x 4-6
Undergrip bent-over
barbell rows 3 x 6-8
Wide-grip T-bar rows 3 x 8-10
One-arm dumbbell
rows 3 x 10-12
Seated cable rows with rope
(elbows held high) 3 x 6-8
Wide-grip behind-the-neck
pulldowns 3 x 8-10
Close-grip barbell upright
rows (lean torso slightly
forward) 3 x 10-12
Bent-over dumbbell
laterals 3 x 12-15
Overall Back
Deadlifts 3 x 4-6
Undergrip seated
cable rows 2 x 8-10
Close-grip pulldowns 2 x 10-12
Dumbbell pullovers 2 x 12-15
Model: Steve Kummer \ Equipment: PowerBlock selectorized dumbbells, 1-800-447-0008 or Ä~Åâ=É~ÅÜ
118 JANUARY 2006 \
Free download from
Model: Berry Kabov
nother year’s gone by, which means it’s time for another
blast of the hottest research that can help you get big
1) L-Carnitine
Turns You Into a
Mass Machine
Whether supplemental carnitine
actually helps increase fat oxidation
is a matter of debate, but the nutri
ent has other, lesser known features
that can improve training efficien
Carnitine helps decrease lactate
levels during intense exercise,
which may lead to less fatigue and
greater endurance. Several studies
have shown that it promotes recov
ery after intense training. Subjects
who took three grams of it daily for
three weeks had less muscle sore
ness and lower levels of a muscle
enzyme associated with muscle
damage after their workouts. Scien
tists believe the effect occurs be
cause carnitine promotes increased
cellular membrane stabilization. It
also helps lessen the effects of free
radicals, by-products of oxygen
metabolism that induce muscle
inflammation and delay full mus
cular recovery.
Hard training tends to temporar
ily depress the immune system, so
you are more vulnerable to infec
tion. Carnitine appears to help
stabilize and promote immune-
system competence after training.
It also helps promote the develop
ment of new red blood cells, which
increases oxygen delivery to mus
Karlic, H., et al. (2004). Supple
mentation of L-carnitine in ath
letes: does it make sense? Nutrition.
Model: George Farah
Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
Carnitine helps
decrease lactate levels
during intense exercise,
which may lead to less
fatigue and greater áããìåÉJëóëíÉã
endurance. íê~áåáåÖK
Model: Joe DeAngelis
growth hormone during sleep, and may eat more, increasing their daily
studies also show that if you don’t affected by sleep. calorie intake up to 15 percent. So
get enough sleep, your testosterone They found that sleep depriva socking your feet at night may help
levels may plummet as much as 40 tion resulted in a suppression of your fat-loss efforts as well.
percent. other hormones in the rats, includ Everson, C.A., et al. (2004). Re-
A new study using lab rats as ing growth hormone, insulinlike ductions in circulating anabolic
subjects tested the hormonal ef growth factor 1 (IGF-1), prolactin hormones induced by sustained
fects of sleep deprivation. In previ and leptin, while corticosterone, sleep deprivation in rats. Am J Phys
ous studies animals deprived of the rodent version of cortisol, was iol Endocrinol Metab. 286:E1060
sleep showed lower levels of thyroid unaffected. That hormonal milieu E1070.
hormones and a blunted immune tends to depress anabolic reactions
response. Since the low thyroid in the body, boosting catabolic Conclusion:
output occurred in the hypothala effects, including possible muscle Get restful, uninterrupted sleep
mus, the researchers wanted to see loss. If your goal is to make any type to amplify anabolism and curtail
how other hormones secreted in of muscular progress, don’t take catabolism. Wearing socks to bed
the same area of the brain were sleep for granted. may help.
Doing higher reps, in
ìëÉ=äçïÉêJÄçÇó the range of 15 and up,
~ää=áíë=ìééÉêJ on lower-body training
ÄçÇó=Ñ~í=áë=çñáJ may increase blood
ÉñÉêÅáëÉ=~åÇ flow, giving you greater
ÇáÉíK mobilization of lower-
body fat.
diseases offers little solace to defi-
nition-minded bodybuilders. The
body won’t use lower-body fat until
nearly all its upper-body fat is oxi
dized through exercise and diet. So
the ultimate answer to eliminating
lower-body fat involves persistence
and patience. Continuing to exer
cise and diet will eventually enable
you to make progress in getting rid
of it.
For those in a hurry, some evi
dence shows that using an alpha-2
adrenergic blocker can also help
bodybuilders tap into lower-body
fat stores. The fat cells in the lower
body, unlike those in the upper
body, have a preponderance of
alpha-2 adrenergic cell receptors.
(Upper-body fat cells have a pre
ponderance of beta-adrenergic cell
receptors, which permit more rapid
release of fat.)
One natural alpha-adrenergic
blocker is yohimbe at a dose of 0.2
milligrams per kilogram (2.2
pounds) of bodyweight. It must be
Model: Federica Belli
For the study both groups did six and both groups showed a signifi
Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
sets of 10 reps on the squat, resting cant rise in the hormone after the
6) More Pain, two minutes between sets. workout. The trained men, howev
Better Gain Both the trained and untrained er, produced more lactic acid,
men had similar resting GH levels, which stimulates GH release dur
A study presented at the NSCA ing exercise. The ability to train at
conference by researchers from the a higher level of lactic acid release
University of Connecticut exam
The ability to train at a appears to enable more-experi
ined whether taking short rests higher level of lactic enced bodybuilders to produce a
between sets influences the release superior GH response to exercise.
of growth hormone during exer- acid release appears
cise. The subjects included 10 to enable more-
bodybuilders with at least four Rep through the burn to up your
years of training experience and 10 experienced growth hormone levels. Set-ex
untrained but physically active bodybuilders to produce tending techniques like X Reps can
men. The bodybuilders had previ- help. Remember, growth hormone
ously trained on programs that a superior GH response amplifies other anabolic
featured short rests between sets. to exercise. hormones, like testosterone.
