Development of Surfactants and Builders in Detergent Formulations
Development of Surfactants and Builders in Detergent Formulations
Development of Surfactants and Builders in Detergent Formulations
Abstract Surfactants and builders are the two most important ingredients in laundry, household and personal-care
cleaning products. They play a key role in washing processes. The development of various surfactants (e.g., anionic,
nonionic, cationic, zwitterionic, and silicone surfactants) and builders (inorganic, organic and polymeric builders)
used in the detergent compositions are reviewed and their detergency performance and biodegradability are dis-
cussed. In the future, the development of the surfactants and builders used in detergent compositions should be
based on economic and environmental considerations. The use of the eco-friendly surfactants and builders derived
from inexpensive renewable resources (e.g., alkyl polyglucosides and bio-based polyesters) in detergent composi-
tions is the developing trends in detergent industry.
Keywords detergent, surfactant, builder, detergency performance, biodegradability
1 INTRODUCTION than any other groups due to their ease and low cost of
manufacture. The first surfactant is soap, which is
A laundry detergent composition generally com- made from a fatty acid such as animal fat or vegetable
prises six groups of substances: surfactants, builders, oil that is allowed to react with an alkali. It was the
enzymes, bleaching agents, fillers and other minor ad- only choice of surfactant until the 20th century. Over
ditives such as dispersing agents, fabric softening clay, the past 70 years, the anionic surfactant market for
dye-transfer inhibiting ingredient, and optical brighteners. detergents has changed from soap to synthetic linear
Laundry detergents and, household and personal-care alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) [3]. Fig. 1 shows the
products account for over half the use of surfactant[1]. structures of some major anionic surfactants used in
Therefore, the demand of the detergent industry is a detergent compositions. The preferred counterions of
driving force for the development of related chemical the anionic surfactants are sodium, potassium, lithium,
industry and chemical engineering which involve ammonium and alkylammonium, especially sodium.
synthesis and production of surfactants and polymer Soap is obviously a sustainable surfactant and
builders. In this article, we will introduce the surfac- shows excellent performance under the appropriate
tants and builders frequently used in detergent compo- conditions. However, it is sensitive to hard water and
sitions and discuss their development in the past, pre- does not work well at lower temperatures, including
sent, and future. The other ingredients in detergent for- cold water. These shortcomings have been a major
mulations will be dealt with in a forth-coming paper. driving force for the development of synthetic anionic
surfactants. The time interval between entry and exit
of each main anionic surfactant is plotted in Fig. 2.
2 SURFACTANTS Natural alkyl sulfates were first introduced in laundry
detergents around 1932. Then, the low-cost surfactant
Surfactant is an abbreviation for surface active called alkyl benzene sulfonates became the
agent, which literally means active at a surface [2]. Sur- work-horse among synthetic surfactants. Originally,
factants are the single most important ingredients in branched-chain alkyl benzene sulfonates (ABS) were
laundry and household cleaning products, comprising used in detergent compositions, but microbes could
from 15% to 40% of the total detergent formulation [3]. not break down ABS and thus they left foam in river
According to the polar head group, surfactants used in water. They were replaced by linear alkyl benzene
detergent formulations can be classified into four groups: sulfonates (LAS) such as sodium dodecybenzene sul-
anionics, nonionics, cationics, and zwitterionics. Nowa- fonate and sodium xylenesulfonate, which are readily
days, laundry detergents often contain a certain mix- biodegradable. In today’s market, LAS is still a key
ture of different types of surfactants to strengthen their low-cost surfactant and alkyl sulfates (AS) are simul-
cleaning performance capability and to remain mild to taneously in use [2, 3].
