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Anticipated Problems Solutions: Safir Teaching Practice Lesson Plan

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Safir Teaching Practice Lesson Plan Date: ----

Trainee: parmis mostafazadeh Time: 75 min

Number of Students: ---- Level: 206

Page no.: 109 Module: vocabulary

Achievement Aim(s): By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to describe features of
the face and different hairstyles

Procedure Aim(s): What the students will do during the class Discussion, reporting , guessing

Materials: Pictures, handouts

Assumptions about the students' knowledge and abilities: Ss have studied have and has –
have got

Anticipated Problems Solutions

1. Time management Learner centered feedback

2. Lack of ideas on learners part Provide them with good modeling

3. They have problem with Explain which features come with wear which ones
understanding which verb to with have
use (wear or have)

My aims:
Maximize STT

Clear instructions

Relevant context

Stages Time Interaction Aim Procedure(s)

Greeting 3 min T-CL Building up A)prepare the slides
rapport B) Greet the students and ask them how
they feel and how was their day.

Lead-in 5 min T-CL A) Ask the student’s to call out all the
(engagement names for parts of the face(chin
,lip ,eyes , nose)
B) Show them a picture of your
childhood and ask the students to
describe her.
C) Write down everything they say and
at the end tell them these are her
D) Then show them the emojies that
you have made
E) Write down their features at the end
of the slide and tell them to guess the
F) Put them in groups
G) Ask them to describe their features
to their partner.

Stages Time Interaction Aim Procedure(s)

study 20 t-cl To A) Elicit the word feature by MECDIBLE
introduce B) Feature: any one of the parts of the face
the target ( nose, chin , cheek…)
language CCQ: so feature is parts of the body or face?
Drilling and then individual drilling
focus on Labelling
form Telling them which part of the speech it is
Asking students to make an example
C) Show them pictures of people who have
(beard , mustache ,pierced ears, shaved head ,
bald , wearing their hair in a pony tail or a bun
and braids…..) elicit each phrase with pictures
D) Explain that we use have/ have got for ( beard
, mustache , pierced ears , long finger nails ,
E) Be: bald, muscular
F) Wear: ( your) hair in a pony tail in a bun ,
braids / wear glasses wear braces
G) Draw a chart for them to say which one is
about face and which one about hairstyles
faces Hair styles
Have freckles Wear braids
Have a beard and Wear cornrows
H) Tell the students to open their books listen to
the listening and check the features they like
I) CCQ? Are you going to check all of them or the
ones that you like?
Tim Interaction
Stages Aim Procedure(s)
e patterns
Controlled 10 t-c Highlighting A) Ask the students to do the part B in
Practice the form and pairs
meaning in a B) For four features think of a family
controlled way member a friend …

Transition A) Go to the page 116 exercise 1 and

Semi- to the freer match the sentences with the
controlle 5 practice people in pairs.
d practice (Find B) Show them the correct answers on
the screen.
C) Do exercise 2 think of your friend or
who) a celebrity….. then write 2
sentences about them for example:
my friend has got freckles.
D) Go to the page 111 . ask questions
about the picture where are
they ?...and ask two students to
read the conversation
E) Then do part B based on the
conversation above.

Freer Whole class

To activate
10 A) Tell the students that a game center
practice the TL in a
free way has asked you to design a model for
their games (your model can be a girl
or boy) you should talk about the
features of your model.
B) CCQ: are you going to talk about
features of your model or your own
C) For example: my model has got brown
eyes and she wears her hair in a bun
she has bangs

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