AP World Midterm Questions
AP World Midterm Questions
AP World Midterm Questions
Chola Kingdom
2. What was the first of the Indianized states centered around the capital
port of Okeo? Funan empire
3. The design of the Khmer temples Angkor Tam and Angkor Wat show
what? The spread of Hinduism in southeast Asia
4. In 1336 Harihara and Bukka, 2 emissaries renounced Islam,
reconverted to Hinduism and founded what kingdom? Vijaynagara
5. Who am I describing: actively supported pope, instigated missing
missi dominici, extended authority as far down as rome in the middle
ages. Charlemagne
6. Who was the Carolingian dynasty named after? Charlemagne,
Charles Martel Karl the Hammer
7. England was unified in the 9th century by whom? Alfred the great
king of the Anglo-Saxons
8. In 962 Otto the first received a crown from the pope marking the
foundation of what? Holy Roman empire
9. What is the great epic story of Mali? The life story of Sundiata who
was king of the Ghana Empire. Was told as an oral tradition
10. Where did Bantu (language) originally come from? an oral language
of the Bantu people in west Africa Niger river basin
11. What was most powerful state in west Africa during arrival of Islam?
12. Mali became the wealthiest kingdom in Sub-Saharan Africa because
of what? Gold Copper and Salt
13. What was Axum? Naval Power in Ethiopia
14. What is the historical capital of Zimbabwe? Great Zimbabwe
15. Who made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1334? Mansa Musa
16. Who sacked the Swahili state of Kilwa in 1505? The Portuguese
17. What West African power had a series of powerful kings, strong
cavalry, and a control of west Saharan trade? Mali
18. Who was Hatshepsut? The first female pharaoh in Egypt
19. What is “holy inscriptions” in Greek? hieroglyphics
20. What object reflects early humans deep interest in fertility? Venus
21. Chronological order: 3Neanderthal, 1ostrolopithicus, 4chromagnin,
2homo erectus
22. What do anthropologist prefer to the term Agricultural revolution?
Agricultural transition
23. What is the earliest Neolithic settlement located at a fresh water oasis
near the Dead Sea? Jericho
24. Who was the first creator of an empire in Mesopotamia? Sargon
25. What is the Mesopotamian style of writing called? Cuneiform
26. Who is the most important of the humanistic thinkers? Erasmus
27. Who was the Chinese admiral who made seven journeys of
exploration? Zheng He
28. In regards to exploration, Prince Enrique was to Portugal as Yongle
was to china.
29. What Portuguese mariner reached India in 1498? Vasco De Gama
30. In 1492 what marked the end of the reconquista? The capture of
31. Who invented both the stern port runner and the magnetic compass?
The Chinese
32. What is a wind wheel? Circular Wind patterns
33. Who was the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope?
Bartholomue Dias
34. What first century B.C.E. work dealt with moral behavior and social
relationships in India? Upanishads Law Code of Manu
35. A passage from the Upanishads, explain concept: according to the
path a man walks a man acts in the path of good he is good, if he walks
in the path of evil he becomes evil. Karma
36. Chronological order: 3Shang, 4Zhou, 2Xia, 1Yang Shao.
37. What were the Zhou emperors forced to establish because of the size
of the Zhou state? Feudalism
38. In an attempt to foretell the future the Shang made use of what?
Oracle bones
39. In regards to gaining or losing the mandate of heaven the Chinese
spoke of what term? Tian
40. Know the correct groupings of river valley civilizations and their
rivers. Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates China- Yellow/Huang He
Egypt- Nile Mohenjo-Daro- Indus River Valley
41. Put the Persian empires in correct chronological order: 2Seleucids,
4Sassanid, 3Parthians, 1Achaemenids.
42. Overall the battle of marathon in 490 B.C.E proved to be what? End
of Persian-Athenian war; Persians lose, Athenians win
43. Who was the founder of Achaemenid Empire? Cyrus
44. Who were the Persian eyes and ears of the king? spies appointed by
the king
45. What word best expresses the Chinese concept of pheliopeiety? Xiao
46. Who is the most influential post Confucian philosopher who served
as chief spokesman for Kong Fuzi? Mencius
47. Which empire normally displayed the greatest degree of toleration
towards its subject people? Persian
48. These are the basic tenants of what religion: belief in heaven and hell,
good morals, final judgment? Zoroastrianism
49. What is the name of the Jain principal of nonviolence? Ahimsa
50. What are Buddha's four noble truths? 1. Universality of suffering. 2.
Desire is the cause of suffering. 3. Nirvana is the cessation of desire. 4.