the skin of hands. Even though, we will mainly review It is known that an LAS surfactant will be se-
the surfactants used in detergent formulations by questered and be precipitated from wash solution by
group in this section, and will give some discussions divalent cations under high water hardness conditions,
on compositions containing a combination of different reducing the cleaning power of the detergent. The use
groups of surfactants at the end of this section. of low levels of alkyl ethoxy ether sulfate (AES) sur-
factant in a surfactant system substantially reduces the
2.1 Anionic surfactants tendency of the anionic surfactant to precipitation un-
der high wash-water hardness [4]. Alpha olefin sul-
Anionic surfactants are used in greater volume fonate (AOS), which is one of the anionic surfactants
temperature [15]. Murch and Mao [16] discovered that anionic surfactants, the detergency of compositions
the use of MES in combination with certain polyhy- containing nonionic surfactants is not sensitive to hard
droxy fatty acid amide surfactants improved the de- water since no precipitation occurs in the presence of
tergency. If crude oil prices continue to remain high, divalent ions. Furthermore, nonionic surfactants can
MES may reach usage volumes comparable to AS, be used to deterge animal fibers such as silk and wool,
AES, and LAS. to avoid the ionic adsorption of surfactant on the
Other anionic surfactants used in detergent com- amino groups in the fibers since electrostatic force
positions are sodium alkyl glyceryl ether sulfonates, does not work for nonionic surfactants.
di-anionic surfactants such as disulfonates and disul- APEs such as nonylphenol ethoxylates are effi-
fates [17], and anionic gemini surfactants [18]. In con- cient, cost effective versatile products which have
trast to monosulfonated surfactants such as LAS, di- been used widely in detergent compositions for over
sulfonated surfactants such as alkyldiphenyl oxide forty years. They have a better detergency perform-
disulfonate exhibit excellent solubility in the presence ance than alcohol ethoxylates (AE). They meet the
of divalent counterions. The compositions containing primary biodegradability but the metabolic products
low levels of di-anionic cleaning agent provide out- resulting from the degradation process do not readily
standing results of greasy/oily soil removal and degrade further and may have undesirable side effects
whiteness [19]. The alkyldiphenyl oxide disulfonate on aquatic life [22].
provides better detergency performance than LAS over AE has a higher detergency than anionic surfac-
a broad range of washing-water hardness whereas its tant LAS when they are used alone. The aquatic toxic-
toxicity to fish is consistent with LAS when it is ity of AE increases with a reduction in the degree of
added directly to the effluent [20, 21]. ethoxylation and with an increase in the alkyl chain
length of the hydrophobe. From the experiments by
2.2 Nonionic surfactants Belanger et al. [23], low levels of risk were inferred
for AE in the aquatic environments of Europe and
North America. Secondary alcohol ethoxylates [24]
Nonionic surfactants have been extensively used have almost the same biodegradability as that of pri-
in the area of the laundry detergents and personal-care mary AE, but show higher detergency and slightly
formulations in combination with anionic surfactants. lower toxicity. They have a high liquidity and there-
The nonionic surfactants are represented mostly by fore the dry-mixing method is favored over the
linear alcohol ethoxylates, with the alcohols being spray-drying method to manufacture detergent powder
derived from either petrochemical raw materials or containing secondary alcohol ethoxylates. Investiga-
natural resources. They include alcohol ethoxylate tion has shown that methyl ester ethoxylates (MEE)
(AE), alkylphenol ethoxylate (APE), methyl ester has a similar soil removal but a better bio-degradability
ethoxylate (MEE), ethoxylated amine, ethoxylated in comparison with AE. When used in laundry liquid
amide, alkyl polyglycoside (APG), polyethylene detergents, MEE should be easier to handle than AE
oxide-polyalkylene oxide diblock copolymer, etc. The because of their reduced tendency to form gel [25].
structures of main nonionic surfactants used in deter- With the improved understanding of the effect of
gent formulations are given in Fig. 3. Different from the structure of ethoxylates on aquatic toxicity and
biodegradability, it has been possible to develop cated that APG with an alkyl chain length of C12/14
products which meet both requirements of detergency was preferred for laundry detergents and gave better
performance and environmental effects. For example, detergency for particulate soil and motor oil soil [31].