7) De-Catabolize q~âáåÖ=Äê~åÅÜÉÇJ
Your Cardio ÄÉÑçêÉ=ÇçáåÖ=Å~êÇáç
It stands to reason that if ã~ó=ÜÉäé=éêÉîÉåí
branched-chain amino acids have ãìëÅäÉ=ÄêÉ~âÇçïåK
anabolic properties, they’re an
effective supplement for those
engaged in weight training. A study
presented at the National Strength
and Conditioning Associations ’
annual conference examined the
relationship of BCAA intake to
muscle gains. Six healthy, untrained
men took either BCAA supplements
or a placebo. Both groups took the
supplements for three weeks, fol
lowed by another week of supple
ment use combined with intense
weight-training sessions.
The men using BCAAs had lower
levels of the enzyme creatine ki
nase, which is associated with mus
cle damage during exercise, and
lower levels of cortisol, the body’s
primary catabolic hormone. They
also had consistently higher testos
terone levels than the subjects in
the placebo group.
BCAA oxidation in muscle is
activated by fatty acid oxidation. So
when you do exercise that uses fat
as an energy source, the fat released
promotes the burning of BCAAs.
That implies that BCAAs taken
before you do aerobics will exert a
sparing action on muscle protein,
something that would be particu
larly helpful during periods of calo
rie restriction. The precise dosage
of BCAAs for that purpose isn’t
established, but good results have
been obtained with five grams
taken prior to exercise.
One thing to keep in mind when
supplementing is that you must
maintain a certain ratio of the three
BCAAs. Research shows that it’s best
to replicate the ratio of leucine,
isoleucine and valine found natu-
Model: Dan Decker
Elevated free-fatty
ïÉáÖÜíë=ÑáêëíX acid levels induced by
íÜÉå=Çç=óçìê cardio work promote
the release of
somatostatin, a
protein that opposes
GH release.
Goto, K., et al. (2005). Prior en
durance exercise attenuates
growth hormone response to sub
sequent resistance exercise. Eur J
Appl Physiol. 94:333-338.
If you’re after more muscle, it’s
just plain dumb to do an extended
aerobics session before an intense
weight workout. Not only do you
deplete limited energy stores
Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
using fast
(3.66 radians
per second)
lengthening contractions leads to research indicates that when a
greater hypertrophy (growth) and trainee standing on force
strength gains than slow (0.35 radi plates moves fast and uses
Model: Jonathan Lawson
hile Mike Mentzer was renowned for And while proper training is crucial for opti
his spectacular arm development, his mal leg development, Mike also recognized the
of the beauty and impressiveness of a well-devel lagging way behind the rest of the body, there
oped pair of legs. As he once recalled: is less fiber density in that area. This means that
“When I got into bodybuilding, it became even if the individual were to double or even
obvious that no matter how tremendously de triple the size of the existing fibers, there just
veloped your upper body might be, if the legs aren’t enough total fibers to amount to much in
didn’t match, forget it!” the way of mass.”
High-Intensity Thigh Training
Free download from
Heavy Duty
develop muscle at a rapid rate later.
Too many young bodybuilders,
blinded by their quest for big arms,
neglect leg work. The imbalance in
development that results from such
neglect, unfortunately, typically
proves ruinous to their bodybuild
ing aspirations.
The workout below is relatively
brief compared to those followed by
most of the other top champions.
However, brevity is vital if your
concern is power and lasting mass.
If you’re training with maximal
intensity, carrying each set to fail
ure while using maximum weights
and strict form, your workouts will
be brief of necessity. The moment
you begin adding sets to the num
ber recommended, intensity must
diminish, and there will be inroads
into your ability to recover, both of
which add up to little or no
The following leg workout is one
that Mike used to prescribe for his
Neveux \ Model: Allen Sarkiszadeh
of the weight during the two forced squats, rest, and then one final set the leg biceps as hard as I can
reps.” of squats to finish off the muscles.] against the resistance of the weight.
Working the leg curl in the fully
2) Full Squats 3) Leg Curls contracted position not only works
If you don’t have access to a leg This is an exercise that Mike the total hamstring muscle but
press, substitute squats as the com eventually dropped from the work activates many of the muscles on
pound movement of a preexhaus outs of his Heavy Duty clients, as he the upper inner thighs. I saw mus
tion superset. That is, do your leg believed that the hamstrings re cles I never knew I had come out in
extensions and immediately go ceived ample stimulation from the my thighs when I employed this
right into squats. Don’t worry about leg presses or squats and that per technique. And I know that fully
forced and negative reps on squats, forming another direct set for them contracted leg curls done in the
however, because of the obvious simply used up more recovery abili aforementioned manner were re
safety considerations. Merely go to ty, which delayed the production of sponsible.”
High-Intensity Thigh Training
positive failure if you have spotters new muscle mass. Nevertheless, Again, Mike would recommend
or squat in a power rack. If you Mike did do leg curls during his no more than one set for eight to 15
don’t have spotters or a rack to competitive days, and he had a repetitions. Many advanced-level
catch the weight in case of failure, unique way of performing them: trainees have inquired how Mike
terminate your set at least one rep “I use enough weight to allow for advised people to perform
short of failure. Always remember, the usual number of Heavy Duty advanced Heavy Duty techniques,
safety first. Be very careful to keep strict positive reps, with a momen such as negatives and forced reps,
your spine straight during the lift. tary pause in the contracted posi in leg training. Here is what Mike
And slowly lower the weight back to tion of each rep. As I continue with advocated:
the starting position, a little shy of the forced reps, my brother Ray “More advanced men should
90 degrees. Do one set of squats to helps me into the fully contracted continue beyond the positive reps
failure, again for one set of eight to position and holds the weight there and one or two forced reps with the
15 repetitions. [Note: Mentzer’s for me until I can mentally and addition of two or three more nega
quad routine was short and sweet: physically lock and pull the weight tive-only movements. Have your
one preexhaustion superset of leg into the buttocks for a several- partner or partners lift the weight
extensions and leg presses or second count and peak-contract all the way to the top, fully contract
Bodybuilding Benefits
Examples of conditionally essen supplements with athletes and body glutamine earned a place in the sup
tial amino acids include glutamine builders today. Research on plement regimen of intensely train
and arginine. Normally, the body glutamine was originally derived ing athletes. Later studies showed
can synthesize them if you’ve taken from hospitalized patients, especially that it also appeared to prevent the
in a sufficient supply of essential burn patients, who lose vast amounts immune-suppression effects of ex
aminos. Sometimes, however, that of protein as a result of their injuries. tended exercise—endurance events,
synthesis can’t take place rapidly Giving them glutamine reversed or for instance.
