Buying A Car: Intermediate 2
Buying A Car: Intermediate 2
Buying A Car: Intermediate 2
Unit 1
Buying A Car
a. What was the purpose of the radio ad? Mark the correct answer.
1. To convince people to buy used cars
2. To convince people to buy a car at Car City
3. To introduce Ron and Lara to the listeners
b. What did you hear on the radio? Mark the correct answer.
1. A news report about Car City
2. An interview with two car dealers
3. An interview with two people who bought cars
c. In the radio ad, Lara says that the spoke to her sister, Natalie, about her new car.
Read their conversation. Mark who said each sentence.
5. “I paid ten percent as a down payment and I’m paying the
rest off in monthly payments.”
d. Car City also advertises in the newspaper. Mark the newspaper ad that is for Car City.
Ad 2
If you’re looking for a great deal, then
Ad 3 look no further!
Come on down to our end-of-year sale
and pick out the car of your choice.
Are you looking for the car of With a variety of new and used cars
your dreams? to choose from and very reasonable
Are you interested in only the prices, you won’t find a better deal!
best that money can buy?
Then we are the place for you!
We carry only luxury models Ad 1
fitted with the latest features. For really low prices that everyone can
So if you are interested in afford,call us now!
only the newest and the best, We offer unbeatable deals on used cars
make an appointment with our and used car parts. Payment on a cash-
showroom salespeople. only basis.
e. Discuss your choice with a partner. Explain why the ad you chose is suitable and why the
other two are not.
f. Read the sentences from the radio ad. Replace the underlined words with words or
expressions from the box below.
at another place • for the same money • happy • newest • promise • wonderful
b. Mark the sentences that match the suggestions given in the ad.
1. Before you go to a used-car dealer, think about what kind of car you want and
which features you would like it to have.
2. It is a good idea to go to a used-car dealer alone, because a friend’s advice can
sometimes confuse you.
3. Most car dealers are reliable, so you don’t need to test-drive the car you plan to buy.
4. Always take the car to be checked by a mechanic before you buy it.
5. If you want to lower the price, try bargaining with the dealer.
d. Write three pieces of advice about one of the following topics: buying a new car, renting
an apartment, going on a diet. Share your advice with a partner.
You can begin with these words:
You should… You ought to...
It’s a good idea to... If...
The Car
a. Which sentences from the dialogue, “The Car”, express refusal?
b. Who says sentences like these? For each sentence circle the speaker, C (for Customer) or
D (for Dealer), and mark the function (what the speaker is trying to do).
2. “This is just what I’m looking for. I’ll take it!” C/D ____ ____ ____
3. “I can offer you an excellent monthly payment plan.” C/D ____ ____ ____
4. “No…This is definitely not what I had in mind.” C/D ____ ____ ____
5. “I really can’t afford this car.” C/D ____ ____ ____
6. “This car is exactly what I want. Do you accept checks?” C/D ____ ____ ____
7. “We have other fantastic bargains to offer.” C/D ____ ____ ____
c. Complete the dialogue by writing what the customer says. Then share and practice your
dialogue with a partner.
Conditionals: Real
a. Read the advice about buying a used car. Match the ends of the sentences in column B to
their beginnings in column A to make real conditional sentences.
b. Add three more real conditionals sentences giving advice about used cars.
If it is not what you are looking for, you can look for another agency.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
If the price seems high to you, you can make an offer with the seller.
2. ______________________________________________________________________
If you're not convinced, it's probably not what you're looking for.
3. ______________________________________________________________________
c. Complete the short ad for a car dealer by filling in suitable words in each space.
are • buy • come • find • get • give • let • need • show • want