Scardera and Grosser [26] discovered an alkali-stable Hreczuch [32] has examined the possible use of
nonionic surfactant product which has the formula of ethoxylation product of low-erucic rapeseed oil acid
RO(CH2 CH2 O)a [CH2 CH(R′) O]b H, methyl esters as a nonionic surfactant, which is gain-
where a=9-15, b=3-5, R is a linear alkyl hydrocar- ing more and more interest in the market. They are
bon having an average of approximately 16 to 18 car- easy to formulate into attractive liquid detergents with
bon atoms, and R′ is methyl or ethyl. This kind of high cleaning performance and show a more favorable
surfactants are biodegradable, are water-soluble, eco-toxicological profile compared with fatty alcohol
moderate to high sustained foaming, and are stable on ethoxylates [33]. Kharkate et al. [34] synthesized an
dry caustic, making them useful in particular alkaline alkyd resin polymeric surfactant based on soybean oil
compositions, such as detergent formulations. Block and rosin. This polymeric surfactant is suitable for
copolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene liquid detergent formulation in association with so-
oxide (PO) may improve grease removal when incor- dium lauryl sulfate and can be used as a substitute of
porated into liquid dishwashing detergent composi- LAS. The prepared compositions of liquid detergents
tions and as anti-redeposition agents in powder deter- have equivalent detergency performance compared
gent compositions [27]. They are also useful in the with the commercial ones, but are more economic and
removal of oily soils from fabrics [28]. Hashimoto and eco-friendly.
Tonegawa have recently disclosed a composition con-
taining a surfactant with structure of RO(AO)n(EO)mH, 2.3 Cationic surfactants
where n=0-5, m=1-20, R is C8-C10 alkyl, and AO is
C3-C4 oxyalkylene. This composition is useful in
scrubbing hand cleaners, hand soaps and face cleans- The majority of cationic surfactants used in de-
ers with low skin irritation, and shows good oily tergent compositions are based on the nitrogen atom
soil-removing properties [29]. carrying positive charge. In general, the preferred
For ethoxylated amines, detergency performance solubilizing anion is a halide or methosulfate ion.
depends on the hydrophobe and on the number of Quaternary ammonium compounds (quats), especially
moles of ethylene oxides attached. The cocoamine dioctadecyl dimethylammonium chloride are used as
with 5 mol EO and tallowamine with 10 mol EO have antistatic agent due to its high antistatic activity. The
shown the best detergency performance. Ethoxylated quaternary ammonium and ethoxylated quats, are used
amines should be better surfactant than AE since be- as a common fabric softener [35]. It works by reducing
sides their good detergency they show good perform- the friction between fibers, and between fibers and the
ance as dye-transfer inhibitors in combination with skin, and thus it can also be used as hair conditioners.
nonionic surfactants. They can be used to formulate a Kennedy et al. [36] described a method for imparting
variety of cleaning products for both household and mildness properties to a cosmetic cleansing composi-
industrial purposes. The only drawback is their higher tion by adding a minor proportion of an alkyleneoxy-
price. Commercial ethoxylated amines cost between lated bisquaternary ammonium compound. However,
20% and 100% more than AE depending on chain hydrolytically stable cationic surfactants show higher
length and amount of EO. aquatic toxicity than most other classes of surfactants.
Ethoxylated amides, especially for tallowamide, Ester quats, which are a new type of environmental
are very cost-effective nonionic surfactant. They also friendly cationic surfactants, have been used to replace
possess both dye-transfer inhibition properties and the dialkyl quats as textile softening agents. The structures
detergency performance of the other commonly used of some types of quats are shown in Fig. 4.
surfactants in liquid laundry formulations such as AE. It has been found that addition of ethoxylated
However, they can be dark in color. quats to floor and stone cleaners enhances the spread-
The development of surfactants based on carbo- ing and drying abilities and, the lime soap dispersing
hydrate and vegetable oils is the result of the product and emulsification properties. This made the cleaners
concept based on the exclusive use of natural re- more effective on slip resistant surfaces, leading to a
sources. Sugar-based surfactants are gaining increased reduced time consumption for washing those floors
attention due to their advantage with regard to per- and stones [37].
formance, health of consumer and environmental It has been also found that detergent composi-
compatibility compared with some standard products tions containing quat salt and low levels of imino-
[30]. Among all the sugar-based surfactants, APG and disuccinate (IDS) or hydroxyiminodisuccinate (HIDS)
glucamides have gained considerable importance over exhibited improved soil and stain removal in conjunc-
the past few years. Both types of surfactants show tion with reduced fading of dyes on colored fabrics
synergistic effects with primary anionic surfactants [38]. Recently, Hsu et al. [39] have discovered that the
and have low irritation potential due to their polyhy- polyanionic ammonium surfactants, which are qua-
droxy structure. They are not considered as toxic or ternary ammonium salts with alkyl sulfate or alkyl-
harmful in acute toxicity tests but in high concentra- benzene sulfonate anions as counterions, exhibited
tion have to be classified as irritating to the skin and characteristics different from cationic surfactants and
eyes. APG is used extensively as a co-surfactant in showed substantially better performance in soil removal
dishwashing detergents, heavy-duty powder detergents than the physical mixture of anionic surfactants and
and personal-care products. Experiments have indi- polyamines. The presence of polyanionic ammonium
Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008 521
surfactant in a detergent formulation greatly improves nonionic surfactant is used with the amphoteric.