Follow the eightfold path
100. Who was the most important figure in providing the roman church with the
sense of direction during the early middle ages by reasserting papal
primacy? Pope Gregory 1
101. What Islamic leader lead 17 different raiding expeditions into India
during 11th century? Mahmud of Ghazni
102. In 711 the northern Indian area of Sind fell to what group?
Umayyad Dynasty
103. What was brought to an end by an invasion of the white Huns in 451
C.E? Gupta Dynasty
104. What is the most important virtue of Boshido? Loyalty
105. What is the most popular school of thought of Buddhism in China?
Chan Buddhism
106. When was the Chinese influence on Japan most profound? Heian
107. In 1185 the Minimoto clan defeated their rival the Tyra clan and
created what? Kamakura Shogunate
108. What Sui construction would have important economic implications
well into 20th century? Great Canal
109. What Islamic thinker studied Aristotle and thought in turn
influenced rise of European scholasticism? Ibn Rushd
110. The Tang planned to avoid the concentration of land of the wealthy
and the resulting unrest was called what? Equal Field System
111. In 325C.E. what decided that Jesus possessed both human and
divine natures? Council of Nicea
112. What is the name system historians use when the emperor has
political and religious authority? Caesaropapism
113. Justinian issued what and won recognition as definitive codification
of Roman law: Corpus Iruris ciuilis
Constantinople fell in 1453 to whom? Ottoman Turks
114. In 1054 the pope and the patriarch in Constantinople did what? The
Great Schism; the two churches seperated
115. Emperor Leo the III inaugurated the divisive ecclesiastical policy
called what? Iconoclasm
116. Direct to the Byzantine emperor arose in the year 800 when the
pope gave an imperial crown the what Frankish king? Charlemagne
117. In a disaster which the Byzantine empire never really recovered
Constantinople was sacked in 1204 by whom? The 4th crusade (Norman
118. Who wrote the Bacchae? Euripides
119. Which of the Hellenistic philosophies viewed pleasure as the greatest
good? eupicurians
120. In an effort to alleviate social tensions, what group was allowed to
elect 2 and then 10 tribunes? Pelbians
121. The turning point in roman history was their struggle in the punic
wars against who? Carthage
122. In the early period of Roman expansion the eastern half of the
Mediterranean was dominated by the Antigonids, the salusids and the
talamayids while the western half was controlled by whom?
123. What were the latifundia? Roman estates similar to manors
124. In Rome, whose political philosophy favored liberal policies and
social reform? Julius Caesar
125. Jesus of Nazareth’s followers called him the Christ which mean
what? The anointed
126. What religions were popular during the roman empire?
Christianity, Mithraism, Judaism
127. What two great Indian epics commonly portrayed women as weak
willed and emotional creatures? Mahabharata and the Ramayana
128. What is the collection of Confucian sayings and teachings called?
129. The high point of Maryan success would come during the reign of
whom? Ashoka
130. The first ruler to unify India was? Chandragupta Maurya
132. In 124B.C.E. Han Wudi transformed china by doing what? He
proposed Confucianism to government in Universities
133. Name the person whose most important contribution to china was
establishing a president for central imperial rule? Han Whodi
134. What is the philosophy which criticized social activism and instead
proposed a life in reflection and introspection in china? Daoism
135. Whose policies are closely resemble these: strong centralized rule,
huge public project, disarming regional military? Shi Huangdi
136. When did the Chinese begin an extensive use of writing? Shang
137. What cult produced deities with the features of humans and wild
animals in Americas? Chavin
138. What American culture had a system of writing, concept of zero and
most elaborate calendar? Mayan
139. What group collapsed due to internal dissension and civil war,
failure of water control and spread of epidemic diseases in the Americas
like yellow fever? Mayans
140. Why were many of literary works of the Chinese destroyed? New
Dynasties didn’t agree with past Dynasties
141. What was the first society of Mesoamerica that founded traditions
that will be followed by all following civilizations? Olmec
142. Who destroyed the ceremonial centers of San Lorenzo and La
Venta? Internal uprising
143. By 5 thousand B.C.E Mesoamericans had discovered potential of
what crop? Maize
144. What is the Varna hierarchy? The Hindu caste system (Brahmin
Kshatraya Vaishva Shudra)
145. What group may have been the first people to domesticate horses
and hitch animals to wagons, had original homeland in Ukraine, and
spread variations of their language from India to Europe? Indo-
146. All archeological evidence from early Indian history suggests what
two places had central authority? Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro
147. What pharaoh tried unsuccessfully to make Egypt monotheistic?
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)
148. Egypt was united in 3100B.C.E by what conqueror? Menes
149. The epic of Gilgamesh deals with several subjects, what are they? 3
out of 4 Meaning of life and death, Human Friendship, Relationship
between gods and humans
150. What do the words lex talianos relate too? Eye for an eye