How To Identify The Context of The Organization in ISO 9001-2015
How To Identify The Context of The Organization in ISO 9001-2015
How To Identify The Context of The Organization in ISO 9001-2015
Context of the organization is a new requirement in ISO 9001, stating an organization must consider
both the internal and external issues that can impact its strategic objectives and the planning of the
QMS. It pretty much changes the concept and application of clause 4, and requirements regarding the
context of the organization do sound a little bit vague, so what does this clause actually require?
Clause 4 of ISO 9001:2015 Context of the organization requires the organization to evaluate itself
and its context. This means that you need to define influences of various elements on the
organization and how they reflect on the QMS, the company’s culture, objectives and goals,
complexity of products, flow of processes and information, size of the organization, markets,
customers, etc. It is also a means to detect risks and opportunities regarding the business context.
Where to start?
Although the standard doesn’t prescribe the method for determining the context of the organization,
there are some logical steps and milestones.
First, you need to determine which of the new requirements are already met in your existing
documentation, because some of the requirements related to the Quality Manual in ISO 9001:2008
are now transferred into this new clause (for more information, read The future of the Quality
Manual in ISO 9001:2015).
If you have already implemented ISO 9001:2008, then you probably have already defined the scope
of the QMS in the Quality Manual and the sequence of processes and their interaction, either in the
form of text or flowchart (see How to create an ISO 9001 process flowchart (PDF). If you are
implementing the standard from scratch, then you need to determine the scope of your QMS and
identify the processes and their interactions (for more information, read Four things you need to start
your ISO 9001 project).
Once the scope of the QMS is defined, together with exclusions (for more information, see What is
an acceptable exclusion in Clause 7 of ISO 9001?, and processes and their relations are identified, the
following steps need to be taken:
An organization’s internal context is the environment in which it aims to achieve its objectives.
Internal context can include its approach to governance, its contractual relationships with customers,
and its interested parties. Things that need to be considered are related to the culture, beliefs, values,
or principles inside the organization, as well as complexity of processes and organizational structure.
To determine external context, you should consider issues arising from its social, technological,
environmental, ethical, political, legal, and economic environment. Examples of external context
may include:
government regulations and changes in the law
economic shifts in the organization’s market
the organization’s competition
events that may affect corporate image
changes in technology
Basically, all this information is in the heads of the CEO and other members of management, but it
was never put on paper; the best way to gather it is by organizing some brainstorming.
Systematization of all this information can be very valuable and demonstrate where you stand as an
Interested parties include direct customers, end users, suppliers and partners, regulators, and others.
Others could include people in the organization, owners/shareholders, and even society. These parties
add value to the organization or are impacted by the activities within the organization. Identifying
and meeting their needs is important to implementing an efficient and effective quality management
system. Their feedback can really help you to determine what can be improved in your organization,
and how.
The context of the organization seems like one of the “document and forget about it” requirements,
but it shouldn’t be. Information gathered through defining context can be very useful for identifying
room for improvement, and it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Knowing the context of your
organization and opinions of your interested parties can help you improve your organization and
make it even better.