the deposition of fluorescent whitening agent onto a However, the amphoteric surfactants are generally
fabric to enhance the whiteness. mild, with lower skin and eye irritation when com-
pared with the commonly used anionic and nonionic
surfactants. They can be incorporated into detergent
2.4 Zwitterionic surfactants
composition in order to thicken the composition
without using a thickener, provide excellent tempera-
Zwitterionic surfactants contain two charged ture stability, and improve the mildness on the skin.
groups of different signs under normal conditions. One This composition thus is particularly suited for wash-
main type of zwitterionic surfactants is the amphoteric ing skin and hair, especially face [41]. Betaines can be
surfactant, which can be either cationic, zwitterionic, used in the industrial and institutional detergents be-
or anionic, depending on pH of the solution [2]. The cause of their extreme pH stability. In fabric softener
structures of the main zwitterionic surfactants used in formulations, betaines can be used as dispersing
detergent compositions are shown in Fig. 5. agents for the quat. They can also be used in laundry
Amphoteric surfactants such as betaines and sul- detergents as dye transfer inhibitors for acidic and
fobetaines, are widely used in washing products in- direct dyes. Betaine, sultaine or preferably their mix-
cluding household, personal-care detergents, etc [40]. ture in the composition containing anionic surfactant
The detergency on oily soils and biodegradability of mixture can provide thickening and high foam prop-
betaines are better than that of AE. The cleaning of erty to the soap. They are foam boosters and thus im-
betaines or sulfobetaines is much better when the prove foaming of the soap [42].
Amine oxides such as lauryl dimethylamine oxides position containing single-surfactant. Therefore, one
are similar to betaines. In acid solutions, the amino or more anionic, one or more nonionic, one or more
group gets protonated and the amine oxide acts as a quat zwitterionic, and even one or more cationic surfactants
whereas in alkaline solution, it behaves as a nonionic are generally used in a formulation. Various combina-
surfactant. Amine oxides exhibit good soil removal tions of surfactant systems have been disclosed for
properties, particularly the greasy oil removal proper- detergent compositions of different uses [4, 48].
ties and can be used in laundry detergent, fine-fabric
wash, and laundry prespotter formulations. Amine 3 DETERGENCY BUILDERS
oxides are also good foaming agents, foam boosters,
and stabilizers for anionic surfactant [43]. They can act
as dye-transfer inhibitors for certain dyes. They are Surfactant efficiency is greatly reduced in hard
one of the best types of surfactants for use with chlo- water and surfactants do not show good performance
rine bleaches due to their resistance to oxidation [44]. even in softer water. Furthermore, large amounts of
surfactants in detergents not only significantly in-
crease biological demand in water but also impose
2.5 Silicone surfactants
heavy load on sewage works and on the environment
due to their eco-toxicity. To remove Ca2+ and Mg2+
Silicone surfactants have been used in cosmetic ions existing in hard water and in soils, and thus to
formulations for more than half a century. There are lower the content of surfactants in the detergent for-
two basic structures of silicones: linear and cyclic mulations, detergency builders are often used in con-
polydimethyl silicones as shown in Fig. 6, where R is junction with surfactants. A potential builder should
the modifying group. Linear polydimethyl siloxanes satisfy a large number of requirements including se-
give a very silicone specific silk-like feel on skin and questering ability, alkalinity, buffer capacity, bleach
hair when applied to skin- or hair-care formulations. compatibility, soil deflocculation, oral toxicity, skin
Eight- and ten-membered cyclic derivatives also have absorption, eye irritation, effects on fish and other
widely used in cosmetic formulation. On the one hand, aquatic animals, and other environmental and eco-
the cyclic silicones are able to improve smoothness nomic practicability [49].