enough. halted the cascading catabolic effects Arginine was initially promoted as
Glutamine and arginine are on muscle that can result in death. a growth hormone releaser because
among the most popular amino acid Thanks to the anticatabolic effect, doctors gave it intravenously to pa
tients to treat growth hormone defi tine is thought to encourage the supplement. But taurine—condition
ciency. Forms of arginine used for cellular hydration that signals in ally essential like glutamine and argi
other purposes have also turned up creased muscle protein synthesis. nine—is far more essential to those
in various food supplements, no Glutamine and taurine also appear to engaged in exercise.
tably those that increase nitric oxide. promote cellular hydration, which
Many of the food supplements
that contain glutamine and/or argi
makes them synergistic with crea
What Is Taurine?
nine also contain another amino If taurine did nothing more than Taurine was discovered in 1827 as a
acid, taurine—particularly creatine promote cellular hydration, it would component of ox bile, which explains
supplements. That’s because crea likely still be considered a useful its name; taurus is Latin for bull.
Forms of arginine
have turned up
in supplements
that increase
nitric oxide.
Bodybuilding Benefits
not without the presence of the suggest that many people can ben
Taurine is found in activated form of vitamin B6, or
pyridoxine. So a lack of B6 in the
efit from taking supplemental tau
large quantities in diet can impair taurine synthesis.
Controversy exists about just how
The most recognized function of
taurine is its role in the production
well the body is able to make tau of bile salts. Bile, composed mainly
the body, in brain, rine. The main enzyme involved is of cholesterol, is a substance manu
not that active in either humans or factured in the liver and stored in
skeletal and heart cats. That’s why some theories the gallbladder. In fact, the primary
muscle tissue.
nonessential cysteine—both of
which contain sulfur. í~ìêáåÉI
In fact, some scientists suggest Å~íë=ÇÉîÉäJ
that taurine isn’t a true amino acid, çé=êÉíáå~ä
Bodybuilding Benefits
way the body rids itself of excess glycine and taurine. So taurine
cholesterol is by shunting it into
bile production. Bile itself promotes
helps create bile salts and lower
blood cholesterol, keeping it from
Those in the
that in smokers who took taurine, though it worked independently of levels of taurine than fast-twitch
the function of the lining, or en insulin in promoting glucose use. muscles. That’s likely because slow-
dothelium, rapidly improved to the Some studies show that taurine twitch fibers have a greater oxida
point where it worked similarly to may help prevent some serious tive capacity, and taurine has
that of nonsmokers. That occurred diabetic complications, including antioxidative properties. Studies
after only five days on a 1.5-gram neuropathy (nerve degeneration) show that the body loses the great
dose of taurine, about the same and retinopathy (blindness). est amount of its taurine after in
amount found in a 100-gram serv tense anaerobic exercise, such as
ing of fish. weight training.
Although omega-3 fats are con Can Taurine Help
Experiments done with rats
sidered the health-promoting Your Workouts?
demonstrate that taurine increases
component in fish, its high taurine exercise capacity, especially in older
content also offers protective ben Slow-twitch muscles have higher animals.4 Another study found that
efits that are frequently
overlooked. Some studies show
that the taurine content of fish
helps lower blood pressure and
reduce the negative effects of a
high salt intake.2 Stress also in
creases blood pressure by increas
ing the release of such hormones
as epinephrine and
norepinephrine, which constrict
blood vessels. Taurine counteracts
that effect, leading to lower blood
pressure. Interestingly, the popula
tions with the lowest rates of car
diovascular disease in the world,
those of Japan and the Mediter
ranean countries, also get the
greatest amounts of taurine in
their diets.
Still another way that taurine
protects the heart is by modulating
electrolyte function. Excess calci
um can rapidly lead to cellular
death, but taurine prevents that. It
also favorably affects the balance
of sodium and potassium in heart
tissue, thus maintaining proper
heart function.
As I’ve noted previously in IRON
MAN, highly refined sugars, such
as in high-fructose corn syrup, are
thought to be responsible for the
rising epidemic of obesity, espe
cially in younger people. Eating
excess fructose causes sugar to be
deposited into protein tissues, an
effect called glycation that’s con
sidered a major cause of aging and
the major cause of the stiffness
and lack of mobility many people
experience as they get older.
In a recent experiment rats were
put on a 60 percent fructose diet
but also got a 2 percent taurine
solution for 30 days. That prevent
ed the formation of glycation end
products while also enhancing the
use of glucose.3 Taurine worked
with insulin to affect glucose, al
ëáÇÉ=ÉÑÑÉÅí=~äëç cise significantly prevented DNA
çÅÅìêêÉÇ=áå=íÜÉ strand breakage, an effect attributed
to taurine’s antioxidative properties.
