The Association by Bentley Little
The Association by Bentley Little
The Association by Bentley Little
True to its title, the villain in The Association is the Bonita Vista HOA, a sinister
organization that functions more like a totalitarian government and possesses
supernatural powers.
Barry and Maureen, the protagonist and POV characters, first encounter the HOA
The Scary Story
The Home of Horror Writer Lake Lopez
while holding a yard sale to get rid of furniture the previous owner abandoned. They learn that yard
sales are strictly forbidden. Soon afterwards, Barry and Maureen learn that many other things are
against the rules; working at home, owning pets, having guests from outside the Bonita Vista
community, playing music, etc.
The HOA also exerts controls over the homeowners’ lives in petty way such as deciding what
pictures may be placed on what walls. The rules are enforced by inspection and the punishments
are horrible, i.e. dismemberment. The POV characters are immediately in grisly danger.
The Association, with its clever premise, had the ingredients of a legendary horror book.
Unfortunately, it is not
The death-stakes brewed for too many pages as if the HOA had only recently become evil and was
still learning how to flex its dark powers. When finally revealed, the monster lacked the hair raising
vibe of Little’s other foes. Of course, by this point I’d lost so much concern for Barry and Maureen
that I really didn’t care whether they lived or die.
Bentley Little might have suspected that the book was coming up short and succumbed to the
temptation to explain in a last ditch effort to bring the story together:
Frank met his eyes, and Barry understood. It wasn’t over. The association was not simply
a group of people, it could not be eliminated by killing its members. It was a system, a
series of rules and regulations that existed apart from and above the individuals who made
up its membership. It could only be stopped if those rules were rejected, if people refused to
join or participate. He looked down at Ralph and the volunteers. Even they were not
Obviously, Little’s ambition was to explore the dangers of ideologies and the human motivations
that perpetuate them. That’s an admirable goal for any writer, one that a compelling story and a
writer as talented as Little should have pulled off. The book would’ve been stronger had the set-up
demonstrated the fervent belief in the HOA and how blind loyalty manipulated the characters
A novelists’ primary job is to entertain. This paperback simply didn’t. For that reason, I’m
removing it from the list of scariest horror novels of all time, freeing up a space for one that does.
For a far better Bentley Little book, check out The Store or The Haunted. Both horror novels and
worthy of your reading time.
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