and softness of the skin as well as hands, combing
characteristics and glossiness of treated hair, but the
effect is only temporary due to their volatility. On the 3.1 Inorganic builders
other hand, linear polydimethyl siloxanes, though
non-volatile, are insoluble in water and poorly com- Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) meets the es-
patible with cosmetic oils. Fortunately, the substitution sential requirements of a builder and therefore it was
of methyl groups in polydimethyl siloxanes by qua- the most widely used builder in the past. In addition to
ternary or amphoteric groups may lead to the products its great capacity to remove the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
of siloxanes with improved substantivity which are presented in hard water and in soils, STPP facilitates
mostly used in hair-care products [45]. dissolution of detergents, maintains alkalinity during
The detergent composition comprising a source washing, prevents dirt reposing on fabrics by sus-
of alkalinity with a combination of polyethylene oxide pending it in the wash-liquor, and protects the washing
condensates of alkyl phenols and a polydimethyl silox- machine against corrosion. STPP shows efficiently
ane results in surprisingly effective removal of hydro- performance under all washing conditions. Thus far,
phobic waxy-fatty soil such as lipsticks soils from the no other single chemical offers even most of the dif-
surface of ware. The combination of the two surfactants ferent properties of STPP. Anhydrous STPP exists in
reduces surface tension between the soil and the ce- polymorphic and monoclinic forms known as
ramic or siliceous surface of glassware or tableware [46]. high-temperature Form-I and low-temperature Form-II
Before concluding Section 2, we would like to [50]. Their physical properties and hydrolytic degrada-
mention that most detergent formulations use a com- tion in solution have been extensively investigated
bination of various surfactants [47] to balance their during the 1950s and 1960s [51-54]. Compared with
performance. A combination surfactant system usually Form-II, Form-I exhibits a higher hydration rate;
exhibits better detergency performance than the com- therefore, it cements together and sometimes solidifies
after addition of water, causing serious problems in beneficial effects as eco-friendly detergent builders
the manufacturing of washing powders with the use of due to growing public sensitivity to environmental
spraying dryers. In modern technology, it is possible issues and the resulting ban on the use of STPP. Zeo-
to adjust the From-I/Form-II mass ratio, granular size, lite A possesses a good ion exchange capacity for the
color, etc., according to the requirements of consum- Ca2+ ion in hard waters and soils, and its performance
ers by mixing Form-I with Form-II [50]. is enhanced in concentrated detergent formulations
However, phosphates are excellent fertilizer for due to the lower total salt normality and lower back-
algae, bacteria, and other flora and fauna in rivers, ground level of Na+ ions [58]. However, the absorption
lakes and oceans, making them bloom at very rapid rate of zeolite A is much lower than STPP, and a small
rates, exhausting the oxygen supply both in the sur- ion exchange capacity is found for the Mg2+ ion [59, 60].
face and in the bottom layers of water bodies, and Consequently, other zeolites, such as zeolite 13X [61],
killing fish. This phenomenon is called eutrophication zeolite P [62] or clinoptilolite [63], have been reported
[55]. The phosphorus content originated in detergents for use in detergent formulations. The detergency ex-
is 50%-60% in domestic waste water; the remainder periments of Culfaz et al. [64] showed that zeolite A
is from human waste and agricultural runoff. Though and zeolite X were more effective in cleaning than
removal of phosphates from sewage in treatment STPP and clinoptilolite at low temperatures, while all
plants could eliminate 80%-95% of all phosphorus, these builders had same effectiveness at high tem-
the cost is considered too high to allow immediate and peratures. LAS appears to be the most suitable for use
general application [49]. Replacing phosphate builders with clinoptilolite and the addition of EDTA as a
in household detergent formulations may reduce the co-builder will improve the performance of clinoptilolite.