In addition, the subjects who took
taurine also showed increased VO2
ÄçÇóÑ~íK max, an indicator of increased en
durance, increased time to exercise
exhaustion and increased maximal
workload. That effect could come
from taurine’s role in increasing the
pumping power of the heart and
improving the electrical and con
tractile properties of skeletal muscle.
In muscle, taurine stabilizes cell
membranes, including the
sarcolemma, the membrane that
surrounds muscle fibers. By control
ling calcium entry into muscle, it
promotes muscle contraction as
Taurine’s effect on electrolyte
functions in muscle may also ex
plain why it helps prevent severe
muscle cramps. One theory suggests
that exercise-induced loss of sodium
and calcium may precipitate such
cramps. By stabilizing those miner
als during exercise, taurine may help
prevent postworkout muscle
cramps. The transport of taurine
into muscle is promoted by sodium
and chloride and decreased by lac
tate and beta-alanine.
A recent study found that taurine
content in fast-twitch muscle signif
taking taurine may help protect intake that occurs, exercise also ups icantly decreased during extended
against exercise-induced muscle the production of dangerous free exercise sessions and noted that it
injuries.5 The authors of that study radicals, and rampant free-radical enhances the enzymes in muscle
observed that taurine supplementa release can damage DNA in cells, that regulate energy production and
tion reversed “certain types of func leading to mutations that may fat oxidation.7 Taurine also stimu
tional deficits in skeletal muscle. cause cancer and other diseases. In lates cyclic AMP, which leads to a
Our results suggest that taurine this study, however, giving men greater release of catecholamines,
supplementation may facilitate supplemental taurine before exer such as epinephrine and
exercise performance and reduce
some limited aspects of muscle
injury caused by exercise.” j~åó=íóéÉë
A later study that used human çÑ=ÑáëÜ=~äëç
subjects confirmed the protective Åçåí~áå
effects of taurine during exercise.6 í~ìêáåÉI
Because of the increased oxygen
Bodybuilding Benefits
Taurine can improve ãÉåíë=íÜÉ
the electrical and Ñ~í=ÅçåíÉåíK
properties of
skeletal muscle.
184 JANUARY 2006 \
Free download from
No-Bull Amino
Bodybuilding Benefits
in rats.8 It’s between 100 and 500 Stimulation of glucose utilization creased taurine concentration in
milligrams per kilogram (2.2 and inhibition of protein glycation skeletal muscles after exercise for
pounds) of bodyweight. The dose and AGE products by taurine. Acta various durations. Med Sci Sports
depends on body size and would be Physiol Scand. 181:297-303. Exer. 34:793-97.
considerably lower in a human. 4 Pierno, S., et al. (1998). Chronic 8 Miyazaki, T., et al. (2004). Opti
Good food sources of taurine in administration of taurine to aged mal and effective oral dose of tau
clude most animal protein foods, rats improves the electrical and rine to prolong exercise
particularly fish. Oysters are a supe contractile properties of skeletal performance in rat. Amino Acids.
rior source. muscle. J Pharmacol Exp Therap. 27:291-98.
Those who use the drug clen 286:1183-90. 9 Doheny, M.H., et al. (1998). The
buterol should be aware that it 5 Dawson R, et al. (2002). The effects of the beta-2 agonist drug
causes a rapid and severe depletion cytoprotective role of taurine in clenbuterol on taurine in heart and
of taurine from muscle and heart exercise-induced muscle injury. other tissues in the rat. Amino
tissue. That could explain the heart Amino Acids. 22:309-24. Acids. 15:13-25. IM
damage and muscle cramps that 6 Zhang, M. et al. (2004). Role of
n our online e-zine What mistake are we onds is ideal for an exer
we’ ve discussed talking about? It has to do cise in which you maintain
many of the small de with the ideal tension time good form. That’ s the
tails that can add up during which a muscle will growth zone for any fairly
to big mass gains fast. get the best growth stimu strict set. As we’ ve said in
For example, we lation. Research shows the past, though, heaving
mentioned that your that time under tension and exploding through the
work sets are probably the should be 35 to 40 sec max-force point of an exer
most important mass trig onds to trigger maximum cise’ s stroke (as a lot of
ger, which is why we out mass increases. Watch the champs do) can over
lined a perfect anabolic most trainees in the gym, load the target muscle at
set. You may have missed and you’ ll notice that the key fiber-activation
the most important detail they rarely reach that opti point more readily, which
of all, however— the big mal range— in fact, a lot of may reduce the necessary
mistake almost every them don’ t even get time under tension for hy-
Model: Skip La Cour
A Dramatic Look at the Greatest Pro Show on Earth
on page 222.
and Warren
the Mr. said Gustavo Badell, who finished in third for the sec
Olympia ond year in a row and actually beat both Coleman and JAY CUTLER
lotte Pro, made an auspicious Olympia debut, opinion. Because of the time it took up, six men
finishing in eighth and besting Darrem Charles, who qualified for the O fair and square (Kris Dim,
in ninth, and Mustafa Mohammad, 10th. The Ronny Rockell, Quincy Taylor, Craig Richardson,
two biggest disappointments in the contest Alexander Federov and Mike Sheridan) weren’t
were top-six contenders Chris Cormier and allowed to pose at the finals. That sucks, big
Markus Ruhl. Both gents came in way smooth time.
and landed in the very unfamiliar territory of Sorry, Gustavo, I know this has been your
13th and 15th, respectively. baby, but I say chuck it. So far the only challenge
Look for a more-detailed examination of has been to sit through it.
the Big O Weekend—the good, the bad and
the ugly—next month.
Don’t miss IRON MAN’s poster pictorial of the
’05 Mr. Olympia, beginning on page 200.
As was the promise of Victor Martinez, fulfilled at last.
