Chess Game Software Design
Chess Game Software Design
Chess Game Software Design
Arif Rinaldi Dikananda1*, Achmad Daengs GS2, Dahlan Abdullah3 and Cut Ita
STMIK IKMI Cirebon, Cirebon, Indonesia
Universitas 45 Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Informatics, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract. Along with the development of information technology (IT) which is rapidly
increase. There is development of technological and electronic tools that are able to create
efficient time. In the Design of the Chess Game Software, users use computerization to find
solutions to chess game by using the method (Alfha-Beta). Alfha -Beta method is one of the
first discoveries in reducing the number of positions that must be searched so as to increase the
depth level of the search that can be achieved in one game. The idea is in a large part of the tree
we are not looking for values exact of a position, but only interested if it is better or worse than
what we found before only the value of a position that fulfills the main conditions must be
determined (the main provisions include the change between the player's best move and the
opponent's best step from a root into a tree). And the Programming Language used in Chess
Game Software Design is Visual Bbasic 6.
1. Introduction
At the beginning, humans used computers only to process existing data, to produce information and
make good decisions. Along with the development of time the computer functions are getting bigger
until now. When the computer runs the data process, humans must convert the data into information
that can be used in processing knowledge to produce decisions [1]. If the computer works on
information processing, also includes data processing, then humans can have simply work on
processing knowledge to make decisions[2][3].
With the development of the times, computers are not only a tool for office purposes or as a place of
typing but also as an entertaining medium to eliminate boredom. Most computers are now equipped
with various entertainment facilities ranging from MP3s, Media Video Players, Games and others to
entertain users so they don't get bored [4] with a job that uses computers as a place to work.
In this case all computer users agree with the facility, because the entertainment will reduce the
boredom that is so great because taking much time for work will be slightly reduced because it can
entertain themselves with entertainment facilities that are on his computer. One that can be used as an
entertainer after a long time working at the computer is a game. Games in Indonesian means "Games".
The game referred to in the game refers to the notion of intellectual agility [5]. While the word
ordinary game is interpreted as an arena for the decisions and actions of the players [6][7]. There are
targets that want to be achieved by the owner. Intellectual agility, to a certain degree, is the extent to
which the game is interesting to play optimally.
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2018 1st Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences, and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1364/1/012023
2. Related Works
Designing and creating a game application program requires a lot of programming procedures and
techniques [8][9]. In game programming that must be considered include management of memory
usage, setting screen resolution, color palette control, use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), hardware
specifications (Hardware) and others [10][11]. No wonder in making games involves a reliable team
work that usually consists of program makers (programmers), system designers (system design) or
game storyline designers (game stories), image designers (picture animation design) , sound design
(Sound design) and implementers (testers) and game marketing (marketing).
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Data Source
In this study, the author requires related data Chess Game Software. From the observations,
researchers need data that will be processed as follows:
1. Primary Data
Primary data is data obtained directly from the field, namely data that is directly related to
customer software Chess Game [12][13].
2. Secondary Data
It is data obtained directly in the form of publications or reports obtained from library study
sources that are related to the object of research, namely Chess Game software where the data is
3.3 Flowchart
To overcome this problem, an application program is needed that can entertain the use of computers,
so it can eliminate boredom when overworked. Here is a flowchart that describes the steps of Chess
Game software. The following is an explanation of the chess game software flowchart:
1. At the initial stage is to start the program.
2. Player one moves (White Chess).
3. Looking for the road or move the pieces forward.
4. The second player moves (Black Chess).
5. Look for a way for black pieces.
3.4 Algorithm
Algorithms are sequences of logical steps (reasonable) to solve problems that are arranged
systematically and logically [19][20]. Logical words are keywords in the algorithm. The algorithm
contains steps for solving problems and methods used. Computers are only processes. In order to be
implemented by computers, algorithms must be written in programming languages so that they are
called programs. The program is an embodiment or technical implementation of an algorithm written
in a particular programming language so that it can be implemented by a computer and processed
according to an algorithm written so that the problem is solved. And the method used by the Alpha-
Beta Search method.
The Alpha-Beta Search Method is one of the first discoveries in reducing the number of positions to
be searched to increase the depth of the search that can be achieved in a game. The idea is a large part
of the tree we are not looking for the exact value of a position, but only interested if it is better or
2018 1st Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences, and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1364/1/012023
worse than what we found. Only the value of a position that fulfills the main requirements must be
determined (the main provisions includes changes between the player's best steps and the opponent's
best steps from a root to the depth of the tree).
End game
The End
2018 1st Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences, and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1364/1/012023
pos = RemoveOne(succ);
if (best > alpha) alpha =
value = -
PrincipalVariation(pos, depth-1, -
alpha-1, -alpha);
if (value > alpha && value < beta)
best = -
PrincipalVariation(pos, depth-1, -
beta, -value);
else if (value > best)
best = value;
return best; }
3 minutes
New Game
5 minutes
10 minutes
Exit 15 minutes
Gambar 2. Site Maps
System design is a useful step that makes it easy to design the program flow, in this case the author
uses an algorithm. The system design stage can be described as a stage to build a system and describe
the program's path. [22]
2018 1st Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences, and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (2019) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1364/1/012023
5. Conclusion
After completing this study the author can draw some conclusions:
1. The final result of this research is an application of Chess Games developed using Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0 programming.
2. The advantage of this application is that it is easy to use so that it can be used by even novice
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