phosphorus concentration of effluents entering rivers The use of zeolites increases suspended solids
and lakes. Subsequently, other water softeners such as and may cause fouling of pipeline. It significantly in-
sodium carbonate, sodium silicate and ethylenediami- creases sludge volumes in sewage treatments plants,
netetraacetic acid (EDTA) were used as a substitute making disposal of sludge more difficult. In addition,
for STPP. Although sodium carbonate- and sodium the surfactant in the zeolite detergent is trapped inside
silicate-built detergents show almost the same per- the zeolite and takes time to diffuse into the wash liq-
formance as the leading phosphate formulations, their uor. To compensate for the shortcomings as a deter-
high alkalinity is harmful to our skin and eyes. In ad- gent builder, an alkaline compound such as soda ash
dition, they produce deposits on fabrics which trap dirt, or sodium silicate is added.
provide a breeding ground for bacteria, and cause To manufacture more compact powder detergents
washed fabrics to become harsh, grey, and to wear out and more ecological detergents, a multifunctional
more quickly. builder is demanded. Layered crystalline silicate
Borates are another group of common constitu- (Na2Si2O5) is a promising candidate since it combines
ents of many types of detergents. Although the borate a high performance per unit mass with a high degree
is primarily intended to serve as hydrogen peroxide of multi-functionality [65]. This new builder is com-
bleach, in many cases it functions similar to detergency posed of a δ phase of sodium disilicate Na2Si2O5,
builders. Greenhill-Hooper [56] examined and compared which possesses a polymeric layered bidimensional
the builder performances of borate with those of other crystal structure as well as small amounts of α and β
common builders such as STPP and sodium carbonate. phases as impurities [66]. It can be synthesized from
Except for its relatively weak Ca2+ ion sequestration either a sodium silicate solution [66] or an amorphous
capacity, the experiment demonstrated that borate silicate [67]. Its advantages over zeolite A lie in its
showed good performance similar to a builder. Borax water-solubility and good ion-exchange capacity for
solution has a pH of approximately 9.13 at 313 K, Mg2+ ions. The solubility of the δ phase of sodium
which is able to maintain alkalinity within an opti- disilicate in deionized water is higher than that in tap
mum pH range (9-10.5) for good detergency. Besides, water because of its retention capacity while similar
borate is able to lower interfacial tension between oil solubility is found for the α phase in deionized and tap
and water, and enhance the surface charge characteris- waters, indicating that the α phase has much lower
tics of clay and oxide soils suspended in solution. The retention capacity for both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions [68, 69].
experiment also indicated that borate showed better Because the δ phase of sodium disilicate is water
detergency performance of pigment and oily soils in soluble, it contributes very little to sludge formation in
hard water than carbonate did. Sodium perborate, for wastewater treatment plants and partially buffers the
example, removed pigment and oily soils from fabrics alkalinity of the water liquor. Besides, it has a corro-
more easily than sodium carbonate did. sion-inhibition action and can be mixed with any other
Nowadays, zeolites, particularly zeolite A (a so- builder, being used in formulations of both liquid and
dium aluminium silicate) are used in phosphate-free highly compact detergents. All these advantages make
detergents, necessarily in conjunction with other it a good builder for P-free detergents. Last but not
builders such as polycarboxylates or nitrilo triacetic least, it is more expensive than zeolite A, but consid-
acid, EDTA and sodium carbonate. The experiments ering the costs involved in the total zeolite builder
carried out by Maki and Macek [57] demonstrated that system, it is economically comparable to zeolite [66].
zeolite A was nontoxic at projected environmental
levels to aquatic series representing three major tro- 3.2 Organic builders
phic levels of freshwater and marine aquatic commu-
nities, and that it did not contribute to the eutrophica-
tion potential of surface waters. Thus, zeolites have Organic builders such as nitrilotriacetic acid
524 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008
resulting poly(succinimide), as shown in Fig. 9. These the order of p(AGlu-MA)> p(AGlu-IA)> p(AGal-MA),
polymers are more effective if the mole fraction of while their biodegradability is in the inverse order [70].
beta form is maximized, perhaps due to the structural All three series have more degrees of biodegradation
similarity to poly(acrylic acid). Besides, the thermal than poly(acrylic acid), but only p(AGlu-MA) shows
and pH stability of these polymers are limited and the better performance as a builder than poly(acrylic acid)
nitrogen, which is one of the major nutrients contrib- does. p(AGlu-MA) is favored as a potentially attrac-
uting to eutrophication, is transferred into the envi- tive substitute of commercial copolymer of acrylic acid.