Branching Out
Warren leads Texas sweep
Add Europa At the Europa Supershow
It was no surprise to those who had
Two seen Branch Warren pull off his shirt at
thumbs-up the Texas Championships in July
to Ed and (okay, so he was coaxed into it by
Betty Pariso for
producing a
the pushy emcee) when the 5’6”,
helluva weekend. 240-pound physique freak domi
It included pro nated the field a couple of
contests in men’s months later at the Europa Su
and women’s
fitness and figure; At the Arlington, Texas, event,
an NPC national I got my first glance at him in the
Promoters three: Eric, Betty and Eddie. qualifier; a strong hotel eatery on the day before
man competition; a
powerlifting event; a model search and more. Two blind athletes
the show and this time coaxed
competed (former Team Universe champ Greg Rando was in the pro him into showing off the wheels.
bodybuilding lineup), and one amateur fitness athlete, the amazing Oh, my, how does that happen?
Barbie Guerra from Mesa, Arizona, had no arms—yes, you read that Thanks to his victory at the Char
Oh, and if I had a third thumb, it would go up for Europa
lotte Pro two weeks later Branch is
owner Eric Hillman, who joined forces with the Parisos to help no longer the most underappreciated
ensure the show’s success. How Betty was able to do her bodybuilder in the game, a label he Branch Warren had some thighs for
usual premier job on the promotion end while dieting got from yours truly after he didn’t quali breakfast on the day before his victory at
for the Charlotte Pro is beyond me. the Europa Supershow.
fy for the Olympia in 2004.
Warren’s sometime training partner, Johnnie
Jackson, and Quincy “Be Cool” Taylor, who moved
from California to Mansfield, Texas, last year, finished second and third, respectively, making
it one truly Texas-flavored event. Like Warren, Taylor qualified for his first Olympia; I was amazed
that Q.T. could look as good as he did, considering how good he didn’t look when he guest posed at the
Texas Championships in July. At 6’4” and more than 300 pounds, with a good shape, the ’01 USA Overall champ still could prove
to be a top-tier pro. As it turned out, that won’t be going down in 2005 (see the Olympia scorecard).
The odd man out at this show was David Henry, who looked even more sublime than in past performances but could only
muster a fourth-place finish, narrowly missing an Olympia qualifying berth. The 5’5”, 190-pounder wasn’t too disappointed, since
he knew he’d be hitting the new Wildcard Showdown on the night before the O, where, in fact, he did earn his place in the
Olympia lineup.
Warren-ty Upset victory
Promoter Makes Branch a major player
I’ve Dennis
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH told Shawn Ray on James was
numerous occasions that
he should put his money on my
where his mouth is. “Pro flight to
mote your own contest, and Char
you can raise the prize money lotte,
as much as you want,” I advised
Sugar Shawn after he took to the
Internet message boards, blasting when
IM publisher John Balik about the I saw
lack of increases in the purse at him
Shawn Ray (right) wasted no
the IRON MAN Pro (a situation that at
time signing up Troy Alves for
should change in 2006).
He has. Thanks to Shawn’s spon LAX, I
his Colorado show. didn’t
sor, Vyo-Tec, the Colorado Pro-Am George Farah (far right) takes a break in the pose-
Classic, complete with two-day think down while (from left) Mustafa Mohammed, Branch
expo, will make its debut on May 12 and 13 in Denver. The pro- anyone Warren, Quincy Taylor and Dennis James mix it up.
physique segment will feature men’s bodybuilding and women’s
figure, with $25,000 landing in the hands of the men’s champ.
The $72,000 total prize money makes it the third-most-lucra touch him.
tive physique event in the land, behind the Olympia and the He was carrying 270 pounds on his 5’8” frame and looked to be
Arnold Classic. For more info on the happening, log in great condition.
on to Now, When he hit the stage on October 1, James was several pounds of
Shawn, aren’t you glad you listened to
me, for once? water off of that on-the-spot conditioning and was bested by the deserving
Branch Warren. Don’t let that defeat fool you. James has been as high as
fourth in the Olympia and is still a major player in this game.
George Farah was the biggest surprise of the show, finishing third and getting an Olympia qualifi
cation. Bulletproof certainly ain’t ever the biggest dude onstage, but he was in great shape for this one. Sure, the rumor
floating around was that, since Mustafa Mohammad and Quincy Taylor were already qualified, Farah was given the spot
so he could join the Vegas party, and the others took fourth and fifth, respectively.
Say what? What exactly would the judges gain by doing that? Like, they care who’s in, who’s out? Let’s give Farah the
credit for showing up in his all-time-best shape. You deserved it, by George!
champ Tonie
happy camper
all weekend.
And we know
why Johnny
Stewart has a
smile on his
Pete Ciccone, face.
flanked by Lauren
Jantz and Gabriela
Rodriguez at the
Instone booth.
Where’s Sly, guy? Shop at BulkNutrition
.com, and you’ll look as
huge as this guy.
Always willing to
a hand, the altrui
e to
L.T. took the tim
see if the gals at
Hooters booth ne Vickie Nixon and
ed any help. Wh hubby Brian
your tank top, Te pose “cute”
Shannon Meteraud was a
after the
star backstage, instead of
onstage, in North Carolina.
figure; and
from it,” said the 26-year-old former track ace
from the University of North Carolina at Char
lotte. “Things really got bad when we told the
Convention Center to cancel the Friday-night
dodgeball event; they took it to mean that we
were canceling the entire night show, includ
ing bodybuilding.
Charlotte Pro • September 30–October 1
“Forty-eight hours before our women’s
show you couldn’t buy tickets through Ticket- Clockwise
master. It said the event had been cancelled. from upper
The same thing happened for the men’s event left: Jitka
on Saturday, and it killed our show. I believe in heavyweight
this sport, and I’m going to prove there is a and overall;
demand for it. I’ll be back.” Tonie Nor
Where’d you get that line, Mike? man,
Kudos for your honesty, your effort and Davana
your resolve, kid. A lot of good things hap Medina,
pened in Charlotte over the weekend. Your figure; and
production was outstanding, with the ’60s set Julie Palmer,
and enough audio and video effects for a rock
concert. Giving each competitor an individual
dressing room, with a mirror and power outlet,
was a classy move.The free live Webcast was
neat, and as the emcee, I appreciated the
hard work of Tres Bennett, Shannon Me
teraud and the rest of the backstage team,
who worked their bootys off all weekend.
