NewFiles Measurement
NewFiles Measurement
NewFiles Measurement
The world has depended on some form of measurements
system since the beginning of civilization. Presently there are
two major systems of measurement used in the world. The
inch system, often called the English system of measurement,
is still widely used in the United States and the Metric system,
The SI unit of measurements most widely used by European
and some Asiatic countries.
Basic measurement can be termed as those measurements
taken by use of a rule or any other non-precision measuring
tool, whether it can be in inch or metric standard. Linear
measurements on flat surfaces are perhaps the most common
measurements made in general practice in the machine shop.
The tool used varies with the size of the dimension, the nature
of work, and the degree of accuracy required.
Accuracy: The student in the machine work should begin at once to understand
accuracy in its relative terms. He should appreciate from the start the value of
various measuring tools in obtaining the degree of accuracy the given operation
Inch System
The unit of length in this system is the inch, which may be divided into fractional or
decimal fraction divisions. The fractional system is based on the binary system having
base 2. The decimal-fraction system has a base 10 whereby may be written as a product
of ten and/or a fraction of ten.
One-tenth 1/10 0.1
One-hundredth 1/100 0.01
One-thousandth 1/1000 0.001
One ten-thousandth 1/10000 0.0001
Metric System
Linear metric dimensions are expressed in multiples and submultiples of the meter. In the
machine shop trade, the millimeter is used for the expression of most metric dimensions.
Fractions of the millimeter are expressed in decimals.
Note : In the machine shop measurements, most dimensions will be given in millimeters
(mm). Very large dimensions would be given in meters (m) and millimeters (mm).
Here is a list of some common prefixes, and symbols which you are likely to encounter in
your work in the machine shop.
mega one million 1,000,000 M
kilo one thousand 1,000 k
hecto one hundred 100 h
deka ten 10 da
deci one-tenth 0.1 d
centi one-hundredth 0.01 c
milli one-thousandth 0.001 m
micro one-millionth 0.000001
A brief comparison of common inch and metric equivalents are:
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 yd = 36 inches
1m = 39.37 inches
1000 m = 1 km
1 km = 0.621 mi
1 mi = 1.609 km
Measuring instruments have an important role in a mechanical
workshop. The quality of work is based on the accuracy and precision
of the instruments used for inspection. There are different types of
measuring instruments are used in a workshop; some of them are
given below.
1. Steel rule
Steel rule is a measuring instrument having a long, thin stainless steel strip
with a marked scale of unit division such as in centimetres or inches, used for
drawing lines, measuring distances between two points, etc. These are
available in different sizes, such as in 15cm, 30cm, 60cm, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 3m,
4m, 5m & 6m. Generally, least count of a steel rule is 0.5mm.
Among the most useful tool in the machine shop. Although these are actually rules
or rulers, most machinist call them scales. They are made in a variety of kinds such
as spring tempered, flexible, narrow and hooked.
Flexible Steel Rule