Dark Heresy - Dark Eldar
Dark Heresy - Dark Eldar
Dark Heresy - Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar weaponry is made from light weight materi- Disintegrator - Similar to the dark lance, but designed
als that are unknown to the Imperium. Dark Eldar have to destroy infantry units. This weapon can be fired in
a very small choice of long range weaponry, but can be two different ways - one large blast of 'dark matter'
extremely deadly if designated at the correct foes. that explodes like a plasma cannon, or several smaller
blasts which can decimate well-armoured enemy
Combat Blades– Can be added to Splinter Pistols and troops. Both shots carry a fantastic AP value but don't
Splinter Rifles and cause these weapons to be treated damage the vehicle like lesser plasma weapons would.
as Mono-Spears in melee combat.
Destructor– A specialised Dark Eldar weapon that fires
Poisoned Blades - A pair of blades with vicious poisons a high pressured stream of acid, poisons and toxins
that will quickly kill any being that is cut by it. that can eat through armour.
Agoniser - A weapon that directly affects the enemies Note that because the Dark Eldar revel in the torture
nervous system, causing an incredible amount of pain. of other people, most of their weapons don't actually
A character armed with this weapon can hurt any crea- kill the opponent. Instead, they cause him/her such
ture. immense amounts of pain that they are incapacitated
while still alive. This allows the Dark Eldar to "flavour"
Punisher - Similar in shape to a halberd but designed their soul. After battle the opponents will be killed and
to be able to slash through anything from a grunt to a their souls consumed- the unlucky ones go back to
tank. Punishers are typically wielded by incubi. Commoragh as slaves.
Any Dark Eldar with the Chem-Use skill can use this
skill and any associated modifiers for Talents in place
of their Toughness to resist the negative side effects
of Combat Drugs.
Dark Eldar Warriors are the most often encountered The Archons and Dracons of Commorragh lead the
type of raider. They perform the hard work of the Kabals of the Dark Eldar into battle. The Archons are
raiding parties, piloting the vessels, fighting on the fierce warriors who lead their Kabals ruthlessly,
front lines and risking their lives in direct confronta- claiming any and all spoils of battle.
tion with their victims. While they can be as sneaky
and crafty as the other Eldar, their training is usually "Dark Eldar thrive on domination and power, and
geared toward front line fire fights and direct as- those who are vicious and ruthless enough will
saults. Their actions are usually covers for infiltration quickly rise to positions of authority. The Dark Eldar
and other subterfuge from the remainder of a raid- Lords lead their servants into battle in the search for
ing party. slaves and souls, leaving worlds in ruin with a verita-
ble mountain of dead heaped in their wake."
Movement: 4/8/12/24
Movement: 2/4/8/16 Wounds: 11
Wounds: 16 Skills: Acrobatics (Ag) +20, Chem-Use (Int) +10,
Skills: Climb (S) +10, Intimidate (S) +20, Climb (S) +10, Dodge (+10), Intimidate (S), Silent
Talents: Berserk Charge, Combat Master, Hardy, Iron Move, Survival.
Jaw, Resistance (Pain, Fatigue), Sound Constitution Talents: Ambidextrous, Basic Weapon Training (Dark
(x4), Street Fighting, True Grit. Eldar), Battle Rage, Berserk Charge, Catfall, Combat
Traits: Dark Sight, Fear 1, Regeneration 3, Unnatural Master, Decadence, Disarm, Frenzy, Hard Target,
Toughness (X2). Leap Up, Lightning Reflexes, Melee Weapons Train-
Equipment: Usually none, they are too mindless to ing (Dark Eldar, Primitive, Wych Weapons), Pistol
actually use weapons and the other Dark Eldar do Training (Dark Eldar), Rapid Reaction, Swift Attack,
not trust them enough to give them weapons or ar- Two Weapon Wielder.
mour. Traits: Unnatural Agility (X2).
Equipment: Wych Weapons (2 or more), Splinter
Pistol, Wych Armour, Combat Drugs. At the GMs dis-
cretion, any weapon wielded by a Wych may be
coated in poison and thus have the Toxic weapon
A Warp Beast is a creature harnessed by Wych cults The following are two variations to the common Dark
and is a living embodiment of the fear and terror Eldar, in all other respects they have the same basic stats
that slaves experience. They are extremely predato- as normal Eldar Warriors unless otherwise noted.
rial in nature and will attack whatever they see. They
are always led by a Wych beastmaster to ensure that Incubi
they attack the intended target. Dark Eldar Incubi are a neutral faction of Dark Eldar that
Without its beastmaster a Warp Beast will have the are hired to become a Lord's heavily-armoured body-
stats as below. With its beastmaster in tow however, guards, and the only warrior in a Dark Eldar force to use
it will have a +10 modifier to all skills, Will Power and heavy armour. They are often needed to protect their
Fellowship, provided the beastmaster passes his master from his own power-hungry followers as much as
Wrangle skill test on the same round. A beastmaster from his enemies. They are equipped with great power-
is the same as any normal Dark Eldar warrior but weapons in the form of halberds that are able to cut
also has the Sprint talent and the Wrangle (Warp through armour with ease. Their helmets have neurally-
Beast skill) (Int) +20. linked splinter pistols mounted on them that can be fired
using mental commands. The first Incubus is rumoured
to be the dark Phoenix Lord, Arhra, who originally
founded the Craftworld warrior Aspect the Striking Scor-
pions before rebelling against the other Phoenix Lords
and disappearing into the Webway. Striking Scorpions
are indeed known to have a particular hatred for Incubi,
who they term 'Fallen Warriors'.
Movement: 4/8/12/24
Wounds: 10 The Incubi are some of the most effective melee com-
Skills: Awareness (Per), Silent Move (Ag), Tracking batants of the Dark Eldar.
(Int) +10.
Talents: Berserk Charge, Heightened Senses
(Hearing, Smell), Sprint, Takedown. Incubi have the Unshakeable Faith talent, wear Incubi
Traits: Bestial, Dark Sight, Natural Weapons (Bite) armour, and use Punishers and splinter pistols. That are
(1D10+6R), Quadruped. mounted in their helmets and use their WP for attack
Equipment: None. rolls instead of BS.
Notes: The stats above are for Warp Beasts that
have been bound by the Dark Eldar, for unbound Mandrakes
Warp Beasts see Purge the Unclean.
A Mandrake is a type of Dark Eldar whose physique has
adapted to make him camouflaged almost anywhere.
Advanced infiltrators, Dark Eldar Mandrakes strike from
the shadows, surprising and rending their enemies apart.
They have Shadowskin, which is possibly from warp ex-
posure that makes them incredibly hard to see when
combined with their stealth. Mandrakes are often canni-
balistic and wild, living separate from other Dark Eldar.
This makes them among the most feared of all Dark