“I plan on a totally unique experience next
year,” said McCandless. “I began designing a
new stage after the men’s finals. I will never
have a fan come to an event I put on and
leave disappointed. Check
for details on next year’s event; I promise it will
be the best show you ever will go to.”
Talk about getting knocked down to the
ground, wiping off the blood and charging
back into the ring. Keep punching, Big Mac.
Height: 5’8 1/2” Age: 34 Weight: 124 For good foods it’s chicken and steak. I love
to eat!”
Hometown: Sawyer, Michigan
Factoids: “I taught prekindergarten before I
Current residence: Los Angeles and Arizona got into the entertainment business. At a
swimwear contest I met a Playboy photogra
Occupation: Model, host and actor pher, and I tested for Playboy. I was Miss
December 1997 and then was honored as
Workout schedule: �I train four to five days a Playmate of the Year in 1998. Later, I was
week, usually working tri’s and bi’s on one picked to be the Readers’ Choice #2
day, legs on one day, shoulders and back Playmate of the ’90s (behind only Pam An
with a little chest on one day and then cardio derson). I’ve worked as a TV host and been
on all the other days. I just recently started in a few movies. I’ve modeled in national
doing ab training.” and international ad campaigns and contin
ue to model.”
Sample bodypart workout (legs): Single-leg
squats, 3-4 x 10-15; squats, 3 x 10-15; walking Future plans: “I would love to host a TV show
lunges, 3 sets; hamstring curls or stiff-legged of my own while continuing to model. I also
deadlifts, 3 sets want to have children. I have a great love of
children, and in the distant future I’d like to
Favorite foods: “My favorite bad foods are open a learning center for kids.”
pizza and donuts—and a lot of chocolate.
Contact info:
It’s hard not to be happy for Jen Hendershott, who’s been delighting fitness
audiences since 1997 with her routines. In case you didn’t make it to Vegas, it’s
not too late to check out IRON MAN’s photo galleries and unique audio cover
age of the ’05 Olympia weekend, including reports on all the contests and my
interview with the ecstatic new Fitness O champion, at www
moter. Since the promoters’ magazines Lynn or
with them
don’t give much coverage to the since after Monica
women’s competitions, why not give 9/11, when Brant. Veter
access to those who do cover—and, by they in ans and newbies alike, the guys with the
curred the suspicion of a zealous airport
extension, promote—them? I don’t view through a lens went for newcomer
security guard. Celebrating her birthday
usually complain about this stuff in at the Olympia dressed as a wild cat, Valerie Waugaman. Don’t let her sev
print—it’s not the readers’ problem, and the owner of C.J.’s Elite Competition enth-place finish in Vegas fool ya, fellas.
you find another place to take a pic- Wear, often a busy figure backstage at The statuesque and charismatic Wauga
these events, got a rare opportunity to
ture—but Dobbins’ may be on to some man hit the fast track at the Sacramento
view her handiwork from the audience.
thing. Ah, for the old days, when a girl Among the athletes hitting the boards in Pro Figure, where she slid into second
could get backstage by disguising herself C.J.’s suits: Olympia winners Jen Hen ahead of Monica Brant. Now, that’s a
as Mitsuru Okabe. dershott and Yaxeni Oriquen. placing to start a rumor about.
Orleans Scenes
A slimmed-
Valentina The
Chepiga award
says she’s for most
waiting to interest
see where ing job
women’s goes to
bodybuild Michael
ing is Zeltzer.
heading. (No,
he’s an
y. Ms. O third Iris’ thigh. Defendin
Dayana’s cr , last year’s g Ms. O Iris Kyle
de au dropped a few pou
Dayana Ca a loss to nds in response
winner, is at ally
lightweight r sy m metric
to the 20-percent-le
ss-muscle edict,
hy he but her granite gam
explain w come Ms. s are very much
lf did not be inine, in the house at Me
muscular se et tier, fem et the Olympians.
“I’m pr
Olympia. ea
ok exactly lik
sexy and lo ild er should look
dy bu
woman bo re , Dayana.
en t he
No argum
Jenny’s guy.
Lifelong Ohioans
Jen Hendershott
and hubby Brian On the other ha
“I swear I can’t eat nd,
Kinn are moving maybe Dennis
another bite,” says Abby James
to Charlotte, North Duncan. Ah, c’mon, will finish it for
Carolina, where Abby, it’s cheesecake.
Brian’s taking the
job of CEO of Bulk
Nutrition. “For 10 To contact Lonnie Teper about
Mary Elizabeth Lado’s dry. At least in terms of the years he’s focused material possibly pertinent to
Louisiana figure belle’s being safe from the ravages of on me,” admitted News & Views, write to 1613
Hurricane Katrina. Another competitor whom the the new Fitness O Chelsea Road, #266, San
oddsmakers tabbed for an upset victory, Lado, “didn’t champ. “Now it’s Marino, CA 91108; fax to (626)
do things right and was holding water,” she said. Still, his turn.” 289-7949; or send e-mail to
she managed a top-five finish at her first Olympia.
Amanda Savell
breaks her year You can contact Ruth Silver-
long contest diet.
man, fitness reporter and
Pump & Circumstance scribe,
in care of IRON MAN, 1701
Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033;
or via e-mail at
rs allowed
amento to be hot?)
doing the Sacr
next week.”
