Homeroom Guidance: Worksheet

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Homeroom Guidance

Name: John Jason P. Dimapilis

Section: Pope St. Nicholas the Great
Quarter: 1st Quarter
Week: 1st week
Let’s Try This

When I was in grade 9 I was so happy, proud and satisfied with my

school performance. That is because I reached with high honors that
have an average grade of 95%. Along with that, I also have an award
which is outstanding performance in computer literacy.

1. After this activity, I was so determined to reach that with high honors
again but even if don’t reach that I’m still proud of myself. Because I
believe that grades have nothing to do with how smart a person is.

2. My hard works made this situation possible and also the support of my
friends and family which strengthens me.

3. I worked hard and pray. I used my family as my inspiration to be in that

moment. I also think about positive things or thoughts in order not to be

Let’s Explore This

Effective study habits Ineffective study habits

1. Finding a quiet place to 1. Waiting until the last minute
study. to start an assignment.
2. Keep tract of deadlines and 2. Being distracted by social
important days. media and cell phones.
3. Don't be afraid to ask for 3. Trying to cram for tests the
help when you don't night before.
understand a certain topic. 4. Not asking the teacher for
4. Always listen to your teacher help when you don’t
and take down notes. understand the lesson.
5. Use keywords or 5. Studying to remember,
abbreviations to memorize a instead of studying to
certain topic or word. understand.
6. Take care of your body and 6. Managing time poorly.
stay healthy. This helps 7. Keeping disorganized notes.
maintain the nutrition of your
brain needed when studying.
7. Study smart and not hard.
don't go all out memorizing
or studying lessons in a day
with continuous hours. It will
only exhaust your brain.
1. My consideration in classifying my study habits includes the right attitude,
choosing space for studying, identify distractions, setting a realistic schedule, and
improving the organizing of my thoughts. Effective study habits will make me study
smarter, not harder. The purpose of study habits is to help students take full
advantage of the learning process. School success will require time and
dedication to enable a student to improve skills such as note-taking, organizing of
thoughts, reading strategies, and effective writing style. Giving importance to
your prior knowledge is also important in establishing good study habits.

2. Yes, I still have it especially now that the way of learning is not face to face because
of the pandemic we're experiencing.

3. First, identify your study habits. Make an assessment whether they are effective or
not. If these are effective, then maintain the habit. See to it that you stick to your
schedule. You have to either limit these ineffective study habits or improve them
and make them effective by deactivating your social media accounts so that you will
not be tempted to browse them, and only use your phone for academic
purposes. And set a certain time when you can study alone if that is more
comfortable for you.

You can do it

I think I have this faulty study habit wherein I’m managing my time
poorly. Along with that, already notice this when I was in grade 9. I think
the best solution to overcome this problem is to organize your to-do
list, prioritization is key for successful time management at work. Start by
eliminating tasks that you shouldn't be performing in the first place. Then
identify the most important tasks and do those first. In that way, you make
sure you finish the essentials.
What I have Learned

Among my study habits, I think the one which is the most effective is to
always listen to your teacher while in class because as you understand the lesson the
more you remember it and it was proven and tested because when I was in grade 8,
we’re having our recitation and everyone was shocked because I answered the question
correctly without them knowing the answer. Along with that, now that I am in grade 10,
I’m still doing it so that I could maintain it because I do believe that it could help me to
make my studies easier.

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