Unpacking Quarter 4 Week 7 &8

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Unpacking of Competencies

English 5 Quarter 4
Week 7 and 8

Content Retained Merged Dropped

EN5V-IVg20.1 EN5V-IVg20.2 Identify EN5LC-IVg3.13 Summarize
different meanings of unfamiliar words information from various
(denotation and connotation) (Mathematics) text type
EN5RC-IVg2.12 Make generalizations EN5OL-IVg-4 Use verbal
EN5F-IVh-1.6 EN5F-IVh-1.3 and non-verbal cues in a
EN5F-IVh-1.7 EN5F-IVh1.14 Observe TV broadcast
accuracy, appropriate rate, proper EN5F-IVg-2.9 Self-correct
expressions and correct pronunciation in when reading
dramatic readings and presentations EN5VC-IVg-7 Determine
N5SS-IVg2.3 Conduct short research projects images/ideas that are
on a self-selected topic explicitly used to influence
viewers EN5VC- IVg7.1
EN5G-IVg1.9.2 Use complex sentences to Stereotypes, EN5VC- IVg -
show problemsolution relationship of ideas 7.2 Point of view EN5VC-
Compose a threeparagraph descriptive essay IVg - 7.3 Propagandas
on selfselected
EN5A-IVg-16 Observe politeness at all times
EN5A-IVg-17 Show tactfulness when
communicating with others Make
connections between information viewed
and personal experiences

Prepared by: Checked and Verified by:

Subject Teacher DANICA GRACE G.
BAGUI Principal
Date Submitted:

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