Iso Programs for All Part 7
by Bill Starr • Photography by Michael Neveux
ast month I presented two sam involved in a competitive sport
ple programs that gave priority and are somewhat advanced in
to isotonic-isometric exercises strength training and for those
and used free-weight move- who train primarily for strength
ments as adjuncts to the rack fitness. The former group includes
work. There was a routine for athletes who participate in foot-
Olympic weightlifters and another ball, wrestling, rugby, lacrosse
for competitive powerlifters. and the throwing events in track
Those programs are most effec plus all those strongman and
tively used off-season, during woman events that have become
breaks from important competi so popular. Of course, any ath
tions, although several York lifters lete can benefit from an iso pro
used them in-season and tested gram. Swimmers at Indiana
out at the meets. Typically, you do University, runners from Villanova
them for six to eight weeks, then and rowers from the Vesper Boat
shift the emphasis back to more Club in Philadelphia were among
free-weight work, putting isos in a the first to show significant
supplemental role. strength improvement while using
The two programs I outline this the new system of strength train
month are for athletes who’ re ing in the early ’ 60s.
Three incline-press positions,
the steeper the better: start, eye
level and finish. If you don’t have
an incline bench, substitute
overhead presses for the same
three positions.
Three pulling positions using a
clean grip: start, just below the
knees and high top pull. The final
position is where you finish your
pull for a power clean, right at
the bottom of your breastbone,
and climb high on your toes
before locking into the top pins.
Three back-squat positions: bottom and middle. If you can’t level and four inches under lock
deep bottom (try to set yourself
do front squats, substitute those out. If you did inclines on Mon
lower than you go when you
same two positions for back day, do standing presses. If you
squat), midpoint and three-
squats. substituted overheads for in
quarters of the way up.
clines on Monday, you can do
Calf raises. either benches or overheads at
Calf raises. this workout.
Thursday Three back-squat positions:
Tuesday ultradeep, midpoint and three-
High pulls, alternating clean
Power cleans: five sets of five. and snatch grips every other quarters of the way up.
Iso Programs for All Part 7
have an aversion to good mornings, Every three or four weeks skip a 12-count without an all-out effort.
you can do almost-straight-legged the Friday iso session and test out For those to be effective, that hold
deadlifts-a.k.a. stiff-legged dead- on the big three on Saturday: power has to make your body shudder.
lifts-instead, but you have to do clean, squat and bench press. Some Also, sometimes you don’t make
them with intensity. trainees like to do inclines rather progress on a particular exercise
On all the other exercises use than flat-bench presses, and that simply because you’re not working
moderate poundages. Lifting slight works just as well. In fact, I believe it frequently enough. For example,
ly lighter weights will enable you to inclines are more beneficial for you find on your test day that your
pay closer attention to your tech athletes than flat-bench presses. bench press hasn’t gone up at all. So
nique, which should be your main The test day is helpful in that it instead of doing inclines and over
purpose. It’s easy to lose concentra lets you handle some heavier head presses in the rack that next
tion and hurry through your rou weights, which means you can week, do three bench press posi
tine because you know you can check out whether your form is tions at every iso session and see if
handle the weights easily enough, improving and you have gained that makes a difference. It should.
but that won’t aid your cause. At strength on the various movements. I’ll comment more on weight selec
tempt to perform each rep perfect Isos always seem to boost one or tion for the isos later on, but now I
ly, and make sure that your final two lifts more than others. When want to outline a program for those
sets aren’t so light that you can use you resume your isos the following who are primarily interested in
sloppy form and still make all the week, you must give preference to strength fitness.
Iso Programs for All Part 7
take some imagination, but I’ve eye level and just short of lock stone. I know it’s a cliché, and I try
seen athletes do good mornings out. to avoid using them, but in this case
and even leg curls using isometrics. Two squat positions: ultradeep it gets the point across. Use the
bottom and a tad above parallel. routines as listed or modify them to
Monday fit what you’re trying to accomplish.
Three curl positions: start, mid For example, you may want to
Three pulling positions using a dle and finish. stick with isos throughout the week
clean grip: start, just below the Calf raises. and go heavy on all the lifts on
knees and top high pull. Satuarday. That’s how the original
Three positions on the bench
As with the other program, skip program was designed and how
press: start, middle and just
the Friday workout every so often, Louis Riecke and Bill March trained
below lockout.
come in on Saturday and go to limit with great success in the early ’60s.
on the primary exercises. You might They did overhead presses, squats
Two back-squat positions: deep also see if your curling strength has and pulls in the rack during the
bottom and just below parallel. improved. Note your weaker lifts week, then totaled out on the three
Two curl positions: middle and and lean on them hard when you go Olympic lifts—press, snatch and
finish. back to the isos. clean and jerk—on Saturday.
I’ve mentioned this before, but Perhaps you’d rather use free
Calf raises. I’ll state it again: These programs weights three times a week and
are models. They’re not cast in work in the rack only twice. What
Tuesday ever floats your boat. As for whether
If you have an aversion to you should do isos often or seldom,
Back squats: five sets of five there are some rules that should be
Good mornings or almost
good mornings, you can adhered to if you want to make
straight-legged deadlifts: four
do almost-straight progress.
sets of 10.
Only do three positions for the
legged deadlifts instead. major muscle groups: shoulder
Bench presses: five sets of five.
Three bent-over-row positions:
start, middle and finish.
Three incline-press position:
start, eye level and just short of
Three back-squat positions:
deep bottom, right at parallel
and three-quarters of the way up.
Three pushdown positions:
start, middle and finish.
Calf raises.
