BIM Scope Description MFHM

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BIM Scope Description

Subject/ Design/BIM Your contact person Dilek Oflas

Project Maqbool Fida Husain Museum Tel.


Place Qatar 23.11.2019

Item Scope Description

1 Development of BIM Required

Execution Plan (BEP)
for Construction Description of BIM Execution Plan (BEP):
Stage The BIM Execution Plan is a direct response to the Employer's
Information Requirements (EIR). It is a document that describes the
strategic basis for BIM-based processing in the project. It describes the
goals, organizational structures, and responsibilities, sets the
framework for the BIM services, and defines the processes and
exchange requirements of the individual participants.

It describes/defines for example the points listed below:


 Roles, responsibilities and authorities.

 etc.
Planning and documentation:

 Agreed processes for collaboration and modelling.

 etc.
Standard method and procedure:

 Volume strategy.
 etc.
IT solutions:

 Software versions.
 etc.
2 3D Model and Required
Develop Construction
Model to LOD 300 Description of 3D Model:
3D as we are all commonly aware, represents the three geographical
dimensions (x, y, z) of a building structure. The geographical capabilities
help stakeholders to visualize a building’s structure in 3 dimensions even
before the project is started. When it comes to 3D BIM, it involves the
creation of a 3D model and sharing the same information using a
common data environment (CDE).

As a project passes through different phases, the level of development

in BIM model also increase to different levels namely LOD (Level of
Detail/Development) 100 (Pre Design), 200 (Schematic Design), 300
(Design Development), 350 (Construction Documentation), 400
(Construction Stage) and 500 (As Built) (see Picture 1).

Design Development (Detail Design):

The detailed design level outlines accurate models and drawings with
specific assemblies, accurate quantities, precise size, shape, and
location. The stage helps create a model in detail with all the
information about different elements defined with accuracy.

Technical description: The Model Element is graphically represented

within the Model as a specific system, object or assembly in terms of
quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic
information may also be attached to the Model Element.

Model elements are suitable for the generation of traditional

construction documents and shop drawings.

3 Develop Construction Required

Model to LOD 400

Construction Stage:
At this stage, all the elements are defined as specific assemblies with
detailed and complete information about assembly, detailing and
fabrication. Also, details regarding quantity, size, shape, orientation,
location and non-geometric information are also attached to the model.

Technical description: The Model Element is graphically represented

within the Model as a specific system, object or assembly in terms of
size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing,
fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Non-graphic
information may also be attached to the Model Element.

4 Develop Construction Required

Model to LOD 500 (As
Build) Description:

These as-built models are the reflection of the built stage of all kind of
building trades which includes MEP, architecture and structure.

Revised set of drawing submitted by a contractor upon completion of a

project or a particular job. They reflect all changes made in the
specifications and working drawings during the construction process,
and show the exact dimensions, geometry, and location of all elements
of the work completed under the contract. Also called record drawings
or just as-builts.

There are two ways to capture the As Built model:

We using red line markups

5 Creation 4D Required (optional)

Sequences Description:

4D Building Information Modeling (4D BIM) is a process to the

intelligent linking of a 3D digital model with time or schedule related

4D is related to planning the construction site by adding a new element

i.e. time. Scheduling data helps in outlining how much time will be
involved in completion of the project and how will the project evolve
over time. The information can provide elaboration about the time
taken for installation or construction, time needed to make the project
operational, the sequence of installation of various components, along
with other scheduling information.

4D BIM is a tool for planning of activities on site. It can help in early

conflict detection by seamlessly managing information related to site
status and visualizing the impact of changes undertaken during the
entire lifecycle.

6 Update As Built Required

Model with COBIe
Data for handover Description:
and operation Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)
COBie is an information exchange specification for the life-cycle capture
and delivery of information needed by facility managers. COBie can be
viewed in design, construction, and maintenance software as well as in
simple spreadsheets. It helps capture and record important project data
at the point of origin, including equipment lists, product data sheets,
warranties, spare parts lists, and preventive maintenance schedules.
This information is essential to support operations, maintenance and
asset management once the built asset is in service (See Picture 2).

7 Laser Scanning Required (optional)

8 Clash Detection Required


Clash detection is a component of the Building Information Modelling

(BIM) process and is the realization of conflicts or clashes, whether
structural or MEP, through an automated and computerized approach.
Clash detection can be carried out on multiple 3D models and is an
invaluable tool for designers, architects, builders, engineers and
contractors to determine clashes or conflicts in the structures (see
Picture 3).

General Conditions
1 Compliance/ 1. APPENDIX A – CAD MANUAL or latest version
implementation: 2. APPENDIX B – GIS MANUAL
6. BS1192:2007; British Standard - Collaborative production of
architectural, engineering and construction information – Code
of practice
7. BIM Forum USA BIMFORUM – LOD Specification April 2015
Edition or latest edition
8. For each submission phase, the Contractor shall update the
Model Element Definition Excel Sheet (as per PennState
template 05_Information_Exchange_Worksheet-V2.0_(Excel)
or equivalent) - BIM Model Progress breakdown table must be
at minimum as CSI Uniformat II Structure level 4.
9. COBie V2.40 templates US version / OMNICLASS
10. Compiling all the discipline-specific Navisworks Cache files
(NWC) into a single Master Navisworks file (NWF) for
coordination purposes (Bi- weekly) and there should be a
coordination between discipline Design lead and BIM lead
should be setup every bi-weekly
11. All data (for example Model Versions, Navisworks files) must be
available to the client (ZIQ). In this case, a data platform such as
Autodesk BIM 360 can be used
12. All models must be on the same version
a. Revit last version
b. AutoCAD last version
c. AutoCAD Civil 3D last version
d. Navisworks last version

Attachment 1: Time Schedule of works

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