ronment. Poly(malic acids), the polyester equivalent It is interesting to mention a comparative study
of poly(aspartic acid), may be useful polymers for of conventional and compact detergents performed by
detergents that are biodegradable. Modified starches Sanchez Leal et al [85]. On the basis of the package
that improve wash performance of detergents are be- type and the builder used, they gathered the diverse
ing marketed. detergents in four categories: P-based conventional,
An alternative way to prepare a biodegradable P-free conventional, P-based compact, and P-free
polymer is to introduce biodegradable segments into compact. The detergency (percentage of soil removal)
the main chain of the synthetic polymer. Biodegrada- has been determined using soiled (with carbon
tion and builder performance tests indicated that the black/olive oil) cotton and polyester/cotton fabrics and
polymers prepared using this method with high bio- the overall results indicate that compact STPP-built
degradable segment content showed better biode- detergents show better washing performance than
gradability, but poor builder effect when compared on compositions containing zeolite-Na2CO3-polymer
an equal mass basis. The detergency can be improved (6︰3︰1) ternary builder [86] and impose the lowest
greatly by increasing the amount of polymeric builder chemical load upon the environment for the same de-
used in the detergent formulation [71, 82, 83]. Japanese tergency performance except for eutrophication.
researchers Matsumura et al. [82] selected the vinyl Nevertheless, the problem of replacement of
alcohol block as a biodegradable segment in the poly- STPP builder is being solved. Recently, American Ag-
mer chain and prepared two series of poly[(disodium ricultural Research Service scientists and Folia Inc.
fumarate)-co-(vinyl alcohol)] [p(FU-VA)] and have developed a new, environmentally friendly
poly[(disodium maleate)-co-(vinyl alcohol)] [p(MA-VA)] co-builder from corn. They combined citric acid and
by copolymerization of vinyl acetate with dimethyl sorbitol and heated them to form biodegradable poly-
fumarate or diethyl maleate. Builder performance of esters. Because critic acid and sorbitol are derived
p(FU-VA) and p(MA-VA) on an equal basis in a mainly from cornstarch, both compounds are plentiful,
heavy-duty detergent formulation shows that the fu- renewable, and inexpensive resources. Although more
marate copolymer is more effective than the maleate new bio-based polyester is needed to obtain the same
copolymer, i.e., the detergency and calcium sequestra- builder activity as polyacrylic acid, they have the ad-
tion capacities of fumarate copolymers are better than vantage of natural degradation after use. Folia now
those of maleate copolymers due to the conformation seeks commercial-scale production capabilities of at
of their copolymers in aqueous solutions [82]. Sodium least 1000 pounds of the bio-based polyester
dicarboxyamylopectin (DCAp) [83] and sodium di- co-builder per hour [87]. We hope that the use of this
carboxyamylose (DCAm) [71] also belong to this kind co-builder will impose the lowest chemical load upon
of polymers. Experiments indicated that they were the environment.
biodegradable in anaerobic as well as aerobic envi-
ronments. DCAp with more than 70% dicarboxylation
shows better builder performance than that of STPP.
The builder performance of DCAp, which was evalu-
ated on an equal mass basis in a heavy-duty detergent Surfactants and builders are two main ingredients
formulation on standard soiled cotton cloths, is also in detergent formulations. There has been an emphasis
more effective than that of DCAm. over the past few years on the development of surfac-
The relatively new polycarboxylates of neutral tants and builders with improved washing power and
and ionic allyl glycoside (AGlu) monomers and dia- capacity for sequestering all the hardness, which are
cids such as maleic acid or itaconic acid were pre- not only biodegradable but also non-polluting.
pared by Mahrholz et al [84]. Three series of poly All major types of surfactants such as alkylben-
(allyl-β-D-glucofuranosiduronic acid-co-maleic acid) zene sulfonates, alkyl sulfates alcohol ethoxylates,
[p(AGlu-MA)], poly(allyl-α-D-galactopyranoside- co- quats, and betaine have been widely used in the de-
maleic acid) [p(AGal-MA)] and poly(allyl-β-D- tergent compositions and their physicochemical be-
glucofuranosiduronic acid-co-itaconic acid) [p(AGlu-IA)] havior is relatively well understood. Because a com-
were obtained. The calcium sequestering capacity is in bination surfactant system usually exhibits better
526 Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008