Iso Programs for All Part 7
Model: John Hansen
groups, such as calves, biceps and second and third series of posi you don’t need them and that you
triceps, but the majority of trainees tions, make sure those bodyparts achieve greater results when you
are better off sticking with nine are adequately prepared for the move through the positions quickly.
positions total—and never more stress ahead. When you thoroughly In that regard, it really helps to
than 12. warm up muscle groups, they re have a training partner when you
Be sure to warm up well before spond much more favorably to any do isos. Two training mates are
going to the rack. Get your core form of exercise, and that’s even even better to help you with un
body temperature up by doing more the case with isotonic-iso loading and reloading and moving
calisthenics or riding an exercise metrics because the sets are so the pins and bar to the next posi
bike for five to 10 minutes. Next, do concentrated and short in duration. tion. A little trick to aid in that pro
something for your abs and lum Warm muscles are also less prone cess is to place a bench or chair
bars. Do situps, crunches or leg to injury. next to the ends of the bar and
raises for the abs. Do hyperexten Here’s a variation that I’ve found stack the weights on it. That saves
sions, which flush blood into your helps athletes learn how to put time and energy and will enable
lower back in a hurry. Finally, grab a forth greater effort on the money you to complete the workout much
light weight and work the muscles reps. On the first position of a series faster.
front, with your second weakest Keep in mind that if you’re not onds.
second and strongest third. While positioning your body exactly as Some trainees believe that a five
that seems logical, some trainees you do when you perform an exer to-six-second contraction is suffi
find that they can exert the most cise with free weights, you’re not cient to build strength, and I agree
effort at the third position for a going to gain any strength from if the athlete is experienced in this
certain bodypart. That’s partly doing isos on it. So learn to fix the system of training. I’ve found that
because they’re more warmed up bar in the middle of the pins, away those in the process of learn isoton
and partly because they’re getting from the railings, and make sure ic-isometric technique benefit
in the groove after the two previous your body mechanics are correct more by doing the longer count.
sets. In that case do the weakest before commencing the isometric
position last. If all the positions are hold. Editor�s note: Bill Starr was a
about equal, it’s still a good idea to Speaking of pins, the closer you strength and conditioning coach at
switch the order around regularly. can set them to one another, the Johns Hopkins University from
A common error many beginners easier the isotonic portion of the 1989 to 2000. He’s the author of The
make is to use the railings of the movement will be. Not all power Strongest Shall Survive and Defying
rack to help control and balance racks have holes closer together, Gravity. IM
ood, bad, happy, sad, positive, negative—the range muscle you build, how fast you build it and whether you
New Stuff
Bodybuilding’s Strongest
Warning Signs
Abhor the
eople who have sleep
P apnea, a condition in
which breathing stops
every so often during sleep, can snore furiously. The condition can in
crease the risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. If you or some
one you know snores so loudly that it disturbs another person sleeping in
the same room, the snorer should see an ear, nose and throat specialist—
especially if that person frequently wakes up in the morning with
headaches and/or is tired during the day.
—Becky Holman
Jennifer DeJoya
Photography by Jerry Fredrick
Location: Gold’s Gym, Venice, California
Free download from
Serious Stats
Girls Notice!
I’ve been lifting weights for four years now. I started
out lifting with the football team when I played. I found
out fast that what they were doing wasn’t for me; it just
made me lose weight. I quit football because baseball
was my better sport. Then I got on your 10-Week Size
Surge program. In no time girls were commenting on
how much bigger I was getting. I started out at 5’9”, 169
pounds. I’m now at 190 pounds. My bench went from 250
to 350 and my squat from 405 to 500. Thanks for showing
me how to do it right.
Trevor Willis
via Internet
Editor’s note: 10-Week Size Surge has built a lot of
mass for a lot of bodybuilders. If trainees are looking for
I just want to thank IRON MAN for the wonderful op an updated version, with changes we’ve made as a result
portunity to be in the November issue [Hardbody]. It has of our findings at the IRON MAN Training & Research
been a dream of mine to shoot with Michael Neveux and Center over the years, see the Basic Ultimate Mass Work
to be in IM. I was treated very professionally, and I felt outs in The Ultimate Mass Workout e-book, available at
very comfortable shooting with him. It was a great experi We constructed those programs with
ence. Thanks for making a dream come true. the very best exercises for each bodypart and infused
them with X Reps for more muscle-building firepower.
Adela Garcia
via Internet
Editor’s note: And thank you for gracing our pages
More Legends
with your beauty and fabulous physique.
IRON MAN is the best magazine
out there. I really like the Legends
Read It and Reap series of posters. I hope you can keep
it going for as long as possible. I’m
I’ve been reading IRON MAN since I was a kid in the hoping the standards of the older
’70s. Your magazine is still the best, and I still love to physiques will come back.
train. I want to look good and stay strong for my athletic Dan Johnson
endeavors—mainly league softball. I have just introduced via Internet
my eight-year-old son to lifting, and he’s hooked. He loves Editor’s note: So far we’ve done
to work out with me. three Legends posters: Arnold, Cory
Steve Holman is probably my favorite author. His stuff Everson and Dave Draper. We plan
just makes sense. And his X-Rep concepts have really to do more down the road. Stay
helped me cut down my workout time while increasing tuned, er um, subscribed.
the intensity, pump and burn. They have spurred me to
new gains even at 46. Vol. 65, No. 1: IRON MAN (ISSN #0047-1496) is published monthly by IRON MAN
My main reason for writing is to encourage the maga Publishing, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Periodical Mail is paid at Oxnard, CA,
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to IRON MAN,
zine to go down the natural road as much as possible.
1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Please allow six to eight weeks for change to take
I understand the freaks on drugs sell magazines and effect. Subscription rates—U.S. and its possessions: new 12-issue subscription, $29.97.
products. I must admit I do like looking at them just for Canada, Mexico and other foreign subscriptions: 12 issues, $49.97 sent Second Class.
the pure freakiness of muscle; however, I think we owe Foreign orders must be in U.S. dollars. Send subscriptions to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives
it to our youth to inform them of how physiques get that Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Or call 1-800-570-4766. Copyright © 2005. All rights re
way. Too many will want to look like Mr. Olympia in six served. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without written
permission from the publisher. Printed in the USA.